Chapter 17. Gentrification, urban fragmentation and housing market

Gómez R. (2015). Gentrification, urban fragmentation and housing market. En Perspectivas del estudio de la gentrificación en México y América Latina(3

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Gómez R. (2015). Gentrification, urban fragmentation and housing market. En Perspectivas del estudio de la gentrificación en México y América Latina(363-379). México: UNAM, Instituto de Geografía.

Chapter 17. Gentrification, urban fragmentation and housing market Ricardo Gómez Maturano Instituto Politécnico Nacional Introduction The following work aims to characterize the new geographies of gentrification in Latin America and their relationship to the urban fragmentation current processes. In this regard, the paradigmatic studies of gentrification situate this process in the central areas; however, in recent years empirical evidence has appeared in new locations. For example, the named "New-built Gentrification" (Davidson and Less in Salinas, 2013c) that take place in disused spaces of the city and the "rural gentrification" (Phillips, 2010; Solana, 2010). In this sense, one of the questions that attempts to resolve this writing is whether in Latin America are showing new geographies of gentrification, thinking, particularly in the Metropolitan Area of Queretaro. This work is critical because as it points out Casgrain and Janoschka (2013) and Jorge Inzulza (2012a), in the case of Latin America is still reduced the empirical evidence of these processes. The research, on the other hand, pretends to relate the new locations of gentrification with the formation of "fragmented cities" (Kaztman et al. 2003: 12) where the proximity between the high-incomes neighborhoods and the slums is greater. In this regard, the use of the concept of fragmented segregation (Gómez, 2011, 2013, 2014) allow us to have a spatial broader and social vision of gentrification. This is justified by two shortcomings in the study of these processes. First, most researches analyze only an area in which this process is present, without considering the dynamic of the whole city. Secondly, it is usually studied only the areas that are being invaded by upper strata regardless, as indicates Sabatini et al. (2009: 22), that middle and lower strata also can generate processes of invasion denominated of penetration.

The expansion of spatial and social vision in gentrification studies allows to explain how the movement of all social strata is transforming the urban structure. The investigation also seeks to identify what processes motivate these transformations. About this, the explanatory part that will be explored in this research is the role of consumers described by Pedro Abramo (2006). This author reveals the way location decisions of some people have the possibility of "making history," due to “micro individual decision” a “macro trasformation” is posible in the urban order (Ibid.:17). Finally, relating all the processes described above follows the hypothesis that the dynamics of consumers determine the gentrification and penetration processes conforming a fragmented segregation.

New geographies of gentrification in Latin America and fragmented segregation. In the case of Latin America, some researchers have identified the emergence of new geographies of gentrification (Casgrain and Janoschka, 2013; Salinas, 2013c) that will characterize the called Latino- gentrification (Inzulza, 2012a) or Latin American gentrification (Sabatini et al, 2009: 18.). In this sense, they can be classified into three principal locations, classical geography in town centers and historic districts (Rubino, 2005 on Brazil; Inzulza, 2012a on Chile; Hiernaux 2006, Salinas, 2013d and Jones and Varley, 1999 on Mexico) in disused spaces of the city, such as ports, vacant lots and areas formerly occupied by industries (Salinas, on Mexico and Argentina 2013d); and finally, in the new locations in rural areas (Hoyos and Sánchez, 2007 on Mexico; Alvarez, 2007 and Nates, 2008 on Colombia). These locations, according Inzulza (2012: 329) are also related with the cycles of gentrification ranging from 1960 to the present. The author defines the first cycle called "sporadic gentrification" (1964 to 1973), which was located in small neighborhoods in central areas; the second cycle called "Extension of gentrification" (from 1978-1988), was located in central neighborhoods of greater size in global cities; the third and fourth cycle, named "the return of gentrification and the current status" (1993 to nowadays) was situated in central neighborhoods that had already been gentrified previously, in outlying areas and closed communities.

This study identifies if there is geographic evidence in the Metropolitan Area of Queretaro (ZMQ). On the other hand, it is an attempt to complete methodologically gentrification studies in two important aspects. First it studies the process reverse of the gentrification, the penetration. This is described by Francisco Sabatini (Et al, 2009: 22.), as a process carried out by people of lower social condition in residential areas. He points out that vulnerable groups, forced to improve their geography of opportunity, usualy look to settle near urban centers and upper-class neighborhoods. Secondly, it considers the dynamics of expulsion and invasion present in gentrification and penetration. About it, Francisco Sabatini (et al, 2009: 19) points out that gentrification is characterized by the invasion and control of a neighborhood for activities and higher status homes, accompanied by the displacement of former residents. The damaged properties must be unoccupied, with the purpose of being rebuilt and used by people of major social category. Invasion and expulsion seem to be two sides of the same coin. This study suggests that the "penetration" process conducted by occupants lower capacity, it should also be organized analytically. About it, this process is characterized by the invasion carried out in two ways, the abandonment and expulsion. Abandonment occurs when buildings and especially areas have lost commercial value and / or consumption, whereby they are unemployed and then occupied by people with lesser payment ability. The expulsion, which comes about when families with lesser payment ability arrive at a new sector, a decision which can cause the reallocation in another place of high-resource families. In this sense, the analysis about the penetration and gentrification processes (Considering stages of invasion, succession and explosion, elimination), will allow us to know whether the new geographies may be related to current processes of urban fragmentation and particularly what Ricardo Gómez (2011, 2013, 2014) has named fragmented segregation. The research papers that discuss about this dynamic, describe a notoriously different city from previous decades where the "urban geography" has changed (Kaztman et al, 2003), so it appears a "new social mapping" (Svampa, 2004: 55). For other authors these processes are characterized by altering traditional patterns of urban segregation (Sabatini et al., 2001) that generate the called fragmented segregation (Gómez, 2011, 2013, 2014).

For example, Kaztman et al. (2003: 16), in the text "The fragmented city: market, territory and marginality in Montevideo" does mention an increase in the homogeneity of social composition of neighborhoods, as well as a corresponding increase of heterogeneity among them. Another text about transformations of the segregation, is presented by Sabatini et al. (2001), where it explains that the pattern of residential segregation of Chilean cities is transforming in to two main ways: it is changing its geographic scale and its malignancy is increasing, and that Chilean cities (such as Latin Americans) which are known to present a "large-scale" segregation, they are characterized for large areas of poverty and a notable agglomeration of upper classes in an important growing zone linking the center to the periphery; however, alternatively cities could show a segregation in" small scale", it consists in the existence of small homogeneous neighborhoods arranged alternately in urban space (Ibid.). The phenomenon that these authors are describing is that of urban fragmentation, because if the models that were created under the concept of urban segregation show a reduction, it is certainly true that segregation is declining, considering the schemes conducted by the Chicago School. In synthesis, while overall can be noted, gentrification, penetration and the phases of this process, invasion and expulsion, are generating a fragmented segregation (Gómez, 2011, 2013 and 2014). This will be defined as a new social mapping characterized in two scales. A large scale, an alteration in traditional patterns of urban segregation, which is identified as a rupture of typical upper strata sector (i.e., a segregated city) to a cellular structure of strata dispersed throughout the territory (that is to say, a fragmented city); and on a small scale, as a result of these changes in the location of social strata, it presents an increase in homogeneity of social composition in residential areas of upper strata particularly; and a corresponding increase in the heterogeneity between one and other.

Consumers and urban gentrification In studies of gentrification in Latin America the following explanatory positions can be identified. First, gentrificate policies (Casgrain and Janoschka, 2013: 27), which are about political and regulatory devices they specifically offer the creation of the maximum gap of income and ownership by real estate agents who control technology, land and capital. In particular Francisco Sabatini et al.

(2009) identifies two characteristics of these policies: in one hand, the liberalization of land markets; and on the other, highways construction and regional networks urban infrastructure. On the other hand, the establishment of new real estate markets (Ibid.:25), where privatization and proliferation of gated communities take place, in metropolitan periphery as well as in central cities (Inzulza, 2012) in high buildings. Specifically, according Sabatini et al. (2009) this happens in two situations: by expensive land rents capitalized by property developers; due to the concentration of real estate capital that brings on the scene megaprojects of residential, commercial and private offices. And finally, Latin-gentrifiers (Inzulza, 2012a) which are the main consumers of these spaces. So, people are connected to tertiary-sector jobs and middle-income that choose central districts, including young professionals, living alone or whith a partner, with or without children. These are the three major explanations, political, economic and social; nevertheless, it is possible to bring new elements to these explanations, especially because apparently lower income sectors in this context only have the role of witnessing changes in their city and not actors of the same. In this sense, this paper takes up the theoretical discussion “of demand” for explain gentrification, that is to say, of consumers. This does not mean that it explains gentrification accurately; but because in recent years explanatory discourses these processes emphasize the real state market causing a strong bias on its elucidation. So, it seems the market controls the dynamics of the city; however, little is said about the citizens responsibility to demand their right to the city and their responsibility of it. In this context, it uses one of the latest theoretical contributions of the urban economy, especially a heterodox vision proposed by the researcher Pedro Abramo (2006). This researcher proposes the idea that economic actors made decisions representing a space as a set of relative externalities of the different “family types” that make up the residential market. Thus, social externality becomes "the" variable on which individuals based their formulation of their residence decisions (Ibid.:15). For Abramo (2006: 16-17), these consumers are in competition with the different "types" of families which aspire to gain access to residence places where lower income families are absent. The location decisions take place based on a "search agglomeration" between families of the same type, due to the positive effects of synergies produced; that is, overturned decisions for "externalities neighborhood".

However, there are also opportunistic consumers belonging to lower-income families that arrive at new sector, and this decision can cause that high-income families are relocated elsewhere. Each location decision will bring the power to "make history". A "micro decision "(individual) may result in a" macro transformation" of the urban order. This theory is used for two main reasons. First, because it explains the process of penetration, where low-income families look for neighborhood externalities in areas occupied by high income families, causing invasion and explosion processes in some cases. Second, because it allows to recognize the power that can have micro decision of lower resources families in urban macro transformation order to generate "penetration" processes.

Gentrification and penetration in the Metropolitan Zone of Queretaro: 1990-2000 In this section the population’s; processes invasion, succession, expulsion and elimination dynamics are analyzed in different social strata which are part of the gentrification and penetration. The method applied was an adaptation of Spatial Segregation Index Areal, considering the composition changes showed by the index ISEA in the Geostatistics Basic Areas (AGEB generated by INEGI in the 1990 and 2000 Census, unfortunately the study could not be applied in 2010 because the question about income was removed from the basic questionnaire). That means, arithmetic operations were carried to determine which AGEB had presented a decreased social stratum X or increased social stratum Y, and to determine the presence or absence of the process of "penetration" or "gentrificación". The data of each AGEB was used to carry out this study, population data have been categorized according to minimum wages into low, medium and high purchasing. In regard, in 1990 low stata was defined using the employed population variable, earning less than minimum wage; the middle class: earning one or two minimum wages; and high strata: population that earns more than two to five minimum wages. In 2000 low strata was defined as population that earns less than minimum wage and employed population receives more than one to two minimum wages; the middle class: population perceives more than five minimum wages. Based on these data was calculated ISEA index.

This index is commonly used in segregation studies, due to the fact that it measures the degree of exposure. That is, it alludes to the possibility of interaction between members of majority and minority groups. This measure depends on the relative sizes of two groups compared in each spatial unit (Buzai, 2003: 123-124) and is mathematically defined as


𝑥𝑖 𝑋


𝑡𝑖 𝑇

where: xi: Population for the stratum concerned in the census AGEB; X: overall population for stratum in the city; ti: overall population in the census AGEB; T: overall population in the city. The ISEA gives us a set of values ranging from 0 to 1 and 2 where there is a segregation high level (a space very homogeneous), inasmuch as its result is higher and its value is farther than 1. The research looks for locate penetration and gentrification existing processes in the city in 1990 by the arithmetic subtraction between the ISEA for year 1990 and the ISEA for year 2000. So It is possible to identify areas that have lost their population of high incomes, medium and low families; but also areas that have gained population of these groups of families.

Y = ISEA 2000 i - ISEA 1990 i where: ISEA 2000 index value ISEA for year 2000 in social stratum X census AGEB i; ISEA 1990 index value of ISEA for year 1990 social stratum X in the census AGEB census i. The “Y” Data gives us a set of values, the first are equal values or greater than -0.5, or equals or lower than to 0.5 corresponding to AGEB in which

the proportion of social stratum concerned has been stable; the second where the values show lower numbers are -0.5 to -1 and spaces in which the proportion of the population of social stratum concerned has decreased allowing to infer the expulsion process; the third where values show numbers lower than -1 consists in spaces in which the proportion of the population social stratum concerned has reduced allowing to infer the eliminating process of this social stratum; the fourth, where values show numbers higher than 0.5 and up to 1 are spaces in which the proportion of the social stratum population concerned has increased allowing to infer in the invasion processes; finally, the values show numbers higher than 1, are the spaces in which the proportion of the population of social stratum concerned has had an increase allowing to infer succession processes. Depending on the interpretation of these data may determine the presence or absence of the "penetration" or "gentrification" process. The first geography is the "gentrification" in "historic neighborhoods ". In this area a succession process by upper strata families with expulsion of lower strata families takes place. It was located in the east of the down town of ZMQ where an emblematic element of the city is situated: the Aqueduct next to the Barrio de la Cruz, La Cruz and La Pastora (in zone A of Figure 1). The "historic neighborhoods gentrification in the first contour": this area presets a succession process given by high purchasing families, expulsion and low strata families disposal in some of the first neighborhoods in the ZQM. This process was located in the east of the historic city center neighborhoods in San Javier, Querétaro´s Gardens, Bosques de Acueducto, Pathe, Alamos 1a. Alamos 2a. and the largest Carretas(In area B of figure 1). The gentrification of the "exclusive neighborhood in the exurbia". In these spaces have produced the invasion of higher income families with the expulsion of middle strata families. They are located in exurbia away from ancient locations of the upper strata and connected to the urban area by regional ways. This is situated in the Jurica neighborhood on the northern of the road and in the south-west in the Club Campestre de Queretaro, on the edge of the road Aguascalientes - Querétaro (in areas C of figure 1). The “new- built gentrification in adjacent areas of upper strata in the urban surroundings". In this area a process of invasion and succession occurs by upper strata families with an expulsion and elimination of low strata families of the first contour and adjacent spaces to historic neighborhoods of upper classes.

We found in two locations, the first one near from the Mexico – Queretaro highway on the east side of the historic neighborhoods in Arboledas, Colinas del Parque, Pedregal de Queretaro, Calesa, El Cortijo and Los Arcos. The second, on the west around the Club Campestre and the road that connect Aguascalientes with the areas Prados del Campestre, Jardines de la Hacienda, La joya, Lomas de Queretaro, del Valle and areas where there was elimination and expulsion El jacal, Las Plazas, San Angel, Del Prado ( in the area D figure 1).

The “new-built gentrification in the industrial areas in urban surroundings ": in this area the invasion by upper strata families occurs without expulsion in urban areas in the western part of the ZMQ, in settlements as 5 de Febrero, Gerber, San José de la Montada, near from the industrial area where existed large urban wastelands (in the area E of Figure 1). The “new-built gentrification around public urban furnishing in the periurban areas". In this area the invasion takes place without expulsion in urban areas by upper strata families on the southern, west and north. The process was caused mainly by the presence of the super gentrifiers that divided or create housing complexes generated around of equipment urban in the n South of Corregidora Stadium, the new Bus Station, Show Center; on the west side, the University Center of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Queretaro; and finally in the north side, around of Parque Queretaro 2000 it will trigger in another process (in the area F in Figure 1). The “new-built gentrification” around the new urban private equipment in the periurban areas.” Here, a succession process occurs without expulsion, in the northv side where gated communities and neighborhoods are generated by the called super gentrifiers: Real del Parque, Arboledas del parque, Fraccionamiento Vista 2000, Lomas de San Pablo, de Jacarandas etc. These residential complex were located around the new urban private equipment: Institute of Technology Higher Studies, shopping centers (Soriana, CHEDRAUI) shops cars, furniture, shopping malls, private hospitals, banks, large parking and hotels. All spaces near the Boulevard Bernardo Quintana and what they represent, the private life (in the G zone Figure 1). The "rural gentrification around native villages". It is the process of invasion without expulsion in rural areas by upper strata families in areas adjacent to towns and connected to the urban area through regional roads. It is located in the ZMQ near the settlement named El Pueblito and around the highway that connects Aguascalientes-Queretaro (in the area H Figure 1).

The "rural gentrification in areas with landscape character" is the process of invasion without expulsion in rural areas by upper strata families in areas with mountains, lakes and connected to the urban area by roads regional. It is located in the east of the ZMQ in the gated community Del Campanario located away from urban areas and separated by through natural barriers of other settlements (in zone I of Figure 1). The "urban surrounding inside the upper strata" penetration. In these areas was a process of invasion by lower purchasing families and the expulsion of higher strata families, this occurred in the ZMQ into the cone of the upper and middle classes. This, next to the Mexico-Queretaro highway in the settlements Del Rio, El Bosque, El Limonar, Hercules, La Laguna, Tejas, La estacion, April 2 and La Cuesta. In the north in the settlement Bolaños (in area 1 in Figure 1). The "urban surrounding of the upper strata" penetration, is characterized as a present invasion by less purchasing families and an indirect expulsion of higher social strata. It is located in the north near the "new-built gentrification " around the new urban private constructions in the urban surrounding area in the colonies where only the invasion was presented trough residential complex San Pedrito Peñuelas I, II and III Ecologico, El Parque, Consituyentes, and some of the inhabitants removal by residential developments, Merchaca I and Penuelas (in areas 2 Figure 1). The rural penetration in "the exurbia of the upper strata contour”, invasion process leaded by lower income families without expulsion, the edge of the residential areas of high purchasing families. It is located in the north side around the most expensive neighborhood in Jurica el Pueblo, Gobernates, La Campana, and a settlement named Loma Bonita (in zones 3 of Figure 1). In short, geographies of gentrification in ZMQ are developed in historic neighborhoods, in the first contour and the (unique exclusive developments in exurbia that presented expulsion of middle strata); the ““new-built gentrification” occurred in adjacent areas to the upper strata (urban surrounding area, with expulsion and elimination of the low strata); also in the industrial area of periurban zone, around urban furnishing and new private urban constructions; "Rural gentrification" was detected around native villages and landscape character areas.

Furthermore, penetration processes presented the following geographies: in the periurban area with the upper strata (with direct expulsion of families with money), surrounding the upper strata (with indirect expulsion of the upper strata) and finally, in exurbia in the contour of the upper strata (without expulsion). In this sense, there is one last question what is the impact of these dynamic into patterns segregation in ZMQ? The fragmented segregation Metropolitan Area of Queretaro The study of the segregation pattern is part of the hypothesis that the penetration dynamics and gentrification altered the urban segregation geography, defined by an increased homogeneity in the social composition of neighborhoods, as well as a corresponding increase in the heterogeneity among them. This part of the research was also based on the values of the Index of Spatial Segregation Areal ISEA already developed previously to build a thematic mapping about the results with a color graduation that indicates different intensities of the ISEA. The social structure map done by the ISEA shows that in the year 1990 a heterogeneous city inside the AGEB, and homogeneity between them. This also can be seen in social diversity that is presented. For example, in one hand, in the central city there are many AGEB reveals a significant presence of high and low strata coexisting, forming a series of sectors; on the other hand, the mixture of middle and lower strata in a large area in the southwest toward the municipality of Corregidora. In a divided dynamic shows in the north can be appreciated homogeneous AGEB and heterogeneity among AGEB that surround them. In synthesis it is a city with small-scale heterogeneous neighborhoods, while homogeneous with large uniform areas (figure 2). In year2000 there was a transformation in the urban structure of social strata, resulting in a more homogeneous city inside the AGEB and heterogeneous between neighborhoods. First, this can be observed in the homogeneity of the upper strata social of the AGEB that do not have evidence to inside social mixture; and second, they present a huge heterogeneous with AGEB near to it, because they are not part of large similar sectors, but are instead distributed in a cellular form. The same high strata already do not coexist with the lower strata. This may be seen in two distributions; in one hand, in the inner city it presents a moderate homogeneityof the upper strata, without a large presence of low strata; and in the other hand, only exist two AGEB in the southwest with lower and high stata (figure 3).

In conclusion, the strata structure in 1990 showed a city heterogeneous inside the AGEB and homogeneity among them, that is, one small city with heterogeneous areas and a large dimension a homogeneous city with large uniform sectors. In 2000, the structure changed to a city that had increased homogeneity in the social composition of its AGEB, as well as a corresponding increase heterogeneity among them; with the particularity that its neighborhoods distributed heterogeneous and homogeneous like a cell exploded. This analysis shows that the dynamics of penetration and gentrification have done segregation by parts.

General conclusions

The purposes of this research were empirical and theoretical. About the first ones, It was looking for new geographies of gentrification in Latin American cities and the relation with the second ones, it intended to explain these patterns from dynamics consumers. In this regard the gentrification process, it was identified that the process in an ancient area the typical "gentrification in historic neighborhoods"; However a new pattern also was showed the "gentrification of the historic neighborhoods for upper strata". Some studies only include some historical neighborhoods; however, we must differentiate neighborhoods from the house complex that are not part of this historical process urban qualities. These results question the theory of Abramo (2006) where location is based on "externalities neighborhood" social; Nevertheless, in this space, gentrification has to do with the urban history space, that is, with a spatial externality. Another new pattern identified were the "exclusive developments in the exurbia ". Generally, the work focuses on the areas where low strata population is expulsed; this process is also given by scrubbing middle strata families in some exclusive developments in the exurbia. This process responds to that indicated by Abramo (2006) where consumers are in competition with the different "types" of family, in this case by the cost of living in certain neighborhoods. The geography of the "new-built gentrification” was produced mainly in the suburbs of the metropolitan area and around of regional roadways. It coincides with that indicated by Inzulza (2012) about the urban surrounding population with the presence of low stratus and large wastelands, where the implementations of major communication infrastructures make them the most desirable areas of the city. In addition to roads, logic location was defined by the wastelands of the industrial area, public and private facilities. These data questions the Abramo theory (2006), as the author pointed out that families aspire to residence places where lower incomes families are absent. About the solution to this by the housing market was the adoption of urban closed places and private spaces in the city, which control these externalities of neighborhood.

The rural gentrification did not show a significant development about previous studies, as they were located around native villages; but a novel feature was the gentrification without expulsion "in areas with landscape character", near hills or dams with significant landscape value. In these spaces may question whether it is valid to define them as gentrification, as there is no direct or indirect expulsion. The conclusion about the penetration processes, demonstrates empirically the theory of Pedro Abramo (2006) concerning to opportunists consumers (low-income families), when they arrive to a new sector, they can cause that high incomes families relocated elsewhere. In this sense were showed, processes "urban surrounding penetration inside high strata”, these processes are given by the arrival of low strata to open neighborhoods. Thus, the upper strata families were expulsed to gated communities as is shown by the degree of homogeneity of these spaces in the map segregation patterns 2000. A second type of penetration was the "urban surrounding penetration of the upper strata". It is an indirect penetration, because the AGEB surrounded by the invasion of the lower strata were abandoned by the upper strata. The third, the rural penetration the "exurbia in the contour of the upper strata", the invasion without expulsion of families with money. This distribution corresponds to the point by Sabatini et al. (2009: 22) where vulnerable groups bound to improve its geography of opportunity, they look to settle in nearby places to the suburbs of the upper classes; however, it would be good to think that but this will generate expulsion processes. Finally, penetration and gentrification processes motivated by consumers have altered patterns of segregation. In this sense, the "Agglomeration" between families of the same type by the "externalities neighborhood" has generated in the upper strata a big number of homogeneous AGEB, with less social contact with middle and lower strata families of; however, this has been in exploded and cell form throughout the ZMQ due to the presence of gated communities. In the same dynamic of this process, AGEB of the lower strata have been abandoned by medium and high purchasing families; and on the other hand, they have been expulsed by these same social groups in certain areas decreasing social contact. Thus, based on the empirical study, it can be noted that, overall, the gentrification and penetration processes are creating a fragmented segregation (Gómez, 2011, 2013, 2014), characterized in two scales. in one hand, on a large scale, due to an alteration in traditional patterns of segregation urban, which is identified by a ruptured typical sector of the high strata to a cellular structure as a result of changes in the location of social strata, it produces an increase of the homogeneity in the composition social of housing complex, especially the upper strata and a corresponding increase in the heterogeneity between them.

The results of this research allow new questions. For example, from an "optimistic" point of view, Does new social mapping generate dynamics of social mobility? the distance between strata social, will it allow an improvement in the quality of life of less purchasing families? On the other hand, from a "pessimistic" point of view, Will new cartography generate dynamic of social conflict? In other words, Is social proximity trigger violence and social insecurity due to fallback mechanisms that are using the upper strata? Finally, if the real estate market generates gentrification, is it possible that from social movements promotes policies penetration in the struggle for urban territory and exercise its right to the city?

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