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In Trabanca, 14th March 2009


Legal accredited representatives of Town Councils of Ahigal de los Aceiteros, Alcañices, Aldea del

Obispo, Aldeadávila de la Ribera, Almaraz de Duero, Almendra, Bañobarez, Barruecopardo, Bermellar, Bermillo de Sayago, Buenamadre, Cabeza del Caballo, Castillejo de Martín Viejo, Cerezal de Peñahorcada, Cerralbo, El Bodón, El Cubo de Don Sancho, El Manzano, El Payo, El Sahugo, Encina de San Silvestre, Espeja, Ferreruela de Tábara, Figueruela de Arriba, Florida de Liébana, Fonfría, Fuenteguinaldo, Fuenteliante, Gallegos de Argañan, Hermisende, Ituero de Azaba, Juzbado, La Encina, La Redonda, La Zarza de Pomareda, Lubian, Lumbrales, Mahide, Malva, Manzanal de Arriba, Martín de Yeltes, Masueco, Mieza, Milano, Monleras, Montamarta, Moraleja de Sayago, Moras Verdes, Muelasdel Pan, Muga de Sayago, Navasfrías, Olmedo de Camaces, Peñaparda, Peralejos de Abajo, Pereña, Pías, Pino del Oro, Porto, Puebla de Sanabria, Rábano de Aliste, Rabanales, Retortillo, Riofrío de Aliste, Robleda, Robleda Cervantes, Roelos, Saelices el Chico, Salce, Saldeana, Samir de los caños, San

Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero – Douro [email protected] 1

Felices de los Gallegos, San Pedro del Valle, San Vicente de la Cabeza, Sardón de los Frailes, Saucelle, Serradilla del Arroyo, Sobradillo, Torregamones, Trabanca, Trabazos, Vega de Tirados, Videmala, Villalcampo, Villar de Peralonso, Villardeciervos, Villares de Yeltes, Villarino de los Aires, Villasbuenas, Villaseco del Pan, Villaseco de los Gamitos, Villaseco de los Reyes, Villasrubias, Villavieja de Yeltes, Vilvestre, Viñas, Vitigudino all of them located in the Spanish provinces of Salamanca and Zamora, accredited representatives legally by Portuguese Local Autarkies of

Açoreira, Adeganha, Águas Belas, Aldeia da Ponte, Aldeia Velha, Alfaiates, Baraçal, Bemposta, Bendada, Bruçó, Castedo, Castelo Melhor, Cedovim, Cerdeira do Côa, Custóias, Felgar, Felgueiras, Foios, Freineda, Municipio de Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Junta de Freguesía de Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Horta, Lagoaça, Larinho, Lomba, Lousa, Maçores, Malcata, Mazouco, Meirinhos, municipio de Miranda do Douro, Junta de Freguesía de Miranda do Douro, Municipio de Mogadouro, Junta de Freguesía de Mogadouro, Municipio de Vinhais, Moita, Mós, Murça, Muxagata, Nave, Palaçoulo, Paradela, Pena Lobo,Peredo dos Castelhanos, Quadrazais,Quintas de S. Bartolomeu, Remondes, Rendo, Santo Amaro, Santo Estêvão, São Martinho do Peso, Sebadelhe, Seixas, Sendim, Soito, Sortelha, Municipio de Torre de Moncorvo, Junta de Freguesía de Torre de Moncorvo Urros de Torre de Moncorvo, Urrós de Mogadouro, Vale do Porco, Ventozelo, Vila Boa, Vila de Ala, Vila do Touro, Municipio de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Junta de Freguesía de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Vilar Maior,Vilarinho dos Galegos, all of them located in Portuguese regions of Trás-Os-Montes, Douro and Beira Interior Norte, Public Organisms: Organismo Autónomo D-ARRIBES from Spain, Villages Associations: Asociación de Municipios para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Local from Spain (Villages to Cooperation and Local Development Association) and the Associação de Freguesias da Raia e do Côa from Portugal (Raia e do Côa Autarkies Association), all of them members of Duero-Douro European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation whose acronym is and for the future (DUERO-DOURO EGTC) approve unanimously these statutes which regulate DUERO-DOURO EGTC. All of present admit their representation mutually and between every member theirs representation, capacity and legitimacy of their respective public Organisms, whose presidencies they exert and the reason why they participate in this act,


They are aware of the need of dynamize and develop territorial cooperation relations there are currently both Spanish and Portuguese cross-border regions. They are aware of the need to get a new frame which guaranties an structural and efficiency cooperation, according to (EC) Regulations number 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and of the

Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero – Douro [email protected] 2

European Union Council from 5 July 2006, so that the 37/2008 Spanish Royal Order from 18 January and on the 376/2007 Order in Council from 8 November. They are aware of in the last five-year period local cooperation and development have been reinforced as well as in Spain and in Portugal. They are aware of joint awareness has been increased, in the two sides of the cross-border, about the need of encouraging the territorial cooperation relations with the special objective to get the maximum economic and social cohesion between both regions’ population, according to the Treaty of European Union They are aware of, through the joint often activities holding, there have been braced fluent and warm relations between two Spanish and Portuguese cross-border regions. They are aware of there is a unanimous consent to get the digitalization all cross-border local municipalities to get the necessary communications between every member to the objective to make easy and to get the maximum economic and social cohesion. They are aware of we would hardly get the main objective of the economic and social cohesion without making easy and reinforce the cooperation and communication between this Grouping members. Bearing in mind there are differences in both territories, and the respect to the rules and the internal Law each country, they do not mean in any case separation between villages, but also rather evidence to establish territorial cooperation ways in order to get the social and economic approach. They know the troubles that until now have been carried out and manage territorial cooperation activities on the part of local Organisms. According to the 1 article of (EC) rules 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and the European Union Council from 5 July 2006 about the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). We have decided and agreed unanimously the creation and constitution of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation DUERO – DOURO EGTC, dealing and approving in equal parts the present agreement which is based on the mentioned Regulation. For that reason and using their competences and assuming responsibilities which were ascribed to them, all parts agreed concurrence of wills in this cooperation agreement according to the following clauses.


Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero – Douro [email protected] 3

Under the protection of European Community Regulation nº 1082/2006 of European Parliament and Council of European Union of 5th July 2006, about European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), so-called from now on EGTC Regulation, published on the Official Journal of the European Union L-210/19, from 31 July 2006, as rule general relevance, compulsory for all facts and directly applicable to each UE member state in accordance with the second paragraph of 249 article of the European Union Constitutive Treaty, the following municipalities: Ahigal de los Aceiteros, Alcañices, Aldea del Obispo, Aldeadávila de la Ribera, Almendra, Bañobarez, Barruecopardo, Bermellar, Bermillo de Sayago, Bogajo, Buenamadre, Cabeza del Caballo, Castillejo de Martín Viejo, Cerezal de Peñahorcada, Cerralbo, Cipérez, El Bodón, El Cubo de Don Sancho, El Manzano, El Payo, El Sahugo, Encina de San Silvestre, Espeja, Fermoselle, Ferreruela de Tábara, Florida de Liébana, Fonfría, Fuenteguinaldo, Fuenteliante, Fuentes de Oñoro, Gallegos de Argañan, Hermisende, Hinojosa de Duero, Ituero de Azaba, Juzbado, La Encina, La Fuente de San Esteban, La Redonda, La Zarza de Pomareda, Ledesma, Lubian, Lumbrales, Mahide, Malva, Manzanal de Arriba, Martín de Yeltes, Masueco, Mieza, Milano, Monleras, Moraleja de Sayago, Moras Verdes, Muelas del Pan, Muga de Sayago, Navasfrías, Olmedo de Camaces, Peñaparda, Peralejos de Abajo, Pereña, Pías, Pino del Oro, Porto, Puebla de Sanabria, Rabanales, Retortillo, Robleda, Robleda Cervantes, Roelos, Saelices el Chico, Salce, Saldeana, Samir de los caños, San Felices de los Gallegos, San Pedro del Valle, San Vicente de la Cabeza,

Sardón de los Frailes, Saucelle, Serradilla del Arroyo, Sobradillo,

Torregamones, Trabanca, Trabazos, Vega de Tirados, Videmala, Villalcampo, Villar de Peralonso, Villardeciervos, Villares de Yeltes, Villarino de los Aires, Villasbuenas, Villaseco del Pan, Villaseco de los Gamitos, Villaseco de los Reyes, Villasrubias, Villavieja de Yeltes, Vilvestre, Viñas, Vitigudino, Yecla de Yeltes, todas ellas enclavadas en las provincias españolas de Zamora y Salamanca, las Autarquías Locales de Açoreira, Adeganha, Águas Belas, Aldeia da Ponte, Aldeia Velha, Alfaiates, Baraçal, Bemposta, Bendada, Bruçó, Castedo,

Castelo Melhor,

Cedovim, Cerdeira do Côa , Custóias, Felgar, Felgueiras, Foios, Freineda, Municipio de Freixo de Espada à Cinta, junta de Freguesía de Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Lagoaça, Larinho, Lomba, Lousa, Maçores, Malcata, Mazouco, Meirinhos, municipio de Miranda do Douro, junta de Freguesía de Miranda do Douro, Municipio de Mogadouro, junta de Freguesía de Mogadouro, Moita, Mós, Murça, Muxagata, Nave, Palaçoulo, Paradela, Pena Lobo,Peredo dos Castelhanos, Quadrazais,Quintas de S. Bartolomeu, Remondes, Rendo, Santo Amaro, Santo Estêvão, São Martinho do Peso, Sebadelhe, Seixas, Sendim, Soito, Sortelha, Municipio de Torre de Moncorvo, Junta de Freguesía de torre de Moncorvo Urros de Torre de moncorvo, Urrós de Mogadouro, Vale do Porco, Ventozelo, Vila Boa, Vila de Ala, Vila do Touro, Municipio de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, junta de Freguesía de Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Vilar Maior,Vilarinho dos Galegos, todas ellas enclavadas en las regiones portuguesas de Tras os Montes, Douro y Beira Interior Norte, Public Organisms: Organismo Autónomo D-ARRIBES from Spain, Villages Associations: Asociación de Municipios para la Cooperación from Spain (Villages to Cooperation and Local Development Association) and the Associação de Freguesias da Raia e do Côa from Portugal (Raia e do Côa Autarkies Association) all of them members of one of the established categories in the 3 the (EC) of the Regulation 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and of the European Union Council from

Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero – Douro [email protected] 4

the 5 July 2006 agree to constitute the Duero-Douro European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation whose acronym is and for the future facts (Duero-Douro EGTC). II The DUERO–DOURO EGTC, according to the first article of the second paragraph of the EGTC Regulation, “has the objective to make easy and purpose to promote as mentioned in 3 article, first paragraph, cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation, so-called from now on with the main objective to strengthen the social and economic cohesion”. III Duero-Douro EGTC has its own legal status, full ability to act and in both in Spain and Portugal, as members of the European Union members which have legal entity. The DUERO-DOURO EGTC will be able to buy or transfer real properties and personal properties, to contract employees and appear at trial as part. IV This agreement will obey, in order to be full legal effectiveness, the procedure and previous requirements laid down in the 4 and 5 of the EGTC Regulation. V a.1. In application to demanded in the 8.2 of the EGTC Regulation, is agreed also: The EGTC in this way constituted is officially called

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