Basic English. 1. Question about me

Basic English 1. Question about me a. Daily questions De acuerdo a la situación en que se encuentre, ya sea profesional o personal debe interactuar co

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Level 1 Wordlist English-Spanish Level 1 Wordlist English-Spanish The translations provided here are based on the original context in which the word was used i

Question 2013: Incidente I

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Basic English 1. Question about me a. Daily questions De acuerdo a la situación en que se encuentre, ya sea profesional o personal debe interactuar con otras personas para intuir u opinar sobre cómo es el otro. A continuación aparecen una serie de expresiones, frases y preguntas simples que le ayudarán a conocer cuáles son las principales formas de responder y realizar preguntas, solo debe basarse en su información personal. Si tiene alguna duda consulte su diccionario o los traductores multimedia para aclararla. Personal information questions are the basis for any conversation in English and so are important for when you meet somebody for the first time. Names

What is your name? My name is _______.

What is your surname / last name? My surname / last name is _______.

Do you have a nickname? Yes, my nickname is _______ or No, I don't. Work & Occupation

What do you do? I am a _______.

Where do you work?

I work at _______.

Do you like your job? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Why do you like your job? I like my job because _______. Marital Status

Are you married / single? Yes, I am or No I'm not.

Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

What is your partner's name? My partner's name is _______.


Do you have any children? Yes, I have _______ children or No, I don't

What are their names? Their names are _______.

How many brothers and sister do you have? I have _______ brothers and _______ sisters.

Age How old are you? I am _______ years old.

When is your birthday? My birthday is on the _______ of _______.

Where were you born? I was born in _______. Contact Information

Where are you from? I am from _______.

What is your address? My address is _______.

What is your phone number? My phone number is _______.

What is your cell phone number? My cell phone number is _______.

Do you live with your parents? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Do you live alone? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Who do you live with? I live with my _______.

Do you live in a house or an apartment? I live in a/an _______.

What is your e-mail address? My e-mail address is _______.

Free time activities

What do you do in your free time? In my free time I _______.

What are your hobbies? My hobbies are _______.

What type of music do you like? I like _______ music.

Do you have a favourite singer or group? My favourite singer / group is _______.

What types of movies do you like? I like _______ movies.

Do you like to read? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

What do you like to read? I like to read _______. Habits

Do you have any bad habits? Yes, one of my bad habits is _______.

Do you snore? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Do you smoke? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? I smoke _______ cigarettes a day. Other Personal Information

What is your favourite food? My favourite food is _______.

Is there any food that you do not like? Yes, I don't like _______. or I like all food.

What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is _______.

Why do you want to learn English? I want to learn English because _______.

What languages do you speak? I speak _______.

Do you have any pets? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

What pets do you have? I have _______.

What are their names? Their names are _______.

Which sports do you like? The sport I like is _______.

Do you have a favourite team? My favourite team is _______.

What is something you do well? I am good at _______.

What is something you do not do well? I am bad at _______.

Are you romantic? _______ romantic.

Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Describe yourself using only two words. I am _______ and _______.

What makes you happy? I am happy when _______. (Woodward Ltda, s.f.)

b. Daily activities at work A continuación encuentra algunos ejemplos de cómo realizar una rutina diaria:

―What are some daily activities that you do at work?‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

―I go to work at 8.45 am every morning. I usually drive to work‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to them immediately‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus because it is too slow‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―At 3 pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat cake‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important for you to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to organise your files‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your boss more often. I usually write a document that my boss can read‖ (Woodward Ltda, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

I get up

I take a shower

I get dressed

I have breakfast

I go to work

I start work at 9

I have lunch

I finish work

I arrive home

I have dinner

I watch TV

I go to bed

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

2. Simple and past tense statements and questions a. Past tense ―El pasado simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.). En el siguiente cuadro verá la conjugación y modos: Simple past tense (pasado simple) Modo afirmativo

Modo interrogativo

I played

Yo jugué

Did I play?

You played

Tú jugaste

He played

Él jugó

She played

Ella jugó

Did you play Did he play? Did she play?

¿Yo jugué?

¿Jugaste tú?

¿Jugó el?

¿Jugó ella?

Modo negativo I did not play

Yo no jugué

You did

Tú no

not play


He did not play She did not play

Él no jugó

Ella no jugó

It did not

Él / Ella no




We did

Nosotros no



not play



Did you


You did

Ustedes no




not play




Did you


They did

Ellos no





not play


It played

We played

You played

Él / Ella

Did it play?

Jugó él / ella?


Did we



Fuente: (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.)

Construcción del pasado ―Como norma general, para formar el pasado en inglés se añade "-ed" a un verbo‖ (Inglesencillo, s.f.).



I worked

yo trabajé

you worked

tú trabajaste

he worked

él trabajó

we worked

nosotros trabajamos

they worked

ellos trabajaron

Fuente: (Inglessencillo, s.f.)

Para formar la afirmativa ponemos la forma base con 'ed'.

Sujeto + verbo con -ed + resto de la frase:

They talked yesterday.

La 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it) no cambia, por lo que utilizaremos la misma forma con todos los pronombres personales.

He missed the bus.

Para la forma negativa necesitamos del auxiliar 'do' en pasado, que sería 'did'. Podemos encontrar tanto la forma completa 'did not' como la forma contraída 'didn't'.

Sujeto + didn´t + forma base de verbo + resto de la frase: They didn‘t talk yesterday. He didn‘t miss the bus.

Para la forma interrogativa tenemos que invertir el auxiliar y el sujeto, es decir, invertimos el auxiliar 'did' y el sujeto.

Did + sujeto + forma base del verbo + resto de la frase?

Did they talk yesterday? Did he miss the bus?

Para dar respuestas cortas debemos utilizar el auxiliar correspondiente. Recuerda que las respuestas cortas son muy comunes porque cuando hablamos evitamos repetir lo que ya se ha dicho.

Did they talk yesterday? Yes, they did / No, they didn’t

Did he miss the bus? Yes, he did / No, he didn’t

Además, debemos tener en cuenta que al añadir '-ed' en afirmativa debemos seguir ciertas reglas de ortografía.

1. La mayoría de los verbos se mantienen igual. Work - worked.

2. Los verbos que terminan en '-e' solo debemos añadir la '-d'. Like - liked.

3. Los verbos que terminan en 'y' y además van precedidas de consonante, debemos cambiar la 'y' y añadir 'ied'. Cry - cried.

4. Doblamos la consonante final en las palabras cortas que terminen en consonante + vocal + consonante. Stop – stopped. (Calcines, s.f)

b. Simple present ―El presente simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones habituales que suceden con cierta frecuencia y no hace referencia a si está ocurriendo en el momento actual‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.). En el siguiente cuadro se ve la conjugación y modos: Simple past tense (presente simple) Modo afirmativo I play

Yo juego

You play

Tú juegas

He plays

Él juega

She plays

Ella juega

It plays

We play

You play

They play

Modo interrogativo Do I play? Do you play? Does he play? Does she play?

¿Juego yo?

¿Juegas tú?

¿Juega él?

¿Juega ella?

Modo negativo I do not play

Yo no juego

You do

Tú no

not play


He do not play

Él no juega

She do

Ella no

not play


Él / Ella

Does it

¿Juega él /

It does

Él / ella no




not play



Does we


We does

Nosotros no




not play



Do you


You do

Ustedes no




not play



Do they


They do

Ellos no




not play


Fuente: (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.) Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales.

También usamos el presente simple para hablar de rutinas o hábitos. En este caso suelen ir acompañados de los adverbios de frecuencia.

Se forma con la forma base del verbo. Cuando hablamos de la forma base hacemos referencia al infinitivo sin la preposición 'to', es decir, del verbo 'to eat' la forma base sería ‗eat‘.

Para la forma afirmativa ponemos la forma base.

They work in an office.

Debemos tener en cuenta que la 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it) termina en 's', es decir, debemos añadirle una 's' a la forma base.

He works in an office.

Para la forma negativa necesitamos del auxiliar 'do'. Podemos encontrar tanto la forma completa 'do not' como la forma contraída 'don't'. They don’t work in an office.

Para la forma negativa en tercera persona, al tener que añadir la 's' lo que utilizamos es el auxiliar 'does not' o su forma contraída 'doesn't'. He doesn’t work in an office.

Para la forma interrogativa tenemos que invertir el auxiliar y el sujeto, es decir, invertimos el auxiliar 'do' y el sujeto. Do they work in an office?

Hacemos lo mismo en tercera persona, pero en este caso invertimos el auxiliar 'does'. Does he work in an office?

Para dar respuestas cortas debemos utilizar el auxiliar correspondiente. Recuerda que las respuestas cortas son muy comunes porque cuando hablamos evitamos repetir lo que ya se ha dicho.

Do they work in an office? Yes, they do / No, they don’t Does he work in an office? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

La forma de presente coincide con la forma base del verbo, salvo en tercera persona (he, she, it) en la que se le añade una 's'. Para formar la negativa e interrogativa necesitamos de los auxiliares.

Además, debemos tener en cuenta que en la tercera persona, al añadir la 's' debemos seguir ciertas reglas de ortografía.

1. La mayoría de los verbos se mantienen igual.

Work - works.

2. Los verbos que terminan en 's' o algún sonido similar (sh, x, ch) debemos añadir 'es'. Match - matches.

3. Los que terminan en 'y' y van precedidas de consonante, debemos cambiar la 'y' y añadir 'ies'. Cry - cries.

4. Cuando el verbo acaba en 'o' tenemos que añadir 'es'.

Go - goes. (Calcines, s.f.)

3. Letter to a pen pal

a. Present simple: examples Se usa para hacer referencia a situaciones que se repiten con cierta frecuencia: The simple present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things. Examples

 Cats like milk.  Birds do not like milk.  Do pigs like milk?  California is in America.  California is not in the United Kingdom.  Windows are made of glass. (Language Dynamics, s.f.) "I travel to London every weeks. Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―They run in the park every Saturdays. Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―My mother cleans the house. Mi madre limpia la casa‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―You are a good student. Tú eres un buen estudiante‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―Mary works in a bank. Mary trabaja en un banco‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―You study English at school. Ustedes estudian inglés en la escuela‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―The car is in the garage. El coche está en el garaje‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―I always visit my grandmother. (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).







Fuente: SENA

―Alice goes to the church. Alicia va a la iglesia‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

―They are my best friends. Ellos son mis mejores amigos‖ (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.).

Fuente: SENA

Esta es una lista de los principales verbos en sus formas de presente y pasado con su respectiva traducción al español: Español Responder Preguntar Aprobar Pertenecer Cepillar Limpiar Trepar Cocinar Bailar Descubrir Entregar Disfrutar Explicar Acabar Pescar Ocurrir Besar Gustar Vivir Necesitar

Infinitivo / Presente simple To answer To ask To approve To belong To brush To clean To climb To cook To dance To discover To deliver To enjoy To explain To finish To fish To happen To kiss To like To live To need

Pasado simple answered Asked approved belonged brushed cleaned climbed Cooked Danced discovered delivered enjoyed explained finished Fished happened Kissed Liked Lived Needed

Abrir Pintar Castigar Recordar Mostrar Sonreir Iniciar Estudiar Visitar Esperar

To open To paint To punish To remember To show To smile To start To study To visit To wait

Opened Painted punished remembered showed Smiled Started Studied Visited Waited

Fuente: (AprenderInglesFacil, s.f.)

4. Actions and telling time a. Basic words If you are a beginner, here is some simple English to Spanish vocabulary to get you started. You want to learn some basic greetings, or some survival English words for your vacation, like directions, time, numbers, shopping, the weather, food, the days and months, your country and nationality, how to travel to places and some simple words for getting around when you're there... If you’re traveling to a country or you're in a Spanish-speaking environment, you need to know some basic everyday Spanish words for those times when you‘ve got something to say or questions to ask and the people around you speak only Spanish!



bien, gracias / muy bien

well, thanks / very well



buenas noches

good evening, good night

buenas tardes

good afternoon

buenos días

good morning



¿cómo está Ud.?

how are you? (formal)

¿cómo estás?

how are you? (familiar)

¿cómo se llama Ud.?

what‘s your name? (formal)

¿cómo te llamas?

what‘s your name? (familiar)

con permiso

pardon me, excuse me

conversación (la)


¿de dónde eres?

where are you from? (familiar)

¿de dónde es Ud.?

where are you from? (formal)

de nada

you‘re welcome

el gusto es mío

the pleasure is mine


pleased to meet you

gracias / muchas gracias

thank you / thank you very much

hasta la vista

see you later, until we see one another again

hasta luego

see you later

hasta mañana

see you tomorrow

hasta pronto

see you soon


hello, hi



le presento a—

I would like to introduce you to— (formal)

lo siento

I‘m sorry

me llamo

my name is

mucho gusto

pleased to meet you

no worries, nothing to worry

no hay de qué


no muy bien

not very well

nos vemos

see you


pardon me, excuse me

¿qué hay de nuevo?

what‘s new?

¿qué hora es?

what time is it?

¿qué pasa?

what‘s happening?

¿qué tal?

what‘s going on? how‘s it going?



señor, Sr. (el)

gentleman, sir, Mr.

señora, Sra. (la)

lady, adult woman, Mrs.

señorita, Srta. (la)

young lady, Miss

soy de—

I‘m from—

te presento a—

I would like to introduce to you to (familiar)

¿y tú?

and you? (familiar)

¿y Ud?

and you? (formal)

Fuente: (Libros Media Ltd, s.f.)

b. Professions and jobs Algunas de las más importantes profesiones son:  Accountant - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.  Actor /Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie.  Architect - a person that designs building and houses.  Astronomer - a person who studies the stars and the universe.  Author - They write books or novels.  Baker - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.

 Bricklayer - a person that helps to build houses using bricks.  Butcher - a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.  Carpenter - a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture.  Dentist - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.  Designer - a person who has the job of designing things.  Doctor - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.  Electrician - a person that works with electric circuits.  Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.  Fireman/Fire fighter - a person that puts out fires.  Gardener - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden.  Journalist - a person that makes new reports in writing or through television.  Judge - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court.  Lawyer - a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice.  Mechanic - a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.  Nurse - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.  Painter - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings.  Pharmacist - a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine.  Pilot - a person who flies a plane.  Plumber - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.  Politician - a person who works in politics.  Policeman/Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime.  Postman - a person that delivers mail to your house.

 Scientist - a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments.  Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school. (Woodward Ltda, 2004)

















Police officer




Fuente de imágenes: SENA

c. Simple expressions Ahora encontrará una serie de expresiones que le servían para vincular las profesiones con expresiones cotidianas que se usan frecuentemente en diferentes contextos. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening (greeting). Hello, my name is John. What is your name? How are you? I am fine. Nice to meet you. Goodbye. See you later. I am lost. Where is the restroom? Excuse me. Please. Thank you. I'm sorry. Bless you. You are welcome (it was nothing). How much does it cost? How many are there? There are many. Do you want to buy this? What time is it? How do you say maybe in

Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches. Hola, me llamo Juan. ¿Cómo se llama usted? ¿Cómo está usted? Estoy bien. Mucho gusto. Adiós. Hasta luego. Estoy perdido. ¿Dónde está el baño? Con permiso. Perdóname. Por favor. Gracias. Lo siento. Salud. De nada. ¿Cuánto cuesta? ¿Cuántos hay? Hay muchos. ¿Quiere comprarlo usted? ¿Qué hora es? ¿Cómo se dice maybe en Español?

Spanish? Yes. No. I do not understand. Would you speak slower, please.

Sí. No. Yo no comprendo. Por favor, habla más despacio.

A continuación se muestran algunos consejos para hacer una presentación personal: La pregunta clave para preguntar la edad es: - How old are you? La forma correcta de responder según la edad es: - I am twenty-six years old. La traducción correcta no es ¿cuántos años tienes? sino ¿cuán viejo eres? - Decir: I have 26 years old, es incorrecto. - La forma correcta para decir la edad es: I am 26 years old. Para preguntar la procedencia: Where are you from? (¿De dónde eres?) Es incorrecto decir I am of Colombia la forma correcta es I am from Colombia. Who do you live with? (¿Con quién vives?) I live alone. Yo vivo solo. I live with my parents and my sister. Yo vivo con mis parientes. La profesión: What do you do? Para hablar sobre la profesión se agrega el artículo indefinido un o una. - Yo soy un doctor. I am a doctor. Si es un estudiante es igual:

- I study at SENA. Yo soy estudio en el SENA. Para hablar acerca de gustos se pueden usar diferentes verbos: Like (gustar) o want (querer), estos sirven de enlace para decir: - Me gusta cantar - I like to sing. - Yo quiero aprender inglés - I want to learn English. Examples Yo me llamo Harry - My name is Harry. Yo soy Harry - I am Harry. ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How old are you? Tengo 26 años - I am 26 years old. Nací el 19 de octubre de 1999 - I was born the 19th October 1999. Nací en Colombia - I was born in Colombia. Soy de Colombia - I am from Colombia. Soy estudiante - I´m student. Estudio en la Universidad - I study at the University.

Fuente: SENA

Hi, my name is Harry. I´m 29 years old. I´m from Colombia. I like listen to music. I like the sports. My favorite movie is Natural born Killers.

Fuente: SENA

Referencias  Aprenderinglesfacil. (s.f.). Ejercicios: Presente Simple (Simple Present Tense). Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Aprenderinglesfacil. (s.f.). Pasado Participio de los Verbos Regulares. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Aprenderinglesfacil. (s.f.). Pasado Simple – (Simple Past Tense). Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Aprenderinglesfacil. (s.f.). Presente Simple – (Simple Present Tense). Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Calcines, J. (s.f.). Past Simple - Uso. Estructura. Aspectos a Recordar. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Inglesencillo (s.f.). El pasado simple en inglés. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Language Dynamics. (s.f.). Simple Present. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Libros Media Ltd. (s.f.). Aprenda Palabras españolas básicos. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Woodward Ltda. (s.f.). Personal Information. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en  Woodward Ltda. (s.f.). Profesiones y Ocupaciones. Consultado 22 de octubre de 2014, en

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Harry Estupiñán

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Paola Andrea Bobadilla Gutiérrez

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Fecha Octubre de 2014 Noviembre de 2014

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