Actividad antioxidante de la melatonina sobre el hígado graso inducido por etionina en ratones #

Arch Med Vet 40, 51-57 (2008) ARTICULO ORIGINAL Actividad antioxidante de la melatonina sobre el hígado graso inducido por etionina en ratones# Antio

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Story Transcript

Arch Med Vet 40, 51-57 (2008) ARTICULO ORIGINAL

Actividad antioxidante de la melatonina sobre el hígado graso inducido por etionina en ratones# Antioxidant activity of melatonin on fatty liver induced by ethionine in mice SM Ferraro, A López-Ortega* Unidad de Investigación Ciencias Funcionales “Dr. Haity Moussatché”, Decanato de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

SUMMARY The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of melatonin in female mice with ethionine-induced hepatic oxidative stress (HOS), and the effect of this hormone on the gluthatione peroxidase enzyme antioxidant activity. Twenty adult female NMRI mice were given intraperitoneally 3 mg/kg melatonin in 1% ethanol daily for 15 days, and 1% ethanol to the control group. On the 13th day of treatment, fatty liver was induced to both groups using 7.5 mg/0.02 kg ethionine. After 48 hours of food restriction, mice were sacrificed and livers dissected and sampled. Fixed tissue was used for hystopathologic analyses, and the supernatant obtained from an homogenated was used to determine concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA), conjugate dienes (DC), triglycerides (TG) and gluthatione peroxidase enzyme (GPx). Data were processed through SPSS v10.0 for Windows using the “t” test (P≤0.05), and the results were expressed as X ± SD in mg TG, nm MDA and nm DC/mg proteins and per g of humid tissue and mU/mg proteins for GPx. Concentrations of TG, MDA and DC were lower (P 

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