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Choose T if the word is matched with the definition and F if the word is unmatched with the definition! Word Standard Bikes Cruisers Touring Bikes Sport bikes Dirt bikes Electric motor Engine Armature Transmission Control system Energy sink Chassis

Motorcycle Fork

Wankel Engine Shock Absorber

Description General use motorcycles with upright seating positions Large bikes with vintage designs and low-slung profiles Lightweight motorcycles that prioritize performance Heavy bikes with large engines and luggage storage Lightweight motorcycles designed for off road use Electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Part which provides energy to system to perform its function such as, Battery, AC Power Source A device through which electric current is passed for generating torque (rotor). Part which transmits mass, information and energy from source to working unit. Part which modulates and control the output as per demand and situation. It is where energy is dissipated as heat or losses. The skeletal structure of a motorcycle, which it’s construction includes several integral motorcycle parts that provide a base for the rest of the bike Part which connects a motorcycle's front wheel and axle to its frame, typically via a yoke, also known as a triple clamp, which consists of an upper yoke joined to a lower yoke via a steering stem, a shaft that runs through the steering head, creating the steering axis. A type of internal combustion engine using an eccentric rotary design to convert pressure into rotating motion. A mechanical or hydraulic device designed to absorb and damp shock impulses.


Match the words with the correct descriptions!

Ignition switch

Starter pedal Foot shifter

Hand clutch

Instrument cluster

Front fork Frame

Front brakes Motorcycle Transmission

Motorcycle Engine Motorcycle Suspension

Rear brakes

Seat Fuel tank Heel Toe shifter

A handlebar-mounted, key-operated switch that controls the flow of power to the rest of the motorcycle. Allows the rider to shift gears up or down with a foot control that’s located near the footrests. Handlebar-located control that disconnects the clutch from the engine, allowing the rider to safely proceed with a gear shift. Once the ignition switch is activated and power is released through the bike, this pedal allows the rider to start the bike. The central computer system on your motorcycle, where you can monitor your speed while riding, see your fuel level and keep an eye on any electronic add-ons your bike might have (like a GPS device or an engine temperature sensor). The suspension at the front of a motorcycle A motorcycle's core structure which supports the engine, provides a location for the steering and rear suspension, and supports the rider and any passenger or luggage The most effective stopping power in hard stops, depending upon surface conditions. A transmission created specifically for motorcycle applications which allows the engine to spin free of the wheels when the vehicle is at rest. An engine that powers a motorcycle. Erves a dual purpose: contributing to the vehicle's handling and braking, and providing safety and comfort by keeping the vehicle's passengers comfortably isolated from road noise, bumps and vibrations. Typically drum brakes that will stop the bike rolling backwards until the clutch engages the drive, and you're rolling. (Sometimes saddle) where rider sits, and may also accommodate a passenger A special type of shift lever that allows you to shift gears on your bike with your heel. A safe container or storage tank for fuel.

A. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer! Inline Engines

Single Cylinder

Parallel Twin

Inline Triple and

V Engines

Four V Twin

V Four

Flat Engines

Flat 2

Flat 4

1. A group of engines which is the cheapest and simplest type of engine and use a one-cylinder engine to produce power, which results in high vibrations (so a larger flywheel and counterbalances are usually necessary) is called Single Cylinder 2. A group of engines which usually reserved for higher end motorcycle models due to the additional manufacturing costs and expense. In essence, it is two V twin engines stuck together.is called ….. 3. A group of engines which offers great cooling and good balance, but due to the set-up is quite a complex engine, resulting in a higher price tag and harder to fix. is called ….. 4. A group of engines which uses three cylinders, and the inline four uses four. These offer a smoother and more balanced ride than the single or twin engines. is called ….. 5. A group of engines which uses three cylinders, and the inline four uses four. These offer a smoother and more balanced ride than the single or twin engines. is called ….. 6. An iconic engine type and has been popular for decades. It creates a distinctive sound when revving the engine is called ….. 7. A group of engines which comprises of 4 main types – single, parallel twin, inline triple and inline four are called ….. 8. A group of engines which characterized by their “V” shape and popular types include the V twin and the V four are called ….. 9. A group of engines which offers a smoother option to inline 4s and offers a great power output. is called ….. 10. A group of engines which often referred to as “boxer” engines, with the flat 2 (boxer twin) and flat 4 being most popular in the range are called …..

B. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer! Shift Fork





Gear Shift Drum

Main Shaft


Per Minute (RPM) Secondary Supply (SASS)



Crankcase Emission Control



1. A forked end metal lever that straddles a manual transmission gear shaft.is called Shift Fork 2. A cylindrical shaped transmission component with machined slots around its outside diameter is called ….. 3. A component that functions as a gear holder, bearing, synchromesh and other components is called ….. 4. A common mechanical design component used to transfer or synchronize rotational force in a machine is called ….. 5. The arrangement or device for transmitting the power from the engine or motor to the drivingwheels is called ….. 6. A battery that can be restored to full charge by the application of electrical energy is called ….. 7. The speed at which the rotation of the crank in the engine takes place — resulting in the deliverability of power to the rear wheels via a gearbox.is called ….. 8. Parts of motorcycle which the job is creating a combustible mix of gasoline and air that will power the engine and create the driving force to propel the vehicle forward is called ….. 9. The secondary-air pump draws in ambient air and injects it into the exhaust manifold downstream of the exhaust valves.is called ….. 10. A machine which responsible for maintaining positive pressure inside the crankcase.is called …..

VOCABULARY LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Standard Bikes Cruisers Touring Bikes Sport bikes Dirt bikes Electric motor Engine Armature

9. 10. 11.

Transmission Control system Energy sink

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Chassis Motorcycle Fork Wankel Engine Shock Absorber Ignition switch

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Starter pedal Foot shifter Hand clutch Instrument cluster Front fork Frame

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Front brakes Motorcycle Transmission Motorcycle Engine Motorcycle Suspension Rear brakes Seat Fuel tank Heel Toe shifter

Sepeda standar Kapal penjelajah Sepeda turing Sepeda olahraga Sepeda kotoran Motor listrik Mesin alat yang dilalui arus listrik untuk menghasilkan torsi (rotor). Penularan Sistem pengaturan Proses dimana energi dihamburkan sebagai panas atau kerugian. Casis Suspensi sepeda motor Mesin Wankel atau mesin rotary Peredam kejut Sakelar yang dipasang di stang dan dioperasikan dengan kunci yang mengontrol aliran tenaga ke bagian sepeda motor lainnya. Pedal starter Persneling Kopling tangan Kluster instrumen Suspensi depan Struktur inti sepeda motor yang menopang mesin, menyediakan lokasi untuk kemudi dan suspensi belakang, serta menopang pengendara dan penumpang atau barang bawaan Rem depan Transmisi sepeda motor Mesin sepeda motor Suspensi sepeda motor Rem belakang Kursi Tangki bahan bakar Jenis tuas persneling khusus yang memungkinkan Anda memindahkan gigi sepeda dengan tumit.


Single Cylinder


V Four


Flat 2


Inline Triple and Four


Parallel Twin


V Twin


Inline Engines


V Engines


Flat 4


Flat Engines


Shift Fork

Sekelompok mesin yang merupakan jenis mesin termurah dan paling sederhana dan menggunakan mesin satu silinder untuk menghasilkan tenaga, yang menghasilkan getaran tinggi (sehingga roda gila yang lebih besar dan penyeimbang Sekelompok mesin yang biasanya dicadangkan untuk model sepeda motor kelas atas karena adanya tambahan biaya produksi dan pengeluaran. Intinya, ini adalah dua mesin V twin yang saling menempel Sekelompok mesin yang menawarkan pendinginan hebat dan keseimbangan yang baik, tetapi karena set-up mesinnya cukup rumit, menghasilkan label harga yang lebih tinggi dan lebih sulit diperbaiki Sekelompok mesin yang menggunakan tiga silinder, dan empat segaris menggunakan empat. Ini menawarkan pengendaraan yang lebih mulus dan lebih seimbang daripada mesin tunggal atau kembar Sekelompok mesin yang menggunakan tiga silinder, dan empat segaris menggunakan empat. Ini menawarkan pengendaraan yang lebih mulus dan lebih seimbang daripada mesin tunggal atau kembar Tipe mesin yang ikonik dan sudah populer puluhan tahun. Ini menciptakan suara yang khas saat menghidupkan mesin Sekelompok mesin yang terdiri dari 4 tipe utama - tunggal, kembar paralel, tiga inline dan inline empat Sekelompok mesin yang dicirikan oleh bentuk "V" dan tipe populer termasuk V twin dan V four Sekelompok mesin yang menawarkan opsi yang lebih mulus ke inline 4s dan menawarkan output daya yang besar Sekelompok mesin yang sering disebut sebagai mesin "boxer", dengan flat 2 (boxer twin) dan flat 4 paling populer di jajarannya Tuas logam ujung bercabang yang mengangkangi poros gigi transmisi manual


Shift Drum


Main Shaft



45. 46. 47.

Transmission Gear ACCU Revolution/Rotations Per (RPM) Carburetors Karburator Secondary Air Supply System (SASS) Sistem pasokan udara sekunder Crankcase Emission Control System Sistem kontrol emisi bak mesin (CECS)

48. 49. 50.

Komponen transmisi berbentuk silinder dengan slot mesin di sekeliling diameter luarnya Komponen yang berfungsi sebagai dudukan gear, bearing, synchromesh dan komponen lainnya Komponen desain mekanis umum yang digunakan untuk mentransfer atau menyinkronkan gaya rotasi dalam mesin Gigi transmisi Aki Minute Revolusi/rotasi per menit

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