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Born Wild

“Nothing divine dies. All good is eternally reproductive. The beauty of nature returns itself in the mind, and not for barren comptempation, but for new creation” (Emerson, Nature 26).

For transcendentalist, nature and the soul are connected. Nature is meant to bring one back to their roots. Without the taint of modern influence, the soul becomes pure again. Nature symbolizes the connection with god, liberation, and beauty.

Nature has always existed as an escape for me. Whether I’m bored or stressed, nature has always surrounded me, waiting to help. I believe that, of the themes for this assignment, nature is the most important. Nature exists to bring peace to the soul and to allow one to connect to God. Through this connection, we are able to purify ourselves before we continue our day. Nature has always sustained and protected us for thousands of years. According to the transcendentalists, nature is the embodiment of God. So, being in nature is being closer to God, and away from the temptations of society. Also, according to Emerson, nature is needed to discover the meaning of the universe. In order to discover your place in life, it’s necessary to surround yourself with nature and locate your meaning. A simple life of piety is required in order to develop higher realms of thought. Emerson also suggests that we connot perceive our place in the universe and that we lost our spirituality due to being absent from nature. However, our ancestors had this connection due to being in nature and hunting, farming, and living off the land. What drove us away from our understanding of our place is innovation and society. The formation of cities and the destruction of nature has caused us to lose our place. Due to this, our view of nature is now fragmented. However, a simple remedy is ready for any ready to return to how humans used to interact with nature, the universe, and God. One must reintegrate with their spirits by returning to nature. Through this return, you can be restored to your natural, spiritual self. Thoreau didn’t believe a day to be successful unless he spent three or more hours on a nature walk. Nature still sustains us after we turned our back on it, however we can change our relationship. Nature should be revered, as it provides us with life.

This sunset exists without evidence of human meddling. Viewing such an image allows one to become immersed and drift away from any troubles.

“I love Nature partly because she is not man, but a retreat from him. None of his institutions control or pervade her” (Thoreau’s Journals).

“MERCY BEACH” BY KAMILAH AISHA MOON Stony trails of jagged beauty rise like stretch marks streaking sand-hips. All the Earth has borne beguiles us & battered bodies build our acres.

The painting shows a person painted into this landscape. Through this, we see somebody surrounded by nature, looking peaceful.

Daniel Tolson 1-16-2023 Ms. Siegmund Emerson - Nature--Web Text, https://archive.vcu.edu/english/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/emerson /nature.html. Google Image Result for Https://Media.california.com/Media/_versions/Articles/rocky_beaches__475 2x3168___v1222x580.Jpg, Google, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.california.com %2Fmedia%2F_versions%2Farticles%2Frocky_beaches__4752x3168___v1222x5 80.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.california.com%2Frocky-beaches-in-c alifornia-thatll-blow-your-mind%2F&tbnid=CpNNGBPas4_m3M&vet=12ahUKEw int9nPgc38AhWkrnIEHRJZCacQMygAegUIARDPAQ..i&docid=wsaPSNnGzspbgM&w=12 22&h=580&q=rocky+beach+images&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwint9nPgc38AhWkrn IEHRJZCacQMygAegUIARDPAQ. Google Image Result for Https://t4.Ftcdn.net/Jpg/01/31/13/01/360_f_131130186_5ym0yrap7sbf21l99qi ndzdkoljqqnpl.Jpg, Google, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ft4.ftcdn.net%2Fjpg%2F 01%2F31%2F13%2F01%2F360_F_131130186_5YM0YRaP7sBf21l99QinDZDkOljQQnpL. jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstock.adobe.com%2Fsearch%3Fk%3Dhawaii%2520 sunset&tbnid=2MKTfSGDfL4XgM&vet=12ahUKEwiK_NLe88z8AhWwEFkFHRAnBJoQMy gbegUIARCyAg..i&docid=_7yeIJ6i6VMXbM&w=538&h=360&q=hawaiian+sunset+im age&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwiK_NLe88z8AhWwEFkFHRAnBJoQMygbegUIARCyAg. Mountain House. “The Best Mountain Lakes in the USA.” Mountain House, 22 Feb. 2019, https://mountainhouse.com/blogs/water-sports/the-best-mountain-lakes-in -the-usa. “Nature Retreat.” Leading, https://www.leading-retreats.com/en/nature-retreat-1157.htm. Staves, Dana. “33 Poems on Nature That Honor the Natural World.” BOOK RIOT, 25 July 2022, https://bookriot.com/poems-on-nature/. Theresa Hogue. Google Image Result for Https://Ktvz.b-Cdn.net/2022/09/Forest-Canopy-OSU.jpg, Google, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fktvz.b-cdn.net%2F202 2%2F09%2FForest-canopy-OSU.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fktvz.com%2Fnews %2Foregon-northwest%2F2022%2F09%2F12%2Fosu-led-leaf-temperature-study -suggests-climate-change-will-compromise-forests-carbon-uptake%2F&tbni d=gnvvVkk1wdzkxM&vet=12ahUKEwjX1u3c5Mz8AhWSGVkFHRk2Cy4QMyhFegQIARB2. .i&docid=zJuIxSZ2O-lYwM&w=799&h=533&itg=1&q=looming+trees&safe=active &ved=2ahUKEwjX1u3c5Mz8AhWSGVkFHRk2Cy4QMyhFegQIARB2.

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