A great prophet has risen in our midst, God has visited his people

Joyfully Proclaim the Presence of Jesus to the Total Community 2 Willow Avenue at Belair Road • Baltimore, MD 21206 PHONE 410-665-1054 • FAX 410-665-4

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Joyfully Proclaim the Presence of Jesus to the Total Community 2 Willow Avenue at Belair Road • Baltimore, MD 21206 PHONE 410-665-1054 • FAX 410-665-4024 • Email: [email protected] • www.smoverlea.org

June 09, 2013 • 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A great prophet has risen in our midst, God has visited his people PASTORAL TEAM


Rev. James L. Sorra, Pastor Deacon Henry Davis, S.F.O, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Patricia Rohde Kelly, Principal Mr. Robert Wuenschel, Assistant Principal Mrs. Nikki Lux, Director of Faith Formation Mr. Kevin M. Clemens, Director of Music and Liturgy Mr. Ben Maerzke, High School Youth Minister Mrs. Corinna Sibiski, Director of Development Mrs. Kathleen Misek, Parish Business Manager Mr. James Spangler, Facilities Manager

Rev. James L. Sorra, Pastor Diácono Henry Davis, S.F.O, Pastoral Asociado Mrs. Patricia Rohde Kelly, Director Mr. Robert Wuenschel, Subdirector Mrs. Nikki Lux, Director de Formación en la Fe Mr. Kevin M. Clemens, Director de Música y Liturgia Mr. Ben Maerzke, Ministro de Jóvenes Mrs. Corinna Sibiski, Director de Desarrollo Mrs. Kathleen Misek, Parroquia Gerente de Negocios Mr. James Spangler, Gerente de Instalaciones

To contact Pastoral Team members by email type “first intial+last name”@smoverlea.org.

Para ponerse en contacto con los miembros del equipo pastoral por correo electrónico marque “primero intial + apellido” @ smoverlea.org.

———————————————— Mr. James Kraus, Director of Contemporary Music Ensemble ————————————————

ASSISTING CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Rev. Salvatore J. Livigni, In Residence Rev. Frank Haig, S. J.

PARISH CENTER HOURS Entrance is located at 10 Willow Avenue Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Closed for Lunch 12:30-1:15 p.m. Weeknights:Receptionist on duty until 8:00 p.m. Saturdays: Receptionist on duty from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sundays: Receptionist on duty from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Church) Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. (Church) 11:30 a.m. Spanish Mass (Chapel) Weekday Masses (Marian Chapel): Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m.; Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. Holy Day Schedule: As Announced in the Bulletin Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. in Church Additional times during Advent and Lent Eucharistic Adoration: Following the 8:30 a.m. Mass on the first Saturday of the Month, and Saturdays during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Parish Center Oratory and is open during regular Parish Center hours for private prayer.

———————————————— Mr. James Kraus, Director del Conjunto de Música Contemporánea ————————————————

ASISTENCIA CLERO Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Rev. Salvatore J. Livigni, En Residencia Rev. Frank Haig, S. J.

HORARIO PARROQUIAL La entrada se encuentra en la avenida 10 Willow Dias Laborable: 9:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Cerrado para el almuerzo 12:30-1:15 p.m. Entre Semana en las noches:Recepcionista en servicio hasta 8:00 p.m. Sábados: Recepcionista de turno de 9:00-5:00 p.m. Domingos: Recepcionista de turno de 9:00-2:00 p.m.

CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (Iglesia) Domingo:7:30, 9:30 y 11:30 (Iglesia),11:30 a.m. Misa Español (Capilla) Misas en días laborales (Capilla Marian): Lunes a viernes: 9:00, Sábados: 8:30 a.m. Horario Dias Santos: Tal como se anuncie en el Boletín Confesiones: Domingo: antes de la Misa, 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. (Capilla) Temporadas adicionales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma

Adoración Eucarística: Después de la Misa de 8:30 a.m. el primer sábado del mes, y los sábados durante el Adviento, Navidad, Cuaresma y Pascua. El Santísimo Sacramento está reservado en el Oratorio del Centrrol Parroquial y está abierto durante las horas regulares Centro Parroquial para la oración privada.

SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY Baptisms: 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 1 pm. Parents and godparents are required to attend a Preparation Class. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for both Preparation Class and Baptism. Penance/Reconciliation: Confessions are heard in church on Saturday 4:00– 4:45 pm as well as by appointment. Parish Communal Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent. Marriage: Couples planning to be married should contact a priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date. All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course as required by the Archdiocese. Do not set a date or reserve a hall until after you have met with a priest or deacon. Pastoral Care of the Sick: If a parishioner is in the hospital or homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office. In case of emergency, call the Parish Office anytime, day or night. Please notify the Parish Office if a parishioner is in the hospital and wishes to be anointed. Those who are seriously ill or persons advanced in years should be anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a year. Christian Initiation: If you are interested in becoming Catholic or completing your initiation by receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, contact the Faith Formation Office. Priesthood, Diaconate, and Religious Life: If you feel God may be calling you to ministry as a priest, deacon, or member of a religious community contact a parish priest, deacon, seminarian, or call the Archdiocesan Director of Vocations, Rev. Michael A. DeAscanis, at 410-547-5426.

MINISTERIO SACRAMENTAL Bautismos: el primer, tercero y cuarto domingo a la 1:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una clase de preparación. Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial para organizar tanto la clase y bautismo. Penitencia / Reconciliación: Confesiones son escuchadas en la iglesia los Domingo de 11:00-11:35 a.m. y con cita previa. Servivios parroquiales comunales de Reconciliación se llevan a cabo durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Matrimonio: Las parejas que planean casarse deben comunicarse con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha prevista. Todas las parejas comprometidas deben tomar un curso de preparación para el matrimonio como lo exige la Arquidiócesis. No establezca una fecha o reservar una sala hasta que se haya reunido con un sacerdote o diácono. Pastoral de los Enfermos: Si un feligrés está en el hospital o en sus hogares y no pueden asistir a Misa y desea recibir la Sagrada Comunión, por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial. En caso de emergencia, llame a la Oficina Parroquial cualquier momento del día o de la noche. Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial si un feligrés está en el hospital y desea ser ungido. Los que están gravemente enfermos o personas de edad avanzada deben ser ungidos. Misas de Unción se celebran varias veces al año. Iniciación Cristiana: Si usted está interesado en ser católico o completar su iniciación recibiendo los sacramentos de la Eucaristía y / o Confirmación, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Formación en la Fe. Sacerdocio, Diaconado y la vida religiosa: Si usted siente que Dios lo esta llamando al ministerio como sacerdote, diácono, o miembro de una comunidad religiosa ponfase en contacto con un sacerdote, diácono, seminarista, o llame al Director Arquidiocesano de Vocaciones, Rev. Michael A. DeAscanis, en 410-547-5426.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, With praise and thanksgiving to God, I offer congratulations on behalf of our parish family to our friend and former seminarian, (now) Reverend Father Angel Marrero, on the occasion of his ordination to the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the Archdiocese of Baltimore! We also welcome his family who have travelled from Puerto Rico and Florida to help him celebrate this joyous occasion. I thank you (especially Angel’s mom and dad), on behalf of the Church of Baltimore, for all you have done to help Angel become the good, decent, loving, and holy man that he is, and for now giving him whole-heartedly back to God, that he might praise, love, and serve the Lord and His People in the priesthood for the good of their salvation and his own. The priesthood is such a full and fulfilling life, because the priest shares in the very life and ministry of Christ: teaching, governing, and sanctifying. For the same reason, it can be a hard life because when you share the life of Jesus, you also share his cross. Yet, the cross is the place of greatest grace and the source of deepest consolation—the priest knows this and so is not afraid to imitate Christ, who “for the sake of the joy that lay before him, endured the cross” (Heb 12:2). The life of a priest is a life of full of faith, hope, and love, because he witnesses these things lived so courageously in the lives of the people whom he is privileged to serve and who in turn share their lives with him. And when a priest strives to conform his life in obedience to the call of Christ who invites us to sell all we have, and “come, follow me” (Mt 10:21), the life of a priest also becomes a “sign of contradiction”—strange to some and even threatening to others—because in a world that holds up power, pleasure, success, honors, wealth and possessions as the ultimate signs of the good life, a priest witnesses to the radical and transcendent values of the Kingdom grounded in the Gospel of the Beatitudes. And the priest, perhaps more than any other person, beholds the wondrous mercy and love God incarnate in Christ Jesus alive in the Church every day, because he literally confects and holds the mercy and love of God in his hands every time he celebrates the Eucharist. It is an incredible, mysterious, joyful life. The Dominican priest, Jean-Baptiste Lacordaire, summed up the mystery and joy of the priesthood so well and so beautifully in his poem, Thou Art a Priest Forever: To live in the midst of the world with no desire for its pleasures, To be a member of every family, yet belong to no one; To share all sufferings, to penetrate all secrets; To heal all wounds; To go daily from men to God, To offer him their homage and petition; To return from God to men to bring them his pardon and his hope; To have a heart of bronze for chastity, and a heart of flesh for charity; To teach and instruct, to pardon and console, To bless and be blessed forever! Oh God! What a life, and tis Thine, Oh priest of Jesus Christ. So once more, congratulations, Fr. Angel! You are a priest forever. Know of our prayers, support, and love. Ad multos annos. For those of you who might think the priesthood or religious life may be a sad or unfulfilling life, there is nothing further from the truth. Just take a look at Fr. Angel. So if you know a young man who you think might make a good priest, please tell him so. Help to plant and nourish the seeds that by God’s grace might one day bear fruit for the whole Church, and great happiness for the young man, and his family. It might be the greatest thing you do for the Kingdom. As schools get out and families kick into summer vacation gear, I would like to remind parish families that going on vacation are not a valid excuse for missing Sunday Mass. God’s love, grace, and mercy for you does not take a vacation, and neither do God’s commandments cease to bind you because you are away from home! Please take a look at www.masstimes.org to find the location of a parish and times when Mass is being celebrated anywhere you might go in the world. And please, go to Mass! Peace and prayers, Fr. Jim

Community Life Welcome to St. Michael’s! If you are visiting with us this weekend, or have been away from the Church for a while, we invite you to become an active part of our parish community. Registration forms may be found in the bulletin racks. Please fill one out and return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. We encourage all to share fully in the life of the parish by being actively involved in our ministries and being faithful stewards of time, talent and treasure. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to proclaim the Good News in our parish community. If you have a change of address or phone number or are moving out of the parish, please notify the Parish Office as soon as possible. Also, when adult children turn 18, they should register under their own names as soon as possible. If you are not Roman Catholic, please know that you are most welcome. While we are unable to extend an invitation to our non-Catholic brothers and sisters to receive Holy Communion, please feel free to come forward at Communion time and ask for a blessing. Bienvenidos a San Miguel! Los formularios de inscripción se pueden encontrar en las estanterías que se encuentran en la capilla y la Iglesia. Por favor, llene una y regrésela a la Oficina de la parroquia o colóquela en la cesta de la ofrenda. Animamos a todos a participar plenamente en la vida de la parroquia, participando activamente en nuestros ministerios y siendo administradores fieles de tiempo, talento y tesoro. Por favor, piadosamente considere cómo Dios nos está llamando a anunciar la Buena Nueva en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Si usted tiene un cambio de dirección o número de teléfono o se están moviendo fuera de la parroquia, por favor, notifique a la Oficina de la Parroquia tan pronto como sea posible. Además, cuando los hijos cumplen los 18 años, deberán registrasen con sus propios nombres tan pronto como sea posible Mass Attendance–June 2, 2013 5 pm–151,; 7:30 am-129; 9:30 am-202, 11:30 am (Church)–197, 11:30 am (Chapel)-166, Total 845. We Pray for the Sick Danielle Slike, Robert German, Mary Forest, Duke Baugh, Fr. Jean F. Hart, SOLT, Catherine DesNoyer, Marge Fader, John Schrenker, Sr., William Connolly, Kent Neibaur, Tom Cimino, Phillip Breece, Susan Kasper, William Critcher, Wilfredo Feliciano, Jr., Chris Workman, Gavin Sparzk, Chuck Cochran, Collen Cleary Perzan, Roselyn Marconi, Donna Freeley, Tory Robinson, Claire Conger, Elmer Morkovsky, Sr., Jeannine Moriconi, Peggy Via, James Via, Gregory Meecham, Joseph Foreman, John Schreiber, Kara Taylor, Blanca Rosario, Pauline Pritchett, Gloria Blowe, Rita Arrigo, Donna Rossello, Walter Truszkowski, Howard White, Aubrey Spradley, Patricia Watkins, Edward Clocker, Donna Kline, Emma Wayne, Edward Greives, Deborah M. Hopkins, George Kurgan, Jon Web, Bill & Sheila Schone, William Dovalovsky, Jr., Robert Dovalovsky, Dante Petrolini, Janet Hofmeister, Emma Wyant, Patricia Taylor, Tom Kleinota, Regina Celia Prospero, Caroline Ayres, Kim Schisler, Frank Thomas Cimino, Zenaida Santander Jacobo, Elsy Michelena, Victoria Plaskon, Mary Soistman, Anna

Rebetsky, Amelia Loveless, Mary Lou James, Susan Misiora, Jonathan Kielek, Chuck Kropfelder, Sharon Edwards, Jaidan Richardson, Rita Grutkowski, Walter Plaine, Barbara Pochatko, Ann Horchar, Ines Reynel, Kelly Soltis, Sharon Cuneo, Rita Miller, Thomas Bzdil, Thomas Michocki, Don Jacobs, Jake Masarweh, Linda Tabaka, Betsy Rickter, Amelia Coleman, Adrian Luca, Jane Burns, Vera Over, Kathleen Plaine, Patricia Cadden, Vernon & Catherine Franck, Paul Kayle, Marge Bowen, Marge Winterling, Rose Sikorsky, Barbara Kelley, Rosemary Posha, John McQuaid III, Braylon Buck and Jedd Cochrane. To have a name placed on, removed, or returned to the prayer list contact the Parish Office.

Prayers for Those Who Protect and Defend Us Countless men and women place their lives in harm’s way each day, many in areas riddled by war and violence. May God watch over them and protect them. Please pray especially for Cpl. Michael Smith, BCPD, and Wilbur Smith BCFD & EMT, Officer Buddy Pugh, Officer Christopher Robinson, Officer Norman Rogers, Jr., SPC Katherine Leach, Lance Cpl. Michael Meise, Jr., PFC Joshua Flick, Lt. Victor Barba-Sorra, Lt. Col. Robert Wojciechowski, Patrick Cook, Lora Hamilton, Sgt. Richard J. Peschek, Lt. Kevin Flaherty, Daniel Michael Ging, Officer Mark Flaherty, Commander Jim Litsch, Officer Joseph Robinson, Officer Anastasia Robinson, Officer Michael Forish, Sgt. Raymond Conger, Lt. Joe Conger, Michael A. Violanti, Jr., David R. Edwards, Jr., Sgt. John Kollar, Officer Dennis Gunther, and all who protect and defend us. To have a name added to the list contact the Parish Office.

Rest in Peace We remember in prayer the soul of Anna Zukowski, Anna Thater and those who have died. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Welcome to Our Newly Baptized Our parish rejoices with Stella Leilich & Julia Maurath , who was baptized last Sunday, June 1. May the Lord watch over you and bless you. This Week at St. Michael’s Meeting Rooms: Parish Meeting Room (PMR) and Conference Rooms (CR) 1 & 2 are in the Parish Center; Chapel Meeting Room (CMR) & Youth Room (YR) are in the Lower Church. For all Parish Center meetings come to the main entrance of the school at 10 Willow Ave. Sunday, June 9 10 am Reception for Fr. Angel Marrero (Gym) 6 pm BS Troop #419 (Scout Room) Sunday, June 9 3 pm Graduation Liturgy (Church) 6 pm BS Troop #419 (Scout Room) Monday, June 10 7 pm PIC Meeting (CR#2) 7 pm RCIA (PMR) Tuesday, June 11 4 pm Worthy of the Call (PMR) 7 pm Pastoral Council Meeting (CR#2) 7 pm Hispanic Prayer Group (Chapel) Wednesday, June 12 6 pm, Sodality Meeting (CR#2) 7 pm Adult Faith Formation (PMR) Thursday, June 13 12 noon Lunchtime Scripture Study (CR2) 7 pm Confirmation Make-up Meeting (PMR) Friday, June 14

6 pm GS Troop # 275 (YR) 6 pm GS Cadette Troop # 590 (CMR) Saturday, June 15 8 am Market Day Pick-up (CMR) Sunday, June 17

Liturgy Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Saturday, June 8 Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20; Luke 2:41-51 8:30 am Edward Deckert Sat. Vigil, June 8 5 pm Diana O’Laughlin Sunday, June 9 I Kings 17:17-24; Galatians 1:11-19; Luke 7:11-17

7:30 am M/M Charles C. Cochran 9:30 am Joseph L. Smith 11:30 am (Church Rose Marie P. Jahn 11:30 am (Chapel) All Parish Members Monday, June 10 2 Corinthians 1:1-7; Matthew 5:1-12 9 am Lillian Rosel Tuesday, June 11 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Matthew 5:13-16 9 am James Gibson Wednesday, June 12 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Matthew 5:17-19 9 am All Parish Members Thursday, June 13 St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church 2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1,3-6; Matthew 5:20-26

9 am Josephine Smyth Friday, June 14 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Matthew 5:27-32 9 am Don Oakjones Saturday, June 15 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; Matthew 5:33-37 8:30 am Dorothy York Sat. Vigil, June 15 5 pm Pfc. Joseph DeLegge Sunday, June 16 2 Samuel12:7-10, 13; Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Luke 7:36-8:3

7:30 am George Chvatal 9:30 am Robert Ubaldini 11:30 am (Church Father’s Day 11:30 am (Chapel) All Parish Members

Confession Schedule for Saturday, June 15 Saturday: 4 pm – Fr. Sal Livigni Please note this schedule is subject to change. Mass Time Reminder Please remember that as of Saturday, June 1, the new Saturday Vigil time will be 5 pm. There will no longer be a 4 pm and 6 pm Mass. July Wedding Anniversaries Congratulations to Charles & Shirley Cochran who celebrated their 60th anniversary last month. If your wedding anniversary is in July, plan to join us at the Anniversary Mass on Saturday, July 6 at 5 pm. Call the Parish Office at 410-665-1054 to register for the celebration.

Catholic Faith Formation St. Michael the Archangel School: Grades Pre-K-8. School Office is open weekdays from 8 am – 3 pm. On-site before and after-school care is available for students in Grades Pre-K-8. Pre-School: “God’s Little People” is a weekday half day preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds, with limited registration. Call 410-668-8797. www.smoverlea.org.

Children’s Faith Formation: The Faith Formation Office is open weekdays from 9 am – 3 pm. Sessions meet on Sundays from 9:45-11:15 am for Grades Pre-K-8 Adult Faith Formation: Wednesday evenings, 7 pm and Thursday at noon RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Monday evenings, 7 pm. Call 410-665-1054 or email www.smoverlea.org FORMACIÓN CRISTIANA Escuela San Miguel Arcangel: Grados Pre-K-8. La oficina de la escuela está abierta entre semana de 8:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m El cuidado de los estudiantes hay antes y después de la escuela para los grados K-6. Pre-escolar: “God’s Little People”-Personitas de Dios- es un programa de mediodía, de lunes a viernes para los niños de 3 y 4 años de edad, con matrícula limitada. Póngase en contacto con la oficina de Formación en la Fe, llamando al 410668-8797. www.smoverlea.org Educación Religiosa: La Oficina de Formación de Fe está abierta entre semana de 9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m Las clases se reúnen los domingos de 9:45 a.m-11:15 a.m, para los grados K-8. Educacion Religiosa para Adultos: los miercoles en la noche a las 7:00 p.m y los jueves a mediodía. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos): Los lunes en la noche, a las 7:00 p.m Llamar al 410-665-1054 para más información www.smoverlea.org School News On June 3, 2013 – The students in Grade 8 participated in their Graduation Ceremony. Christopher Bengel, Admission Director of Calvert Hall was the Guest Speaker. Congratulation to the students and their families. Summer Office Hours: Beginning the week of June 9, the St. Michael the Archangel School Office will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and will be closed on Fridays. 1st in Math: St. Michael the Archangel School continues to hold on to 2nd place for all the schools participating with an average of 2512 stickers per student in the state of Maryland and ranked 68th nationally. Jirsa Kendzlerski, Grade 1 is 12th, Andrew Heffernan is 58th and Tyler Makowiecki is 74th for Maryland. For the week of June 3, Ijeoma Opera in Grade 1 is player of the week and player of the month. Grade 1 isTeam of the Week and Team of the Month. Mrs. Conti’s Grade 3 team is ranked 57 th and Mrs. Hanley Grade 4 is ranked 89th in Maryland. The students of St. Michael’s have solved 1,416,972 math problems. Enrollment for the School Year 2013-2014 is now open. Have you considered St. Michael’s for the education of your child. The program starts with fullday programs in pre-K [4 year old program] and Kindergarten and continues until 8th grade and parttime programs for pre-school three and four year olds for Gods Little People. Call the Mrs. Dossa in the School Office at 410-668-8797 to arrange a tour of St. Michael of the Archangel School and receive an information packet or Mrs. Livingston 410-665-1054for God’s Little People.

Are you looking for a great idea for a gift? St. Michael’s School offers a gift card program [Script Program formerly the Manna Program]. Purchase your gift cards from the school and you are helping to support St. Michael’s School. Call Mrs. Dossa in the school office for a complete list of gift cards. [410-6688797] Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults-RCIA Are you or someone you know interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith? Are you married to a Catholic or raising Catholic children and want to understand more about the faith? Or perhaps looking at the Catholic Church as a way to live out your faith in Jesus Christ? If so, please call the parish office for more information or just come on Monday nights. There are no obligations. We meet on Monday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm (except holidays). We will meet on June 10th at 7 pm in the parish meeting room. The topic will be “Journey of Faith.” If you know of someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Faith please invite them to come. New inquirers are most welcome! Vacation Bible Camp --“Kingdom Rock! Where Kids Stand Strong for God We are getting the castle ready for your child and Vacation Bible Camp on June 24th. Watch your email for information about the 1st day of VBC. Worthy of the Call Young people ages 14 through age 17 need to have child protection education before they can work with children. On June 13th at 5 pm or June 17th at 11 am (with advance paperwork) there will be workshops given in the Parish Office. Choose one; call the office to register (410-665-1054), and attend the workshop. This is especially important if you are working with Vacation Bible Camp. Any questions? Call the office. Children’s Faith Formation Registration In June we will be mailing registrations for Children’s Faith Formation. If you wish to be included in the mailing please email [email protected] or call to give us your name and address. Families who attended last year are automatically included. Ladies of Charity We will hold our last meeting of the year on June 12 at 5 pm in the Chapel Meeting Room. We’re living an “Old Fashion Summer Picnic” so please try to attend. Must make reservations by June 8, by calling Shirley at 410 248-0064. Hope to see you all for the secret pal fun!

Service and Justice Peace and Justice - Fortnight for Freedom: The Fortnight for Freedom will be celebrated again this year and will take place from June 21 – the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More – to July 4, Independence Day. Last year there were many events promoting religious freedom across the country. There are many threats to religious liberty including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate; potential Supreme Court rulings that could redefine

marriage in June, causing serious religious liberty issues for Catholic adoption agencies and many others. The opening Mass will be held June 21, 7:00 p.m. at the Baltimore Basilica celebrated by Archbishop William Lori, and the closing mass will be held July 4, 12:00 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. , celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl. For other activities in the Archdiocese of Baltimore see https://www.archbalt.org/fortnightforfreedom/ Beans and Bread Outreach Casserole makers are needed for preparation of chicken & rice casseroles on the second Saturday of each month. Pan and recipe supplied. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the serving of the meal at Beans & Bread on June 8. Contact Marge Eick at 410665-0760 Eucharistic Holy Hour for Freedom On July 1 at 7 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel Church will host a part of their celebration as we hold a Eucharistic Holy Hour with benediction, pray the rosary for freedom and celebrate Mass for the Cause of Freedom.

Stewardship June 2, 2013 Envelopes……………………………………………………….$7,725.65 Loose………………………………………………………………..1,387.06 *Total……………………………………………………………..$9,112.71 Poor Box (Hurricane Victims…………………………..$745.60 2ndCollection (Utility)……………………………………$1,544.65 Year to Date Offertory (48 weeks) Envelopes…………………………………………………. $394,417.89 Loose Offerings…………………………………………..$68,171.18 Total……………………………………………………………$462,589.07 *Average Weekly Offertory………………………….$1,498.73 *Our budget is based on weekly income of $11,137 (envelopes + loose). Thank you for your generous support. Second Collection This Weekend: School Support Your generosity helps to support Catholic education through our parish school. Next Weekend: Maintenance Fund Your donation assists the parish in meeting the expenses associated with ordinary repairs and maintenance of our parish buildings.

Announcements Organ Recital On Sunday June 16 at 2:30 p.m. three area student organists will play a recital at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Towson. Our own Daniel Gonzalez, a student of Robert Huw Morgan at Stanford University, will play as well as parishioner Kevin Callahan, a student of Timothy Murphy at Towson University. They will be joined by Collin Power a student of Heika Burghart Rice. All three will play organ works of J.S. Bach, Dietrich Buxtehude, Louis Vierne and other composers of organ works. The recital is free and open to the public.



SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013




8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Age 10 & up


Ages 3 - 9


Under 3


For more information contact Bob Eicholtz at 410-428-5677 or email: [email protected] Tim Bialozynski at 410-236-2125

SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2012

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