Curriculum vitae. Education

1 Curriculum vitae Particulars Tomas Gerardo Guerrero Dr. med vet Diplomate ECVS Professor Small Animal Medicine & Surgery Academic Program St. Georg

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1 Curriculum vitae

Particulars Tomas Gerardo Guerrero Dr. med vet Diplomate ECVS Professor Small Animal Medicine & Surgery Academic Program St. George's University School of Veterinary Medicine True Blue,Grenada West Indies [email protected]



Primary School in Mar de Ajo, Buenos Aires, Argentina


High school in Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Argentinean Diploma in Veterinary Medicine


Assistant at the Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Internship at Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, University of Zurich


AO Fellowship Small Animal Surgery, University of Zurich


Residency in small animal surgery at the Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, University of Zurich

October 2002

Assistant (interchange) University of Vienna, Austria


Spanish diploma of Licenciado en Veterinaria


Doctor in Veterinary Medicine: University of Zurich, Switzerland: Advancement of the tibial tuberosity for the treatment of cranial cruciate-deficient canine stifle, a video film

Since 2005

Oberassistant at the Clinic for Small animal Surgery of the University of Zurich


Diplomate European College of Veterinary Surgeons ECVS



Spanish, Italian, English, German, French, and some Portuguese.

Publications in peer-review journals

- Guerrero TG, Montavon PM: Medial Plating for Carpal Panarthrodesis. Vet Surg 34:153–158, 2005

- Guerrero TG, Koch D, Montavon PM: Fixacion of a proximal femoral physeal fracture in a dog using a ventral approach and two kirschenr wires. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 18 2: 110-11, 2005

- Guerrero TG, Geyer H, Hässig M, Montavon PM: Effect of conformation of the distal portion of the femur and proximal portion of the tibia on the pathogenesis of cranial cruciate ligament disease in dogs. Am J Vet Res 68 12: 1332-7, 2007

- Post C, Guerrero T,Voss K, Montavon PM. Temporary transarticular stabilization with a locking plate for medial shoulder luxation in a dog. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 21 2: 166-170, 2008

- Voss K, Damur DM, Guerrero T, Haessig M, Montavon PM. Force plate gait analysis to assess limb function after tibial tuberosity advancement in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 21 3: 243-249, 2008

- Post C, Guerrero T, Ohlerth S, Hässig M, Voss K, Montavon PM: Joint mice migration into the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in dogs. Clinical cases and anatomical study. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 21 5: 440-445, 2008

- Kipfer NM, Tepic S, Damur DM, Guerrero T, Hässig M, Montavon PM. Effect of tibial

3 tuberosity advancement on femorotibial shear in cranial cruciate-deficient stifles. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 21 5: 385-390, 2008

- Guerrero TG, Montavon PM. Zurich Cementless Total Hip Replacement: Retrospective Evaluation of 2nd Generation Implants in 65 cases. Veterinary Surgery 38: 70-80, 2009

- Andreoni AA, Guerrero TG, Hurter K, Montavon PM: Revision of an unstable HELICA endoprosthesis with a Zurich cementless total hip replacement. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 23 3: 177-181, 2010

- Morgan, JP, Voss K, Damur DM, Guerrero TG, Haessig M, Montavon PM: Correlation of radiographic changes after tibial tuberosity advancement in dogs with cranial cruciatedeficient stifles with functional outcome. Veterinary Surgery,39: 425-432, 2010

-Guerrero TG, Makara M, Katiofsky K, Fluckiger MA, Morgan JP, Haessig M, Montavon PM: Comparison of healing of the osteotomy gap after tibial tuberosity advancement with and without the use of autogenous cancellous bone graft: Veterinary Surgery, 40 (2011) 27–33

-K Kühn, S Ohlerth, M Makara, M Hässig, TG Guerrero: Radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluation of the patellar ligament following tibial tuberosity advancement. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 52, 4 466–471, 2011

-R streubel, M Makara, TG Guerrero: Medial pancarpal arthrodesis in three cats with the Compact 2.0 LOCK TM Mandible plate system. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 24 4:294-8 2011

-TG Guerrero, A Pozzi, N Dunbar, N Kipfer, M Haessig, M Horodyski, PM Montavon: Effect of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement on the Contact Mechanics and the Alignment of the Patellofemoral and Femorotibial Joints: Veterinary Surgery, 40 (2011) 839–848

4 -RG Kuipers von Lande, AJ Worth, TG Guerrero, MC Owen, A Hartman: Comparison between a novel bovine xenograft and an autogenous cancellous bone graft, in the tibial tuberosity advancement procedure. Veterinary Surgery, in press 2011

-N Medl, TG Guerrero, L Hölzle, M Haessig, PM Montavon: Intraoperative Contamination of the Suction Tip in Clean Orthopedic Surgeries in dogs and cats. Veterinary Surgery in press 2011

- SA Hug, TG Guerrero, M Makara, M Kummer, P Grest, R. Bettschart, CC Schwarzwald: Diagnosis and Surgical Cellophane Banding of an Intrahepatic Congenital Portosystemic Shunt in a Foal. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. In press 2011.

-S Simova-Curd, TG Guerrero, J-M. Hatt: Evaluation of two new methods for routine closure after ventriculotomy in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Manuscript submitted J Avian Med Surg

Original Publications in Continuing Education Journals

Guerrrero TG: Situación clínica en cirugía: Hernia diafragmática en un gato (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain). 146 (15):95-96, 2007

Guerrrero TG: Situación clínica en cirugía: Contractura del músculo infraespinatus (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain). 148 (16):85-86, 2008

Guerrrero TG: Situación clínica en cirugía: Caída desde altura y empalamiento en un gato (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain). 155 (16): 68-70, 2008

Rodríguez Quirós J, Guerrero TG: Monograph: Adelantamiento de la tuberosidad tibial para el tratamiento de la rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior en el perro (Spanish). Canis et Felis

5 N° 95 December 2008, ed. Acalantis, Spain. Co- editor of the monograph and author of following chapters: -

Rodríguez Quirós J, Socorro AJ, San Roman F, Guerrero T: Rotura del ligamento cruzado en el perro: signos clínicos, diagnóstico y tratamiento. pp 6-26


Guerrero T, Rodríguez Quirós J: Biomecánica de la técnica. Pp 42-50


Rodríguez Quirós J, Mora MV, Guerrero T: Material quirúrgico empleado. pp 52-57


Rodríguez Quirós J, Socorro AJ, Montavon P, Guerrero T: Técnica quirúrgica. pp 58-75


Rodríguez Quirós J, Montesinos GDP, Mora MV, Guerrero T: Cuidados postoperatorios: Tratamiento postquirúrgico inmediato, controles y rehabilitación. pp 76-93


Guerrero T, Montavon P, Rodríguez Quirós J: Errores y complicaciones. pp 94-104

Guerrrero TG: Situación clínica en cirugía: Luxación del hueso radiocarpal en un gato (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain), 159 (17): 75-77, 2009

Makara M, Guerrero TG: Situación clínica en cirugía: Neumotórax espontáneo en un perro. Diagnostico y tratamiento (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain), 163 (17): 55-58, 2009

Guerrero TG, Montavon PM, Rodríguez Quirós J: Avance de la tuberosidad tibial (TTA) para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia del ligamento cruzado anterior (Spanish). Selecciones Veterinarias (Argentina). 18 (1) 11-22, 2010

Makara M, Guerrero TG: Anomalía vascular portosistémica en un perro, opciones de diagnostico y tratamiento (Spanish). Consulta de difusión Veterinaria (Spain),171 (18):61-64, 2010

6 Popularized publications

S Knell, TG Guerrero: Dank neuem Hüftgelenk wieder “ganz der Alte”? Hunde 8/10, 10-12, 2010

Scientific abstracts

TG Guerrero, PM Montavon: Medial plating for carpal panarthrodesis. 12th ECVS Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 223, 2003

H Rohrbach, K Schwieger , T Guerrero, M Glatt, J Gasser J, B Rahn : Bone healing under anti-resorptive medication in a canine distal radius model. FELASA-ICLAS Joint Meeting, Como, Italy, 164, 2007

TG Guerrero, PM Montavon: Zurich Cementless Total Hip Replacement in 65 clinical cases. A retrospective study. 35th VOS Meeting, Big Sky MO, USA, 11, 2008

M Makara, JP Morgan, K Voss, DM Damur, TG Guerrero, M Haessig, PM Montavon. Radiographic changes after tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) in dogs with cranial cruciate deficient stifles and their value as an indicator on functional outcome. Annual Conference of the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Solvaer, Norway, 117, 2008

TG Guerrero, K Katiofsky, MA Fluckiger, Makara M, M Haessig, PM Montavon: Comparison of healing of the osteotomy gap after tibial tuberosity advancement with and without the use of autogenous cancellous bone graft. 36th VOS Meeting, Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 16, 2009

RG Kuipers von Lande, AJ Worth, MC Owen MC, TG Guerrero, A Hartman: Comparison between a novel bovine xenograft and an autogenous cancellous bone graft, in the tibial tuberosity advancement procedure. 36th VOS Meeting, Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 16, 2009


S Simova-Curd, TG Guerrero, J-M. Hatt: Suture technique for the closure of the ventriculus after ventricolotomy in Japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). 10th European AAV Conference and 8th ECAMS Scientific Meeting, Antwerp, Belgium 69-70, 2009

K Kühn, S Ohlerth, M Makara, M Hässig, TG Guerrero: Radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluation of the patellar ligament following tibial tuberosity advancement. International Veterinary Radiology Association Congress, Buzios Brazil, 201, 2009

KS Kalchofner, M Schweizer-Kölliker, SK Ringer, TG Guerrero, R BettschartWolfensberger: Incidence of delayed hair growth and pruritus after epidural anaesthesia in dogs. 10th World Congress Vet Anaesthesia Glasgow UK, 129, 2009

J. Rodriguez-Quirós, A Jimenez Socorro, J Robles Sanmartín, V Devesa García, T Guerrero: Complicaciones más frecuentes y técnicas de resolución en las prótesis de cadera no cementadas (sistema modular suizo - Zürich Cementless) (Spanish). Poster presentation, XVII Meeting SECIVE, Cáceres, Spain, 2009

TG Guerrero, A Pozzi, N Dunbar, N Kipfer, M Haessig M, MB Horodyski, PM Montavon: Effect of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement on the Contact Mechanics and the Alignment of the Patellofemoral and Femorotibial Joints (poster). 37th VOS Meeting, Breckenridge CO, USA, 31, 2010

KS Kalchofner, J Werner, SK Ringer, TG Guerrero, M. Hässig, R. Bettschart-Wolfensberger: Comparison of ‘whoosh’ test and epidural pressure waves measurement for identification of the epidural space in dogs. AVA Spring Meeting 2010

TG Guerrero, A Pozzi, N Dunbar, N Kipfer, M Haessig M, MB Horodyski, PM Montavon: Effect of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement on the Contact Mechanics and the Alignment of the Patellofemoral and Femorotibial Joints. 19th ECVS Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 152, 1010

8 N. Medl, T Guerrero,L Hölzle, P Montavon: Intraoperative Kontamination der Absaugung während sauberer orthopädischer Operationen an Hund und Katze. 56. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kleintiermedizin, Dusseldorf, Germany, 283-287, 2010

SA Hug, TG Guerrero, M Kummer, M Makara, P Grest, R Bettschart, CC Schwarzwald: Diagnosis and surgical correction of a congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in a foal. Accepted ECEIM, Hannover, Germany, 2011

A Gutbrod, PM Montavon, M Hässig, TG Guerrero: Effects of humeral rotational osteotomy on contact mechanism of the canine elbow joint. An ex vivo study. Accepted 38th VOS Meeting, Snowmass CO, USA, 2011

N Medl, TG Guerrero, L Hölzle, PM Montavon: Intraoperative contamination of the suction tips in clean orthopedic surgeries in dogs and cats. Accepted 38th VOS Meeting, Snowmass CO, USA, 2011

Invited lecturer at other Universities


12 hour lectures per year at the postgraduate course: Especialista en traumatología y cirugía ortopédica en animales de compañía. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain

Invited oral presentations in national and international congresses

July 2003

12th ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting. Glasgow, Scotland. -Medial plating for carpal panarthrodesis

December 2003.

78th AO Veterinary Small Animal Advanced Course. Davos, Switzerland - Medial plating for carpal panarthrodesis.

May 2004

SETOV Meeting. Barcelona, Spain


-Actualización en cirugía de rodilla y de cadera. (Spanish)

May 2004

SETOV Meeting. Madrid, Spain -Actualización en cirugía de rodilla y de cadera. (Spanish)

October 2006

41th AVEPA Annual Scientific Meeting Madrid, Spain -Tratamiento quirúrgico de los traumatismos pélvicos en el gato (Spanish) -Tratamiento quirúrgico de los traumatismos carpales en perros y gatos (Spanish) -Tratamiento Quirúrgico de la displasia de cadera. Opciones de tratamiento. (Spanish) -El avance de la tuberosidad tibial como alternativa a la TPLO en el tratamiento de rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior. (Spanish) -Problemas musculares y tendinosos en traumatología (Spanish)

May 2007

8th GEVO Annual Congress. Gerona, Spain -Técnica de lateralización y cranilización de la tuberosidad tibial en el tratamiento de la luxación medial de la rotula. (Spanish)

December 2007

AO Principles & Advanced Small animal courses. Davos, Switzerland -Instructor

March 2008

VOS Annual Meeting, Montana, USA -Zurich Cementless Total Hip replacement in 65 clinical cases. A reprospective study

April 2008

11th AMURVAC Annual Meeting. Murcia, Spain - Problemas en la región del carpo (Spanish)

10 - Cadera, displasia, diagnostico y manejo (Spanish) - Problemas de la pelvis (Spanish) - Problemas en la región de la rodilla (Spanish)

May 2008

VIII GEVO Annual Meeting, Benidorm, Spain -Introducción a los fijadores internos y nuevos conceptos (Spanish)

August 2008

AO Principles Course of Small Animals Fracture Management. Buenos Aires, Argentina -Principios y usos de la banda de tensión (Spanish) -Luxación sacroilíaca (Spanish) -Fracturas de la fisis en animales en crecimiento (Spanish) -Biomecánica de las fracturas y su clasificación (Spanish) -Manejo inicial del paciente traumatizado (Spanish) -Tratamiento de fracturas mediante coaptación externa (Spanish)

March 2009

VOS annual Meeting. Breckenridge, Colorado, USA -Comparison of healing of the osteotomy gap after tibial tuberosity advancement with and without the use of autogenous cancellous bone graft

May 2009

IX GEVO Annual Meeting - Displasia de cadera: Tratamiento conservador y cirugías paliativas (Spanish) - Seminar in clinical cases

September 2009

AO Principles Course of Small Animals Fracture Management, Mexico City, Mexico

11 -Principios y usos de la banda de tensión (Spanish) -Luxación sacroilíaca (Spanish) -Fracturas de la fisis en animales en crecimiento (Spanish) -Biomecánica de las fracturas y su clasificación (Spanish) -Introducción a los fijadores internos (Spanish) -Tratamiento de fracturas mediante coaptación externa (Spanish) - Placas: Funciones y aplicación clínica -Fracturas de la pelvis y cadera (Spanish)

November 2009

XVII Congreso internacional de Sociedad Española de Cirugia Veterinaria. Cacéres, Spain - El adelantamiento de la tuberosidad tibial en el tratamiento de la rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior (Spanish) - Luxación de rótula (Spanish) - Manejo inicial del paciente traumatizado (Spanish) - Introducción a los fijadores internos (Spanish) - Displasia de cadera. Opciones de tratamiento. Prótesis de cadera (Spanish) - Problemas en la pelvis (Spanish) - Problemas en la región del carpo (Spanish)

December 2009

II Simpósio Internacional de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Veterinaria – OTV. Sao Pablo, Brazil. -Avanço da tuberosidade da tíbia (Portuguese) -Prótese de quadril no cimentada (Portuguese) -Locking plates: Unilock, LCP, ALPS -Tratamento de traumatismos do carpo (Portuguese) -Fraturas pélvicas - cães e gatos ((Portuguese)

February 2010

VOS Annual Meeting. Steamboat, Colorado, USA

12 -Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement on the contact mechanics and the alignment of the patellofemoral and femorotibial joints. Poster Presentation. July 2010

19th ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting. Helsinki Finland -Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement on the contact mechanics and the alignment of the patellofemoral and femorotibial joints

July 2010

AO Principles Course of Small Animals Fracture Management, São Paulo, Brazil -Biomecânica das fraturas e classificação (Portuguese) -Casos clínicos. Placas de compressão / neutralização /apoio (Portuguese) -Princípios do tratamento de fraturas articulares (Portuguese) - Abordagem pós-operatório de fixação de fraturas (Portuguese) -Técnicas de coaptação externa (Portuguese) - Novos avanços do manejo de fraturas (Portuguese)

July 2010

AO Advanced Course of Small Animals Fracture Management, São Paulo, Brazil -Fraturas pélvicas em gatos (Portuguese) -Fraturas complexas do fêmur proximal de cães adultos (Portuguese) -Fraturas complexas da articulação do joelho- Caes (Portuguese) - Arthrodese do carpo – cães e gatos (Portuguese) - Aplicações clinicas de placas compressivas bloqueadas (LCP) em cães (Portuguese)

- Teoria do avanço da tuberosidade da tibia (TTA). Técnica e resultados (Portuguese)

October 2010

Nihon University, Tokio Japan

13 -Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement on the contact mechanics and the alignment of the patellofemoral and femorotibial joints. -Comparison of healing of the osteotomy gap after tibial tuberosity advancement with and without the use of autogenous cancellous bone graft

November 2010

Kyon symposium, Zurich Switzerland - Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement on the contact mechanics and the alignment of the patellofemoral and femorotibial joints.

December 2010

APMVEAC 21th Curso de Educação Contínua, Lisboa, Portugal - Aplicação clínica das placas bloqueadas -Sistema ALPS (Portuguese) - Prótese de anca não cimentada de Zurich - Experiência clínica (Portuguese)

Presentations in continuing education courses at the University of Zurich

February 2002

2nd Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons -Sacrococcygeal fracture/ luxation: assessment, surgical management

August 2002

3rd Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons - Liver surgery: techniques, control of hemostasis - Extrahepatic biliary tract surgery: diagnosis, physiopathology and surgical techniques - Partial gastrectoctomy: indications and techniques

September 2002

ESAVS II Feline Medicine and Surgery

14 - Sacrococcygeal fracture/ luxation: assessment, surgical management

August 2003

4th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons -Advancement of the tibial tuberosity for the treatment of cranial cruciate-deficient canine stifle

January 2006

6th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons -Medial plating for pancarpal arthrodesis

September 2006

ESAVS III Feline medicine and Surgery -Sacrococcygeal fracture/ luxation: assessment, surgical management

September 2006

Grundlagen der Kleintierorthpädie - Kniegelenk: extrakapsulärer Bandersatz - Fallstudium enfache Osteosynthesentechniken

January 2007

7th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons -Hemilaminectomy for treatment of cervical intervertebral disk disease

September 2007

ESAVS IV Feline medicine and Surgery -Sacrococcygeal fracture/ luxation: assessment, surgical management

November 2007

Weiterbildungkurs Abdominale Chirurgie - Erkrankungen der Milz und Splenektomie - Celiotomie und intraabdominale Biopsietechniken.

January 2008

8th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons

15 -Pectinectomy, iliopsoas tenotomy and denervation of the articular capsule as treatment for coxarthrosis in dogs

January 2009

9th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons -Seminar on tibial tuberosity advancement -Interactive session: clinical cases

January 2010

10th Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons - Seminar in clinical cases.

Organizer/lecturer in continuous education courses at the University of Zurich


Organization of 9 courses of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) for the treatment of cranial cruciate-deficient canine stifle for small animal surgeons


Organization of 6 courses of Zurich Cementless Total hip Replacement for small animal surgeons


Organization of 2 Continuing Education Course for Japan Small Animal Surgeons

Lecturer/ Instructor in continuous education courses abroad

February 2005

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. Denver CO. USA

March 2005

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. Caceres, Spain

April 2005

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. Pisa, Italy


October 2005

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. Ventura, California, USA

January 2006

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. SCIVAC, Cremona, Italy

March 2006

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. SETOV, Caceres, Spain

July 2007

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. Pre-congress course ECVS Annual Meeting. Dublin, Ireland

October 2007

Tibial Tuberosity Advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciatedeficient canine stifle. SEVS, Barcelona, Spain

July 2008

ALPS Locking plates. Clinical use: At pre-congress course ECVS Annual Meeting. Basel Switzerland

December 2010

ALPS Locking plates. Clinical use: Lisbon Portugal

Teaching activities at the Vetsuisse-Faculty University of Zürich

Lehrauftrag der Vetsuisse- Fakultät der Univerität Zürich. Herbssemester 2009-


Clinical teaching for students


Examinator, leitsymptom Ataxie und Lamheit


Lectures for students 2nd - 4th course - Ellbogendysplasie

17 - Knochenkrankheiten bei Kleintieren -Patellarluxation -Kreuzbandriss beim Hund -Hüftgelenkdysplasie -Kniegelenkschirurgie Vertiefung -Muskel und Sehnenerkrankunge -Hernien bei Kleintieren -Leitsymptom Lahmheit und Ataxie Doctoral Thesis ( supervised 2009

Katiofsky K: Comparison of healing of the osteotomy gap after tibial tuberosity advancement with and without the use of autogenous cancellous bone graft.


Joslin A: Exploratory celiotomy in a female dog. a video film.


Scherrer N: Advanced Locking Plate System (ALPS): Description of the system, and evaluation of clinical application in small animal surgery (current).


Gutbrod A: Effects of humeral rotational osteotomy on contact mechanism of the canine elbow joint (current).

Supervision of ECVS Residents.


Alesandro Andreoni Ronny Streubel Sebastian Knell Nikola Medl Andreas Gubrod Andrea Togni




Forchungskredit of the University of Zürich: CHF 45.540 for the project Effect of Tibial Tuberosity Advancement on Femoropatellar Contact Mechanics.

Membership to Scientific Organizations.

Diplomate European College of veterinary Surgery (ECVS) Ambassador member of the AO-Vet Member of the European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology (ESVOT) Honor member of Sociedad Española de Traumatología y Ortopedia Veterinaria (SETOV) Member of the Veterinary College of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Continuing education, attendance to Courses / Congresses

February 2001

Veterinary AO Course, Basics, Giessen, Germany

May 2002

Minimal-invasive surgery in small animals. Arthroscopy and Laparoscopy Gesellschaft Schweiterischer Tierärzte,Tierspital Bern

December 2002

AO Advanced Course. Small Animals: Cats Davos, Switzerland

July 2003

ECVS. Small Animal pre-congress seminar on second Generation External Fixators, Glasgow, Scotland

July 2003

12th Annual Scientific Meeting ECVS, Glasgow, Scotland

December 2003

78th AO Veterinary- Small Animal. Advanced course in fracture treatment. Davos, Switzerland.

January 2004

13th International Workshop for Small Animal Arthroscopy.

19 University of Ghent, Belgium.

May 2004

Updated use of external skeletal fixation. University of Berne, Switzerland.

September 2004

Course for examination for the prevention of patellar luxation in small animals. Vetsuisse-Faculty University of Zurich.

September 2004

ESVOT Congress, Ludwing Maximilians- Universität, Munich, Germany

October 2004

ACVS annual meeting, Denver Colorado, USA

December 2004

AO Veterinary- Small Animal. Advanced course in fracture treatment. Davos, Switzerland.

July 2005

ECVS 14th Annual Scientific Meeting, Lyon, France

October 2005

ACVS Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, California, USA

July 2006

ECVS 15th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seville, Spain

October 2006

AVEPA 41st Annual Scientific Meeting, Madrid, Spain

June 2007

ECVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, Ireland

October 2007

Southern European Veterinary Conference, Barcelona, Spain

March 2008

VOS Annual Meeting, Montana, USA

July 2008

ECVS 17th Annual Scientific Meeting, Basel, Switzerland

20 March 2009

VOS Annual Meeting, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

February 2010

VOS Annual Meeting, Steamboat, Colorado, USA

July 2010

ECVS 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, Helsinki, Finland.

Editorial activities

Ad-hoc reviewer for the journal “Veterinary Surgery” and “Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound”

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