African Maritime Economic History Bibliography author list, 19 th -21 st centuries (2016 edition, v.2.0)

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography–author list, 19th-21st centuries (2016 edition, v.2.0) A selected and compiled bibliography by Dr. Dan

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African Maritime Economic History Bibliography–author list, 19th-21st centuries (2016 edition, v.2.0)

A selected and compiled bibliography by Dr. Daniel Castillo Hidalgo Postdoctoral Researcher IATEXT-University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

“For a better knowledge of the African Maritime Economic History”

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First version (1.0) published on October 2015

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list, 19th-21st centuries (2016 edition, v.2.0) Introduction and main goals. This bibliography comprises materials used in my researches on the African Maritime Economic History. It mostly includes references for the Northwestern African regions but we recently began to expand our research to the southern regions until the Gulf of Guinea. So, we have decided to change the title of the first version in order to incorporate more regions we are studying now. It is clear that this bibliography will be improved in the next years, mainly on Southern and Eastern regions but other West African maritime regions too (mainly former British territories). We will accept the challenge! In this version (year 2016) we have distributed the references by countries (in alphabetical order and current name) to facilitate the research work and the compilation of sources. A previous index of contents (countries) has been introduced too. Finally, you could find an author index (last section). We expect that these changes on the overall structure of the bibliography will be useful. The list is intended as a research aid and is not exhaustive. We will introduce new references for the next version (2017 ed.). New entries and references are marked in red. For any demand of new reference entry, question, comment or suggestion, please contact me:[email protected]

To know more about the author (Daniel Castillo Hidalgo): Please, visit my personal website: I have academic profiles in Research Gate,, Linkedin and Google Scholar.

September 2016


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

INDEX OF CONTENTS (Countries and topics by alphabetical order) Algeria .......................................................................................................... 6 Angola .......................................................................................................... 6 Benin ............................................................................................................ 6 British West Africa (region) .......................................................................... 7 Cameroon ..................................................................................................... 7 Canary Islands (region) ................................................................................. 7 Cape Verde ................................................................................................... 12 Congo ........................................................................................................... 12 Congo Democratic Republic ......................................................................... 12 East Africa (region) ....................................................................................... 12 Egypt ............................................................................................................ 12 French West Africa (former) ......................................................................... 13 Gabon ........................................................................................................... 13 Gambia ......................................................................................................... 13 Ghana ........................................................................................................... 13 Guinea Bissau ............................................................................................... 14 Guinea Conakry ............................................................................................ 14 Ivory Coast ................................................................................................... 14 Kenya ........................................................................................................... 14 Liberia .......................................................................................................... 14 Maghreb (region) .......................................................................................... 14 Mauritania ..................................................................................................... 15 Morocco........................................................................................................ 15 Mozambique ................................................................................................. 16 Nigeria .......................................................................................................... 16 Other related topics ....................................................................................... 18 Senegal ......................................................................................................... 22 Sierra Leone .................................................................................................. 26 South Africa .................................................................................................. 26 Tanzania ....................................................................................................... 26 Togo ............................................................................................................. 26 3

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

Tunisia .......................................................................................................... 26 West African Ports (general) ......................................................................... 26


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo



African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

ALGERIA BILLIARD, L., (1930), Les Ports et la Navigation de l´Algérie. Larose, Paris.

GAFFIOT, M., (1930), Le trafic des principaux ports algériens. In: L´Avancements des Sciences, 54e session: Alger. Association Scientifique de France, Paris, pp.801803.

LAYE, Y., (1951), Le port d´Alger. Thèse Faculté de lettres, Algiers.

LEROY, A.L., (1886), Notes et impressions de voyages d´Alger à Tunis. AdolpheJourdan éditeurs, Alger.

LESPES, R., (1930), Alger étude géographique. Thèse de la Faculté de lettres, Paris. RAYGONDAUD, L., (1914), Les ports Algériens. In: L´Avancement des Sciences, 42e session, Tunis 1913. Association Scientifique de France, Paris, pp.786-801.

RAYGONDAUD, L., (1914),

Port d´Oran. In: L´Avancement des Sciences, 42e

session, Tunis 1913. Association Scientifique de France, Paris, pp.801-808.

SHIAFFINO, L., (1952), Alger, port d´avitaillement. Journal de la Marine Marchande, 3 de julio de 1952. ANGOLA HANCE, W.A. and VAN DONGEN, I. (1956), “The Port of Lobito and the Benguela Railway”, The Geographical Review, Vol.XLVI:4, pp.460-487. BENIN ISEMAR (2003), “La desserte des pays enclaves: l´exemple du corridor béninois en Afrique de l´Ouest”, Note de Synthèse, 57.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

BRITISH WEST AFRICA (former) DAVIES, P.N. (1977), “Shipping Lines on the development of British West Africa, 1852-1972”, Business History, XIX (1), pp.3-17.

DAVIES, P.N. (2000), Trade Makers. Elder Dempster in West Africa: 1852-1972, 1973-1989, Alle and Unwin,, St.Jonn´s, Newfoundland.

DAVIES, P.N. (2002), “The Impact of Improving Communications on Commercial Transactions: Nineteenth-Century Case Studies from British West Africa and Japan”, International Journal of Maritime History, XIV (1), pp.225.238.

LYNN, M. (1989), “From sail to steam: The impact of the steamship services on the British Palm Oil Trade with West Africa, 1850-1890”, The Journal of African History, 30 (2), pp.227-245.

SHERWOOD, M. (1997), “Elder Dempster and West Africa, 1891-c.1940: The Genesis of Underdevelopment?”, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 30 (2), pp.253-276. CAMEROON (forthcoming) CANARY ISLANDS (region) BETANCOR MARTEL, O. (2009), “La postura aliadófila del diario “La Prensa” durante la Primera Guerra Mundial”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 55, pp.343-366.

BOURGON TINAO, J.P. (1982), Los Puertos Francos y el régimen especial de Canarias, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios de la Administración Local.



ORUETA, E. (1972), El Puerto de la Luz en Las Palmas de Gran

Canaria, CIES, Las Palmas.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

CABRERA ARMAS, L.G. (2014), “The Ports of the Canary Islands: The Challenges of Modernity”, in SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (ed.), Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation, c.1850-1930, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Series, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 19-48.

CABRERA ARMAS, L.G. and DÍAZ DE LA PAZ, A. (2008), “El tráfico marítimo en la era del Imperio: Cartel, Monopolio y Oligopolio: El caso de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, c.1870-1914”, IX Congreso de la AEHE, Murcia.

CABRERA ARMAS, L.G. (2014), “The Ports of the Canary Islands: The Challenges of Modernity”, in SUÁREZ BOSA, M., (ed.), Atlantic Ports and the First Globalization, c.1850-1930, Basingtoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.19-48.

CARNERO LORENZO, F., NUEZ YÁNEZ, J.S. y PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, M.A (2005), “Las redes empresariales extranjeras en España. El caso de la multinacional británica Elder Dempster y Cía.”, in X Simposio de Historia Económica, Bellaterra.

CARNERO LORENZO, F., NUEZ YÁNEZ, J.S. (2010), “La empresa Blandy Brothers. De Madeira a Canarias, 1885-1936”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 56, pp.311-334.

CASTILLO HIDALGO, Daniel (2010), “Forjando Imperios: La conferencia marítima de 1895 y su repercusión en Canarias y África Occidental (1895-1914)”, Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones, 19, pp. 166-188.

DE LUXÁN MELÉNDEZ, S. y BERGASA PERDOMO, O. (2004), “Puertos Francos e Industrialización en Canarias. Un debate abierto: el caso de la producción azucarera en 1884-1892”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 50, pp.625-672.

DÍAZ BENÍTEZ, J. J. (2014), “The Italian Naval War in the Mid-Atlantic: Blockade Runners and Submarines in the Canary Islands (1940-1943)”, Mariner´s Mirror, 100 (2), pp.186-197.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)



D. Castillo Hidalgo

PAZ, A. (2012), “Extracción de túnidos y competitividad en la

industria derivada. El caso de las pesquerías canarias, 1950-1975”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 58, pp.487-514.

GUIMERÁ PERAZA, M. (1989), Los Puertos Francos en Canarias en el siglo XIX, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, FCSCTF.

GUIMERÁ RAVINA, A. (1989), La Casa Hamilton. Una empresa británica en Canarias, 1837-1987, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

HERRERA PIQUÉ, A. (1984), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2 vol., Ediciones Rueda, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

MARTÍN GALÁN, F. (1984), La formación de Las Palmas: ciudad y puerto. Cinco siglos de evolución, Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas, Las Palmas.

MARTÍN HERNÁNDEZ, U. (1988), Tenerife y el expansionismo ultramarino europeo (1880-1919), Cabildo de Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

MARTÍN HERNÁNDEZ, U. (2004), Puertos Canarios y navegación internacional (1880-1918), Ediciones Idea, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

MARTÍNEZ MILÁN, J.M. (2014), “Actividad pesquera y marco institucional en Canarias (siglos XVII-XX)”, in De Luzán Meléndex, S. (coord.), Economía y Marco Institucional (siglos XVI-XX), Fundación Mapfre Guanarteme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, pp.198-209.

PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, M.A. (2002), “El tráfico de productos petrolíferos en el Archipiélago canario, 862-1973”, Revista de Estudios Regionales.

PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, M.A. (2012), “El mercado de carbones minerales en Canarias”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 58, pp.415-450.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

PONCE MARRERO, F.J. (1992), “El bloqueo aliado y el control de la navegación en Canarias durante la Primera Guerra Mundial”, Vegueta, 0, pp.137-148.

PONCE MARRERO, F.J. (2002), “La rivalidad anglo-alemana en Canarias en vísperas de la Gran Guerra”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 48, pp.133-152.

PONCE MARRERO, F.J. (2002), Canarias y la política exterior española en la Primera Guerra Mundial, 1914-1918: el protagonismo internacional de las islas como escenario de confrontación diplomática y estratégica, UMI Microform, Proquest Information and Learning Company.

PONCE MARRERO, F.J. (2006), “Logistics for Commerce War in the Atlantic during the First World War: the German Etappe System in Action”, The Mariner´s Mirror, 92 (4), pp. 455-464.

PONCE MARRERO, F.J. (2014), “Commerce Warfare in the East Central Atlantic during the First World War: German submarines around the Canary Islands, 1916-1918”, Mariner´s Mirror, 100 (3), pp.335-348.

QUINTANA NAVARRO, F. (1983), Barcos, negocios y burgueses en el Puerto de La Luz (1883-1913), La Caja de Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

REYES REYES, F. (2011), “Abordaje y naufragio del vapor “Sud-Amerika” en el muelle de La Luz”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 57, pp.171-188.





QUINTANA, M. (1989), Miller y Compañía: cien años de

Historia, Clavileño, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

SANDOVAL MARTÍN, M.T. (2011), “La expedición filmada del buque oceanográfico Meteor por el Atlántico sur (1925-1927) y el viaje de prueba a Canarias”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 57, pp.301-324.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (1998), “La organización del trabajo portuario: el caso de La Luz y Las Palmas (1891-1980)”, in ARENAS POSADAS, C. et al. (eds.), Mercado y Organización del trabajo en España (siglos XIX y XX), Sevilla, pp.303-314.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (2003), Llave de la Fortuna: Instituciones y Organización del trabajo en el Puerto de Las Palmas, 1883-1990, Fundación Caja Rural, Telde.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (2004), “The Role of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Coal Route from the End of the Nineteenth Century to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Corporate Strategies”, International Journal of Maritime History, 16 (1), pp. 95-124.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (2013), “The Control of Port Services by International Companies in the Macaronesian Islands (1850-1914)” in CURRY-MACHADO, J. (ed.), Global Histories, Imperial Commodities, Local Interactions, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 58-76.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. and CABRERA ARMAS, L.G. (2011), “La competencia en los servicios portuarios entre Cabo Verde y Canarias (1850-1914)”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 58, pp. 363-414.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M., JIMÉNEZ GONZÁLEZ, J.L. and CASTILLO HIDALGO, D. (2011): “Puerto, Empresas y Ciudad: una aproximación histórica al caso de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria”, Revista de Historia Industrial, 46, pp. 73-96.

YÁNISHEV NÉSTEROVA, I. (2014), “El trasfondo institucional de los intereses soviéticos en el Atlántico Centro-Oriental, 1965-1971”, in De Luxán Meléndez, S. (coord.), Economía y Marco Institucional (siglos XVI-XX), Fundación Mapfre Guanarteme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, pp.211-244.

YÁNISHEV NÉSTEROVA, I. (2016), ““Sovhispan”: una joint venture hispanosoviética”, Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 62, 1-22.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo



SILVA, A.L. (1998), Nos tempos do Porto Grande do Mindelo, Centro

Cultural Portugués, Mindelo.

DA SOUSA MACHADO, Joao (1891), Estudo sobre o Comercio do Carvao ao Porto Grande da Ilha de S. Vicente e no Porto da Luz em Gran Canaria, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional.



FIGUEIREIDO, Antonio (1913), O carvao na economia de Cabo Verde,

Tipografía Industrial Portuguesa, Lisboa.

PRATA, A.F. (2014), “Porto Grande of S. Vicente: The Coal Business on an Atlantic Island”, in SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (ed.), Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation, c.1850-1930, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Series, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 49-69. CONGO (forthcoming) CONGO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC COPPIETERS, D. (1956), Les Ports Congolais, Bibliothèque de l´Étoile, Leverville. HANCE, W.A. and VAN DONGEN, I.S. (1958), “Matadi, Focus of Belgian African Transport”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.48:1, pp.41-72. EGYPT BONIN, Hubert (2005), “The Compagnie du Canal de Suez and Transit Shipping, 1900-1956”, International Journal of Maritime History, 17 (87), pp.87-112. EAST AFRICA HOYLE, B.S. (1967), The Seaports of East Africa. A Geographical Study, East African Studies Vol.26, Makerere Institute of Social Research, Nairobi.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

MCMASTER, D.N. (1966), “The ocean-going dhow trade to East Africa”, East Africa Geographical Review, 4, pp.13-14. FRENCH WEST AFRICA (former) ANÓN. (1857), Les Colonies Françaises, La Revue Coloniale, Imprimerie et Librairie Administrative de Paul Dupont, Paris.

ANON. (1913), Les Ports Maritimes de l´AOF, Levé, Paris.

ANON. (1927), L´Afrique Occidentale Française, Librairie Larose, Paris.




Gouvernement Général de l´AOF, Exposition Coloniale Internationale de 1931, Paris.

SONGY, L. (1907), “Les voies de communication en Afrique Occidentale Française”, A Travers Le Monde, Librairie Hachette, Paris, pp. 385-388/397-398.

THOMAS, B., (1957), Railways and Ports in French West Africa. Economic Geography. 33 (1), 1-15.4 GABÓN MAKIELA-MAGAMBOU, G., (2007), La logistique portuaire au Gabon : Contribution à une géographie des transports de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l´Afrique Centrale (CEMAC), Doctoral Thesis, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III. GAMBIA (forthcoming) GHANA CHALFIN, B, (2010), “Recasting maritime governance in Ghana; the neodevelopmental state and the Port of Tema”, Journal of Modern African Studies, 48 (4), pp.573-598.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

HILLING, D. (1966), “Tema, the Geography of a new port”, Geography, 51, pp.111-125.

HILLING, D. (1977), “The evolution of a port system: the case of Ghana”, Geography, 62, pp.97-105.

WING-RAY, D. (1975), “The Takoradi Route: Roosevelt´s Prewar Venture beyond the Western Hemisphere”, The Journal of American History, 62 (2), pp.340-358. GUINEA BISSAU (forthcoming) GUINEA CONAKRY (forthcoming) IVORY COAST NDJAMBOU, L.E., (2004), « Échanges maritimes et enclavement en Afrique de l´Ouest : le cas des ports d´Abidjan et de Cotonou », Les Cahiers d´Outre-Mer, 226-227, Afriques. KENYA ANON. (1964), “New tanker berth at Mombasa”, The dock and harbor authority, 44, pp.282-285. VAN DONGEN, I.S. (1963), “Mombasa in the land and sea exchanges of East Africa”, Erdkunde, 17, pp.16-38. LIBERIA (forthcoming) MAGHREB MOHAMED-CHERIF, F.Z., and DUCRUET, C. (2011), “Les ports et la façade maritime








M@ppemonde, 29,

MOHAMED-CHÉRIF, F.Z., and DUCRUET, C. (2015), “Regional integration and maritime connectivity across the Maghreb seaport system”, Journal of Transport Geography, 14

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

MAURITANIA (forthcoming) MOROCCO CELCE, C., (1952), Le Port de Casablanca et l´économie marocaine. Ph.D. Dissertation, Paris.

CHERFAOUI, N., DOGHMI, H., (2005), Ports du Maroc des origins à 2020. Sciences de l´Ingénieur, Casablanca.

DE CAQUEREY, G. (1952), “Pourquoi et comment Casablanca eut son port”, Notre Maroc, Revue Bimestriel Illustrée, spécial issue, pp.5-13.

DUCRUET, C., MOHAMMED-CHÉRIF, F.Z., and CHERFAOUI, N., (2011), “Maghreb port cities in transition: the case of Tangier”, Portus Plus, 1 (1).

EYQUEM, J., (1933), Les ports de la zone française du Maroc, leur rôle économique. V. Heintz, Algiers.

GAUTHRONET, E., (1913), Tanger. Son port, ses voies de pénétration. Augustis Challamel Éditeurs. Paris.

JMAHRI, M. (2008), Le Port d´El Jadida. Une histoire méconnue, Casablanca, Imprimerie Najah El Jadia.

LAROCHE, C. (1927), « The Port of Casablanca », in 23rd Ordinary General Meeting, Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France, British Section, pp.1-23.

MIEGE, J.L. and EUGENE, E. (1954), Monographie de Casablanca de 1907 à 1914, Paris, Le Petit Marocain.

SUÁREZ BOSA, M. And MAZIANE, L. (2014), “The Port of Casablanca in the First Stage of the Protectorate”, in SUÁREZ BOSA, M. (ed.), Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation, c.1850-1930, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Series, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 70-89. 15

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

VIDALENC, G. (1928), Une œuvre française. Le port de Casablanca, Casablanca, Librairie Faraire. MOZAMBIQUE HANCE, W.A. and VAN DONGEN, I.S. (1957), “Beira, Mozambique Gateway to Central Africa”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.47-4, pp.307-335. NIGERIA EKUNDARE, R. O. (1973), An Economic History of Nigeria, 1860-1960, New York.

HOPKINS, A.G. (1969), “Economic Imperialism in West Africa: Lagos, 1880-1892”, The Economic History Review, New Series, 21 (3), pp. 580-606.

OGUNBOMEHIN, O.O. (1988), Port and Market Development in Ejinrin, 1851-1953, MA Dissertation, University of Ibadan.

OGUNDANA, B. (1961), “Lagos, Nigeria´s Premier Port”, N.G.J., 4, pp.26-40.

OGUNDANA, B. (1967), “The fluctuating significance of Nigerian ports before 1914”, N.G.J., 14, pp.44-71.

OGUNDANA, B. (1968), “Changing port outlets in Nigeria´s export commodities”, ODU, 3, pp.25-43.

OGUNDANA, B. (1970), “Patterns and problems of seaport evolution in Nigeria”, in Hilling D. and Hoyle, B. (eds.), Seaports and Development, pp.167-182.

OGUNDANA, B. (1971), “The location factor in changing seaport significance in Nigeria”, N.G.J., 14, pp.71-88

OGUNDANA, B. (1974), “Seaport Development-Multi-National Co-operation in West Africa”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 12 (3), pp.395-407.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

OGUNDANA, B. (1978), “Seaports and External Trade”, in OGUNTOYINBO, J.S. and AREOLA (eds.), A Geography of Nigerian Development, Ibadan, pp.338-350.

OGUNDANA, B. (1980), “Seaport Development in Colonial Nigeria”, in Akinjogbin, I.A. and Osoba, S.O. (eds.), Topics on Nigerian Economic and Social History, Ile Ife, pp.159-181.

OLUKOJU, A. (1992), “The development of the Port of Lagos, c.1892-1946”, The Journal of Transport History, 13 (1), pp.59-78.

OLUKOJU, A. (1992), “Background to the Establishment of the Nigerian Ports Authority: The Politics of Port Administration in Nigeria, c.1920-1954”, International Journal of Maritime History, IV (2), pp.155-173.

OLUKOJU, A. (1992), “Elder Dempster and the Shipping Trade of Nigeria during the First World War”, The Journal of African History, Vol.33 (2), pp. 255-271.

OLUKOJU, A. (1994), “The Making of an Expensive Port: Shipping Lines, Government and Port Tariffs in Lagos, 1917-1949”, International Journal of Maritime History, VI (1), pp.141-159.

OLUKOJU, A. (1996), “Spatial analysis and Inter-Port competition: Lagos, the Niger and the “Capture” of the Kano-Tripoli Trade, c.1890-1914”, The Great Circle: Journal of the Australian Association for Maritime History, 18 (1), pp.30-47.

OLUKOJU, A. (2003), Infrastructure Development and Urban Facilities in Lagos, 1861-2000, Ibadan.

OLUKOJU, A. (2003), “”A Truly Nigerian Project?”” the Politics of the Establishment of the Nigerian National Shipping Line (NNSL), 1957-1959”, International Journal of Maritime History, XV (1), pp.91-128

OLUKOJU, A. (2004), The Liverpool of West Africa. The Dynamics and Impact of Maritime Trade in Lagos, 1900-1950, Africa World Press, New Jersey. 17

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

OLUKOJU, A. (2014), “The Port of Lagos, 1852-1929: The Rise of West Africa´s Leading Port”, in SUÁREZ BOSA, M., (ed.), Atlantic Ports and the First Globalization, c.1850-1930, Basingtoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.112-129.

WALKER, G. (1959), Traffic and Transport in Nigeria, London. OTHER RELATED TOPICS (MARITIME AND ECONOMIC HISTORY, ETC.) AIRRIESS, C. (1991), “Global Economy and Port Morphology in Belawan, Indonesia”, Geographical Review, 81 (2), pp.183-196.

AKYEAMPONG, E., BATES, R.H., NUNN, N., and ROBINSON, J. (eds.) (2015), Africa´s Development in Historical Perspective, Cambridge University Press, New York.

AMIN, S. (1972), “Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Origins and Contemporary Forms”, Journal of Modern African Studies, 10 (4), pp.503-523.

ANON. (1897), “Le Chemin de Fer de Sénégal au Niger”, A Travers Le Monde, Librairie Hachette, Paris, pp. 17-20.

ANON. (1898), “Les Chemins de Fer en Afrique”, A Travers Le Monde, Librairie Hachette, Paris, pp. 237-238.

BARRY, B. y HARDING, L. (coord.) (1992), Commerce et commerçants en Afrique de l´Ouest. Le Sénégal, L´Harmattan, Paris.

BIRD, J. (1971), Seaports and Seaports Terminals, Hutchinson, London.

BONIN, H. (1987), C.F.A.O. Cent ans de compétition. 1887-1987, Economica, Paris.

BONIN, H. (2009), “The International Scope of the French Trading house CFAO (1900-1970)”, World Economic History Association Congress, Utrecht.


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

BRAYSHAY, M., CLEARY, M. and SHELWOOD, J. (2005), “Interlocking Directorships and Transnational Linkages within the British Empire, 1900-1930”, Area, 37 (2), pp. 209-222.

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D. Castillo Hidalgo

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African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

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D. Castillo Hidalgo

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D. Castillo Hidalgo

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African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

Author Index (by alphabetical order)


D. Castillo Hidalgo

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

A Airriess, C. ........................................................................................................... 18 Akyeampong, E. .................................................................................................. 18 Amin, S................................................................................................................ 18 Anderodias, F....................................................................................................... 26 Armstrong, J. ....................................................................................................... 22

B Ba, D. .................................................................................................................. 22 Bates, R.H............................................................................................................ 18 Barres, M.G. ........................................................................................................ 26 Barry, B. .............................................................................................................. 18 Bergasa Perdomo, O. ........................................................................................... 8 Betancor Martel, O............................................................................................... 7 Billiard, L. ........................................................................................................... 6 Bird, J. ................................................................................................................. 18 Bonin, H. ............................................................................................................. 12,18 Boucher, A........................................................................................................... 22 Bourgon Tinao, J.P. ............................................................................................. 7 Bourrières, P. ....................................................................................................... 22 Brayshay, M ........................................................................................................ 19 Brooks, G.E. ........................................................................................................ 19 Brunel, L.............................................................................................................. 21 Burriel de Orueta, E. ............................................................................................ 7

C Cabrera Armas, L.G. ......................................................................................... 8,11,27 Carnero Lorenzo, F. ............................................................................................. 8 Castillo Hidalgo, D. ................................................................................. 8,11,22-23,27 Celce, C. .............................................................................................................. 15 Celerier, J............................................................................................................. 23 Cerutti, A. ............................................................................................................ 23 Chalfin, B. ........................................................................................................... 13 Chappex, J.C. ....................................................................................................... 23 Charpy, J.............................................................................................................. 24 29

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

Chaves, I. ............................................................................................................. 19 Cherfaoui, N. ....................................................................................................... 15 Cleary, M. ............................................................................................................ 19 Cooper, F. ............................................................................................................ 24 Coppieters, D. ...................................................................................................... 12 Coquery-Vidrovitch, C. ........................................................................................ 19 Correia e Silva, A.L. ............................................................................................ 12

D Da Sousa Machado .............................................................................................. 12 Davies, P.N. ......................................................................................................... 7 De Caquerey, G. .................................................................................................. 15 De Luxán Meléndez, S. ........................................................................................ 8 Deasy, G.F. .......................................................................................................... 26 Debrie, J. ............................................................................................................. 27 Delcourt, J. .......................................................................................................... 24 Dessertine, A. ...................................................................................................... 24 Diagne, S. ............................................................................................................ 24 Díaz Benítez, J.J................................................................................................... 8 Díaz de la Paz, A.................................................................................................. 8,9 Diaw, A.T. ........................................................................................................... 22 Diop, A. ............................................................................................................... 24 Diouf, A. .............................................................................................................. 24 Dixon, J.W. .......................................................................................................... 26 Doghmi, H. .......................................................................................................... 15 Dresh, J. ............................................................................................................... 19 Ducruet, C. .......................................................................................................... 14,15 Dumard, P. ........................................................................................................... 24

E Ekundare, R.O. .................................................................................................... 16 Elliot, E................................................................................................................ 27 Engerman, S.L. .................................................................................................... 19 Eugène, E............................................................................................................. 15 Eyquem, J. ........................................................................................................... 15 30

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

G Gaffiot, M. ........................................................................................................... 6 Gauthronet, E. ...................................................................................................... 15 Gleave, M.B......................................................................................................... 26 Gras, P. ................................................................................................................ 19 Gray, J. ................................................................................................................ 26 Guimerá Peraza, M. ............................................................................................. 9 Guimerá Ravina, A. ............................................................................................. 9

H Hance, W.A. ................................................................................................... 6, 12,16 Harding, L. .......................................................................................................... 18,27 Herrera Piqué, A. ................................................................................................. 9 Hilling, D. ............................................................................................................ 14,27 Hopkins, A.G. ...................................................................................................... 16,19 Hoyle, B.S. .......................................................................................................... 12,19 Hunter, M.C. ........................................................................................................ 20

I Iheduru, O.C. ....................................................................................................... 20 ISEMAR .............................................................................................................. 6

J Jackson, G. .......................................................................................................... 20 Jiménez González, J.L.......................................................................................... 11 Jmahri, M............................................................................................................. 15

K Kaukianen, Y. ...................................................................................................... 20

L Lagrillière-Beauclerc, E. ...................................................................................... 25 Laroche, C. .......................................................................................................... 15 Laye, Y. ............................................................................................................... 6 Leclerc, G. ........................................................................................................... 22 Leroy, A.L. .......................................................................................................... 6 Lespes, R. ............................................................................................................ 6 Leubuscher, C. ..................................................................................................... 20 31

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

Lombard, J. .......................................................................................................... 27 Lopes de Figueireido, A. ...................................................................................... 12 Lynn, M. .............................................................................................................. 7

M Mager, H.............................................................................................................. 20 Mah, A................................................................................................................. 20 Makiela-Magambou, G. ....................................................................................... 13 Marc-Schrader, L. ................................................................................................ 25 Marfaing, L. ......................................................................................................... 25 Marnot, B............................................................................................................. 20,23 Marseille, J. ......................................................................................................... 21 Martín Galán, F. ................................................................................................... 9 Martín Hernández, U............................................................................................ 9 Martínez Milán, J.M............................................................................................. 9 Martner Peyrelongue, C. ...................................................................................... 21 Maziane, L. ..................................................................................................... 15,23,27 McMaster, D.N. ................................................................................................... 13 Mering, C............................................................................................................. 22 Miège, J.L. ........................................................................................................... 15 Mohamed-Chérif, F.Z. ......................................................................................... 14,15 Morales Lezcano, V. ............................................................................................ 21 Moraze, C. ........................................................................................................... 25 Mourey, C. ........................................................................................................... 21 Munro, J.B. .......................................................................................................... 21

N Ndjambou, L.E..................................................................................................... 14 Ndao, M. .............................................................................................................. 25 Ninot, O. .............................................................................................................. 27 Nuez Yánez, J.S. .................................................................................................. 8 Nunn, N. .............................................................................................................. 18

O Ogumbomehin, O.O. ............................................................................................ 16 Ogundana, B. ....................................................................................................... 16-17 32

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

Olukoju, A. .......................................................................................................... 17-18

P Paisson, G. ........................................................................................................... 27 Paquet (Cie.) ........................................................................................................ 27 Pérez Hernández, M.A. ........................................................................................ 8,9 Peterec, R.J. ......................................................................................................... 25 Ponce Marrero, F.J. .............................................................................................. 10 Prata, A.F............................................................................................................. 12

Q Querville .............................................................................................................. 25 Quintana Navarro, F............................................................................................. 10

R Raballand, G. ....................................................................................................... 27 Rambaud, A. ........................................................................................................ 21 Raygondaud, L..................................................................................................... 6 Reyes Reyes, F..................................................................................................... 10 Robinson, J. ......................................................................................................... 18,19 Rodríguez y Díaz de Quintana, M. ....................................................................... 10

S Sandoval Martín, M.T. ......................................................................................... 10 Sarraut, A............................................................................................................. 21 Seck, A. ............................................................................................................... 25 Shelwood, J.......................................................................................................... 19 Sherwood, M. ...................................................................................................... 7 Shiaffino, L. ......................................................................................................... 6 Songy, L. ............................................................................................................. 13 Steck, B. .............................................................................................................. 27 Suárez Bosa, M. ..........................................................................................11,15,21,27

T Thomas, B. .......................................................................................................... 13 Toupet, C. ............................................................................................................ 25 Turbe, J.L. ........................................................................................................... 25


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

V Van Dongen, I............................................................................................... 6,12,14,16 Van Sittert, L. ...................................................................................................... 26 Vidalenc, G. ......................................................................................................... 16 Vigarié, A. ........................................................................................................... 21 Vignon, L............................................................................................................. 21

Y Yanishev Nésterova, I. ......................................................................................... 11

W Walker, G. ........................................................................................................... 18 Williams, D.M. .................................................................................................... 22 Wing-Ray, D........................................................................................................ 14 Wittlesey, D. ........................................................................................................ 26

Z Zimmermann, M. ................................................................................................. 26


African Maritime Economic History Bibliography – author list (version 2.0)

D. Castillo Hidalgo

African Maritime Economic History Bibliography This 2.0 version was completed on 24 September, 2016 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain


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