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DIGITAL MARKETING Overview of Digital Marketing The world we now live in is experiencing an explosion of digital technological advances. Throughout the last two decades and since Internet use became widespread all aspects of our lives have been shaped by a relatively new digital phenomenon. We use digital technology to interact, communicate, create consume and so much more in our personal social and professional life. In 2022. statistics showed that almost 99% of the Irish population are Internet users, with 79% using social media. Statistics also show that we spend up to 6 hours per day online, browsing, interacting with others, and within virtual communities, gaining information and buying and selling products and services. The Internet is accessed through a variety of devices such as mobile phones laptops and smart TV (Datar portal, accessed 12 March 2023) Digital marketing is the use of digital tools and platforms to market products and services. One of the primary objectives of marketing is to create and build a relationship between the business and its customers through effective consumer engagement. Therefore, it is inevitable that marketing activities are now conducted online digitally.

THE WEB- ITS UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS The World Wide Web has played a fundamental role in the evolution of marketing as a means of promoting, advertising and selling of goods and services. In the late 1990s the World Wide Web became available for mainstream, communicational and transactional use. There now existed digital platforms for conducting businesses. This digital revolution presented endless, innovative and inventive ways to reach markets, promote and advertise goods and services and engage customers. Digital marketing is now considered to be the primary channel of marketing. The World Wide Web has a profound effect on marketing because of its unique characteristics and the opportunities it provides. • Cost effective. Budgeting and acquiring financial resources can be a major issue for marketing departments who are planning a campaign. Traditionally, marketing campaigns were costly, purchasing advertisement space from the print media, producing television ads and printing information in the form of newsletters and flyers cost a significant amount of money. In digital marketing many of these costs are obliterated. Businesses and use resources within the company, for example a current employee may be given the additional responsibility of handling social media accounts blogs etc. Advertisements on social media generally have zero cost. This allows businesses, primarily small and medium-sized businesses, to gain a stronger competitive advantage. Any content that has been created can be reproduced and presented across Omni channels. (Digi Jem, accessed 10/03/2023) • Wider audience Digital Technology Allows businesses to market their products and services on a wide variety of digital platforms, this is known as mass marketing. Through the use of digital technological tactics, Information and content and advertisements and promotions can be shared globally and be consumed by the public. Digital marketing also can target certain segments of the market, by delivering specific, personalised content to this segment of the market. Viral marketing is when content is spread across many different digital channels, this can be achieved by prompting the user to like and share for example. This type of marketing is the digital version of the traditional "word of mouth” marketing concept. • •

• Range of Media used. Traditionally, marketing strategies were limited to one type of medium, television, radio or print media. The world wide web provides us with many new and ways to present information and share content. An array of media can be utilised and integrated online. Videos, text, graphics, audio and imagery can be creatively engage and interact with the target audience. • Search engine marketing Search engine marketing is a type of marketing which focuses on the ability of search engines to advertise and promote your product or service. This is achieved by purchasing keywords that users are most likely to use when browsing online. It is a tool which can increase visibility and awareness of your business or brand. Advertisements will appear on the search engines result pages when keywords are entered. The objective is to choose keywords most relevant to your business. Pay per click is also a costeffective means of advertising as the marketer will only be required to pay advertising costs when the user clicks on the advertisement (Digi Jem, accessed 10/03/2023) • Google Analytics Google Analytics was developed within the emerging field of marketing science. This science is based on data and from this data vital information can be obtained. This application scientifically analyses your web page and can give a clear indication of the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaign. It uses a system called “funnel visualisation", which shows the various stages users go through prior to and during their visit to your website. Google Analytics can identify all activity on your website, for example, the number of people who visited this website, how long they spent there and where they are geographically based (digital marketer)

TRADITIONAL AND DIGITAL MARKETING What is traditional marketing? Traditional marketing relies on mainstream media to market products and services. These marketing media channels have been in existence for many years. These traditional media campaigns include broadcasting advertisements on television and radio stations and the content is relayed verbally and visually. Other examples include billboard advertisements, in-store demonstrations and promotions, information leaflets and brochures. Many of the platforms for these advertisements are generally physical and the customer has a hard copy of product details, warranties and pricing offers, for example. The traditional marketing campaign will have identified a target market but with mass media campaigns all market segments will be exposed to the campaign (, accessed 11/03/2023) What is digital marketing? Digital marketing refers to marketing strategies and activities which occur online on the worldwide web. Digital technology facilitates this type of marketing through the use of mobile phones, laptops, tablets and smart televisions. Companies use marketing e-tools to engage with their target market, raise awareness and provide product information. There are a wide variety of digital channels which can be used to advertise and promote, such as social media web pages, search engine optimization and search engine marketing. An entire marketing campaign can be carried out online. The message or information they want to convey is delivered virtually as opposed to physically. (, accessed 11/03/2023) Traditional marketing: Advantages • Familiarity Traditional marketing strategies have existed for decades, and a significant number of the general population are more familiar with traditional marketing tools such as advertisements in newspapers magazines, leaflets and Flyers and in- store demonstrations and reviews. Often, people know exactly what they want and where to obtain it. There are many customers who are unable or unwilling to engage with businesses online and choose to remain loyal to businesses, brands and the tools they use to market their products or services.

• Trust and Loyalty Long-term users of certain products and services may have an established relationship with the business providers. This relationship is built on trust and loyalty and the product or service they are purchasing already has a degree of credibility Based on this relationship. There can be a lot of skepticism around the purchasing of products online despite the wide variety of different brands on offer many choose to purchase a product they know to be both reliable and trustworthy. • Memorable Browsing online and researching products and services can become overwhelming and result in screen fatigue. Being constantly bombarded with advertisements, texts, flash images and content can have a negative impact on customers' online activities. Traditional marketing tools require the use of some of our basic senses. Oftentimes we can feel, see or hear elements of the product prior to purchase. The experience of being able to do this makes products and business more memorable. Also having a hard copy of product information may entice customers to read information more than once, accessed 11/03/2023). Traditional Marketing: Disadvantages • Cost A major disadvantage associated with traditional marketing is its cost. The costs involved with launching a traditional marketing campaign can be much greater than the cost of digital marketing campaigns. Budgeting and financial investments are a major issue for companies using traditional marketing methods. Costs include paying for printed advertisement, producing television ads and printing and recording costs. Companies may also choose two outsource elements of a marketing campaign to external agents, this can also be expensive. The costs can be minimised but for small to medium size businesses such financial investment may not be an option. • Interaction/ Engagement Traditional marketing methods provide limited opportunities to engage with customers directly. Businesses often have intermediates who distribute, wholesale and retail the product so direct

interaction is virtually impossible. When purchasing a product from a retailer you can interact by communicating with the seller physically in store or over the phone. However, these interactions can be short lived and not on an ongoing basis. • Limited Information The amount and type of content you want to project to your market audience is limited. The message you want to convey is often limited to the amount of space available on the broadcast medium you are choosing to deliver your digital marketing campaign. Radio, television and print media will only allow you to purchase a space or time slot for a certain length of time. Businesses may not have the opportunity to recreate content or update in real time. • Audience Traditional marketing campaigns and strategies are platformed to reach a wide and diverse audience. National and international advertising and other promotional activities can be consumed by all audiences and not directed to a specific niche or target market. In comparison digital marketing techniques provide greater opportunity to reach out and connect with a target market. (, accessed 09/03/2023) • Measurability Traditional marketing cannot access real-time scientific data, which can indicate the effectiveness of the campaign, whether it is having a positive or negative impact. Traditional marketing research is generally centered around customers' expectations and buying behaviour. Also conducting research can be a lengthy and costly process.

] Digital Marketing - Advantages • Cost effectiveness The cost effectiveness factor with digital marketing is possibly the most advantageous, especially for small to medium-sized businesses who want to recreate their marketing campaign digitally. Digital marketing and particularly social media are extremely affordable. social media is a free marketing channel where you can gain a wealth of information about your target market, brand awareness and the opportunity to instigate engagement and increase conversions and sales. Minimal financial resources are required, and a successful campaign is not dependent on investment. • Behavioural targeting Social media allows free access to personal and specific profiles of potential customers and the community or niche market they are associated with. Behavioral targeting is a digital marketing tool which allows marketers to identify the likes, interests and lifestyle choices of their target market based on their online activities. The marketer then possesses valuable information. • Measurable Results Digital marketing alongside the development of marketing science allows businesses to analyse the effectiveness of the campaign. Data can be easily retrieved and interpreted in real time. All online interactions with your business or brand can be recorded, for example, amount of time spent on your webpage or social media account and what content was liked or shared. This allows you to monitor your marketing activities and provides valuable feedback. • Interconnectivity Digital marketing allows businesses to communicate directly with their potential customers. This is vital in the relationship building process. Marketing objectives include customer awareness of the company and their brand and engagement with the customer. Queries, concerns, ideas and issues can be responded to directly and swiftly (, accessed 09/03/2023)

Digital Marketing: Disadvantages • Content Overload One of the main disadvantages of digital marketing is the amount and credibility of the content which is created. Search engine marketing and optimisation, social media and blogs are littered with advertisements, promotions and prompts for application download and subscription. This information overload can become overwhelming and lead to screen fatigue. It could also potentially damage the relationship between customers and businesses. • Competition Digital marketing provides any number of businesses to market their products and services globally. This results in tough competition for companies selling and promoting similar products. Businesses may be under pressure to plan a campaign which surpasses the efforts of their competitors. • Time consuming Creating a digital marketing campaign can be time-consuming as there are a variety of digital marketing channels which can be used to promote and advertise. Different platforms and e-tools may need to be tried and tested and a website may need to be built and designed. Webpages, social media accounts and content need to be updated and monitored regularly. There is no closing time for online businesses operating globally and online. Continuous online presence is expected, and this can cause significant strain on a business. (, accessed 08/03/2023)

DIGITAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN To meet the overall objectives of marketing campaign we need to meet our customers where they are at, where they spend most of their time, which is online, on social media or through search engines, such a Google Search which they use to gain information (Kotler, 2017) Digital Marking Campaigns have endless potential, when planned and executed effectively. Through a combination of digital tool and tactics and the wide range of digital media available businesses can identify the specifics of their target market and reach out to their customers via many of the diverse digital channels. Digital marketing campaigns, identify strategus to extend the customer base and build loyalty and trust in the business and its products or services. The campaign will focus on brand awareness by creating content which will be designed increase visibility and in turn evoke customer interest, engagement, and potential leads. (, accessed 14/03/2023) Integration – Marketing Mix (use marketing mix refs The marketing mix is a set of tools which are blended to ineffectively engage customers and to deliver a product which will match customers' expectations and preferences. This mix aims to maximize opportunities to create an increased customer base through brand awareness and visibility. The modern marketing mix comprises of 7 components. Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People. Physical evidence and Process. Despite the growing reliance on Digital Marketing, traditional marketing still has a firm footing in the industry. Businesses. may need to integrate both digital and traditional marketing strategies in order to maximise brand exposure, increase visibility and sales. Specific market segments respond more readily to traditional marketing techniques, so having detailed knowledge of your target market will determine what type of marketing will be more effective. Other factors may come into place also , such as “word of mouth”, the traditional version of viral marketing. People still communicate offline and reviews and feedback from their peers or community may create interest and incentive to buy the product. Customers will research all aspect of the product or service online but may choose to go into store to view it and interact with member of staff face to face. Below I have outlined the difference between digital and traditional marketing strategies, in relation to the marketing strategies of traditional print form books

Marketing Mix Traditional Digital Product Product is an umbrella term which refers to any product or service being offered and to customers, in store of or online. Physical, tangible item for example traditional handheld book A book will can be downloaded onto device and read on a screen, e-book, kindle Price Many factors influence the price setting process. cost of production, distribution and marketing costs. Competitor price setting Traditional Price of traditional print form books purchased online has been high – This is changing Online books for download – cheaper, more cost effective Place Consider ways to ensure products or services are made available to the target markets conveniently - the distribution process. Will product or service be assessable both in store and online Books bought in store – lead to a positive customer experience, browsing and discussing books with staff. Order books on amazon for example, this may be more convenient and cost effective Promotion channel of communication between businesses and potential customers Promotional activities; Adverts, sales promotions, direct selling Promote traditional handheld books in traditional manner! – Book Club communities, word of mouth Window displays of offers Promote online – Sharing, viral marketing, via book forums and interest groups

People The people who provide and deliver a service. The face of the business Customer care representatives, qualified and experienced employee’s employee training upskilling, Direct selling by shop staff who have interest and passion for book reading. Interaction Provide feedback and recommendations. Connect with online book reading communities, research books through blogs and forums Process Ensure the service is delivered to the customer and the customer is satisfied with the service. Quality assurance, Consistency throughout buyer journey Integration necessary in this element of marketing mix Ensure maximum presence – online and in store. Employees – similar skills and attributes Physical Evidence Where product or service is purchased – either physical space or digital platforms Activities to entice customers to visit store and make a purchase; In shop offers, window displays Online book company promotionsadvertised through digital channels. Reviews and recommendations posted on social media

E-TOOLS • Pay Per Click Pay per click is also a cost-effective means of advertising as the marketer will only be required to pay advertising costs when the user clicks on the advertisement. Advertisers pay to place an advertisement on Google results page or Facebook home page. This means of advertising is beneficial for directing traffic to your web page (, accessed 05/03/2023) • Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is an advertisement e- tool whereby companies use an external source to promote their product or service. The affiliate receives an incentive, such as commission for each sale that is generated through their online presence.(, accessed 02/03/2023) • Native advertising Native advertising is a type of paid advertisement which is content focused. The content in the advertisement mirrors and aligns with the usual, original content posted on the same platform., accessed 02/03/2023) • Sponsored content Sponsored content is a type of advertising where companies employ an external company or individual to create content which relates to the company's products or services. This content also mirrors the type and format of content commonly used by sponsors., accessed 02/03/2023) • Online PR Public Relations conducted online involves the use of various digital tool to promote a business and its products or services. It involves distributing information to customers and the general public., accessed 02/03/2023)

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social media is a digital platform which is commonly and inexpensively used by companies to market their products and services. Statistics show that almost 80% of internet users are active on social media. Social media was developed as a virtual means of connection between individuals, networks and communities. Social media marketing used this inherent element of social media to market products and services. Social media is a platform which provides marketers with valuable and personal information about potential customers. Social media allows businesses to reach out and connect with customers and in time interact with customers for the purpose of conversions and sales. (, accessed 02/03/2023) Advantages • Wide audience. Due to the exponential number of people who use social media, marketers now can connect with their market segment and promote brand by sharing content globally. • Connection and interaction Due to the availability of personal data through social media, specific target markets can be readily identified. Marketers can gain information based on the virtual communities they interact with, the brands and companies they follow, their lifestyle choices and expectations and preferences. To reach their audience, companies must uncover which social media their target market uses most regularly. Social media connects through communication, through text-based content, videos blogs or images shared. Social media presents marketers with an opportunity to engage meaningfully and directly with their customers. • • •

• Cost effectiveness Soial media is a free marketing channel where you can gain a wealth of information about your target market, brand awareness and the opportunity to instigate engagement and increase conversions and sales (, accessed 09/03/2023) Disadvantages • Low conversion rate Although social media can be successful in terms of interaction and connection, the process of converting this interest into a sale can be challenging. There is no guarantee that requesting information liking or sharing or providing positive feedback will result in a sale • Content the content posted on a social media account requires regular monitoring and evaluation. The content needs to be updated regularly in accordance with users’ expectations and marketing objectives. paying ongoing attention to the relevancy of your content to your brand our business. Is the message we want to be conveyed being delivered? The extent to which this message is of interest to our users and followers. Creating new engaging content consistently can be a challenging prospect. Privacy intrusion issue. • Privacy and intrusion issues Companies pay to advertise on various social media platforms. This continuous display of advertisements can have a negative impact on the users relationship with the company. Also, privacy and security issues concerns are escalating amongst social media users. Customers want to be safeguarded against data breaches and ensure personal data is safe and not exploited by businesses.(Kotler, 2017)

E-MAIL MARKETING E-mail marketing is the distribution of advertisements via e-mail. The e-mail may contain product information, offers, availabilities and company contact details. They're also maybe company logo and links to websites and videos which will provide additional information. These emails can be formatted as a newsletter type document. When utilized effectively, e-mail marketing can become a powerful tool in your digital marketing campaign. The content within the e-mail must be engaging, informative and relevant. E-mail marketing is both powerful and consistent in its ability to generate interest and leads. Advantages • Wide audience. E-mail marketing allows businesses to directly connect with a specific target market. It can reach audiences who do not engage on social media sites, read blogs or have access to sponsored advertisements. The vast number of people who use e-mail for personal and work purposes. and the frequency of usage are domain factors which result in higher reach. • Low cost the cost associated with e-mail marketing is relatively low. There are no online advertising costs or printing and broadcasting costs. Also e-mail marketing as a higher return of investment and conversion than other digital marketing tools • Customer experience Emails can increase product and brand awareness, visibility and drive traffic to your website. This is the achieved by consistent communication with past and present customers. If the content of the e-mail is valuable and relevant, this can help cement the positive relationship between customers and businesses. Also e-mail marketing is not as intrusive as other digital tools and privacy and security current concerns are not as relevant this also leads to positive customer experience.

Disadvantages • Risk of spamming and unsubscribing The constant influx of advertisement-based emails can be frustrating for the receiver, and they may choose to unsubscribe. Emails may also be considered or junk or spam mail. To avoid this the content must be interesting to the customer and include relative information. • Content issues Emails should include and content which is updated. Products specs, prices and discounts may need to be refreshed regularly. The content can be educational but needs to grab the customer's attention, so they are more inclined to read the text view the videos and click on the links. The e-mail template must be designed and modified in line with the content. In summary content can be challenging to monitor update and is time consuming. INBOUND MARKETING This marketing approach places customers and their purchasing experience at the centre of all marketing strategies which are applied. other digital tools are used to support this approach. Creating and sustaining a positive relationship with the customer is the primary objective of inbound marketing. Companies work in unison with the customer to fulfil the customer's expectations, desires and needs. Advantages • Relationship building The goal in inbound marketing is to develop long lasting relationships with customers based on mutual understanding loyalty and trust. Delivering credible and reliable content over a longer period of time can entice the customer to reach out to the business. Digital media platforms allow for ongoing communication and businesses and potential can discuss all topics relating to the product or service. Essentially the business becomes part of the consumer buying journey.

• Personalization Inbound marketing allows marketers to define a potential customer profile which is based on specific interest’s associations and the customers buying behavior. The content and possibly the product or service can be tailored to align with the specifics of the customer profile • Content Inbound marketing is a content driven strategy and marketers are in complete control at the content created. Equipped with the knowledge and understanding of their target market, consistent, engaging and meaningful content can be delivered. If content is of high-quality customer engage regularly and this will strengthen the relationship between the business and the customer and also the business's reputation. Disadvantages • Time consuming there is much time involved in the strategic planning of an inbound marketing campaign for example digital channels and digital tools may need to be tried and tested prior to the launch off the marketing campaign. Also inbound marketing has been described as a slow burn, it may take up to six months to see the effectiveness of the campaign. • Cost The startup cost of an inbound marketing campaign can be low but considering the length of that the campaign additional costs can occur. These costs may include hiring staff software or purchasing software packages for example. This can place a significant financial strain on small to medium sized businesses. • Diverse skill set. Inbound marketing relies heavily on the quality of the content which is produced. The effectiveness of the campaign will depend on the knowledge and skills of those creating this content. this type of

marketing requires a diverse skill set for example content creation, web design and search engine optimization skills. Acquiring professional and experienced skills staff can be challenging.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION This is one of the main marketing channels used in digital marketing campaigns and the most effective. The most common means of searching for information online is via search engines such as Google Yahoo or Bing. Searching involves entering keywords into the search engine and then being presented with pages of results relating to these keywords in order of relevance. Search engine optimization can effectively in increase amount of traffic and visitors to your website Advantages • Segmentation Search engine optimization allows businesses to identify and acquire keywords that are associated with their product or service. When the user searches by using the same or similar keyword, a connection has been made. It is a tool which can effectively reach your specific market segment • Cost effective. SEO can help lower costs associated with other types of marketing tools. Due to its successful conversion rate, search engine optimization can be the primary channel of your digital marketing campaign. Small to medium sized companies can compete on an equal footing with the larger company as budgetary investment is scalable. • Brand awareness Search engines are widely used for researching and purchasing products and services. Through the effective use of search engine optimisation, your business website could potentially been ranked high on results page. This drives traffic to you website and optimises brand and company exposure.

Disadvantages • Algorism Updates Businesses build websites based on algorithms, which are a set of mathematical rules which determine how data is stored and displayed. Search engines regularly update these algorithms and this can affect the ranking of content. It can be challenging when bidding and securing keywords and attempting to maintain a high ranking position. • Intrusive The ongoing barrage of advertisement can be intrusive and disruptive for the user, and negatively impact the reputation of the company It can be seen as a personal or workplace invasion of privacy Also, users might choose to obtain an AD blocker. • Competition If your business is in a highly competitive industry, securing keywords for higher ranking may be extremely challenging. Continuous monitoring of your competition and regular content and keyword update will be required. CONTENT MARKEING Content marketing also known as rich media it's a long-term digital marketing strategy which aims to attract and engaged present and potential customers by producing and sharing valuable content. objectives include Increasing brand awareness and visibility, building and sustaining a positive relationship with customers and generating leads and conversions. This type of digital advertising can assimilate all types of media, such as textual blog posts, podcasts, videos and images. Advantages • Brand awareness Content marketing effectively stimulate brand awareness. The first stage of a digital marketing campaign is to build brand awareness and first-rate content has the potential to successfully engage with prospective customers The content should engage and inform and does not need to relate directly to the product or service that is being marketed. Content can in and of itself generate leads and sales.

• Interactive Content can be created in many ways and different formats attract wider audiences. Interactive content if executed correctly can lead to greater engagement. If the content is deemed useful, interesting, educational, customers are more likely to like, share, provide positive feedback and in time conversion and sales. • Increase traffic and conversions. Content published on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and You – can drive traffic towards a business website. Consistent and rich content has the potential to go viral and customers will become interested in the content creators and the company they are associated with`. This in turn can lead to high conversion and sales. Disadvantages • Resources Creating new content regularly requires much inspiration and creativity. For the content to be consistently interesting, engaging and relevant can be extremely challenging. Business may need to hire externally and for many small to medium sized business this may not be an option. • Measurability Evaluating the impact of content on social media can be immediate and easily accessible. Data can provide information on levels of engagement by recording the number of likes, followers, shares and ratings. However, measuring the effectiveness of content on the business as a whole, in terms of conversions, sales and return on investment is a lengthy and complex process. • Time consuming Content creation is a long-term digital marketing strategy and it may take significant amount of time plan a content driven marketing strategy. Resources will need to be sourced and digital channels will need to be explored. Many factors contribute to the success of content marketing and time and patience is required!

STAGES IN DIGITAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Stage One: Analysis The first stage in a Digital Marketing campaign is the Analysis stage lays the foundation of the subsequent stages. This stage is crucial as all information needs to be gathered and evaluated and decisions regarding how best to move forward in the planning of a successful campaign. In-depth and detailed market research will have been carried out prior to this stage and the finding and recommendations will contribute to the analysis in this initial stage. Firstly, the team will identify and define the objectives of the campaign and consider what precisely do they hope to achieve from the campaign and how they will meet these objectives. For example, the implementation of certain digital tools to raise awareness of the brand and engage with market could be an objective. Having established the specifics of their target market through research, the business needs to explore the most effective means of reaching out and engaging with their target market. The various digital tools and channels will need to be explored. Facebook or Instagram may be more beneficial for interacting with a younger audience, who actively engage with similar brands and are most likely to share information and content across other digital media platforms. E-mail marketing may suit longstanding customers who are more interested in new product information or current offers available. This stage requires a detailed analysis of the company; such as identifying the resources we have in place within the organization. for example, identifying our current employee’s skill set and professionalism. Also, must be aware of challenges that may be presented, such as, limited funding for example. Strengths and weaknesses such as limited funding. An analysis of potential external threats and opportunities may be required. At this stage, our competitors marketing efforts will need to be examined and monitored continuously as vital information can be obtained from the success or failure of their strategies. Stage 2: Development The second stage of a digital marketing campaign is known as the development stage. In this stage, cross department consultation will be required, and the marketing team need to liaise effectively with other departments in the organization. For example, they may need to work with the production department's to ensure that the product information being delivered in the content is accurate and not misleading. Single department may also have to come salt with the financial department if additional out of budget costs occur. Communication and interaction is key to the success of any business campaign. regular scheduled meetings should be held to discuss progress and initiate feedback or other supports. The

objective of the campaign must reflect the goals and objectives and values and culture of the organisation. The proper utilization of E-tools is fundamental at this developmental stage. If the application of E-tools is effective in the initial stages of the campaign, there is greater potential for growth and progress. Having an in-depth knowledge of your target market is vital for content creation and relevance. The content being delivered through the various digital channels must be innovative and engaging and successfully gain the attention of the target market. Different target markets consume and respond to content in distinct ways so a range of multimedia can be considered, such as audio clips, podcasts, videos uploaded to YouTube, graphics and blogs . At this stage web page design and format may be developed. When used effectively search engine optimization can be a powerful digital media tool which can deliver exceptional results. S.E.O has the potential to drive unlimited traffic to your website and understanding of its application, algorithms and keywords is a requirement at this stage. Evaluation can be carried out in the developmental stage through continuous monitoring via data analytics. At this stage the business may consider consulting with external agencies or hiring additional staff who are professionals in their area of expertise. Stage 3 :The implementation stages. At this stage elements of your digital marketing campaign can be implemented and launched. The groundwork has been completed and the content created now goes “live.” At this stage managing and monitoring of content will play a key role in the success of this digital marketing campaign. It is insufficient to simply create and deliver content, regardless of its value and relevancy, content must be actively monitored on an ongoing basis. This involves monitoring the levels of reach; how many customers have been exposed to your content. This can be done by monitoring the responses and reactions to your content for example likes, follows or shares. Engagement and interaction with customers can also be monitored ,as customers may leave a comment, send a private message or request additional info online. The content will need to be managed continually, ensuring that it is always updated and relevant. Many individuals will be involved in this implementation stage, so positive interaction and teamwork will be required for successful implementation of the campaign. T

Stage 4: Control At this stage, businesses will be able to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the campaign based on the consistent monitoring and interpretation of data. At this point, the marketing team will revisit the objectives outlined in the analysis stage of planning, to determine if the objectives have been met. This can be completed by assessing the results of data analysis, which can indicate the level of traffic directed to the company’s website, the number of times that links were clicked or shared or the amount of times an email was opened. Feedback, from all individuals and teams, both internally and externally, is pivotal at the point for review purposes and for the future of digital marketing campaigns. All recommendations, considerations, ideas and insights must be acknowledged and recorded in this final stage.

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