Adventures Of Princess Pamaleana Flipbook PDF

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A terrifying indictment of today’s global society. Human apathy has been so so predictable. Relocating to mars is not science fiction but an inevitable fact.

A reluctant eco warrior


The boiling bubbling Planet Earth wasn’t the only crumbling self-destructing planet in the vast endless void of our ever expanding universe.

At the time no one could have predicted that the highly advanced selfdestructive Yay’s would come into direct conflict with the human species, and to the Yays detriment the awesome passion and power of a human women’s love.

Pam had been born a dinky baby in Cristal Palace, England, her Mum and Dad, Bill and Joan proudly loving the “Ohhhs” and“Ahhhs” from huge heads bearing down into Pam’s pram.

“What a honey”…. “An angel”….“I wonder what the little darling will grow up to do?”

Pam grew up happy, strong, and tenacious, she had wonderful children and joyous rascally happy grandchildren; she also grew to become the saviour and princess of the known universe. Not bad for a girl from South West of London.

“How did she do that?"...

Despite years of warnings the sudden loss of Earth’s landmass due to global warming and subsequent natural catastrophic events took inept global politicians by surprise.

The A.I. projected forecast unable to predict the erratic brut of nature’s insatiable rage and vengeful appetite.

In 2022 because of our disregard for our planet seven Mars rovers scout and plot the Mars surface. Space agencies NASA, ESA, ISRO, CNSA and the United Arab Emirates, and from the private sector Space X, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, continue to invest billions into researching the inevitability of a permanent settlement on Mars.

Powerful organisations with serious intent and foresight.

Since 2066 the five exploratory research settlements on Mars had found minerals, gas and water deposits, alongside making significant advancements in human oxygen implants it was decided the human race was going to Mars.




Much like planet earth planet Yay had also passed the point of no return, moments from selfdestruction like earth the Yays had searched for and found the distant red planet Mars a suitable and safe destination.


Arriving on Mars the Yay’s were delighted to find an inferior speices had also fled their own stupidity and were also evacuating to Mars.

Larger and stronger the Yays instantly forced the weaker human species into humiliating and exhausting servitude. The human race was quickly enslaved by the all powerful Yays.


For our species what was promised as a paradise in the heavens had turned out to be a nightmare in hell.




Like milli ons b alon g wit efore h her her, fami ly on 23RD Octo the of ber 2 082 P am h Shut oppe tle to da Mars .

AGGGGGGGG GG Smashing your way from earth’s atmosphere into the dark silent calm of space was like being put into a blender. Pam only had one thing to say...

HOWEVER, once the shuttle had won the battle with gravity Pam and her family found themselves gliding calmly and seemingly still at 7000 thousand mph through the silent black of space for the next 200 million mars...

A ti ny t rav spec in th eling d ust e hu ge d ark


Arriving on the red planet AND SEEING HER RACE ENSLAVED, Pam’s agonised response was much the same as the moment she gave birth, the same as when her tumbling grandchildren tore skin from their knees, much the same as when her shuttle started to battle with gravity on leaving planet Earth.

No one hurts my species No one hurts my family

mic s o c e h t After ll e f s y a Y he battle t t... e e f s m a at P

A vengeful Humankind demanding that their oppressors be in prisoned or disposed of.


we’re all misfits and migrants, we all come from somewhere. Let each of us be equal, let each of us listen to and learn from those we first feared. Let each of us rejoice in the word “unity” “Let’s restore our faith in humanity in all species by embracing our differences.

Understanding the wisdom of Pam’s words jubilant crowds of Humans and Yays cheered.

“T he

me rc ifu l”

Earthlings and Yays, now a collective group of happy Martians together proclaiming Pam to hence forth be known as “Princes Pamalena”

" t a e r g e h T “ “Th ek ick pri ars nce e ss”

en m d e d r a e b r u y o r y g g an n i s n e o l t y b s i a b d d n e a a h , t e n i , s s e p , r y l sh fo i a e f c b , o p p s e a e . n h s s a Year d t l d u e r i o b wo es a h l p l d o e a r f p o y talk d e n h e T e . h r t u , o e t b h n h t e g i m t e u n dg o u b j a f o s ht g a i w r n t e o e n s t t u ’ b n d h a t h d r l a y r e e o h t w t u o w t b e a n a h W a . ht e e s g i t g d r l a a r e r e o r r d c w e n w l o a l t y e a t v f u o o o The l b n s ’ a o n tio h c a w u m n r a wo m g o w dest n e i w n r i a p e , s h s n t r i a e n M m a o n c o e y b g d o l l u o o e r. w id e d r o

John. 1 (Revelation B.C 11-13) In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.

Princess Pamalena 1 (Revelation 2096) In the beginning were the words, and the words were “I love everyone and where’s the bar”

Watch out for issue 2 “Space Spartacus” Princess Pamaleana rebuilds faith in humankind while exploring frailties in the human condition.

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