Competition table completed Flipbook PDF

Competition table completed

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Story Transcript

Competitor Analysis Company The Norfolk Copywriter

Website I'm The Norfolk Copywriter | Freelance Copywriter Norwich




Depending on which services prices vary, this was all the visible costing:

-Fun, friendly inviting tone to website-invites costumers

-friendly inviting tone, however, companies may not take as seriously.

Blog Writing-starting from £20 per month Website Developmentstarting at £440 package Average Four Page Website- £180

-Shows previous client collaboration-shows she’s experienced

- range of services offered, will meet most marketing needs for clients

-Good pricing range-not too expensive

-simplistic colour scheme

-She keeps up to date blog news about her projects

-prides themselves on their affordable prices

-shows good feedback from previous clients


Digital Marketing & Web Design | Affinity Agency Norwich

Affinity do not state their pricing on their website, however, state an invoice will be sent for services used.

-shows their status by declaring they are award winning (UK top 100 digital agencies) -states their involvement in environmental issues

- detailed website, professional feel and tone -clearly stated operating times and other important details -bold red and black colour scheme

-lists a vast range of services they offer -shows examples of previous websites designed, and the content produced from their services. -offers out of hours services

50 Pound Social

50 Pound Social – Affordable social media management

They offer four different pricing plans for social media page running: Basic Plan-£50

-website is easy to follow and straight to the point -specialises in social media, high standard professional knowledge

Basic Plan+ -£100 Premium Plan - £150

-as it doesn’t state prices, this could as a problem for clients who are seeking quick and immediate help -since last a vast range of services, shows the professional standards and knowledge the company offers and has - could also be a con the company only offer social media content, companies may seek elsewhere for businesses that offer this and more -good pricing

- shows a wide range of previous posts and content created for costumers

Deluxe Plan- £350 - four pricing available, no confusion and services listed underneath the plan -fun avatars of the staff members, creates a friendly feel to the website

-simple colour scheme, keeps a professional look - blog set up, good to keep clients informed, common theme between marketing agencies

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