Zootecnia Tropical, ISSN: 0798-7269 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2003, pp. 219-235
Nutritive value of bran and defatted corn germ meal in swine feeding Valor nutritivo del afrecho y germen desgrasado de maíz en la alimentación de cerdos Nelly López1*, Claudio F. Chicco2 y Susmira Godoy3 1
Alimentos Super S. Zona Industrial Sur. Av. Domingo Olavaria. Valencia, Carabobo. Venezuela. *Correo-E:
[email protected] 2 Postgrado Producción Animal. Facultades de Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronomía. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Maracay, Aragua. Venezuela. 3 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas. CENIAP. Maracay, Aragua. Venezuela. Recibido: 30/07/03
Aceptado: 14/01/04
Code Number: zt03015 SUMMARY To evaluate bran and defatted corn germ meal (SAGMD), 400 growing pigs (F1 Landrace/ Duroc x York/Landrace), with an average weight of 30 kg, were randomly assigned, four groups of 20 animals each, to five levels of corn replacement (0, 10, 20, 30, 40%) by SAGMD in the diets. These were corn-soybean type mash, with 3,270 Kcal/kg estimated metabolizable energy (EME) for the 0% corn replacement level, being isoproteic (15% CP), and had similar levels of lysine, methionine, calcium and available phosphorus. The diets were offered at libitum for a 6 week period. To determine the digestibility of SAGMD, 15 pigs (Landrace/DurocxYork/Landrace) were assigned, in groups of five animals each, to diets with 0, 20 and 40% of corn replacement by the byproduct. The animals were kept in metabolic crates during 14 days, 7 for adaptation and 7 for (1 of 16)10/28/2004 10:00:43 AM
collection. In addition using corn and SAGMD as the only ingredients of the diet, digestibility of nutrients and EME were determined by total fecal collection. EME was estimated from digestible energy (DE) values, using a prediction equation. Independently of dietary treatments, average daily body gain and feed conversion were 600 g and 1.76 kg, respectively, without differences among treatments. Feed efficiency increased from 2.78 to 3.16, being the regression equation significant (P