APPENDIX A About the Authors

APPENDIX A About the Authors José F. Alonso, a retired Federal Employee, now teaches Reading/Language and Mathematics with the Adult Education Grant P

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APPENDIX A About the Authors José F. Alonso, a retired Federal Employee, now teaches Reading/Language and Mathematics with the Adult Education Grant Program of Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. Domingo Amuchástegui is a graduate of Havana University, Florida International University, and the University of Miami. Author and co-author of a dozen books in Cuba and the United States as well as hundreds of articles and scores of essays. Chief analyst in the field of Cuba's foreign policy. Fact-finding missions throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. He has been a Political Analyst at CubaNews and Cuba Standard since 1994. Rolando Anillo, Esq., was born in Santiago de Cuba and graduated cum laude from University of Havana Law School in 1988. Mr. Anillo worked as Legal Counsel for the Cuban Ministry of Transportation and was trained in international commercial transactions at the Institute of Foreign Trade in Cuba until his departure in 1992. Since completing his graduation thesis about the Associations Between Cuban and Foreign Entities, Mr. Anillo has been involved in the research and study of Cuban laws and regulations. Mr. Anillo also studied comparative laws at the UNAM in Mexico and took doctoral courses in international relations while working in a research project at Florida International University. Mr. Anillo is currently Corporate Counsel at Florida Crystals Corp and President of the Cuban Claims Owners Association, a Florida not-for-profit organization. He is also an active writer and speaker on legal topics regarding U.S –Cuba laws and regulations. Mr. Anillo is admitted to practice law in Cuba and in the State of Louisiana, United States.

Diana Arboleda, Lecturer, University of Miami, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Coral Gables, Florida. Fredo Arias King es fundador de la revista académica Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization (desde 1992), basada en Washington. Es sovietólogo (Harvard, 1998), miembro del Consejo Consultor del Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies de Harvard, y funge como presidente del CASLA Institute en Praga. Su libro Transiciones: Las lecciones de Europa del Este se publicó en Buenos Aires por CADAL (2005) y su próximo libro explora la experiencia de ex disidentes checoslovacos que llegaron al poder en 1989–1992. Josef Asteinza, producer and writer of the upcoming documentary film, Havana Modern: The Architecture of Nicolas Quintana. Born in New York, he studied architecture at Columbia University and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. His architectural research travels include Europe in 1998 with Columbia and the Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition Mies in Berlin; and Cuba in 1999 through the Architectural League of New York. He has worked at architecture firms in New York on residential, commercial and institutional projects, and is currently a campus planner at NYU Langone Medical Center. Larry Catá Backer is the W. Richard and Mary Eshelman Faculty Scholar and Professor of Law and International Affairs, Pennsylvania State University. He is also Executive Director of the Coalition for Peace & Ethics, Washington, D.C. Roger R. Betancourt is Professor of Economics, Emeritus, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and Director, Development Research Center.


Cuba in Transition • ASCE 2016 Lázaro J. Blanco Encinosa, Doctor en Ciencias (Universidad de La Habana, 2008), Doctor en Ciencias Económicas (Instituto de la Economía Nacional, Moscú, 1986), Licenciado en Control Económico (Universidad de La Habana, 1975). Profesor invitado en universidades de Canadá, España, México, Bolivia, Venezuela, Angola y Ecuador. Trece libros y más de 120 artículos científicos publicados en Cuba y el extranjero. Profesor Titular jubilado de la Universidad de La Habana. Impartía las materias de Sistemas de Información, Administración de Empresas, entre otras. Vicente Luis Botín se tituló en Periodismo, Política y Sociología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Durante toda su carrera como periodista se ha especializado en política internacional, cubriendo eventos históricos en el mundo entero y muy especialmente en Latinoamérica. Produjo numerosos documentales en muchos países como director del conocido programa “En Portada,” incluyendo uno en Cuba para el cual entrevistó a Fidel Castro. Fue corresponsal de Televisión Española para Sudamérica desde Buenos Aires de 1999 al 2004 y en Cuba tres años y medio hasta el 2008. Luego, publicó dos libros sobre Cuba: Los funerales de Castro, seguido por Raúl Castro: La pulga que cabalgó al tigre. Vive en Madrid y es columnista para El País, El Mundo y otros periódicos de España. Aleida Cobas-Valdés graduated in Economics from the University of Havana. MSC in Economics, University of Basque Country, Spain. She is a Researcher at Institute of Public Economics, University of the Basque Country, Spain. Heidi Colby-Oizumi is a Senior International Trade Analyst with the U.S. International Trade Commission's Chemicals and Textiles Division. During her 20 years at the Commission, Ms. Colby-Oizumi has contributed to and led several investigations on industry competitiveness, free trade agreements, trade preference programs, and rules of origin, undertaking qualitative and quantitative analyses of complex topics in international trade. Ms. Colby-Oizumi received her B.A. in English from the University of Michigan and her M.A. in International Affairs from the George Washington University.


Francisco De Caso, Associate Scientist, University of Miami, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Coral Gables, Florida. Sergio Díaz-Briquets is a Northern Virginia-based international consultant focusing on governance issues. Nayara Sabrina de Freitas Alves has a degree in biology from the Universidade do Estado do Pará-Brazil. She was an exchange student at the University of Miami and conducted research at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Currently, her research mainly focuses on the field of environmental microbiology. Enrique García es consultor en seguridad internacional y analista político especializado en asuntos latinoamericanos. Licenciado en Derecho de la Universidad de la Habana, fue por once años oficial oficial de la Dirección General de Inteligencia del Ministerio del Interior de Cuba a cargo de las operaciones de inteligencia en Perú, Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay y Ecuador. Es graduado de la Escuela para Especialistas y Jefes de la KGB (Moscú) y de la Escuela de Oficiales de la KGB (Moscú). Desertó hacia Estados Unidos en 1988. Janettee M. García Cobas es psicóloga e investigadora social. Maestrante en Estudios de Género. Ha coordinado el Programa Académico y actualmente coordina Proyectos de Desarrollo en el Centro Cristiano de Reflexión y Diálogo-Cuba (CCRD-C). Olimpia Gómez Consuegra holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from the Universidad de La Habana. She was a member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences from 2004 to 2011 and member of the National Grade Scientific Tribunal from 2005 to 2011. She received an award from the Cuban Academy of Sciences in 2010 for work on Technological Innovation, the Development of Tomato Varieties with Greater Potential Returns with Social Impact, and Integration Among the Scientific Research Institutes. She is the author of Mejora Genética y Manejo del Cultivo del Tomate para la Producción en el Caribe, Horticultural Research Institute Liliana Dimitrova, La Habana, 2000.

Appendix A: About the Authors Mario A. González-Corzo is Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business, Lehman College, City University of New York (CUNY).

tal y colaborador de la página digital Cubanet. Se especializa en periodismo económico, particularmente sobre la economía cubana.

Yvon Grenier (Ph.D. Université Laval, 1989) is Professor of Political Science at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. He is the author of Guerre et pouvoir au Salvador (Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1994), The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador (University of Pittsburgh Press and Macmillan, 1999), Art and Politics: Octavio Paz and the Pursuit of Freedom (Rowman and Littlefield, 2001; Spanish trans. for the Fondo de Cultura Económica in 2004), and co-autor with Maarten Van Delden of Gunshots at the Fiesta: Literature and Politics in Latin America (Vanderbilt University Press, 2009, 2012). He edited (selection of texts and introduction) a book of political essays by the Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz, entitled Sueño en libertad, escritos políticos (Seix Barral, 2001). Professor Grenier was editor of the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and he is contributing editor of the magazine Literal, Latin American Voices.

Mario Felix Lleonart es autor del blog “Cubano Confesante.” Fue hasta agosto de 2016 el pastor bautista de dos iglesias en Villa Clara, Cuba, y recientemente recibió asilo político con su familia en Estados Unidos como consecuencia de la represión que sufrían en Cuba. Se graduó de Ciencias de la Información en la Universidad de la Habana y de Estudios Teológicos en Laurel University. Hoy, viaja por el mundo explicando la situación cubana y promoviendo un tránsito pacífico a la democracia.

Ernesto Hernández-Catá received his License in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, and his Ph.D in Economics from Yale University. He spent most of his career at the International Monetary Fund where he served as Associate Director of the African and the Western hemisphere Departments; manager of the World Economic Outlook; and chief negotiator with the Russian Federation. He was also chairman of the Investment Committee of the Staff Retirement Plan. At various times he taught at the Latin American Program in Applied Economics of The American University (macroeconomics) and at the School of Advanced International Studies of the John Hopkins University (economic development). Jorge Hernández Fonseca, Ingeniero Mecánico por la Universidad de la Habana, Doctor en Ingeniería por la Universidad Brasileña de Santa Catarina. Residió más de 20 años en Brasil. Ha publicado tres libros sobre la política cubana y es Director del periódico digital Osmar Lafitta Rojas. Periodista independiente. Miembro del equipo del semanario Primavera Digi-

Eduardo López Bastida es Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas y Profesor titular del Centro de Estudios Ambientales de la Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Es Miembro titular de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Gary Maybarduk served as the Counselor for Economic and Political Affairs at the U.S. Interests Section in Havana 1997–1999. He was the chairman of the economic working group and wrote most of the economic section of the report of President Bush's Commission on Assistance to a Free Cuba. He has been writing on the Cuban economy and U.S. policy for 20 years. Emilio Morales es el CEO y presidente de la compañía consultora The Havana Consulting Group LLC, radicada en Miami. Es el autor de los libros Cuba: ¿Tránsito silencioso al capitalismo? y Marketing without Advertising: Brand Preference and Consumer Choice in Cuba y de numerosos artículos relacionados con la economía cubana. Anteriormente fue el jefe del Departamento de Planificación Estratégica de Marketing de la Dirección de Mercadotecnia de la Corporación CIMEX S.A, la empresa cubana más grande en el comercio mayorista y minorista en Cuba, la cual factura más de 1,000 millones de dólares anuales y atiende más de 35 líneas de negocios. Es graduado en ingeniería en Ciencias de la Computación en el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echevarría en La Habana, y tiene un Masters en Marketing y Comunicación de la Escuela Superior de Marketing de Madrid y otro Masters en Marketing y Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana.


Cuba in Transition • ASCE 2016 Yailenis Mulet Concepción graduated in Economics from the University of Holguín “Oscar Lucero Moya" in 2004, and received a PhD in Economics from the University of Havana in 2010. From 2004 to 2010, she taught at the University of Holguín and served as Head of the Economics Department. From 2011 to 2015, she worked at the Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy (CEEC) and the Economics Department at the University of Havana. Her research has focused on the evaluation of the work of the central government and its impact on territorial development. She has also carried out diverse professional services and consultancies for more than 40 Cuban state companies as well as for some foreign-invested companies in Cuba. Presently, she is working as self-employed. Antonio Nanni, Chair and Professor, University of Miami, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Coral Gables, Florida. Roberto Orro Fernández is an economist graduated from the University of Havana, Cuba. He holds a Masters Degree in Economics from El Colegio de México and heads the Caribbean Analysis Unit, a consulting group specializing in economics and real estate studies in San Juan, Puerto Rico. José Luis Perelló Cabrera es Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, Master en Gestión Turística por la Universidad de La Habana y Diplomado en Alta Dirección de Empresas Turísticas por la ESADE de Barcelona. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Turismo de La Universidad de La Habana y Presidente de su Consejo Científico. Ha participado como profesor en Universidades de Centro y Suramérica. Ha impartido numerosos cursos de postgrado, maestrías y seminarios en Cuba y en el extranjero. Ha publicado varios libros y artículos en revistas especializadas nacionales y extranjeras. También ha participado como ponente en varios Congresos y Convenciones internacionales y nacionales. En la actualidad se especializa en temas de migraciones y desarrollo turístico. Jorge F. Pérez-López is an international economist residing in Falls Church, Virginia. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York at Albany.


Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva. Doctor en Ciencias Económicas en la Universidad de la Habana desde 1998, Master en Economía y Política Internacional en el CIDE, México, 1990, Licenciado en Economía en la Universidad de la Habana en 1984. Profesor Titular. Ex Director del Centro de Estudios de la Economía Cubana de la Universidad de la Habana. Ha impartido más de 300 conferencias en distintos centros cubanos y en el extranjero destacándose las ofrecidas en Estados Unidos, Japón, Francia, Canadá, España, Brasil, Puerto Rico, México, Republica Dominicana, Venezuela, China, Malasia, Argentina, Perú, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad y Tobago, Colombia, Noruega, Costa Rica, Chile, entre otros. Ha sido profesor invitado en Universidades de USA, Japón y Francia. Asistido a más de 120 eventos internacionales tanto en Cuba como en el exterior. Ha realizado más de 79 trabajos de Investigación en distintas áreas de la economía cubana y en la economía internacional. Ha publicado más de 80 artículos en revistas y ha sido coautor de varios libros, tanto en Cuba como en el extranjero, destacándose los publicados con la Universidad de Harvard, Universidad de Columbia, Universidad de New York, Universidad Sorbonne, Paris 3, Instituto de Países en Desarrollo (IDE-JETRO) Japan, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, y la Universidad de la Habana, entre otros. Mayte Piñon Gómez holds Bachelor of Science (Biology, 1992), Master of Science (Biology) and Ph.D (Agricultural Sciences, 2009) from the Universidad de La Habana. She researched tomato breeding for resistance to viral diseases and climatic adaptation to tropical conditions at the Research Institute of Agriculture, Cuba, from 1998 to 2014. She has also conducted research at the International Center for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Martinique, 2010–2014 and at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, 2009–2011. Her paper (co-authored with Olimpia Gómez Consuegra) “Introgression of the TY-1 Gene from Lycopersicon chilense in the Cultivated Tomato (L. esculentum) and its Use” received an Annual Award from the Cuban Academy of Sciences in 2003.

Appendix A: About the Authors Joaquín P. Pujol is a retired official of the International Monetary Fund. Enrique S. Pumar is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Global Migration and Refugee Studies Program at The Catholic University of America. He is a Faculty Affiliate at Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration. Currently, Dr. Pumar is engaged in two studies related to migration studies, one compares immigrant communities in the US and Spain and another traces the formation of the Hispanic community in Washington DC. Jorge A. Sanguinetty es Ph.D en economía y se especializa en el estudio de la economía política con especial interés en Cuba. Muchos de sus escritos se pueden encontrar en los volúmenes de ASCE. Helena Solo-Gabriele is a Professor and Associate Dean for Research within the College of Engineering at the University of Miami, where she teaches courses in environmental engineering including courses in environmental measurements, water treatment plant design, and engineered systems to prevent disease transmission. Her research has focused on evaluating the relationships between environmental contamination and human health. Her interest in Cuba issues focus on infrastructure needs, in particular needs for preserving the Cuban environment and improving the water and wastewater infrastructure for its urban populations. Dr. Helena Solo-Gabriele has presented several lectures at the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy Conference (ASCE). She has coordinated numerous workshops and student competitions focused on Cuba’s infrastructure needs through the Association of Cuban American Engineers (ACEA). She has served on the Board of the ACAE since 2004 and served as its President from 2012 to 2014. Dr. Helena Solo-Gabriele has served on the Board of ASCE since 2012 and as Secretary from 2014–2016, and as President from 2016–2018. Michael J. Strauss is Professor, Centre d’Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques, Paris, France. Joseph B. Treaster is a professor, journalist and author at the University of Miami. He worked as a prize-winning foreign correspondent and reporter for The New York Times for more than 30 years before

joining the university in 2008 in a five-year appointment as the Knight Chair in Cross-Cultural Communication. He has the rank of full professor at the University of Miami. Professor Treaster has worked in more than 100 countries covering wars, coups, natural disasters, politics, poverty, the environment and social justice. He has conducted journalism workshops in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. He is a specialist on the environment, especially water, and on international affairs. He has written three books and written on international issues for The Atlantic, Harper’s, RollingStone and other national magazines. He contributes to The New York Times and other mainstream and academic publications. Soren Triff, especialista en medios de comunicación y activista de la sociedad civil, enseña español y culturas hispánicas en Bristol Community College, Massachusetts, donde además dirige un programa de traductores e intérpretes. Triff estudia en especial las narrativas de civilidad y los discursos revolucionarios antes y después de conflictos civiles y sus representaciones en la prensa. Desde 2013 el autor estudia cómo los cubanos usan Internet. Su campo de investigación incluye la narratología cognoscitiva, el ensayo, el periodismo y los estudios transatlánticos (España y América Latina en los siglos XX-XXI). El autor ha sido distinguido como “extraordinary Latino educator” por el gobernador de Massachusetts. Maria Werlau, es presidenta de Free Society Project y directora ejecutiva de su proyecto archivo Cuba, que documenta las violaciones al derecho a la vida así como la explotación humana en Cuba. Tiene un bachillerato de Georgetown University y una maestría de la Universidad de Chile, ambas en Relaciones Internacionales, y ha completado dos cursos sobre Justicia Transicional con el International Center for Transitional Justice. Alexandra Westbrook received her bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering with a minor in Ecosystem Science and Policy at the University of Miami. She is currently pursuing her master's degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Florida and works part time for the consulting firm Hazen and Sawyer.


Cuba in Transition • ASCE 2016


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