What Are The Tips You Want To Give UPSC CSE Aspirants To Crack Personality Test? Flipbook PDF

It's you who is expected to complete the majority of the job. Keep this in your mind. IAS MOCK INTERVIEW Depending o

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What Are The Tips You Want To Give UPSC CSE Aspirants To Crack Personality Test? It's you who is expected to complete the majority of the job. Keep this in your mind. IAS MOCK INTERVIEW Depending on your PT expertise, the number of mocks will differ ( for those who are giving a third or fourth interview, they may be able to handle one or two mocks, but then those who are first-timers may require more practice with mocks). Avoid overdoing mocks. Also, don't attend every available opportunity to Wala mocks.

Do not overstate things in DAF. This is a common issue with rookies because they need their DAF to appear full. Do not do that. Write about who you're about and who you are. You'll be comfortable in the interview room. Analyzing DAF is an essential part of the process. You must prepare your answers for every aspect. Few institutions provide DAF-based questionnaires. They are also extremely helpful. Talk to your parents or other friends from your childhood to get to know your surroundings better and understand the basic realities. UPSC seeks realism and real-world knowledge, not just the kind you find in books. Talk about any topic in the same way as you would be asked to answer for an interview. Thus, the preparation should be along these lines. It's not enough to know about the issues like Sabarimala as well as EWS reservation. It is essential to conduct research, write questions, and cross-question. You must be an attorney in the field of UPSC exam preparation. Friendships are important. Lucky are those with them. I was one fortunate person. I had a few friends with whom we often discussed diverse topics, transcripts of interviews, and so on. We collaborated on questions such as which are your strongest points and weaknesses, why you would like to join the civil service, why be selected, and what are you bringing to the civil service ( I like to call them "those

difficult questions". )We also worked together to keep going through the process. I hope you get such friends. I was also fortunate to be a part of the Mahesh Bhagwat's ( Rachakonda police commissioner) WhatsApp group, where he was able to help aspirants prepare for the personality tests. Sir's drive and dedication to going above the line of duty, directly and indirectly, assisted me greatly during this time. Beware of very negative feedback, both from jealousy from friends and fake mock interviews. While honest feedback and criticism are appreciated, one must be working to improve these. The day before the interview Make the most perfect version of yourself, remain positive and content. It was a pleasure to watch "Delhi crime" on Netflix in one session just a few days before my interview. It's important not to let your interview linger in the final days. Do what you enjoy which will take the stress off you if it's there. Don't make assumptions regarding any board. Walk into the interviewing area with an optimistic outlook. Your answers must be assessed and focused on the essence of the question. Do not attempt to provide an answer that is ambiguous when you aren't sure of the correct answer to the question.

That does not look professional and could result in losing confidence from the members of the board. ( This means you must be attentive when the question is asked). Use logic and logic to communicate. Confidence is a natural outcome. Be humble, avoid arrogance and show respect. If there's any disagreement regarding a specific issue you should try to give your reasoning. Avoid prolonged confrontation. If a topic is discussed more than three times ( in a one-on-one) it should sound an alarm. Be accommodating, but don't be in a position of submissiveness. Stand your ground with respect and dignity. Do not appear desperate, and be a would like to talk to you in the interviews. In my first interview, one of the panel members was the one who was closest to me on the horseshoe-shaped table. He was doing this strange feature that when I responded to any question asked by any panel member, he would start nodding his head like he was signaling his opinion that I was not correct or that he wasn't satisfied with my responses. At first, I was a bit uneasy. I thought I was providing the correct answers, but his nods perplexed me. But later, I ignored his gestures and provided my responses to the panel confidently. My scores

were acceptable in the test, therefore it's still a mystery for me to understand why the member was dissatisfied with my answer. Also Check: UPSC Mock Interview My theory is that it could be an attempt to lower the confidence of interviewees. Beware of these tactics and regardless keep your confidence high through the whole interview.

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