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Designing a Reading Comprehension Course
Volume 17, Number 2, 1993 Convention Issue Designing a Reading Comprehension Course SUSANA IBARRA-PUIG, UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA METROPOLITANA-IZTAPALAPA

Electronic copy available at:

16 Page 1 of 46 EXHIBIT B-1. (Spanish language copy of the Homologation Order)
Case 16-10754-KJC Doc 143-3 Filed 11/18/16 Page 1 of 46 EXHIBIT B-1 (Spanish language copy of the Homologation Order) Case 16-10754-KJC Doc 143

ISSN Advance copy
ISSN 2070-6987 Advance copy FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1137 FAO, Informe de Pesca y Acuicultura No 1137 SLC/FIRF R1137 (Bi) WESTERN

DB46?4 4  ;1_      #    5# A9B BA9 BOA9  7 E 4% 6

Story Transcript

reflective portfolio MICHELLE WEDEL | DES 401

the start. Ever since childhood, I've always been into art. However, I also always had an interest and did well in science. Going through highschool, it was my dislike of math that ended up turning me away from pursuing STEM. Additionally, while I loved art, I couldn’t see myself just it as a career. My interest in art is more of a hobby. Many adults in my life recommended architecture as a potential degree, but as I looked into it I discovered design. Before that, I had only really heard of fashion and interior design. Once I learned a bit more about design, I perceived it as "the best of both worlds". Something like a happy medium between art and STEM).

highschool archives <

taken from the >

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If we go even further back: I watched a movie called Barbie and the Three Musketeers when I was seven, and I think that it somehow significantly altered my brain chemistry. Specifically the scene featured on the page, where the characters are integrating working weaponry into their ballgown attire. Sevenyear-old me thought the mix of pretty things and concealed function was one of the coolest things I had ever seen and I genuinely think it may have been the first thing to move my interests from art to design


From then on I always had a prominent interest in making things...




the now.

DES 303

What have you learned? Throughout my years in university, I would say my skills have advanced quite a bit. I’ve learned alot about building and making things, new softwares, et cetera. These skills have come through both ID and VCD.

3D modelling DES 403


DES 493


What have you learned?

DES 400

I’ve also gained better problem solving skills, and learned more about how to approach the creative process. Additionally, especially through DES 483 and 401, I’ve learned about different ways of thinking, and how there can be so many approaches, methods, and possibilities in design. I've also learned a lot more about design research and methods, and the importance of both qualitative and quantitative data through projects in both 400 and 401.

accessibility <

My idea of design has definitely expanded, I’m constantly learning about how many different potentials or fields there are in design, and that it isn’t just limited to the physical and digital, but also the conceptual. Design also has many other considerations in addition to function and aesthetics, from emotion to accessibility to experience. I’ve learned that design is incredibly applicable to other disciplines, and doesn’t just exist in its own bubble.

DES 401

co-design >

How have you changed? What experiences led to your development?

the now.

When I first came into this program, I struggled a lot with confidence in myself, especially as a designer. Imposters syndrome definitely ran rampant, and I had difficulties with trusting myself or my decisions. While I still struggle with this, and I’m still working on it, I’ve gained much more confidence in my skills and abilities, especially in the last two years.

imposter syndrome DES 400

Getting critiques and feedback from my professors and peers, and to a certain extent grades has helped me gain confidence in myself. Especially since I have a lot of difficulty perceiving my work, getting realistic feedback helps me with this.

DES DES 494 303

Not only that, as I have been exposed to more design, I’ve overall gained a better perception of what I like and what I think is ‘good’ and reflecting that on myself. Additionally, very recently, I got selected to design the new visual identity for the department. It's a really big and exciting opportunity, and one that I initially didn’t think I was even in the running for.

DES 403

the next. During the school year, I am definitely always inspired by my peers. That’s one of my favourite parts about design and this program. Everyone genuinely wants each other to do well, and there are some crazy talented people in this program. I am always excited to see what everyone else is up to as we do our projects, especially during the ideation and early stages of projects.

peer-topeer <

I’m also inspired by cool design I see on the day to day, both in person and online. Some of my major design inspirations are IKEA, Apple, and Kaja beauty. The are brands that I feel tend to put out pieces that I consistently appreciate and am inspired by. Especially within the beauty industry, I enjoy looking at makeup and perfume packaging. As for Kaja, I think their approach to makeup packaging is some of - if not the most - innovative in the industry. They are playful, yet still functional, in some cases more so than the generic packaging other brands put out.

day-today >


ikea kaja

DES 400 I still haven’t decided exactly what I want to do in design. I still love both industrial design and product design. I think packaging design seems to be the happy medium between the two, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the path I ended up taking. However, I still have interest in information design and lighting design, two areas that are reasonably different. I hope to explore these directions now, while I’m in school, so I can make an informed decision. Through the airdrop project in DES 494, I also have a new interest in design for emergency situations.

packaging DES 494


DES 300


I think I’ve been realizing through the experience of this course that I don’t think I want to pursue the big and complicated problems that exist in our world as my career in design. I definitely see why they need to be worked on, and that there is a place for design to be useful in working on them, I just don’t know if it’s for me. While I believe the overarching concepts, like sustainability, accessibility, and user-centricity should be applied to everything that is designed, I don’t think attempting to solve big or “wicked” problems is what I want to do. Instead, I think I would like to make people's lives better and brighter by targeting the everyday, little things. I think I would want to be a designer that works to create things that make people’s lives/ experiences a little easier and “spark more joy”.

the now.

tofu tries his best (BUILT)


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