Verb tenses

Formas verbales # Present. Past. Future. Conditional

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The verb: tenses PAST PRESENT FUTURE
The verb: tenses THE VERB: VERB TENSES: PAST Past Perfect Past Perf. Cont. | Simple Past Past Cont. PRESENT | Conditional NOW Pres Perf. Pres.

English grammar. Present simple. Present continuous. Past simple. Past continuous. Suggestions. Be going to. Predictions. Comparative forms. Superlative. Give advice. Modal verbs. Should. Will. Like and dislike

English Verbs. Tenses
Base form. Infinitive. Past Tense. Past Participle. Portuguese traslation

Story Transcript


PERFECT CONTIN. Aff: S + have + been + inf−ing.

Aff: Subj + Inf−ed: You worked (Irreg.: 2nd column) She swam

He was playing football

(he/she/it: Subj + Inf−S); He works Neg: Sub + do + not + Inf (he/she/ it: does) =He doesn´t swim Int: Do + Subj + Inf? Does + (he/ she / it) + Inf? USO: Acciones habituales Siempre. Normalmente.



Aff: Subj + be (pres)+ Aff: S + have (=´ve) Inf−ing /has (=´s) + Inf−ed. / They have been 3rd column. I have working He is playing football worked here for a Neg: S + have + not + year. He has drunk. Neg: S + be (pres)+ been + inf −ing not + Inf−ing Neg: S + have/has + not + inf−ed/3rd col. They haven´t been He is not playing working football They haven´t finished; Int: Have + S+ been + I haven´t drunk. Int: Be (pres) + S + Inf−ing? Inf−ing? Int: Have/has + S + Have they been Inf−ed. /3rd col Is he playing football? working? USO: 1 Acción que Has she ocurre en este USO: Acción no finished?;Have you momento Ahora acabada en un período drunk? USO: 1 − mismo; Ultimamente. de tiempo que Período de tiempo 2. Ac. en curso = no inacabado. 2 − Acción tampoco ha acabado : acabada. 3. Con pasada con resultado always: ac. habi− I have been learning en pre−sente. 3− Experiencias. 4− A. English for 6 years: tual disgustante. 4. recientes. Futuro organizado. Llevo estudiando inglés seis años. Aff: S + had + been + Aff: Subj + be (past)+ Aff: S + had (=´d)+ Inf−ing Inf−ed. / 2nd column: inf−ing.

Aff: Subj + Inf= I work



I had worked here for They had been thee years before I left working before she work. left.

Neg: Subj + did + not Neg: S + be (past)+ not (=didn´t) + Inf. + Inf−ing Neg: S + had+ not + inf−ed/3rd col. I didn`t work; She They were not playing didn´t swim. football They hadn´t finished when I met them. Int: Did + Subj + Inf: Int: Be (past) + S + Inf−ing? Int: Had + S + Inf−ed Did I work?; Did I /3rd col? swim? Was he playing football? Had they done their homework that day? USO: Acciones en un punto del pasado.

Neg: S + had + not + been + inf −ing They hadn´t been speaking until he came Int: Had + S+ been + Inf−ing? Had he been drinking before he drove?


USO: Acciones largas, inacabadas, cortadas por una acción corta. Aff: Subj + will (=´ll)+ Aff: Subj+ will+ be Inf :I´ll work Neg:S + (future)+Inf−ing will + not (= won´t)+ Inf. I won´t work Int: He will be playing Will + Subj + Inf? Will football you work? USO: predicciones en Neg: S + be (fut.)+ not futuro. + Inf−ing GOING−TO FUTURE: FUTURE

He won´t be playing football

Aff: S + be (present) + Int: Be (future) + S + going to + Inf Inf−ing? Will he be playing football? I´m going to buy a nice USO: 1. Ac. futuras present for Pam. que se dan por supuesto: Tomorrow at Neg: S+be (present)+ 10 I´ll be attending not+ going to+ Inf classes.2.Preguntas edu− cadas sobre el Int: Be (present) + S + fut.: Will you be going to + Inf. ? coming ? Aff: Subj + would (= ´d) + inf:

USO: Ac. Anteriores a USO: Acciones una ac. pasada. inacabadas anteriores a un punto en el pasado. Aff: S + will + have + Aff: S + will + have + Inf−ed. been + inf−ing. Then, I will have worked here for a year.

Tomorrow, he´ll have been working for a week.

Neg: S + will + not + have + Inf−ed.

Neg: S +Will+not + have + been+inf−ing

She will not have Probably, she won´t finished by tomorrow. have been studying. Int: Will + S+ have + Int: Will + S + have + inf−ed ? Will you have been + Inf−ing? lived here for a year next May? Will they have been fixing the car ? USO: Acciones que habrán acabado en un USO: Ac. inacabada punto concreto del en período inacaba− futuro, al cumplirse el do en un punto en el tiempo indicado. futuro.

Aff: Subj+ would+ be Aff: S + would + have + Inf−ed. If you had +Inf−ing met him, you´d have He would be lying in seen him.. Neg: Subj + would not bed if he were ill. Neg: S + would + not (=wouldn´t) + inf: Neg: S + would + not + have + Inf−ed. If he had let her,she´d have I would not eat much +be + Inf−ing driven the car. even if I could. He wouldn´t be waiting CONDI− Int: Would + S+ have Int: Would + subj + for us if he had to. + inf−ed ? Would I TIONAL inf? Int: Would + S + be + have left you if you had been alone? Inf−ing? Would you eat an icecram if you had it? Would he be keeping a USO: Acción USO: 1. Acciones diet if he wasen´t fat ? hipotética del pasado, condicionada a otra hipotéticas, acción hipotética del condicionadas por una USO: 1. Acción pasado. acción presente. hipotética en curso. I would eat an icecream, if I had money.

2. Futuro hipotético del tiempo pasado real. 2

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