Culture North Regional Board: projects for

“Culture North Regional Board: projects for  entrepreneurship   entrepreneurship” Mário Brito Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte 31st May 2012 31s

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Story Transcript

“Culture North Regional Board: projects for  entrepreneurship   entrepreneurship”

Mário Brito Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte 31st May 2012 31st May

Subject: Main activities of Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte Indicators of the nort of Portugal: ecomonics Portugal: ecomonics and cultures The existing support to entrpreneurship Opportunities for cultural heritage for cultural heritage The challenge for museums

Northern Portugal Northern Portugal

World Heritage

Paleolitich art in Foz Coa, Douro Valley, Historical Center of Porto and Guimarães

Northern Portugal h l population (2009)


highest peak coast line

Marão (1.415 m) 144 km

area distribution area in km² inhabitants per km ²

Northern Portugal 21.278 92.090 176 115,3

area shares h N th Northern P t Portugal l forest 32,0 38,0 agriculture 29,2 33,0 permanent settlement 61 6,1 47 4,7

DRCN: majour activities

Identify, safeguard and preserve Cultural Heritage Conserve and restore Historical Monuments

Managing monuments and sites and ensuring conditions for enjoyment by the public

Mangement of Museums

Supporting cultural projects of regional and local dimension

DRCN: museums management

DRCN: monuments management Northern Cultural Regional Direction is the central entity of the Portuguese State responsible for safeguarding, conservation and management of the built heritage of Northern Portugal. It has under its direct management a total of 53 sites and monuments that are State property, Interventions rehabilitation of monuments and sites are financed through national funds and EU funds with special emphasis on conservation and restoration actions, but also include interventions to di disseminate i t and d promote, t in i the th sense off the th qualified lifi d offer ff to t the th public and the provision of Historical Heritage as a resource for regional development.

DRCN: monuments management ( 53 )

Northern Cultural Regional Direction Northern Cultural Regional Direction •

Mission: Sustainable development of communities through the Historical Heritage

Office in Porto and Vila Real

28 monuments open to the public

9 monuments with interpretative center

7 museums

Activity in all the region

700 000 visitors in 2011

North of Portugal: some indicators Despite national and international economic situation, there are some aspects that we must know about are some  aspects must know about north of  of Portugal at this moment:

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: overnight stays Overnight Stays 2.500.000


1 500 000 1.500.000



0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Overnight Stays – Statistics | 20004 – 2012 (Jan. – Fev. )

North of Portugal: some indicatores Tourisme: airport Francisco Sá carneiro

2nd Best European Airport (2010)

• 5th world’s best Airport (2 – 5 million passengers) • Number of passengers: p g • 2005: 3.108.186 • 2011: 6.003.408

North of Portugal: some indicatores Tourisme: Port of Leixões

North of Portugal: some indicatores Tourisme: the importance of heritage

Tourist profile in Oporto and North of Portugal Oct. – Dec. 2011

Source:  IPDT, 2011

North of Portugal: some indicatores Tourisme: the importance of heritage

Tourist profile in Oporto and North of Portugal Oct. – Dec. 2011

Source:  IPDT, 2011

North of Portugal: some indicators

Oporto European Best Destination 2012

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

LLello ll Bookshop B kh The world ‘s greatest bookshop

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

Majestic M j i Café C fé World’s 10 most beautiful cafés in the world

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

SS. Bento Station B S i Worlds’s 14 Most Beautiful Rail Station

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

Eduardo Souto Moura, 2011

Álvaro Siza Vieira, 1992

2 P i k Architecture 2 Pritzker A hi P i Winners of Porto Prize Wi fP

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

• Porto Wine as a brand of the region • 14 Certificated Oporto Wine Cellars • 10 Oporto 10 Oporto Wine Cellars with guided tour • 2010 visitors: 700.000  (6% increase)

Source AEVP 2011 Source: AEVP, 2011

North of Portugal: some indicators Tourisme: some examples

Support to entrepreneurship to entrepreneurship Projects support Entrepreneurship Contests for Inovative ideas Startups support and prizes Infortmation about nacional and international fundings • Information and studies • • • • •

Support to entreperneurship to entreperneurship • Creative Industries and Incubadoras

Others: Guimarães, Paredes, CACE…

North of Portugal: contex of strong cultural activity A close look over all the cultural actors reflects an high cultural offer promoted by local and central management, companies and associations:

We have cultural organizations of international dimension like Casa da Música and Museu de Serralves and museums, lybraries and archives all over the region We have important activity in education in the field of Arts, Archaeology, Cultural management, Architecture, This year we have the European Capital of Culture in Guimarães and International Capital of Youth in Braga The cellebrations of International Museum Day ( past 18 May ) envolved XXXX museums in the North of Portugal

Opportunities for Cultural Heritage For tourisme sector: Production of contents of contents for printed for printed materials or web Merchandinzing Services and information for mobile platforms Thematic Tourism (arts, archaeology, architecture) Historical recreations Cultural Routes Cultural Routes Gastronomy and Wine Nature For Educational sector: Partnership with cultural organizations New activities Programms For creative sector: Events, exhibitions, trainning with new approaches

What’s missing? The client may/must be global Activities related with tourisme must be direccioned for foreigner Information However the offer and the web, the web the lack of information of information is very big Partnership As you don’t have all the skills you need ,you must envolve other people Networking Networks provide contacts, information, opportunities and complementarity Scale with partnership Think big, envolve partners and get impact

What are we doing? International projects International projects

What are we doing? International projects IMAGINAATLANTICA – Espaço Atlântico, Territórios Criativos inovadores Communautéé d’Agglomération d’ l é i du d Grand d Angoulême lê ( (Angoulême, França) 2  lê ) Eixo Atlântico do Noroeste Fundação da Juventude (Porto, Portugal Deputacion Provincial de Ourense (Galiza, Espanha)  Xunta de Galicia (Galiza, Espanha)  Technium Cast ‐ (West Wales and The Valleys,)  Plano de Trabalho: Constituição de um fundo de competências e de recursos do espaço  Atlântico na área da imagem Atlântico na área da imagem Definição e execução de programas de intercâmbio para jovens profissionais  e especialistas  Valorização do património atlântico e das suas capacidades de expressão Valorização do património atlântico e das suas capacidades de expressão Grupo de trabalho ‐ territórios criativos Promoção de um cluster à escala internacional

What are we doing?

International projects International projects PROYECTO LABORATORIO DE EMPLEOS CULTURALES ( LECU): Laboratorio de Empleos Culturales en una iniciativa del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Objetivos Potenciar las posibilidades del patrimonio cultural para crear empleo y desarrollar nuevas profesiones y oportunidades laborales y mejorar las condiciones de empleabilidad de los profesionales vinculados al ámbito del patrimonio cultural en particular, el proyecto Desarrollar modelos de intermediación en el mercado de trabajo de los profesionales que intervienen en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural. •Establecer criterios, enfoques y evaluación de buenas prácticas para el diseño y realización de iniciativas que favorezcan la generación de empleo y/o mejoren las condiciones en que intervienen los profesionales del patrimonio cultural. •Consolidación Consolidación de una red de agentes andaluces participantes en el sector del patrimonio cultural con la finalidad de mejorar las relaciones entre estos agentes, la difusión de tecnologías y las oportunidades de colaboración y empleo entre los recursos. •Aprehender nuevos planteamientos en las iniciativas de actuación sobre el patrimonio cultural y la gestión de los recursos humanos en este ámbito, de manera que dichas intervenciones aumenten las oportunidades de empleo o mejore la calidad de las intervenciones de los profesionales.

Entidades asociadas al proyecto: Ayuntamiento de A Coruña Istituto Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte

What can /should museums do ? Stablishment of local networks of people interested in the developement of their own acyivities Find models of cooperatin with private sector specially sector specially with emerging new companies Provide information and facilitate contacts in the sector Understand U d t d that th t there th are severall activities ti iti in i museums and d other public and private cultural organizations that can be performed by new companies from the private sector

Thank you Mário Brito Mário Brito [email protected]

A Dinâmica da Região Norte g • Áreas com potencial articulação com o Património • Hotelaria

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