them the presence of God in your ife is enough to spread God's word to everyone you meet

THE MAGAZINE A s this issue was about to go to press, I received a letter from a young man in our diocese. "'I am 17," he wrote, "and I am pursuing

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Story Transcript



s this issue was about to go to press, I received a letter from a young man in our diocese. "'I am 17," he wrote, "and I am pursuing a vocation to the priesthood. As a teenager who is greatly involved with the church, 1 enjoy relating to other teens who enjoy the church as much as I do. The only problem is that you never see any in the public eye ... I would like to see more of my peers talking about their experiences- in life, in the church, with Christ."

1 was happy to tell my correspondent that in fact our September issue would be dedicated to teens and their faith. In our cover story, for example, Catholic student-athletes discuss their quests for success on both the athletic and spiritual levels. Our guest columnist, an 18-year-old from Wilmington, writes about her dearest hopes as she moves on to college. And you'll read about Technology Without Borders, the effort of several UNC-Chapel Hill students to bring computer education to a mission in Mexico. In fact, our diocese is rich in teenagers who care and think deeply about their faith. Two of them - Elizabeth Penny and Lauren Schnepper, both from SL Ann Parish in Clayton - were winners in the annual essay contest sponsored by the Glenmary Home Missioners. They were asked to answer the question, «What1s a missionaryr Describing experiences like helping her brother with physical therapy, making baby blankets for Raleighs Catholic Parish Outreach, and helping to re-roof a house on a mission trip to Murphy, NC, Penny quoted Mother Teresa: ~we can do no great things - only small things with love." And Schnepper wrote that the missionary experience is accessible to everyone: "All you have to do is believe and show others that you believe. Every day go out and live the way that God has asked us to, do simple acts of love, and do not speak harshly of others ... Loving everyone and showing them the presence of God in your life is enough to spread God's word to everyone you meet." Two other young essayists, eighth graders at St. Paul Education Center in New Bern, were brought to my attention by St. Paul parishioner james Coneely. Ashley Schaefer and Anthony Mclawhorn wrote about Respect for Life. In a wide-ranging look at life issues from chastity to euthanasia, Schaefer concludes, "Life is a valuable and delicate thing ... By learning to respect myself, !learn to respect others." And Mclawhorn observes, "Different people have different treasures, but human life is the most precious one of all ... God gave us such an amazing gift, and sometimes we throw it away like It is nothing.~ It is often and truly said that our Catholic youth arc the future of our church. judging by our essayists and by some of the teenagers you'll read about this month, prospects for the church in Eastern North Carolina are bright. Leading us into that future is our new shepherd, and the new publisher of NC Catholics, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge. His inaugural column and a special section about his installation, appear in this issue. Thank you for your ongoing interest in NCC, and for your input. You can write me at 715 Nazareth St., Raleigh, NC 27606 or [email protected]. - Rlchnrd


Is the editor o£ NC Cntholks.

All you have to do is believe and show others that you believe. Every day go out and live the way that God has asked us to, do simple acts of love, and do not speak harshly of others ... Loving everyone and showing them the presence of God in your ife is enough to spread God's word to everyone you meet.


cover story .., eyes on the prize For these Catholic student-athletes, faith and sport are inseparable. - Adam C. WamCT

since you asked ... 6 Dear NCC: My 18-year-old is leaving home for school in another state this year. What advice could l give her about how to hold on to her Catholic faith now that she is on her own? - Fr. joseph Vcllcr

voices in our church 8 His spirit will renew us - Bishop Michael r; Burbidge

8 Youth we can be proud of - Msgr. Thomas lladdcn

9 What I hope for - Natalie Cicero

9 Ser Hispano en USA - Padre Fernando Torres

22 Wear your faith; how LO pray a rosary brocelet..

del obispo 19 Su Espiritu nos renovar:i - Obispo Michael E Burbidge

spiritual fitness 24 ln a chat room with God. Prayer is our instant message with jesus. - Fr. Bill Ashbaugh

enseiiado a todos en Ia familia de Ia importancia de Ia fortaleza espiritual. - llliuna Parker

iVa que usted lo pregunta! Este aiio mi hija de 18 alios se va de Ia casa para ir a estudiar en una universidad de otro estado. lQue consejo podria yo


darle para que mantenga su fe cat611ca ahora que va a estar

feature 30 Students rake technology South of the Border. -Rich Reece

NCCatholics Most Reverend Michael F Burbidge

Parish mourns Frank and Dot Barnes



Frank Morock

-.. ..

September 2006. Vol. 2 : Issue 7

Richard Reece tllmiR IN CHIIP


Natalie Cicero Msgr Thomas Hadden Liliana Parker William F Powers Fr Fernando Torres Fr. joseph Veuer Adam C. Warner CON1RIBU11NG WRITERS

Irene Gonzalez 111AIIILA10R

Denmark Photography (cover) Mtchelle Hccden King Paul Mcinerny Touch of Color Photography C:ON1RI8U11NG PHOlOGIIAI'HERI

FA ITH Pub lishing Serv ic t Re\', Dwight Ezop ASIOC~TIPU8UIHIR

Patnck M O'Brien II&IIAAING lllnVR/CAU.nvt OIRIClOA

Elizabeth Manin Solsburg ASIIIITAHT EDITOR

Beverly Sherman lENlOR loCC:OUHI' II&IIAAER




Patricia Oliver IECAI!TART


Elizabeth Johnson Fr B11l Asnbaugh Cheval Breggins Dr C:uhleen fVfcGrcal C:ON1RI8U11NG WRITERS



NC c..hloii~-•SI•rcr,..... lrdniduoi._.,.UOO.Ad· ~........_~,..._andaldftsdwwocon


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