The Messenger ~ El Mensajero

S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H ~ S A N LU C A S I G L E S I A E P I SC O P A L THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger ~ El Mensaj

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S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H ~ S A N LU C A S I G L E S I A E P I SC O P A L


The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 9


Rector’s Corner

Rincón del Rector



The Eucharist, our regular Sunday form of worship, is known as the Great Thanksgiving. We formally gather to praise, thank, and pray to God for ourselves and for the world. Our Eucharistic prayers use the phrase, ‘a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving’ in contrast to the theology of repeating or adding to the sacrifice of Christ, to describe what we are doing as the gathered body of Christ. November is the month of our secular holiday, Thanksgiving. We celebrate the day the First Nations people taught the new arrivals from Europe how to survive winter and learn to live in the New World. The irony of the welcome given to invaders who would displace the First Nations can no longer be avoided by ignoring the attending genocide. Yet it remains a story of hope that different peoples will find common ground in helping each other, sharing with compassion. We have other nations among us these days: Coming from all over the world, speaking the languages that were taught them by other empires, they come here seeking life and hope. Our celebration on Wednesday evening, November 25, is another coming together to serve each other food. Come, celebrate the Thanksgiving in the way we have learned, with the foods we found in the New World, and pray for peace among the nations. Fr. Jaime Case


La Eucaristía, nuestra forma de alabar a Dios cada domingo, se conoce también como El Gran Acción de Gracias. Nos reunimos formalmente para alabar, dar gracias, y pedir a Dios por nosotros mismos y por el mundo. Nuestra oración eucarística usa la frase “un sacrificio de alabanza y acción de gracias” se contrasta de la teología de repetición del sacrificio de Cristo, para describir lo que estamos haciendo como el cuerpo de Cristo reunido. Noviembre es el mes de nuestra fiesta secular, Día de Acción de Gracias. Celebramos el día que las Primeras Naciones indígenas enseñaron a los recién llegados de Europa como sobrevivir el invierno y aprender vivir en el Mundo Nuevo. La ironía de la bienvenida dada a invasores que desplazarán los Pueblos Originales no se puede evitar por ignorar la genocida. A pesar de eso sigue siendo una historia de esperanza que pueblos ajenos encontrarían compartir los bienes, ayudando a otros con compasión. Hay otras naciones entre nosotros estos días: Vienen de todas partes del mundo, con idiomas de otros imperios, buscando vida y esperanza. Nuestra celebración en la tarde de miércoles, el 25 de noviembre, es otra manera de reunirnos para servir uno al otro con comida. Vengan, celebren el Día de Acción de Gracias en la manera que aprendimos, con comidas de la Tierra Nueva, y oren por la paz en las naciones. Padre Jaime Case




Meta 1: Relaciones más estrechas entre Hispanos y Anglos

$424, y ventas un poco mas de $300, que es mejor que la vez pasada. Fue estupendo cuantos vinieron en medio de las horas. Las jovencitas Maddie y Cora fueron las mejores camareras. Den Mark Wichar

LIBRO DE RECORDACIÓN El Libro de Recordación estará disponible en el Atrio de la iglesia para que usted pueda añadir los nombres de sus seres queridos que han partido. Los nombres serán leídos en todos las misas el domingo, 1 de Noviembre Día de los Santos.

TODOS LOS SANTOS Y SANTAS Hemos colocado El libro de Recordación en la entrada de la iglesia para que todos puedan escribir los nombres de los seres queridos que han fallecido. El domingo, 1 de noviembre vamos a incluir todos los nuestras oraciones en las tres misas.

FIESTA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Miércoles, el 25 de noviembre a las 6:00 celebramos nuestra Fiesta de Acción de Gracias. Ha sido un favorito para reunir el pueblo de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s por muchos años, con más que 100 miembros de todas las misas asistiendo juntos a celebrar nuestras for -tunas. Por favor, venga a juntarse, traiga su comida favorita para compartir, especialmente las comidas típicas de Día de Acción de Gracias como pavo, papas machucadas, camote. Si no trae algo se acepta una donación para comprar pavos. La lista para indicar su participación y asis-tencia se coloca el 1 de noviembre en el atrio. Por favor, indique en esta hoja si van a asistir y cuantos están en su grupo. Pregun-tas? Llame a Melanie Kenoyer.

INFORME DEL MINISTERIO A LA COMUNIDAD • El Ministerio a la Comunidad está pidiendo sus donaciones de calcetines y ropa interior nueva o usada pero en buenas condiciones para niños hasta el domingo 15 de noviembre. Estas donaciones serán enviadas a la Escuela Primaria Washington. • Calcetines para adultos son de alta necesidad. • Se necesitan voluntarios para el armario de ropa / para turnos repartiendo bolsas de comida / clasificación armario de ropa. • Se necesitan los pantalones de los hombres del tamaño 32-36. • Se necesitan ropa de invierno y zapatos para hombres y mujeres. • Se necesitan donaciones de alimentos para la despensa alimentaria • El programa Giving Tree en Navidad comenzará a mediados de noviembre. • Se estarán recolectando alimentos no perecederos para las cestas de comida de Navidad a principios de diciembre.  La Próxima reunión del Ministerio a la Comunidad será el miércoles 11 de noviembre a las 6:30 pm en la Biblioteca. Todo el que quiera venir es bienvenido.


Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales HOPE (Esperanza) Servicio para Niños Escolares Sin Casa 4ª Colaboración con Burgerville Gracias, a todos que apoyaron el esfuerzo para estudiantes sin casa el mes pasado. En propinas ganamos

Este año la venta de Manualidades y Regalos de Navidad será el 21 & 22 de noviembre, la semana antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. No es demasiado temprano para planificar su manualidad. Aun de vacaciones o descansando, puede amarrar algo para vender. Si tienen ideas o sugerencias hazle saber a Joseph Ziemba, [email protected].


Meta 3: Crecer En Fe REPORTE DEL GUARDIÁN MAYOR “Que canta, ora dos veces.” – Atribuido a San Agustín El ministerio de la música en San Lucas – St. Luke´s es vivo y creciendo. Tim Nickel y Willy Silva arreglan música cada domingo para a las 10 y a la 1, respectivamente. Tim también provee música para la Víspera de Jazz 6 veces el año. Ambos crean misas especiales durante Navidad, Semana Santa y Pascua. Este año para el domingo de Ramos, se ofreció un evento especial de La Pasión de San Juan por J.S. Bach, con orquestra. El coro, que consta de 20 voluntarios, canta casi todos los domingos a las 10. La banda de Willy ha crecido a 5 miembros y acompaña la misa de 1 pm. Tenemos un coro de campanas que toca varias veces el año, añadiendo dimensiones a nuestra música. Nuevos músicos serán bienvenidos para el coro de las 10 y la banda de la 1. Los himnos son seleccionados de varios himnarios. Generalmente corresponded a las estaciones del año eclesiástico y lecciones de la Biblia. “Los himnos son poesía,” dice Tim. “Tienen más sentido si escuchas tanto las palabras como la melodía.” En el futuro, Willy intenta buscar nuevas canciones para mejorar la música de la 1. Reconoce a Cheryl Lee Holt por su asistencia fiel, y disfrutó de la misa bilingüe. Tim va a usar el coro para enseñar nuevas canciones a la misa de 10. Está trabajando con el comité le música para enfocar sobre nuestro nuevo piano Steinway, generosamente dado por Janet y Darrell Williams, para compartir música con la comunidad. El reconoce a Beth Lawson por dirigir hábilmente el coro este otoño y también nuestra soprano profesional, Catherine van der Salm. Contactos:

Willy Silva 503-956-9337 Tim Nickel [email protected]

ESCUELA DOMINICAL Ya ha llegado el tiempo de pensar en los días festivos y fantásticas tradiciones que se acercan. Una tradición importante para los niños es el programa


de Navidad. Si usted piensa que a su hijo o hija le gustaría participar en el programa de Navidad, por favor tráigalos el sábado, 19 de diciembre, a practicar y a participar en la fiesta para ese día. Los niños de la misa de los 10:00AM practicaran a las 10:00AM el 19 de Diciembre y luego todos pueden venir y disfrutar una fiesta para festejar la programa de Navidad a las 12:00PM. Los niños de la misa de la 1:00PM van a practicar de la 1:00PM de la tarde hasta las 2:00PM. El programa se va a realizar el domingo 20 de Diciembre. Esperamos tener tiempo muy divertido con todos los niños y siguiendo nuestras bonitas tradiciones. Herlinda Marquez

GRUPO DE JÓVENES Tenemos una noche para Jóvenes en noviembre. 7 de noviembre 6:00-8:00 – Noche de Juegos con Pizza. Llevar disfrazo opcional.

JYC DE OTOÑO Fechas: Viernes 20 de noviembre, 7:00 de la tarde al domingo 22 de noviembre, 12:30. Costo: $35. Becas se regalan. Local: Trinity (La Trinidad) Iglesia en Everett, WA Acompáñenos para el JYC del otoño. Con juegos que establecen compañerismo, este es el lugar para encontrar amigos que te ayuden superar todo. 50 jóvenes se junta de todas partes de Washington del oriente, para compartir la música, adoración y diversión. Más Información: Denis Brumbaugh: [email protected], Office of Faith Formation Registrar: info?id=222&reset=1 Inscripción termina domingo, 15 de noviembre.

FIESTA DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN La Fiesta de Primera Comuniones se celebra el 10 de enero de 2016. La próxima serie de clases comienza en marzo. Clases se reúnen a las 12:00PM del mediodía en el Sótano del Salón Parroquial. Los padres deben inscribirse y asistir a clases durante la misma hora que los niños, y



toda la familia debe de asistir a la Misa de la 1:00PM. Antes de inscribirse, la familia debe asistir A la Misa y consultar con el P. Jaime.

Administración y Finanzas NOTICIAS SOBRE LA CAMPAÑA DE PROMESAS Gracias por completar sus tarjetas de promesas financieras. El día para entregarlas es el domingo 15 de noviembre. Les agradecemos por su generosidad y compromiso con los objetivos de nuestra iglesia. Las promesas son la base económica para el presupuesto del próximo año. Esperamos lograr grandes cosas juntos. Si usted todavía está no está seguro o segura de cuánto va a dar, vea la lista en este boletín de nuestros logros hasta la fecha en 2015. Hemos logrado mucho gracias a la generosidad de nuestros feligreses. Sin embargo, hay mucho más por hacer. Es bueno recordar que es un privilegio participar en tantos ministerios de ayuda a nuestra comunidad. No pierda la oportunidad de contribuir generosamente a la obra de Dios. Sharon Mayhew, Vestry Member

DOMINGO DE RECOLECCIÓN El domingo 15 de noviembre será la celebración de recolección de las Promesas para 2016. Por favor, recuerde enviar su hoja de promesa financiera por correo electrónico o correo regular en o antes del 15 de Noviembre. Las hojas de promesas serán bendecidas en todas la misas.

LOGROS PARA 2015 Meta 1: Forjar una relación más estrecha entre latinos y anglos Cura bilingüe enviado por la Diócesis Coordinadora de Escuela Dominical bilingüe (también Meta 3) Sillas en el Atrio para madres y bebés cuando lloran Clases de Primera Comunión bilingües (también Meta 3) Domingo de Bienvenida, Comida Mexicana, y Misas Bilingües

Meta 2: Servicio Social Comenzamos las Clases de Inglés, la cual está creciendo Expandir el almacén de ropa Más voluntarios activos Más esfuerzo para Paz y Justicia en la comunidad Ayuda económica a las familias de los Apartamentos Ghim Proyecto ambiental con Diócesis del Sur de las Filipinas Una red de distribución para materiales y comida que nos sobran Boletos del Autobús HOPE Proyecto para apoyar a niños escolares sin casas en Burgerville Distribución de artículos de aseo personal Materiales escolares Donación de Sangre a la Cruz Roja 3 veces “Shower” el Día de las Madres para madres y bebés con necesidad Meta 3: Crecimiento Espiritual: Materiales para Jugar Junto a Dios Foro para adultos Clases de Confirmación Más maestros Coordinadora de Escuela Dominical bilingüe (también Meta 1) Clase de Primera Comunión Bilingüe (también Meta 1) Meta 4: Cuidado Pastoral: Visitación mensual de los que no pueden de asistir a la misa (entre 13-20 individuos) Atención a las personas en sus últimos días de vida Comida congelada para familias en emergencia Comenzar el ministerio de compañeros de oración Nuestros Edificios: Reparación el Salón Parroquial Cortaron los árboles grandes Inspección de los vitrales Creación de una oficina con computadora para Archivero Un Nuevo Piano Steinway Instalación de luces con bombillas de alta eficiencia Instalación de piedra angular del 2nd edificio de la

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Iglesia en el Atrio Instalación de un estante para las almohadas en la parte de atrás de la Nave Compraron nuevas vestimentas litúrgicas

REPORTE DEL GUARDIÁN MENOR Hemos completado el primer paso en arreglos después de construcción. Los árboles, inclusivo lo del vecino, se cortaron ramos muertos o demasiado cercanos al edificio o líneas de electricidad. Próximo es quitar los cepas de arbustos por el norte de los edificios. Un camión de tierra se ordena para estirar sobre los jardines y poner plantas y semillas de pasto. La primera fase de instalar luces de LED se ha completado especialmente en el santuario y la capilla. Antes de cambiarlas se usaba 13,680 vatios de luces incandescentes, costando más que $900 por año. Ahora utilizan 1,680 vatios, de costo de $112., un ahorro de 88%. Un gran agradecimiento a John Mathieu por hacer el trabajo. Con esta porción completada ahora puede él pedir una auditoría por PUD para aplicar por el rebajo que pagará mucho del costo de las nuevas luces. Lew Hampton, Guardían Menor

ENVÍEN SUS FOTOS A LA OFICINA ¿Has tomado fotos durante eventos o servicios en St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas este año? Si los has hecho, nos gustaría poder contar con sus fotos. Las fotos representan parte de nuestra historia y también pueden ser usadas para ayudar a promocionar nuestra iglesia. Por favor, grabé las fotos en un CD, si es en formato digital, o préstenos las fotos para poder a escanear y llevarlos a la oficina. Es muy útil si desea etiquetar el evento y que está en cada foto, si es posible. ¡¡¡Gracias!!!


CONVENCIÓN DIOCESANA La Convención de la Diócesis de Olympia se ha programado para el 13 y 14 de noviembre. Nuestra Iglesia manda 4 representantes laicos, y nuestros dos sacerdotes. Si usted quiere ser un suplente o representante, hable con P. Jaime para saber cómo.

DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, [email protected].

ADDS NASH, Shasta Harlowe 360-977-7764 12806 NE 43rd Cir Vancouver, WA 98682 MOSER, Mary Lou 360-695-8286 5600 NE 45th St Vancouver, WA 98661-2907

CHANGES/CORRECTIONS GELLATLY, Elizabeth (Beth) - Name Change to IVEY, Elizabeth Anne (Beth) MARQUEZ, Amando & Herlinda Arianna 14607 NE 70th St. Vancouver, WA 98682 SILVA, Willy 1277 NE Birkshire Ct Hillsboro, OR 97124 503-956-9337


SALVAGUARDANDO LOS NIÑOS DE DIOS entrenamiento lunes, 9 de noviembre de

ANDREWS, Kenneth (De ce ase d)

12:30 a 3:30 en Good Shepherd, 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, en el Youth Building. Debe uno llamar a la oficina en 360-892-7770 o mandar email a [email protected].

HUDSON, Brandon & JOHNSON, Ty 716 Henryetta St Springdale, AR 72762 (Moved Away) (Phones & emails remain the same)

GREENE, Max Todd (De ce ase d)



INSTALLATION OF THE MOST REV. MICHAEL BRUCE CURRY AS XXVII PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday November 1, this service will be webcast live from the Washington National Cathedral’s website beginning at 9AM P.S.T. Please join us in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas to watch this special service together.

sweet potatoes. If you cannot bring something, a donation towards turkey will be gladly accepted. The sign-up sheet will be available starting Sunday, November 1. Please sign up if you are coming, let us know how many in your group will be there, and come and enjoy the fellowship of St. Luke's ~ San Lucas. Any questions? Ask Melanie Kenoyer.

Goal 2: Expand outreach

OR On demand video of the Eucharist will also be available on the cathedral’s YouTube to view at your leisure from your home computer. https:// Note of Interest: One of our own members will be attending this service, Den Mark Wichar. He was a lucky lottery winner of a ticket for this service.

Goal 1: Develop relationships between the Anglo & Hispanic ALL SAINTS / ALL SOULS DAY We have placed a The Book of Remembrance in the church entry for all to write in the names of departed loved ones. On Sunday, November 1, we will include all names in our prayers that have been written in The Book of Remembrance. Fr. Jaime Case

ANNUAL THANKSGIVING EVE CELEBRATION On November 25th at 6 p.m., we will have our Annual Thanksgiving Eve celebration! This has been a favorite get-together for St Luke's ~ San Lucas for many years, with over 100 members of both services joining together to celebrate our good fortune. Please join us and bring your favorite dish to share or bring one of those all-important parts of the Thanksgiving meal, turkey, mashed potatoes, and

HOPE: Homeless Outreach Pursuing Education 4th BURGERVILLE PARTNERSHIP FOR HOMELESS STUDENTS Thank you, all who supported homeless students last month. Tip jar total was $424, higher than in previous partnerships, and the sales percentage yielded just over $300, approximating previous yields. Middle ninety minutes of the three hours were crazy busy, but beginning & ending were slower. Props to our several servers/bussers, especially Maddie and Cora. Den Mark Wichar


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Outreach is asking for your donations of children's new or gently used socks and underwear through Sunday, November 15th. These will be sent to Washington Elementary School. Ruth Werts is our liason with the school. Adult socks are always needed. Volunteers are needed for the clothes closet/ giving out food bags shifts/restocking/sorting clothes closet. Men's pants are needed size 32-36. Winter clothing and shoes for men and women. The Food pantry is low on food donations for Road Bags and the Single and Family HomeCook bags. The Christmas Giving Tree program will begin in mid-November.


Christmas Food Baskets will be collecting nonperishable items in early December. A grocery list to follow. Next Outreach Meeting will be Wednesday, November 11th at 6:30 pm in the Library. Open to anyone interested!

Thank you to everyone who has or will donate to this vital ministry in time, funds, or supplies. Kreta Saathoff


GIFTS DONATED BY PARISHIONERS “Regifted” items, costume jewelry, decorative accessories, antiques, vintage Christmas ornaments and decorations, anything that would make a nice Christmas gift. HOW CAN I BE A PART OF THIS SALE? 1. Use your talents to make something for the Craft Sale. 2. Start searching your attic or storage area for your ‘treasures” and get a tax deduction for the donation. 3. Sign up to help on either day. Sign up sheets will be posted in the narthex beginning November 1st. Bring your donated items to the stage area in the parish hall beginning on Sunday, November 8th. WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas has, for more than a century and half, been giving to and supporting the Vancouver and Southwest Washington community. Our former rector, Rev. Edward Rankin and Dr. Samuel Beall , a parishioner, initiated the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington in 1990. Our archives and


vestry minutes are full of stories of our involvement and generosity. The concern for the community continues. Each week food, clothing and daily bus passes are distributed to those in need. Joseph Ziemba [email protected]

WALK AND KNOCK The annual Walk and Knock food drive is scheduled for the First Saturday in December 5. Get your food bags filled, labeled with WALK and KNOCK and out on the front porch to be picked up. Should you want to volunteer to help with the drive, sign up on their website This would also be a good time to make a food donation or financial donation to the St. Luke's ~ San Lucas food pantry.

Goal 3: Spiritual Growth SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT “One who sings well prays twice” – attributed to St. Augustine The music ministry at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is vibrant and growing. Tim Nickel and Willy Silva orchestrate music every Sunday for the 10 AM and 1 PM services, respectively. Tim also provides music for Jazz Vespers six times yearly. Both provide music for special services during Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. This year on Palm Sunday, St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas held a special evening service performing portions of J. S. Bach’s “St. John’s Passion”, a major choral work with full orchestra accompaniment. The choir, currently about 20 volunteers, sings at 10 AM almost every Sunday. Willy’s band has grown to 5 members and accompanies the congregation at the 1 PM service. We also have a handbell choir that plays several times a year, adding another dimension to our music. New musicians are welcome to join the 10 AM choirs or 1 PM band. Hymns for Sunday services are selected from a variety of sources generally corresponding with the church season and the Sunday’s lessons. “Hymns are



poetry,” says Tim. “They are more meaningful if you listen to the text as well as the melody.” In the future, Willy plans to find new songs and improve arrangements for the 1 PM band. He recognizes Cheryl Lee Holt for her faithful assistance and enjoyed our joint, bilingual services. Tim plans to use the choir to help the 10 AM congregation learn new songs. He is working with the music committee to highlight our wonderful Steinway piano, generously donated by Janet and Darrell Williams, to share music with the community on an ongoing basis. He recognizes Beth Lawson for ably directing the choir this fall and our professional soprano, Catherine van der Salm. Contacts:

Willy Silva 503-956-9337 Tim Nickel [email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL It is that time of year that we are starting to think about the holidays and the wonderful traditions that come with them. An important tradition for our Sunday school children is the Christmas pageant. If you think your child would love to join us in this wonderful occasion, please have them join us on December 19th for our party and practice. The 10AM service practice will begin at 10 AM. At 12 PM we will have a party until about 1 PM and then the 1PM service will get to practice until 2PM. Our pageant will debut on Sunday, December 20th at both services. We look forward to having a great time and letting the children be a part of such a wonderful and beautiful tradition. Herlinda Marquez, Sunday School Coordinator

CELEBRATION OF FIRST COMMUNION The celebration of communion class graduation will be January 10, 2016. The next series of classes will start in March. Classes will start at noon in the basement. Parents should register the families and attend class, and all family members should attend a Sunday Eucharist. Please see Fr. Jaime for more details.

YOUTH GROUP We will have one Youth Night in November. November 7 – Game Night with Pizza. Costumes are optional from 6-8PM Becky and Gary Swisher and Don Lawry

FALL JYC (JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH CONFERENCE) Dates: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 7:00pm - Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 12:30pm Cost: $35 - Scholarships available. Location: Trinity Episcopal Church in Everett, WA Join us for Fall JYC! With lots of communitybuilding games and activities, this is the place to find friends who will be with you through it all! Around 50 youth come together from all over Western Washington to share in music, worship and fun! For more information: Denise Brumbaugh: [email protected] Office of Faith Formation Register: info?id=222&reset=1 Registration will be closed on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at Midnight

ADULT FORUM Thanksgiving and Advent are in the air. Think of the preparation at hand for these festive seasons. As we prepare our feasts and festivities for friends and families, let us not forget to prepare our hearts and souls to welcome Christ. The Adult Forum will be focusing on wonderful topics to help warm your soul to the new liturgical year, including the final week of Pentecost, November 22nd lesson "The Three Sisters Garden" with a Native glance at Thanksgiving. There will be no class on the 29th but December 6th will find us gathering for the first of 3 Advent specific lessons that will fill us with hope and anticipation for the arrival of Jesus. Let's share our hope and expectation. Come to the Adult Forum at 9AM each Sunday, in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. If anyone is interested in leading lessons please let me know. We would love to have your help in this wonderful spiritual endeavor. Thanks to those who have attended and those who helped facilitate.

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 11/1 No session. Come to the webcast of the Installation of our new Presiding Bishop, instead, same location. 11/8 Rising Sun 11/15 Sacraments in the Sand 11/22 The Three Sisters Garden 11/29 No session 12/6 The Old Woman and the Fish Lynne Hulse

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Our next monthly session is Saturday, November 14 from 10AM - 12PM. We start with refreshments and friendly conversation then begin our study and discussion based on the book, The Desert Mothers: Spiritual Practices from the Women of the Wilderness by Mary C. Earle (Episcopal priest). We will focus on Chapter 3, “The Little World of Ourselves”. Please read this chapter prior to our session together. Questions? Contact Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler or Kris Lawless. Mary Boettcher, (360-936-2425) [email protected] Janet Butler (360-947-0404) [email protected] Kris Lawless (360-574-3755) [email protected]

LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). The November meeting will be on Thursday, November 19 at 2PM.

TAIZÉ In 2002, Bob and Hanni Bureker, along with Fr. Dennis Cole, began the first Taize services at St. Luke's. Hanni and Bob put the services together for many years. As time went by, they were joined by Melanie Kenoyer and Den Mark Wichar. Bob continued his involvement in Taize until his passing. Over the years, the congregation grew and shrank, but all of them spoke of their enjoyment of the service. Many people who enjoyed the service came from other Christian traditions, along with Episcopalians. Now, after 13 years, we've come to the diffi-


cult decision to suspend Taizé services. The September service was our last. In the future, we hope to offer Taizé for special occasions. We want to thank the musicians who have supported us over the years and all who've attended our unique Taizé. We hope that you've found peace and happiness in the services, as we have. Peace to all of you. Hanni, Den Mark and Melanie

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Bi-lingual worship services can indeed succeed! We had a wonderful “blended worship” celebration on October 18th at our special noon confirmation service with the Bishop’s representative. We welcomed many souls into our fellowship, including our soprano soloist Beth Lawson, her husband Bob, and Willy Silva who leads music for the Hispanic congregation. Our 3-octave set of Dutch-style Handbells, beautifully restored by a firm in Colorado, was heard for the first time after the renovation. The bells have a clean, even tone and are much easier to ring accurately. To finish out the Pentecost season, we are learning a new musical setting of the eucharist by Susan Fletcher, who earned composition degrees in Texas and served St. Thomas Episcopal church in Huntsville, Alabama for many years. It is nice to have a fresh arrangement by a woman composer that is easy to sing and still modern in outlook. It is good to be back with you after a five-week leave during my wife Nancy’s sabbatical from St. James. We hiked our way through the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, and visited six National Parks, while toting around our 88-key electric piano to pursue various musical projects. We are rested and ready for the new liturgical year, which begins with the first Sunday of Advent at the end of the month. The carols of Christmas are coming soon! Tim Nickel, Director of Music





In November you will find a transformation of the Display Case in the Office Hallway, into the world of “St. Luke’s Needlers”. Back in May, 1984, a group was created to enhance the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas sanctuary. The project was accomplished in three phases (1 – Altar Rail Kneelers, 2 – Historic Kneelers for the Altar, 3 – St. Luke’s Banner) and completed in June, 1989.

Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, November 10 at 12 noon. Our sponsor this month is Joan Wilson. She has arranged for a very informative presentation: Energy Conservation - How Clark Public Utilities can share with assistance for "Low Cost-No Cost" energy savings. The presenter will be Joan’s son-in-law, DuWayne Duham, an Energy Services Supervisor.

The Display Case has pictures of the kneelers, along with each kneeler’s designer and ‘needler’. We also have one of the patterns used, along with the actual yarn and needle. We are honored to have these beautiful works of hand-crafted art, and greatly appreciate this contribution by these people.

Please sign-up if you’re coming and/or if you can help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are welcome!

The Display Case is designed by Dena Cassidy, with curator assistance by Pat Lawless.

Rev. Chuck Barnes invites all the retirees or others available to come to the Retirees @ Restaurants (R@R for short) breakfast for good food and lively conversation on Wednesday, November 18, 8:30AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660.

BREAD GUILD We are looking for more bakers for the Bread Guild. We provide the recipe and support. If you are interested please can contact me at 369-241-3604. Kathleen Brown

WORSHIPERS REQUEST As a courtesy to fellow worshippers with breathing issues, please refrain from wearing scented colognes, perfumes and lotions. Thank you!

Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our November Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator

Coffee Hour Hosts for November November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 December 6

Mountford Snoey/Lund Edwards Harris Ziemba Coles


FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE No Friday Night Live in November due to Thanksgiving. In December our hosts will be Jim and Cindy Schlatter on Friday, December 11 starting 6:00 PM. We will have a white elephant gift exchange to add to the festivities and fun! If you are interested in hosting we are now working on the 2016 calendar. Just add your name and number to the list near the kitchen or contact Ginger and Brad Harris (971-373-8894) of [email protected]

CHAPLAINS FROM THE PAST Two men met in a seminary. As the years passed, these two men shared many experiences. They both also served our country at the Front, during World War I. In 1909, Rev. Otis Gray was called to St. Luke’s. You will remember him from the previous stories about the Parish Hall, and the founding of the Vancouver YMCA chapter. In 1912, Rev. Gray left for two months to be with his ill mother in New York. When

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO he returned to Vancouver he informed the Vestry that he had been called to Trinity Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Rev. Gray recommended that St. Luke’s call Rev. Ellsworth Collier, who he knew from his seminary days. Rev. Collier came to St. Luke’s in 1912. In April, 1917, the United States entered WW I. In May, Rev. Gray resigned his position at Trinity and joined the U.S. Army as a chaplain. Also in May, 1917, Rev. Collier told the St. Luke’s Vestry he had been called to Trinity Church in St. Louis. In September, 1917, Rev. Collier left for France as a part of the YMCA service to the troops and populace. Rev. Gray had already gone to the Front in France. Rev. Collier accounted to a friend in Vancouver that there had been bombing at his hospital camp. Rev. Gray was gassed by mustard gas at Ardennes. One soldier remembered Rev. Gray as always having a pot of coffee to share, even in the trenches. St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas has had a number of chaplains serve as members and leaders of the parish. Serving as a chaplain, whether at war, at a hospital, or at a school or institution, takes a special type of person. Along with our country’s veterans, we also honor all of our chaplains. Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist

Administrative & Financial MUTUAL MINISTRY FOCUS GROUPS Here’s your opportunity to find out more about our goals and to give us your input. We will be having focus group sessions for 4 consecutive Sundays so that we can “focus” on one goal a week. Three sessions remain. Please join us at 11:30AM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. 11/01 Goal 2: Expand Outreach Programs 11/08 Goal 3: Provide opportunities to grow in faith 11/15 Goal 4: Support Pastoral Care


IN-GATHERING SUNDAY Sunday, November 15 will be our in-gathering celebration of our 2016 pledges. Please remember to email your pledge commitment or mail your pledge card in prior to this Sunday. You may also bring your pledge cards in by this Sunday. All will be blessed during services as we celebrate our future journey together.

PLEDGE CAMPAIGN UPDATE Thank you all for completing your pledge cards and turning them in by In-Gathering Sunday, November 15. We thank you for your commitment to the goals our church and for your generosity. Our pledges are the basis for next year’s budget. We look forward to accomplishing great things together. If you are still on the fence as to how much you plan to give, and haven’t quite decided yet, take a look at the list of our accomplishments so far in 2015 (in this newsletter). We accomplished much by working together and through the generosity of our members. Yet there is so much more to do. We should consider it a privilege to participate in so many ministries and to give so much to our community. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share our bounty for the furtherance of God’s work. Sharon Mayhew

2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AT SL2 Goal 1: Foster closer relations between Anglos and Latinos:  Bilingual Curate sent by Diocese  Sunday School Coordinator (bilingual)(also Goal 3)  Narthex Seating for Mothers & Crying Babies  Combined “First” Communion Class, English and Spanish (also under Goal 3)  Welcome Back Sunday, Fund Raisers, Vacation Bible School Goal 2: Outreach:  English Classes started and growing  Expanded clothing closet  More active volunteers  More interaction with Peace and Justice in the


        


community Ghim Apartments Emergency Appeal Diocese Southern Philippines reforestation (a Green project) Network with other providers of services to distribute excess food, clothing Bus Passes HOPE project support at Burgerville (homeless school children) Toiletries distribution Back to School supplies Red Cross Blood Drives (three) Babies in Need Mother’s Day Baby Shower

Goal 3: Spiritual Growth:  Godly Play Materials  Adult Forum  Expanded Confirmation Class  More teachers  Sunday School Coordinator (bilingual) (also Goal 1)  Combined “First” Communion Class, English and Spanish (also Goal 1) Goal 4: Pastoral Care:  Continued visitation to shut-ins (between 13-20 individuals)  Attending to the Dying  Frozen Entrees for families in crisis Our Buildings:  Repair parish hall ceiling and floor  Trim large trees  Inspect Stained Glass windows  Set up Archives Workshop and Computer  New (to us) Grand Piano  Replace lighting with higher efficiency products (Green Related)  Install 2nd Church Cornerstone in Narthex  Wooden rack crafted to hold pew cushions in Nave  Replace worn vestments

TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY Percentages should to be at 75% of budgeted revenue and expense. Summary as of September 30, 2015 Total Budget Year to Date Percent for the Year Actual of Total Amounts Budget Revenues $504,819 $361,801 72% Expenses $504,819 $349,410 69% Net Income 0 $12,391 Revenues: Actual revenues as of September are below projections. Expenses: Overall expenses are under YTD budget projections by $29,205. Additional Comments: Although revenues are down, so are expenses, leaving a healthy balance for this time of year. A plan has been implemented to use as much of our operating budget as possible to handle such unexpected items as our green energy LED light bulb replacement project and the ceiling repair project. Thus, there is potential for a deficit budget yet this year, but available cash will cover it in the event this occurs. Please be sure to review your third quarter statements to remind yourselves of where you are with contributions thus far compared to your original pledge. Let the treasurer’s office know if you have any questions. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

SAFEGUARDING GOD’S CHILDREN Training will be on Monday, November 9th from 12:30 – 3:30 PM in the Youth Building at Good Shepherd, 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver. People who would like to attend this training should sign up by calling the church office at 360-892-7770 or email: [email protected]

VESTRY SUMMARY, October 2015 VESTRY NOMINATIONS: Four new Vestry members will be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting on January 31. Please tell Fr. Jaime, Fr. Eliacin, or any

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Vestry member if you want to join the parish’s lay leadership. GREEN INITIATIVE: Our lighting fixture all now use highly-efficient LEDs. This change will cut our electric bill considerably – and pay for itself in about two years. GROWING PARISH: We are averaging about 240 persons at Sunday services, with about half of them attending at 1:00 (the Hispanic service). New families are continuing to join us. Please welcome them into the parish and get to know them. MUTUAL MINISTRY REVIEW: Please turn in your parish survey. If you need one, call the church office at 696-0181. THURSDAY CREW: In September, the Crew worked 147 hours, for a total of 1,578 hours year-todate. Thank them for their generous donations of time and talent. PLEDGE CAMPAIGN: Ingathering Sunday is November 15th. Please return your pledge card by then so we can build next year’s budget. HOLIDAY FAIR: November 21 and 22 are the dates for this year’s Holiday Craft and Gift Fair. Support this parish fundraiser and shop here early for Christmas. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk

JUNIOR WARDEN REPORT We have completed the first step of getting our campus into shape after all the construction disruption. The trees, including the Maple belonging to our neighbor, were trimmed back away from the building and the power lines. Dangerous limbs have been removed from the Cedar Trees. Next the stumps on the south side of the building will be removed. A load of dirt will be spread and we will be ready to plant shrubs and reseed the lawn. The first phase of the LED lighting conversion has been completed with all the lighting in the Sanctuary and Chapel changed to LED bulbs. Prior to the change the Sanctuary and Chapel had 13,680 Watts of incandescent lighting costing us over $900.00 per year. They now have 1,680 watts of LED lighting costing us around $112.00 per year, a savings of 88%. A big thank you to John Mathieu for spearheading


this upgrade to our facility. With this portion completed we can now put in for an audit by PUD and apply for our rebate which will defray a significant portion of our cost. Lew Hampton, Junior Warden

COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM FOR FRED MEYER SHOPPERS WITH A REWARDS CARD You may sign up your rewards card to earn cash for St. Luke's over the telephone now.  Call 1-866-221-4141.  Tell the operator you want to enroll in the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program  Make sure you have your card so that you may give them your #. It's found on the back of the card near the barcode.  Make sure you request the operator to link it to the church using the #88487. Num ber ID for St. Luke's Parish Hope this helps. Thanks for participating in the program. Every penny counts! Sandy Geer

PLEASE SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO THE PARISH OFFICE Have you taken pictures during any events or services here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas this year? We would like to have your pictures please. Not only are these part of our history but can also be used to help advertise our church and include in the Annual Report. Please copy them off onto a CD, if in digital format, or let us borrow them to scan and bring them to the office. It is most helpful if you would label the event and who is in each picture, if possible. Thank You!!!

WANT TO SERVE YOUR CHURCH AS A VESTRY MEMBER? Serving on the Vestry The vestry is conducting the annual search for new vestry members. Once elected, the term of each vestry member is three (3) years.



Eligibility to serve as a member of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Vestry An adult (age 16 or older) member of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas parish and a Communicant in Good Standing (“faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God”), who is a contributor of rec-ord for the calendar year preceding their nomina-tion. Vestry members are expected to maintain the status as a Communicant in Good Standing, and continue to contribute financially to the parish during their term of service, and able and willing to attend monthly and special vestry meetings, an annual retreat, and to work on vestry sub-committees and special projects. Steps in becoming a candidate for vestry: 1. Decide that you want to run for and be on the ves -try for 3 years. 2. Review the eligibility requirements (below). 3. Obtain a nomination form from the office or church entry, complete the form and return it to the parish office; give it to a vestry member, war-den, submit by snail mail or email to [email protected]. 4. Attend the 2014 Annual meeting in order to remain on the ballot. 5. Nominees will be required to submit a photograph, in either digital form or photo paper to the parish office. There is no guarantee that you will be elected to the vestry, but if you are, you will be doing a great service to the church.

Around the Town & Diocese

ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE DIOCESE OF OLYMPIA 2015 The annual convention of the Diocese of Olympia will be held at the Lynnwood Convention Center, 3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, FridaySaturday, November 13-14. Hosting with the theme The Jesus Movement, will be our diocesan young adult and campus ministries. Five Resolutions will be voted on this convention:  #1 2017 Diocesan Assessment Rate  #2 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to Clergy Salary Scale for 2016  #3 Continuing Support for the Millennium Development Goals  #4 Concerning Response to Central American Refugees  #5 Calling for Respect for Human Dignity in Campaign Season Convention information is located on the Diocese of Olympia webpage default/files/D22015DraftResolutions.pdf St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Delegates to convention are: Mike Grigsby-Lane, Lynne Hulse, Mary Ellen Sandberg and Roy Sandberg. Please contact one of your delegates if you have questions or opinions regarding the upcoming convention.

GIFTS FOR LIFE http:// what-you-can-do/gifts-forlife/all-gifts Visit this website for great Holiday Gift ideas that will benefit those in need. Program of Episcopal Relief and Development.

CRAFTS UNLIMITED HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Friday, November 6, 9AM-7PM & Saturday, November 7, 9AM-4PM at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Vancouver. Special 40th Birthday Party Friday, 5-7PM with refreshments and gift basket drawing.

Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the December-January issue of The Messenger, please submit your written article on or before November 15 to the church office or email it to [email protected] Thank you!

Update on Goal 1



Develop a Closer Relationship Between Anglo and Hispanic Congregations St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas strives to create occasions for those who attend the 1pm Eucharist in Spanish and the 8am and 10am Eucharist services in English to forge ties of community and mutual care and support. 2015 is the 16th year that SL2 has celebrated the Eucharist in Spanish. The service represents our core value of hospitality. The service also represents the younger generations very well, with about 40% of every Sunday’s attendance at 1:00 pm under 12 years of age. Below are areas of ministry by which SL2 has tried to address Goal 1. These are based on the goals set for the Vestry in February 2015, and published for the Parish in March. The average Sunday attendance of all services has grown to 238 through September 2015, compared to 228 through the same period last year. English services average 140, and Spanish 96 per service. Bilingual services still show lower attendance than monolingual services. THE CALLING OF A CURATE: SL2 is the great beneficiary of the financial support of the Diocese of Olympia that asked SL2 to take a fully bilingual and bicultural curate on us. Our ministry is greatly expanded by this generosity, in all areas, including the cross-cultural ministries of the Parish. GOVERNANCE:  Challenges: Vestry is heavily and predominantly from the Anglo community. Reserving the one membership for a Hispanic is inadequate. Update: 2016.1) The Vestry has to revise the bylaws. 2) SL2 has to find more bilingual leadership.

EDUCATION:  Challenges: Currently the Rector teaches “First” Communion class (new class started September 20 at noon with 14 students!). Sunday school is up to 20+ children at 1 pm. The youth in the Spanish service outnumber the English service, but are not represented in our Youth Group. Update: 1) We now have a Sunday School Coordinator who is bilingual. The Curate and the SSC are helping provide classes. I have involved more people in teaching in the Parish. 2) A Youth Group Facilitator is envisioned for the 2016 budget. ADMINISTRATION:  Challenge: Scheduling Spanish services, such as weddings, 15s and funerals, fall in total to the Rector for scheduling, service preparation, booklet preparation and printing, pre-service instruction, musical coordination, opening the building, closing the building, and liturgical leadership. The Rector has to field phone calls in Spanish. Website maintenance, sermon and sermon recordings (currently defunct!), and more social media presence. Update: A bilingual administrator is needed. A Sexton may be needed further on. A part time administrative assistant to the Parish Administrator is envisioned for late 2016. Funding is the challenge. MUSIC:  Challenge: SL2 has one musician who dedicates about 2.5 hours to selecting, playing and leading music at 1 PM service, at a cost to SL2 of $50 a week. The 10 AM choir has been learning bilingual songs and leading bilingual music in our combined services under the Director of Music. Update: None at this time. Funding is the challenge, since the Director of Music is part time, and cannot be asked to direct and lead another choir.

LITURGY: 16 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO  Challenges: SL2’s Spanish services depended solely on the Rector’s preparation, preaching, teaching, and liturgical leadership. Update: We were approached by the Diocese in 2014 to take a fully bilingual curate, and we are now reaping the benefits. When the curacy ends in 2017, funding will be an issue. OTHER AREAS OF PROGRESS: Fundraising:  SL2 had one fundraiser a year which the Spanish speaking community hosted. Festivals:  Welcome Back Sunday is hosted for the whole parish by a dedicated few, to the enjoyment of the many.  Thanksgiving Dinner (Wednesday before Thanksgiving) draws many who are in town for the holiday.  Confirmation is celebrated on St Luke’s Feast Day, with a combined, bilingual Eucharist.  Shrove Tuesday is well attended by all members. Bilingual Worship:  Maundy Thursday is celebrated with one service in a bilingual format.  The Great Vigil of Easter is celebrated with one service in a bilingual format. Volunteering in Ministry:  In 2015 we added English as a Second Language to Outreach.  More volunteers from the Spanish service in our clothing distribution by Outreach. Policy:  An Alcohol Policy which adequately describes the Parish’ direction on alcohol use and applies to all who use the Parish name or buildings has been adopted. Financial:  Contributions from the Spanish and Anglo members are often intermixed, and the budget is a unified budget. Nevertheless, the Treasurer reports the Parish is receiving more financial support from both the Spanish and English speaking members. THE CALLING OF THE RECTOR: The greatest step towards this goal was made in 2011 when a bilingual Rector was called to serve at SL2. The Rector was able to take steps to provide the following:  Communion and Confirmation classes for Spanish speakers (since 2012)  Quince celebrations, weddings and funerals (since 2011)  Holy Day services (Maundy Thursday, Ash Wednesday, The Great Vigil of Easter, and Christmas Eve, since 2011)  Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe services since 2014.  Bilingual Messenger articles (from 2012)  Announcement Sheet in Spanish (2015)  Pledge Campaign for both languages (since 2011)  More appropriate musical leadership for the Spanish services (starting in 2012)  A Unified cost schedule of special services and rentals (since 2012)  Mutual Ministry Review in both languages (2015)  Bilingual First Communion Class (2015)  Cristo de Chalma folkloric dancers at the Feast of Guadalupe (since 2014)



NOVEMBER PRAYER REQUESTS Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Nov. 1

Nov. 1

St. Matthew’s Church, Zababdeh, West Bank

Nov. 8

Penman Clinic, Zababdeh, West Bank

Nov. 8

Komo Kulshan Cluster: St. James, Sedro, Woolley; St. Paul and La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resureccíon, Mt. Vernon; Christ Church and Celebration Lutheran, Anacortes St. Paul, Bellingham; Christ Church, Blaine;

Nov. 15 Emmanuel, Eastsound; St. David, Friday Harbor Nov. 22 St. Stephen Oak Harbor; Grace Church, Lopez Island.

Nov. 15 The Church of the Good Shepherd, Salt, Jordan Nov. 22 Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Salt, Jordan Nov. 29 Emmanuel Church, Ramleh, Israel

Nov. 29 Transfiguration, Darrington; St. Martin-St. Francis, Rockport

For those celebrating their birthday in November. 2 - Tania Bautista 2 - Maddy Surface 3 - Barbara Tilford 3 - Kate McCarthy 5 - Polly Tomer-White 5 – Mike Grigsby-Lane 6 - Carmen Reyes 8 – Michelle Markle/Tisnado 8 - Maria Morales 9 - Clair Ross 9 - Jonathan Prado 9 - Melissa Prado

10 - Jane Melhuish 10 – Alexis Torres 10 – Faith Conger 11 – Stefani Cabello 12 – Osiris Reyes-Cruz 13 - Catie Rosario-Kilmer 14 – Heriberto Benitez 14 - Ange Bunnell 15 - Lizbeth Martinez 16 - Layli Cruz 17 - Ginger Harris 17 - Daniel Munoz 18 - Matt Brothers

18 - Emmanuel Guardian 20 - Lorrie Barber 20 - Chuck Barnes 20 - John Mathieu 20 - Galilea Triana 21 - Maria Bunnell 22 - Cheryl Becker 22 - Cecilia Gomez 24 - Alejandro Rios 24 - Linnea Yoggerst 25 – Jose Gutierrez 25 - Joseph Reyes 26 - Vanessa Aguilar

LOOKING AHEAD TO ADVENT & CHRISTMAS SERVICES Mark your calendars! · 11/29 Advent Lessons & Carols,10 AM service · 12/12 Our Lady of Guadalupe (TBA) · 12/20 Christmas Pageant during 10 AM service. Christmas Pageant during 1 PM service. · 12/24 Christmas Eve Services · 4:00 PM Family Service · 7:00 PM Spanish Christmas Eucharist · 10:30 PM Carols and Christmas music · 11:00 PM Choral Christmas Eucharist · 12/25 Christmas Day 10 AM service

26 - Justine Hanrahan 27 - Cindy Schlatter 27 - Linda Hurtado 28 - Harmony Griffith 29 - Nancy Denny 29 - Shelly Briggs 29 - Ketzia Arquijo 29 - Joanna Villasenor 29 - Cristian Palafox 29 - Audrey Sigurdson 30 – Mateo Arteaga






REGULER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Adult Forum 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 12:00 Communion Class Primera Comuníon 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical





Saturday October 31

Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM Tuesday - Friday If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181.



Daylight Savings Ends


Office Closed


4 Outreach

10:15 ESL Class

ALL SAINTS’ DAY 9AM Webcast of Installation of new Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

5 Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

11:30 Mutual Ministry Review =Goal 2

6 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:15 ESL Class

7 Outreach

Crafts Unlimited Holiday Boutique 9AM – 7PM

Crafts Unlimited Holiday Boutique 9AM – 4PM

6-8 Youth Group



9 24th Sunday after Pentecost

Office Closed

16 25th Sunday after Pentecost

Office Closed

6:30 Vestry





4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

23 Office OPEN





Diocesan Convention 10 Women’s Spirituality


21 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:15 ESL Class

JYC @ Trinity Everett

2:00 Life Goes On (off site)

No Friday Night Live this month.





Outreach 12:15 Holy Communion





10 Lessons & Carols

24 10:15 ESL Class


First Sunday in Advent

8:30 R@R at Dulins 12:15 Holy Communion






LAST Sunday after Pentecost CHRIST THE KING

14 Outreach

Diocesan Convention

11:30 Mutual Ministry Review =Goal 4


13 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:15 ESL Class

10:15 ESL Class


12 Outreach

12:15 Holy Communion 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach 7:00 Choir

12:00 The Lunch Bunch

11:30 Mutual Ministry Review =Goal 3


Outreach 10:15 ESL Class




Office Closed

6:30 Pastoral Care Comm

6:00 Thanksgiving Eve Dinner

Dec 1

Dec 2

Outreach 10:15 ESL Class

Outreach 12:15 Holy Communion 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

Dec 3 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:15 ESL Class

Dec 4 Outreach

Dec 5 9 WALK & KNOCK

6 JAZZ VESPERS Mary Sue Tobin, woodwinds

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO

Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663

19 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804

Request delivery by dates: October 30 - November 3

Return Service Requested

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz, Curate The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.

Get in touch


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