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Culture Heritage of Delhi and Sikkim Arpita jackson 6H ROLL NO.:6

People from all parts of the country live here. All major festival of Inida are celebrated and the Unity in Diversity is evident in social and cultural gatherings. Delhi

The most important festivals included in the Cultural Heritage ofDelhi are Diwali,Dussera, Lohri, Holi, Kite Flying Festival, Basant Panchami, Maha Shivaratri, Baisakhi, Mahavir Jayanti and a lot more. .

Delhi has a chaotic asymmetric beauty. One side ofDelhi is still with the ancient style architecture, old winding lanes, age-old markets, and traditional communities.This Old Delhi is still holding its traditional values whereas New Delhi is getting flourished with modernization.

Even today, one can have a glimpse into the past in OldDelhi, with its labyrinth of narrow lanes, old havelis, and colourful bazaars. Rickshaws wind their way through this crowded, bustling capital of the Mughals, where life continues, much as it did hundreds of years ago.

Delhi is a city where ancient and modern blend seamlessly together. It is a place that not only touches your pulse but even fastens it to a frenetic speed. Home to millions of dreams

All this is combined with the best features of a modern city such as a metro system, bustling markets and fabulous eating places. The past and the present meld seamlessly together, making centuries-old monuments a part of the city’s daily life.

Dotted with monuments there is much to discover here. The seat of many powerful empires in the past, its long history can be traced in its many carefully-preserved monuments, ancient forts and tombs.

Delhi showcases an ancient culture and a rapidly modernizing country.Dotted with monuments there is much to discover here. The seat of many powerful empires in the past,

North-east site and historical monuments are the part of heritage tourism in Sikkim, Most famous historical places of Sikkim includesDubdi Monastery, Rabdentse ruins, Pemayangtse Monastery etc. Sikkim

Sikkim has a very rich cultural heritage that is blended with a diversity of religion, tradition, and customs. People of Sikkim don't only speak Sikkimese language or tribal language but also Hindi and English

Sikkim has a diverse and rich heritage demonstrated in its old monasteries, culture and traditions. The state is home to some beautiful monasteries painted in golden and red colour and preserved in them is the opulent history of Sikkim.

The cultural heritage of Sikkim is expressed in its traditional folk dances. Sikkim is domiciled by many ethnic castes and tribes; each of them has its own interesting folk dances. These folk dances and music have become an inseparable part of Sikkim Culture.

the food here reflect the culture and also The cuisine is a blend of Tibetan, Nepali and Lepcha dishes which comes from various ethnic tribes and communities of Sikkim.

Sikkim is a unique blend of different religion, customs and traditions of different communities. In the ancient times, Sikkim was occupied by three tribes; Naong, Chang and the Mon.

Sikkim is like a beautiful bouquet that is adorned with the amazing colors and essence of different flowers, in the form of attractive folk dances, customs and traditions of different tribes and castes

The rich culture of Sikkim compels one to trace its cultural heritage that has been passed from one generation to another and is quite vibrant and interesting to experience. Most of all, Sikkim greatly boasts rich natural heritage.

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