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Travel of Rizal
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Jose Rizal went to Chäteau d'If, the venue of Alexandre Dumas's novel, The Count of Monte Cristo.

barcelona, spain

He wrote essays for Diariong ragalog. "Amor Patrio" (Love of Country)"Los Viajes" (Travels)"Revista de Madrid" (Review of Madrid) He met his classmates from Ateneo at the Plaza de Catalurha

madrid, spain 1882

He enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid on November 3, 1882. Medicine Philosophy and Letters. He took private lessons at the Hall of Sanz and Carbonell: Shooting & Fencing.

madrid, spain 1882

He scrimped on food and clothes, and lived in modest accommodations but he bought books. He started writing the novel Noli Me TangereHe met Dr. Miguel Morayta, an advocate of' freedom and self determination. Students from South America hailed Dr. Morayta as their champion. Don Pablo Ortega y Rey, a Spanish liberal who used to live in the Philippines.

paris, france november 1885

He worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert. He found time to be with his friends, Pardo de Taveras, Juan Luna, and Resurreccion Hidalgo. Composed songs: "Alin Mang Lahi" and "La Deportacion"

heidelberg, germany february 1886

He wrote the poem, "To the Flowers of Heidelberg." He spent his summer vacation in 1886 in Wilhelmsfeld where he lived with Protestant pastor Karl Ulmer to perfect his ability to speak German.

leipzig, germany august 1886

He met Prof. Friedrich Ratzel and Dr. Hans Meyer who wrote a book on the Philippines He translated Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales to Tagalog for his nephews and nieces.

dresden, germany october 29 1886

He saw the painting of Raphael, the Sistine Madonna. At the Zoological, Anthropological and Ethnographic Museum, he saw the collection on the Philippines.

berlin, germany He met Dr. Feodor Jagor who wrote Travels in the Philippines He became a member of the Anthropological Society, the Ethnographic Society, and the Geographic Society. He made the final revisions on the novel Noli Me Tangere. On March 29, 1887, the novel was finally printed

prague, czech republic

visit the tomb of Nicolaus Copernicus

hongkong He was met by Jose Ma. Basa and other Filipinos who were exiled due to the secularization issue of 1872. He studied the Chinese language, Chinese drama and theater, Chinese cultures, and Chinese values. He visited Macau, a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong.

japan He stayed in Yokohama. He studied the Japanese language, Japanese culture, theatres, martial arts, and he visited shrines.

USA He traveled westward through Reno, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Chicago, Albany, and New York City.


He was met by Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, also an exile of 1872. Dr. Regidor practiced law in London. His objectives for choosing to live in London were: a) To do research on Philippine history; and b) To annotate Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, a rare Philippine history book available at the British Museum.

brussels, belgium

He continued to write El Filibusterismo, his second novel Publication of El Filibusterismo.

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