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7.01 Quality of roads
2.2: Data Tables 7.01 Quality of roads How would you assess roads in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by inte

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Story Transcript

 There

is dan There are digunakan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi atau keberadaan sesuatu baik benda, binatang, manusia dan lainya. Atau dengan kata lain arti secara leksikal adalah “Ada” Perbedaan dari keduanya adalah;

 There

is digunakan untuk benda tunggal(singular) sedangkan  There are untuk benda jamak (plural).

 1.There

is a pedicab on the corner  2.There are some people who cross the pavements.  3.There many traffic lights in the city.  4.There is a little dicipline on the road  5.There is much smoke on the road.  6.There are a few people who wear helmet  7.There are a lot of vehicles in big cities.  8.There is an apple tree in the park. The apple tree has lots of fruit

Pada contoh kalimat di atas disinggung mengenai kata sandang (article): a dan an, Juga the  a dan an artinya sebuah, seekor, seorang atau satu.  Perbedaannya adalah a diikuti benda yang huruf awalnya konsonan, sedangkan an digunakan untuk benda dengan huruf awal vokal (a,i,e,u,o).  Kemudian untuk the digunakan untuk menyebutkan benda yang sudah disebutkan, seperti dalam contoh di atas, ketika kita sudah menggunakan an apple tree maka untuk penyebutan kedua menggunakan the apple tree untuk menyatakan benda secara spesifik.  I have a book. The book is red.  I have a car. The car is new.  I have an apple. The apple is fresh 

  

 

Many dan much artinya banyak, perbedaanya adalah many digunakan untuk benda dapat dihitung (countable noun) co: book, house, apple, pen dll. Much untuk benda tak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) co: sugar, salt, sand, water. A lot of berarti banyak dan dapat digunakan baik untuk coutable maupun uncountable nouns. A few dan A little memiliki arti sedikit, perbedaanya adalah a few digunakan untuk benda dapat dihitung, sedangkan a little untuk benda tak dapat dihitung. Contoh benda yang dapat dihitung adalah seperti: car, person/people, traffic sign, park, pedicab, bicycle, book, tiger, dll. Contoh benda tak dapat dihitung seperti: money, water, smoke, ink, sugar, salt, sand, dicipline, dll. Untuk benda tak dapat dihitung(Uncountable nouns) untuk menyatakan eksistensi maka selalu menggunakan “there is” walaupun jumlahnya banyak karena dianggap tunggal satu kesatuan.

Untuk benda dapat dihitung(countable nouns) untuk menyatakan eksistensi maka selalu menggunakan “there is atau there are” tergantung dari jumlahnya jamak atau tunggal.  Contoh:  There are five rooms in my house.  There is a coconut tree in front of my class.  There is an apple on the table.  There are many students in the football field.

         

1 ....................... a cat in the park. 2 ....................... much smoke polution in cities. 3 ....................... many passangers in the bus. 4 Look, ...................... a few people obey the traffic regulation. 5. Do you know ......................... a little dicipline on the road recently. 6 ........................... an eagle flying over the buildings. 7 .......................... some people gather in front of DPR and MPR buildings. 8. If ........................... much money, I will go to big cities like, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Semarang. 9 ......................... a lot of vehicles parked in front of the stadium. 10 ......................... little braveness for me to ride my motor more than 100 kms/hour.

   

  

  

How ………….books have you read this year? My father doesn't eat ………..salt. …………… are being filled with non-biodegradable waste. How …………… crude oil did the country import in 2013? I bought too ………… apples yesterday, so I made some pies. Can I eat as …………. fruits as I want without gaining weight? How …………… of the students have completed the task successfully? Too ……….coffee may affect your sleep patterns. You can find so ………. cheap hotels near to the airport. How ………. the earth's surface is covered with water?


of the white-tailed deer became pregnant at around the same time.  Would you mind giving me … water from your jar?  Andi wishes he has … more days off.



Name of things Whiteboard







On the wall

To write

 There

is a whiteboard on the wall. It is white. It is used to write.  ………  ……..  ………  ……….  ………  ……… 

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