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OFICINA DE INFORMACIÓN JUVENIL DE GIJÓN PREMIOS Y CONCURSOS martes, 17 de enero de 2012 Página 1 de 13 C/ Jovellanos, 21, 33201 Gijón Tel.: 985 1

Story Transcript


PREMIOS • (en inglés) AFEX French World Architecture Grand Prix 2010: EWHA Women’s University in Seoul by Dominique PERRAULT • (en inglés) Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes (UNESCO-Greece) - Dates for Submission of Nominations Papers: from 15 July to 1 September 2010 • (en inglés) Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) creates a Ramsar Section; establishes a Ramsar-SWS Student project award; and gives Ramsar DSG its International Fellow Award for 2010 • (en inglés) European Excellence Awards 2010 - Prague, Czech Republic, 9 December 2010 • (en inglés) Convention on Migratory Species and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Thesis Award - Call for Applications - Closing Date for Applications: 15 April 2011 • (en inglés) Launch of IUCN-Reuters-COMplus Environmental Media Awards 2010 • (en inglés) 2010 Los Angeles Architecture Awards

BECAS • Fundación ILAM/Capacitación: becas patrocinadas por el Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de España . Fecha límite: 8 agosto 2010 • La Eurorregión convoca ayudas comunes para proyectos culturales • (en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science Deadline for Application: 1 September 2010 • (en inglés) The Getty Foundation • (en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute - Conservation Guest Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Deadline for Application: 1 November 2010 • (en inglés) European Cultural Foundation seeks projects for Collaboration Grants - Deadline for Applications: 6 September 2010 • (en inglés) Scholarships for Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (SAHC) • (en inglés) YTL Corporation sponsors Fellows in Asia

CONCURSOS • Apertura del plazo de presentación de propuetas para el Programa Europeo de Cultura. Fecha límite: 1 octubre 2010 • (en inglés) Ideas Competition - National Monument Grounds. WASHINGTON D.C. (USA) • (en inglés) First EFLA landscape architecture image competition. Deadline for Applications: 1 October 2010 • (en inglés) UNEP Sasakawa Prize open: US $200,000 for innovative green project


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• (en inglés) The Candaba Wetland Centre Design Competition (The Philippines) • (en inglés) Tram Museum in Porto competition proposal / OODA + Lencastre Arquitectos • (en inglés) Universalmuseum Joanneum pavilion competition proposal • (en inglés) “Chi-rrette”: Ladies Competition • (en italiano) Concorso per il restauro dell’architettura “Tradizione Devozione Ambizione”

PUESTOS DE TRABAJO • (en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute: Graduate Interns - Deadline for Applications: 15 December 2010 • (en inglés) ICCROM - Vacancy Coomunication and Web Administrator. Deadline for Applications: 17 September 2010 • (en inglés) Executive Assistant, Energy & Climate - United Nations Foundation (UNF) / Better World Fund (BWF) • (en francés) Directeur de l’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre (OSUC) Orléans, France. Date limite de candidature : 1er septembre 2010 • (en francés) L’Inrap (Institut National de Recherches Arqueologiques Preventives) recrute


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PREMIOS (en inglés) AFEX French World Architecture Grand Prix 2010: EWHA Women’s University in Seoul by Dominique PERRAULT UNESCO Venice Office, within its particular framework of the activities for the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, will host the first edition of the AFEX Grand Prix of French Architecture to be held at Palazzo Zorzi on August 27, 2010 at 5 pm. Más en inglés: http://www.unesco.org/en/venice/single-view/news/afex_french_world_architecture_grand_ prix_2010_ewha_womens_university_in_seoul_by_dominique_perrault/back/13912/cHash/bdce1ff85f/

(en inglés) Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes (UNESCO-Greece) - Dates for Submission of Nominations Papers: from 15 July to 1 September 2010 The purpose of the UNESCO-Greece Melina Mercouri International Prize is to reward outstanding examples of action to safeguard and enhance the world’s major cultural landscapes. The prize, which consists of a certificate and of the sum of US$30,000, may be awarded either to an individual or to a group of persons, working in a personal capacity or as staff member(s) of a private or public institution chosen by the Director-General of UNESCO on the recommendation of an international jury. The landscapes proposed in connection with the nomination must fit the definition of at least one of the three categories of cultural landscapes decided on by the World Heritage Committee at its six- Melina Mercouri © UNESCO / UNESCO teenth session (Santa Fe, 1992). Más información en inglés: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/showUid/2062/

(en inglés) Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) creates a Ramsar Section; establishes a Ramsar-SWS Student project award; and gives Ramsar DSG its International Fellow Award for 2010 The Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS) has been working closely with Ramsar’s Scientific & Technical


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Review Panel for some years. At its June 2010 annual conference in Salt Lake City, USA, the SWS agreed to further strengthen the mechanisms for linking the expertise of its membership with Ramsar’s work through the creation of a special-interest “Ramsar Section” of the Society, with Ramsar’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) member George Lukacs as its inaugural Chair... Más información en inglés: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-archives-2010-sws-meeting/main/ ramsar/1-26-45-437%5E24721_4000_0

(en inglés) European Excellence Awards 2010 - Prague, Czech Republic, 9 December 2010 Communication is, by definition, the exchange of information by any number of different means. Each and every method of communication has its own varied avenues and assets.

The European Excellence Awards honour outstanding achievement in the profession on an international scale. Bringing together the finest work in the field of communications for a memorable evening, the European Excellence Awards spotlight the importance of the entire profession, and provide an excellent networking forum for all in attendance. The awards take a comprehensive look at the full spectrum of communications disciplines throughout Europe, and are presented for only the most outstanding accomplishments within this arena. The deadline for entries is October 8th, 2010. The shortlist will be announced on November 11th, 2010. Más información en inglés: http://www.excellence-awards.eu/

(en inglés) Convention on Migratory Species and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Thesis Award - Call for Applications - Closing Date for Applications: 15 April 2011 The UNEP/CMS Thesis Award on Migratory Species Conservation, sponsored by Lufthansa, is now open for applications until April 2011. The award of €10,000 (c. US$ 12,850) will be made at the 10th Meeting of the Conference of Parties to CMS (COP10) in Norway in November 2011, in affiliation with the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) in Bonn. The Secretariat of the Bonn Convention on Migratory Species advertises this award to promote scientific research and conservation of migratory species, as defined by the Convention. The thesis should provide new data and insights into the biology and ecology of migratory species or external factors disrupting their migration patterns. Research results must be applicable to conservation measures to the benefit of migratory species. Más en inglés: http://www.cms.int/news/PRESS/nwPR2010/07_ jul/nw_120710_CMS_Thesis_Award.htm


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(en inglés) Launch of IUCN-Reuters-COMplus Environmental Media Awards 2010 IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), Thomson Reuters Foundation and COMplus are launching the 2010 Media Awards, a worldwide competition aimed at raising global awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues, by encouraging the highest standards in environmental reporting worldwide. The awards, co-funded by IUCN and the COMplus Alliance of Communicators for Sustainable Development, are aimed at journalists working in print and online media. They are invited to submit entries to the 2010 IUCN– Reuters-COMplus Media Awards. Winners will be selected by a panel of environmental and media experts. Más información en inglés: http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/?5470/Launch-of-IUCN-ReutersCOMplus-Environmental-Media-Awards-2010

(en inglés) 2010 Los Angeles Architecture Awards A few weeks ago the LA Business Council hosted the 40th version of the LA Architectural Awards.

Selected by a jury of 10 notable design and building professionals, the winning projects cut across a wide range of building types, from commercial office spaces to affordable apartment complexes to sports arenas. The call for entries went out in December 2009 to more than 7,000 industry leaders. From the hundreds of submissions received, the jury selected 31 winning projects in 20 overall categories. All winning projects, except the “Best of LA Architects” award winners, are located within Los Angeles County. “Best of LA Architects” recognizes local architects for projects completed outside of Los Angeles County. The Grand Prize went to the LAPD Administration Building by AECOM (in a joint venture with Roth Sheppard Associates), and we also find projects recently featured at ArchDaily such as the Hidden House by Standard Architecture, the Cherokee Lofts by Pugh + Scarpa, the Graduate Aerospace Laboratories by John Friedman Alice Kimm Architects or the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics by Morphosis. Más información en inglés: http://www.archdaily.com/70675/2010-los-angeles-architecture-awards/

BECAS Fundación ILAM/Capacitación: becas patrocinadas por el Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de España . Fecha límite: 8 agosto 2010 El Ministerio de Cultura de España y la Fundación ILAM a través de Ilam/Capacitación, se complacen en anunciar el lanzamiento de la presente propuesta de capacitación virtual, para la cual en esta ocasión se


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ofrecen becas totales gentilmente patrocinadas por el Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de España para las instituciones patrimoniales de América Latina y el Caribe, para un Programa Completo de Capacitación compuesto por los siguientes tres talleres por Internet: * Registro y Catalogación de Colecciones 6 septiembre – 8 octubre * Identidad Visual y Comunicación para Instituciones Patrimoniales 11 octubre – 12 noviembre * Plan de Conservación Preventiva (diagnóstico del museo y elaboración del plan). 15 noviembre – 17 diciembre Este Programa de talleres permitirá a los participantes contar con las herramientas teórico-prácticas para poder afrontar con éxito los retos que imponen el resguardo y la comunicación del patrimonio y la diversidad cultural de los museos, facilitando así la promoción del museo como un agente de cambio social. Los tres talleres están conceptualizados para que los participantes reflexionen y revisen con un ojo crítico las prácticas que como profesionales llevan a cabo dentro de sus museos, pero también para que sean capaces de emprender acciones concretas y efectivas sobre aquellas áreas de acción del museo en que identifiquen debilidades, mejorando así el papel de su institución como custodio y transmisor de nuestra riqueza patrimonial cultural y natural. Se recibirán solicitudes únicamente en este correo: [email protected] Más información: http://capacitacion.ilam.org/

La Eurorregión convoca ayudas comunes para proyectos culturales La Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Pirineos-Mediterráneo (AECT) ha publicado la convocatoria común de ayudas para proyectos culturales 2010 (convocatoria en catalán y convocatoria en francés), que para este año destina 240.000 euros. Como novedad principal, hay que destacar que la convocatoria estará abierta permanentemente, de manera que se podrán ir presentando los proyectos a lo largo de todo el año. Éstos serán evaluados en dos comisiones, que tendrán lugar los meses de marzo y septiembre. Otra novedad es que los proyectos podrán durar hasta 2 años desde la aprobación de la subvención. Además, la tasa de cofinanciamiento no podrá exceder el 60% del coste total del proyecto. Más información: http://www.euroregio.eu/eu/AppJava/es/sala_de_prensa/actualidad/new_126408.jsp

(en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science - Deadline for Application: 1 September 2010 The Getty Conservation Institute’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science is a two-year program designed to provide experience in the field of conservation science to a recent PhD recipient in chemistry or the physical sciences who has an interest in the conservation of cultural heritage. The postdoctoral fellow plays an integral role in the GCI Science department’s ongoing work to develop appropriate and sustainable solutions to conservation problems associated with art objects, architecture, and archaeological sites. Más información en inglés: http://www.getty.edu/ conservation/education/scholars/index.html#postdoc


Catherine Schmidt, 2007-2009 GCI Postdoctoral Fellow in Conservation Science, examines a leaf from the illuminated manuscript “The Laudario of Sant’Agenese,” a work by Pacino di Bonaguida (J. Paul Getty Museum). Photo: J. Paul Getty Trust

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(en inglés) The Getty Foundation The Getty Foundation has awarded $630,000 for the preservation of two major works of art: The Mystic Lamb by Hubert and Jan van Eyck (the Ghent Altarpiece) of 1432 and The Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari of 1546. These grants are part of the Getty’s Panel Paintings Initiative, an international effort to train conservation specialists to ensure that important and intricate works of art such as these survive for future generations... Más información en inglés: http://www.getty.edu/news/press/center/ghent_and_vasari.html

(en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute - Conservation Guest Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Deadline for Application: 1 November 2010 In the decade since it was established, the Conservation Guest Scholar program has hosted professionals addressing a wide range of theoretical, scientific, and practical topics related to the conservation of museum collections, historic architecture, archaeological sites, and cultural landscapes. The diversity of research topics and the broad array of experiences represented by the GCI Guest Scholars have enriched the Institute’s own work while adding new knowledge and thinking to the field. Más información en inglés: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/education/scholars/index.html

(en inglés) European Cultural Foundation seeks projects for Collaboration Grants - Deadline for Applications: 6 September 2010 Collaboration Grants fund transnational, cross-sectoral activities by independent cultural and artistic organisations working together or with independent organisations from other sectors. We have long facilitated people working collaboratively across Europe. Collaboration grants are designed to support projects that bring a renewed understanding of Europe to people of all backgrounds. Más información en inglés: http://www.eurocult.org/grants/collaboration-grants

(en inglés) Scholarships for Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (SAHC) Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are now open (call 3). This Master Course is organized by a consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic). The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications. Más información en inglés: http://www.msc-sahc.org/

(en inglés) YTL Corporation sponsors Fellows in Asia In Kuala Lumpur on June 21, YTL Corporation announced a $2M gift to support “YTL Fellows for a RarePlanet” – which will enable more than one hundred local leaders across Asia to participate in Rare’s training program over the next four years. A mock cheque was presented at a high profile event that included Malaysia’s Minister of Tourism, representatives from top media outlets, three generations of YTL’s founding


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family (including Ruth Yeoh, a Rare Trustee, her father, and grandfather), and Rare’s VP for Asia Nigel Sizer. Also on hand to celebrate the announcement were Rare Fellow Suzieanna Ramlee from Tun Mustapha Marine Park, Borneo and Rejani Kunjappan from campaign partner organization WWF-Malaysia. YTL Corporation supports environmental sustainability projects worldwide, including a high profile series of awareness-raising events in Malaysia known as “Climate Change Week”. Más información en inglés: http://rareconservation.org/news/article.php?id=119

CONCURSOS Apertura del plazo de presentación de propuetas para el Programa Europeo de Cultura. Fecha límite: 1 octubre 2010 La cultura constituye un ámbito de actuación relativamente nuevo para la Unión Europea (UE), al menos desde un punto de vista jurídico: el fundamento jurídico para la actuación de la UE en este ámbito no se remonta sino a 1992, con el Tratado de Maastricht. Esta actuación está enfocada a fomentar y apoyar la cooperación dentro de Europa con el fin de resaltar el patrimonio cultural común europeo. La Comisión Europea fomenta la cultura mediante dos maneras. 1. mediante políticas, principalmente políticas culturales, pero también mediante la integración de la dimensión cultural en otros ámbitos de interés para la UE, como por ejemplo la competencia o la política industrial. 2. mediante apoyo financiero, principalmente mediante el Programa Cultura (2007- 2013), pero también mediante otras actuaciones como, por ejemplo, las enmarcadas en el ámbito de la política regional. Estos dos aspectos se encuentran estrechamente interrelacionados ya que el Programa ha sido concebido con el fin de servir al desarrollo de políticas en el ámbito cultural y, en última instancia, para fomentar los valores culturales comunes con el objetivo de potenciar el patrimonio cultural compartido por los ciudadanos europeos. Más información: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/culture/programme/documents/2010/may/ES.pdf

(en inglés) Ideas Competition - National Monument Grounds. WASHINGTON D.C. (USA) The purpose of the National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds is to encourage Americans of all ages to develop innovative and creative ideas for making the Washington Monument grounds more welcoming, educational, and effectively used by the public. The idea for this Competition came out of a realization that while the Washington Monument is the defining feature of the Washington DC skyline


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and the centerpiece of the National Mall, at ground level its vast open space remains unfinished and underutilized. Currently, there is no consensus as to what role the Monument grounds should play in the future. The Competition will spur public interest in George Washington, the Revolution, and other chapters in the American story. The Competition will join legacy and future, historical context and contemporary thinking, and engage a lively debate about the 21st century use of this symbolic landscape in the civic life of our democracy. Más información en inglés: http://www.wamocompetition.org/

(en inglés) First EFLA landscape architecture image competition. Deadline for Applications: 1 October 2010 EFLA, on behalf of all of its member associations, is delighted to call for entries for its first landscape architecture image competition. This Europe-wide competition is to promote and reward the submission of professional-quality landscape architectural images - without restriction on the interpretation or definition of ‘landscape architecture’. The results, with the permission of the author, will be used to enrich the EFLA website. All appropriate images will be displayed on the EFLA website homepage for 3 weeks and the overall winner will be rewarded with free entry to the EFLA General Assembly Seminar (‘The European Landscape Convention - A 10 YEAR REVIEW’) to be held in Brussels (27th November 2010). In addition the winning image will be used for EFLA’s first official Christmas card, 2011. Más en inglés: http://europe.iflaonline.org/index.php?option=com_tevent&view=itm&layout=evt&id=82

(en inglés) UNEP Sasakawa Prize open: US $200,000 for innovative green project The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and The Nippon Foundation today officially launched the 2011 UNEP Sasakawa Prize to find the most innovative environmental project in the developing world - with a cash prize of US$ 200,000 awaiting the winner.

The UNEP Sasakawa Prize is awarded every year to a grassroots organisation judged to have made an outstanding contribution to the protection and management of the environment, and to social development. The theme for this year’s prize is “Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth” in support of the United Nations International Year of Forests in 2011. Más información en inglés: http://www.unep.org/sasakawa/


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(en inglés) The Candaba Wetland Centre Design Competition (The Philippines) Between December 2009 and May 2010, the Architectural Students Association of the Philippines – University of the Philippines and the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc. (SCWP), organized the ‘The Candaba Wetland Centre Design Competition’. This was a competition for architectural students to come up with a design for the proposed Candaba Wetland Centre which is envisioned to be an educational gateway to the Candaba Marsh in the Province of Pampanga, Philippines... Más información en inglés: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-news-archives-2010-candabacentre/main/ ramsar/1-26-45-437%5E24713_4000_0

(en inglés) Tram Museum in Porto competition proposal / OODA + Lencastre Arquitectos Portuguese architects OODA shared with us their proposal (in collaboration with Lencastre Arquitectos) for the Tram Museum International Competition in Porto, Portugal. As a generic surface of placement, the city of Porto has special identifying characteristics at the same time capable of creating architectural difficulties.

Such as transportation. The tram is one of the most iconic figures of Porto and not only helps to keep alive its history and background but also contribute to the statement of the city as a trademark for turism and leisure. However the museum, concerning its present building, only works as a fragment of memory that do not communicate with the city nor in program neither in presence which is the Tram inner definition and function: circulation, connection people and places. Más información en inglés: http://www.archdaily.com/69279/tram-museum-in-porto-competition-proposalooda-lencastre-arquitectos/

(en inglés) Universalmuseum Joanneum pavilion competition proposal Stefan Krische shared with us his proposal for an information pavilion competition for the Universalmuseum Joanneum, which has it’s 200th anniversary soon. The main points said construction should be made out of wood, it shoul be transportable and it couldn’t cost more than 40.000€. Más información en inglés: http://www.museum-joanneum.at/

(en inglés) “Chi-rrette”: Ladies Competition We all know Chicago is an Architecture “mecca”.


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From Mies to FLW, and SOM, Gehry, Piano, Ando, and the new Krueck+Sexton, Gang, etc. All have created quite the compilation of architecture within the city’s fabric. Now, you are next. For this award WIA (Women in Architecture) FUND is calling you, ladies, to design the next big thing on Chicago’s waterfront, in a property owned by the city, one with a desired yet ultimately unknown destiny. Más información en inglés: http://wiafund.org/home/Entries/2010/8/1_%E2%80%9CCHIRRETTE%E2%80%9D.html

(en italiano) Concorso per il restauro dell’architettura “Tradizione Devozione Ambizione” L’UNPLI Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia – Dipartimento Cultura e Territorio promuove il concorso per il restauro dell’architettura “Tradizione Devozione Ambizione”. Obiettivo del concorso è di premiare i migliori interventi di recupero di edifici architettonici e di beni immobili, sia pubblici che privati realizzati nel territorio nazionale e nella Repubblica di San Marino. Más información: http://www.tafter.it/2010/07/17/06-09-10-%E2%80%93-concorso-per-il-restauro-dellarchitettura-%E2%80%9Ctradizione-devozione-ambizione%E2%80%9D/

PUESTOS DE TRABAJO (en inglés) Getty Conservation Institute: Graduate Interns - Deadline for Applications: 15 December 2010 This year’s application deadline for the 2010-2011 cycle has passed. Application instructions remain on this site for your reference only. The next application deadline will be December 1, 2010, (please note this is a new deadline date) and new application materials will be available here in September 2010. Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation—to students of all nationalities who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking. Más información en inglés: http://www.getty.edu/foundation/funding/leaders/current/grad_internships.html

(en inglés) ICCROM - Vacancy Coomunication and Web Administrator. Deadline for Applications: 17 September 2010 ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) was founded in 1956 by UNESCO. As an intergovernmental organization with 129 Member States, its mandate is to raise the level of conservation of cultural heritage worldwide. It provides technical advice and information, professional education and carries out training and research work. It gathers, interprets and shares information on cultural heritage preservation and promotes conservation activities. The Organization is currently looking for a candidate to its position of Communication and Web Administrator P-2 located in Rome. Más información en inglés: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2010_en/various_en/07_13vacancyICCROM_en.shtml


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(en inglés) Executive Assistant, Energy & Climate - United Nations Foundation (UNF) / Better World Fund (BWF) The Executive Assistant, Energy and Climate is responsible for providing administrative support to the Vice President, and assisting the Vice President in the coordination of Energy and Climate activities. The Executive Assistant, Energy and Climate, reports to the Vice President, Energy and Climate. The Executive Assistant, Energy and Climate, works with the Energy and Climate staff to provide necessary support to the Vice President, and acts as a liaison with others in the organization. The Executive Assistant, Energy and Climate, supervises the Energy and Climate interns. Salary commensurate with experience. Actual salary will depend on qualifications and anticipated contribution to the Foundation. UNF pays 100% of medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance premiums for its employees and 75% of medical and vision for employees’ dependents. In addition, UNF provides 20 days of paid vacation per year, 12 paid holidays, three personal days per year, an immediately vested 150% matching 403(b) contribution up to a limit of six-percent of employee pay, Metro Pass benefits, and flexible spending accounts for health and dependent care. Más información en inglés: https://jobs.smartbrief.com/action/listing?listingid=EAA5C984-855A-44709A1C-AC07CD47C27D&briefid=1e0c978d-2484-4c18-ae2c-8fcdca1382a0&sid=d6255d32-4760-46e1-b4841c77795c99f6

(en francés) Directeur de l’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre (OSUC) Orléans, France. Date limite de candidature : 1er septembre 2010 L’Université d’Orléans et l’Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers du CNRS lancent un appel à candidature au poste de Directeur de l’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre (OSUC), à pourvoir à Orléans à partir de la rentrée universitaire 2010. Le directeur de l’OSUC est nommé par le Ministre chargé de L’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, sur proposition conjointe du Président de l’Université d’Orléans et du Directeur de l’INSU, après avis du Conseil de l’OSUC. Más información en francés: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/files/Appel_a_candidature_Dir_OSUC.doc

(en francés) L’Inrap (Institut National de Recherches Arqueologiques Preventives) recrute Afin de maintenir sa capacité opérationnelle, l’Inrap lance un plan de recrutement pour la filière scientifique et technique, qui permettra d’ouvrir au total 36 postes, dont 17 postes au recrutement externe de responsables et techniciens d’opérations, topographe et spécialistes. Afin de permettre un traitement rapide des candidatures, il est demandé aux candidats de veiller scrupuleusement à respecter les règles de constitution de leurs dossiers de candidatures : vérifier la présence de toutes les pièces justificatives (dossier de candidature, CV, lettres de motivation, copie du diplôme le plus élevé), ainsi que des éventuelles pièces annexes concernant la compétence et l’expérience professionnelle (avis des jurys de thèse, avis des CIRA, sommaire des rapports finaux d’opération, bibliographie classée par type de support). En terme de volume, le dossier ne devra pas dépasser 20 pages, sans agrafe ni reliure. Más información en francés: http://www.inrap.fr/archeologie-preventive/L-INRAP/Plan-de-recrutement-dela-filiere-scientifique-et-/p-11216-Plan-de-recrutement-pour-la-filiere-scientifique-e.htm


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