TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples - Selection Committee General Regulations 2023 Flipbook PDF

TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples - Selection Committee General Regulations 2023

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TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples Selection Committee GENERAL REGULATIONS

To receive an appointment to AFOA Canada’s TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples – Selection Committee, the applicant must: 1. First Nations, Inuit and Metis, proof of ancestry is required. 2. Provide a Letter of Interest and Resume to AFOA Canada by the respective call-out deadline. 3. Be involved in the Indigenous community by way of their employment, hobbies, business and or way of life. 4. Any committee member or their immediate family* is not eligible to apply for the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples. This rule is null and void upon the completion of the term. 5. AFOA Canada reserves the right the amend the above regulations or to revoke a committee member’s appointment based on any violation of AFOA Canada’s Personnel Policies Manual – Code of Conduct Rules. * Spouse or common-law partner, father, mother, spouse or common-law partner of the father and mother, stepfather, stepmother, foster parent, brother, sister, daughters and sons including children of the employee’s spouse or common-law partner and stepchild(ren) or ward of the employee, grandchild(ren), grandparents, father and mother of the employee’s spouse or common-law partner and the spouse or common-law partner of the employee’s spouse or common-law partner’s parent, and any relative who resides permanently with the employee or with whom the employee permanently resides.

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