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Story Transcript

Students Perform

No. it's not the Jackson 5. It's Charles Humphnes, V1ck1e Sm1th, Pau la Cook, Chet Kyle. and Mr. Charles K1ng.

Hang on Jerry! Jerry Smith shows us how easy it scope as Mr. Randall Lund looks on .


to hold on to a gyro-

Dennis McFarland, Dav1d Owens , Monte Wh1te. and Earl Brown look on eagerly as Linda Ladd and Cathy Bruhn show off the cake presented to the football team from the cheerleaders .

Rocky Burch , Darleen Bayer. Debb1e Levall , Tina Poul1ezos. and Tracy Mangm help w1th the Junior Magazine sales.

in Ass em bl ies

Wou ld you look at t hose legs! The student body was the Judge m choosi ng the prett1est legs .

Go. V1ck1e Go Chet shows us how It'S done. wh1le Cathy Bruhn and Sandy Linderer cheer them on m a pep assembly before the St. P1us football game. ROW ONE: Cra1g Engler, Gary Sm1th. Don Carlson ROW TWO: Andy Myers, Don Day and Craig Osterberg attended a workshop at Washmgton Un1vers1ty 1n St. Louis for engmeering.

Why, those cheerleaders would sell the shirts nght off their backs!


Vick1e McKeen. Arthur Mann1ng, Robert Lawson, and Kenny Eades vote in the mock election .

Students Take Part

M1ss Johnson demonstrates a back roll as Kathy Murphy. Joan Cumm1sky. Becky Ackman. Belinda H1pes. Tonya Bourne. V1ck1e Sm1th. Karen Osterberg, Jocelyn Hindman. Sara Vineyard. and Joyce Baumstark watch.

Bill Boedecker. Kenny Elfrank. Wayne Schm1tz. and Randy Vessel work on trampoline .

• Mr. Frank Pizarro demonstrates how quickly a bram can react by hitting Randy Decker on the head w1th a rubber ducky everytime he blows a whistle.

Mrs. Robinson g1ves the Cal1forn1a Achievement Test for Language Arts to the Jun1ors.

Denise McFarland. Sandy Scroggins. Denms McFarland. Lmda Ladd. J1ll Kearns, Scott Adams. and Mark Danner mark cans for the can food dnve.

in School Events

Mr. Jennings and Mr. Frey talk to JoAnn Mahue, Sherry Courtney, and Nancy Walsh about Poster Day dunng homecommg week.

Lmda Ladd was the only student from Festus High to be selected for the All Star Volleyball Conference team.

K1tty Scott. alumni. plays the organ at Homecoming crownmg .

Homecom1ng Queen Candidates: Cynthia Langelier. Darlene Bayer, Cathy Bruhn. Jamne Sm1th, Janine Bauman (retmng queen). Donna R1cheson. Den1se McFarland , Ten Ba1r. Laura Cl1fton. V1ck1e Sm1th, and Judy Stockham .

Leaders of Today,

Denn1s McFarland is Student Council President for the second semester. Student Council Officers for the f1rst semester, Jan Arnold, V1ce Pres1dent; Chet Kyle , President; Sandy Scroggins, Secretary; and Vick1e Smith, Treasurer .

Chet Kyle, Student Body Pres1dent First Semester .

Senior Class Officers are, M1ke Fox, Treasurer; Nancy Watk1ns. Secretary; Carl Boyer, President first semester, and Bob Siebert. V1ce Pres1dent f1rst semester, and Pres1dent second semester.


Dennis McFarland, Student Body President Second Semester .

How About Tomorrow?

• Honor Soc1ety Off1cers ROW ONE Gary Aubuchon. Vice Pres1dent; Gary Sm1th. Pres1dent: ROW TWO: John Vaughn, Treasurer; and Beth Gooch, Secretary.

Gary Smith, Honor Society Pres1dent.

F Club Off1cers, ROW ONE: Dennis McFarland, Treasurer; Don Day, V1ce PreSIdent; M1ke Bruhn, Pres1dent; ROW TWO; Earl Brown, Sergeant Of Arms: and Larry Battles, Secretary.


Band Off1cers are: Dan Horndge, V1ce Pres1dent: Ten Ba1r. Secretary-Treasurer: and Carol Moore, President.

Homecoming Queen

Teri Bair

and Her Court

Jan Sm1th , sophomore. and Don Day. Cathy Bruhn , JUnior. accompan1ed by Larry Battles . Jun1or candidate, Cynthia Langelier, escorted by Ron Fenw1ck .

Mr. Frank Ba1r congratulates h1s daughter, Ten.

Darlene Bayer. JUnior. accompanied by Mark Cowan Sophomore cand1date, Judy Stockham, escorted by B1ll Negel . Laura Clifton, sophomore, and John Vaughn .

Tiger Staff Preserves

Mrs. Spurgm , Mrs Tynes. Mrs. Tucker. Mr. Tucker. and Mr. Tynes look at the good1es prepared by the home ec g1rls.

Is 1t the gossip corner ? No. JUSt Claud ia Roussm. Kay May, and Sherry S1mms .

Mrs Manley watches as Mr. Byrd s1gns the guest book for the last t1me as a faculty member The we1ght watchers have a chat. Denise McFarland. Jan Arnold (STANDING), Dawn Raley. Nancy Barnhart. and Sandy Scroggms dnnk the1r d1et punch .

Doesn't 1t seem that teachers always get the most com fortable chairs? Mr. Woods, former pnncipal , Mr. and Mrs . Elkms. and an un1dent1f1ed foot relax at the Chnstmas Tea.

Memories of School Year

The T1ger Staff. Mrs . Sw1ft (SEATED). Allee Humble. Carol Moore. Peggy Eades. Darrell Bahr, Beth Gooch, Sandy Scroggms. Nancy Barnhart. Donna P1nkley, Tern Portell, and Sherree Felgate (not shown) .

Tern Portell , a JUnior. works on an ad layout. Darrell Bahr. the other JUnior. gets started on h1s layout.

CONTENTS Faculty Act1v1t1es Sports Underclassmen Sen1ors Advertisements Semor Directory Index Sherree Felgate. Peggy Eades. and Al1ce Humble diScuss new ideas .

14 34

70 86 112 134

170 173

Ralph B. Tynes, Superintendent

Leslie E. Spurgeon, Principal

Administration and Boa rd

Robert L Tucker Ass1stant Superintendent

Robert L. Shoush D1rector Of Curnculum

Robert E. Pryor Assistant Pnncipal


Terry Coleman D1rector Of Gu1dance Serv1ces

Strive for Better Schools

LeRoy Gurnow

W Edw1n Evans Secretary

Robert Raley

Charles Vogt. Treasurer

T .C. Bnckey

Dr. Robert L. Cayse. Pres1dent

Barney Matkm . V1ce President

R. Wmt Johnson

He Ip, Behind

Mrs Sharon Boyer. Clerical Secretary

Mrs. Peggy Raley. Secretary to Mr. Leslie Spurgeon

Mrs. Mary Lucas. Central Off1ce Secretary

Mrs. An1ta Thomure. Secretary to Mr. Ralph Tynes


the Scenes Lunchroom Staff: Eu la Fadl er, Fran Blaha , Brenda Reando .

Clyde Hill, Custod1an

Nancy Kassen School Nurse

Kenneth Chappel, Custod1an

Albert Spicer, Custod1an 21

Lindell Hughs. Custodian

Faculty and Stu dents

Mrs . Carol Apperson. L1brary Clerk.

Mrs . Karen Biehle. B.S.. Southeast M1ssoun State College. Girl 's P.E.. Volleyball Coach .

M1ss Pat Ray. student teacher, ass1sts Cynthia Langelier. Jean Witte, Dawn Raley, Mrs. Bergmeyer. Connie Wagner. Leona Blaylock, and Nancy Stevenson 1n bak1ng cakes for the homecoming.

Mrs. Mary Ann Bergmeyer. B S.. Southeast M1ssoun State. Home Economics I, 11 . Ill . 22

M1ss Sherr; Chnst is student teachmg under the d1rection of Mrs . B1ehle

Get Involved

M1ss V1ck1 Brown, B.A .. Umvers1ty of M1ssoun. L.A. II. Mrs Karen B1ehle demonstrates trampoline to Sandra Henkel.

Mr. Charles Bowles, B M.E.. Oklahoma Bapt1st Un1vers1ty. Bas1c Education .


Mr. Hord Byrd. B.S., M1ssouri University Psychology. Econom1cs. Soc1ology. Soc1al Stud · ies. Contemporary Issues.

Teachers Aid Stu dents ((

rs. Cora Dreyer, A.B .. Southeast Missoun State Soc1al Stud1es II , Human at1ons, Amencan Government.

Mr. Warren Elkins. M.Ed .. University of MIS· soun. Soc1al Studies II . Drivers Educat1on .

Mr. Paul Frey , M.S .. St Louis University. Functiona l Math II , Geometry .

Students listen closely as Mr. Frey explams complicated problems .


Mr. Gary E Sm1th studen t teaches under the direct1on of Mr . Paul Frey .

Enth us iastica lly

Mrs. Margaret Gill. M.S .. Univers1ty of lllino1s. Shorthand and Typ1ng .

Mr Terry Gravenm1er. M A .. Southeast M1ssour1 State University. Counselor .

Nancy Barnhart interv1ews only male student 1n Shorthand I, Derry Bowling.

Mr James Green. M.S Un1vers1ty. L.A . II.

Southwest M1ssour1 State

Mr. Murrell Godwin. B S . Southeast Missouri State. Woodwork. General Shop. AthletiC D1rector.

Faculty Prepares Students

Mrs. Genevieve Halligan , B.S.. Arkansas State, L1brarian .

Mrs Sandra Herrell, B.S . Southeast MIS · State, L.A. Ill.


Bonnie Becker and Malissa Mannmg help Mrs . Halligan in the I ibrary .

Mr James Joggerst. B S . Southeast M1ssour1 State. Soc1al Stud1es II. Ill, Contemporary Issues. Ass1stant Football Coach .

Mr. James Jenn1ngs. B.S.. Un1vers1ty of

M1ssour~ .


For Vocations

Mrs. Sarah Manley. B.S.. Un1vers1ty of M1ssour1. L.A. IV, Span1sh 1, 11. 111. Miss Samye Johnson , M. Ed .. Delta State Teachers College, G1rls P.E.

Mrs Man ley tea chmg Span 1sh .

Mr. Adam McCullough . M.S., lnd1ana Un1vers1ty, Metals. General Shop. PhysICal Educat1on. Head Football Coach .


Mr. Howard L1tton. M.A.. Un1vers1ty of Counselor .


Teachers Emphasize

Some Of The Members Of Mrs. McCullough's Secretarial Pract1ce Class Are Brad Watson, Kay May, Jan1ce Conners, Claud1a Rouss1n , Sherry S1mms. Delena Gerger. Lmda Coplin, LaSandra Lee. and Nancy Watkms .

Mrs. W1lla McCullough . M. Ed .. Boston University, Secretar~al Practice. Clerical Practice. Typmg.

Terri Wh1tehead serves at the Homecommg as everyone enjoys the festivities .

Mr Denn1s Nail, B M.E.. Southeast Missouri State. Jun1or H1gh M1xed Chorus. Sen1or H1gh M1xed Chorus. Girls. Glee. Boys Glee. So~homore Cho1r. Mr. C.E. Nickless. A.B .. Southeast Missouri State. Soc1al Stud1es II

Mr. Denn1s Pelsma. B .S Southeast Missouri State. Algebra I II, Tr~gonometry .



Mr. Michael Portell . B.S.• Southeast M1ssoun State. Art I, 11. Ill. IV.

Mrs Ora Rob1nson . M. Ed .. Un1vers1ty of M1ssoun , Counselor.

Mr. Allen Rowland. B.S.. Southeast Missouri State. Jun1or High Band, All1ed Arts. Elementary Mus1c, Theory and Harmony, Sen1or H1gh Band

Nancy Bollmger. Barb Govero. and 01ane Fallert prepare the1r pottery vases for f1nng .

Semor. Terry Fnedmeyer, shapes h1s clay vase on the hand wheel.

Coach S1ms watches as Mark Barker shows h1m how to bowl.

Teachers Encourage

Mr. B1ll S1ms . M.A., Northeast M1ssour1 State College. Boy's Phys1cal Educa · t1on . Head Basketball Coach .

Mr James Sago. M.A .. Murray State Un1vers1ty, Phys1cs, Chem1stry I.II.

Mr. Charles Powell. student teaches under Coach S1ms .

Mrs. Nancy Stncker, B.S. Ed .• Southeast M1ssour1 State, Language Arts Ill, Speech, Debate, Drama .

Mr. James Stnler. M.A .. Murray State Un1vers1ty, B1ology I, II .

Higher Education

Jethro and Clem. Canadian and Alaskan t1mber wolves v1s1t Mr. Striler's b1ology class.

Mrs Joyce M Sw1ft. M. Ed .. MISSISSippi State UniverSity. Journalism Bas1c Busmess. Bookkeep1ng .

Mr N1ck Wehner. B.S . Southeast M1ssouri State. Draft1ng. Advanced Draftmg. Applied Electr1c1ty.

Debbie Cambron. alumn1 of Festus, Mr. M1chael Repp and Mr J MIchael Craven. representatives from M1ss Hickey's Secretarial School. talk to seniors.

Mr. BenJamm Wh1tener. B S . Southeast M1ssour1 State. French I. II. L.A Ill. IV

A Tribut

Mr. Hord Byrd has been a teacher 1n the Festus R-6 schools for 10 years and has taught a number of different classes. He rece1ved h1s B.S. from M1ssoun Un1versity. having maJored 1n Soc1al Studies and m1nored 1n Engl1sh. Mr. Byrd 1s a member of the Methodist Church. C1v1c Improvement Assoc1at1on, Public Library, M.S.T.A .. N.E.A., C.T.A., and National Soc1al Studies Council. He 1s a Student Government sponsor and past pres1dent of C.T.A. Mr. Byrd's hobby 1s golf.

Mrs. Cora Dreyer has been a faculty member of the Festus R-6 schools for 30 years and has taught a total of 36 years. She 1s an elder at the Grace Presbyterian Church and superintendent of the Sunday School. Mrs. Dreyer is a member of P.E.O., past member of the Jefferson County Mental Health Association, past Jefferson County Easter Seal Chairman , and past member of Twm-City Commun1ty Chest and Y.M.C.A. Board. Other activities include past D1strict President of Southeast Missoun Soc1al Studies Teachers, past pres1dent of Jefferson County Teachers Assoc1at10n and acting pnnc1pal in 1956-57, member of Jefferson College Planning Committee, Steenng Comm1ttee Chairman for North Central Re-Evaluation. and is past pres1dent of Jefferson County S.E.M.U. Alumn1 AssociatiOn, and Delta Kappa Gamma. Her hobby is traveling.


To Retirees

Cynth1a Sw1ger, secretary to Mr . L1tton and the school counselors .

Mr. Howard Litton has been on the Festus R-6 school staff for 27 years. After hav1ng taught at Festus for 4 years he left the school system for employment at PPG for 6 years . While servmg 1n the army for 2 years. he took some busmess courses 1n the armed forces un1vers1ty at Biamtz, France. After teach i ng at West Pla ins for a year he returned to the Festus school and has served as counselor for the past 23 years Mr. L1tton 1s a member of the Method ist Church , Conservation Club, C.T.A., M.S.T.A. , and N.E.A. He rece1ved a B.S. degree in Industrial Arts at Southeast Missouri State and a Masters degree at M1ssour1 Un1vers1ty. He d1d the requ1red work to qual1fy for h1gh school counselor at Missoun Un1vers1ty. Mr. Litton's hobby is photography .

Mr. R. Winthrop Johnson has completed 31 years of faithful service on the Festus R-6 school board. He attended more professional meetmgs at State and D1str1ct level than any board member ever has . Mr. Johnson served as president of the school board for 16 years. and has m1ssed less than six meetings during h1s 31 years as a member . "Wmt" Johnson. as he 1s known to most people, 1s coowner of Tn-City Independent Pnntmg, a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Chamber of Commerce, Missouri School Boards Association, 1s past president of the Rotary Club. and past secretary of Southeast Missouri School Boards Assoc1at1on. He also attended two governor's conferences on educat1on . Mr. Johnson was one of the early promoters of the Jefferson County Ju nior College and has performed an outstanding service in the field of educat1on in our community . 33

F.H.S. Faculty Ho nor St

Don Day - October M1ke Bruhn- November

Chet Kyle- September

Dawn Raley -


36 Dennis McFarland - January

ents Of The Month

John Vaughn - April

Gary Smtth - February

Peggy Eades - March


Davtd Wehner - May

Clubs Spark

FTA. ROW ONE: Lon Gurnow. Lmda Stephens. Janet Stoll, Jean W1tte. Conn1e Wagner, Kay May. Lmda Ladd. Dana Webb, Carol Moore. Geme W1gger, Debbie Slabby. ROW TOW: D1ane Howard, Kathe Berger, Cathleen Hensley. Terri Portell, Lana Trokey, Carla Sw1ger. Shirley James. ROW THREE: Tma Woodson . Luann Scroggms, Tracy Mangm , Peggy Eades. Cheryl Casey. Sarah P1llow, Bonn1e Becker. ROW FOUR: Deanna Apperson. Demse McFarland. Terri Whitehead. Donna Pmkley, Ang1e Duro. J1ll Kearns. Brenda Watson. Kathy Chotrow. ROW FIVE: Susan L1senby, Jocelyn Hindman. Knstie Glore. Mrs . Gill , Nancie Banhart. Paula Cook. Sherry Courtney, Cindy D1ttmer. Brenda Hill. ROW SIX: Beth Gooch, Nancy Watkms. Conn1e Mams. Jean Cash, Barb Young. Patt1 S1ebert, Lo1s Santch1 . Lmda W1tte. ROW SEVEN: Darlene Bayer. Janine Bauman, Kathy Hook. Laura Cramer, Den1se Hams. Donna Dutton. Pam Duro. Regma Polete, Debra Showen, Debbie Hodge. Donna Lalamaud1er. ROW EIGHT Kevm Cleary. Dav1d Hams, Richard Hamer. Dav1d Siebert. Steve Will1ams. Brad Watson. Gary Bowling. Mark P1llow. Don Carlson, Jerry Sm1th .

Student Council Second Semster (New Members). ROW ONE: Laura Cayse. Barb Luntzer. Brenda Bequette, Beth Counts. Janet Baumstark. Karen Lucas. Zoe Crossland . ROW TWO : Kenny Elfrank. Ten Ba1r. Andy Myers . Kathy Hook. Darrell Bahr.

Scholar Qu1z Team. ROW ONE: Don Day, Thom Koester, Peggy Eades. (team members). R1chard Hamer. (f1rst alternate). ROW TWO: Don Carlson , Kevin Cleary, (second alternates). Ty Brase, (f1rst alternate). Lynette Boom. (team member) .

School Interest

Student Council F1rst Semester Students On Left. ROW ONE: Nancy Watkins, Sus1e Hammers, Laura Clifton . Tracy Mangm . Debbie Levall ROW TWO: Tony Sago. ROW THREE· Vickie Smith. ROW FOUR: Denise McFarland , Jan Sm1th , Beth Gooch, Darlene Bayer. ROW FIVE: Bev Holligan ROW SIX: Janme Bauman ROW SEVEN · Pam Duro. Jan Arnold, Sandy Scroggms. Sandy Linderer, Rhonda G1pson, Tern Whitehead . Students On The R1ght. ROW ONE· Vincent Evans. Bob Siebert Steve Brust. Rick Hook. Glenn Hoggenmiller. John Kincaid. ROW TWO Mike Fox ROW THREE M1ke Bruhn ROW FOUR; Chet Kyle ROW FIVE: John Orr. ROW SIX Denn1s McFarland. ROW SEVEN Sandy Dittmer, Jill Kearns, Sally Reeves, Carl Boyer, Brent Meyers, Roger Burch .

FHA. ROW ONE: Mary Kaempfe. Pam Duro. Dawn Raley. Sandy Scroggms. Demse McFarland. Tracy Mangm. ROW TWO: Holly Pennmg. Sherry S1mms. Jill Kearns. Patt1 S1ebert. Lo1s Santch1 , Cathy Vessell. ROW THREE Janet Horn , Sandy Lmderer, Lmda Ladd. Angle Duro. Jane W1tte. Jean Witte. Jan1ce Connor, Helen Bollinger. ROW FOUR: V1ck1e Sm1th. Donna Dutton. Nancie Barnhart. Cynth1a Langelier. Tom Sago, V1cki McKeen. Lana Trokey. LaSandra Lee. Ruth Klme. ROW FIVE Jean Cash. Sue Donnell, Laura Cayse. Lmda Stoll. Barb Young. Kay Carron . Laune Maynard. Sandy Henry, Kathy Murphy. ROW SIX Beverly Holligan. Kathy Hook. Knst1e Glore. Jan Sm1th. Laura Clifton. K1m Carron. Regma Polete .

Students Work Both

The Society of the Performing Arts Sus1e Hammers. John Orr. Tracy Mangm. Tma Poullezos. Brad Watson , Tess Bueskmg, Roger We1ble, Judy Stockham, Dav1d Wehner. Cathy Bruhn . Bev Holligan. Richard Hamer. Peggy Eades, Nanc1e Barnhart. Debbie Slabby, Janine Bauman Alice Humble. J1ll Kearns , Meme R1tter. Nancy Watkms. Deborah Showen , Geraldmg Wagner. and sponsor, Mrs. Nancy Stncker.

Debate Team Team members do research for their next meet. Madonna Guess, Lon Gurnow, Bev Holligan . La Donna Webb. Mrs. Stncker. Bradley Watson , Don Carlson, Jill Kearns , Kevm Cleary . and Thorn Koester .

Lifesaving Don't drown me, Conn1e! Connie Wagner demon strates different tech niques in l1fesavmg w1th Rick Hook. Bob Sales takes the wntten test in the background as a part of the Lifesaving Program .


S.P.A. Officers SEATED: Tess Buesk1ng - V1ce-Pres1dent. Jerry Sm1th - Pres1dent. STANDING : Janine Bauman - Treasurer. Nanc1e Barnhart - Secretary

In and Out of Schoo l Vocational Tech Sen1ors part1c1pate 1n Vocat1onal Tech classes at Jefferson Jr College ROW ONE: V1ncent Evans. Chns Theusen. Rhonda Wh1te. Gayle Fischer. Mary W1ese. ROW TWO: Terry Fadler, Bob Ba1ley, Benny Moutray, Gary Johnson . ROW THREE. Tony Shinkle, Anthony Masterson , Marty Vaughn. Hal Garber. Tom Vinyard ROW FOUR: Scott Gant, Steve Boyer. Danny LaMure. ROW FIVE: Joe Stearns. B1ll Santch i, and Mike Decker .

Pre-Vocational Underclassmen JOurney to Jefferson Jr College for PreVocational classes. ROW ONE Jean Cash . Sharon Ferguson. Beth Williams. Teresa Zavadil ROW TWO: Fred BehlIng, Cathy Vessell. Tony Kennedy , Tony Bater. Wiley S1mms. Brenda N1swonger. R1cky Vaughn. ROW THREE: B1lly Clerc. Tony Noack, Ke1th Murphy. Larry Hall. Lowell Marler. and Paul DeGonia.

C.O.E. Officers Den1se Stamps - Treasurer, Jane W1tte - Secretary. Arthur Meeks- V1ce-Pres1dent. R1ck Harg1sParl1amentanan . Not shown IS John S1mms Pres1dent.

C.O.E. ROW ONE. Eugene Dutton. DeWayne McCord. Ph1l Danner. Vince Roth. Dave Buck. Greg McKee. JoAnn Lee ROW TWO Rick Earls. Stan Hulsey Barb Welch Pam Gambl1n , Donna Pnmo. Manlyn Beckett. Debra Pippins. Den1se Stamps, Wayne Dobbs ROW THREE Jean Witte. Jane Witte. Kev1n Gehrs John S1mms M1ke V1nyard. Arthur Meeks. J1m Sm1th Larry Brown. Mark Cowan. Joan Sm1th. Gene Sago. Bob Vest. Brian Aubuchon. Dave Ponzar. R1ck Harg1s, Bob Sales. Scott H1gg1nbotham. 41

Clubs Make Festus

Honor Soc1ety Members: ROW ONE: Beth Gooch, Janme Bauman. Barb Welch. Carol Moore. Jan1ce Connor. ROW TWO: Donna Pnmo. Jan Arnold. Al1ce Humble, Peggy Eades, Debb1e Slabby ROW THREE: K1m S1ebert. R1ck Hook. Brad D1xon. Gary Srr11th. ROW FOUR: John Vaughn . Don Day. M1ke Bruhn. Dan Horndge. ROW FIVE: Cra1g Engler, Andy Meyers. Mark Waynick. Gary Aubuchon .

New Honor Soc1ety Members: ROW ONE: Mary Leonard, Sherry S1mms . Kay May. Susan Bmgenhe1mer. Tamara Bowling. Laura Cayse. Bev Ca ldwell, Cathy Bruhn. ROW TWO: Roger We1ble, Andy Cox. Mark Stnnger. Jerry El · frank. Darrell Bahr. Larry Cayse. Cra1g Osterberg. ROW THREE: Don Carlson. Steve Williams. Scott Matkm. ROW FOUR Kevm Cleary. Glenn Hoggenmlller, Marl Garber, Beverly Holllgan. D1ane H1ggmbotham . Cathleen Hensley, Kathe Berger. Diane Howard .

Mr. Jesse Woods spoke to the newly Installed Honor Soc1ety members . Along w1th Mr Woods are Mr. Leslie Spurgeon and John Vaughn. Trea surer of the Honor Soc1ety . Gary Aubuchon. V1ce·Pres1dent of the Honor Soc1e· ty and Andy Meyers help w1th the mstallat1on of the new members

Eleven Sen1ors Rece1ved Cert1f1c ates Of Recogn1 · t1on From The M1ssoun College Relat1ons Com· m1ss1on . ROW ONE: Mr. L. Spurgeon . Carol Moore. Al1ce Humble. Barbara Welch . ROW TWO: Don Day. John Vaughn. Mark Wayn1ck. Peggy Eades. Debbie Slabby. Sherree Felgate. Brad D1xon. Dan Horndge .

High Exciting

Dnvers Educat ton cl ass ts represented by, Kerry Fretdmeyer, John Carron . Rtck Vaughn , Bt ll Fadler and Mr. Warren Elktns. Instructor .

French Club: ROW ONE: Carolyn Hensley. Mary Leonard , Carol Prockle . Rhonda DeClue. Janet Stoll, lnga Simmons . LaDonna Sebb, Charlotte Anderson. ROW TWO: Mr Ben Whttener. Phyllis Polete, Chns Wren. Lots Santcht, John Orr. Ltsa Batr. Ltnda Stephens . Laura Cayse, Davtd Leutztnger .

Secretanal Club· ROW ONE· Delena Gerber. LaSandra Lee. Barb Young. Ltnda Coplin. Gente Wtgger. ROW TWO Kay May. Debbte Stkes. Dawn Raley. Sandy Scroggtns, Claud ta Rous · stn. Nancy Watktns , Sherry Stmms . Brad Watson . Donna Ptnkley.

''You Were Born

Bart Bascom and Yvonne Smith d1scuss Agatha Johnsons' years of expenence. as she looks on .

M1ss Masters explams the lack of funds to Claude Jones .

Professor Huxley and Ptolemy d1scuss Astrology.

D1ane. a student. mterprets Mr. Jones feelings for Agatha Johnson

Students express the1r boredom on the subJect of astronomy.

On a Rotten Day " CAST "You Were Born On A Rotten Day"

Yvonne Sm1th and Bart Bascom not1ce the change 1n Agatha .

Claude P. Jones Cyrus Banks Susan B. Masters Agatha Johnson Ptolemy Bart Bascom Arthur Huxley Yvonne Sm1th Helen Harry Fred George Jan D1ane Allan Bng1d Marsha Mrs. Cannon Mrs. Ames Mrs. Banks Conn1e Constellation M1ss Marks

Ty Brase Don Carlson Tess Bueskmg Jamne Bauman Ty Brase Jerry Sm1th R1chard Hamer J1ll Kearns Nanc1e Barnhart Steve W1lhams Bob S1ebert John Orr Sue Hammers Tracy Mangm Kevin Cleary Tma Poullezos Brenda Watson Becky Ackman Debb1e Slabby Beverly Holllgan Tonya Bourne Peggy Eades


Mrs. Nancy Stncker

R1chard Hamer, Dav1d Harns. and Jerry Sm1th talk 1t over backstage.

Jill Kearns. Janine Bauman. Geraldme Wagner. Debra Showen. Tess Bueskmg. and Don Carlson awa1t the open1ng of the curt am.

Dav1d Wehner handles the lights and sound. as Mrs. Stncker looks on.

'73 Marching Tigers

Drum Major: Mark Wayn1c k

Tw1rlers: Drum Major - Mark Wayn1ck, Jan Arnold. Rhonda G1pson, Donna Pnmo, Denise McFarland, Claudia Roussm .

Brass Sections

Trumpets ROW ONE B1ll Casey. Peggy Eades. Tom Portell. R1ck Hook. Dav1d Garrett. Da n Horndge John House ROW TWO. Jeff Stoll , Tony S1ebert. Kent Fallert. Den1se Hams. Brenda Watson . ROW THREE Andy Cox. Kevin Stoll. Clint Breeze. Kevm Kmder. Rex Ygles1a , Carl Manns .

French Horns ROW ONE· Janine Bauman . Nancy Watkms, Carol Moore, Sue Evans. DaVId Grayson . Holly Penn mg. ROW TWO· Brad Watson , Kathy D1xon . Steve Will1ams. Denise McFarland ROW THREE: M1ke Cooper, Sherry Courtney, D1ane H1ggmbotham. Ph1l Grayson .

Low Brass ROW ONE: Don Buecht1ng. Mike Bruhn , Tim Montgomery, Rocky Bruch ROW TWO : Thorton Leutzi nger. Brad D1xon . Glenn Hogenm ll ler. Scot Matkin. ROW THREE Kenny Eades , Steve Beck Chns Thuesen . Bob Bailey ROW FOUR: Don Day. R1ck Belleville. Jeff Whaley

Woodwin ds An

Clarinets ROW ONE. Al1ce Humble, L1nda Ladd , Sherry S1mms . ROW TWO: Den1se Cook. Den1se Hulsey. Christy Keney. Debbie King, Jenn1fer Cayce. ROW THREE: Debbie Livingston, Cathy Bruhn . Laura Cra mer. Cheryl Gardner. Robin Meyer. ROW FOUR: Bonn1e Becker. Tma Woodson. Brenda Hill, Lmda Ste· phens. Karen Gamel . Barb John· son, Julie Drury .

Flutes ROW ONE: Ten Bair Kay May, Laura Cayse. Martha McFerron ROW TWO: Chns K1nder. Jill Kearns, Karen Lucas. Phyll1s Polete. Mark Waymck. ROW THREE: Marcy Penning, Sherry O'Dell, Janetta Tucker , Patt1 Caldwell, Cmdy Battles. L1sa Bair.


Percuss ion

Percussion Perry Pmkley, Robert Lawson. John Led nick, Kim Siebert. Bob Schembre. Frank Siebert. John Manns .

Saxophones ROW ONE: Lynette Boone, LaDonna Webb, Beth Gooch . ROW TWO: Ron Goetz. Ernest Brown , Terry P1ttman. Randy White. ROW THREE: Steve Blaha , Jerry Sm1th, Dav1d Wehner. Gary Sm1th.



Concert Band: ROW ONE: Ten Ba1r. Kay May, Laura Cayse. Mark Waynick, Martha McFerron, Cmdy Battles, Lisa Ba1r. Phyll1s Polete. Patti Caldwell, Sherry O'Dell. ROW TWO: Sherry Simms. Cathy Bruhn, Jennifer Cayce. Den1se Hulsey, Denise McFarland, Steve Williams. Janme Bauman, Nancy Watkins, Carol Moore, Sue Evans. Dav1d Grayson, Holly Penning, Chns Kmder. Janetta Tucker, Karen Lucas. ROW THREE: Linda Ladd, Alice Humble. Denise Livingston, Chnsty Keney, Kathy D1xon, Brad Watson. Ernest Brown. Terry Pittman, Randy Wh1te, Dav1d Wehner, Lynette Boone, Ron Goetz, Steve Blaha. Beth Gooch, Phil Grayson. D1ane Higginbotham, Jill Kearns, Marcy Penning. ROW FOUR: Linda Stephens. Cheryl Gardner, Dan1ce Cook, Brenda Hill, Tina Woodson, Dan Herridge, Peggy Eades, Kevm Kmder,



Brenda Watson, Dav1d Garrett. Rex Ygles1a. Clmt Breeze, Jeff Stoll. Tony Siebert, Jeff Whaley, Rick Belleville, Don Day, Gary Smith, LaDonna Webb, Jerry Smith, Sherry Courtney, M1ke Cooper. ROW FIVE: Bonn1e Becker, Laura Cramer, Robm Meyer. Julie Drury, Debbie Kmg, Karen Gamel, Barb Johnson, Andy Cox, Kent Fallert. Corky Manns, John House. Den1se Harns. Tom Portell. R1ck Hook, Kevm Stoll. Bill Casey, Brad D1xon, Glenn Hogenmiller, Scot Matkm. Chns Thuesen, Steve Beck, Thorton Leutzmger. Kenny Eades. Bob Bailey ROW SIX: Robert Lawson. John Lednick. Tim Montgomery, Mike Bruhn, Rocky Burch, Don Buechting, K1m Siebert, John Manns, Bob Schembre, Perry Pinkley, Dave Harris. Frank Siebert.


Sing Along .._ Sophomore

ROW ONE: Holly Penning, Cheryl Casey, Bonnie Becker. ROW TWO: Sherry Simms, Sarah Pillow, Carol Moore. Janine Bauman . ROW THREE: Beverly Caldwell, Sherry Courtney. Karen Osterberg, Tern Whitehead ROW FOUR: Beverly Holllgan, Pam Duro, Paula Cook, Laura Cayse. Sandy Scroggins. ROW FIVE: Krist1e Glore. Lasandra Lee. Tina Woodson, Darlene Bayer.


ROW ONE: Patty Caldwell . Janetta Tucker. Zoe Crossland, Carolyn Hensley. D1ane Fallert. Betty Elfrank. Lori Gurnow. Kathy D1xon, Chris Luntzer, Barb Johnson, Karen Lucas. Rhonda DeClue, Sherri Umbenstock. ROW TWO: Laura Clifton, Susan Donnell, Lisa Ba1r , Jamey Laiben. Lo1s Santsch, Denise Hulsey. Karen Gamel, Judy Stockham. Jill Kearns, Tlleta John-

Jerry Sm1th. Steve Williams. Dav1d Siebert. Brad Watson , Frank Siebert. Jeff Stoll, Andy Myers .

With Nail!

son . LaDonna Webb . ROW THREE: Chari ie Scheffler. Dan nie S1tze. Steve Nausley . Rex Yglesia , Jeff Whaley . Thornton ROW ONE: Teri Bair, Vickie Smith . Judy Arnold, Mary Leonard. Carla Becker. ROW TWO: Nancy Watkins . Leutzmger. V rgil Owens. ROW Jan Arnold, Janice Connor. Cathy Bruhn. Peggy Eades, Allee Humble. ROW THREE: Lon Compton , Merrie 1 FOUR: Randy White. John Orr. R1tter, Renee Cavins. Ang1e Duro . Debb1e Showen . Sue Evans. Dana Webb . Robert Jackson . Kevm Meyers

ROW ONE: Darrell Bahr, Mark Hall , Mark Stringer. Clmt Breeze. Robbie Fanger, Tom Poole. Ernest Brown . Bob Schembre. ROW TWO : Emmett Westbrook, Phil Danner. Garry Battles. Steve Faulkner. Larry Battles. Chet Kyle Craig Engler. Dave Harris, John Manns . Mark Wayn1ck .

Choruses Work Hard

Mrxed Chorus. ROW ONE· Carol Moore, Dana Webb, Alice Humble, Mary Leonard, Mark Stringer, Ernest Brown. Davrd Harris, Holly Pennrng, Sherry Srmms. Paula Cook. Sherry Courtney, Janrne Bauman. Sandy Scroggrns. ROW TWO: Merrre Rrtter. Debra Showen, Sue Evans, Peggy Eades. Jan Arnold, Janrce Connor. Vickre Smrth. Garry Battles, Larry Battles, Chet Kyle, Cheryl Casey, Bonnre Becker, Tina Woodson, Tern Whrtehead, Karen Osterberg, Beverly Caldwell , Sarah Pillow. ROW THREE: Lon Compton, Teri Bair, Nancy Watkins. Cathy Bruhn, Carla Becker. Judy Arnold, Emmett Westbrook, Phrl Danner, Tom Poole, Robert Fanger, Mark Waynick. Frank Siebert. Steve Williams, Kevrn Stoll, Brad Watson, LaSandra Lee. Laura Cayse, Pam Duro . ROW FOUR: Renee Cavrns, Angre Duro. John Manns, Darrell Bahr. Mark Hall, Craig Engler. Scott Matkrn, Clint Breeze. Steve Faulkner. Andy Meyers. Jerry Smrth, David Srebert, Darlene Bayer. Knsty Glore. and Beverly Hollrgan .

Mrxed Chorus Officers And Sectron Leaders: Renee Cavins. soprano section leader: Sherry Simms. alto section leader and vrce presrdent; Brad Watson, tenor section leader: Mr. Nail, director: Dave Harris. bass section leader and presrdent: Carol Moore. accompanrst: Bonnre Becker. secretary-treasurer.

Chamber Choir. ROW ONE: Nancy Watkrns. Ten Bair. Sue Evans, Renee Cavins. Peggy Eades. Carol Moore, Sherry Srmms. Holly Penning, Sandy Scroggrns. Laura Cayse. Pam Duro. ROW TWO: Larry Battles, Dave Harris . Clrnt Breeze. Mark Waynick, Darrell Bahr. Mr. Nail , Kevrn Stoll, Steve Williams, Tony Shinkle. Davrd Srebert. Brad Watson.

Toward Contest

G1rl's Glee ROW ONE: Tina Woodson , Laura Cramer. Sherri Umbdenstock, Karen Lucas. Connie Mains, Claudia Roussin , Sherry Simms , Holly Penning, Barb Johnson , Rhonda DeClue, Carol Moore, Paula Cook, Tellta Johnson , Sue Donnell , Lois Santch1 , Karen Gamel, Judy Stockham , Laura Cayse. ROW TWO: Betty Elfrank. Debra Showen , Merrie R1tter. Ang1e Duro . Luann Scroggins, D1ane Brown , Chns Luntzer, Vickie Sm1th . Jan ine Bauman , Bonn ie Becker, Brenda Watson . D1ane Fallert. Cynthia Langel1er. LaDonna Webb, J1ll Kearns, Denise Hulsey, Martha McFerron , Lisa Ba1r, Sarah Pillow, Kristy Glore ROW THREE: Sue Evans, Donna Pmkley, Janetta Tucker. Lori Gurnow. Kathy Dixon , Jan Arnold , Connie Wagner. Cheryl C.asey, Carolyn Hensley, Diane Howard , Kathy Berger. Zoe Crossland , Mary Leonard, Charlene Stamps. Sherry Courtney, Beverly Caldwell, Karen Osterberg, Robin Lilly, Jam1e La1ben . ROW FOUR: Renee Cavins , Ten Bair, Nancy Watkms, Carla Becker. Cathy Bruhn. Lon Compton , Judy Arnold, Jan1ce Connor. Dana Webb. Al1ce Humble, Peggy Eades, Kathleen Hensley. Patti Caldwell , LaSandra Lee, Darlene Bayer. Pam Duro, Terri Whitehead, Laura Cl1fton . Beverly Holligan . Nancy Bollinger .

Boy's Glee: ROW ONE: Steve Williams. Bradly Watson. Perry Pmkley , Mark Wayn1ck, Charles Scheffler. Bob Jackson. Dan S1tes. Thorton Leutzinger, Randy Wh1te. ROW TWO: Garry Battles, Ernest Brown. Virgil Owens, Rich Emmons , Mark Stnnger, Jeff Whaey. Frank Siebert. Robert Aly, Robert Fanger. ROW THREE: Tom Poole, John Manns. Larry Battles. Cra1g Engler. Darrel Bahr, Rex Ygles1a, Scott Matkm, Emmett Westbrook, Kev1n Stoll ROW FOUR: Andy Myers , Tony Shmkle, Jerry Sm1th. Ph1l Danner, Mark Hall, John Orr. Steve Nausley, Dav1d Siebert, Ty Brase.


The guard brings in a piece of important evidence- the murder weapon .

Tensions builds, as Juror No. Three threatens to kill Juror No. Eight.

''Twelve Angry

CAST D1scuss1on on the case contmues as Jurors Eight and Two listen m . Jurors Ten and Five relax.

Foreman Juror Two Three . . Four . F1ve .. SIX

Seven Eight Nine .. Ten Eleven Twelve Guard Judge .

. Bob Bailey Peggy Eades Jill Kearns R1chard Hamer Paula Cook Lo1s Santschi Cathy Bruhn Judy Arnold Barb Luntzer Bob S1ebert Linda Kohm Bradley Watson Vincent Evans Kevm Cleary

*Produced by arrangement w1th the Dramat1c Publlshmg Co of Chicago.

"I've got a good mmd to walk round th1s table and slap her!"

Although the day is hot; interest in the case heightens .


Juror No. E1ght tries to pomt out facts of what happened the night of the murder

Skept1c1sm shows m the JUrors' faces.

"He's gu1lty as sure as he's born."

STAGE CREW Kevm Cleary Laura Cramer Rick Faulkner Chns Luntzer Sara Vinyard Craig Cleary Tracy Mangin R1chard Hamer Chester Alexander L1nda Kohm R1ck Kmg Sandy Henkel Rhonda Wh1te Susie Hammers Tom Wells Merrie R1tter

Incredulity greets Juror No. Eight when she produces a kn1fe that exactly matches the murder weapon

Honor Ratings Received

Vocal Solo1st Rece1ving l's At District Contest Are: ROW ONE: LaDonna Webb, Renee Cavins. ROW TWO; Dave Harris. David S1ebert. and (not shown) Mark Wayn1ck. Renee Cavms. Dave Harns. and Mark WaynICk also rece1ved a I at State Contest. Girl 's Trio Who Received A I Rating At D1strict Contests Are: Laura Cayse. Nancy Watkms. and Carol Moore

Accompanists At Contest Included ROW ONE· LaDonna Webb, Carol Moore ROW TWO Dave Harns. Beverly Holl1gan. (not shown) Steve Will1ams. Martha McFerron. Janetta Tucker, Karen Lucas. Lori Gurnow, Mrs. Heuby Moore. and Mrs . Roy Boyd .

Band Ensembles Rece1vmg A I Rating At D1strict Contest Are: ROW ONE: Trumpet Tno: Andy Cox. Dan Horndge. and Peggy Eades: M1xed Clannet Quartet: Cathy Bruhn, Sherry Courtney, Sherry S1mms, and (not shown) Darlene Bayer. ROW TWO: French Horn Quartet: Janme Bauman. Nancy Watkms. Carol Moore, and Holly Pennmg. ROW THREE: Flute Quartet: Ten Ba1r. Mark Wayn1ck, Laura Cayse. and Kay May: Trombone Quartet: Glen Hogenmlller. Scot Matkin, Brad D1xon. and Bob Ba1ley. ROW FOUR; PercussiOn Ensemble: Robert Lawson. John Ledn1ck. Kim Siebert. John Manns. Perry Pmkley . Frank Siebert. The groups rece1v1ng l's at State Contest are: Trumpet Tno. Trombone Quartet. and PercusSion Ensemble.

By Music Students

These Band Ensembles Received l's At The D1strict Mus1c Contest. Flute Tr10: Marcy Pennmg. L1sa Ba1r. and Patti Caldwell: Clarinet Trio: D1ane H1ggmbotham. Denise McFarland. and Sherry Courtney. ROW TWO: Brass Sextet: M1ke Bruhn Carol Moore. Don Day. Peggy Eades. Dean Horndge. and Brad D1xon . ROW THREE: Brass Quartet. Sue Evans. Scot Matkin, Clint Breeze, and Andy Cox. Percussion Duet: Bob Schembre and Perry Pmkley. Trumpet Quartet: Tom Portell. R1ck Hook. Kevm Kmder. and Dav1d Garrett. Trumpet Quartet also rece1ved a I at State Contest.



Madngal Received A I At D1stnct And State Contest Members Of The Group Are: ROW ONE. Holly Penning, Sherry S1mms. Renee Cavins. ROW TWO: Dave Harns and Brad Watson (Not shown) are: Peggy Eades. Tony Shinkle. and Mark Wayn1ck.

Instrumental Solo1st Rece1vmg A I At D1strict Contest Are: ROW ONE Dan Herridge. Cornet. ROW TWO : Janme Bauman, French Horn: Teri Ba1r. Flute. ROW THREE: Laura Cayse. Flute: Peggy Eades, Cornet: Bob Schembre. Snare Drum. ROW FOUR: Martha McFerron, Piano: Bob Ba1ley. Trombone: Kevin Kinder. Cornet. ROW FIVE: Ph1l Grason. Bassoon: and Glen Hogenmlller, Trombone. Janine Bauman . Bob Schembre, Martha McFerron. and Glen Hogenm1ller also received a I at State Contest.

Stouffer's and Junior

1. 2. 3

1. 2. 3.

Beth Gooch is emcee for the Tiger crown mg.

Sen1ors d1scuss commg graduat1on wh1le wa1tmg for the band to begm.


Students anxiously awa1t the beginn1ng of the T1ger crown mg .

Rocky. Claudia, Rhonda. and Dav1d enJOY the evemg dancmg .

Class Host Prom '73

Dancing to the mus1c of "Menagerie." Hey. where 's the food???

Students wa1t for the dmner to be served.

Teachers and admm1strators as well as students. dance the night away .

Jun1or sponsor Mrs. Swift and her husband take to the dance floor .

The band prov1des good entertainment for the non-dancers.

Awards-Day Novice Debate certificates went to Jill Kearns. Lon Gurnow, Bev Holligan. and LaDonna Webb. Thom Koester rece1ved a gold gavel. Judy Arnold and Jerry Sm1th got an award for duet act1ng. Dav1d Wehner was presented w1th the Art award and the Drama award of appreciation .

The sen1or Home Econimics award went to Dawn Raley.

Craig Engler received the Student CounCil scholarship .

The P.E.O. award was presented to Carol Moore for outstanding service and part1c1pat1on 1n the mus1c department.

Jan Arnold and Chet Kyle rece1ved the Danforth foundation "I Dare You" award Dawn Raley got the Daughter of the American Revolution award. Denn1s McFarland rece1ved the Citizenship award, and Don Day was awarded a scholarship by the Soc1ety of Outstandtng Amencan High School Students.

and Night

Don Day and Gary Smith rece1ved the Sc1ence award .

Peggy Eades rece1ved the Mus1c1anship award. Da· v1d Hams the Sonateers award, and Dan Horndge and Janine Bauman, the John Ph1llip Sousa Band award .

Boys' Athletic awards; Mr. Football. Earl Brown: Mr. Basketball and Mr. Athlete, M1ke Bruhn: Most lm· proved Basketball player, John Vaughn .

Sherree Felgate and Charlotte Anderson received the French II award .

Denn1s McFarland accepts a plaque from the Flood Control Center for students' serv1ce .

G1rls' Athletic awards: Miss Volleyball, Dawn Raley: M1ss Gymnast, Sherree Felgate. Miss Track, lnga S1mmons: Miss Athlete, Linda Ladd .

Tiger King and

Sandy Scroggms escorted by Earl Brown, Jr.

Ten Bair escorted by John Vaughn

Nancy Barnhart escorted by Terry Beck.

Donna R1cheson escorted by Rudy Nelson

Janine Bauman escorted by M1ke Bruhn

Debb1e S1kes escorted by Carl Boyer

Queen Royal Court

Den1se McFarland escort · ed by Bob Siebert

Jan Arnold escorted by M1ke Decker

Mary Kaempfe escorted by Chet Kyle

V1ck1e Smith escorted by Denn1s McFarland

The Tiger King and Queen Court

Tiger King and Queen

Vickie Smith and Chet Kyle

Baccalaureate '73

Commencement Speakers were members of the Graduating class of 1973 The class motto was the theme for the speeches. Speakers were: Beth Gooch, Don Day. John Vaughn, Gary Sm1th.

•••••••••••••••••••• BACCALAUREATE SERVICES




Processional . . . . . . Class Mrs. Ruth AuBuchon Invocation . Rev. Paul Schlabach Pastor, First Un1ted Methodist Church . Victoria "Ave Maria" "Hallelujah. Amen" from Judas Macaebus Handel Mixed Chorous Platform guests for Baccalaureate Serv1ces. Mr. Charles Moutray, Mr. Leslie Spurgeon. Mr. W1m. Vines, Mr. M1chael Page, Rev. Wayne Danner, Rev. Paul Schlabach, Mr. Robert Tucker, Mr. Robert Pryor. and Mr. Ralph B. Tynes.

Sermon Rev. Wayne Danner Pastor. Calvary Assembly of God Church Bened1ct1on Recessional

Rev. Paul Schlabach Class Mrs. Ruth AuBuchon

Now ... Only a Part



Class Flower ..... Aster Class Motto ..... "We Have Followed, Now We Lead" Class Colors .. . .. Royal Blue and Silver



Gary L Sm1th

Deborah Slabby


Chester N. Kyle

of FHS ' Past

• COMMENCEMENT PROCRAM CLASS OF 1973 Process1onal- "Pomp and Circumstance" H1gh School Band Invocation


Rev. Gene Casey Pastor. Second Bapt1st Church

Presentation of Platform Guests Supenntendant of Schools "The Last Word of Dav1d'' "Onward Ye People" Mixed Chorus

Ralph B. Tynes

Thompson Sibellus

Presentation of Speakers Robert E. Pryor Assistant Pnncipal of H1gh School Speakers: John Vaughn, Gary Sm1th, Beth Gooch. Don Day Robert L. Tucker Presentation of Class Assistant Superintendent of Schools *Presentation of D1plomas . Dr. Robert L. Cayse President of the School Board Presentation of Awards Leslie E. Spurgeon Pnnc1pal of H1gh School Benediction

The first Festus senior h1gh school gradu a t i on class (1915) held a reun1on here in October of 1972 and all four members were present. John Howard Vinyard , JaGksonvll le, Fla .; Leonard Harlow, Ft. Myers, Fla.; Mrs Dorothy Waldsm1th , Lake Worth , Fla. ; and Dr. John F. Rutledge, Cyrstal C1ty, Mo .


Rev. Gene Casey

Tigers Regain

Vmcent Evans

Dave Owens

Vars1ty. The Tigers. fm1shmg 2nd 1n the conference. had a successful season , 1nclud1ng a b1g w1n over the1r arch·nvals. Crystal C1ty. The T1gers' excellent runnmg game was complimented w1th effect1ve passing. The stubborn defense allowed an average of only 10 po1nts per contest. ROW ONE: J1mm1e Stnler, Ron Goetz••. Rex Ygles1a. Greg Aly. M1ke Bruhn*. M1tch Holdmghausen••. Denn1s McFarland•**. Tom Wells . John Compton. Vmcent Evans**•. Ernest Brown. Tom Poole . ROW TWO Coach Adam McCullough, R1ck Lucas•. Monte Wh1te•••. Kevm K1nder. Scot Adams . Ron Lynch. Chns Leonard, Don Day•••. Andy Cox•••. Oss ie Brown•. Arthur Mann mg. Jerry


Garry Battles







Crystal C1ty


35 0 0 3 6 34


7 7

Wmdsor DeSoto St. Prus Hrllsboro Jackson Herculaneum Northwest


Larry Battles

Ron Fenw1ck

Don Day

Earl Brown . Jr.

Jun1or Vars1ty ROW ONE: Arthur Mannmg. John Kmca1d . Randy Moss. Bill North. John Compton. Randy Decker. Greg Aly. Randy Coll1er ROW TWO V1rg1l Owens . Scot Adams . Brent Meyers. Kevm Charlev1lle. Rex Ygles1a . John Berger. Terry

Winning Form

Elfrank••• . ROW THREE: Rudy Nelson••. Dale Labuary Rocky Burch•••. Bill Casey. R1ck Harg1s. Terry P1ttman. Ron Fenw1ck . Larry Casey. Randy Moss . M1ke Ashabranner. Garry Battles• . ROW FOUR: Brent Meyers . Frank S1ebert. Larry Battles•. Dave Owens•••. Randy Coll1er. Don Buechtmg. Mark Cowen Ass 't James Stnler. KevIn Cleary. John Elfrank. Ass 't. James Joggerst.



F1rst Team All-Conference Second Team Honorable Ment1on

Rudy Nelson


Cra1g Osterberg

Bill Casey Mark Cowen

P1ttman. Kevm Kmder. ROW THREE: Coach Adam McCullough, Coach James Joggerst. Kevm Cleary . Denn1s M. Cage. M1ke Stnnger. Chns Leonard. John Elfrank .

M1ke Ashabranner Tom Wells

Denn1s McFarland M1ke Bruhn

Sports Encourage Spirit

G.A.A. ROW ONE: Den1se McFarland, Claud1a Roussin , Pat Se1bert. Mary Kaempfe. Brenda McQUIIIIan. Laune Maynard, Susan Donnell ROW TWO: Bonme E1senbe1s. LaSandra Lee. Ang1e Duro. Janetta Tucker, Ten Ba1r. Nancy Watkins , Bev Holllgan , Betty Elfrank, Nancy Walsh . ROW THREE· Jan Arnold , Pam Duro. Tern Portell . Laura Clifton, Luann Scroggins. Tina Poulizeous. ROW FOUR. Conn1e Wagner, Nanc1e Barnhart. lnga S1mmons. ROW FIVE: JoAnn Mahue, Dawn Raley, Sandy Scrogg~ns. Linda Ladd, Jan1ne Bauman . Sandy L~nderer .

Pom-Pom Girls ROW ONE: V1ck1e Sm1th. Tony Bourne, Bonnie EIsenbeis, Lon Gurnow, Vicki McKeen . Bev Holllgan . ROW TWO: C1ndy D1ttmer, Conn 1e Wagner, Kathy D1xon . Pam Duro , Donna Dutton. Tern Wh1tehead .

Pam Duro, Conn•e Wagner. C~ndy Dattmer, Tonye Bourne, Lon Gurnow. Bonn1e E1senbe1s. Vack1e Sm1th. Kathy D1xon. Donna Dutton , Vack1 McKeen.

Throughout School Life

FCiub ROW ONE: M1tch Holdmghausen, B1ll Nengel. Frank Se1bert. D21ne. Bahr, Denn1s McFarland . ROW TWO: Earl Brown, Don Day, Ron Fenw1ck. M1ke Bruhn, Larry Battles. ROW THREE· R1ck Shoults. R1ck Lucas. Terry Beck. Andy Myers, Dave Owens. ROW FOUR. Rudy Nelson. Garry Battles, Dan Horndge. R1ck Hook. Tom Poole. ROW FIVE: M1ke Ashabranner Jerry Elfrank, Mark Cowan. Ron Goetz. Roger Burch . ROW SIX: Andy Cox, Mark Hall. John Vaughn Don Buechtmg, Chet Kyle, and 1\_evm Clearly .

Cheerleaders Janet Horn La Donna Webb Lmda Ladd Sandy Lmderer Cathy Bruhn Janetta Tucker Laura Cl1fton


''Call For The Ball! ' '

The vars1ty volleyball team fln1shed With a 7-4 season record and 3rd place. The squad will lose f1ve sen1ors to graduation . leaving Coach B1ehle With four JUniors , of wh1c h three were starters ROW ONE: Sandy Underer, Mary Leonard, Linda Ladd. ROW TWO Coach Karen B1ehle. JoAnn Mahue, Mary Kaempfe, Joyce Baumstark, Dawn Raley, Ka thy Murphy. and Sherree Felgate (not shown) Co-Captam L1nda Ladd, All -Star set-up.

Is 1t a b1rd? Is 1t a plane? No . 1t's a volleyball!

H1t 1t. Joyce . h1t 1t! Joyce Baumstark goes up for one of her hard sp1kes as team mate JoAnn Mahue watches .

Mary Kaempfe. sp1ker .


''Move Your Feet''

Coach Biehle adv1ses B team during game.

Co-Captain Dawn Raley, sp1ker.

Sherree Felgate. set-up .

Season Scores Team We They DeSoto 5-10 15-15 13-15 11- 9 St. PIUS Northwest 11-15 9- 1 Fox 7-15-7 15-12-15 15-15 Crystal City 4-13 15-15 8- 5 Herky Windsor 8-12-15 13-10-10 16-15 14 -5 Hillsboro

The Jun1or Vars1ty Volleyball Team. ROW ONE: Betty El frank, Beth Counts . Sue Bingenheimer. Karen Lucas . ROW TWO: Sue Donnel l. Janetta Tucker. Sandy Dittmer. Coach Karen Biehle, Laura Clifton . Patty Caldwell . and Janet Baumstark . JoAnn Mahue. spiker

Tigers Take Own Tou Seniors

The four Tiger seniors holding the trophies won this season. M1ke Bruhn displays the 3rd place trophy from the Jefferson College Tournament, while John Vaughn and Oss1e Brown have the 1st place pnze from the Festus Tournament. Chet Kyle holds the Hillsboro Tourney 3rd place trophy.

Earl Brown, Jr. center

John Vaughn forward

The high point in the varsity Tigers' 1972-73 season was taking 1st place in the 7th Annual Festus Tournament, the first Tiger squad to do so. The Bengals, who did well in tournament play, placed 3rd in the Hillsboro and Jefferson College classics. Their weak point was conference contests, where the1r record ended at a dismal 3-5 mark. The overall record was 14-11. ROW ONE: Chet Kyle, Jim Pope, Jeff Kerlagon, Rick Lucas, Ron Goetz ROW TWO: Coach Bill S1ms, Clmt Breeze, Mike Bruhn, Ossie Brown, Andy Cox, John Vaughn, Don Buechtmg.

M1ke Bruhn forward

Chet Kyle guard


ey For First Time

Junior Vars1ty. ROW ONE: Steve Nausley, Wayne Schm1tz. Kevm Kmder, Rex Ygles1a, Chns Leonard. ROW TWO: Coach M1ke 0 ortell, Denn1s M. Cage. Brian Meyers, Arthur Mannmg. Randy Coll1er. Scott Adams .

Don Buechtmg

1972-73 Varsity Season opponents them us St. Genev1eve 28-63 St. PI us 49-59 Hillsboro 52-51 North County 46 56 South County Tech 35-77 Crystal C1ty 41-78 *Northwest 61-52 Herculaneum 79-41 Union 43-49 Potos1 69-52 Waterloo 62-64 Union 43-49 *St. Pius 65-54 *Windsor 43-66 *Hillsboro 69-61 DeSoto 52-62 St. Pi us 49-65 Crystal City 50-58 *Crystal City 58 50 *Herculaneum 59-72 *Fox 66-58 Leadwood 75-57 *DeSoto 51-69 North County 43-63 Perryville 45-41 *Conference

The hard·workmg managers of the bas· ketball squad get some recogn1t1on . KNEELING are Cra1g Cleary. R1ck Faulkner, and Charles Baker. STANDING IS DarreiiBahr.

R1cK Lucas

Jeff Kerlagon

J1m Pope

Ron Goetz

Girls, Boys

Tom Wells and Kev1n Cleary get ready to take off Standmg beh1nd are John Compton and R1ck Shoults. Cleary placed 3rd m the 440 at the state meet.

Gettmg ready to run another race? Dav1d Harnalge, M1ke Henson, Denn1s West. (Standing) R1chard Hayes. Denn1s Sil1ven, Robb1e Fanger

G1rls Track Team. ROW ONE: Debbie Slabby, Charlotte Anderson, Janetta Tucker, Sandy D1ttmer. Janet Stoll, Sandy Lmderer, Janet Horn, Sandy Scrogg1ns . ROW TWO: Janet Baumstark. Carolyn Hensley, Kathe Berger, Sue Hammers . Cathy Murphy , Mary Kaempfe. Cynthie Langelier. Betty Elfrank ROW THREE. Beverly Caldwell, Kathleen Hensley, D1ane Howard, Pam Duro . lnga S1mmons. Den1se Cook. V1ck1 James and Sherree Felgate.

"She flies through the a1r w1th the greatest of ease Debb1e Slabby .

It's a long way around the track, but you're almost there. V1cky James.

Everyone has to relax somet1me. Tom Wells .

Enjoy Track

Watch those Hurdlers go! John Compton. Dale Parks, and KevIn Cleary.

Two sophomore speedsters, Rex Ygles1a and Denny G1pson

Sophomore pole vaulters, Ron Firle and Steve Brust.

"Th1s IS how you do 1t, Dale." Rudy Nelson, a sen1or. and Dale Labuary, a JUnior. get ready to pract1ce the shot put. Mary Kaempfe and Sandy Scroggms show the boys how to run the hurdles . Mary (left) and Sandy (nght) are both seniors.

Good landmg. Sherree. Sherree Felgate .

lnga Simmons speeds around the track for the 440 relay.

Track ISn 't all work; somet1mes there is time to relax. (STANDING) M1ss Johnson, g1rls track coach. is having a chat with Sus1e Hammers, Cmdy D1ttmer, John Compton , and (SECOND ROW) Janetta Tucker .

Baseball Tigers Work. work, work IS tne team managers' lot. Eugene Stark and Steve Brust.

High-flymg high-Jumper, Carl Rogers.

Assistant coach Biehle in a pensive mood.


left freld

Mike Bruhn

nght freld

Mike Decker

Bill Nengel. Mr. Baseball

Tie for First

The Tigers. made up pnmanly of JUniors. tied for first rn the conference wrth Fox. Rrck Lucas led the attack with a team-leadrng average of .400 and 22 stolen bases. Ron Goetz was top RBI man (18) wrth Don Buechtrng the anchor-man on the pitchrng staff (51). ROW ONE: Joe Wrnkler, Randy Decker, Tim Montgomery, Greg Aly, Bill Nengel, Frank Siebert, Scott Matkin. Mitch Holdinghausen. ROW TWO Ass't Coach Mrchael Portell, John Elfrank, Rick Lucas, Kevrn Kinder, Jerry Elfrank. Scott Adams, Steve Barker. Tom Poole, Rocky Burch, Darrell Bahr, Coach Bonnie Davenport. ROW THREE Arthur Mannrng, Mrke Bruhn, Ron Goetz. Mrke Decker, Mark Hall, Don Buechtrng, Andy Cox.

1972-73 SEASON SCORES opponent *St. Pius *Crystal C1ty *Northwest Cape Girardeau Leadwood *DeSoto



7-8 1-3 4-3 6-1 1-3 12-5

6-2 Conference Record opponent Valley Park *Fox *Windsor St. Genevieve Potosi

them us 1-9 2-4 2-6

0-8 3-7

*Conference Games

12-40verall Record opponent North County *Herculaneum St. Clair Northwest *Hillsboro



9- 6 2-15

0- 6 0- 5 3- 4

Spirited Students Take

Girls Gymnastics Team ROW ONE: Judy Arnold, Sandy Linderer. Cathy Bruhn ROW TWO: Janet Horn , Barb Govero. Bev Halligan. Pam Duro. Mary Kaempfe. Cynthia Langelier, Lmda Ladd. ROW THREE: Janetta Tucker. Laura Clifton, Vicki Brandon . Not shown. Sherree Felgate.

David Garrett and Jeff Hindman team up in the Cageball champ1onsh1p. 84

Denn1s S11iven (SEATED) fmds t1me for a rest during the rugged contest.

Pa rt I n I nt ra m u ra Is

Dawn Raley smacks the Cageball .

M1ke Dec ker. Earnest Brwon. Monte Wh1te. and Rudy Nelson watch Brown 's shot in the Basketball lntramurals .

Randy Brown attempts to block Jerry Elfrank's Jump shot.

Monte Wh1te and Joe Stearnes t1p off to start the basketballlntramurals .


Connie Wagner and Dawn Raley team up.

Sophomores Take

Becky Ackman L1sa Ba1r Janet Baumstark Susan B1ngenhe1mer

Scott Adams Charles Baker L1sa Bayer Nancy Bollinger

GregAiy Mark Barker Fred Behling Debbie Bone

Charlotte Anderson M1chael Basler Brenda Bequette Lynette Boone

M1ke Backy Betty Baumgartner John Berger Tonya Bourne

Tom Walsh. Charlene, Stamp. and Dons Thebeau ass1st Mrs . Walsh 1n a talk g1ven on the Olympics in Mrs. Dreyer's class.

Active Part First Year

Sophomore class off1cers are Sandy D1ttmer Pres1dent. Laura Cl ifton Secretary . and Jill Kearns Treasurer.

Denn1s Boyd Denn1s M. Cage Kay Carron Mark Chapman

Lmda Boyer Denn1s P Cage K1m Carron Cra1gCieary

V1ck1e Brandon Patty Caldwell Anne Carrow Laura Clifton

L1nda Brown Dav1d Campfield Joyce Cash

Tess Bueskmg Cynthia Carr M1ke Cautrell

Sophomore Float

Randy Coll1er Zoe Crossland Rhonda DeGon1a

John Compton Joan Cumm1sky Brad Denn1s

Den1se Cook Mark Danner Sandy Dittmer

Beth Counts Randy Decker Kathy D1xon

K1m Courtway Rhonda DeClue Kathy Dobbs Susan Donnell

Ram d1d not dampen the Sophomore Sp1nt.

Takes Second

Sophomores strive for beauty

Betty Elfrank Ronn1e F1rle Denn1s G1pson

Bill Fadler Pam Flynn Barbara Gray

Julie Drury Debb1e Earls

Diane Fallert Frank Furlan Carl Gray

Cindy Fanger Karen Gamel Lon Gurnow

Kenny Eades Donna Earls

R1ck Faulkner John Gegg Susan Hammers

Sophs Take Interest

Carolyn Hensley Randy Hunter

Sandra Henkel Demse Hulsey Mark James

Sharon Haverstick M1ke Henson Vel1nda Hutson Barbara Johnson Cnns Keney

Steve Hayes Steve Hewitt Bob Jackson Tlleta Johnson Robert Jones

R1chard Helenschm1dt Belmda H1pes M1chael Jackson J1ll Kearns R1chard Jordon

Mr. Stnler keeps


in School Activities

Dav1d Kentch Jamey Laiben

John Kmca1d Donna Lalumand1er

Kevm Kmder Robert Lawson Thornton Leutzmger Debbie Livingston

h1s class act1ve J1ll Kearns in a scene from the play "You were born on a Rotten Day"

Debbie Kmg Jackie Lee Rob1n Lilly Grant Longely

L1nda Kohm Chns Leonard Dorothy Litton Tina Love

Sophs Work Hard Karen Lucas Samm1e Lyons Carl Manns J1m Mayes

Laune Maynard Patt1 McCreary Martha McFerron Veda Medley

Chris Meyer Brent Meyers Brian Meyers Kevin Meyers

Donna Middleton Tim Montgomery Bert Moore Harry Moser

Randy Moss Steve Nausley

Leemond Murphy Brenda Niswonger M1ss Ray. a student teacher g1ves adv1ce to K1m Carron in Home Ec .

First Year

V1rg1l Owens Phyll1s Polete Paul Renfro

Bill North Marcy Penn1ng Roxanne Prather Carl Rh1neberger

Sherry O'Dell Ron P1llow Mark Redd1ck Dav1d Rh1ves

Linda Ladd, JoAnn Mahue, Joyce Baumstark. Laura Clifton. Sandy D1ttmer. Beth Counts, and Betty Elfrank fight to win even in a drill.

John Orr Mark P1ppms Charles Reeder B1ll Rosener

Sherne Overstreet Terry Pittman Sally Reeves Tom Roth

Sophs Participate In

Donna Ruch Wayne Schm1tz

Gary Slater Jan me Smith

Tom Sago Darryl Showen

Lo1s Santsch1 Tony S1ebert

Charles Scheffler Patty S1ebert

L1nda Schmidt Danny S1tze

Ed1th Sm1th Tony Sm1th

Susan B1ngenhe1mer, Betty Baumgartner, Velmda Hutson. and K1m Carron work hard 1n class.


School Assemblies Charlene Stamps Debbie Stearns

Janet Stoll Lmda Stoll

Linda Stephens Mike Stnnger

Judy Stockham Dons Thebeau

Students f1ght for the ball. during the basketballmtramurals competition. Mona Thomure M1ke Trammell

Randall Tindell Steve Tripp

Students await the bell for the first assembly.


Watch those knees LaDonna! LaDonna Webb helps to arouse school spint

Sophs Look Forward

Janetta Tucker

Shern Umbdenstock It's a fight to the fin1sh for the Sophomores .

Steve Vancil Fay VanHorn

Charles Vaughn

Laura Clifton and Patty Caldwell play hard in a Volleyball game.

Mrs Gill, Vicki Sm1th, D1ane Howard, Laura Clifton, Dennis Pelsma, and Jan Sm1th enJOY the Christmas Tea 98

Lynette Boone attended Sophomore Pilgrimage .

To Junior Year

Joyce Vineyard Randy White Sharon Wilson

Gary Vineyard Tim White Joseph Winkler

Dorothy Wagner Dale Whittmgton Lmda Witte

Tom Walsh JamesWildy Rex Yglesia

Go Tigers Go!

Mrs. Blaha and Mrs. Reando serve L01s Santschi at lunch .


La Donna Webb Russell Williams Charles Young

Juniors Keep Active

Pam Duro serves Mr. Robert Tucker at Homecommg.

Darrell Abernathy Jacqueline Aslinger Mike Baer Dean Baker

Steve Barker

Cindy Battles Darlene Bayer Carla Becker Tigers fight to the end 100

Francis Bauman Greg Bayer Kathe Berger

Deanna Apperson Julie Axtetter Darrell Bahr Joyce Baumstark Bonn1e Becker J1m Bieser

During The Year

Debbie Leva II, Carla Becker, and Tracy Mangm nde 1n style .

M1ss Kathryn Besand a student Teacher 1n Home Ec. assist Pam Duro .

Donna Bmgenheimer Tamara Bowlmg Clint Breeze Ernest Brown Ron Brown Dav1d Buck

Phil BISCh Karol Boyer Cynthia Brewen George Brown Cathy Bruhn Donald Buechtmg

Terry Boucher Ty Brase Jesse Bnssette Larry Brown Steven Brust Rocky Burch

Margaret Govero (Byers)

Beverly Caldwell

Junio rs Had

Jennifer Cayce Tony Christopher Dennis Courtway

Robert Cayce Kevin Cleary Mark Courtway

Jean Cash Cathy Chotrow Paula Cook Mike Crader

Cheryl Casey Laura Cayse Sharon Coleman Andy Cox Laura Cramer

Larry Casey Patty Chapman Lon Compton Maureen Cozme Cass Crouch

Juniors move on,


Winning Streak

Don Carlson Jim DeBoor Ed Earls

Jeff Crump Paul DeGon1a Rick Earls

Devolia Culton Glenda Dobbs Jerry Elfrank Ernie Elkms Susan Evans

to V1ctory .


Ke1th Culton Pam Duro John Elfrank R1ch Emmons Kent Fallert

Sandy Culton Donna Dutton Kenny Elfrank Linda Engel Robert Fanger

Juniors Show

Miss Leggs for 1973 was Debbie Levall w1th her better half Mr. J1m Joggerst

Sandy Henry Debbie Hodge Bev Holligan Maureen Holst Janet Horn Gary Horstmann

Stan Hulsey

Diane Howard


Lonny James

Jocelyn Hindman Glenn Hoganm1ller M1tch Holdmghausen Kathy Hook Robert Horn Robert Joe


Ralph Johnson Karry Friedmeyer

Odessa Jones Marl Garber

Don't ever get 1n Monty White 's Way'

Jerry Kennedy Rhonda G1pson

Mark Fasnut Knst1e Glore

Bev Holl1gan attended G1rl 's State .

Debra Flynn Ron Goetz Donna Goforth Barb Govero Dav1d Grason Phil Grason Students awa1t Homecoming crowning.

Juniors Get

Madonna Guess Sharon Haverstick

Mark Hall R1chard Hayes

Dav1d Harnage! Tony Kennedy

D1ane Hammon Debb1e Hodge Jeff Kerlagon

Jun1ors Sweat It out dunng magazine sales.

Den1se Harris Billy Kent


Brenda Watson. Brad Watson. Bonn1e Becker. Cheryl Casey. and David Harris g1ve 1t all they've got at FTA Banquet.

Phil Bisch plays it cool . Cynth1a M1guel, Cmdy Battles. Glenda Dobbs. Meme R1tter. Karen Osterburg, and Sheila Tyler study hard

Chns Kinder Mary Leonard

Ronald Kline David Leutzmger

Dale Labuary Sandy Lmderer

Cynthia Langelier Susan L1senby

Debb1e LaPlant Pam Loesch

Juniors Adapt to

Coleen Love

June Lowe

R1ck Lucas

Barb Luntzer

Darrell Bahr, Mark Stnnger. Rocky Burch, and Don Buechtmg attended Boys State.

Ralph Luntzer Ron Lynch Connie Mains Tracy Mangm Scott Matkm Vick1e McKeen

School Life

Robin Meyer

Cynthia M1guel

Ardeth Moon

Kathy Murphy

Junior class officers were Darlene Bayer, Tracy Mangm, Debb1e Leva II. and Rocky Burch .

~~ lD

t 4$


Phil Meyer Manlyn Niswonger Tony Noack Tisha Olive Karen Osterberg Ang1e Parks


Students take great Interest 1n Mrs. G111's typmg class.

Juniors Take Pride

Dale Parks

Sarah P1llow

Perry Pinkley

Regma Polete

Tom Poole

Miss Herrell's English class reads w1th enthus1asm .

Tim Pope

Ten Portell

Tma Pouleizous

Pam Prier

Carol Prockl

in School

J1ll Kearns, Larry Battles, Nancy Watk1ns. Ten Ba1r, Sue Evans, Mark Wayn1ck. Mr Denn1s Nail , Clint Breeze. Kevin Stoll , Pam Duro. Laura Cayse, and Sherry Simms wa1t anx1ously for their meal at the FTA Banquet .

B1ll Ramsey Calvm Richardson Lydia Russell Debb1e Showen

J1m Rhives Bobby Schembre Frank Siebert

Merne R1tter David Schwent Wh1ley S1mms

Carl Rogers Luann Scroggins Denn1s West

Jerry Reando Donna Rosener R1ck Shoults Theresa Zavadil

Editor: Sherree Felgate

I am not w That w ich I have been. -Byron


M1ke Ashabranner

Jan Arnold

Bnan Aubuc hon

Seniors Work

Scott shows them how 1t's done.

T1m Arnold Gary Aubuchon Robert Bailey Ten Ba1r

11 4

Nancy Barnhart

Garry Battles

Larry Battles

Janine Bauman

And Play Hard

V1ck1e Baumgartner

R1cky Bellville

Cut it out Ba1r! Nancy Barnhart gets smeared by Ten Ba1r.

Steve Beck

Terry Beck

We caught Mike Bruhn concentrating!

Manlyn Beckett

Lmda Beffa

Seniors Take An Active

Steve Blaha

K1ds! K1ds! K1ds! Vicki Smith. Linda Beffa , Bessie Horn. Susan Wh1te. Karol Boyer. and C1ndy D1ttmer took part m the ch1ld-care home econom1cs program. Children were brought by area mothers for one semester .

Leona Blaylock Earl Brown, Jr.

Gary Aubuchon, Nanc1e Barnhart. V1ck1 Sm1th, Helen Bollinger. Regma Polete. Patty Pogenm1ller, Mallssa Manning with campaign posters for government class.

Steven Boyer Michael Bruhn

Part In Classroom Work

Kevm Gehrs, Bob Jackson, Darrell Abernathy, Paul Firle, Eugene Stark. Arthur Meeks, J1m Alcott, John House, Steve Blaha created some mterest1ng proJects m woodworkmg class .

Renee Cavms

Ron Carrow William Casey Jan1ce Conner

Boys are handy w1th machmes m Secretarial and Clerical Classes. Gary Bowling and Brad Watson demonstrates the mimeograph machme. Lmda Coplin 117

Being A Senior Is Both

Sherry Courtney Mark Cowan Phil Danner Donald Day

Smiles reflect pleasure of T1ger fans . Coach Sims, Earl Brown. and Robert Pryor. after winning 3rd in Jeffco Tournament.

11 8

Winning And Losing

JoAnn Mahue presents first place bowlmg trophy to Mr Spurgeon. Oss1e Brown and John Vaughn happiness is wmnmg 1st after 7 tries 1n our own tournament.

Bonnie Eisenbeis

Peggy Eades Wayne Dobbs Craig Engler

Ang1e Duro

Eugene Dutton 119

Thomas Dutton

Seniors That Work

Steve Faulkner

Sherree Felgate

"Come on guys. let's get this game going! ", seems to be what Coach McCullough IS say1ng to Ron Fenw1ck. Ossie Brown. Monte Wh1te, Joe Stearns, Bob Siebert, Coach S1ms. Steve Barker, Jerry Elfrank, Earnest Brown, and Mike Decker.

Terry Fadler Paul Firle Michael Fox

Vincent Evans Ron Fenw1ck Gayle Fischer Scott Gant Terry Friedmeyer


Pam Gamblm

Together, Stay Together

Hal Garber Delena Gerber

Dav1d Garrett Jay Goodwin R1ck Harg1s

Kevm Gehrs M1lton Govero Brad Hensley

Beth Gooch R1chard Hamer Dav1d Harns Scot H1ggmbotham "We're behmd you all the way!" Vmce Evans pushes for a not her yard .

Homecoming Time

Mary Kaempfe and Sandy Scroggms help w1th refreshments at homecommg .

Jeff Hmdman R1ck Hook

Dan Horndge Allee Humble

John House Sh1rley James


Kerry Hoffman Bess1e Horn

Gary Sm1th. Mrs . Stncker. and Mrs. Dreyer work on the "'Headless Horseman :·

Keeps Seniors Going

Nancy Barnhart. Judy Arnold, and Paula Cook nde horse and cart m the homecommg parade .

V1cky James Mary Kaempfe

Rose Johnson Thom Koester

Lmda Ladd

Danny LaMure


Ruth Klme John Ledn1ck

Chet Kyle JoAnn Lee

First Place

B1lllongley Don Martm

JoAnn Mahue Anthony Masterson

John Manns won first place m oils mArt Contest.

laSandra lee Mal1ssa Mannmg Kay May Den1se McFarland


Ken lew1s John Manns DeWayne McCord Denn1s McFarland

Seniors' Style

Arthur Meeks Robert Naes

Greg McKee Andy Myers Bill Nengel

Carol Moore Karen Nausley Rudy Nelson

Benn1e Moutray Larry Nausley Paul N1chols Lmda Oliver

Bowling boys won f1rst place 1n the bowling tournament.

Dave Owens Cratg Osterberg Holly Pennmg Donna Pmkley Debra Ptppms Patty Poggemoeller Tom Portell Donna Pnmo

A btg "T" for the Ttger Tenors.

Sports And


Dave Ponzar Dawn Raley

Ttm Portell Donna Rtcheson

Dav1d Rosener

Vmcent Roth

Claudia Roussm

Humor At FHS

Darlena Boren. Milton Govero. Sharon Dobbs. Bill Kent Veda Medley and Arvel Bohannon won nbbons 1n the SpeCial Olymp1cs held m Rolla. M1ssoun .

B1ll Sansch1 Cathee Schanz

Gene Sago Bobby Sales Sandy Scroggms Kim S1ebert Tony Shmkle

David S1ebert


Seniors Fight

Bob Siebert Peggy Eades, Don Day, Lynette Boone and Thorn Koester had a successful season m Scholar Quiz.

Debra S1kes

Sandy Scroggms, Linda Ladd , Mary Keampfe and Dawn Raley fought hard and won f1rst place m cageballmtramural playoffs . Ten Ba1r. homecommg queen . fought hard 1n the BEAUTIFUL Legs contest! Huh, Trenton?

lnga S1mmons

John S1mms

Sherry Simms Oss1e Brown blasts Bean w1th a snowball

f o r Su rv iva I

Debb1e Slabby

Gary Sm1th An explosive conspiracy m chemistry? Don Day, Gary Sm1th, Kevm Cleary, Mr. Sago, R1ck Belleville. Don Carlson. Dav1d Leutzmger. Thom Koester. and Debb1e Slabby m Chem1stry II.

Joe St earns

Sue Still

Chns Thuesen 129

Bnan Tucker

Happiness Is Being

John Vaughn

Marty Vaughn

Cathy Vessell

R1cky Vaughn Mike Vineyard

Pom Pom girls keep up their sp1nt m ramy weather.

Sandy Venz

Tom Vinvard

Randy Vessell

Marvm Vineyard

a Senior

Barb Welch

Brad Watson

Mark Wayn1ck

R1valry spurs Tigers to VICtory . Kathy Warden Nancy Walsh Nancy Watkins Tom Wells


Senior Year Is a Kale

Emmett Westbrook Rhonda White

"Get off my back. Monte!" seems to be what Mike Decker is saying to Monte White.

Sheila White

Danny Whitehead

Frank Winkler 132

Genie Wigger

oscope of Activity

..--r.lrs CNU 7

Jane Witte Jean W1tte

Andy Myers serenading Linda Ladd as she sets ?

Trenton Wright

Melan1e Ygles1a

Joyce Yearian


Barbara Young




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Citizens Bank of Fest us

Motor Bank

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CRYSTAL TIRE COMPANY Russ Bauman "The Men Who Know T1res Best" Crystal C1ty, Mo.


Lloyd N. Thuesen


LLOYD N. THUESEN Manns Building Festus. Mo. P.O. Box 23 C.C. Mo.

Body and Pamt Work

Mechanical Repair FREE ESTIMATES

Selma Auto Service Center Body Shop H1ghway 61 at Selma V1llage Rt. 1. Box 225- Festus. Mo. Home 937 6879

Jerry W1lson

Bus 937 8700

TWIN GABLES GROCERY Route 1, Box 40 Festus, M1ssoun Bob and Jack1e Govreau

REINER'S MARKET Route 1. Highway 61 Festus. Mo. People on the go . go

COOPER'S SHOE STORE Shoe Repair 206 Mam Street Festus, Mo. Jarman. Charm Step, Connie Acme Boots. Cedar Crest TAYLORS FABRIC HOUSE

S1nger Sewmg Mach1nes Vacuum Cleaners Sales. Repa1rs. and Rentals Fabric Trimmmgs and Patterns 937 3764

512 Ba1ley Rd . Crystal C1ty, Mo.


GERALD'S MEN'S WEAR "Where Smart Men Shop"


204 Mam St. Festus. M1ssouri

DORSEY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Biological Charge Accounts S1ck Room Suppl1es

Prescnpt1ons Rubber Goods Free Parkmg

"Jefferson County's F1rst Professional Pharmacy Free Prescnpt1on Del1very

108 MISSISSippi Ave.

Phone: 937-3900 Crystal C1ty, Mo.

VAUGHN INSURANCE AGENCY 111 A. Ma1n St. 937-3026 "Insurance of all Kmds" H. E. "Hank" Vaughn. Jr.

E & D

STYLE SHOP "As Modern As Tomorrow" Sales and Service

937-2812 207 Mam St.

770 Mam St.

Festus. Mo.

937-88 12 Festus. Mo.




Festus. Mo . 63028

304 Ba1ley Rd . 937-3613

Crystal C1ty. Mo.


See Us Before You Buy Just Any Typewnter We Sell And Serv1ce All MaJOr Brands Olymp1a, Sm1th Corona. Royal. Olivetti Underwood. New & Used Portable Standard Electnc



We Are Also Headquarters For all Requirements In Art Draftmg


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CRYSTAL CITY, MO. 63019 937-3616 H. M .. Alexander. President

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GIFT CHEST JEWELRY Latest styles m D1amonds Nontake Chma Complete Repair Department Festus. Mo.

209 Mam St. 937-5007

GOOD LUCK TIGERS compliments of Frank & Carol Clerc

VILLAGE SHOE STORE 223 Main St. Festus. Mo.



Hours Dally By Appointment Except Wednesday

8 Village Plaza Hwy. 61-67 Arnold. Mo. 63010

230 Main St. Festus. Mo . 63028 937-4747


TWIN CITY REXALL DRUG See Us For All Your Health Needs Largest Stock of Pharmaceuticals m Jefferson County

202 Mam St.

Festus, Mo.


937-6001 115 MISSISSippi Ave.

Flowers for all Occas1ons

Crystal C1ty, Mo.



Box 84. Festus. Mo.

A. Elmo Blum. Owner



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Festus. Mo.

Member- F.D.I.C.

Buy w1th Confidence and Wear w1th Pride



937-720 1 TI RES




2100 Hwy. 61-67 Crystal Crty, Mo.

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KOHLER CITY. MISSOURI HIGHWAY 61-67 at HIGHWAY M, JUST OFF 1-55 Everythmg for less. for farm and home. work and play, Shoes. clothing, hardware, paint. automotive. housewares, bUIIdmg needs. plumbmg supplies, campmg. f•shmg. huntmg. and sports supplies. saddles. etc.

The Daily News-Democrat


Jefferson County's Largest Dally Newspaper

SMITH JEWELERS Keepsake Dramonds Brrdal Regrstry Sliver- Chrna- Crystal Weddrng lnvrtatrons John Roberts Class Rrngs

37 Main Festus. Mo.

Stoplight Auto Sales Crystal Crty, Missouri



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By Jerry And Lmda Down1g

Is Fast



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Ph. 937-8121

Festus, Mo.

304West Mam Festus. Mo .

All Sportmg Equ1pment Available If we don't have it 1n stock, we will get 1t. 937-3613

DeCLUE WELDING SERVICE 122 North lOth Street Festus, Mo. 63028 937-2 194 William A. DeClue - Owner

Congratulations Class of 1973

Festus Police Department QUONSET INN LANES -Let's Go Bowling -

2004 H1ghway 61-67 Crystal C1ty, Mo. 63019 Phone 937-2118

Relax- Pl ay Pool At Th e

CRYSTAL CUE CLUB Hwy. 61 -67 Family Fun and Recreation



# 3 North 5th St.

Festus Mo.

DAY OR NIGHT Alfred Bailey Sr.- Owner & operator



Parts and Suppl1es For All Makes of Cars




FULTS FLORIST 516 Ba1ley Road


Servmg the Festus - Crystal C1ty Area

Compliments of




109 Mam St. Festus, Mo.

MAC'S IGA FOODLINER 335 Bailey Lane Crystal City, Mo. 63019 Best Wishes Class of '73

ARCH & PETE'S Arch Williams

Pete Johnson

" House of Choice Meats" 937-8333


104 So. 2nd Festus, Mo.

Owners, Enc Roth & John Felgate

JEFFERSON COUNTY PRESS-TIMES Your GOOD MORNING Datly Newspaper Featunng: ''Spotlight on Youth " By. For, and About Teens - Your Partner in Progress -



Dedicated to the Class of '73 Crystal C1ty, Mo.



SHAPIRO BROTHERS, INC. Iron & Metal Scrap Structrual Steel 9th & Delmar Streets Festus. Mo. 63028 937-2888

THUNDERBIRD LANES, INC. Your Family Recreational Center W1shes The Best Of Luck to the Class Of 1973 Crystal C1ty. Mo.

Hway 61-67 937-7175

Congratulations Class of 19 73




Bus . 937-3335

Home 937-7364

Back Filltng. Basements. Cleanng. Roads and Ponds, Whtte Rock. Sand, Gravel and Dirt

ROBINSON'S TRUCKING AND EXCAVATING Hwy. 61 South of Festus. Mo. Sept1c Tanks Dram Fields -COMPLETE SEWER SYSTEMS Aeration Plants


Loyce Campbell. Broker

VINYARD FUNERAL HOMES Festus- Crystal City Hillcrest Chapel Herculaneum- Pevely Serv1ce Through The Years

937-2544 937-8618

Shtrley Alsbach. Agent 108 South 2nd Street Festus Mtssouri 63028

LUCAS AUTO SALES AND SERVICE 207 S. Mtll. Festus. Mo . Dodge and Dodge Trucks 24 Hour Wrecker Service 207 S Mill. Festus. Mo . 937-5413

De ,..-/Gee's

Market Hillsboro- DeSoto Crystal City Open 9:00-9:00 S1x Days A Week


" Everything for the Sportsman

H1ghway 67 Pevely, M1ssour1 63070 Phone 479-4240



A Complete Lme Of Hardware Toys Sportmg Goods Electnc Suppl1es Zen1th Rad10 And TeleviSIOn

Crystal Village

937-2600 or 937-5905

Crystal Village

937-2600 or 937-5905


600 Sunsh1ne Dr~ve




Hwy . 61-67

Crystal City


Bill North Res. 937-2750

Carl Manns Res. 937-4996 Business Phone 937-4011

TEXACO MOTOR COMPANY Oldsmobile Sales and Serv1ce 1004 Highway 61 -67 Bob Lewis

J1m Evans Crystal City. Mo


5 m1les south of Festus



12 Main Street Festus. Mo.


Auto Accessones Dave Kentch

Auto Repa1r Hwy. 61&55

937 7709


937-2060 Wholesale Electncal Supplier

1-55 Hwy Z 4794737

V.F.W. Post 3777 A1rport Road Festus . Crystal C1ty


Bill Dorsey, Commander; Floyd Dunham , Sr. Vice Comm; Bill Re1ch. Jr. V1ce Comm ; Daymond Harned . Quartermaster ; Luther Squ1res , Chaplain

The objects of The Veterans of Foreign Wars are fraternal , patriotic . historica l and educationa l: To preserve and strengthen comradeship among 1ts members ; to ass1st worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead. and to ass1st the1r widows and orphans ; to mamta1n true alleg1ance to the government of the Un1ted States of Amenca . and f1del1ty to its constitution and laws; to foster true patriot1sm ; to maintam and extend the inst1tut1ons of Amenca freedom ; and to preserve and defend the Un1ted States from all her enem1es. whomsoever .


Compl1ments of

Compliments of


LIBERTY CAFE H1-Way 61 -67 Crystal C1ty. Missoun


TRI-CITY INDEPENDENT Fine Offset and Letterpress PRINTING Serving All Your Printing Needs for Stxty Years 109 N Mill Street

Festus. Mtssouri

Telephone 937-2736

Compliments of

GOLDE'S Festus- Crystal City

P. N. HIRSCH & COMPANIES Festus & Pevely "Qual tty Clothing for the Entire Famtly"

BEFFA'S GULF STATION 104 Walnut Street Festus. Mo 937 -8754

BESAND AUTO ELECTRIC Herb Besand. Propr~etor S Mill Street Festus. M1ssour1 937-3006


112 Mile North of Twin Cities on Hwy. 61-67, Festus, Mo.





RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT Good Food- CocktailS- Sandwiches

479 7703 7 a m to 10 p.m da1ly H1way 61 -67 Pevely. Mo

CENTRAL REXALL DRUGS Tw1n C1t1es' Oldest Established Pharmacy



Festus. Mo.

123 Main

F. W. HARTER CO. Plumbing- Heatmg Suppl1es Crystal C1ty- Festus Missoun

General Contractors Festus, Mo .

937-6084 296 5441

Steel Erect1on Steel Fabncat1on


Phone 314 937-3677

609 H1ghway 61 -67 Crystal C1ty - Festus . M1ssouri



TWIN-CITY MOTEL A1r-Cond1t1oned Electnc and Saft1 Vent Heat T.V. Play Ground Meetmg Rooms Kitchenettes Trailer Court Facil1t1es

Bndal Su1te Wall to Wal l Carpetmg Tub Shower Wedd1ng Recept1ons 937-7691 118 East Betta St. Festus . Mo . 63028

STATE FARM INSURANCE 106 South Second Festus. MISSOUri Compliments of Robert J . Graham Don Gotterman 937-4648

Compliments of VOGUE CLEANERS


Crystal C1ty. Mo.

Hy 61 ·67



116 MISSISSippi Crystal C1ty

Wayne Trask Owner Busmess 937-1800 Res1dent1al 937-7646

CRYSTAL CITY AUTO PARTS Crystal C1ty. Missouri



Pevely , MO .


We Sell America First




Homes Acreages Business


SUPPLY COMPANY Wholesale Food Paper Items Suppl1es Dnve-ln Restaurants Schools lnst1tut1ons


Crystal C1ty. Mo

320 Bailey Rd 937 6400



WARD Your Complete Source Of

THE NEW FRESH LOOK IN HOME FURNITURE STYLING Warehouse and Showroom "sell1ng d1rect to the public"

• • • • •

Carpeting Draperies Furniture Appliances Rrverside Tires

• • • • •

Air Conditioning Heating Fencing Batteries Kitchen Cabinets

Office Phones 937-4632

STOCKHAM ZEPHYR Gas Oil Grocenes H1ghway CC and 67 Festus. M1ssoun


Park1ng Curb' ~tepp1ng 'itonc' 'ipla~h Blocb

Ind1ana L1me~tonc Ill


DOWNING'S SHOE OUTLET 505 N Mill Festus. Mo For the fmest 1n shoes and purses. Famous Brands. f1rst quallty,low pnces .



STOPLIGHT DRIVE-IN Hwy 61 & Bailey Road G::rystal C1ty, Mo.

POLITTE FUNERAL HOMES Crystal C1ty. Festus Phones 937 3631


OVERBERG DECORATING CENTER 405 Mam Street 937 2742 Pittsburgh , Phelans , Pratt & Lambert Paints Complete Decorat1ng Serv1ce Carpets, V1nyl wall covering


COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. JOE PICARELLA T.V. 306 Ba1ley Rd. Crystal, City, Mo. 63019 937-6701

Highway 61-67 Crystal C1ty MiSSOUri



LEE'S MOBILE SERVICE tires- batteries- ACS- road serv1ce Hwy61&67 Ph . 937-8876

@:\ to the graduating class



THE YARN CENTER 9th & Delmar Festus, Mo .

It's the Real Thmg

Barbara Fasnut prop. 937-2034 fine yarns & art needlework accessones, patterns and lessons Let us help you with your needlework problems


RUPPERT FOOD CO. Praine Farms Milk

P 0 . Box 324


Crystal City. Mo.


119 Highway 61 & 67

Crystal City




CRYSTAL CITY DOUGHNUT, INC. Hiway 61-67 937-6801 Open 24 hours a Day

Harold E. McFerron Agent

STATE FARM INSURANCE 124 Mam Street Festus. Missoun Phone Bus 937-2929 Res. 937-4382

ELMER SAGO CAR CENTER INC. COMPLETE BODY- MECHANICAL WORK 269-8707 No 3 Waggener Industrial Court Crystal City 937-5779


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