Consonant-le Stories Flipbook PDF

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Recommend Stories

Ghost stories; Rosemary Border
Literatura infantil y juvenil inglesa. Relatos de terror # Terror tales. Short novel. Characters. Setting. Plot

Ghost stories in Great Britain
Legends. Murder. Suspense. King Arthur. Mistery of the loch Ness # Fantasmas. Asesinatos. Misterio

Story Transcript

Apple Soda

There were two elves called Prattle and Waggle. They liked to get into trouble together. One day they found a bottle of apple soda that they decided they were going to guzzle. First, they had to work out the puzzle of how to remove the top without losing the fizzle. Waggle tried first to give the top a little wiggle. It didn’t work, so Prattle began to giggle. Prattle tried next using the ruffle on his shirt. He gave the top a wiggle, but it still did not work. Waggle and Prattle were not giving up. “Let the battle begin,” said Prattle. A big muddle was about to begin. Waggle tried a pebble, Prattle a paddle, and Waggle gave the bottle a cuddle. Still no luck. Next they tried to juggle with the bottle and played it a song on their fiddles. Waggle suggested that they let the bottle settle but Prattle said “no!” Prattle gave it a big bang with the paddle. The bottle of apple soda exploded. All Waggle and Prattle could do was open their mouths and let the soda drizzle in. They danced and giggled until it was all gone.

Mr. Thumble’s Interesting Day

Mr. Thumble was a wise old man that lived on a hill. He loved simple things in life. One day he felt a rumble. It made the candle on his table tremble. As the house did tremble, he was scared his house would crumble to the ground. “What should I do?” he thought. “I must get out of my house, and I must be careful that I don’t stumble and hurt my ankle! Mr. Thumble took a gamble. He needed to get his prize items out of his house. He grabbed his candle, his picture of the jungle, and next he went to the cabinet. He fumbled with the handle. He had to get his knitting out before his house crumbled. His knitting was in a tangle with the spindle. He used his nimble fingers to free his precious things. As quick as a flash, with his things in a jumble, he fled to safety outside his house. As he stood on the top of the hill, he smiled and showed his dimple. What a day!

Trifle On a farm far away, many years ago, was a beautiful brown horse named Trifle. He had a long, brown mane, and a silver bridle. He looked so elegant and noble standing in his field. In a cradle at the edge of his field was hay that he was able to eat. Trifle just let it sit there idle. He was bored. He longed to be able to ride past the gable on the big red barn, which was also a stable. He dreamt of being in an adventure where he ran past the maple trees into town. A man playing a bugle would lasso him with a cable, and he would dine up at the table where humans would serve him with ladles. He would have the title of Sir Trifle. I wonder if he will ever be able to have his dream come true?

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