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Bibliography and References
Banco Nacional Pesquero y Portuario, BANPESCA, 1981, Convenio Mexico-BID (Agreement Between the Inter-American Development Bank and Mexico), Mexico D.

Recent Publications, Materials Received and Current Bibliography
SPRING 1986 135 Recent Publications, Materials Received and Current Bibliography [The following recent publications noted or received by the Editor

Recent Publications, Materials Received and Current Bibliography
FAIMQ88 145 Recent Publications, Materials Received and Current Bibliography [The following recent publications noted or received by the Editors of

2Ü5 FALL 1997 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Plays and Anthologies
FALL 1997 2Ü5 BIBLIOGRAPHY Plays and Anthologies Acamapichtli (i.e., J. M. Garcia Castillo). Gobernantes de Anahuac: Teatro precuauhtémico. México,

SPRING Bibliography. Criticism
SPRING 2001 229 Bibliography Criticism Adler, Heidrun and George Woodyard, eds. Resistencia y poder: Teatro en Chile. Frankfurt: Vervuert - Iberoame

Story Transcript

A CANARY ISLANDS BIBLIOGRAPHY - - GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL. ( A SELECT, WORKING, ARBITRARY AND EXPANDING BIBLIOGRAPHY ) (Dated: September 21, 2002) Paul Newfield III 3016 45th Street Metairie, La. 70001 ([email protected]) (This bibliography is an ongoing part of Paul Newfield III’s “Brass Cannon” website.) In General "La Economía de Las Islas Canarias a Comienzos del Siglo XVI", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos, v.31 (1974), pp.725-749. "Esculturas de La Virgen de Guadalupe en Canarias, Tallas Sevillanas y Americanas", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos, v.37 (1980), pp.697-707. The Canary Islands, Spain. A mouth watering tourist pamphlet guaranteed to make you pack your bags and fly to the islands; available from the Spanish Tourist Ministry (Spain: Ministerio de Transportes, Turismo y Comunicaciones; Secretaria General de Turismo, 1982), 20 pages. [Deposito Legál: M-39165-1982,] Gran Atlas de Canarias (Arafo, Tenerife: Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1997), 304 pages. This is an atlas of aerial photographs of the islands, in brilliant color, and almost three dimensional in prospect; scaled at 1:25,000 and 1:50,000. The photos are keyed to index maps. Indices de los protocolos pertenecientes a la escribania de Vilaflor (La Laguna, Tenerife: Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1968), 165 pages. Has many names, alphabetically arranged. _

Indices de los protocolos pertenecientes a las escribanias de la Isla de El Hierro (La Laguna, Tenerife: Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1974), 431 pages, consisting of: Introduction .............................. pp.5- 9 Index ...................................... pp.11-405 Index Sistematicos................ pp.407-413 Chronologic (1553-1884) .... pp.415-424 Ordenacion por materias ..... pp.425-431 (mostly testaments).

Acosta Rodríguez, Antonio. "Problemas Económicos y rebelión colonial en Luisiana en 1768", in Actas del Congreso de los Estados Unidos (Madrid: Universidad de Rabida, 1978). Alzola, Jose Miguel; translated into English by Ann Ruddock. A Brief History of the Canary Islands (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais & El Museo Canario, 1989), 105 pages. A good thumbnail introduction to the history of the islands and their people. Anuario de Estudios Americanos, a series published in Sevilla (v.1 = 1944; v.10 = 1953; v.20 = 1963; -1-

v.50 = 1993; v.57 = 2000). General Indexes (1964-1973) in AEA 34 (1977), pp.819-902; (1974-1984) in AEA 42 (1985), pp.657-713. (1985-1994) in AEA 56 (1999), pp.273-324. [Tulane LAL call number: F 1401 .A587.] Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, a series published in Madrid-Las Palmas (v.2 = 1956; v.5 = 1959; v.10 = 1964; v.20 = 1974; v.40 = 1994). Anuario de Estudios Medievales, a series published in... (v.5 = 1968). [Tulane call number: DP 1 .A5.] Artiles, Joaquin. Agüimes Artistico (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Coleccíon "Guagua" #48, 1982), 48 pages. Artiles, Joaquin. Un legado de cinco siglos (La Villa de Agüimes) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ImprentaPerez Galdos, 1985), 139 pages. Aznar Vallejo, Eduardo. La Integration de las Islas Canarias en la Corona de Castilla (1478-1526) (Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 19__), ___ pages. Castillo Meléndez, Francisco. "La Emigracion de Familias Canarias a la Isla de Cuba en el Último Cuarto del Siglo XVII", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos v.40 (1983), pp.411-467. Castillo Meléndez, Francisco. "Poblacion y Defensa de la Isla de Cuba", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos v.44 (1987), pp.1-87. Cazorla Leon, Santiago. Agüimes, Real Senorio de los Obispos de Canarias (1486-1837) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais, 1984), 146 pages. Cioranescu, Alejandro. Juan de Bethencourt (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Aula de Cultura de Tenerife, 2nd ed., 1982, ISBN #84-500-5034-0), 306 pages. Cioranescu, Alejandro. Diccionario Biografico de Canarios Americanos in two tomos (volumes), (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Servicio de Publiciones de la Caja General de Ahorros de Canarias, Numero 165, Historia 14, 1992), consisting of: Tomo I: "A" - "G", 985 pages (plus introductary section), Tomo II: "H" - "Z", 1176 pages (plus unnumbered pages). The author's cited sources are: Archivo General de Indias Archivo Historico Nacional Archivo Historico Provincial (Las Palmas) Archivo de Acialcázar, Las Palmas Museo Canario, Las Palmas Archivo del Arzobispado, Puerto Rico Archivo Notarial, Santa Cruz de La Palma Archivo de la Iglesia de la Concepción Archivo Historico Provincial (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) Archivo del Arzobispado, Santo Domingo Archivo Nacional, Sevilla; Furthermore, an abundant list of published sources appears in Tomo I, pp.xvii-xxxiii. IBSN 84-7985-010-8 (Tomo I) IBSN 84-7985-016-7 (Tomo II) IBSN 84-7985-009-4 (The complete works). -2-

Coderch Figueroa, Mercedes. Evolucion de la poblacion de La Laguna, entre 1750-1860 (La Laguna de Tenerife: monograph del Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1975), 129 pages. At pp.14-16 (footnote #11), we find detailed guides to the baptismal, marriage, and death records from the Parish of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, and from the Parish of La Concepcion, describing the specific books (B/M/D) and the years which they cover. In all there are 39 books from Remedios, covering the years 1743-1865; and 45 books from La Concepcion, covering the years 1739-1861. The book is primarily statistical. “Coleccion Guagua”, a series of small booklets published in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, covering a range of interesting topics: #18 Canarios en la Conquesta y Repoblacion de Tenerife, by Leopoldo de la Rosa Olivera (1980), ___ pages. #48 Agüimes Artistico, by Joaquin Artiles (1982), 48 pages. Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana, a series of periodic meetings on topics relating to the study of Canarian-American history, after which the papers are collected and published. Coloquio I = 1974 Coloquio II = 1976 (2 tomos) Coloquio III = 1978 (2 tomos) Coloquio IV = 1980 (2 tomos) Coloquio V = 1982. (4 tomos) [Tulane call number: DP 302 .C365 C64.] Darias y Padron... "Noticias historicas de los Herreras en Canarias, Condes de La Gomera y Marqueses de Adeje", in El Museo Canario v.2, #2 (1934). De La Peña y Camara, Jose; Ernest J. Burrus, S.J.; Charles Edwards O’Neill, S.J.; and Maria Theresa Garcia Fernandez. Catalogo de Documentos del Archivo General de Indias, Seccion V, Gobierno, Audiencia de Santo Domingo, Sobre la epoca Española de Luisiana (Sevilla: Loyola University of New Orleans, and Direccion General de Archivos, in Madrid, 1969), in two tomos (Tomo I, 38 roman numeral pages, plus 345 numbered pages; Tomo II, 524 pages. An indispensable guide for researching the Santo Domingo Papers. de la Rosa Olivera, Leopoldo. “La familia del rey Bentor”, in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.23 (1977), pp.421-441. There is a large genealogical chart following p.430. de la Rosa Olivera, Leopoldo. Estudios historicos sobre las Canarias orientales (Las Palmas: Excma. Mancomunidad de Cabildo de Las Palmas, 1978), 295 pages. This book is divided into 11 different sections, some with genealogical charts. Section X (pp.167-291) is entitled, “Francisco Riberol y la colonia genovesa en Canarias”; and there is an extensive listing of Geneose family names associated with the Canary Islands (pp.282-289). de la Rosa Olivera, Leopoldo. Canarios en la Conquesta y Repoblacion de Tenerife (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Coleccíon "Guagua" #18, 1980). De Solano Pérez-Lila, Francisco. "El Juzgado de Indias en Canarias a través de las apelaciones al Consejo de Indias. Inventario de la documentación existente en los Archivos General de Indias e Histórico Nacional", in I Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1976) (Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Excelentisimo Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 1977), pp.105-143. Includes an index with many ships listed. Deive, Carlos Esteban. Las emigraciones canarias a Santo Domingo : siglos XVII y XVIII (Santo Domingo, República Dominicana : Fundación Cultural Dominicana, 1991), 185 pages. Includes bibliographical references. [LAL: Call number = F 1941 .C22 D45]. -3-

Del Castillo, Don Pedro Augustin, Alférez Mayor de Gran Canaria. Descripción Historica y Geografica de las Islas Canarias, Acabada en 1737, Edición Críca, Estudio bio-bibliográfico y Notas de Miguel Santiago; Prólogo por el Excmo. Sr. D. Ramon Menendez Pidal. Published in 2 tomos (= parts), the first tomo consisting of 5 fasciculos (bound volumes) and containing 2770 pages; I have not viewed the second tomo and am therefore unable to report on its form and content. In its internal organization, Tomo 1 contains "libros" and "capitulos". The set was published in Madrid in 1948-1960 by Ediciones de "El Gabinite Literario" de Las Palmas, Imprenta Silverio Aguirre. [Tulane call number: DP 302.C4 C3.] It is outlined as follows: Tomo I Fasciculo 1 Table of Contents .................................................. Index to the Illustrations ........................................ Presentation ........................................................... Prologue (by Sr. D. Ramon Menendez Pidal) ....... Bio-bibliographic study of Castillo, with notes, by Miguel Santiago 1 ...................... The present edition, & its organization ................ The illustrations .................................................... Fasciculo 2 Title Page (portada) .................................. A) Prolegomentos ........................................... B) Historic Description .... (Libro 1) .............. 1. Conquista Señorial ........................ 2. Conquista Realengas (Libro 2) ...... Gran Canaria ...................... La Palma ............................ Tenerife .............................. Documentary Appendix ..... Fasciculo 3 C) Geographic Description ...(Libro 3) ........... a. Islas Realengas .............................. Gran Canaria 2 .................... Tenerife 3 ............................ La Palma 4 ..........................

pages ix-xvi xvii-xxiv xxv-xxxviii xxxix-xliv 12592731 5- 24 27- 65 67-273 275277-488 489-513 515-620 621-688 689693693-1207 1209-1401 1403-1504



In Fasc. 1, between pp.1-192, are at least 26 dendrograms showing the family tree charts of some of the notables of the Canary Islands, among which are: Leon, Castillo y Ruiz de Vergara, Ingles, Tamariz, Jaraquemada, Castellano-Perdomo, Lezcano-Muxica, DeLeon, De Ruiz de Vergara, Messia, Pedraza y Márquez, Medina Verde de Aguilar, Guanarteme-Carvajal-Verde de Aguilar, CarvejalTrexo-Guanarteme, Bethencourt-Guadarfia-Perdomo, Aguilar de la Mota, Castillo-Cabeza de Vaca, Zurita-Fernandez Calva, Cairasco, Rueda-Peñalosa, Balboa-Alarcón-Palenzuela-Castillo, CastilloTrujillo, Trujillo-Ossorio, Suarez-Ossorio-Trujillo-Amoreto, Conde Santos de San Pedro, CastilloOlivares-Amoreto, Manrique de Lara. Also depicted are coats of arms and biographical material. 2

Gran Canaria is detailed in this 500 page section. Page 729, ff. discusses the lugares (places), and provides descriptive notes on many of the small towns on the Island; p.761 references some early censuses. 3

Tenerife, 200 pages; p.1282,ff discusses the lugares (places), and provides descriptive notes on many of the small towns; p.1364 references some early censuses. 4

La Palma, census information on p.1468. -4-

Fasciculo 4 b.

Islas Señoriales: Eastern Group ..... 1505Lanzarote 5 .......................... 1507-1649 Fuerteventura 6 .................... 1651-2028

Fasciculo 5 Islas Señoriales: Western Group .... 2029La Gomera .......................... 2029-2368 El Hierro 7 ........................... 2369-2622 Appendices ................................................. 2623c. Nearby Portuguese islands .............. 2625La Madera ........................... 2627-2668 Puerto Santo ........................ 2669-2672 Salvajes ............................... 2673-2675 Indices ......................................................... 2676-2688 d. Islas Fantásticas: San Borondón ... 2689-2730 Table of Chapters contained in Volume I ... 2731-2748 V GOOD. Addenda & Corrigenda ............................... 2749-2762 Index to the Illustrations ............................. 2763-2770 Tomo II

[I have not viewed this volume - PN-3.] III. Verification of Notes........... Authors cited by Castillo Anthology of referenced texts .............. IV. Indices .................................. Bibliography.............. General alphabetic index . Geographic index ..... Chronology ............... Index of Illustrations ...

de Paz, Manuel. Wangüemert y Cuba (La Laguna: Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria, 1991-1992). About Luis Felipe Gómez Wangüemert (1862-1942). Includes bibliographical references and index. [LAL Call number: JV 7372 .P39]. Fernandez-Armesto, Filipe. The Canary Islands After the Conquest, The Making of a Colonial Society in the Early Sixteenth Century, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982), 244 pages. Fernandez Béthencourt, Don Francisco. Nobiliario y Blazon de Canarias, Diccionario Historico, Biografico, Genealogico, y Heraldico de la Provincia, (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Imprenta Isleña y Encuadernacion de Libros de Francisco C. Hernandez, 1878). A series of 4 volumes, at least 3 of which are available on LDS microfilm #0824126. NOTE: I have seen indications that this book was reprinted in La Laguna in 1952, perhaps under the name, Nobilario de Canarias, and edited by J. Regulo. Firestone. "Mapa turistico, Islas Canarias" (Alza - San Sebastian: Firestone Hispana, S.A., map no. 5

Lanzarote's great volcanic eruption of 1730 is described on p.1509,ff. It was this volcano that displaced many of the isleños who later settled San Antonio, Texas. Discussion of the various censuses on p.1549. 6

Fuerteventura, census information on p.1696.


El Hierro. Census information, pp.2607,ff. -5-

"T-32", ISBN 84-86907-18-7). A road map; scale: 1:150,000. Fontes Rerum Canariarum, colección de textos y documentos para la historia de Canarias. A series published by the Instituto de Estudios Canarios, La Laguna (v.1 = 1933; v.3 = 1949; v.12 = 1965; v.14 = 1966). Gabriel Martin, Fernando. Santa Cruz de La Palma, la ciudad renacentista, (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: CEPSA, 1995), 265 pages. This is a nicely detailed book of text and photographs, with a very good genealogical chart in the rear. Gonzalez Yanes, Emma. Guia del Archivo Historico Provincál de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Gobierno de Canarias, Consejeria de Cultura y Deportes, 1984), 31 pages. Now in the LDS Library. Guanche, Jesús. Significación canaria en el poblamiento hispánico de Cuba: los archivos parroquiales, 1690-1898 (La Laguna : Ayuntamiento de La Laguna, Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria, 1992), 143 pages. Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-143). [LAL: Call number: JV 7372 .G83]. Guerrero Balfagón, Enrique. "La Emigración de los Naturales de Las Islas Canarias a las Republicas del Rio de la Plata en la primera mitad del siglo XIX", in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.6 (1960) (near p.2). Hernandez Armesto, Felipe. Las Islas Canarias despues de la Conquesta (Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 19__), ___ pages. Hernandez García, Julio. La Emigración de las Islas Canarias en el Siglo XIX (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Excelentisimo Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 1981), 629 pages. An excellent discussion, with many important references. Hernandez Gonzalez, M. "Colonizacion canaria y politica misional en Venezuela (Siglos XVIIXVIII)", in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.40 (1994), pp.187-245. This article apparently adresses the case of the San Pedro, which, although destined for Louisiana, ended up in Venezuela (at p.204). Hernandez Rodriguez, German. "La Aportación de la Isla de La Gomera al Poblamiento de la Luisiana 1777-78", pp.133-223 of IV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1980), Tomo II (Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Excelentisimo Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 1982) or? (Salamanca, 1982), at pp.137-148. Hill, Roscoe R. Descriptive Catalogue of the Documents Relating to the History of the United States in the Papeles Procedentes de Cuba Deposited in the Archivo General de Indias at Seville (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1916), 594 pages, including an index of about 100 pages. [LAL: Call number: CD 1859 .S3 U5]. An indispensable guide for researching in the PPC of the Archivo General de Indias. Instituto de Estudios Canarios, La Laguna de Tenerife, publishes Fontes Rerum Canariarum and occasional monographs. Jiminez de Gragorio. "La poblacion de las Islas Canarias en la segunda mitad del s.XVIII", in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.14 (1968), pp.127-301. Ladero Quesada, Miguel A. Los Primeros Europeos en Canarios, Siglos XIV y XV (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Coleccíon "Guagua" #3, 1979), 47 pages. Good discussion of the early history of the señorial islands. -6-

Lorenzo, Juan B. Noticias para la historia de La Palma, Tomo 1 (La Laguna, Tenerife / Santa Cruz de La Palma: Imprenta Gutenberg, 1975), 496 pages; and consisting of 183 segments, among which are: #26 Sociedad de Amigos del Pais – various names #33 - #50 Cofradias #52 List of ships built on La Palma in s.XIX #54 List of Escribanias publicas #57 Inquisition on La Palma since 1524 (good list at pp.76-78) #62 Parish del Salvador. #65 - #77 Parishes, various #78 Martires de Tazacorte #80 City of Santa Cruz #81 Noble names of the island of La Palma The author’s pedigree chart is at p.xxxii; and a bibliography will be found at pp.lv-lxiii. Márquez Macías, Rosario. "La Busqueda de un Modelo Laboral Capitalista en La Economia Cubana, La Emigración de Colonos Canarios, 1852-1855", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos v.48 (1991), pp.557-584. Mercer, John. The Canary Islanders, Their Prehistory, Conquest and Survival (London: Rex Collings, 1980), 258 pages. Molina Martínez, Miguel. "La Participacion Canaria en la Formación y Reclutamiento del Batallon de Luisiana", in Francisco Morales Padrón, ed., IV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1980), Tomo II, (Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Excelentisimo Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 1982), pp.133-224. This is a very important article, which includes ship lists. NOTE: Gilbert Din comments that Molina Martínez does not mention the 393 Isleños from the island of La Gomera (Din, 1988, p.17, note 6). Morales Padrón, Francisco. "Colonos Canarios de Indias", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos, v.8 (1951), (near p.8). Morales Padrón, Francisco. "Las Canarias y la Politica migratoria a Indias" in I Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1976) (Gran Canaria: Ediciones del Excelentisimo Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria), (near p.231). El Museo Canario, a series of revistas published by El Museo Canario, in 4 distinct stages (etapas): 1st: (1880-1882) #1 to #57, between 1880-1882, tomos I - IV; 2nd: (1899-1905) continuing, #58 - #193, in tomos VI - XVI; 3rd: (1933-1936) Starting over: v.1 - v.4 (1933-1936); 4th (1944-2000) continuing, (v.5 = 1944; v.10 = 1949; v.40 = 1979; v.41 = 1980-1981; v.50 = 1995; v.55 = 2000). A guide to the articles in these revistas will be found by visiting El Museo Canario’s website, at (a site well worth exploring), then clicking first onto the “Publicationes” section, and then onto “Revista ‘El Museo Canario’”. This series is not generally available in the United States. Perez Vidal, Jose. Los Estudios del Folklore Canarios (1880-1980), (Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid): Excma. Mancomunidad de Cabildos de Las Palmas, 1982; ISBN: 84-500-5225-4). Platero Fernández, Carlos. Los Apellidos En Canarias (Españoles y Castellanizados) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: San Nicolas, S.A., 1992), 694 pages. It is a genealogical book consisting of: Table of Contents Part I About names, and Spanish names in particular, -7-

Part II Arrival of names to Canary Islands - conquistadores, colonists, etc., Part III List of names - A-B-C order. IBSN 84-604-8184-2, soft cover, very poorly glued and bound, with pages tending to fall out; but the information is good. Revista de Historia, a series (v.7 = 1940-1941; v.19 = 1953). Rodriguez Martin, N. La Emigración Clandestina de la Provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife a Venezuela en los Años [19]40 y [19]50 (Tenerife, 1988). Rodriguez Mendoza, Felix. Estudio de una Cadena Migratoria a America: Icod de los Vinos (17501830) (La Laguna, Tenerife: Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria, 1998), 259 pages, plus a 30 page appendix listing the names emigrants, and the names of the ships on which they sailed. The author addresses the Icodenses who sailed to Louisiana (Chapter X, pp.205-218). He suggests that valuable genealogical material on these Icodenses might be found in the Archivo Historico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in Leg. 2606 (October 28, 1778), Leg. 2607 (January 14, 15, & 19, 1779). He also touches on the strange case of the San Pedro, which, although destined for Louisiana, ended up in Venezuela (p.213). Rodriguez Vicente, Encarnacion. “Fondos Canarios en el Archivo Historico Nacional de Madrid”, in IV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1900), Tomo I (Salamanca, Spain: Ediciones del Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 1982), pp.417-503, at p.428, citing Archivo Historico Nacional, Seccion I: Clero (Clergy), Series II (Libros): Aguimes - Convento dominico de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves. Roldan Verdejo, Roberto. Acuerdos del Cabildo de Fuerteventura, 1729-1798 (La Laguna de Tenerife: published by Consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas, Instituto de Estudios Canarios, en la Universidad de La Laguna, 1966 as Fontes Rerum Canariarum, Fasc. XIV). Ryskamp, George R. Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage (Riverside, Cal.: Hispanic Family History Research, 1984), 954 pages. [ISBN # 0-9613556-00-0.] This is THE quintessential genealogical reference for research in Spain. Ryskamp, George R., J.D., A.G. "Tracing the Hispanic Immigrant Ancestor, A Selected Bibliography", in Proceedings, 1992 NGS [National Genealogical Society] Conference in the States. Sanchez Herrero, Jose. "La poblacion de las Islas Canarias en la segunda mitad del s.XVII (1676 a 1688)", in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.21 (1975), pp.237-415. Santana Pérez, Juan Manuel and José Antonio Sánchez Suárez. Emigración por reclutamientos, Canarios en Luisiana (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad, Servicio de Publicaciones y Producción Documental [ISBN 94-88412-62-2; Monografias Humanidades, no. 2], 1992), 210 pages. NOTE: There is a suggestion here (p.122) that some of the enlistment records (filiaciones) might be found in “El Informe de Adeje”, depositado en el Archivo Lagunero (the Municipal Archives of La Laguna). Schwidetzky, Ilse. La poblacion prehispanica de las Islas Canarias, (Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Publicacion del Museo Arquelogico, 1963), 217 pages. Based on physical anthropology; with many measurements of cranial features. Serra Rafols, Elias. "La Sucesión de Diego de Herrera", in Revista de Historia v.7 (1940-1941), pp.131-134.Serra Rafols, Elias. "La Sucesión de Diego de Herrera", in Revista de Historia Libro II ................................. pp.131-219 -8-

Serra Rafols, Elías. "La Repoblación de las Islas Canarias", in Anuario de Estudios Medievales, v.5 (1968), pp.409-429. Serra Rafols, Elías. "La Sucesión de Diego de Herrera", in Revista de Historia v.7 (1940-1941), pp.131-134. Serra Rafols, Elías. Las Datas de Tenerife (Libros I a IV de datas originales (La Laguna, Tenerife: Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1978), 423 pages. The book consisting of: Introduction .............................. pp.9- 13 Libro I .................................... pp.19-130 Libro II ................................. pp.131-219 Libro III ............................... pp.220-284 Libro IV ................................ pp.285-375 Index (A-B-C) ....................... pp.377-423. Siegrist de Gentile, Nora. Estudio histórico-biográfico de los pobladores canarios en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1750-1890 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria : Ediciones del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 2000), 374 pages. Includes bibliographical references. [LAL: Call number: F 3001.9 .S7 S54]. Viera y Clavijo, Joseph. Noticias de la Historia de Canarías (Madrid: Cupsa Editorial, Edición de Dr. Alejandro Cioranescu, 1978). NOTE: Originally published between 1772 and 1783, this monumental work explores the early history and institutions of the Canary Islands. It describes the individual islands, and provides an amazing amount of information on many of the towns and villages, including population statistics, military command structure, and usually a description of the churches and convents in the towns. Once the researcher has discovered the name of the town where his ancestor lived, he should read Viera y Clavijo's c.1772 description of that town. A very important source! Aguimes (Gran Canaria) Artiles, Joaquin. “El templo parroquial de la Villa de Aguimes”, in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, No. 23 (Madrid, 1977), pp.603-635. Artiles, Joaquin. “Catalogo del tesoro de la iglesia de Aguimes”, in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, No. 26 (Madrid, 1980), pp.205-238. Artiles, Joaquin. Un legado de cinco siglos (La Villa de Agüimes) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ImprentaPerez Galdos, 1985), 139 pages. De Bethencourt Massieu, Antonio. El Motin de Aguimes - Las Palmas (1718-1719) (Aguimes, Gran Canaria: Ayuntamiento de Aguimes, 1989), 131 pages. It lists many of the participants in the Aguimes riots of 1718. Newfield III, Paul. "The Ancient Parish Registers of of the Church of San Sebastian de Aguimes, in the Villa de Aguimes, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands”, in L'Heritage (quarterly publication of the St. Bernard Genealogical Society, Chalmette, La.), v.23, #90 (April 2000), pp.84-92.

Texas: San Antonio's Isleños (1731) Curbelo Fuentes, Armando. Fundacion de San Antonio de Texas (Canarias, la gran deuda americana) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: La Caja de Canarias, 1987). -9-

Louisiana’s Isleños (1778-1780) Bettag, Claire Mire, CGRS. "Family Origins of Pedro Jorge Caballero and Maria-Jesus Gonzalez”, in Terrebonne Life Lines, v.16, #1 (Spring 1997), pp.1-8. He sailed to Louisiana aboard the Victoria (family #31). Bettag, Claire Mire, CGRS. "Genealogical Treasure in an Account Book: The Identification of Francisco Xavier de Lomba”, in National Genealogical Society Quarterly, v.87, #1 (March 1999), pp.31-42. Bourquard, Shirley Chaisson. Early Settlers on the Delta, Families of St. Bernard, Plaquemines and Orleans Parishes, Louisiana (no place: by the author, 1987). Din, Gilbert C. "Spain's Immigration Policy & Efforts in Louisiana During the American Revolution", in Louisiana Studies, v.14 (1975), pp.241-257. Din, Gilbert C. "Spanish Immigration to a French Land", in Revue de Louisiane - Louisiana Review, vol.5, no.1 (Summer 1976), pp.63-80. Din, Gilbert C. "Protecting the 'Barrera': Spain's Defenses in Louisiana, 1763-1779", in Louisiana History, vol.19, no. 2 (Spring, 1978), pp.183-211. Din, Gilbert C. "The Canary Islander Settlements of Spanish Louisiana: An Overview", in Louisiana History, vol.27, no. 4 (Fall, 1986), pp.353-373. Din, Gilbert C. "A History of the Isleños in Southern Louisiana to 1945: A report for the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, James L. Isenogle, Superintendent" (no place, not published: no date). This report was the predecessor to his 1988 book. Din, Gilbert C. The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1988), 256 pages. NOTE: See the appendix (p.209-235) for selected passenger lists. Fernando Estopinal III; “The Estopinal Family History, An Incomplete Study”, published serially in L’Heritage, the quarterly publication of the St. Bernard Genealogical Society (Chalmette, La.), as follows: L’Heritage, v.22, No. 88 (Oct. 1999), pp.243-260. L’Heritage, v.23, No. 89 (Jan. 2000), pp.17-53. L’Heritage, v.23, No. 90 (April 2000), pp.94-126. In Louisiana, the family name “Estopinal” replaces the original “Estupiñan”. The article contains a number of copies of certificates from the Parish of San Sebastian de Aguimes, on Gran Canaria. Forsyth, Alice D. "Notes on Some of the Canary Islanders who Settled in Louisiana", in L'Heritage, v.1, #4 (September 1978), pp.268-278. Forsyth, Alice D. "The Fourth Part of White Marriages of the City of Galveztown, 1786", in L'Heritage, v.2, #5 (January 1979), pp.65-67. "Libro Maestro P. sentar el cargo del dano. de la Pob. Barataria", Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 548, 84-44-L, Reel 92, Microfilm copy seen at The Historic New Orelans Collection (HNOC) in New Orleans, La.. Also see: "Libro Maestro ....Tierra de Bueyes", AGI, PPC Leg. 568. "Libro Maestro ....Valenzuela", AGI, PPC Leg. 568. "Libro Maestro ....Galveztown", AGI, PPC Leg. 568. -10-

"Libro Maestro ....Barataria",

AGI, PPC Leg. 548.

Maccurdy, R. R. "Los Isleños de la Luisiana. Supervivencia de la lengua y folclore canario”, in Anuario de Estudios Atlanticos, v.21 (1975), pp.471-591. Montero de Pedro, Marques de Casa Mena, Jose. The Spanish in New Orleans and Louisiana, (Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Company, 2000), 299 pages. This an English translation of a previously published work; translation by Richard E. Chandler. Newfield III, Paul. "Some Canary Island Locales and their Associated Louisiana Families (Based upon the Diocese of Baton Rouge's published records, volume 2)", in Louisiana Genealogical Register (quarterly publication of the Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society), v.35, #1 (March 1988), pp.23-26. NOTE: This article and the following article have been updated and combined, and appear as a “Finding aid” on Paul Newfield III’s “Brass Cannon” website, at: . Newfield III, Paul. "More Canary Islands Locales and Their Associated Louisiana Families (From the Archdiocese of New Orleans Sacramental Records, volumes 3 & 4)", in L'Heritage (quarterly publication of the St. Bernard Genealogical Society, Chalmette, La.), v.13, #50 (April 1990), pp.118-125. NOTE: See the preceding note. Swanson, Betsy. "Historic Land Use Study of a Portion of the Barataria Unit of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Prepared for the Jefferson Historical Society and the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park" (np, np: January 15, 1988), 363 pages. See especially Chapter 3, "La Población de Barataria", pp.94-137. Swanson, Betsy. "Digging Up History: Archaeologists excavate the home sites of 57 Spanish families who settled in 1779 on a bayou in west Jefferson Parish", in the New Orleans Times Picayune, Sunday, June 25, 1989, Section F, pp.F-1, F-5. Also see Sandra Barbier's "Key Opens Doors to Old Bayou Life; 18th Century Secrets Unlocked", in the New Orleans Times Picayune, Monday, April 11, 1994, Section B (Metro), pp.B-1, B-2. Archaeology & genealogy. Tornero Tinajero, Pablo. "Emigracion canaria a America: La expedición civico-militar a Luisiana de 1777-1779", in I Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (1976) (Sevilla, 1977), pp.345-354, translated by Paul E. Hoffman and published as "Canarian Immigration to America: The CivilMilitary Expedition of 1777-1779", in Louisiana History, v.21, No. 4 (Fall, 1980), pp.377-386. NOTE: Gilbert Din comments that Tornero Tinajero was in error when he stated (in the English translation, p.384), that the recruits came only from Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lanzarote (Din, 1988, p.17, note 6). Din notes that this article pursues the arguement that the recruitment hurt the development of the islands. Varela, Beatriz. “Hispanic Surnames”, serialized in L’Heritage, the quarterly publication of the St. Bernard Genealogical Society (Chalmette, La.), as follows: L’Heritage, v.3, No. 9 (Jan. 1980), pp.53-56 L’Heritage, v.3, No. 10 (Mar. 1980), pp.145-147. Villere, Sidney, compiler. The Canary Islands Migration to Louisiana 1778-1783, (New Orleans, La.: The Genealogical Research Society of New Orleans, 1971, reprinted in 1972 by Genealogical Publishing Co.), 94 pages. NOTE: Gilbert Din comments that this book "has incomplete and erroneous names of the passengers on the Margarita and the Santisima Trinidad" (Din, 1988, p.25, note 21). Furthermore, other ship lists are known to be incomplete. -11-

Westerman, Audrey B. "The Cavallero Family of Louisiana”, in Terrebonne Life Lines, v.12, #3 (Fall 1997), pp.1-28. Pensacola's Isleños (1780), via La Habana Coker, William S. and G. Douglas Ingis. The Spanish Censuses of Pensacola, 1784-1820: A Genealogical Guide to Spanish Pensacola (Pensacola, Fla.: The Perdido Bay Press, 1980), ____ pages. Tornero Tinajero, Pablo. "Estudio de la Poblacion de Pensacola", in Anuario de Estudios Americanos, v.34 (1977), pp.537-561. Basically a statistical study, however footnote #4 shows the locations of the censuses of 1784, 1788, 1791, 1802, 1803, 1819, & 1820.



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