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BAHMANI KINGDOM Bahmani Sultanate was a Persianised Muslim state of the Deccan in South India and one of the major medieval Indian kingdoms. Hasan Gangu Bahmani was the founder of the Bahmani Kingdom. He was a Turkish officer of Devagiri. In 1347 A.D. he established the independent Bahmani kingdom. His kingdom stretched from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal, included the whole of Deccan up to the river Krishna with its capital at Gulbarga. Gulbarga and in later time Bidar were capital of it. ● There was total 14 Bahamani Sultans. ● The Bahmani Empire was always at war with Vijayanagara Empire for control over Deccan. Firoz shah invaded Vijayanagar and defeated Krishna Deva Raya I. ● Ahmad Shah Wali later shifted Capital from Gulbarga to Bidar. ● Muhammad Shah III became the sultan at the age of 9 after death of his brother Nizam Shah and Mahmud Gawan served as Prime Minister. ● Bahmani Empire reached its zenith during the time of Mahmud Gawan who was a minister of the Empire.

CONTRIBUTIONS OF BAHMANI KINGDOM:- ● Art and architecture:-The Gulbarga Fort, Haft Gumbaz, and Jama Masjid in Gulbarga, Bidar Fort and Madrasa Mahmud Gawan in Bidar, are the major architectural contributions. The later rulers are buried in an elaborate tomb complex, known as the Bahmani Tombs. The exterior of one of the tombs is decorated with coloured tiles. ● Education:-They created the Mahmud Gawan Madrasa in the city of Deccan to facilitate the education of students throughout the empire.

CULTURES OF BAHMANI KINGDOMS:- Rulers of the dynasty believed that they descended from Bahman, the mythological figure of Greater Iranian legend and lore. The Bahmani Sultans were patrons of the Persian language, culture and literature, and some members of the dynasty became well-versed in that language and composed its literature in that language. ● The craftspersons of Bidar were so famed for their inlay work on copper and silver that it came to be known as Bidri. ● The first sultan, Alauddin Bahman Shah is noted to have captured 1,000 singing and dancing girls from Hindu temples after he battled the northern Carnatic chieftains. ● ART AND ARCHITECTURE:-The Bahmani rulers made some beautiful tombs and mosques in Bidar and Gulbarga. They also built many forts at Daulatabad, Golconda and Raichur. The architecture was highly influenced by Persian architecture. They invited architects from Persia, Turkey and Arabia. ● CURRENCY:-The Kingdom was founded after Bahman Shah successfully revolted against Muhammad Bin Tughluq of the Delhi Sultanate. Muhammad Shah I issued coins in gold, silver and copper. In gold, he had issued coins both in Dinar and Tanka standard.

● CUISINE:-Tamarind, jaggery, kokum, coconut oil, curry leaves are highlights of the entire stretch of the Konkan Coast. Rice, coconut, sugarcane, colocasia, drumstick and gourds are ancient foods of this land.

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