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Content Water 2. Water on Earth 3. Water in human 4. Hygiene 5. Water in the athlete’s body 6. Water sports 1.


Water is a transparent liquid that forms rivers, lakes, oceans and rain. It is the main component of the fluids of living beings. As a chemical compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, which are connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, although on Earth it often occurs together with its solid state, ice; and in the gaseous state, steam (water vapor). It also occurs in the form of snow, fog, dew and clouds.

Voda Voda je providna tečnost koja formira reke, jezera, okeane i kišu. Ona je glavni sastojak floida živih bića. Kao hemijsko jedinjenje, molekul vode sadrži jedan atom kiseonika i dva atoma vodonika, koji su povezani kovalentnim vezama. Voda je tečnost na standardnoj ambijentnoj temperaturi i pritisku, mada se na Zemlji često javlja zajedno sa svojim čvrstim stanjem, ledom; i u gasovitim stanju, pari (vodena para). Ona se takođe javlja u obliku snega, magle, rose i oblaka.

Water on Earth

Water on Earth makes up the hydrosphere. The word "hydro" is of Greek origin (Greek: υδρο) and means "water". Pure water at normal pressure boils at 100ᵒC and freezes at 0ᵒC. In addition to the world sea, there are other bodies of water on the planet earth and they are located on land which is why they are called land waters. We divide them into underground and surface waters. Underground waters are aqifer and issued. Surface waters are: rivers, occasional river courses, lakes, ponds, swamps and glaciers. Water is the most important substance on the planet. Life originated in water and it is the basic substance that we enter into the body. Of all the water on Earth, only 0.4% is available as drinking water.

Voda na Zemlji Voda na Zemlji čini hidrosferu. Reč „hidro“ je grčkog porekla (grčki: υδρο) i znači „voda“. Čista voda na normalnom pritisku ključa na 100oC, a mrzne na 0oC. Pored svetskog mora, na planeti Zemlji ima još vodenih površina i one se nalaze na kopnu zbog čega se nazivaju vode na kopnu. Delimo ih na podzemne i površinske. Podzemne su izdani i arteške vode. Površinske su: reke, povremeni rečni tokovi, jezera, bare, močvare i lednici. Voda je najvažnija supstanca na planeti. U vodi je nastao život i to je osnovna materija koju unosimo u organizam. Od celokupne vode na Zemlji samo 0,4% je dostupno kao pijaća voda.

Water in human

The musculature of our body contains 75% water. The brain contains 76% water. Blood contains 82% water. The roles of water in the body are numerous: it is the main solvent and carrier of nutrients, plays an important role in circulation, participates in all metabolic processes and removal of harmful substances from the body, aids digestion and regular bowel movements, plays a key role in thermoregulation and participates in maintaining electrolyte balance and acid-base balance.

Voda u čoveku

Muskulatura našeg tela sadrži 75% vode. Mozak sadrži 76%vode. Krv sadrži 82%vode. Uloge vode u organizmu su brojne: ona je glavni rastvarač i nosač hranljivih supstanci, igra važnu ulogu u cirkulaciji, učestvuje u svim metaboličkim procesima i odvođenju štetnih supstanci iz organizma, pomaže varenje i redovno pražnjenje creva, ima ključnu ulogu u termoregulaciji i učestvuje u održavanju ravnoteže elektrolita i kiselo-bazne ravnoteze.

Hygiene Safe drinking water is critical to human health and well-being. Having clean water and sanitation means being able to avoid exposure to countless diseases. Not to mention how important it is to maintain the hygiene of the body, hands and teeth. Every year, millions of people die from diseases caused by inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene.

Higijena Bezbedna voda za piće, su ključni za ljudsko zdravlje i dobrobit. Imati čistu vodu i sanitarne uslove znači biti u mogućnosti da izbegnete izlaganje bezbrojnim bolestima. Da ne spominjemo koiko je bitno održavarti higijenu tela, ruku i zuba. Svake godine milioni ljudi umiru od bolesti uzrokovanih neadekvatnim vodosnabdevanjem, sanitarnim uslovima i higijenom.

Water in the athlete’s body The body of an average athlete can metabolically create a little more than 300ml of water, and the daily need is about 2600ml. During physical activity, a person can lose 4-5 liters, just in the process of sweating. It follows that water is needed before, during and after sports activities. There are also bad moments when the athlete does not have enough water in his body. Then he starts recording worse results because his muscles are losing. The increase in temperature is intense, thus water leaves the skin faster, sweating is stronger and the stomach becomes emptier over time and only acid juice remains in it. If rehabilitation is not carried out, the body may become dehydrated.

Voda u telu sportiste Organizam prosecnog sportiste metabolicki moze da stvori nesto vise od 300ml vode, a dnevna potreba iznosi oko 2600ml. Tokom fizičke atkivnosti čovek moze da izgubi 4-5 litara , samo u procesu znojenja. Odatle sledi da je voda potrebna pre,tokom i nakon sportskih aktivnosti. Dolazi i do losih trenutaka kada sportista nema dovoljno vode u svom organizmu. Tada počinje da beleži lošije rezultate jer mu opada mišići . Rast temperature je intenzivan, time i voda brže odlazi sa kože ,znojenje je jače a želudac vremenom postaje prazniji i u njemu ostaje samo kiseli sok. Ukoliko se ne izvrši rehabilitacija moze doći da telo dehidrira.

Water sports Water sports are swimming, water polo, diving, diving, rowing, sailing, surfing, kayaking, canoeing, underwater hockey, distance swimming, most of which are Olympic sports.

Vodeni sportovi Vodeni sportovi su plivanje, vaterpolo, ronjenje, ronjenje, veslanje, jedrenje, surfovanje, kajak, kanu, podvodni hokej, plivanje na daljinu, od kojih su većina olimpijski sportovi.

1. Explorer: Jana Simović Maša Radivojević Sara Bogdanovic

2. Screenwriter: Emili Karan

3. Translator: Una Širinić Lena Đorđević

4. Paintest: Nikola Čoleski Nikola Grabež

5. Software developer: Tijana Pešut

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