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Aviation 10/14 1. 75 ANIVERSARIO DE LA CREACION DE LA FUERZA AEREA ARGENTINA. 10 DE AGOSTO DE 1987. [Buenos Aires], Confederación Argentina de Entidades Aerodeportivas (CADEA)/Fábrica Militar de Aviones (FMA)/Asociación Aeronaútica Argentina, 1987. [151]p., color photo plates, boards. Hardcover. Good. (107102) $65.00 Photographs of figures and monuments associated with the 75 year anniversary of the Argentinian Air Force; founded in 1912. Includes a 4 page historical summary. Printed on coated stock 2. Abella, Carlos; Gonzala Carballo; Juan Carlos Rodriguez. BOEING 747 JUMBO JET EN ARGENTINA. Illustraciones por Sebastian Acosta. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval (Serie Aerolineas #3), 2012. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-1682-16-4. 44 p., color plates, ilus., wrps., oblong. Staplebound. Very Good. (162048) $25.00 Boeing's 747 is one of the most iconic in the history of jet planes. This book provides a history of the plane in Argeintina through various historical and contemporary images of the plane as well as accompanying texts 3. Abella, Carlos; Gonzalo Carballo; Juan Carlos Rodriguez. BOING 727 SERIES EN ARGENTINA. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval (Serie Aerolineas #5), 2013. 40 p., color plates, ilus., wrps., oblong. Staplebound. Very Good. (162049) $25.00 History of the 727 series of commercial jetliners. Numerous photos illustrate their role in Argentina's commercial airline industry 4. Abrahamsohn (director), Hernan Alberto. LIBRO DE ORO. HOMENAJE A LA FUERZA AÉREA ARGENTINA. [Argentina]: DGI: Direccion General Impositiva, [1970's?]. 1st ed. 4to, boards, 92p., b+w photos . Hardcover. Good. (145584) $95.00 Tribute to the Air Force of Argentina. Includes numerous archive photos and chronology. Content includes: “Corta reseña historica de la aviacion Argentina, Seccion aeronautica, Boeing: La primera familia de jets del mundo, La de mayor experiencia en vuelo, Consejo agario de la provincia de Santa Cruz.” No OCLC holding. 5. LA AERONÁUTICA NACIONAL AL SERVICIO DEL PAÍS. [Buenos Aires], Secretaría de Aeronáutica de la Nación, 1948. 345p., maps, color plates, photo plates, illus., graphics, facsimiles, wrps, large 4to . (plain wrappers) Paperback. Good. (109944) $125.00 A profuse and vibrant late 20th century historical and photographic examination of the Argentine National Aeronautical Service and its endeavors. Includes numerous maps and photos. Some browning and staining to first few leaves 6. AEROPOKER 252-84. No place: Editorial Aimée's Atelier, No Date. 175p., facsimiles, wrps, 4to. Paperback. Good. (11824) $30.00 Collection of press clippings relating to the highjacking of flight LV 252, Línea Aeropostal Venezolana.


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7. Agosti, Orlando Ramon. DISCURSOS DEL COMANDANTE EN JEFE DE LA FUERZA AEREA ARGENTINA BRIGADIER GENERAL ORLANDO RAMON AGOSTI. Argentina: Unknown, 1978. 1st ed. 72 p., wrps., light rubbing, smudge to lower right corner. Paperback. Very Good. (164070) $20.00 Collected speeches, eight in total, of then commander of Argentina's aerial forces. Includes speeches delivered on Argentina's Air Force Day and Jorge Newberry Day, which celebrates the eponymous founder of the Argentine air force 8. AIR & SPACE POWER JOURNAL Vol. XXV, No. 4 Winter 2011. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: AIR & SPACE POWER JOURNAL , 2012. First edition, presumed. 8vo, wrps, 96 p., notes, color and b/w photos and illus. Paperback. New. (157219) $10.00 Journal entries include: "We Measure Success through the Eyes of the War Fighter. Cursor on Target, A Holisitic Approach to Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, Joint Targeting in Cyberspace, Embracing Autonomy" 9. AIR & SPACE POWER : JOURNAL EN ESPANOL Volumen XXIII, No. 3, Tercer Trimestre 2011. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: Edición en Español de la Revista Profesional de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, 2011. First edition, presumed. 8vo, wrps, 96 p., notes, color and b/w photos and illus. Paperback. New. (157215) $10.00 Spanish edition of the Professional Magazine of the United States Air Force. Cover: "SICOFAA: Conferencia de los Jefes de las Fuerzas Aereas Americanas". 10. AIR & SPACE POWER : JOURNAL EN ESPANOL Volumen XXIII, No. 4, Cuarto Trimestre 2011. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: Edición en Español de la Revista Profesional de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, 2011. First edition, presumed. 8vo, wrps, 96 p., notes, b/w photos and illus. Paperback. New. (157216) $10.00 Spanish edition of the Professional Magazine of the United States Air Force. 11. AIR & SPACE POWER : JOURNAL EN ESPANOL Volumen XXIV, No. 1 Primer Trimestre 2012. Maxwell AFB, Alabama: Edición en Español de la Revista Profesional de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, 2012. First edition, presumed. 8vo, wrps, 96 p., notes, color and b/w photos and illus. Paperback. New. (157217) $10.00 Spanish edition of the Professional Magazine of the United States Air Force. Cover "Operacion Protector Unificado".

12. AVIACION NAVAL ARGENTINA. SEBASTIÁN SEQUEIRA ET AL. Buenos Aires, SS y CC Editores, 1984. 156p., color plates, photos, bibl., boards, large 4to. Hardcover. Good. (87989) $125.00 Large-format presentation with c100 aircraft pictured in photos (some in color), 1910 to the present. Includes technical data for each 13. Barbour Luna, Andres. 11 DE ENERO DE 1948. TRAGEDIA AEREA DE RIO VERDE. Santo Domingo: Self-published, author, 2004. 1st ed. 126 p., photos, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (163866) $20.00 An account of the Tragedy of Rio Verde, an incident in which a plane carrying 32 Dominican baseball players crashed leaving no survivors. In addiction to providing a history of the event, this book reproduces several poems written to commemorate the event, photos and speculates on reasons what may have downed the airplane 14. Benedetto, Fernando C. CURTISS III, IV & H75-0 HAWK. EN ARGENTINA #5. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval, 2010. 1st ed. ISBN: 9789871682065. Oblong 8vo, 34p., wrps, illus., photos, printed on semi glossy stock. Paperback. New. (149217) $35.00 Un catalogo con una introduccion e historia de el Curtiss III, Curtiss IV y el H75-0 Hawk. Incluye varias imagenes y fotografias de las naves y con detalladas descripciones de vuelos, desde los 1980's hasta los 2000's. 15. Benedetto, Fernando C. I.AÉ-27 PULQUI I & I.A.-33 PULQUI II. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval (Serie Fuerza Aerea #22), 2012. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-1682-18-8. 56 p., color plates, ilus., wrps., oblong. Paperback. Very Good. (162047) $35.00 One of the most important planes in Argentine aviation history, the Pulqui emerged in the post-war boom in jet propulsion technology. This book traces the development of this early single-passenger jet plane. Includes numerous archival images, color photographs, schematics and technical details


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16. Biedma R. , Antonio M. CRONICA HISTORICA DE LA AERONAUTICA ARGENTINA. TOMOS I, II. Buenos Aires: Círculo de Aeronáutica, 1969. First edition. 2 vols., 319; 348p., photoplates, boards. Hardcover. Very Good. (59591) $125.00 With numerous contemporary photos 17. Carballo, Pablo Marcos Rafael. HALCONES DE MALVINAS. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Argentinidad, 2011. Reprint. ISBN: 978-987-22293-0-6. 496 p., photos, wrps. Paperback. New. (158096) $45.00 A first-hand account of the Falklands War, told from the perspective of a pilot in the Argentine Air Force 18. Cárdenas, Víctor Manuel. AHORA LLEGAN AVIONES. México: Coordinación Nacional de Descentralización/Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, 1994. 99p., wrps. Paperback. Good. (4793) Poetry, some previously unpublished.


19. Castañón Gamboa, Fernando. PANORAMA HISTÓRICO DE LAS COMUNICACIONES EN CHIAPAS. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas: Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes de Chiapas, (Colección Hechos en Palabras; Raíz de Piedra, No. 2), 2009. ISBN: 9789706972514. 75, (2)p., maps, photos, wrps. Paperback. New. (139232) $20.00 Features information on telegraphic services, the first telephone lines, maritime transport, aviation and freeways. Text originally published in the Mexican magazine, Ateneo, Núm. 1. Enero-marzo, 1951. With period photos of military aircrafts, trains, automobiles and maps throughout

20. Chant, Christopher. AIR WAR IN THE FALKLANDS 1982. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 1841762938. 96 p., photos, ilus., tables, glossary, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (157972) $35.00 This book contains a plethora of photos and illustrations of the aerial arsenal that was at the British army's disposal during the Falklands War. 21. Cicalesi, Juan Carlos y Santiago Rivas. BELL UH-1D / H & 205A EN ARGENTINA. [Buenos Aires]: Jorge Félix Núñez Padín, (En Argentina, No. 4), 2010. ISBN: 9789871682010. 40, (2)p., color photo plates, illus., tables, staplebound wrps, oblong. Paperback. New. (143099) $25.00 Handsomely presented exploration into the Bell UH-1D/H and 205A helicpoters in Argentina. With numerous sharp color photos and illustrations of current models, as well as black-and-white period photos of others. Printed on glossy coated stock. 22. Colvill Jones, Lorraine. SU HIJO QUE LOS AMA. Buenos Aires: Grupo Abierto Comunicaciones, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9789871121311. 264p., photos, illus., facsimiles, bibl., glossary, wrps. Paperback. New. (134227)$35.00 Biographical novel, exploring and commemorating the life of English-Argentine World War I Bristol Fighter pilot, Thomas Colvill-Jones, (1897-1918). "With 11 victories, he went missing in action on 25 April 1918. He died from wounds in a prisoner of war camp at Limburg". With period photos of photos of facsimilar documents. The author is the great- niece of Thomas Thomas Colvill-Jones

23. Conte, Marcelo Agusto. RECUERDOS DEL VIENTO. MEMORIAS DE UN PILOTO DE LADE EN LA PATAGONIA. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Argentinidad, 2009. 1st ed. ISBN: 9789872229368. 8vo, 222p., wrps, photos. Paperback. New. (148423) $35.00 La narrativa de un piloto de LADE que volo por la Patagonia Argentina desde los comienzos de la compania. Relatos de la compania, su historia personal, historia del pais, y de la region de Patagonia. 24. DEFENSA Y SEGURIDAD. AÑO 8. NRO. 45. SEPTIEMBRE-OCTUBRE 2008. Buenos Aires: Editorial Defensa y Seguridad del Mercosur, 2008. 64p., color photo plates, illus., bibl., wrps, tall 8vo. Paperback. New. (134981) $15.00 This issue's cover article: "Exploración Marítima, Cazadores de Montaña". Features the following additional articles: "Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Exploración", "BMP-3 IFV: un vehículo de capacidades extremas", "Una Nueva Esperanza Petrolera: La Performación Exploratoria Costa Afuera" and "La crisis boliviana y el peligro de una nueva disregación". With numerous color photos of soldiers in exploration/training missions in airplanes, helicopters, ships, hummers and on foot. Printed on glossy coated stock


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25. FÁBRICA ARGENTINA DE AVIONES DE CÓRDOBA. Trayectoria de un hito de la Industria Nacional. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Defensa: Presidencia de la Nación, [2008]. 25p. text, 6p., staplebound separata, color photos, staplebound wrps, tall 4to. Paperback. New. (135085) $20.00 Brief exploration into the Airplane production plant in Córdoba, Argentina. With black-and-white period photos of the plant grounds, as well as high-resolution color photos of different planes. Printed on semi-glossy coated stock. Includes a separata document addressed to the Argentine National Congress, pocketed at the rear of the publication. 26. Fuentes, Ramiro. FACTORES HUMANOS EN LA AVIACION. Peru: Arkabas, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 978-612-4123-05-4. 128 p., ilus., tables, bibl., wrps. Paperback. New. (159040) $45.00 This book examines instances of human error in aviation and ways in which modern technology has attempted to intervene and prevent them when or where ever possible. 27. Furno, Rosa Yolanda y Nelly Julieta Casale de Vázquez. MARIO CASALE: PRIMER AVIADOR. Testimonios. Mendoza, Argentina: Gobierno de Mendoza/Ediciones Culturales de Mendoza: Instituto Provincial de la Cultura, 1998. ISBN: 9879075757. 185p., map, photos, illus., facsimiles, bibl., wrps (discolorations to front and back covers) Paperback. Used; Like New. (55006) $35.00 Biography of the first aviator from the region of Mendoza (Argentina), co-authored by his daughter. 28. GACETA DE LA AVIACION. NO 16 - JUNIO 1993, NO. 17 - NOVIEMBRE 1993, NO. 18 - JUNIO 1994, NO. 19 - NOVIEMBRE 1994, NO. 22 - MAYO 1997, NO. 24 - JULIO 1998. Montevideo: Academia de Historia Aeronautica del Uruguay, 1993-1998. First printing. 6 vols.,33, 37, 41, 41, 41, 49 p., photos, wrps. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. (163192) $75.00 Various articles relate to the exploration and preservation of the history of military and civilian aviation in Uruguay. Includes numerous archival photos to accompany various articles which document important happenings in Uruguayan aviation history 29. Halbritter, Francisco. MARCAS Y NACIONALIDAD. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Argentinidad, 2012. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-26069-9-2. 250 p., photos, tables, index, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (162052) $45.00 History of markings used to identify aircraft in the aviation history of Argentina. From 1900-2007 with photographs, tables and a bibliography 30. Harding, Stephen. AIR WAR GRENADA. Missoula: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1984. First printing. ISBN: 0-933126-52-2. 56 p., map, photos, tables, index, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (158400) $35.00 Survey of the aerial arsenal that participated in the military intervention in Grenada. The book provides a historical sketch of the events with an emphasis on the role of auxiliary and combat aircraft. 31. HISTORIA GRAFICA DE LA AVIACION MEXICANA. México: Secretaría de Comunicacionea y Transportes: Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, 1960. First edition. unpag., photos, wrps., crease along fore edge of front wrapper, chipping to bottom of spine, otherwise a good copy. Paperback. Very Good. (86822) $125.00 Historical album with hundreds of period photos of pilots, officers, functionaries, and aircraft, both military and civil, from the earliest precursors to the era of guided missiles. Uncommon two copies on worldcat. 32. Illescas Fernández, Gerardo José. MANUAL DE TRANSPORTACION AEROMEDICA POR HELICOPTERO. México, Editorial Alfil (Biblioteca de Medicina Prehospitalaria), 2005. ISBN: 968 7620 41 2. x, 101p., illus., tables, index, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (101804) $30.00 A manual on Aero-medical transporation by Helicopter. Includes references 33. Lascano, Diego M. SALTANDO EL CHARCO. IMÁGENES Y CRÓNICAS DEL CRUCE AÉREO DEL RÍO DE LA PLATA ENTRE 1907 Y 1940. Montevideo, Librel Editores, 1999. ISBN: 9974 7575 2 5. 175p., photos, illus., facsimiles, bibl., wrps, large 4to. Paperback. Good. (101169) $65.00 Large-format early Latin American aviation history with c200 period photos (planes, pilots, etc.) and other illustrations. Printed on coated stock 34. León, Gustavo G., and Alberto Calzadíaz B. AVIACION. EDICIÓN PRO. VUELO MÉXICO-ARGENTINA. México: Junio Aéreo Club, 1934. First edition. 375p., map, photos, illus., tables, graphics, wrps. (original illustrated wrappers) Paperback. Very Good. (69695) $75.00 Instructive book on aviation with several photos, illustrations, and graphics


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35. Litvachkes, Roberto. PLÜSCHOW [SECRETO] Autor y Investigación: Roberto Litvachkes. Coautoría: Fabiana Lizarralde. Buenos Aires: El Autor, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9789870548102. 240, (2)p., color photo plates, facsimiles, wrps. Paperback. New. (134590) $45.00 A study concerning German pilot and World War I Prisoner of War Gunther Plüschow (1886-1931). Features the following chapters: "Una Infancia entre Héroes y Leyendas", "Viaje de Instrucción por el Mundo", "Los Últimos Días de Gunther Plüschow...o Sólo la Sombra de la Verdad" and "Plüschow Secreto o la Verdad sobre sus Últimos Días". Includes a 127 minute DVD feature titled, "El Condor de Plata en Tierra del Fuego" with German, English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles. Filmed in 1929 by Plüschow himself. 36. Marcha, Valdemar. DE A.L.M.; EEN ANALYSE VAN HAAR STRUKTURELE PROBLEMEN. UNA: CAHIER 18. (Willemstad), Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 1986. 115p., illus., bibl., wrps, 4to. Paperback. Good. (12108) $24.00 Study of Dutch Antilles airline. 37. Matassi, Francisco Pío. LA BATALLA AEREA DE NUESTRAS ISLAS MALVINAS. EL ESPIRITU NACIONAL SANMARTINIANO. Buenos Aires: The Author, 1990. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9509965804. 8vo, 320p., wrps, maps, tables, bibl., notes. Paperback. New. (149170) $45.00 Detailed history of the Argentine Air Forces in the 1982 Malvinas War with the UK. Includes numerous battle maps and a complete list of Argentine stories (with data) appended. 4th Edition. 38. Mexico. Secretaria de Segurdad Publica. Centro de Investigacion y Estudios en Seguridad (ed.). NUEVAS CAPACIDADES AEREAS DE LA POLICIA FEDERAL. Mexico: Secretaria de Seguridad Publica Federal, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 978-607-95867-9-9. 143pp., color plates, photos, boards. Hardcover. New. (157413) $95.00 A history and overview of the Mexican Federal Police force's air cavalry in photos and detailed descriptions. 39. Michelli, Ernesto V. MALVINAS. OPERACION CHAFF. Un secreto juego de espejos. Beccar: Grupo Abierto Libros, 2011. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-25314-6-1. 240 p., maps, glossary, wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (162054) $35.00 Historical novel on the Falklands War. The narrative follows three youths who, curiously, have strong cultural ties to Europe and the United States

40. Millar Soto, Sergio. DE ALASKA AL CABO DE HORNOS. CLUB AÉREO DE PUERTO MONTT. Puerto Montt, Chile, [Club Aéreo de Puerto Montt], 2003. 152p., photo plates, illus., bibl., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (107195) $45.00 "Esperamos sinceramente que esta obra sirva como un reconocimiento a todos los que, en algún momento de nuestros 67 años de existencia, entregaron lo mejor de sí por su Club Aéreo y básicamente como nuestro homenaje sentido y profundo a nuestro querido Puerto Montt, tierra madre de nuestra existencia". Printed on coated stock 41. Moreta Castillo, Américo. RESPONSABILIDAD DEL TRANSPORTISTA AEREO DE PASAJEROS. Santo Domingo, Universidad Iberoamericana, 1999. 184p., bibl., wrps. Paperback. Good. (69790) $30.00 On the legal obligations of airline companies regarding passenger rights 42. Muñoz, Jorge. ESCUADRON FENIX. Malvinas 1982. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Argentinidad, 2012. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-1942-01-5. 192 p., photos, notes, bibl., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (162050) $40.00 Biography of the Phoenix Squadron, a special unit of the Argeintine air force which ran some of the most dangerous missions during the Falklands War. While on a decoy mission, the squad commander was killed by a surface-to-air missile, becoming the highest ranking Argentine office to die in the war 43. Napoleao, Aluízio. SANTOS-DUMONT Y LA CONQUISTA DEL AIRE. VOLS. I, II. TRADUCCIÓN DE ALARCÓN FERNANDEZ. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional/Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Colección de Estudios Brasileños, 1), 194, 2-43. 2 vols., 270; 310, [9]p., photos, facsimiles, wrps (wrps chipped) Paperback. Good. (28846) $125.00 Volume II consists of periodical and official reports in the language of publication and includes numerous historical photos and facsimiles (printed on coated stock).


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44. Nuñez Padin, Jorge F. MCDONNELL DOUGLAS A-4C SKYHAWK. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval (Serie Fuerza Aerea #21), 2011. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978-987-1682-11-9. 48 p., color platesm ilus., wrps., oblong. Staplebound. Very Good. (162046) $25.00 History of the Skyhawk jet fighter in the Argentine naval and air forces. Includes archival photographs, illustrations, technical details and information on designs and color schemes 45. Núñez Padín, Jorge Félix. DASSAULT SUPER ETENDARD. Buenos Aires: Museo de la Aviación Naval (Serie Aeronaval, No.30), 2012. Second edition. 44p., color photo plates, illus., wrps. Paperback. New. (157988) $25.00 History of the Dassault Super Etendard. Color photos and illustrations. Printed on thick coated stock 46. Núñez Padín, Jorge Félix. MCDONNELL DOUGLAS A-4Q & A-4E SKYHAWK. Buenos Aires: Museo de Aviación Naval/Instituto Aeronaval (Serie Aeronaval No. 31), 2013. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-1682-23-2. 58 p., color photo plates, illus., tables, staplebound wrps., oblong 8vo. Paperback. New. (162043) $30.00 History of the McDonnell Douglas A-4Qand A-4E Skyhawk aeronaval airplanes. Features black-and-white period and color photos of the aircrafts and personnel. With color plate illustrations of the aircrafts, as well. Printed on heavy glossy coated stock 47. Núñez Padín, Jorge Félix. NORTH AMERICAN F-86F-30-NA SABRE. Buenos Aires: Museo de Aviación Naval: Instituto Aeronaval, (Serie Aeronaval # 16), 2009. ISBN: 9789872055752. 40,(2)p., color photos, illus., staplebound wrps, oblong. Paperback. New. (143106) $25.00 Explores the creation and distribution of the North American F-86F-30-NA, and its implementation the Argentinian Air Force. Features sharp color photographs and illustrations, as well as black-and-white period photos. Printed on glossy coated stock. 48. Nuñez Padin, Jorge Felix; Juan Carlos Cicalesi. SIKORSKY S-55/H-19 & S-58/T. Bahia Blanca: Serie Aeronaval (En Argentina #6), 2011. 1st ed. ISBN: 978-987-1682-13-3. 38 p., photos, ilus., wrps. Staplebound. Very Good. (162041) $25.00 History of the Sikorsky S-55 and S-58 helicopters, which were designed and built at the behest of the Argentine marines in 1948. Includes archival images, color photographs, color illustrations, technical specifications and design variations. Printed on glossy stock 49. Nuñez Padin, Jorge Felix; Sergio Garcia Pedroche. SIKORSKY S-61D.4 & UH-3H SEA KING. Bahia Blanca: No publisher, 2014. ISBN: 978-987-1682-24-9. 50 p., photos, ilus., wrps., oblong. Paperback. Very Good. (162042) $30.00 Profusely photo-illustrated, this book provides a history of the Sea King helicopter's deployment in Argentina's armed forces and uses in various research expeditions in and around the antarctic region 50. Oliveira, Augusto e Ivonildo Lavôr. A HISTÓRIA DA AVINÇÃO NO CEARÁ. 2a ed. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil: Expressão Gráfica e Editoria Ltda., 2008. Second edition. ISBN: 9788575632741. 243p., photos, illus., facsimiles, bibl., wrps, 8vo . Paperback. Used; Like New. (147226) $65.00 Concise and brief history of aviation in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. With numerous period photos throughout. 51. Pavlovcic, Gabriel, Esteban Raczynski. LOS CLÁSICOS EN LOS CIELOS DEL CONO SUR: NUESTRO LEGADO. MUSEO NACIONAL DE AERONAUTICA. SERIE LEGACY FASCICULO 2. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Argentinidad, 2011. 1st ed. ISBN: 9789872667108. 8vo, 64p., wrps, photos, illus., printed on semi glossy stock. Paperback. New. (149213) $25.00 Este catalogo documental describe las aeronaves de el Museo Nacional de Aeronautica, en exposicion o en deposito. Con varias fotografias e ilustaciones de ellos, con descripciones y explicaciones de cada uno de ellos. 52. Plüschow, Gunther. SOBRE LA TIERRA DEL FUEGO: EN VELERO Y AEROPLANO A TRAVÉS DEL PAÍS DE MIS SUEÑOS. Versión en español por Armand Guerra. Ushaia, : Editorial Südpol, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9789872452438. 272; 39p. photo plates, maps, wrps, 8vo. Paperback. New. (142291) $35.00 Explores the life and voyages of acclaimed German aviator, aerial explorer and author from Munich, Gunther Plüschow, (1886-1931). Features period photo plates of biographical, geographical and cultural interest appended and on coated stock.


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53. PREFECTURA NAVAL ARGENTINA: PROTECCIÓN DE LAS AGUAS Y EL COMERCIO DESDE 1810. Cover Title. Buenos Aires: Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires/Prefectura Naval Argentina, [200?]. 23p., color photos, staplebound wrps. Paperback. New. (135191) $15.00 Brief explanation of the Argentine Naval Coast Guard and its duties. With color photos of ships, helicopters and national security endeavors. Above Cover Title: "Seguridad pública, del comercio, de la vida humana en el mar, del deporte náutico, de la navegación. Protección marítima, portuaria, ambiental, control de la pesca" 54. Quevedo, José Antonio. CABALLEROS AGUILA: FUERZA AÉREA MEXICANA José Serur Cababie, Editor. Mexico City: Sociedad Mexicana de Aviación/Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Histórico Militares/Grupo Editorial Albatros, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 978-970-95491-0-2. 127p., color photo plates, boards, black cloth, dj. Cloth. New in New DJ. (119767) $85.00 History of the Mexican Air Force Flight Company, "Caballeros Aguila", through numerous sharp color photos and commentary. With photos and descriptive captions on numerous planes, helicopters etc. Printed on glossy coated stock 55. Raczynski, Esteban, Juan Carlos Rodriguez. LOS CLÁSICOS EN LOS CIELOS DEL CONO SUR. LOS YS-11, BAC1-11 & DC-9-50 DE AUSTRAL. MEMORIA FOTOGRÁFICA. FASCICULO 6. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Scan, 2010. 1st ed. ISBN: 9789872166465. 8vo, 72p., wrps, photos, facs., illus., printed on semi glossy stock. Paperback. New. (149219) $25.00 Este fasciculo esta dedicado a las aeronaves de Austral, con fotografias, entrevistas y la historia de los primeros aviones usados para pasajeros. Con detallada informacion de las flotas- horarios, tiempos de vuelo, tipo de avion, etc. 56. Rebollo Paz, Leon. EVOCACIÓN DE UNA HAZAÑA. EL CRUCE DE LOS ANDES POR LOS AERONAUTAS BRADLEY Y ZULOAGA. Conferencia dada en el Museo Social Argentino el 14 de Agosto de 1958. Buenos Aires: The author, 1958. 1st ed. 8vo, 26p., wrps, staplebound. Paperback. New. (149203) $20.00 El discurso dado por Bradley y Zuloga sobre su viaje en avion en el cual cruzaron los andes por primera vez en la historia Argentina de aeronautica. 57. Rivas, Santiago. LOCKHEED MARTIN F-16. Fighting falcon. Buenos Aires: Santiago Rivas, 2013. First edition. ISBN: 978-987-1682-20-1. 52 p., color photo plates, illus., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (157990) $25.00 A vibrant historical examination of the Aeronaval fighter aircraft: Lockheed Martin F-16. Printed on glossy coated stock 58. Rivas, Santiago. NORTHROP C/F-5A/B/E/F. En Latinoamerica. Buenos Aires: 2012. First edition. ISBN: 978-987-1682-15-7. 68 p., color photo plates, illus., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (157989) $35.00 History of the fighter aircraft Northrop C/F-5A/B/E/F in images and detailed text. Printed on thick coated stock 59. Rodriguez Estrella , Salvador O. ALAS DE PLATA. San Juan: Publicacion Puertorriqueñas, 2010. 1st ed. ISBN: 9781935606260. 8vo, 261p., wrps, glossary. Paperback. New. (150242) $40.00 Biografia del autor como aviador militar de Puerto Rico. 60. Rodríguez, José M. and Oscar L. Rodríguez. LINCOLN. Buenos Aires: Editorial J y M, (Aeronaves, No. 2), 2000. ISBN: 987 97638 1 5. 57p., photos, illus., tables, bibl., wrps, large 4to. Paperback. New. (98570) $25.00 History, assessment, personnel, technical data, etc., for the Lincoln series of heavy bombers with the Argentine Air Force. Includes notes and lists of consulted sources. Printed on glossy coated stock 61. Romero Briasco, Jesús; Salvador Mafé Huertas. MALVINAS: TESTIGO DE BATALLAS. Cover title. Valencia: F. Domenech, 1984. ISBN: 8486096219. 4to, wraps, 253 p., photos, maps. Paperback. Good. (141861) $95.00 On aerial operations in 1982 the Malvinas/Falkland Islands War. With numerous black and white photos, plus eight pages of color plates. 62. Rosado Espínola, Raúl. LA AVIACIÓN EN LAS PLAYAS DE YUCATÁN, 1912-1934. Mérida, Yucatán: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, (Colección Yucatán, raíces y expresión de su identidad), 1993. ISBN: 9686843256. Octavo, wraps, 71 p., illus. Paperback. Good. (138674) $20.00 History of aviation in the Yucatan, with several black and white photos and illustrations. Edition of 1,000 copies.


Libros Latinos

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63. Ruiz Romero, Manuel. LEGENDARIOS EN LA AERONAUTICA DE MEXICO. México: Reaseguros Alianza, 1997. First edition. 237p., photos, illus., facsimiles, large 4to. Hardcover. Very Good. (98076) $125.00 Biographies of 24 notable Mexican aviators (from the first to the crop-duster who flew around the world in a small plane) with numerous photos of pilots and aircraft. Written by a leading aviation historian. Gift inscription from the author's son in law. 64. Sallenave, Martín. DIALOGOS CON EL BRIGADIER. San Luis, Argentina: cEl Autor, 2002. ISBN: 978-43-4290-0. 158p., photos, facsimiles, wrps. Paperback. New. (118154) $65.00 Biographical exploration into the life and military accomplishments of esteemed Argentine Airforce Brigadier Ramón Abrahín, (1914-2001) from San Luis. With numeorus period photos and facsimiles. By Abrahín's Grandson, Martín Sallenave. Printed on glossy coated stock 65. Tarazona Toran, Francisco. SANGRE EN EL CIELO. Mexico City: B. Costa-Amic Editor, 1958. 316, (1)p., illus., wrps (worn, with sml. tear to upper-left corner, spine worn, pages lightly yellowing and untrimmed) Wraps. Good. (119548) $125.00 Historical narrative by the author, (b. 1915) of his account as a pilot during the Spanish Civil War, (1936-1939) 66. Tobal, Vinicio. COMPENDIO DE DERECHO AERONAUTICA. Santo Domingo, Editora Alfa y Omega, 2001. ISBN: 99934 76 01 3. 303p.., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (78273) $45.00 Includes several legal studies as well as pertinent legislation 67. TOHTLI. ORGANO DE LA ESCUELA NACINAL DE AVIACION. TOMO I: 1*,2,9,10,12. TOMO II: 4,5,7, 9*, 10, 11, 12. TOMO III: 1, 2*, 3, 5*6,8*. (18 ISSUES). Mexico: ENA, 1916-1918. First edition. vp, photos, illust., wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (162388) $750.00 Important journal on Mexican military aviation during the Mexican Revolution. Numerous articles and issues such as III:8 devoted to the Empire of Japan. The asterist * denotes the issues without the covers. 68. XIV ANIVERSARIO DEL PRIMER VUELO TRANSPOLAR INTERCONTINENTAL A AUSTRALIA CON ESCALA EN LA BASE VICECOMODORO MARAMBIO 1973-1987. Buenos Aires: Insitiuto Argentino de Historia Aeronautica, 1987. 1st ed. 8vo, 32p., wrps, illus., photos, maps. Paperback. New. (149204) $20.00 La historia de el primer vuelo a Australia desde Buenos Aires, con fotos, articulos de diario, mapas de el viaje, aspectos meteorologicos de el vuelo, planificacion del vuelo y preparacion de la aeronave. 69. Zuloaga, Angel Maria. PANORAMA HISTÓRICO DE LAS LINEAS AEREAS ARGENTINAS DE CABOTAJE Y AL EXTERIOR Y NACIMIENTO OFICIAL DE LA ASTRONAUTICA EN LA ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: 1969. 1st ed. 8vo, 49p., wrps, bibl., illus., cover slightly soiled. Paperback. Used; Like New. (149201) $20.00 Con una sintesis historica de la astronatutica en la Argentina, con capitulos sobre Rufino Luro Cambaceres, conscriptos del ejercito inmolados en aras de la aeronautica civil, la aviacion y la astronautica en la Argentina. 70. Zuloaga, Brigadier Angel Maria. TRES EPISODIOS DE LA AVIACION ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Suplemento Literario de la nacion de Buenos Aires, 1954. 1st ed. 8vo, 70p., wrps, photos, facs. Paperback. New. (149172) $20.00 Cuenta tres historias de la aviacion en Argentina, la primera "De Buenos Aires a Sao Leopoldo en Globo Libre", "Primera travesia aerea de los Andes" y "La aviacion argentina mensajera de paz, el vuelo al Brazil de la escuadrilla 'sol de mayo' ". 71. Zuloaga, Brigadier Angel Maria. TRES EPISODIOS DE LA AVIACION ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Defensa y seguridad mercosur., 2003. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9872037558. 8vo, 79p., wrps, photos, facs. Paperback. New. (149173) $20.00 Cuenta tres historias de la aviacion en Argentina, la primera "De Buenos Aires a Sao Leopoldo en Globo Libre", "Primera travesia aerea de los Andes" y "La aviacion argentina mensajera de paz, el vuelo al Brazil de la escuadrilla 'sol de mayo' ".


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