Coton et le Castor Ensemble pour Traverser la Rivière (5) Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript



Coton and the Beaver: Over the River Together


Coton and the Beaver: Over the River Together

Coton was a small white rabbit with soft ears and a pompom tail. He loved to hop and run in the meadow with his family. Coton had a sweet and caring mommy bunny, a strong and protective daddy bunny, and two siblings who loved to play with him.

They all lived together in a comfortable burrow that was their home. The burrow was buried in the meadow, and they had dug tunnels to get around inside. Their house had a bedroom to sleep in and a kitchen where they kept fresh carrots and vegetables. They even had a small library with books about rabbits and other prairie animals.

Coton loved his family and was happy to live with them. But there was something that made him sad. Coton was scared of water. When he saw a stream or a pond, he felt nervous and scared. He didn't know why he was afraid, but he couldn't help but feel that way. Sometimes his family would walk by the water, but Coton would stay back or turn around.

Coton wanted to overcome his fear and discover new places in the meadow. But he didn't know how to get there. He felt a little different from his brothers and sisters, who were not afraid of water. Coton dreamed of finding someone who could help him overcome his fear and discover new places.

One day, Coton was out walking with his family in the meadow. They were all jumping and running together, playing hide and seek and discovering new things. Coton was happy to be with them, but he couldn't help but feel worried.

He was afraid they would end up heading for the water and he would get stuck there. Coton was right to worry. Soon they found themselves near a large river. Everyone was having fun jumping from one side to the other, but Coton was scared.

He tried to follow his family, but soon found himself in trouble. He panicked and ran in the wrong direction. When he finally stopped to catch his breath, he realized he was lost. He had no idea where he was or how to find his family.

He panicked and ran in the wrong direction. When he finally stopped to catch his breath, he realized he was lost. He had no idea where he was or how to find his family. Coton was sad and scared. He felt like he was all alone and abandoned. He tried to call his family, but all he heard was the sound of wind in the trees. He didn't know what to do.

That's when he heard a strange noise. He turned to see a beaver building a dam near the river. Coton had heard of beavers, but he had never seen one so close. The beaver noticed Coton and approached him.

"Hello, little rabbit," said the beaver. "What's wrong with you? You look lost." Coton explained to the beaver that he had wandered away from his family and was afraid to cross the river to find them. The beaver offered to help him. "I'm very good at building dams and dams," the beaver said. "And I'm also very good at swimming. I could show you how to cross the river safely. Would you like me to help you?"

Coton was relieved and grateful. He accepted the beaver's offer and felt safer already. Coton shook with fear as he looked at the river that stood before him. He didn't want to cross it because he was afraid of the water. The beaver tried to convince him that the water was not so scary, but Coton was too scared to listen.

The beaver understood that Coton needed help to overcome his fear. He explained that many other animals were afraid of water at first, but that they had all overcome it by focusing on their goals. He advised Coton to take a deep breath, focus on the other side of the river where his family was waiting, and make a brave decision.

Coton was still hesitating, but the beaver gave him a little push by saying: "You can do it, I am here to help you". Coton felt the confidence rising in him, he took a deep breath and decided to go for it. Coton realized that he could not cross the river alone. The beaver offered to help him build a raft to cross the river. They looked for branches and leaves to build it.

The beaver had a lot of experience building dams and rafts, so he showed Coton how to do it. They had a hard time holding the branches together and the river current was very strong, but they continued to work together. Coton now had a new friend and this helped him overcome his fear. The beaver gave him little encouragement and showed him how to do it. Finally, after several tries, they managed to build a raft strong enough to cross the river.

Coton and the beaver were proud of their work. They got on the raft and started to cross the river. The current was strong, but the raft held together. Cotton felt more confident and less afraid. He was glad to have a new friend to help him.

Coton was still a little scared, but he trusted his new friend. The beaver gave him little encouragement along the way and reminded him how brave he was. Little by little, Coton's fear began to diminish and he was able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the river.

After a while, the raft arrived on the other side of the river. Coton was happy to have found his family and to tell them about his adventure. He warmly thanked the beaver for his precious help.

Coton had overcome his fear of water with the help of the beaver and realized that he could do amazing things if he had the courage to try. He had also found a new friend for life in the beaver. Coton and the beaver got off the raft and headed for the meadow across the river. Coton was excited to be reunited with his family, but a little nervous about telling his adventure.

When he finally arrived at his den, Coton saw that his family was desperately looking for him. When they saw Coton arrive with the beaver, they ran to him with open arms. "Where have you been?" his mother asked with concern. "He got lost, but I was able to help him cross the river," the beaver replied with a smile.

Coton's family was relieved and grateful to the beaver for his help. They then turned to Coton and congratulated him on his courage and determination. Coton was happy to see how proud his family was of him. They all went back to their burrow together and told each other about their adventures of the day. Coton had a lot to tell and his family listened attentively. They spent the rest of the evening talking and relaxing.

Coton had learned that he could overcome his fear with the help of others and that he had the strength to do amazing things if he believed in himself. He was happy to have his family back, but even happier to have made a new friend in the beaver.

Coton decides to visit the beaver to thank him for helping him overcome his fear of water. When Coton arrives at the beaver's house, he thanks him warmly and explains how valuable his help has been. The beaver is touched by Coton's gratitude and tells him that he is happy to have helped him.

The two friends decide to spend more time together and play in the river. The beaver teaches Coton how to swim and how to build dams. Coton is happy to have found a new friend and to discover new things. Before leaving, Coton promises to never forget the help the beaver gave him and to always be grateful to him. The beaver smiles and says that he will always be there to help his friend Coton.

Coton shares his experience with his friends and family, explaining how the beaver helped him overcome his fear of water and how they worked together to build a raft. His friends and family are impressed with his determination and courage. Coton realizes that his story with the beaver can help other children who are afraid of something. So he offers to write a book about his adventure, hoping that it will help other children overcome their fears. The book was published and became a hit with children around the world. Coton is proud to know that he has helped other children overcome their fears and work together to accomplish great things.

What did you learn from the story of Little Cotton and the Beaver ?

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Coton and the Beaver: Over the River Together

Coton and the Beaver: Over the River Together Coton, a little rabbit, tries to cross a river to find his family on the other side. Beaver, an expert dam builder, offers his help and they build a raft together. They overcome several obstacles to reach the other side of the river safely, and Coton learns the value of friendship and cooperation.

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