El mode subjuntiu en l anglès britànic i l anglès americà Carme Gómez Llinares

El mode subjuntiu en l’anglès britànic i l’anglès americà Carme Gómez Llinares Tutor/a: Josep M. Fontana Seminari 101: Descripció i Comparació de Ll

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El mode subjuntiu en l’anglès britànic i l’anglès americà

Carme Gómez Llinares

Tutor/a: Josep M. Fontana Seminari 101: Descripció i Comparació de Llengües

Curs 2014-2015

ABSTRACT This project involves discovering how the subjunctive has evolved since its origins up to date and how the two main English streams (American and British English) have been affected by this mood over the time. This has been done by examining some of the most popular studies that have been carried out until the present day. Upon examination of these studies, it has been concluded that the subjunctive has undergone through some drastic changes, but its current use is still alive in American English, while it is being established gradually in the British English due to the American influence. This research hightlights the importance of further research on this topic in order to see how it evolves, as it is an aspect that constantly changes.

Key words: American English, British English, English streams, mood, studies, American influence, research

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1.#INTRODUCCIÓ#..................................................................................................#1# 2.1. Comparació de l’indicatiu i del subjuntiu ......................................................... 3! 2.2. El subjuntiu en anglès ......................................................................................... 4! 2.3. Punts de vista sobre el subjuntiu ........................................................................ 9! 3.# EL# SUBJUNTIU# DE# MANDAT# (MANDATIVE) SUBJUNCTIVE)# I# EL# SUBJUNTIU# CONDICIONAL#.........................................................................................................#10# 4.#EVOLUCIÓ#DEL#SUBJUNTIU#...................................................................................#13# 4.1. Orígen del subjuntiu.......................................................................................... 13! 4.2. El subjuntiu en l’anglès antic (Old English, des dels orígens fins al 1066) .. 13! 4.3. El subjuntiu en l’anglès mitjà (Middle English, 1066-1476).......................... 14! 4.4. El subjuntiu en l’anglès modern (Modern English, 1476 fins a l’actualitat) .................................................................................................................................... 15! 4.5. Retorn del subjuntiu.......................................................................................... 16! 4.6. Formes de subjuntiu històriques ...................................................................... 17! 4.7. Actualitat ............................................................................................................ 19! 5.#AMBIGÜITATS#EN#EL#SUBJUNTIU#..........................................................................#20# 6.#RESULTATS#I#CONCLUSIONS#D’ESTUDIS#PREVIS#....................................................#22# 7.#INVESTIGACIÓ#EN#CORPUS#...................................................................................#25# 7.1. Descripció de l’anàlisi ........................................................................................ 25! 7.2. Anàlisi dels corpus ............................................................................................. 25! 8.#COMPARACIÓ#ENTRE#CATALÀ#I#ANGLÈS#...............................................................#30# 8.1. El subjuntiu en català ........................................................................................ 30! 8.2. Comparació del subjuntiu en català i en anglès.............................................. 33! 9.#CONCLUSIÓ#..........................................................................................................#35# 10.#BIBLIOGRAFIA#....................................................................................................#36# 10.1. Pàgines web ...................................................................................................... 36! 10.2. Llibres electrònics ............................................................................................ 37!


10.3. Capítols de llibres i articles acadèmics .......................................................... 38! 11.#ANNEX#...............................................................................................................#40#

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! “Damn the subjunctive! It brings all our writers to shame.” Mark Twain



En el meu treball de fi de grau em centraré en la descripció i l’ús del subjuntiu en l’anglès britànic i l’anglès americà. Per aconseguir-ho, analitzaré els contextos més coneguts en els quals apareix aquest mode, analitzaré, també, l’ús d’aquest mode verbal des dels seus inicis fins a l’actualitat i plasmaré els diferents punts de vista dels lingüistes més destacats. Encara més, faré un breu repàs dels estudis previs que s’han dut a terme per alguns d’aquests lingüistes, realitzaré una anàlisi a partir de dos corpus amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir resultats a través de dades orals i escrites i, m’agradaria comparar, també, l’ús del subjuntiu en català amb l’ús d’aquest mode verbal en anglès per tal de poder observar les diferències que hi ha entre aquestes dues llengües, ja que són dos sistemes morfològics molt diferents. Finalitzaré el treball amb una conclusió final. La raó per la qual he escollit aquest tema és perquè considero que és important tenir en compte que aquests dos corrents (l’anglès americà i l’anglès britànic) presenten diferències considerables. És per aquest motiu que m’agradaria conèixer més a fons una d’aquestes dissimilituds i analitzar-la amb deteniment. He decidit centrar-me en el subjuntiu perquè és un dels principals objectes de controvèrsia dins el món de la lingüística. El subjuntiu és un mode gramatical que s’utilitza en molts idiomes. Ja des del llatí, les idees d’obligació, necessitat, contingència, habilitat i desig s’expressaven per la flexió verbal a través d’aquest mode. Abans del sorgiment de l’anglès com a llengua individual, en les llengües germàniques ja existia un mode subjuntiu completament flexionat. Centrant-nos en l’anglès modern, la forma verbal de present de subjuntiu que s’utilitza per expressar desitjos sobre el present o el passat és la forma bare de l’infinitiu, és a dir, l’infinitiu sense la partícula to. Tot i amb això, el subjuntiu pot manifestar-se en altres formes. En anglès, el subjuntiu sol aparèixer en oracions subordinades les quals s’anomenen that-clauses. En algunes ocasions, al subjuntiu se l’anomena també



conjuctive mood perquè, generalment, es troba en oracions introduïdes per una conjunció. Hi ha una gran quantitat de filòlegs que han realitzat estudis sobre el subjuntiu en les dues corrents angleses ja des de la seva primera aparició. Per consegüent, han sorgit diferents punts de vista sobre aquest tema que es desenvoluparan més endavant. Alguns dels lingüistes més destacats són Asahara, Övergaard, Hundt, Göran Kjellmer, Johansson i Norheim, Noëlle Serpollet, entre d’altres. Aquest treball constarà de diverses parts en les quals hi haurà la portada, una taula de continguts (índex), un abstract en anglès, la introducció, el cos del treball, la conclusió, la bibliografia i, per acabar, els annexos extrets a partir de l’anàlisi dels dos corpus. La recerca d’aquest treball es realitzarà a partir de materials bibliogràfics, entre els quals trobem llibres i articles a més a més dels corpus lingüístics British National Corpus (BNC) i Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). El lloc a on es realitzarà aquest treball és a la ciutat de Barcelona (Catalunya), a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.



2. EL SUBJUNTIU 2.1. Comparació de l’indicatiu i del subjuntiu El mode subjuntiu en anglès és un mode verbal que s’utilitza per expressar hipòtesis, desitjos, ordres, suggeriments, opinions, creences, intencions, propòsits o condicions que són contràries a fets i, també, per fer declaracions de necessitat. Fa referència a tot allò que podria esdevenir-se però que encara no ha tingut lloc en el present i, tot i així, podrien arribar a no ocórrer mai. Aquí és quan m’agradaria introduir el concepte procedent de l’anglès anomenat irrealis mood, en el qual trobem el subjuntiu com un dels modes principals. Aquest concepte fa referència a qualsevol mode gramatical que indiqui que una situació o acció determinada encara no ha tingut lloc en el moment en què l’emissor està duent a terme l’acte de parla. El subjuntiu es troba en construccions que expressen la non-assertion (no afirmació), és a dir, construccions que no afirmen que alguna cosa està succeint o succeirà. Amb l’ús del subjuntiu no s’afegeix informació nova, sinó que el parlant avalua informació ja existent o considera una situació hipotètica. Per contra, el mode indicatiu és un tipus de mode verbal que s’utilitza per parlar d’accions, estats o esdeveniments reals o jutjats com a plausibles per l’emissor. S’utilitza per afirmacions generals de fets, com ara “I speak English”, o per descriure qualitats evidents d’una persona o situació. És el mode que s’usa més en tots els idiomes. En aquest cas, l’indicatiu és un clar exemple de realis mood, atès que s’utilitza per expressar que allò que el parlant està dient és una declaració de fet. L’indicatiu es relaciona amb l’assertion (afirmació), de la qual Robert C. Stalnaker (1999) en fa referència en el seu llibre anomenat Context and Content. Stalnaker manifesta que “an act of assertion is, among other things, the expression of a proposition—something that represents the world as being a certain way.” I, a més a més, afirma que “a proposition is a function from possible words into truth-values (true or false). More roughly and intuitively, a proposition is a rule for determining a truth-value as a function of the facts—of the way the world is. Or, a proposition is a way—any way—of picking out a set of possible states of affairs—all those for which the proposition takes the value true.” Se sap que una oració és assertiva quan es contradiu amb l’ús de la fórmula “no,...doesn’t/didn’t”, com per exemple:



(1) The man said (that) Alison worked all day. L’oració es pot contradir dient “no, he didn’t!” o “no, she didn’t!” perquè, per una banda, podríem contradir el fet que l’home va dir que l’Alison treballés tot el dia o bé, també podríem negar el fet que l’Alison va treballar tot el dia. Per contra, en l’oració següent: (2) The man demanded that Alison worked all day. Només una de les dues contradiccions tindria sentit en aquest context i en aquest cas seria “no, he didn’t”, atès que es pot desmentir el fet que l’home digués que l’Alison va treballar tot el dia però no que l’Alison treballés tot el dia, ja que es tracta d’alguna cosa que l’home li ha exigit que fes, no d’un fet real. Si es tracta d’una non-assertion el that no es pot ometre, per contra, en una assertion, com és el cas de la primera oració, sí. En darrer terme, perquè quedi clara la diferència entre el subjuntiu i l’indicatiu en anglès es tindrà en compte l’oració següent que es troba en subjuntiu: “If I were a monkey I would climb trees”. En aquest cas en concret el parlant expressa el que faria si tingués l’oportunitat de ser un mico, tot i així, és evident, doncs, que es tracta d’una situació ideal. Per contra, l’oració en indicatiu “I was a child” descriu una situació que va succeir en el passat, per tant, es tracta d’un fet real. 2.2. El subjuntiu en anglès El mode subjuntiu no s’utilitzava quasi mai fins fa menys d’un segle i menys, encara, les formes de negació com ara “They demanded that he not say”. No obstant això, actualment s’usa cada vegada més en la variant americana i, a poc a poc es va introduint en la britànica. Les declaracions en subjuntiu sovint apareixen en clàusules dependents, és a dir, en oracions subordinades que depenen d’altres proposicions expressades en indicatiu. Segons Quirk et al. (1985, p. 1012-1013) el subjuntiu en anglès ocorre “in that-clauses after verbs, adjectives, or nouns that express a necessity, plan, or intention for the



future”. Tot i així, també pot ocórrer en oracions independents. Segons la seva funció, el subjuntiu es pot anomenar de diferents maneres: •

Subjuntiu exhortatiu (jussive and hortatory subjunctive): s’usa per expressar una ordre o una exhortació.

Subjuntiu potencial (potential subjunctive): s’usa per expressar una acció que és possible que ocorri.

Subjuntiu deliberatiu (deliberative subjunctive): s’usa per reflexionar sobre alguna cosa, sovint apareix en forma de pregunta retòrica.

Subjuntiu optatiu (optative subjunctive): s’usa per expressar un desig sobre el futur probable de ser realitzat.

En anglès, la idea de subjuntiu es pot expressar a través de quatre maneres diverses, ja que no hi ha una sola forma pròpia per al subjuntiu menys per al verb be. El subjuntiu es pot expressar a partir d’un infinitiu, d’una forma d’indicatiu, d’una forma composta amb els auxiliars modals may o might i shall o should o, també, a partir de la forma base del verb, la qual no fa l’acord, no denota temps i no utilitza el verb DO com a suport. Dels auxiliars modals el que destaca més és el should, sobretot en l’anglès britànic. Aquesta forma és molt comuna darrere de verbs com ara suggest, recommend i insist, per exemple: “The teacher recommended that she should study more.” Johansson i Norheim (1988, p. 27) van manifestar que “English verbs have distinctive forms under certain circumstances which differ from the normal indicative forms and convey the meaning of ‘non-fact’, which is characteristic of the subjunctive in other languages”. D’acord amb Asahara (1994, p. 2) “the present subjunctive refers to a grammatical form that takes only the base form of the verb regardless of tense contrast, person and number concord. Therefore, with a plural subject, there is no difference between the indicative and subjunctive forms. The non-inflected or morphological subjunctive is distinguishable from the indicative (through morphological criteria) in the following cases:


In the 3rd person singular present tense (no –s)

In past contexts (no sequence of tenses)

In finite forms of be (base form for all persons and no tense marker)

In negated clauses (no do-periphrasis and not is placed before the verb)” 5!

En la gran majoria de casos el subjuntiu es troba en la mateixa forma que l’indicatiu, és per aquesta raó que moltes vegades és difícil de reconèixer. En la major part de verbs en anglès, l’única forma de present subjuntiu que és fàcil de diferenciar de l’indicatiu és la tercera persona del singular perquè no acaba amb la terminació –(e)s, es pot exemplificar amb l’oració següent: “It is necessary that he see a doctor”, en contrast amb l’indicatiu “It is necessary that he sees a doctor”. Altrament, el verb be és l’únic verb que es diferencia per complet, no només quant al present de subjuntiu, com per exemple: “I suggest that be removed”, sinó que també en el subjuntiu passat: “If he were rich I would buy a castle”. Els temps verbals de subjuntiu són el present i el passat. Com ja s’ha comentat a priori, una de les formes de present de subjuntiu és l’anomenat bare infinitive en anglès (i l’imperatiu). El bare infinitive és un infinitiu que s’utilitza sense la partícula to, per exemple, l’infinitiu del verb “córrer” seria “to run” i el bare infinitive, “run”. A partir de l’exemple següent es pot observar la diferència entre el present d’indicatiu i el present de subjuntiu a través del verb own (deure): •

Present d’indicatiu: I own, you own, he/she/it owns, we own, they own.

Present de subjuntiu: (that) I own, (that) you own, (that) he/she/it own, (that) we own, (that) they own.

Amb el verb be, però, els dos modes es formen totalment diferent: •

Present d’indicatiu: I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are.

Present de subjuntiu: (that) I be, (that) you be, (that) he/she/it be, (that) we be, (that) they be.

Així i tot, els modes d’indicatiu i de subjuntiu es diferencien completament quan es neguen. Les formes de present de subjuntiu es neguen de manera que l’adverbi de negació not s’anteposa al verb. •

Present d’indicatiu: I don't own, you don't own, he/she/it doesn't own...; I am not...



Present de subjuntiu: (that) I not own, (that) you not own, (that) he/she/it not own...; (that) I not be...

Quant a la negació del verb be, en passat no hi ha cap mena de diferència entre els dos modes en la manera de negar-los, existeixen dues possibilitats: “I was not; (if) I were not”. A part del verb be, la resta de verbs no tenen subjuntiu passat o és possible que el seu subjuntiu passat tingui la mateixa forma que el passat d’indicatiu, com és el cas del verb own: “(if) I owned; (if) I did not own”. Alguns subjuntius com ara el were també es poden distingir dels indicatius gràcies a la possibilitat d’inversió de subjecte. Així doncs, el subjuntiu passat només es diferencia de l’indicatiu amb el verb be, que utilitza were en totes les seves formes: •

Passat d’indicatiu: I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, they were.

Passat de subjuntiu: (if) I were, (if) you were, (if) he/she/it were, (if) we were, (if) they were.

Així mateix, segons Visser (1966) i Myers (1952), alguns escriptors creien que el subjuntiu (afirmatiu) era una forma abreviada de la forma “should + infinitiu”. Tot i així, Carey parlava de l’omissió del should darrere de verbs de desig i suggeriment i, és realment cert que en alguns contextos el should s’omet. Altres lingüistes opinaven que “it is rare and unnatural in these cases to leave out should” (1931, p.162), encara que actualment no és tant inusual. La idea de subjuntiu es pot expressar tant amb l’ús del modal should com sense, si traiem l’auxiliar modal el que ens queda és un bare infinitive, una de les possibles formes de subjuntiu en anglès. En altres contextos, el should se substitueix per altres modals com ara el can, es pot exemplicar amb “[...] the Tories must rely on slick delivery of the few policies on which they can agree” (CobuildDirect Corpus: UK Times newspapers. Text: N2000951212). En el lloc del should també hi poden aparèixer altres auxiliars modals com ara el may, el might i el shall, n’és un exemple clar: “(May) the Lord bless you and keep you” (Que el Senyor et beneeixi i et guardi). Cal destacar, també, que el subjuntiu se sol utilitzar darrere d’un conjunt de verbs, aquests són els següents:



to advise (that)

to propose (that)

to ask (that)

to recommend (that)

to command (that)

to request (that)

to desire (that)

to suggest (that)

to insist (that)

to urge (that)

Taula 1. Verbs que acostumen a aparèixer amb un altre verb en subjuntiu

Exemples: (3) The boy asked that the postman deliver the package before the end of the week. (4) The Spanish teacher always insists that her student do their homework. Així mateix, el subjuntiu també s’utilitza darrere d’algunes expressions, com per exemple: It is best (that)

It is important (that)

It is crucial (that)

It is recommended (that)

It is desirable (that)

It is urgent (that)

It is essential (that)

It is vital (that)

It is imperative (that)

It is a good idea (that)

It is a bad idea (that)

It is necessary (that)

Taula 2. Expressions que acostumen a aparèixer amb un verb en subjuntiu

Exemples: (5) It is a good idea that you come to see her. (6) It is important that she attend the meeting. A més a més, també es fa servir el gerundi i la forma passiva del subjuntiu. Quant a la forma passiva, s’utilitza l’infinitiu del verb to be sense el to seguidament del verb en qüestió en participi passat (verbs irregulars) o –ed (verbs regulars). Per il·lustrar:



(7) Jake recommended that Susan be hired immediately. (8) Josh demanded that I be allowed to take part in the summer competition. El gerundi també es forma amb l’infinitiu del verb to be sense el to juntament amb el verb en qüestió en gerundi. Per exemple: (9) It is important that you be taking care of him all day long. (10) I propose that we all be waiting her in my apartment. 2.3. Punts de vista sobre el subjuntiu Des del sorgiment del subjuntiu, ja alguns filòlegs del segle XVIII negaven la seva existència, Ash (1760, 1775) és un dels majors representants d’aquest pensament. De fet, el subjuntiu sempre ha sigut una font de disputes, sobretot entre els lingüistes dels segles XVIII i XIX. Goold Brown (1851, p. 33) opinava que “It would, perhaps, be better to abolish the use of the subjunctive entirely”. Anys més tard, Henry Sweet (1898, p. 109) observava que “the subjunctive is rapidly falling into disuse – except, of course, in those constructions where it is obligatory in the spoken language”. Més endavant, durant el segle XX, un altre lingüista, Somerset Maugham (1941, p. 257), va afirmar que els escriptors americans utilitzaven més el subjuntiu que els britànics i, també que “they are kicking against the pricks; the subjunctive mood is in its death throes, and the best thing to do is to put it out of its misery as soon as possible”. Contràriament, Charles Finney (2000) sostenia que “the subjunctive mood is a beautiful and valuable component of the English language, and instead of dying out, it actually is enjoying a subtle revival”. Tot i així, actualment encara perduren diferents punts de vista sobre aquest fenòmen, per exemple, Jack English (2009) creu que “you can’t show a revival by looking at a single point in time”, encara que s’ha demostrat que realment és cert que hi ha hagut un increment força elevat en el seu ús.



3. EL SUBJUNTIU DE MANDAT (MANDATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE) I EL SUBJUNTIU CONDICIONAL Els usos del subjuntiu que més predominen en l’anglès actual són, per una banda, en oracions condicionals i, per l’altra, en oracions de mandat. Tot i així, el context més habitual en el qual sol aparèixer el subjuntiu en anglès és en oracions de mandat. Segons Quirk et al.(1985, p. 1093), “While the diatopic as well as diachronic facts are thus relatively well established for mandatives, very little is known about adverbial clauses of condition, concession and negative purpose, which represent the second environment in which subjunctives are still used with a certain degree of productivity”. De tota manera, conforme amb l’opinió de Tottie (2002, p. 163) “the mandative subjunctive only became frequent in American English in the course of the twentieth century. It is now on the increase in British English as well”. L’expressió mandative “is derived from the verb mandate, itself coming from the Latin mandare: to enjoin, command. The term mandative expressions is used in reference to verbs, nouns, and adjectives (that I also call triggers) which express a demand, request, intention, proposal, suggestion, recommendation, etc.” (Noëlle Serpollet). Així doncs, un trigger és qualsevol element lèxic que pot ocòrrer amb un subjuntiu, la traducció en català equivaldria a la paraula “desencadenant”. A tall d’exemple, el verb order pot aparèixer amb un subjuntiu (He ordered that they be removed), però un altre verb com ara find no (*He found that they be removed), per tant, en aquest cas el verb order és un desencadenant i el verb find, en canvi, no. Hi ha diversos tipus de desencadenants: els més forts (strong triggers), els moderats (moderate triggers) i els més febles (weak triggers). Els desencadenants més forts són aquells elements lèxics que van precedits per una complement clause (oració introduïda per that o whether) que conté un mandat en el 65% o més dels casos. Si només apareix en mandats un 40-64% es consideren desencadenants moderats i aquells que es trobin per sota del 40% són els desencadenants més febles. Els desencadenants serveixen de guia principal en la major part dels estudis que es realitzen sobre el subjuntiu. Serpollet va afirmar, també, que la paraula mandative “is borrowed from Algeo (1992, p. 599) who himself adapted it from the term mandative subjunctive used by Quick et



al. [1985:156] for one of the three verb forms in the that-clause that follows certain expressions of resolution, intention, etc”. Les formes verbals que poden aparèixer juntament amb expressions de mandat són el subjuntiu de mandat (mandative subjunctive), la forma no distintiva, l’auxiliar modal should seguit d’un infinitiu o l’indicatiu. A principis del segle XX, la variant perifràstica de should + infinitiu predominava en els contextos de mandat (mandative contexts), tant nord-americans com britànics. Crawford (2009) va afegir que “mandates are viewed as any clause in its finite verb form that explicitly addresses the fact that some person or entity wants a particular action to be taken or a certain event to happen. Such a functional definition of mandates includes clauses expressed in one of three ways: as complement clauses containing subjunctives; as complement clauses containing the modal should/shall; and as complement clauses containing the modal must/have to. Triggers can potentially vary between these three ways of expressing a mandate in a complement clause. Triggers do not necessarily need to express mandates; they may also include a non-mandative modal verb (11), where the complement clause takes a modal of possibility, or in cases such as (12), which contains an indicative or ambiguous subjunctive”. Per exemple: (11) In his letter to Dingell, Boskin belittled the suggestion that most of the additional costs of tougher air pollution could be offset by savings elsewhere (American News). (12) Last night police virtually ruled out a suggestion that the intruders were poachers (British News). Pam Peters (2009) més endavant va comentar que l’ús del subjuntiu de mandat “still looks rather constrained. It is still largely confined to institutional kinds of speech, and not readily used in ordinary conversation. The linguistic constraints on its use include the fact that the suasive verbs like demand which currently show the highest frequencies of mandative subjunctive also have rather specialized uses, because of the unequal interpersonal relationship they presuppose, and discoursal settings in which they can be used. Even where it is demonstrably still current usage, mandative subjunctive seems to be marked rather than stylistically neutral. Its popularity probably varies within



particular English-speaking communities, which may lead to declining use over the course of time”. Quant a l’ús del subjuntiu en oracions condicionals destaca l’expressió “on condition” o, bé, “on the condition that”, per exemple: “He left $67 million to the endowment when he died in 1925 on the condition that the school – then Trinity College – change its name to honor his father, Washington Duke (Detroit Free Press 1993)”. Segons estudis previs, la forma completa de la conjunció, és a dir, “on the condition that” s’utilitza més en l’anglès americà amb el mode subjuntiu. Per contra, la variant sense article “on condition” predomina en l’anglès britànic. A partir de diversos estudis diacrònics (Strang 1970, Plank 1984, Rissanen 1999 i Harsh 1968) “It has been noted that conditional clauses provided an extraordinary stronghold for the subjunctive. The share of subjunctives in conditional clauses even rose substantially from Old English until the end of the Middle English.” Tot i així, en estudis més recents (Moessner 2005b, González-Álvarez 2003, Auer 2006 i Grund and Walker 2006) no s’inclouen instàncies de l’expressió “on condition” i molt poques de “on this condition” i “under condition”.



4. EVOLUCIÓ DEL SUBJUNTIU 4.1. Orígen del subjuntiu El subjuntiu prové del “protollenguatge” indoeuropeu, és a dir, una protollengua hipotètica reconstruïda considerada com la progenitora de moltes famílies de llengües en les quals s’inclouen les llengües germàniques, una de les quals és l’anglès, les romàniques llatines, les eslaves, les celtes, entre d’altres. Es parla de subjuntiu en diverses etapes, les etapes principals són l’etapa de l’anglès antic (Old English) que parteix des dels orígens fins a l’any 1066, l’etapa de l’anglès mitjà (Middle English) que va des del 1066 al 1476, l’etapa de principis de l’anglès modern (Early Modern English) del 1476 al 1776 i, finalment, l’etapa de l’anglès modern (Modern English), des de l’any 1776 fins a l’actualitat. A continuació, es farà una petita descripció del subjuntiu en cada un dels períodes corresponents, les dues darreres etapes s’esmentaran conjuntament. 4.2. El subjuntiu en l’anglès antic (Old English, des dels orígens fins al 1066) “By Old English we mean the language of the Germanic inhabitants of England, from their earliest settlement in that country, till about the middle or end of the eleventh century” (Sievers 1968, p. 1). Les formes de subjuntiu eren molt comunes en l’anglès antic (Old English). En aquest període només hi havia dos temps: el present i el passat i tres modes: l’indicatiu, el subjuntiu i l’imperatiu. L’anglès en aquella època tenia un sistema flexional força ric, tot i així, les flexions verbals del subjuntiu es diferenciaven poc, ja que la primera, segona i tercera persona del singular eren idèntiques, tant en present com en passat. Vegeu la taula i compareu: Present Indicatiu




ic stele

ic stele



þū stelst

þū stele


he stelð

he stele




hi stelað

hi stelen


Taula 3. Present d’indicatiu, subjuntiu i imperatiu del verb stelan (steal) en el període de l’anglès antic (Éva Kovács, 2010)

Passat Indicatiu



ic stele

ic stæle


þū stæle

þū stæle


he stæl

he stæle


hi stælon

hi stælon


Taula 4. Passat d’indicatiu, subjuntiu i imperatiu del verb stelan (steal) en el període de l’anglès antic (Éva Kovács, 2010)



Participi present


Participi passat


Taula 5. Infinitu, participi present i participi passat del verb stelan (steal) en el període de l’anglès antic (Éva Kovács, 2010)

Si observem la primera taula, el mode indicatiu i subjuntiu de present tenien terminacions completament diferents. Quant al temps de passat, hi havia més similituds entre els dos modes, tot i així, encara es podien distingir algunes formes. El subjuntiu s’utilitzava “to express unreality, potentiality, exhortation, wishes, desires, requests, commands, prohitions, obligation, hypotheses and conjectures” (Traugott 1992, p. 239-240). També en estil indirecte (reported speech) “to avoid commitment to the truth of what was reported, or wished to cast doubt on it” (Éva Kovácks 2010, p. 61). A més a més, també s’emprava juntament amb algunes conjuncions, i en oracions condicionals i concessives. També en oracions de comparació només quan l’oració principal era afirmativa, sinó s’utilitzava el mode indicatiu. 4.3. El subjuntiu en l’anglès mitjà (Middle English, 1066-1476) !


Durant el declivi del sistema morfològic a finals de l’anglès antic i principis de l’anglès mitjà, el subjuntiu s’utilitzava cada vegada menys, ja que experimentava una disminució constant en el seu ús en la història de l’anglès provocada per una simplificació de les formes en el paradigma verbal (Fischer 1992, p. 246-249). D’acord amb Fischer (2006, p. 145), “Distinctiveness decreased further in ME, where all –e, –on, –en endings fell together under –e, thus obliterating many earlier differences between indicative and subjunctive forms”. Com a resultat, sovint era totalment impossible poder distingir entre modes i temps verbals i, va ser aquí quan es va recórrer a altres mitjans com ara l’ús d’auxiliars modals (sholde, shal, wil, may i can) que a poc a poc van anar substituint el subjuntiu. La raó per la qual se’n diuen auxiliars modals és perquè expressen mode gramatical. Segons Rissanen (1999, p. 228), “The loss of distinctive ending was probably the main reason for the replacement of the subjunctive forms by auxiliary periphrasis. This development was supported by the general trend towards analytic constructions in Middle English”. Altres canvis que es van dur a terme van ser que “the past tense indicative began to be used as a modal marker, the so-called modal preterite. Furthermore, in dependent clauses, such as concessive clauses or clauses of comparison the subjunctive began to be replaced by the indicative or sometimes the indicative and subjunctive were found side by side within same sentence” (Éva Kovács, 2009, p. 64). 4.4. El subjuntiu en l’anglès modern (Modern English, 1476 fins a l’actualitat) Com s’ha pogut observar a priori, el subjuntiu anava perdent importància ja des de finals de l’etapa de l’anglès antic. Així i tot, no es van començar a produir canvis considerables fins a finals del segle XVIII. A finals de l’etapa de l’anglès modern, el present de subjuntiu només es distingia morfològicament pel que fa al verb BE i també, en la tercera persona del singular de la resta de verbs. És aquesta la forma que ha mantingut fins a l’actualitat. Més endavant es deia que “The subjunctive is evidently passing out of use, and there is good reason to suppose that it will soon become obsolete altogether” (George Perkins Marsh, 1860). L’any 1926, Fowler també va fer una declaració semblant sobre el



subjuntiu en el Dictionary of Modern English Usage: “it is moribund except in a few easily specified uses” (1965, p. 595). Així mateix, segons estudis previs duts a terme per Noëlle Serpollet, durant els anys 1950 i 1960 alguns filòlegs creien que la desaparició del subjuntiu seria imminent o que ja havia desaparegut, ja que la seva presència en el llenguatge oral era nul·la. Tot i així, en l’anglès americà, l’antic subjuntiu mai va desaparèixer completament, aquest fet es pot contemplar a partir de dites tradicionals, proverbis i expressions de la Bíblia com ara “And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity” (Letivicus 5). D’altra banda, l’increment del prestigi d’algunes varietats de l’anglès en les quals també s’utilitzava el subjuntiu va inclinar la balança cap a aquest ús. D’acord amb Denison (1998), més endavant “Subjunctives with definite third person subjects have been supplanted by forms involving may or let. The subjunctive in the latter survives now in formulaic utterances. The present subjunctive is also common in clauses which complement an adjective, noun or verb whose meaning is desire, obligation”. Tot i ser should el modal que més predominava per sobre de la resta d’usos, durant el període de principis de l’anglès modern, els auxiliars modals will/would van guanyar terreny i el may/might s’utilitzaven en expressions de desig incert o d’expectativa. 4.5. Retorn del subjuntiu Durant el segle XX, la construcció “should + infinitiu” va disminuir dràsticament. Va passar a utilitzar-se d’un 67% a menys d’un 1% en l’anglès americà i d’un 94% a un 36% en l’anglès britànic. El fet que aquesta construcció caigués en picat i s’usés cada vegada menys va fer que el subjuntiu morfològic quedés en primer lloc i comencés a predominar en l’anglès americà. Un dels factors decisius sobre la tornada del subjuntiu a l’anglès va sorgir després del canvi de segle. La important versió sociocultural de la Nova Anglaterra (regió dels Estats Units localitzada a l’extrem nord-est del país) de l’anglès es trobava, en aquell



moment, sota la influència de l’anglès britànic amb l’ús de la construcció perifràstica amb should. Tanmateix, les grans ciutats de l’Oest Mitjà dels Estats Units, les quals tenien una població formada per un gran nombre de nacionalitats diferents, van anar adquirint una major importància i prestigi en el món polític i cultural de la dècada del 1900. Gràcies a la influència de l’ús del subjuntiu en les llengües d’un gran nombre de colonitzadors europeus, l’ús d’aquest mode va augmentar en els Estats Units. A part de les causes sociolingüístiques, un altre factor de caire més lingüístic que podria haver provocat el retorn del subjuntiu en l’anglès americà va ser el declivi del should en aquest corrent anglès, que en contextos de mandat va ser posteriorment substituït pel subjuntiu morfològic. A més a més, es creu, també, que la influència de l’alemany va tenir-hi a veure. El retorn del subjuntiu en l’anglès americà podria haver estat, en certa manera, a causa de la transmissió dels hàbits lingüístics nadius dels immigrants europeus. Encara més, el gran número de colonitzadors a Amèrica podria haver causat el canvi d’ordre de paraules en les oracions subordinades negatives (Kjellmer, 2009, p. 256). 4.6. Formes de subjuntiu històriques A tall de recapitulació, la taula que hi ha a continuació recull les terminacions del present i passat de subjuntiu que s’usaven en els diferents períodes de la llengua anglesa comentats anteriorment: anglès antic (Old English), anglès mitjà (Middle English), principis d’anglès modern (Early Modern English) i anglès modern (Modern English). Les formes que es diferencien de l’indicatiu es troben en negreta, -Ø representa que no hi ha terminació. Present




Primera Segona






Primera Segona i



tercera persona Old English





-en 17!




Middle English














Early Modern English Modern English

Taula 6. Formes de present i passat de subjuntiu en els diferents períodes de la llengua anglesa

Per tal de poder realitzar la comparació, en la taula següent es poden veure les terminacions del present i passat d’indicatiu durant els diferents períodes: Present




Primera Segona






Primera Segona i



tercera persona Old English








-e, -Ø

-st, -est

-th, -s





-est, -st

-s, -th








Middle English Early Modern English Modern English

Taula 7. Formes de present i passat d’indicatiu en els diferents períodes de la llengua anglesa



4.7. Actualitat En l’actualitat, la situació en l’anglès britànic és força diferent de la de l’anglès americà. La construcció perifràstica amb should segueix predominant en la variant britànica i el subjuntiu segueix formant part d’una de les característiques principals de l’anglès americà. Així i tot, encara que existeixin diferències considerables entre aquests dos corrents, durant els darrers anys l’anglès americà ha anat influenciant l’anglès britànic. Quant al subjuntiu negatiu, és el subjuntiu més recent i menys freqüent en el llenguatge. La primera instància de subjuntiu negatiu va ser recollida l’any 1940, és a dir, anys molt més tard del sorgiment del subjuntiu afirmatiu. La posició de l’adverbi de negació not, que caracteritza el subjuntiu negatiu, ha anat variant al llarg de la història. Per exemple, “that he not fight” il·lustra que l’adverbi de negació not es troba davant del verb, que és com actualment s’empra. Ara bé, la posició habitual del not fins fa uns anys enrere era després del verb, en aquest cas, per exemple, seria “that he fight not”. D’acord amb Visser (1966), la posició del not “may be due to the tendency to give a word prominence by putting it in an unsual place”. Encara més, segons Kjellmer (2009, p. 256), construccions com ara “that he not go” sovint es veien com a una possible alternativa de la construcció “that he (should) not go”. Com s’ha comentat a priori, el verb be és l’únic verb que es distingeix quan es troba en subjuntiu. Així i tot, s’ha observat que apareix molt més sovint en mode subjuntiu en l’anglès britànic que en l’anglès americà. D’acord amb Julia Schlüter (2009) de l’article acadèmic One Language, Two Grammars?, “Its distinctive subjunctive form seems to increase its accessibility for British speakers, but makes Americans shy aways from its use”. Tot i així, el que sí que comparteixen aquests dos corrents és que intenten evitar l’ús del subjuntiu en oracions subordinades de negació.



5. AMBIGÜITATS EN EL SUBJUNTIU ! En aquest apartat s’analitzaran els dos tipus d’ambigüitat que presenta el subjuntiu, l’ambigüitat lèxica i l’ambigüitat estructural. En primer lloc, es parla d’ambigüitat lèxica en anglès quan hi ha verbs que són ambigus i comparteixen característiques pròpies de mandats i no mandats (mandative i non-mandative), per consegüent, és difícil reconèixer dins de quin dels dos contextos es troben. Per posar un exemple, en un context non-mandative el verb insist (insistir), tal com comenta Kjellmer (2009, p. 250), significa “to say firmly and often that something, is true”, i en un context mandative el mateix verb té un altre significat, aquest és: “to demand that something should happen” (LDOCE). El mateix succeeix amb altres verbs com suggest (suggerir). En segon lloc, d’ambigüitat estructural pot haver-n’hi de tres tipus; entre els temps de present d’indicatiu i infinitiu, per exemple, en una oració com ara “We can see you jump for you” hi ha dues possibles interpretacions, una seria com a finite clause (“Finite clauses must contain a verb which shows tense. They can be main clauses or subordinate clauses”, Cambridge Dictionaries Online) amb el significat de “that you jump” i l’altre, de subjecte/objecte + infinitiu: “you jumping” (Kjellmer, 2009, p. 249). Així mateix, també hi ha possibilitat de confusió entre un subjuntiu i un bare infinitive o al revés, ja que tenen la mateixa forma. N’és un bon exemple el que presenta Kjellmer: (13) His boss had John paint the house (infinitiu del verb paint). (14) His boss insisted John paint the house (subjuntiu del verb paint). Es pot reconèixer l’ús del subjuntiu en la segona oració gràcies al verb insist, ja que és un dels verbs principals que acostumen a aparèixer juntament amb aquest mode. Segons Kjellmer (2009, p. 249), un altre cas d’ambigüitat estructural es troba també entre el present d’indicatiu i el present de subjuntiu. En la gran majoria de contextos de mandat, en anglès britànic se sol utilitzar l’indicatiu, tot i així, quan les formes de subjuntiu i d’indicatiu són idèntiques és molt complicat i, fins i tot, impossible decidir en quin temps es troben, com és el cas de “We suggest you read it carefully”. (CobuilDirect Corpus: UK ephemera. Text: E0000001266). Övergaard (1995, p. 67) també hi fa menció i opina que “the fact that most of the indicative and the subjunctive



present tense forms are indentical makes for opacity, which may ultimately lead to levelling in the same way as in the OE and ME periods”. A més a més, també comenta el següent: “If no indicatives appear in parallel instances, it is taken for granted that a finite bare V form is a non-inflected subjunctive, not an indicative verb form” (1995, p. 93).




6. RESULTATS I CONCLUSIONS D’ESTUDIS PREVIS La majoria d’estudis s’han dut a terme a través dels corpus britànics LOB i FLOB i dels corpus americans Brown i Frown. Els corpus LOB i Brown pertanyen a l’any 1961 i els FLOB i Frown a l’any 1991. En diversos estudis s’ha observat que el nombre total d’ocurrències de should ha disminuït entre els anys 1960 i 1990 en alguns gèneres com ara la premsa. Com a conseqüència, aquest fet ha comportat un augment molt dràstic del subjuntiu de mandat en l’anglès britànic. En l’anglès americà, però, aquest ús s’ha mantingut força estable. Aquests canvis lingüístics, sobretot en l’anglès britànic, podrien haver estat produïts per diverses causes. La primera, i potser la més evident, és per la influència de l’anglès americà, ja que es tracta d’un corrent més innovador quant a la morfologia i la sintaxi. La segona causa és per la gramaticalització, és a dir, l’estudi sobre com els morfemes gramaticals són produïts a partir del lèxic, i la tercera i última, pel procés de “col·loquialització” (Serpollet, p. 541). Segons Mair (1997) “the changes are not due to the fact that the grammar of the language itself has changed. Rather, these developments [increased frequency of the progressive and the going-to future, greater use of contracted forms] show that informal options which have been available for a long time are chosen more frequently today than would have been the case thirty years ago” (1997, p. 203). Quant a l’ús del subjuntiu, en el material treballat per Gerd Övergaard, un lingüista que va elaborar un estudi anomenat The Mandative Subjunctive in American and British English in the 20th Century (1995), es van trobar 10 subjuntius negatius i 357 subjuntius afirmatius en l’anglès americà i, 2 subjuntius negatius i 99 afirmatius en l’anglès britànic. Aquesta fórmula de negació s’ha anat establint a poc a poc a Gran Bretanya i més ràpidament a Amèrica, ja que segons un estudi anomenat the 57-millionword CobuildDirect Corpus, és 50 vegades més freqüent en la part americana del corpus que en la britànica. A través d’un altre estudi dut a terme per Crawford (2009, p. 261) es van analitzar 108 potencials desencadenants de subjuntiu (potential subjunctive triggers) compilats per !


Albakry i Crawford (2004). Segons Crawford, l’estudi es va realitzar de tal manera que “All that complement clauses for each resulting trigger were then put into one of five categories: subjunctive; modal verb should/shall; modal verb must/have to; modal verb other than those just mentioned”. Després de fer l’anàlisi, es va poder observar que el total de subjuntius és més alt en l’anglès americà que en el britànic en les tres categories, és a dir, tant en verbs (423 vs. 140), com en noms (108 vs. 22) i adjectius (16 vs. 5). Així mateix, l’auxiliar modal should predomina molt més en l’anglès britànic que en l’americà en les tres categories, també (135 vs. 35 en verbs; 33 vs. 2 en noms; i 25 vs. 3 en adjectius). Hi va haver una distribució força equivalent del subjuntiu i el should en verbs i noms, però una major preferència pel should en desencadenants adjectius. Els auxiliars modals com must són molt menys freqüents en les dues variants. L’anglès americà té més mandats tant en verbs com en noms desencadenants, tot i així, els adjectius desencadenants s’equivalen en els dos corrents. L’anglès americà no només té preferència pel subjuntiu sinó que també expressa més mandats generals amb desencadenants que condicionen el subjuntiu. D’acord amb Övergaard (1995), els verbs insist i suggest són factors desencadenants freqüents quant al subjuntiu. L’estudi demostra que el verb insist té 35 formes de subjuntiu en anglès britànic i 32 en anglès americà i que el verb suggest té 50 en anglès britànic i 48 en anglès americà. És evident que després d’aquesta anàlisi es pot concloure que aquests dos verbs resulten ser dos desencadenants forts, però, de fet, són desencadenants febles. Insist apareix amb significat de mandat només en el 17% de complement clauses tant en anglès americà com en britànic; suggest un 13% en anglès britànic i un 14% en anglès americà. La majoria de verbs desencadenants predominen en els dos corrents, tot i així, alguns factors destaquen més en un corrent que en l’altra, per exemple, això passa amb els substantius proposal, recommendation i requirement, en anglès britànic són desencadenants forts (88% i 80%) però febles en anglès americà (26% i 29%). Es demostra una major discrepància de noms desencadenants en els dos corrents que de



verbs. A més, no s’ha trobat en cap dels dos corrents adjectius que siguin desencadenants forts. Com a conclusió final d’aquest estudi, recopilant el que comenta Crawford (2009, p. 268), “looking at proportional counts of lexical triggers is that verbs have more strong triggers in both varieties, followed by nouns and then adjectives. The largest difference in trigger strength between BrE and AmE is found in nouns which contain a number of cases where a trigger is strong in one variety of English but not in the other. There are no verb triggers that are strong in one variety but weak in the other and there were no strong adjective triggers at all. Thus, the strongest triggers (verbs) and the weakest triggers (adjectives) have less variation in the overall expression of mandates in BrE and AmE than intermediate triggers (nouns)”.



7. INVESTIGACIÓ EN CORPUS 7.1. Descripció de l’anàlisi Després d’haver observat diversos estudis sobre l’ús del subjuntiu en els dos corrents anglesos, m’agradaria realitzar una petita recerca a través de dos corpus: el British National Corpus (BNC) i el Corpus of Contemporany American English (COCA). El primer corpus es tracta d’una col·lecció de 100 milions de paraules sobre llenguatge escrit (90%) i parlat (10%) que provenen d’una àmplia gamma de fonts, dissenyat amb l’objectiu de representar una extensa mostra representativa de la variant britànica de l’última part del segle XX. El segon corpus recull 440 milions de paraules en un total de 190.000 textos en anglès americà, els textos provenen tant del llenguatge oral com del llenguatge escrit (ficció, revistes, diaris i llenguatge acadèmic). En aquest cas, em centraré en tres verbs persuasius (en anglès suasive verbs), aquests seran els verbs recommend, advise i suggest. La raó per la qual els he escollit és perquè són verbs persuasius molt potents que s’utilitzen, tal com ja expressa la mateixa paraula, amb la intenció de persuadir a l’interlocutor. En anglès normalment apareixen seguits d’una that-clause. A diferència dels verbs factuals que utilitzen el mode indicatiu, els verbs persuasius permeten varies opcions, per exemple: (15) She demanded that he returned the money (indicatiu) (16) She demanded that he should return the money (verb modal) (17) She demanded that he return the money (subjuntiu) És per aquesta raó que considero interessant observar quines formes predominen en els dos corrents anglesos, ja que, com s’ha observat, darrere d’aquests verbs vàries opcions són possibles. 7.2. Anàlisi dels corpus En aquesta anàlisi m’he centrat en buscar els contextos en els quals apareixen aquests tres verbs persuasius (recommend, suggest i insist). Per tal de restringir la búsqueda i, per consegüent, els resultats, he buscat el verb en qüestió en cada corpus juntament amb la conjunció that i els tres pronoms personals de la tercera persona del singular per separat (he, she i it). El motiu principal pel qual he decidit realitzar aquesta búsqueda



més limitada ha estat pel simple fet d’intentar evitar ambigüitats, ja que l’única persona de present de subjuntiu que es distingeix del mode indicatiu és la tercera persona del singular. La recerca en els dos corpus ha sigut força desigual. Mentre que el Corpus of Contemporany American English (COCA) et deixa escollir entre diferents seccions (llenguatge oral, ficció, revistes, diaris i llenguatge acadèmic), nombre de col·locacions, freqüència de les paraules, etc. El British National Corpus (BNC), per contra, no presenta












http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/, que és l’única a la qual pot accedir tothom, tot i així, per cada cerca només mostra 50 exemples com a màxim. Des del meu punt de vista trobo que és un corpus bastant delimitat en aquest sentit. En aquesta observació em centraré, bàsicament, en indicatius que expressin un mandat, en el modal should i en el present de subjuntiu. El primer verb que es va cercar va ser “recommend that he/she/it”. En el BNC es van trobar un total de 8 ocurrències; 2 de les quals estaven en indicatiu de mandat, 3 en present de subjuntiu, 2 amb should i 1 en altres temps d’indicatiu. A continuació es pot observar un exemple de cada temps extret del corpus BNC: (18) Indicatiu de mandat: “I know that the hon. Gentleman is assiduous about detail, and I recommend that he reads article 2 of the directive”. (19) Should: “It may accept a submission with or without qualification, or it may recommend that it should be not proceeded with in the current session”. (20) Present de subjuntiu: “If there is any way by which the Wallowa Valley could be kept for the Indians I would recommend that it be done”. Quant al COCA, es van trobar un total de 42 ocurrències de les quals 4 eren indicatius de mandat, 34 de present de subjuntiu, 1 amb should, 1 amb altres auxiliars modals i 2 més en altres temps d’indicatiu. A tall d’exemple: (21) Indicatiu de mandat: “[…] about the possibilities. MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, NEW YORK: I'd sort of recommend that he thinks about it for the next six years, because he'd have […]”.



(22) Should: “[…] tough jurisdiction for Paris Hilton. Shed better have a good defense



I recommend that she should


bargain. CHRIS-

WRAGGE: Yeah, thats all her attorneys need […]”. (23) Present de subjuntiu: “[…] the worst nuclear crisis since the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe. '' Personally, I'd recommend that he speak in public as soon as possible, '' said Toko Kanoh, […]”. (24) Altres auxiliars modals: “[…] all, not all. CONAN: And if you had a kid would you recommend that he or she might want to think about the military. I do have […]”. El segon verb que es va analitzar va ser “suggest that he/she/it”. En el BNC es va trobar un nombre total de 339 ocurrències de les quals només en van ser analitzades 132. Entre aquestes es van trobar 47 indicatius de mandat, 2 subjuntius, 2 amb should, 23 amb altres auxiliars modals i 58 en altres temps d’indicatiu. D’exemples extrets directament del corpus hi ha els següents: (25) Indicatiu de mandat: “If necessary, he or she will advise on the detailed layout of the cash books, and suggest that he or she reviews them occasionally to ensure their adequacy”. (26) Should: “Lloyd George perhaps entertained similar doubts, for his first reactions were to suggest that he should resign too, and to ask if he might speak to Bonar Law's doctor”. (27) Present de subjuntiu: “You should suggest that he join”. (28) Altres auxiliars modals: “I ventured on one or two occasions to suggest that he might find some way of dispensing with her services”. Del COCA es van extreure un total de 200 ocurrències de les quals 85 es trobaven en indicatiu de mandat, 22 en present de subjuntiu, 0 amb should, 30 amb altres auxiliars modals i 63 en altres temps d’indicatiu. Exemples extrets del corpus: (29) Indicatiu de mandat: “[…] suggest sort of final solution -- well, a less bad phrase -- it does suggest that he really wants to do something serious, at the end of the day […]”.



(30) Present de subjuntiu: “[…] dysfunction. If this is the case with your husband, you may want to suggest that he see a sex therapist, a professional who is specially trained in helping […]”. (31) Altres auxiliars modals: “[…] voting for the GOP ticket if Rubio is the vice presidential candidate. Other polls suggest that he would draw few Latinos, or could even hurt the ticket. # […]”. Finalment, quant al verb “insist that he/she/it”, en el BNC es van trobar un total de 54 ocurrències; 23 de les quals es trobaven en indicatiu de mandat, 11 en present de subjuntiu, 4 amb should, 5 amb altres auxiliars modals i 11 en altres formes d’indicatiu. Com a mostra: (32) Indicatiu de mandat: “If there is one danger facing Armani, it's that of becoming trapped in his own stereotype; when the day finally comes that he tires of the simple suit and sensational jacket, the world may just insist that he keeps on making them”. (33) Should: “But unknown to me, Lesley had approached the Chairman of Governors to insist that she as senior management (because Lesley sees herself as senior management) should be all owed to interview staff”. (34) Present de subjuntiu: “So far as Richard was concerned if his father was eventually going to insist that he give up his conquests then it was at least possible that he would get better terms if he approached Philip directly and offered to abide by the judgement of the French court”. (35) Altres auxiliars modals: “His defence was to insist that he would do exactly the same again under the same circumstances”. En el COCA es van trobar un total de 152 ocurrències de les quals 68 es trobaven en indicatiu mandatiu, 8 en present de subjuntiu, 4 amb el verb modal should, 9 amb altres auxiliars modals i 63 en altres temps d’indicatiu. A tall d’exemple: (36) Indicatiu de mandat: “[...] is jealous of Spielberg's success as a filmmaker. But most who know him insist that he accepts and admires his friend's success. His issues with Indy 4 [...]”. (37) Should: “[…] n8) # He startled several in his Loyola audience when he went on to insist that he as a judge should have nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence […]”. !


(38) Present de subjuntiu: “[…] as much as is reasonable, decide how to get it done. Don't insist that he do it precisely the way you would. He is learning, and […]”. (39) Altres auxiliars modals: “[…] Why is Ahmed Chalabi in charge of the deBaathification process, and why does he insist that he may proceed with this process on his own timetable? Ahmed Chalabi, […]”. A tall de recapitulació, destaca la presència de l’indicatiu amb significat de mandat per sobre de la resta, tant en el corrent americà com en el britànic. En la variant americana, l’ús del should és gairebé nul, s’usen més altres modals com ara el might, would, etc., i de manera equivalent, el subjuntiu; mentre que en el corrent britànic les ocurrències de should són similiars a les de subjuntiu, per consegüent, es pot concloure que és realment cert que a poc a poc el subjuntiu va adquirint importància i que, possiblement, en un futur pugui predominar per sobre de les altres formes en aquesta variant.



8. COMPARACIÓ ENTRE CATALÀ I ANGLÈS 8.1. El subjuntiu en català El mode subjuntiu en català té un valor hipotètic, d’inseguretat i de desig, és a dir, designa accions o estats que no són reals, sinó imaginaris. Apareix en oracions subordinades introduïdes per la conjunció que regida per verbs que expressen incertesa, dubte, temor, possibilitat, desig, voluntat, entre d’altres. En aquest apartat, mostraré les formes verbals de subjuntiu dels temps de present i de passat: el present, el perfet, el passat (perifràstic), l’imperfet, el plusquamperfet i el passat anterior (perifràstic). En els verbs regulars de present de subjuntiu en català, les terminacions són diferents de l’indicatiu excepte en les formes de primera i segona personal del plural, que coincideixen amb les del present d’indicatiu. En la taula que es troba a continuació es mostren tres exemples clars de la conjugació en els verbs regulars de present de subjuntiu: Trucar



























Taula 8. Formació de verbs regulars en el present de subjuntiu en català

En la taula següent, en canvi, es mostra la conjugació de tres exemples de verbs irregulars en present de subjuntiu. Les terminacions són regulars, però s’afegeixen a una arrel irregular. Per exemple: Anar





























Taula 9. Formació de verbs irregulars en el present de subjuntiu en català

Amb referència al temps passat de subjuntiu en català hi ha l’imperfet, el perfet, el passat (perifràstic), el plusquamperfet i el passat anterior. Els verbs regulars es formen de la manera següent: V. SOPAR





perifràstic Jo


hagi sopat

vagi sopar

Passat anterior

hagués sopat



sopat Tu


hagis sopat

vagis sopar

haguessis sopat



sopat Ell/ella/vos


hagi sopat

vagi sopar

hagués sopat

tè Nosaltres



sopat sopéssim

hàgim sopat

vàgim sopar

haguéssim sopat



sopat Vosaltres


hàgiu sopat

vàgiu sopar

haguéssiu sopat



sopat Ells/elles/v


hagin sopat

vagin sopar

haguessin sopat





Taula 10. Formació de verbs irregulars en el present de subjuntiu en català






perifràstic Jo


hagi estat

vagi estar

Passat anterior

hagués sopat

vagi estat






hagis estat

vagis estar

haguessis sopat



estat Ell/ella/vost estigués

hagi estat

vagi estar

hagués sopat








vàgim estar

haguéssim sopat

estat Vosaltres


vàgim haver estat

hàgiu estat

vàgiu estat

haguéssiu sopat



estat Ells/elles/vo estiguessin

hagin estat

vagin estar

haguessin sopat





Taula 11. Formació de verbs irregulars en el present de subjuntiu en català

Hi ha un conjunt d’expressions que s’utilitzen amb el present i l’imperfet de subjuntiu, aquestes són les següents: PRESENT


Alguna cosa influeix sobre una altra Vull que estiguis orgullós

Volia/voldria que estiguessis orgullós

T’aconsello que no agafis el metro

T’aconsellaria que no agafessis el metro

Oferiments Vols que t’ajudi?

Volies/voldries que t’ajudés?

Necessites que porti alguna cosa?

Necessitaves que portés alguna cosa?

Requisits amb el verb CALDRE, SER NECESSARI O FER FALTA Cal que vinguis d’hora

Calia que/caldria que vinguessis d’hora Demanar permís (peticions)

T’importa que vingui la meva germana?






germana? Valoracions M’agrada que nevi

M’agradava/m’agradaria que nevés

M’encanta que faci sol

M’encantava/m’encantaria que fes sol Dubtes o probabilitat

Dubto que arribi aviat


Dubtava que arribés aviat 32!

És possible que vingui abans

Era possible que vingués abans

Pot ser que marxi a l’hora de sopar

Podia ser/podria ser que marxés a l’

És probable que treballi tot el dia

Era probable que treballés tot el dia

Taula 12. Expressions catalanes amb present i imperfet de subjuntiu

8.2. Comparació del subjuntiu en català i en anglès Quant a similituds, s’ha pogut veure que el subjuntiu en la llengua catalana i anglesa comparteix el mateix ús, és a dir, s’utilitza per expressar casos hipotètics, desitjos, dubtes, etc. A més a més, tant en català com en anglès sol aparèixer en oracions subordinades introduïdes per la conjunció que en català i, en el cas de l’anglès, per la conjunció that. Així mateix, aquestes dues llengües tenen present i passat de subjuntiu però no existeix el futur en aquest mode. Si es vol fer referència al futur, es fa a través del present. Una altra similitud és que el subjuntiu es pot emprar darrere d’algunes expressions impersonals en les dues llengües, com ara: Català


És important que

It is important that

És urgent que

It is urgent that

És necessari que

It is necessary that

Taula 13. Expressions impersonals que coincideixen en català i anglès

Pel que fa a les diferències, es creu que el subjuntiu en anglès té una connotació més aviat formal o acadèmica, mentre que en català s’utilitza en qualsevol tipus de registre. A més a més, el subjuntiu en català s’utilitza de manera molt freqüent en qualsevol tipus de context, tant oral com escrit, ja que forma part de la gramàtica catalana que s’utilitza dia a dia en el llenguatge, és a dir, no es pot parlar català sense saber el subjuntiu. Això no obstant, el subjuntiu en anglès s’utilitza rarament i més aviat en la llengua escrita, és un aspecte que encara costa d’assimilar als nadius. En moltes ocasions, quan en català s’utilitza un subjuntiu, en anglès, per contra, es fa ús d’un indicatiu.



A més, el català té una morfologia verbal molt rica a diferència de l’anglès, per consegüent, el subjuntiu en català es diferencia del mode indicatiu en la gran majoria de temps verbals, mentre que en anglès només es diferencien la tercera persona del singular i el verb be en el present. Encara més, quant a les formes de passat, el català té el perfet, el passat (perifràstic), l’imperfet, el plusquamperfet i el passat anterior (perifràstic), en canvi, l’anglès, per contra, no té cap forma característica de passat excepte pel verb be, que és were en totes les persones, incloent-hi la primera i la tercera persona del singular.



9. CONCLUSIÓ ! El subjuntiu en anglès sempre ha sigut una contínua font de disputes pels gramàtics i lingüistes ja des que es va començar a utilitzar per primera vegada. Alguns experts en la llengua van arribar a afirmar, fins i tot, que mai havia existit, d’altres van proclamar la seva desaparició durant el declivi de l’anglès a finals del període de l’anglès antic i, per últim, hi ha qui darrerament ha parlat del seu retorn en la llengua anglesa. Aquestes opinions es van originar a causa de la pèrdua d’una gran part de les flexions verbals a finals del període de l’anglès antic, la qual cosa va portar a la substitució del subjuntiu per altres recursos necessaris, com ara el modal should, per tal de poder fer la distinció d’aquest ús. Juntament amb aquesta pèrdua, el mode subjuntiu es va deixar d’utilitzar en alguns contextos, com per exemple, en estil indirecte (reported speech). És per aquesta raó que actualment té un ús molt limitat i que per a molts nadius de la llengua anglesa és un aspecte força desconegut. El que sí que està clar és que hi ha estudis que demostren que l’ús del subjuntiu encara perdura, sobretot en l’àmbit escrit, en contextos de mandat i, en oracions subordinades condicionals i concessives. Això no obstant, és evident que no és un dels modes més utilitzats, sinó que és el mode indicatiu el que destaca per sobre de qualsevol ús. Tanmateix, on més predomina el mode subjuntiu és en la variant americana, atès que en la britànica segueix destacant l’ús del modal should. Així i tot, gràcies als estudis duts a terme durant els últims anys, recentment s’ha notat una clara influència del corrent americà en el britànic. Per últim, en la comparació entre l’anglès i el català s’ha pogut observar que el subjuntiu en anglès destaca més en aspectes formals mentre que en català és indispensable el seu ús en tot moment. A més a més, quant a temps verbals, l’anglès té un sistema morfològic verbal molt pobre al costat del català. Així mateix, la llengua catalana té cinc temps verbals de passat de subjuntiu mentre que l’anglesa cap.



10. BIBLIOGRAFIA 10.1. Pàgines web Nichol









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http://www.englishpage.com/minitutorials/subjunctive.html Grammarist.






http://grammarist.com/grammar/subjunctive-mood/ SpanishDict.








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11. ANNEX British National Corpus

Your query was recommend that he


Only 2 solutions found for this query HHV 22730 I know that the hon. Gentleman is assiduous about detail, and I recommend that he reads article 2 of the directive. JXW 1269 ‘Recommend that he's taken ashore at the next port of call and arrange for him to be flown home to an orthopaedic unit. Your query was recommend that she


Only one solution found for this query B20 1306 Perhaps I ought to recommend that she be killed. Your query was recommend that it


Only 5 solutions found for this query ALX 366 If there is any way by which the Wallowa Valley could be kept for the Indians I would recommend that it be done. !


ARE 372 To be fair, Suunto recommend that it is worn just above the wrist joint and it would be unlikely to move from that position. HBN 204 It may accept a submission with or without qualification, or it may recommend that it should be not proceeded with in the current session. HHG 30 Your Committee have given further consideration to the date of the Annual General Meeting of the Society and now recommend that it be held on 4 May 1990 at 7.30 pm at the Community College, Bishop's Castle. J3T 346 But they didn't actually recommend that it should be statutory labelling Your query was suggest that he


Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 101 found. A0R 668 I would be waiting for him outside the room and would suggest that he too withdraw a minor claim; then add a new demand. A6A 2354 If necessary, he or she will advise on the detailed layout of the cash books, and suggest that he or she reviews them occasionally to ensure their adequacy. A8K 169 They suggest that he could become the country's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge. A8K 662 They suggest that he could become the country's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge from the current upheaval.



ABR 240 No one would suggest that he rivals Sobers as the greatest of allrounders, for, although he has taken more wickets, his batting has been much less consistent and his Test average is some twenty-three points lower than Sobers'. ACH 798 Many may have felt betrayed, but there is little to suggest that MacDonald was any the less of a socialist than others, nor is there hard evidence to suggest that he schemed to bring about the collapse of the Labour government. AHG 138 If you suggest that he has done anything for a base motive such as money, he replies, ‘That does not do justice to you, or to me.’ AJJ 830 That is saying something and, indeed, there are those closer to him who suggest that he really believes he has got the ball ‘on a piece of string’ at the moment, but hardly dares to say so in case it tempts fate. AM6 300 His initial reservations expressed here suggest that he, like many of us, has spanned an era of reaction against the worst excesses of cut-throat competitiveness and artificiality of performance in favour of the process of a child's personal experience. ASC 1349 John was always prepared to take suggestions from his chosen dancers and also from Peggy van Praagh, who told me that her function was most often to suggest that he was attempting too much and ought to take something out. B25 110 Such has been the division that to describe a sociologist as a theorist is almost to suggest that he does not engage in field studies. CAB 2380 He was about to suggest that he had a break when Willie pointed to the letters and sounded them out on his own.



CB1 570 Or I might suspect too much vehemence in his insistence that he loves gibbons, and suggest that he is deceiving himself, that visiting the animals has become a habit without much joy in it. CEC 2181 Do you suggest that he knows something? CEJ 320 His names — John, a Jewish name, and Mark, a Latin name — suggest that he was a Greek-speaking Jew. CEJ 363 The way Matthew treats the Marcan source does not suggest that he knew more about the events concerned because he was an Apostle. CFF 559 There is so much in this strain that some of Andrewes' biographers have tended to suggest that he was tormented by shame for the compromises which he had made with evil at Court and above all for his actions in the Essex divorce. CKR 778 But all Anselm's actions, both under Rufus and Henry I, suggest that he thought that too much importance was being attached to the disputed ceremonies, and that the real problems of religious life were at the level of personal attitudes and motives known in the last resort only to God. CLS 762 Frank Daugherty saw Cagney's style as just a logical development from that of other gangster types and identified as the most effective of his ‘tricks’ the way in which he could suggest that he was ‘thinking his own thoughts’and ‘reserving his feelings’. EDT 490 As for Sir Robert, who is, I believe, a man with a strong marketing background, might I suggest that he emerges from the confines of his embattled empire and experiences at first hand the market in which he is now operating incognito during the evening rush-hour.



EFV 1127 But some incidents in his later career suggest that he was inclined to act first and let his legal advisers sort out the formalities later. EW1 1450 Lloyd George perhaps entertained similar doubts, for his first reactions were to suggest that he should resign too, and to ask if he might speak to Bonar Law's doctor. FPN 411 I ventured on one or two occasions to suggest that he might find some way of dispensing with her services. G0G 855 The minting of his own coins by Beonna could suggest that he too broke free for a time from Aethelbald's domination. GT1 40 Again there is little evidence to suggest that he made a significant contribution to the work of the court. GT5 677 Historians usually refer to him as a Monmouthshire man; his family connections and his early employment as a schoolteacher at Talgarth suggest that he could have been brought up in Breconshire, where, in 1737, he was converted by Howel Harris [q.v.]. GTE 319 His financial transactions extended throughout the eastern counties, and although the bulk of his fortune almost certainly came from moneylending, his six houses in King's Lynn and the quay attached to his own stone house in Norwich suggest that he also had interests in trade. GUH 909 Schein's Diletti pastorali are more frankly madrigalian and they suggest that he was acquainted with Monteverdi's Seventh Book of 1619. GVP 2020 ‘Did he ever say anything to suggest that he felt threatened, or that his life was in danger?’ she asked.



H7S 755 Taskopruzade does not mention any successor to Tursun Fakih, nor does he seem to describe the activities of any other scholar of the relevant period in such a way as to suggest that he held the office of Mufti. H7S 1039 If one accepts the statement that Hizir Bey was mufti in Istanbul, then it is natural to suppose that Molla Husrev succeeded him; but as with Hizir Bey, so with Molla Husrev, there is no positive evidence, nor even any suggestive indication, that Molla Husrev was in any sense Mufti before his return from Bursa: there is nothing, in short, to suggest that he became Mufti in any way other than that reported by the . H84 2400 You have advanced nothing — nothing — to suggest that he is not guilty, apart from the theories and musings of Huy, whom I was ill-advised enough to allow you to engage as consultant.’ HDC 2050 Hugh's mother, climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes, heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home. HHV 2523 May I suggest that he apologises in a broadcast from No. 10 Downing street, which I understand he occupies temporarily, and that he should give some thought — HHV 10403 I suggest that he waits for the consultation paper and I think that he will then be reassured. HHX 9427 With regard to the right hon. Gentleman's earlier remarks about opting in, I suggest that he discusses that matter with his right hon. Friends who would have signed the treaty in full without waiting to see what the economic conditions were at a later stage.



HJG 1153 For a start the old problem of slow play reared its ugly head once more, causing one member of the field to suggest that he might switch to a more active sport like angling. HKY 2627 Zhelev, then UDF leader, at a rally in Blagoevgrad (near the Yugoslav border) on Jan. 21, 1990, had denied the existence of a Macedonian minority, and appeared to suggest that he also regarded Yugoslavia's Macedonians as ethnically Bulgarian (a commonly held position in Bulgaria). HPT 1265 Lothar's marriage, and some of his activities in 833–4, suggest that he had designs of his own on Neustria. HR9 344 Some people were so bold as to suggest that he had now lost his grip and was writing pretty fair garbage. HRB 400 The two notes referring to James Island suggest that he has just started to identify different species by their specific island localities. HRJ 661 The domestic events of the spring of 1937 were not without importance but he took small part in them, and a cursory reading of the Cabinet minutes might suggest that he had already retired in mind. HXD 393 Because the person using the system brings an amount of skill to the task, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that he is the author. HY0 1657 His connection with Boso may suggest that he was one of the magnates of Childebert who was involved in bringing Gundovald to Gaul. HY6 535 His behaviour at the visit seems to suggest that he was a disturbing presence, since he did not turn up in the Great Hall as expected, but disappeared into a derelict and disused part of the house from whence he had to be fetched.



J7X 288 Thus in [30]the speaker might be taken to suggest that he did not mean that his childhood days had just gone: what he really meant was that they had vanished. K5A 274 Mosley's comments suggest that he has managed to supervise a compromise deal in the corridors of power involving Frank Williams and Flavio Briatore, the boss of the Benetton team, who had firmly opposed Williams's late entry for the championship. K5C 2548 ’ Do you see anything in the boatman's question to suggest that he was the village idiot?’ KAY 159 Because Boo is locked away, it makes his character very mysterious and at first it's hard to know if the rumours spread around about Boo only coming out at night to hunt for his dinner, eating squirrels and peering in through people's windows are true, but gradually as we read more into the book, we are given clues to suggest that he is not the monster, people make him out to be. KPU 1078 You should suggest that he join Your query was suggest that she


Only 32 solutions found for this query A27 273 Equally regrettably, they suggest that she who (presumably) approved them is not so much a Pharisee as a Philistine: one, moreover, who has been impressed by too many drives down The Bishop's Avenue, where Hampstead's temples to new money are built, en route to the Finchley constituency.



ABV 769 There is nothing to suggest that she was very clever, very holy, very gifted or very beautiful. AC7 1440 I could not bring myself to suggest that she was not likely to live much longer, certainly not long enough to make either course imprudent. ACA 948 There is nothing in the later history of this laconic diarist (who was my maternal grandmother) that would suggest that she was other than a normal ‘teenager’ of her time. ACG 488 He cannot, ‘mighty prince’ that he is, appear to suggest that she, his ‘princess’, is not worth four hundred shekels. AEB 2832 If she wants to find her relatives, I suggest that she looks in the villages. AJR 454 Her age and her resilience suggest that she will be around at the top for at least another Olympiad. AN4 1587 Although some poems, especially her essays, suggest that she is also looking toward a wider audience, in the vast majority of poems she speaks specifically to some woman she knows. B0W 559 With a further three she felt she had sufficient evidence to suggest that she could have supported the client at home but was overruled by others. BN6 831 Her delicate mannerisms and overall maidenly demeanour suggest that she would be much better suited, say, in the tearooms of Cheltenham or Bath, with life revolving around the quieter charitable events, bridge parties and chamber music.



BP4 591 Worried that leaving it in the basket might suggest that she had been up to no good, the girl ran downstairs starkers with her boyfriend in hot pursuit, playfully offering to help. CA6 917 And then I thought I would write and suggest that she should suggest herself to tea one day and not only did she have the effrontery to do so but she brought her husband. CAC 954 The Bulgarians sombrely suggest that she is a dead mother looking for her own baby, while the Spanish say she is the GHOST of an aunt or grandmother, looking to make a gift to her descendants. CD3 487 Mistress Southwell was a Roman Catholic and with several others sought to surround the events of the Queen Elizabeth's last illness and death with ill-omens and to suggest that she had not died in a state of grace’. CGV 431 I suggest that she does as I have done, pops down to her local computer shop and purchases an anti-static bracelet and strap. CGV 433 I suggest that she wears the bracelet either above her elbow or round her ankle so that it doesn't get entangled in her ribber. EVB 881 But they are not random errors: they grow out of her particular approach to spelling, and suggest that she may have trouble in the future because of a weak visual memory and her attempts to compensate for this are reckless and haphazard. FDD 288 She gave no indication to her boyfriend or to her father that she had repented of her sinful ways and I have no evidence from the mother to suggest that she had.



G1N 1370 Willy sees himself as the beneficent saviour who will ‘irrigate’ her ‘emotional desert’(17,138), and any attempt by her to suggest that she might be happier without him is ‘blackmarked against me as pretentiousness’(136). GT9 487 Stories about her childhood suggest that she was shrewd, selfreliant, and unorthodox. H0R 345 They would be from Canada, from her sister Louise who would suggest that she might put up various old acquaintances passing through London, or find a suitable family for a darling Austrian boy, not so very much older than Martha, whose father was a kind of Count, but was also in the import-export business, or try to recall a splendid person, the friend of a friend of hers who had had a very, very sad story. H0Y 2909 For example, it could appear that She washed, and dressed the baby means that she washed (herself) and then she dressed the baby, while She washed and dressed the baby would seem to suggest that she washed the baby and also dressed it. H84 74 There was nothing in the cast of her features to suggest that she had been alarmed or frightened at the moment of her death. H8L 1546 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly, but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time, and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer: H9X 1305 The housekeeper, French by origin and known as Madame, was one of those fair Nordic or Norman types whose hair and complexion were of a uniformity to suggest that she had been dipped in custard.



HH1 2514 All she had done this morning was suggest that she bathe his wound again before they started out, and he had refused with a complete lack of gratitude or even common courtesy. HLD 4640 Imelda, who vigorously protested her innocence of all crimes, continued to suggest that she wished to return to her homeland in order to honour her husband's dying wish by interring his body in the Philippines. JYF 1728 She occasionally did style her hair that way and, since she had never so much as dreamt of meeting Ven when she'd purchased her black dress, no one could suggest that she had bought it with him in mind. JYF 1946 No, what she found so overwhelmingly infuriating was that when he had enquired tactfully, some might say, whether she was tired, he clearly had been expecting her to say a polite ‘yes’ so that he could then suggest that she had an early night. K3C 869 We thought Jean might have been with Garry in the fire but there is no evidence to suggest that she is there now.’ K3K 1396 The women accused of murdering Linda Ann McMullen, 30, then tried an elaborate charade to suggest that she had been the victim of a sex attack by a man, it was alleged at Mold Crown Court. KBP 4713 Well and the fact that it was just their garden, and as far as I can make out it was simply that garden, it would suggest that she's fallen out with some kids or something like that or somebody and yeah. Your query was suggest that it


Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 206 found. !


A3U 207 Accounts of their trial suggest that it took the form of a political witch-hunt, with the intention of intimidating other critics of the government. A50 252 It is covered with gold leaf into which is etched a pattern of oak and bay leaves — and a medieval North Italian inscription, the surviving words of which suggest that it said: ‘In this little goblet one often acquires happiness’. A6L 721 Cuckney does not believe the crash was the result of any fundamental change in the structure of national economies, but he does suggest that it signals the fact that greater volatility in global markets is here to stay. AB9 2579 McLeish decided it would be a waste of time to suggest that it would have hardly been reasonable for Angela Morgan to expect to inherit a quick fortune from a man of sixty-two. ABF 168 But there was just enough from John Major this week to suggest that it isn't a fantasy either. ANC 229 Unlike the other mills powered by the Painswick Stream, there is no evidence to suggest that it has ever been anything but a corn mill, virtually all the others having been in the woollen cloth trade at some time. ANT 1617 The defence is too frequent, passionate and uncompromising to suggest that it was all a short-term tactic to confuse. ASF 1162 To indicate the causal relation between two notions, a compound was formed in such a way as to suggest that it is natural to begin with the effect and trace it back to its cause. B25 224 We suggest that it enables the parents to pay a compliment to close friends by inviting them to be godparents.



B2U 1526 The advertiser seems to suggest that it could be, if you ate their product. B31 1547 Few reports about this species are received annually, but these suggest that it is some three to four times scarcer than the Common Partridge. BM1 1389 This theory has recently been investigated scientifically, and the results suggest that it could well be correct. BMB 123 Richard Roxburgh (Letters, April) seems to suggest that it is alright for BBC Enterprises to produce training videos as long as they are not successful. C9V 1167 Various ways of studying water strongly suggest that it is in a similar category — that is, it is a fluid containing clusters of water polymers of varying sizes which are continually changing and reforming. CBT 2160 I suggest that it would now be best for everyone to concentrate on its merits and on its implementation. CBY 3276 In his judgment, Lord Justice Dillon rejected Mothercare's claim for passing off because in particular the book taken as a whole, not merely its title, did not begin to suggest that it had been issued by or sponsored by or was in any way associated with Mothercare. CER 508 How much money went with this is not known but the scale of the ruins — the shell of the reactor is still visible — suggest that it must have been several million dollars even in 1950s prices, perhaps 1 per cent of the gross national product of Argentina, or roughly the equivalent of a whole year's research budget for a developed country. CH0 3148 Now, sources close to the receivers of the H-M Agency of Los Angeles suggest that it has been conclusively proved that she was involved in !


the massacre at Dead Rat, Arizona, last year, during which a peaceful force of process-servers were murdered by members of the Maniax gangcult, who then razed the community to the ground. CHA 959 To suggest that it is shows how preconditioned some people are to react to the female body as pornographic. CRM 2391 We do not know how this activated state is subsequently maintained throughout the healing process, although the final overrun and pile-up suggest that it takes some time to switch off. EC7 399 Our results suggest that it is wrong to assume that patients will become unduly anxious if they are warned about most of the potential risks of surgical treatment, at least as far as inguinal herniorrhaphy and general anaesthesia are concerned. EEN 16 I want to suggest that it is the centrality given to this concept of sexuality that constitutes a problem for historians, for it ignores the great variety of cultural patterns that history reveals, and the very different meanings given to what we blithely label as ‘sexual activity’. FB1 1108 In fact, however, international comparisons strongly suggest that it is not the most downtrodden and deprived who provide the most militant source of protest. FBC 290 We wish to suggest that it can. FE2 210 To suggest that it matters whether the mislabelling precedes or succeeds removal from the shelves is to reduce this branch of the law to an absurdity. FLL 225 Lots of people want it to, er suggest that it ought to be holiday but



FPJ 1016 I would go further and suggest that it is also ideologically unsound. FPW 680 Its rather strange style finds its nearest parallels in the third quarter of the century, and primitive elements in the technique suggest that it is an early piece of its kind. FRL 1028 There are, for instance, several conflicting claims concerning the function of the Japanese suffix -wa: some suggest that it is an obligatory marker of topic (this claim is implicit in Li, 1976: 465); others suggest that it marks given information (see 5.1.2. below for an explanation of given vs new information). FT0 41 Preliminary data suggest that it is effective but decreases serum hepatitis C virus RNA at a slower rate than interferon alfa. FT3 1057 I would suggest that it has done rather more than just reveal them. FXR 1349 I I p I'm inclined to suggest that it's a pity we haven't got that in, somewhere at the beginning or the end to sort of give a bit of beef to it. G4H 1183 I, I'd suggest that it is a good bet, particularly if you think that erm if we do get rising inflation, er in the next year we could be, I mean the projected figures are round about er, by the middle of next year, round about five percent. GV5 299 There is no evidence to suggest that it would have developed more closely along Western lines. GVP 1869 ‘I suggest that it is not a matter which a man wishes his employer to know about.’ H0S 515 These results may be due to chance, but the figures suggest that it is worth trying to do semi-automatic correction.



HAC 3380 Although a mouse is not vital, I'd suggest that it makes using FP a whole lot easier. HH3 15232 This does suggest that it is men are doing the raping. HHV 24226 It is wholly wrong to suggest that it is the European Community alone which has difficulties with the agriculture dossier. HHV 24511 Has he seen its estimates, which suggest that it would increase business costs by an extra £50 million and cut 150,000 jobs? HHX 12422 I would venture to suggest that it is not. HJ0 22673 Recent developments on policy optimisation suggest that it may be optimal for the government to plan policy U-turns deliberately in such a setting. HPM 236 There are a number of studies which suggest that it is sensible to think of subjective risk when driving as a continually fluctuating quantity which may be related to both estimated and objective risk. HSB 116 Experiments suggest that it has a fluid consistency and that there is movement of the liquid molecules within the membrane. HWXHWX 737 Advance tapes suggest that it's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘Thaw’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘King Of The Jews’, which should be out in January when they're set to return to the UK for another series of dates. J14 125 First of all, they suggest that it may be possible to identify those people at risk of depression, that is, those who tend to make global, stable and internal attributions for failure, before they become depressed.



K59 1121 The fact that PRCS has such a large client base might suggest that it has discovered some magic formula, but Murphy insists the principles of good PR are quite simple. K5F 355 It didn't hurt, that was just the problem, and I would suggest that it goes to the core of cantilena's options for survival. K5L 2293 I would venture to suggest that it is Helen Bews and her like who should accept that their world view went out with the Empire! KAP 535 I suggest that it may be this very order that adds to the value of the books, records, toys, coins etc. Your!query!was# insist that he


Only 19 solutions found for this query A57 224 His defence was to insist that he would do exactly the same again under the same circumstances. A7P 219 If there is one danger facing Armani, it's that of becoming trapped in his own stereotype; when the day finally comes that he tires of the simple suit and sensational jacket, the world may just insist that he keeps on making them. ABM 1354 He is right to insist that he rejects the material world of philosophers , such as Descartes and Malebranche, a world that is only indirectly perceived r=itvia our ideas. ANU 1572 Phalangist officers of the time insist that he told them to kill 40 Muslims in reprisal.



ASK 1300 Indeed, to the extent that any such request may represent an unjustified use of scarce resources, it would be unethical for the doctor to comply or for the patient to insist that he does so. CH1 9290 Michaels and the three other Boyz: Shawn Stockman, Nathan Morris and Wayna Morris insist that he was not the victim of a mob feud. CH5 5372 Doctors insist that he lies low while his injuries heal. CH7 2351 Lord's insiders insist that he acted under Law 42.5 which specifically deals with unfair play and clearly states: ‘No one shall rub the ball on the ground or use any artificial substance or take any other action to alter the condition of the ball.’ CKR 1219 The Scottish bishops of this period were normally consecrated by the archbishop of York, and there was no protest against this practice until 1120, when Anselm's disciple Eadmer, having received the bishopric of St Andrews, attempted to insist that he should be consecrated at Canterbury. EFV 1012 In one well-remembered case Eleanor's father, Duke William X, had tried to insist that he should have the marriage of the probable heiress to the Viscount of Limoges, but the nobles of the Limousin, fearing "the Poitevin yoke" , successfully resisted this demand and she was given instead to a Count of Angoulême. EFV 1608 So far as Richard was concerned if his father was eventually going to insist that he give up his conquests then it was at least possible that he would get better terms if he approached Philip directly and offered to abide by the judgement of the French court. HA6 738 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him, and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time, and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home. !


HHA 3294 But though she knew she ought to deter that straying hand, struggle free of him, insist that he let her leave his bed, her own treacherous flesh kept her prisoner. HHA 3398 She ought to insist that he go away. HT7 37 When servicing your "fridge" choose a service engineer whom you can trust and insist that he collects any gas that he bleed off in a proper cylinder. HXU 357 He worked with the CNR, the Provisional Consultative Assembly, the political parties, and the resistance movements, but he continued to insist that he was accountable only to the French people, who would make their will known after liberation. J6R 900 Nevertheless, the tenant should insist that he be given a reasonable rent-free period in which to find a new subtenant. JXH 702 There seems no good reason for the husband to be able to claim that he should not convey as "beneficial owner" and the wife's solicitors should therefore insist that he so conveys (see Chapter 3). JYE 3373 I have to put him into kennels tomorrow as I have to go away for some time and they insist that he be fully vaccinated.’ Your query was insist that she


Only 7 solutions found for this query



A5D 66 At the Madrid summit last summer, Sir Geoffrey Howe, who at the time was collaborating closely with Mr Lawson, tried to insist that she name a date after 1 July next year on which Britain would join. ANF 1243 Foujita, an inventive witness, claimed that they were lovers, although Jeanne's friends insist that she was a virgin when she met Modigliani. B10 1689 If, however, your answer is specific (e.g. ‘She has a temper tantrum when I insist that she obeys me, for example when I tell her to eat up her breakfast’) then an effective procedure can be worked out. C8T 2235 The headmistress had tried to insist that she go on a racial awareness course, she who had taught children of different races for over twenty years. CM5 795 But unknown to me, Lesley had approached the Chairman of Governors to insist that she as senior management (because Lesley sees herself as senior management) should be all owed to interview staff. J19 78 I can insist that she has the very best attention…’ JYF 2039 ‘Perfectly,’ she replied, and preceded him out of the lift very much aware that, no matter how conscience and love might insist that she make a clean breast of everything, to confess was something she simply could not do. Your query was insist that it


Only 28 solutions found for this query



A5G 410 But that policy has come in for sharp criticism from monetarists who insist that it has fed the rapid expansion of broad money supply, M4, and inflamed inflationary pressures. A6A 2102 Conversely, managers (quite reasonably) insist that it would be equally unjust if their rights to commission on projects which they have initiated were to cease the moment they parted company from the artist. A8M 116 The girls insist that it is their fundamental right to wear their scarves at all times, just as some of their fellow students wear skullcaps or the cross. AAF 471 Eye-witnesses insist that it did happen and, further, that 80-odd (or even very odd) people showed up. B04 471 But, of course, others insist that it could never be humane in practice because the essence of the cruelty is not only in causing a painful and prolonged death but, rather, in the harrowing chase of the animal, and moreover, of an animal which has not evolved with the typical biological characteristics of a prey species. B2G 504 Several groups claim to exert their influence, but insist that it is no more than that. CCK 1208 The critics and defeated rivals of Anca Petrescu in the competition for the Comrade's patronage insist that it was her idea to resolve the question of the approach road to the Civic Centre by the most dramatic and destructive means. CD4 25 Mystics are aware that their experience can never be explained in rational terms and insist that it is unhelpful and can even be dangerous to attempt to define the ultimate reality in terms of reason and logic.



CEK 7104 Jackie and Jaafer insist that it stands and are prepared to take the company on in court. CJE 488 As an example, whoever feeds the dog should always insist that it sits before placing the bowl down on the ground. CLM 609 Henry also felt able to authorize a new translation of the Bible and to insist that it be made available to the laity. CM8 1191 It too, in a sense, is a potential person but it would seem the act of a fanatic to insist that it has a right to life. CRM 5227 some of these workers recognize that the trichotomy is not yet resolved, but others insist that it is resolved in favour of the chimpanzeehuman grouping. CS1 771 The report does not insist that it is one man who has committed all the offences, but the implication is that is the case. EBT 1406 Fumaroli's contribution to this argument is to insist that it is not so much the market which has blurred cultural standards, as much as the queasy relativism and condescending egalitarianism of State funding of pop culture. EWC 127 All colour had faded from the sky: and although the big board by the gate creaked slightly in the night wind (as though to insist that it had not disappeared in the darkness, but was still firmly where it had been put), there was no passer-by to read the sharp, hard letters that cut straight as black knives across its white surface. FB5 980 Surely we can maintain that the existence of social mobility does not undermine the Marxist critique of capitalism, without feeling obliged to insist that it is really of no consequence.



FBC 447 Retributivism thus fits in well with our commonsense intuitions which insist that it is indeed morally relevant whether the person punished has behaved well, badly or very badly in the past. FP2 705 A different approach to management motivation from that considered so far is adopted by the behavioural school, whose members insist that it is inappropriate to regard the company as engaging in maximising behaviour of any kind, be the maximand profits on the one hand, or growth, or some other determinant of management utility, on the other. G3R 1488 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation, the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins. H82 1470 They insisted that she consult a psychiatrist and, fortunately, Laura had the strength to insist that it be a woman. HH4 1051 Does The Faerie Queene insist that it is to be read in such a manner that its role as a history (which as both epic and romance it can claim to be symbolically) must be seen as intrinsically different from the account of the English in Ireland which Spenser outlines in A View ? HLD 5134 Meanwhile negotiations between the US government and the Philippines over the future of Clark air base and of Subic Bay naval base remained effectively deadlocked, with the Philippines government continuing to insist that it would take over the bases when the current agreement expired in 1991. HLP 1954 The DUP demanded that the Irish government give a commitment to sponsoring a referendum to amend the Articles, but the Irish government



continued to insist that it would only provide such a guarantee within the context of an overall settlement. HX9 1421 Should we then insist that it is all SEGLAB's fault and sit back waiting for it to improve? J6N 345 If the vendor has granted any fixed or floating charges over any of the assets, the purchaser will insist that it acquires these assets free of all such charges. JT8 249 Erm, on the emergency call out I getting surprised that this council insist that it's lit if we don't need it er at all service, I'm sure, I'm quite certain that we have never been told that there's always been a question of anything that goes to actually give us a better call out service. KCT 9922 Yeah because he said as soon as they see arrears he said they insist that it's paid up and they insist that you have like three months pay them no problem he said.



Corpus of Contemporany American English RECOMMEND


COCA:2 given the uncertainty around those issues, I couldn't in good conscience continue 011:SPO to recommend that he'd receive the highest award that a civilian can receive in K the United Fox_Sun day


COCA:2 the worst nuclear crisis since the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe. '' Personally, 011:NE I'd recommend that he speak in public as soon as possible, '' said Toko Kanoh, WS WashPos t


COCA:2 all, not all. CONAN: And if you had a kid would you recommend that he or she 009:SPO might want to think about the military. I do have K NPR_Tal kNation


COCA:2 008:MA G GolfMag


COCA:2 -- and 48 is fairly young for prostate cancer -- most physicians are going 005:SPO to recommend that he get some kind of treatment and feel very bad if he gets K into CNN_Liv eFrom


COCA:2 about the possibilities. MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, NEW YORK: I'd sort 003:SPO of recommend that he thinks about it for the next six years, because he'd have K CNN_Pol itics


COCA:2 a great job and I would recommend it to anybody. I'd sort 003:SPO of recommend that he thinks about it for the next six years because he'd have a K CNN_Pol itics


COCA:2 003:MA G Atlantic


COCA:2 trustworthy, two, that he s been involved in a murder, and 002:SPO you recommend that he be closed down, and your recommendation is ignored K again? CBS_Six ty

1 0

COCA:1 the House does not approve of the conduct of James Peck and goes on 998:SPO to recommend that he be not impeached. This is, in essence, Mr. Speaker, K ABC_Sp ecial

1 1

COCA:1 998:MA G MotherE


The lofts and shaft stiffness seem arbitrary (see charts at right). We recommend that he increase the loft by 3 in long irons, 4 in mid irons

. Carlisle, Johnson Euophobia is impressive, even if misguided and prompts me to recommend that he invest in a pair of ice skates. If the Mediterranean will freeze

recommendation to my theoretical new neighbor. In addition to the lime, I would recommend that he or she spread manure (mixed with a bedding of straw, Wood


arth 1 2

COCA:1 the jury only one vote to convict Timothy McVeigh and only one more vote 997:SPO to recommend that he die for the Oklahoma City bombing. Since they finished K their duty on CBS_Mo rning

1 3

COCA:1 996:MA G Essence

counseling in order to understand the impact these proceedings could have on the children. Recommend that he read Black Fatherhood: A Guide to Male Parenting (Middle Passage Press

1 4

COCA:1 996:NE WS Denver

of what the next century should hold is the view of most Americans. We recommend that he be returned to the White House to complete a job he has,

1 5

COCA:1 996:NE WS Denver

# GOP-DEM DUO ROLE URGED FOR THE FED: Economic advisers to President Clinton will recommend that he link Republican Alan Greenspan and Democrat Felix Rohatyn in a package of appointments

1 6

COCA:1 LEE BAILEY: Johnnie and I especially feel very strongly about that and probably 995:SPO will recommend that he take the witness stand, even though he need not. K CYNTHIA McFADDEN ABC_20/ 20

1 7

COCA:1 995:MA G SportsIll

1 8

COCA:1 just result, find him guilty of three counts of premeditated first degree murder 994:SPO and recommend that he die in the electric chair. SPENCER: (Voiceover) Now, Pat K Nally CBS_48 Hours

1 9

COCA:1 veto it? Rep. RICHARD GEPHARDT: Yes. GEORGE WILL: And would 994:SPO you recommend that he veto it? Rep. RICHARD GEPHARDT: I do because you K are going ABC_Bri nkley

2 0

COCA:1 or not you have heard or will have heard sufficient evidence to vote and 993:SPO to recommend that he be prosecuted for the three counts that will be given to K you. Ind_Ger aldo

2 1

COCA:1 involved. Scott is eligible for parole right now, but the therapists 992:SPO won't recommend that he get out of prison yet because they're not finished with K his treatment ABC_20/ 20

2 2

COCA:1 . If you were sitting there, next to the President, what would 992:SPO you recommend that he try next? Mr. WIRTHLIN: Well, George, to begin with K ABC_Bri nkley

2 3

COCA:2 012:MA G Atlantic

spending too many hours in the waiting rooms of too many specialists, having friends recommend that she have someone come to live with her. # The book has a

2 4

COCA:2 011:MA

presses-but she needs to do more of them and with more weight. I also recommend that she add the step-up (below) to her present workouts. This


Gooden says, Millman and Solomon, his counselors in New York, did not recommend that he undergo another inpatient rehabilitation. His aftercare program, including the testing régimen


G Preventi on


2 5

COCA:2 tough jurisdiction for Paris Hilton. Shed better have a good defense here or 010:SPO I recommend that she should plea bargain. CHRIS-WRAGGE: Yeah, thats all her K attorneys need CBS_Ear ly

2 6

COCA:2 006:MA G Science News

Medical Center in Seattle told Duggan that she is free of the disease. They recommend that she get a colonoscopy twice a decade from now on. # When colonoscopy

2 7

COCA:1 999:MA G TownCo untry

collapsed a few years back from a heart attack at age 28, I'd recommend that she put her daughter on a lowfat, low-cholesterol diet and begin monitoring her

2 8

COCA:1 999:MA G Parentin g

In some cases, as when a baby has severe gastroesophageal reflux, doctors may recommend that she be put on her stomach.) But will it help to go

2 9

COCA:1 as -- as an attorney, if Hillary Clinton were your client, would 996:SPO you recommend that she go before a congressional committee? Mr-ROBERTK BENNETT-: Well, I think that CBS_Fac eNation

3 0

COCA:1 ! DINE: Sure. RIVERA: Because you got -- could -- would 995:SPO you recommend that she go ahead with her idea to... NA ! DINE: Reduce K Ind_Ger aldo

3 1

COCA:2 bribe! '' Daisy exploded. '' They're only offering it so you'd recommend that it is 010:FIC all right to cut down the trees. Can't you see Bk:Enco unterInY ellow

3 2

COCA:2 010:NE WS SanFran Chron

3 3

COCA:2 because these are the conditions in which people live and work. # Siting 010:ACA protocols recommend that it is not necessary to monitor small-scale variability of D ozone (U.S. EPA, Environ Health

3 4

COCA:2 008:MA G TownCo untry

3 5

COCA:2 I began working on a self-help book about reducing holiday stress, I planned 008:MA to recommend that it was time to retire the whole business of cards. But then, G GoodHo usekeepi ng


'' initial assessment '' had been made of the drug-skimming suspicions. # '' I recommend that it the findings of that assessment be reviewed and forwarded through channels for a

the board of a group that lacks D &O; coverage, you may want to recommend that it be purchased. D &O; policies indemnify individual board members against actual or


3 6

COCA:2 the only sure income stream for Pam at her retirement, and I would 005:NE not recommend that it be subject to the risks of the market, '' Malgoire said in WS WashPos t

3 7

COCA:1 997:MA G Preventi on

need for isolation or other restrictions. Doctors at Angell Memorial, however, strongly recommend that it be kept indoors. Can you afford it? # A feline kidney

3 8

COCA:1 996:MA G Fortune

Even the U.S. government is thinking about getting in-a federal advisory panel is planning to recommend that it invest a big part of the Social Security trust fund, now full

3 9

COCA:1 contour. It conforms easily to the deep tissue bed. 1, 2 Some 995:ACA authors recommend that it be soaked in antibiotic solution before implantation, D 2 while others state that EarNose Throat

4 0

COCA:1 of trade sanctions? Southern NGOs propose a defined and narrow role for CTE 995:ACA and recommend that it only address issues where GATT rules need further D clarification. Specifically, they Environ ment

4 1

COCA:1 993:MA G Atlantic

4 2

COCA:1 accessibly costly, and so I think that it's unlikely that the president-elect 992:SPO would recommend that it be done immediately or that Congress would accept K immediately to do that POTTER CNN_Pol itics

purpose of tracking recurrent cancers; only last June did an FDA advisory panel formally recommend that it be used to detect early prostate cancer as well. (FDA approval



COCA:20 of his neck. And apparently Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles, 12:SPOK which suggest that he was hitting someone. Those are facts. They don't decide CNN_Coo the per


COCA:20 back of his neck. And apparently Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles 12:SPOK which suggest that he was hitting someone. Those are fact. They don't decide CNN_Coo the per


COCA:20 dysfunction. If this is the case with your husband, you may want 12:MAG to suggest that he see a sex therapist, a professional who is specially trained in Preventio helping n


COCA:20 voting for the GOP ticket if Rubio is the vice presidential candidate. Other 12:MAG polls suggest that he would draw few Latinos, or could even hurt the ticket. # WashMon th


COCA:20 12:ACAD MiddleEa stQ


fictional Kashani -- his activities, his Iranian regime connections, and his whereabouts -- suggest that he was not sufficiently familiar with either of the real life inspirations for his



COCA:20 suggest sort of final solution -- well, a less bad phrase -- it 11:SPOK does suggest that he really wants to do something serious, at the end of the PBS_New day sHour


COCA:20 to you, because you've been very critical of President Obama, and 11:SPOK you suggest that he's not been up to the task of national security. Would you ABC_This Week


COCA:20 a single person -- not on a single occasion have I with given that 11:SPOK would suggest that he is involved. Let's say they are rumors that are not true PBS_New sHour


COCA:20 . IAN-BOOTH: Mister Landry was completely compliant. There's nothing in his 11:SPOK demeanor to suggest that he'd done something. RICHARD-SCHLESINGE: But H. CBS_48H didn't try to deny it ours

1 0

COCA:20 11:SPOK CNN_Gra ce

1 1

COCA:20 say - well, certainly he was exposed. PINSKY: Yes. GHAZARIAN: But 11:SPOK to suggest that he had a dependency of a recurring nature, Dr. Klein would CNN_DrD have to rew

1 2

COCA:20 11:MAG Esquire

1 3

COCA:20 is typical of our society today. # -DSMbirddog # I would kindly- but firmly11:MAG suggest that he find a very experienced and patient mentor, in the form of a OutdoorLi fe

1 4

COCA:20 just a sign of, hopefully, things to come. That's not to suggest that he's going to 11:NEWS have these kinds of days. But the first opportunity USAToda y

1 5

COCA:20 , identify homosexuals as a suspect class deserving maximum protection. Which 11:ACAD is not to suggest that he couldn't or wouldn't do so in a future case, but Humanist

1 6

COCA:20 high-tech pressure with the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative. # 11:ACAD Reagan's critics suggest that he was merely in the right place at the right time, Comment a bystander ary

1 7

COCA:20 refer to the 87,000 troops under your command when you - as occupiers, 10:SPOK and suggest that he could envision joining the Taliban, how does that affect ABC_This you? Does Week

1 8

COCA:20 whether its safe for a 16-year-old to do so. But there is evidence 10:SPOK to suggest that he was at least talking with reality show producers. ANDERSON: CNN_Sho Yes, wbiz

1 9

COCA:20 10:SPOK CNN_Ne ws

the broad principle of religious freedom. He really did indicate on Friday night and suggest that he was endorsing this project saying, look, this is a bedrock principle

2 0


. CHRIS-CONNELLY-1-# (Voiceover) How did you find Christian Bale in order to be able to suggest that he play this role, Mark? MARK-WAHLBERG-1 '' T# At my, our


is very clear through the stuttering and all of that. His actions do not suggest that he's a loving parent, despite how many times he wants to say

There isn't a great deal of fear in him, which is not to suggest that he's particularly cool or aloof or that he shows no judgment. He


A 2 1

COCA:20 10:MAG MotherJo nes

story before, and to several foreigners, but never to one rude enough to suggest that he was a liar. He cocked his head. '' Because, ''

2 2

COCA:20 10:MAG AmSpect

being spent on the papal visit This is linked to other outbursts of Benedictbashing which suggest that he is coming to Britain '' to sanitize Newman '' and to suppress all

2 3

COCA:20 the donor is not entirely an interloper. The relationships the children seek with 10:MAG him suggest that he has an important place in their lives. In a New York Times ChristCen tury

2 4

COCA:20 has shown himself to be too klutzy or too distractible to do it 10:MAG well, suggest that he might like to wash your car instead. One of the definitions TodaysPa of rent

2 5

COCA:20 10:MAG FieldStre am

2 6

COCA:20 that contains all the information they have on him. His answers to a 10:NEWS questionnaire suggest that he is kind, smart, optimistic and easygoing. He NYTimes seems a lot

2 7

COCA:20 10:ACAD AfricanAr ts

2 8

COCA:20 occupant had European or western Asian genes. The structure and location of the 10:ACAD tomb suggest that he was friendly with the elites of what is considered a Archaeolo linguistically and ethnically gy

2 9

COCA:20 10:ACAD ChurchHi story

return to England as causing the absence of a very close friend, and to suggest that he truly resided not in England but in Limborch's heart. '' #

3 0

COCA:20 09:SPOK Fox_Han nity

'' He can give back. He makes how many millions per movie? I suggest that he take a stipend of maybe $50,000 per movie. Fair enough? DAN-HENNINGER-

3 1

COCA:20 sign that his libido will be lacking. In some cases, it actually 09:MAG may suggest that he has more testosterone. * Not every man masturbates Cosmopol regularly. About 5 itan

3 2

COCA:20 09:MAG GoodHou sekeepin g

of position he really wants seems too hard or time-consuming to get. '' Tactfully suggest that he come up with shorter-term goals, as in, What can he do

3 3

COCA:20 09:MAG PsychTod ay

him, but I stopped. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY, and your husband's actions suggest that he cares deeply about you and your children. Not everyone is equally comfortable

3 4

COCA:20 09:MAG GoodHou sekeepin g

KNOW NOW SMARTER STOCKING STUFFER If your kid has electronics on his wish list, suggest that he ask Santa for rechargeable batteries and a charger, too. It's


Mich. If Mr. Mize is that upset about handgun hunting for game, I suggest that he take up knitting. Nicholas B. Sosko, Greensburg, Pa. Ageism

206). Drewal's intellectual seriousness and fascination with hyperbolic visions of mermaids would suggest that he has been seduced by his own fantasies, and that the many sides


3 5

COCA:20 09:MAG MilitaryHi st

3 6

COCA:20 . He shoots Lillian. The crying and screaming coming out of Lillian, 08:SPOK I suggest that he could not handle and tolerate. He closes them out, is the ABC_Prim etime

3 7

COCA:20 If you look at the content of the letters themselves, there is nothing 08:SPOK to suggest that he's aware of any plan to kill him. SPENCER: So it CBS_48H ours

3 8

COCA:20 08:SPOK Fox_Gibs on

explanations of it, it seems to me that haven't changed very much, suggest that he does have somewhat elitist ideas. KELLY: Interesting. Brit Hume,

3 9

COCA:20 08:SPOK NBC_Mat thews

Norah pointed out, to... O'DONNELL: Have no idea. MsNORRIS:... suggest that he doesn't know how many houses he has as if we're talking

4 0

COCA:20 of bone headed statements, that would be one of the biggest, but 08:SPOK to suggest that he could quantify it and say it will cost four points in the race CNN_Dob bs

4 1


. Should a minister believe he must tell his congregation how to vote, I suggest that he give up his tax-exempt status as proof that he truly believes in his

4 2

COCA:20 08:MAG Atlantic

VALLEY, CALIF. Corby Kummer replies: Jim Lahey of course never meant to suggest that he receive royalties for his noknead bread, a method he is the first

4 3

COCA:20 : that energy trading was outside its jurisdiction. // Gramm is irked that 08:NEWS Democrats suggest that he slipped the provision into legislation '' in the dark of Houston night. ''

4 4

COCA:20 even worse in Haas Pavilion on a Saturday night and contacted Cal media 08:NEWS relations to suggest that he attend a practice instead of a game. // That SanFranC account could be hron

4 5

COCA:20 '' four-fourth Melainotypes '' (tintypes). DeShong's 1859 and 1860 Atlanta 08:ACAD advertisements suggest that he was very good at marketing these photographic GeorgiaHi trends. He promoted his '' sQ

4 6

COCA:20 Hu. Jiang has remained a power behind the scenes, but no one 08:ACAD would suggest that he holds the influence that Deng did. One senior leader told ForeignAf me that fairs

4 7

COCA:20 ascribe fictional characters' views to their creators, McEwan's body of work 08:ACAD does suggest that he would share this outlook. In his contribution to John Humanist Brockman's What

4 8

COCA:20 08:ACAD TheologS tud

determinations. (n25) For instance, Abelard's three works bearing the title Theologia suggest that he divided theology into three parts: faith, charity, and sacraments.

4 9

COCA:20 08:ACAD AmerIndi anQ

. Emo's pronounced jingoism and the attraction he has to a particularly visceral violence suggest that he embodies as a kind of perverse textual excess the frustrations of many returning


high to avoid civilian casualties, though there is nothing in Mowat's reports to suggest that he was. But even firing high caused immediate destruction. The gunfire and


5 0

COCA:20 07:SPOK Fox_Sust eren

, just telling him to be strong, trying to encourage him, trying to suggest that he needs to keep his cool, that you know, there are a

5 1

COCA:20 07:SPOK CNN_Gra ce

However, I would remind everybody that he has not been arrested. I would suggest that he would turn himself in. GRACE: Yes, well, why has nt

5 2

COCA:20 07:SPOK Fox_HC

to be out of it. HANNITY: You gave him specific things that you suggest that he follow. Among which -- first of all, you talked about the

5 3

COCA:20 07:FIC FantasyS ciFi

'' Kosmir announced that he would tell all. Harkless gestured with the pistol to suggest that he do so quickly. Kosmir began to talk, telling an involved tale

5 4

COCA:20 which to base speculation about his first years of life but what there is 07:FIC does suggest that he proved an anxiety to his family from the first. That anxiety BkJuv:Sh can erlockHol mes

5 5

COCA:20 07:MAG Atlantic

5 6

COCA:20 expert at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio. # '' That 07:NEWS would suggest that he may well not cave to pressure, even from his own Houston supporters on

5 7

COCA:20 years. As for the '' presumptions '' of the Rev. Jim Schexnayder, 07:NEWS I suggest that he check out the video of the Gay Pride Parade, to see the SanFranC hron

5 8

COCA:20 found him, at 42, too young for the role, Mann's notes suggest that he thought 07:NEWS of the character as about 53, and Mr. Bostridge, his NYTimes

5 9

COCA:20 the museum and archaeological worlds are still grappling with these hypocrisies. I 07:ACAD could only suggest that he follow his conscience. # But I felt an obligation to Archaeolo him. gy

6 0

COCA:20 07:ACAD ArtBulleti n

fragments on church architecture and music (App. 3, nos. 1, 8) suggest that he might often have taken extracts from his readings. Further, the pages

6 1

COCA:20 06:SPOK NBC_Tod ay

to a family friend and urged him to use it. Mr-LARRY-SEIDMAN-: I'd suggest that he make the call, and then I would make sure I suggested firmly

6 2

COCA:20 going to give Mike Nifong the benefit of the doubt and I am going 06:SPOK to suggest that he did not understand exactly what was happening, because MSNBC_A maybe the defense is brams

6 3


getting blamed for it. GERGEN: I do nt think theres any doubt it does suggest that he wanted action taken. It does not say to go out there and out

6 4

COCA:20 06:FIC AntiochR ev

he been present at Sebald's side. # In nothing he said did Sebald suggest that he had the slightest interest in my friendship with Jacques Austerlitz. We'd


natural disaster, but also a terrorist attack. '' Only after that did Obama suggest that he might '' take potentially some action to dismantle that network. '' Clinton


6 5

COCA:20 Scott Barker is accused of cold-blooded murder, but you are saying Scott's 06:FIC wounds suggest that he was, in fact, fighting for his own life.' He Bk:Malici ousIntent

6 6

COCA:20 06:MAG Smithson ian

6 7

COCA:20 churchgoing Baptist who meditates and quotes from Hindu texts -- has also led 06:NEWS some to suggest that he lacks strong convictions. # Mr. Booker's friends NYTimes consider his openness a

6 8

COCA:20 loved my father, and I sometimes wonder if I am being evil to 06:NEWS even suggest that he could have had something to do with William Sebek's NYTimes death. ''

6 9

COCA:20 course being surprised that it could be made into a literary subject. '' 06:NEWS # Suggest that he was finding his voice, however, and he breaks in with an WashPost

7 0

COCA:20 devastating, although Bush persistently proclaims that he is still pursuing victory; 06:ACAD his actions suggest that he is, instead, merely trying to avoid defeat. # ForeignAf According to fairs

7 1

COCA:20 05:SPOK NPR_Mor ning

's reasons for leaving, he says, are personal. Is there anything to suggest that he is being forced out? O'HARA: No. In fact, Secretary

7 2

COCA:20 05:FIC FantasyS ciFi

is one of those occasions. I hope I won't offend you if I suggest that he and I need to address this issue in private. '' # ''

7 3

COCA:20 05:FIC Bridges

traffic flood. And I'm going to call that jerk at the FBI and suggest that he suggest that everyone else who can should do the same thing. More

7 4

COCA:20 and he'll hang a nigger, am more laik hit. # The 05:FIC marginalia suggest that he bracketed other jokes for use in performance, Southwes probably in blackface. '' tRev

7 5

COCA:20 05:MAG SportsIll

feet, weighing perhaps 180 or 185 pounds. There was nothing about him to suggest that he could, very possibly, throw a round object harder than anybody else

7 6

COCA:20 05:MAG RollingSt one

of conspiring to support terrorism. # There was nothing in Khalid's childhood to suggest that he would wind up joining the jihad. His father was a moderate Muslim

7 7

COCA:20 it happen. '' # A Traumatic Change # Mr. Miller's family lineage 05:NEWS would suggest that he was destined for political life. His father, Leigh, served in NYTimes

7 8

COCA:20 off o' all o' that. '') And because his public appearances suggest that he doesn't 05:NEWS underrate his own music, he's also known as a NYTimes

7 9

COCA:20 '' # The views the new pope has expressed in the past, 05:NEWS however, suggest that he is not willing to deal with members of other faiths as CSMonito equals. r

8 0

COCA:20 : He was never found, and there was nothing in his background that 05:NEWS would suggest that he was ever capable of this (crime). '' # Zaleski doubts USAToda y


Brewster disappears briefly from the historical record. He was about 53. Some accounts suggest that he may have returned to England, of all places, there to live


8 1

COCA:20 05:ACAD Change

accreditation. He asks his fellow-conferees for assistance, but they are swamped. They suggest that he seek help from the provost's office, the source of their conference

8 2

COCA:20 05:ACAD TheologS tud

Nazi Party in order to find employment, problematic as it is, should not suggest that he ever fell under the spell of National Socialism. His rejection of its

8 3

COCA:20 04:SPOK CBS_Sixt y

. ! GALL: Yes. ! SAFER: Which would suggest that he had been given at some point in those previous 12 hours or something

8 4

COCA:20 04:SPOK NBC_Tod ay

Katie. What he's trying to do is neutralize George Bush's attempt to suggest that he's out of the mainstream or on the far left by constantly referring

8 5

COCA:20 04:SPOK NBC_Dat eline

or prescription medications at therapeutic levels in Tom's blood. LARSON: Which would suggest that he was off his meds. Mr-SPIES: He was off his meds. LARSON:

8 6

COCA:20 he sings really badly, and to get even with him, Frasier and 04:SPOK Niles suggest that he sing at a party. And the song that he sings quite badly NPR_Fres hAir

8 7


calls that we did receive from the community, and we have strong evidence to suggest that he is in fact the perpetrator. JEFFREY-KOFMAN-# (VoiceOver) Smith is in custody. In

8 8


the veterans who worked on his campaign. The exit polls out of New Hampshire suggest that he actually didn't do any better with veterans than other voters. How

8 9

COCA:20 04:SPOK CNN_Insi ght

it does seem to be a bit of a stretch for the White House to suggest that he would have never gotten wind of any of this, given that he

9 0

COCA:20 04:SPOK CNN_Poli tics

for arguing for the most strenuous responses that the government could undertake. And to suggest that he was sitting back and performing his business as usual is to not have

9 1

COCA:20 04:FIC NewYork er

She cast a brilliant smile his way, and held it just long enough to suggest that he'd missed the boat. Erik wouldn't be getting up for breakfast

9 2

COCA:20 04:FIC Bk:Cloud Atlas

in an O of horror, until there was nothing). Ronnie liked to suggest that he had something to do with this disappearance. He was, then as

9 3

COCA:20 trailing Mr. Bush, 42 percent to 50 percent. But this poll and 04:NEWS others suggest that he is having difficulty turning strong discontent with the NYTimes state of the country into

9 4

COCA:20 view, his public comments on particular topics provide a mosaic of his thinking 04:NEWS and suggest that he is groping toward his next big idea. # Mr. Greenspan's last NYTimes

9 5

COCA:20 million-a-picture salary, he's one of Hollywood's most down-to-earth guys. # 04:NEWS But suggest that he's remarkably ego-free, and he'll demur. # '' I have USAToda y



9 6

COCA:20 Community Leaders for Neighborhood Preservation. Perata said it would be 04:NEWS misleading and inaccurate to suggest that he is enriching himself with campaign SanFranC contributions passed through Community Leaders to companies owned hron

9 7

COCA:20 personal responsibility once the teacher has taught it. To ask him a question 04:ACAD would suggest that he is not a good teacher. Thus, Lei asks few questions and RoeperRe view

9 8

COCA:20 auditor is an '' expert. '' His experience, credentials, and current 04:ACAD activities suggest that he is highly accomplished. The model evaluation results InfoSyste confirm the accuracy of his ms

9 9

COCA:20 04:ACAD Canadian Stud

direction he is prepared to go in relations with the United States, '' indicators suggest that he is '' prepared to engage on the Canada-U.S. agenda. '' 13 This

1 0 0

COCA:20 04:ACAD Canadian Stud

with the United States remained in surplus. However, there is little evidence to suggest that he was fully aware that Canada's overall current account balance remained in déficit

1 0 1

COCA:20 -- it's very hard. LESLEY-STAHL: Now, you don't really mean to suggest that it's 12:SPOK like jet lag. I mean, you make it sound like CBS_This Morning

1 0 2

COCA:20 this point we have not been able to determine. There is more evidence 12:SPOK to suggest that it did not occur at this point but the investigation's not done yet CBS_This Morning

1 0 3

COCA:20 the normal language proficiency characterization assigned to some children with 12:ACAD language impairment on the CELF-III suggest that it is unlikely that all child Language language tests are useful for differentiating among severity Speech

1 0 4

COCA:20 and is mentioned above. It is an imperial stretch to ratio, and 12:ACAD some suggest that it can act as an off/on switch or represented groups of data Education that are

1 0 5

COCA:20 12:ACAD JSpeechL anguage

only minor effects on these listeners' performance. The RAU-rate functions, however, suggest that it is possible for these listeners to potentially improve their performance (although not

1 0 6

COCA:20 12:ACAD JSpeechL anguage

0 dB SNR 3.6 s RT). # Results from Shi (2010) suggest that it is not appropriate to compare performance of bilingual listeners, including those who

1 0 7

COCA:20 11:SPOK NPR_Tell More

there's a nationwide documentation, but there are certainly more than enough anecdotes to suggest that it is very difficult for patients to find - particularly specialists. But there

1 0 8

COCA:20 the definition I left out, a wrongful act, and certainly, some 11:SPOK would suggest that it was wrong to treat him with propofol at the home, which I CNN_DrD rew

1 0 9

COCA:20 11:SPOK Fox_Sust eren

against FOX to try to delegitimize FOX because it is the most watched network and suggest that it's all Republican talking points. VAN-SUSTEREN: Well, you know, I

1 1


n't we put it into a little book? '' She says, '' I suggest that it be called '' Indignez-vous, '' which is interesting because it contained the




PBS_New sHour

1 1 1

COCA:20 11:SPOK Fox_Sust eren

1 1 2

COCA:20 ) One is struck dumb when trying to comprehend the size ofthat gorge. 11:MAG I Suggest that it iS Silence that makes life readable. Silence is the space USCatholi between the c

1 1 3

COCA:20 11:MAG Esquire

not have a whole lot of scientific credence, and in fact many people would suggest that it might not be valid at all. '' Moreover, the medical community

1 1 4

COCA:20 11:MAG ScienceN ews

help explain why people can remember only a handful of objects at one time and suggest that it maybe possible to maximize mental performance by delivering information in equal doses to

1 1 5

COCA:20 11:MAG TechRevi ew

costs of action may be a bit lower. But I don't want to suggest that it is an easy no-brainer decision. You have to make big investments now

1 1 6

COCA:20 11:MAG NatGeog

Turkish troops in the Crimean War. # A cautionary note: Crimean history would suggest that it is folly to think that possession of any place, especially paradise,

1 1 7

COCA:20 . # As a former member of the Douglas County Planning Commission, I 11:NEWS would suggest that it is premature to be lauding the field of dreams of a real Denver estate

1 1 8

COCA:20 for US aviation go beyond just a few tired controllers on the late shift 11:NEWS and suggest that it's time for the US aviation system to upgrade everything CSMonito from training to r

1 1 9

COCA:20 the Liberian Democratic institute. # '' The general voting patterns of the 11:NEWS population would suggest that it will be an automatic win for her, '' said Mr. CSMonito Sayree, r

1 2 0

COCA:20 will be the key to winning influence in Tunisia's future, and early 11:NEWS indicators suggest that it may be far lower than expected. # Despite a January CSMonito revolution that r

1 2 1

COCA:20 a magnet for miscreants and malingerers with too much free time? # Many 11:NEWS pundits suggest that it's time for the activists to hire political consultants and CSMonito assemble a list r

1 2 2

COCA:20 11:ACAD Bioscienc e

1 2 3

COCA:20 their families. With the process of deficit thinking, the findings of this 11:ACAD review suggest that it might further influence educators' referral decisions on Education diverse populations. Overall,

1 2 4

COCA:20 11:ACAD SocialWo rk

grants represent the winners in a highly competitive zero-sum game. Theories of accumulative advantage suggest that it is easier to remain on top than it is to get there (

1 2 5

COCA:20 11:ACAD Writer

stories? # 1 Pay attention. It's simple, right? I'd suggest that it's never been simple, that, as the Buddhists have long pointed


child is gone for 31 days. Evidence in the trunk found later on to suggest that it is accident. No inference if Dr. Baden told me there was chlorine

are applicable throughout the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. We suggest that it is critical for university faculty and administrators to team with professionals from government


1 2 6

COCA:20 1960s, a product of the Red Power civil rights movement, which is 11:ACAD to suggest that it shares an origin story with ethnic studies in general. The AmIndian turbulent 1960s Q

1 2 7

COCA:20 11:ACAD AmJPubH ealth

is that unintentionally injuring another person seems fairly common among highschool students. Our results suggest that it makes sense to differentiate sports and nonsports injuries; whereas the sports unintentional

1 2 8

COCA:20 11:ACAD PracticeN urse

patients diagnosed with permanent AF. However, strict rate control is controversial. Experts suggest that it has no benefit over more lenient control in patients with AF.2 # Class

1 2 9

COCA:20 11:ACAD AmJPubH ealth

'' 4 # Why was such an unprecedented study undertaken at this time? I suggest that it was part of the larger strategy to reform health care in the United

1 3 0

COCA:20 has done research funded by PepsiCo. JAMES-RIPPEY-1CAR# In fact, there is 10:SPOK abundant evidence to suggest that it is our own habits, namely the over ABC_Nigh consumption of calories from all tline

1 3 1

COCA:20 and face creams currently on the market -- use synthetic spermidine. '' Lab 10:MAG studies suggest that it functions as an antioxidant, '' says Melissa Lazarus, a Cosmopol dermatologist in itan

1 3 2

COCA:20 fact, the latest calculations of the Sun's evolution billions of years from 10:MAG now suggest that it will have lost about a third of its mass when it reaches its Astronom y

1 3 3

COCA:20 Christian convictions on which there are major differences between Christians and 10:MAG Muslims. Some may suggest that it is unwise to discuss in an interfaith setting a ChristCen text which mentions these tury

1 3 4

COCA:20 10:MAG Newswee k

needs to demonstrate that the newly created bowel functions normally in pigs. Preliminary experiments suggest that it does. If follow-up work confirms the early results, it will be

1 3 5

COCA:20 10:MAG PopScien ce

ALN-VSP trial and increase the dosage, but the early results are good enough to suggest that it could be among the fi rst RNAi therapies to hit the market.

1 3 6

COCA:20 and Felix Pies before them remains to be seen. But a few signs 10:NEWS already suggest that it's different and that the culture shift fans have waited so Chicago long to

1 3 7

COCA:20 10:ACAD DrugIssu es

which may better capture the nature of the outcomes studied here. These limitations again suggest that it is important that additional application and expansion of the ALT model is undertaken

1 3 8

COCA:20 10:ACAD SocialWo rk

, 2004; Mugambi, 2006). A number of factors, however, suggest that it is plausible that the sample represents a relatively accurate snapshot of women with

1 3 9

COCA:20 10:ACAD HealthSo cialW

discrimination. We consider racism to be a subtype of general discrimination, and results suggest that it is a common attribution in our group of respondents. Racism remains an

1 4


than that of other Uighur fortresses of the period, has led some scholars to suggest that it might have had a ritual role. # States ruled by nomadic




Archaeolo peoples gy

1 4 1

COCA:20 a positive capacity of an individual to responds under pressure. Most studies of 10:ACAD resiliency suggest that it is a dynamic process that enables the individual to Education respond or adapt under

1 4 2

COCA:20 10:ACAD AmJPubH ealth

1 4 3

COCA:20 to Yanukovych. The inclusion of political appointees and the committee's 10:ACAD unpractically large size suggest that it will be as ineffective as Yanukovych's ForeignAf cabinet. And even if it fairs

1 4 4

COCA:20 10:ACAD AmJPubH ealth

not been published in a peer-reviewed publication. Anecdotal reports from policy advocates and policymakers suggest that it has nonetheless become influential in the continuing debate about how best to regulate

1 4 5

COCA:20 09:SPOK NPR_Tell More

early for that to have been regulated or presented in any form but precedent does suggest that it is going to be borne by the public purse. MARTIN: Moipone

1 4 6

COCA:20 09:FIC Analog

the bones of the fece and snout, and shape of the feet and hands suggest that it was an early form of digger. But Deldred believes it's a

1 4 7

COCA:20 is no label or identifying mark, the vibrant Scotch plaid and turned pine 09:MAG legs suggest that it was made in the 1950s, possibly by the Thermos company, CountryLi which ving

1 4 8

COCA:20 in our kids' lives has become optional. Connecting the dots, that 09:MAG would suggest that it's become optional for parents as well. Math has not USCatholi become optional c

1 4 9

COCA:20 have come a great distance. Most families find the casket distracting, so 09:MAG we suggest that it not be present. At times I sense that I am the guest ChristCen tury

1 5 0

COCA:20 09:MAG Essence

Plus or 3-Tier Statement. Without going into a lengthy technical explanation, let me suggest that it is in your best interest to be billed on an Interchange Plus statement

1 5 1

COCA:20 09:MAG ScienceN ews

. Yet, depending on the crops and the logistics of production, some analyses suggest that it may take more energy to make these fuels than they will provide.

1 5 2

COCA:20 09:MAG Southern Liv

's your advice for moms with picky eaters? Don't give up. Studies suggest that it takes kids up to seven tries to change their picky ways. Q

1 5 3

COCA:20 , its fixation with social status and the fact that it cohabits with shame -09:NEWS suggest that it serves a deep social role. They propose that our invidious NYTimes impulses may

1 5 4

COCA:20 , the one-week battery life, that cute growing Tamagochi-like flower, all seem 09:NEWS to suggest that it's for the casual masses who'd like to get a bit more NYTimes

1 5 5

COCA:20 like to get a bit more fit. # Yet other aspects of the Fitbit suggest that it aims at 09:NEWS much more hard-core fitness buffs. For instance, once the NYTimes


occupies an important focus around which individual and collective identities are structured, 13 we suggest that it can provide an anchor on which people living with HIV and AIDS can


1 5 6

COCA:20 this study support the efficacy of a two-plus-two university center model in 09:ACAD preparing teachers and suggest that it has the potential to increase degree CommCol access and provide a local pool of legeR

1 5 7

COCA:20 related to postsecondary destinations even after controlling for academic 09:ACAD achievement. Thus, these studies suggest that it is misleading to assume that CommCol an individual's college destination is based solely legeR

1 5 8

COCA:20 09:ACAD Adolesce nce

participants' perceptions of their peer relationships and behavioral conduct. Thus, these findings suggest that it is important to understand how African American early adolescents view their peer relationships

1 5 9

COCA:20 09:ACAD Adolesce nce

1 Program was authentically delivered to students among various participating schools. The findings also suggest that it is not necessary to have much modification of the Tier 1 Program among

1 6 0

COCA:20 09:ACAD Bioscienc e

and restoration measures. This downward spiral of events lacks a term, but we suggest that it is a kind of ecosocial anomie, a breakdown both of expectations of

1 6 1

COCA:20 advantage. U.S. relative advantage may erode over time, but there is much 09:ACAD to suggest that it can be sustained for several generations. Compared with the ForeignAf other great powers fairs

1 6 2

COCA:20 09:ACAD MusicEdu c

of music? Findings in the field of preference for the world's music cultures suggest that it is important that students gain familiarity through intense exposure and training. Familiarity

1 6 3

COCA:20 09:ACAD SportBeh avior

the public might react to cheaters in all of these domains. The current findings suggest that it may be important to distinguish between people's attitudes and their behavior towards

1 6 4

COCA:20 09:ACAD SportBeh avior

in this area is by Wann and colleagues. Wann and Branscombe (1993) suggest that it is best to distinguish between highly and lowly identified fans in terms of

1 6 5

COCA:20 08:SPOK Fox_Gibs on

administration did a lot to sunder that coalition, but I don't mean to suggest that it will always be in different parts. We're going to need somebody

1 6 6

COCA:20 fact, you know, Obama mentioned him specifically last night along with Lugar 08:SPOK may suggest that it's not going to be Nunn. And I think all indications are ABC_This Week

1 6 7

COCA:20 trouble for the rest of Kishinev came soon thereafter. I do not mean 08:FIC to suggest that it was the first sign of my impending arrival that started it, but Bk:Songs Butchers Daughter

1 6 8

COCA:20 tanning effect. It also contributes to skin aging and wrinkling. Recent studies 08:MAG strongly suggest that It may be a factor in the development of skin cancers. Environm MedicineNet.com reports ental

1 6 9

COCA:20 psoriasis worse, and everything may spiral downward. However, the most recent 08:MAG data suggest that it's not just the behavioral risk factors that confer additional SatEvenP risk. There ost



1 7 0

COCA:20 08:MAG ScienceN ews

1 7 1

COCA:20 whether drinking black tea truly wards off heart disease and cancer, but testtube 08:MAG studies suggest that it contains compounds that help fight both maladies. 4 MensHeal Chamomile The American Academy of th

1 7 2

COCA:20 and home day-care operators, which they say is vital for parents, but 08:NEWS many suggest that it will also take other changes to make the nation's day-care WashPost system safer

1 7 3

COCA:20 institutionalized man-woman meaning across the United States. (n110) The 08:ACAD findings of these studies suggest that it is erroneous as a matter of fact to LawPublic assert that the dose personal Pol

1 7 4

COCA:20 08:ACAD DrugIssu es

1 7 5

COCA:20 1994; Kong 2001; Timothy and Olsen 2006). Proctor goes on 08:ACAD to suggest that it is time for geographers to explore the challenges and Geograph opportunities that the realm Rev

1 7 6

COCA:20 08:ACAD TheologS tud

the Catholic Church. '' (n6) Two points in this explanation of subsistit suggest that it was based on the German translation noted above ('' has its concrete

1 7 7

COCA:20 08:ACAD StudiesN ovel

which are central to the experience of post-colonialism and postcolonial trauma. Indeed, I suggest that it is in addressing these tensions that Fugard highlights the haunting legacy of Apartheid

1 7 8

COCA:20 08:ACAD EnvironH ealth

of desertification were lower in the village communities than in the city. These results suggest that it is necessary to increase incomes and improve the social status of women in

1 7 9

COCA:20 08:ACAD Adolesce nce

Turner, 2007). In this regard Finkelhor et al. (2007) suggest that it is important for practitioners to identify children who have experienced multiple victimizations:

1 8 0

COCA:20 Given the importance of the drug trade as a generator of violence, I 08:ACAD would suggest that it be given greater consideration in analyses of the Jurez Anthropol femicides. Moreover, Q

1 8 1

COCA:20 music. Rustad, Small, Jobes, Safer, and Peterson (2003) suggest that it is 08:ACAD primarily the music lyrics of rock music that promote suicidal tendencies, CollegeSt ud

1 8 2

COCA:20 08:ACAD StudiesN ovel

that trauma is '' not something naturally existing '' (2) is not to suggest that it is not somehow grounded in material realities; rather, it is to

1 8 3

COCA:20 08:ACAD SchoolCo unsel

school culture, change processes, and CDSCP components and their interaction. Research findings suggest that it is the blending of structural and system influences with personal characteristics of the

1 8


implements. 68 The placement and orientation of this group of rooms within the monastery further suggest that it was meant not simply as a shrine, but as a


asteroid may have been only 30 to 50 meters across, he notes. Simulations suggest that it entered the atmosphere traveling about 15 kilometers per second at an angle about

name, bidimensional models do not take into account factors comprising acculturation, but rather suggest that it is not essential for an individual to lose contact with one culture while



ArtBulleti n

1 8 5

COCA:20 The high success rate, the low morbidity, and the cost-effectiveness of laser 08:ACAD turbinoplasty suggest that it may be a very useful and important tool in most EarNoseT otolaryngology practices.Table 1 hroat

1 8 6

COCA:20 ' is succeeding, even though there's not a shred of verifiable evidence 08:ACAD to suggest that it is. '' Others were even more reckless. A Democratic Senator Comment complained ary

1 8 7

COCA:20 08:ACAD DrugIssu es

attitudes relate to other deviant behaviors such as crime. Results of the current study suggest that it is not merely the endorsement or acceptance of a faithbased belief system that

1 8 8

COCA:20 08:ACAD TheologS tud

has appeared in the wake of Vatican II, then Tanner's theology seems to suggest that it derives from a strong emphasis on the power of grace and an appreciation

1 8 9

COCA:20 07:ACAD SportBeh avior

in its new home (Euchner, 1993; Shropshire, 1995), others suggest that it remains unknown whether fans would cheer for the relocated team, if they

1 9 0

COCA:20 07:ACAD SocialWo rk

The diagnostic enterprise has much value for clinical care. I do not mean to suggest that it be discarded. Instead, my effort here is to alert the reader

1 9 1

COCA:20 ambitions and given that many expert studies (including the Baker-Hamilton 07:ACAD report on Iraq) suggest that it needs Tehran's help in bringing stability to the IntlAffairs region, the president

1 9 2

COCA:20 07:ACAD AfricanAr ts

1 9 3

COCA:20 directly impact women's lives and bodies. # Some academic studies of Javanese 07:ACAD women suggest that it is wrong to overemphasize women's subordination to Anthropol men in the family. Q

1 9 4

COCA:20 says, they're lucky if five or six show up. This observation 07:ACAD would suggest that it is not only the legacy of secrecy that limits environmental Anthropol activism, but Q

1 9 5

COCA:20 there is '' uncertainty '' as to the original text. The preface seems 07:ACAD to suggest that it is only in those cases noted in the NIV that there is any BibTextCr it

1 9 6

COCA:20 07:ACAD RescueM edic

plans. Nevertheless, they may occur, and recent terrorist actions around the globe suggest that it would be prudent for hospitals to improve their preparedness for a mass casualty

1 9 7

COCA:20 07:ACAD AfricanAr ts

of Hastings's portrait, the guns, and the Nzima photograph seems to subtly suggest that it is precisely due to Nzima's photograph that Hastings's death was,

1 9 8

COCA:20 07:ACAD TheologS tud

is the value of this argument for including aboriginal thinkers in theological dialogue? I suggest that it lies in Chauvet's focus on a phenomenology of bodily reality rather tan


shrine that

will also say that African Arts is UCLA-centric, and I would agree, and suggest that it could hardly be otherwise, and that this is a good thing.


1 9 9

COCA:20 of their lives continue to be affected by cold war and racial politics, 07:ACAD I suggest that it was at the particular moment when they were traveling on the Anthropol minivans along Q

2 0 0

COCA:20 # The point of imagining the end of the war on terror is not to suggest that it is 07:ACAD imminent but to keep the right goals in mind -- so that ForeignAf fairs


COCA:2 was just a night out for three young people. (Photo-of012:SP Buchanan; MANKIEWICZ: He continued to insist that he didn't have any feelings OK for Angie, that he didn't perceive NBC_D ateline


COCA:2 , and Gingrich, in a thrilling demonstration of sheer balls, moved on 012:MA to insist that he'd won the race not just because he was a peerlessly brilliant G televisión Rolling Stone


COCA:2 House also saw today's announcement as a golden political opportunity for the 011:SP President to insist that he's focused on issues that matter while his critics are OK not. PRESIDENT-BARACK-O: CBS_N ewsEve


COCA:2 as much as is reasonable, decide how to get it done. Don't insist that he do it 010:MA precisely the way you would. He is learning, and G Todays Parent


COCA:2 might instead spend time in prison. # Clemens also used his lawyer Thursday 010:NE to insist that he was telling the truth. # '' Roger is looking forward to his WS AssocPr ess


COCA:2 perhaps with the Father as the initial projector of Son and Spirit. Bushnell 010:AC would insist that he was no modalist. The evidence suggests that he was right. AD He Church History


COCA:2 to feed shots to, shots of rum, shots of tequila. Kipp would insist that he and the 008:FI dog match each other shot for shot. The dog got C Southw estRev


COCA:2 Why is Ahmed Chalabi in charge of the deBaathification process, and why does 007:SP he insist that he may proceed with this process on his own timetable? Ahmed OK Chalabi, NPR_Ta lkNatio n


COCA:2 you love: Everyone agrees that your husband comes from attractive stock, but 007:MA you insist that he's the best-looking guy in the family. Your wife is no slouch G PsychT oday



1 0

COCA:2 kept in the intensive care unit, but not for medical reasons, and 006:SP they insist that he's not receiving any preferential treatment. (BEGIN-VIDEOOK CLIP) PETER-BANKO-HOSPI: He's in CNN_Si tuation

1 1

COCA:2 about anything. And this is another case where he was not only going 006:SP to insist that he didn't lie, but he wouldn't even admit that the quote OK CNN_D obbs

1 2

COCA:2 fact that he took those phone calls, and I talked to his people 006:SP who insist that he wasnt really strategizing with them, he wasnt trying to help OK them, MSNBC _Olber mann

1 3

COCA:2 helmet away from his son, Jerry Jr., on the field after games 005:NE and insist that he didn't want his namesake to take up football. It was as WS Denver

1 4

COCA:2 I'm in a big hurry, '' she says. '' Or he'll insist that he can do up the harness on 004:MA his car seat when it's pouring G Todays Parent

1 5

COCA:2 is jealous of Spielberg's success as a filmmaker. But most who know 004:MA him insist that he accepts and admires his friend's success. His issues with Indy 4 G Esquire

1 6

COCA:2 protestors. Yet it is as if the rumor itself violently commands this skeptic 004:AC to insist that he saw and heard nothing in particular. This central trope of protest AD experiences Anthrop olQ

1 7

COCA:2 days as we approach this period of Ramadan and winter. '' State Department 002:MA officials insist that he was merely expressing the same wish as many of the G foreign officials he USNWR

1 8

COCA:2 personal aesthetic melancholy. If one finds an object '' beautiful, '' Kant 002:AC would insist that he or she is judging it solely under the aegis of its aesthetic AD presence ArtBulle tin

1 9

COCA:2 the Republicans' triumph in Congress, a petulant Mr. Clinton was actually forced 001:NE to insist that he remained relevant as president, that the '' Constitution gives me WS relevance. NYTime s

2 0

COCA:2 temple here in California in 1996 was a mistake. But he is continuing 000:SP to insist that he did not know that it was a fundraiser. That is one of OK CNN_T alkback

2 1

COCA:2 you were an adviser to one of the presidential candidates, which issues would 000:MA you insist that he address? I would advise the candidate to reopen the dream of G Martin ChristC entury



2 2

COCA:1 Unresolved Problems Segment tonight, President Clinton compared to President 999:SP Reagan. Some Clinton supporters insist that he has done nothing more than OK President Reagan did in the Iran-Contra affair. Fox_OR eilly

2 3

COCA:1 -- he would say -- he would deny seeing anybody else, and she 999:SP would insist that he was, and then they'd have a row, and then they OK NBC_To day

2 4

COCA:1 know that if I walked up to him, he'd snap them open and insist that he's not 999:FI sleeping. '' He bought the aquarium for Verona, Mrs. C Southw estRev

2 5

COCA:1 '' of malt liquor before picking up the two women, though Lipscomb's 999:MA friends insist that he was strictly a VO drinker. Black did not appear to be the G SportsIl l

2 6

COCA:1 n8) # He startled several in his Loyola audience when he went on 999:AC to insist that he as a judge should have nothing to do with the Declaration of AD Independence PerspPo lSci

2 7

COCA:1 an employee at the hospital, he railed about President Clinton. But his 998:SP parents insist that he harbored no animosity toward the president. In fact, he was OK convinced NBC_D ateline

2 8

COCA:1 , an apparent suicide. In statements to the Canadian media, his family 997:NE members insist that he, too, was a man of integrity who would not have WS participated WashPo st

2 9

COCA:1 of Brockton, Mass. # His friends call him by his proper name and insist that he is 997:NE nothing like his TV persona. # '' Jeffrey is like the WS Denver

3 0

COCA:1 in public places signed into law by Governor Wilson. But the governor's 996:SP critics insist that he's been altogether too willing to undermine Proposition 99. OK They cite as ABC_Sp ecial

3 1

COCA:1 , they are very interested in him. He, of course, continues to insist that he's 996:SP innocent. CHRIS WALLACE: All right. ABC's Mark Potter OK ABC_Ni ghtline

3 2

COCA:1 spoke softly. But if he appealed to her so much. why did she insist that he jazz up 996:MA his wardrobe, assert himself at work so he could get G Cosmo politan

3 3

COCA:1 Wilson advisers, however, resent any suggestion that the governor demonizes 996:NE anyone. They insist that he is simply debating important public policy issues. # '' WS He is not SanFra nChron



3 4

COCA:1 week - last week President Clinton at a news conference more or less had 995:SP to insist that he was still relevant to the business of government. Do the events OK of NPR_W eekend

3 5

COCA:1 evil guy, Packwood. Take a listen. (Footage-of-Ireland) Ms-PATRICIA-IRELAN: 993:SP Packwood continues to insist that he just didn't get it when he committed OK unquestionable acts of physical assault Ind_Li mbaug h

3 6

COCA:1 . In referring to his subsequent incarceration in Denmark, the chronicler will have 993:AC to insist that he has done some tourism, too: '' j'ai meme fait du tourisme AD Sympos ium

3 7

COCA:1 Her actions came just days after Tyson appeared on national television. He 992:SP continued to insist that he is innocent, that Desiree Washington agreed to have OK sex with him. ABC_20 /20

3 8

COCA:1 '' # Other whites say that they did not object to Arendse's race 992:NE but insist that he was not the best person for the job. Some described his election WS CSMoni tor

3 9

COCA:1 Clinton Administration is really going to be Al Gore. '' # Gore's 992:AC aides insist that he will not usurp the position of science adviser -- a job they say AD Physics Today

4 0

COCA:1 good-looking, Darcy thought. Attractive. Why had he found it necessary to 991:FI immediately insist that he never kept people waiting? Over a glass of wine, she C listened Bk:Und erBeetl es

4 1

COCA:1 -- and Hersh, facing the legal battle of his journalistic career, could 991:MA only insist that he stood by every word. # Hersh and his adversaries will have G their Newsw eek

4 2

COCA:1 main concern: Some say he's under house arrest in the Crimea, 991:MA others insist that he's already at a military base near Moscow. Bureau chief G Steven Hurst Rolling Stone

4 3

COCA:1 what the future of the area is going to be. I think we 990:SP should insist that he withdraw from Kuwait and I think that can be brought about OK by the CNN_Ki ng

4 4

COCA:1 Montreal, he did so to line his own pockets. Later he was to insist that he stocked 990:MA the basement of his headquarters in the Penn mansion only to provide G AmHeri tage

4 5

COCA:2 that he heard the prosecutors threaten Stoeckley when Stoeckley said that she was 012:MA going to insist that she had been present in the house that night.1' (Stoeckley



G Smiths onian

herself is

4 6

COCA:2 consequence of war; that Lynch was the one who had to step up 009:MA and insist that she never fired a shot and that Tillman's family had to be the G Esquire

4 7

COCA:2 have not entirely dismissed the idea of Lara returning to stay with them, 009:AC but insist that she needs to drastically reduce her aggressive outbursts. AD Unfortunately, Lara's behaviour Commu nCare

4 8

COCA:2 I'm the only television journalist to visit since her incarceration. Nancy continues 007:SP to insist that she acted in self-defense. Robert Kissel's case may be closed, but OK CBS_48 Hours

4 9

COCA:2 paper that could be legitimate? Not the usual paper, mind you-Walsh and 007:AC Lynes insist that she used high quality cartridge paper almost exclusively. But AD she is known, Southw estRev

5 0

COCA:2 '' What's not entirely clear is who does what. Pascal is quick to insist that she's 004:MA the one picking the movies. Lynton, forty-four, who comes G Esquire

5 1

COCA:2 the effort to go directly to them, to speak in council, and to insist that she would 003:FI place the order at their disposal so far as it was possible C Bk:Jark aRuus

5 2

COCA:2 if he has scrubbed. And if it's a nurse with fake fingernails, insist that she wear 003:MA gloves. According to a study published in the journal Infection Control G MensHe alth

5 3

COCA:2 die '' case. Given the uncertainty about what the woman would have wanted-her 003:MA parents insist that she would have wanted to stay alive, and that she could still G have NatlRev iew

5 4

COCA:2 we can talk more in the morning. '' Aimee's first reaction was 002:FI to insist that she wasn't afraid of the dark, and that she was perfectly capable C Analog

5 5

COCA:1 a slavish condition now. The heart she was desperately trying to ignore continued 999:FI to insist that she'd fallen in love with him. That, she warned herself, C Bk:Inne rHarbor

5 6

COCA:1 the hall to either side of the door. '' If she comes out, insist that she must return 998:FI to the room at once and wait. If you must C Bk:Tem pleWind s

5 7

COCA:1 , who is supported by several friends in and out of the Air Force 997:NE who insist that she was a good, loving mother. # '' My whole life was WS



NYTime s 5 8

COCA:1 production is more a matter of good experimental design than original research. 996:FI But I insist that she is a brilliant laboratory scientist. None of the principles she C applied were AmerEn terprise

5 9

COCA:1 Heights. # She won't discuss her departure in detail, other than 996:NE to insist that she left of her own accord, though even her brief explanation WS suggests she Denver

6 0

COCA:1 to behave. Once she's decided a child has been abused, she'll insist that she's 995:MA right in the face of all evidence. '' # Yet Yager G MensHe alth

6 1

COCA:1 Cleopatra wanted to be an Egyptian, or actually even was an Egyptian. 995:AC To insist that she was, or that (as has recently been suggested) she stands AD Academ icQs

6 2

COCA:1 over a dozen private messages. # '' My sister's little girl used to insist that she'd 994:FI been brought to Earth in a UFO and implanted in her mommy C Fantasy SciFi

6 3

COCA:1 job or sex with her. SABINO GUTIERREZ, Victim of Sexual Harassment: 993:SP She insist that she wanted to do it, sex with me. My job was on OK ABC_20 /20

6 4

COCA:1 prey of their female bosses. SABINO GUTIERREZ, Victim of Sexual Harassment: 993:SP She insist that she wanted sex with me, and then she demoted me. My job OK ABC_20 /20

6 5

COCA:1 and there should be a new election INSKEEP New Jersey Governor-elect Christie 993:SP Whitman continues to insist that she will take office as scheduled in January. But OK a leading civil rights NPR_AT C

6 6

COCA:1 seven years, maybe. # She had raised her voice to Arnon only 993:FI to insist that she wanted to meet the body at the base when it arrived, via C Iris

6 7

COCA:1 he has to deal with the large, empty space in his interior. We insist that she has 993:MA to have a life of her own and that he will survive G PsychT oday

6 8

COCA:1 your concern, my Lord, but Sarah is an accomplished rider. I 991:FI must insist that she goes along. # # BISHOP # (a beat) As you C Mov:Wi sestMa n

6 9

COCA:1 water. Dr. LYNN: And if she developed renal failure, we would 990:SP not insist that she had a renal transplant or go on dialysis BECKEL Dr. Lynn, I OK



CNN_Cr ossfire 7 0

COCA:1 says that judges have authority to decree our '' changing values. '' We 996:MA must insist that it is Kevorkian's voice we hear from the romantic figure wearing G the powdered Americ a

7 1

COCA:1 is the puppet that all the adults around her manipulate. The adults around 996:NE Jessica insist that it was Jessica's choice to attempt this feat, but at that tender WS SanFra nChron

7 2

COCA:1 's right. That's right. It wouldn't take much -- and I insist that it couldn't -- it 995:SP wouldn't take very much and we find ourselves OK PBS_Ne wshour

7 3

COCA:1 '' will want to host it twice. # As for the black leaders who insist that it be held, 995:NE make them put their money where their mouth is: WS Atlanta

7 4

COCA:1 # The next step would be revival of pan-Slavism. At first, Russia 994:MA will insist that it won't take over Ukraine, Moldova or Poland, but the denials G Forbes

7 5

COCA:1 , they say heredity plays the larger role --perhaps 60%, perhaps more -994:MA and insist that it's almost impossible to nudge IQ upward by much after the G earliest stage TIME

7 6

COCA:1 are not allowed to honor living wills and must give CPR, even if 994:NE relatives insist that it is unwanted. # In the District, which does not allow Do WS WashPo st

7 7

COCA:1 successful in reducing the flow of undocumented Mexicans in the El Paso area, 994:NE they insist that it serves as nothing more than a boulder in the river -- diverting WS ilegal SanFra nChron

7 8

COCA:1 '' # Members of Congress readily acknowledge the power of political advertising, 994:NE but most insist that it does not sway them, even if polls show the messages are WS swaying SanFra nChron

7 9

COCA:1 right words, so I stab blindly. More pain in that. The patients insist that it does 993:FI not hurt, always giving more, always wanting to be understood C Kenyon Rev

8 0

COCA:1 in watching how their children respond to new therapies. Parents and 993:MA complementary practitioners also insist that it's vital that the family doctor, G child's paediatrician, or other Todays Parent

8 1

COCA:1 who referred in one way or another to their hardships, she went on 993:NE to insist that it was all worthwhile for the good education and health care WS provided by Castro CSMoni tor



8 2

COCA:1 the package actually worked. Even though the deficit soon soared, Panetta and 993:NE Frenzel insist that it would have been even worse without the agreement. # But WS Frenzel said SanFra nChron

8 3

COCA:1 claim that atheism was anything but rare in the Renaissance, but the historicist 993:AC must insist that it was simply unthinkable if he is to maintain that all people in AD the Academ icQs

8 4

COCA:1 make that judgment. When you make that judgment, I think you have 992:SP to insist that it's rational. And we look at the incentives we're creating. OK CNN_S onya

8 5

COCA:1 black vest he always wore. Those who managed to get a glimpse of 992:MA it insist that it was a black-and-white picture that showed his son hugging a bear. G Not Americ as

8 6

COCA:1 quantum and subjective. # Setting this conclusion in an unfavorable light, some 992:AC scientists insist that it leads to solipsism, which is scientifically untenable. In AD deed, I Humani st

8 7

COCA:1 and sold over two million copies. Irreverent humor? # Defenders of this 992:AC material insist that it is a form of raunchy, irreverent humor rather than a serious AD incitement PublicIn terest

8 8

COCA:1 of this accident or mistake or whatever it was. U.S. military authorities continue 991:SP to insist that it was a command and control structure. Now, you've been there OK ABC_Pri metime

8 9

COCA:1 government that it is necessary for it to withdraw from Kuwait and to try 991:SP to insist that it is necessary also that the other major component of instability in OK our región ABC_Ni ghtline

9 0

COCA:1 facet of a free existence. # Throughout Centesimus Annus John Paul takes pains 991:MA to insist that it should not be read as a political treatise. This is not to G AmSpe ct

9 1

COCA:1 abstraction,' tort law now ignores human needs and hurts.' The 991:MA feminists insist that it should instead give priority to a victim's interest in having G his life NatlRev iew

9 2

COCA:1 than anything in St. Paul, the favorite scapegoat of lapsed Christians who want 991:MA to insist that it's only the Church they object to -- nothing against Jesus, you G NatlRev iew

9 3

COCA:1 Barely growing: Just how bad is the economy? Most private and administration 991:MA economists insist that it is slogging through a weak recovery. But '' weak '' is the G Newsw



eek 9 4

COCA:1 beliefs. # Second, neutrality is simply not the same as disavowal; 991:AC to insist that it is shows the black and white thinking which plagues AD fundamentalist rhetoric from beginning Church &State

9 5

COCA:2 vocalization may have occurred as far back as two million years ago. But 011:SP others insist that it's - that the ability to use some form of language occurred OK probably NPR_Ta lkNat

9 6

COCA:2 clippings left behind in a salon. It's not rational; she doesn't insist that it is, or 011:FI even that it should be. She doesn't trust C Bk:Wid owStori es

9 7

COCA:2 have effectively taken control of the operation David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy and 011:NE Barack Obama insist that it should continue until Gadhafi's regime is toppled. # WS Faced with this AssocPr ess

9 8

COCA:2 reluctance to counter Pakistan's designs in Afghanistan. # Though New Delhi 011:AC continues to insist that it will not retreat from Afghanistan, there are clear signs AD that it is MiddleE astQ

9 9

COCA:2 first third or so -- doesn't really care. Condom makers, 009:MA however, insist that it does. Listen as David Johnson, product manager of Trojan, G describes Esquire

1 0 0

COCA:2 reform principle would be this: the U.S. should pay for what it wants 009:MA and insist that it get what it pays for. This would break up the entitlement G mentality USATod ay

1 0 1

COCA:2 is privy to much '' lost '' history -- a narrative way for Walters to insist that it did 009:AC indeed happen. Red Lady's great-grandson Jonnie Navajo knows or intuits AD AmerIn dianQ

1 0 2

COCA:2 Obama administration and are attiring themselves in more optimistic raiment. But 009:AC because they still insist that it is the Americans, more than they, who need to AD shift positions Foreign Affairs

1 0 3

COCA:2 the heuristic of retribution and by those Girardian critics of the concept of sacrifice 009:AC who insist that it has to be abandoned because it is inseparable from this AD heuristic. The Theolog Stud

1 0 4

COCA:2 has said it will not surrender South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And Russia continues 008:SP to insist that it will do whatever those two breakaway republics want, and that, OK and Fox_Ele ction

1 0 5

COCA:2 duct tape. I do nt know the extent of it. Also, they insist that it is Caylee, even 008:SP though we do nt have DNA back. Now OK



CNN_G race 1 0 6

COCA:2 . If your gym doesn't keep disinfectant wipes and alcohol-based hand sanitizer 008:MA handy, insist that it start doing so. The grocery cart THE THREAT The handles of G almost MensHe alth

1 0 7

COCA:2 Some think that the scripts the list highlights are too navel-gazing and quirky. 008:MA Others insist that it will eventually be hijacked by agents trying to promote their G clients--if it has Entertai nment

1 0 8

COCA:2 125-200,000,000 persons. Buckley concluded his book review this way: '' Those 008:MA critics who insist that it is only a small war-party faction of the Islamists that we G have to USATod ay

1 0 9

COCA:2 , as the main opposition party - the Movement for Democratic Change - continued 008:NE to insist that it had won the elections outright and would reject any calls for a WS runoff CSMoni tor

1 1 0

COCA:2 quality of her drive made its motivation suspect. I am not the first 008:AC to insist that it is one thing to nurture talent and quite another to make a child AD Writer

1 1 1

COCA:2 overstated. Those who fear the prospect of an arms race in the Middle 007:MA East insist that it would increase the likelihood of war but, in fact, war becomes G USATod ay

1 1 2

COCA:2 and actuality of finding God in the world. Significantly, both Metz and 007:MA Arrupe insist that it is reality itself that opens our eyes to the One who transcends G reality Americ a

1 1 3

COCA:2 # Is the war on terror really a war? President Bush certainly continues 007:NE to insist that it is, and a war of existential survival at that, although his WS NYTime s

1 1 4

COCA:2 years. But there are two big reasons to doubt the real estate boosters 007:NE who insist that it's once again a great time to buy. # The first is WS NYTime s

1 1 5

COCA:2 especially his inborn and acquired bodily features. '' (n45) But I 007:AC would insist that it would be quite wrong to identify dispositio merely with the AD way a person ArtBulle tin

1 1 6

COCA:2 abroad for there to be the expectation at least of some demonstrators. But 005:SP they insist that it's not affecting the president's goals, that his foreign policy OK agenda CNN_Y ourWorl d

1 1

COCA:2 make my home in the West End. Little plaques affixed to the street 005:FI signs insist that it is '' The Historic West End, '' a designation secured by real




C Bk:Unt elling

1 1 8

COCA:2 the boundaries of what the U.S. public could take seriously. Most politicians and 005:AC pundits insist that it's off the table. But polls are telling a different story. AD Humani st

1 1 9

COCA:2 (n27) Relying upon Thomas Aquinas by way of Richard Hooker, Wilson 005:AC would insist that it is conscience that guides reason. (n28) The first principles of AD virtue LawPub licPol

1 2 0

COCA:2 who was George Bush Is campaign chairman, the great Republican pollster, used 004:SP to insist that it takes a full quarter, three months for economic perceptions to OK change, PBS_Ne wshour

1 2 1

COCA:2 shown to many religious groups in the United States prior to its official 004:MA release, insist that it is an accurate if gritty portrayal of Christ's Passion and G death, Americ a

1 2 2

COCA:2 the mid-Atlantic soil this year as they do every 17 years. My friends 004:MA gleefully insist that it was personal and that the raccoon simply tired of G tormenting me and sought WashM onth

1 2 3

COCA:2 . Ketchup was declared a vegetable, for school lunch purposes. But his 004:NE proponents insist that it was Reagan's tax cuts and deregulation policies that led WS to the long CSMoni tor

1 2 4

COCA:2 witnesses with one male witness in the courts. (n14) # Many Iranian 004:AC feminists insist that it is important that those for whom international rules and AD standards of human rights WorldAf fairs

1 2 5

COCA:2 States. A South Korean spokesman said it's not enough for North Korea 003:SP to insist that it has no plans to develop nuclear weapons. The United States OK refuses to NPR_M orning

1 2 6

COCA:2 surprised to find that some doctors firmly refused to accept them. They continued 003:MA to insist that it was a communicable disease. To refute this notion, Dr. Goldberger G withdrew ChildLif e

1 2 7

COCA:2 the most prevalent and was for many years the only method; some school 003:MA systems insist that it's the single proven technique. Recently, however, a number G of Atlantic

1 2 8

COCA:2 to distinguish that. But, at this point, the Pentagon is continuing 002:SP to insist that it doesn't really know what caused those casualties on the ground, OK and CNN_In sight

1 2

COCA:2 deny all the good things that have happened since reform was passed; but 002:MA they insist that it is just a coincidence, that the real engine of progress has been




G NatlRev iew

1 3 0

COCA:2 the business of inspecting organic food producers all over the world for 13 002:NE years, insist that it is entirely doable. # '' The process is strict and difficult, WS CSMoni tor

1 3 1

COCA:2 plans to reaffirm its strong commitment to the Kyoto treaty. But critics of 001:SP Kyoto insist that it's unfair because countries such as China and India are not OK required to NPR_AT C

1 3 2

COCA:2 little reflection toward standardized testing as a panacea for all that ails education. 001:AC Proponents insist that it forces schools and teachers to be accountable and raises AD the level of students Geogra phRev

1 3 3

COCA:2 of the statute '' reasonable ''? It could certainly be controversial for courts 001:AC to insist that it is not. Here courts are narrowing agency discretion, not expanding AD it MichLa wRevie w

1 3 4

COCA:2 with DirecTV for about 18 months before the company makes a profit. # 000:NE Executives insist that it's a solid long-term investment. Because DirecTV WS subscribers tend to order a USATod ay

1 3 5

COCA:2 for credit. Webvan sets the limit at 20. # Epidemic and its ilk insist that it's more 000:NE than a money-making ploy and that banner ads can serve as WS SanFra nChron

1 3 6

COCA:1 serious now, No, no one, In that case, why do you insist that it exists, Simply 999:FI because there can't possibly not be an unknown island C ParisRe v

1 3 7

COCA:1 to treat it as inherent in Balkan cultures-it is postmodern orthodoxy in the academy 999:AC to insist that it is '' socially constructed. '' Neither perspective is very AD enlightening. State-imposed Foreign Affairs

1 3 8

COCA:1 if pressed, that the United States once had an empire. They then 999:AC promptly insist that it was given away. But they also speak persistently of AD America as a AmerEt hnicHis

1 3 9

COCA:1 Derrida's grammatology relies upon an ancient myth: '' And here one has 998:AC to insist that it is not that the myth of Thoth concerning the supreme god and the AD CrossC urrents

1 4 0

COCA:1 is a national problem, even if people both within Mexico and outside the 998:AC country insist that it affects only a small group of stubborn Indians who do not AD want to IntlAffai rs



1 4 1

COCA:1 say it represents their female ancestor who inaugurated the association in the 998:AC village. They insist that it is not Mamy Wata, because she lives in the sea and not AD African Arts

1 4 2

COCA:1 no attempt to understand the circumstances in which the babies are given up. 997:FI They insist that it is not that they do not want non-Caucasian American babies, C but.... Frontier s

1 4 3

COCA:1 2591 Facing the Tradeoffs # At international conferences, people speaking for the 997:AC developing world insist that it is the developed nations that feel endangered by AD carbon emissions and want to Foreign Affairs

1 4 4

COCA:1 , the interpretation of ecstasy is not uniformly positive. In fact, some 997:AC scholars insist that it has little relevance to the understanding of Buddhist AD institutions (Spiro 1967:279-80; Ethnolo gy

1 4 5

COCA:1 that they manipulate nicotine to hook smokers or even that nicotine is addictive. 996:SP They insist that it and other ingredients are used only to enhance the flavor of OK tobacco. CBS_Si xty

1 4 6

COCA:1 '' that has never become extinct in the Northeast, even though the government 996:MA authorities insist that it has. '' Tom Altherr, an historian teaching at Metropolitan G State College Outdoo rLife

1 4 7

COCA:1 opportunity. It is possible for people to bring misfortune on themselves. One 991:AC can insist that it is poverty or insufficient income that is the root cause, but we AD PublicIn terest

1 4 8

COCA:1 be the best option at different times in an individual life. However, 991:AC to insist that it is best for all students at all times and further to assert that AD Re:Vie w

1 4 9

COCA:1 people who buy boxes of Crackerjack but would not, you know, would 990:SP not insist that it has any particular artistic value. I mean, I- Prof. ROGOW: OK ABC_Ni ghtline

1 5 0

COCA:1 , or an intellectual visionary like Helmut Schmidt? # But there are those 990:NE who insist that it is precisely his lack of grand vision that has enabled Mr. Kohl to WS NYTime s

1 5 1

COCA:1 , Mandela has avoided meeting with Buthelezi because of strong resistance from 990:NE ANC militants who insist that it will bestow undeserved credibility on the Inkatha WS leader. # US officials are CSMoni tor

1 5 2

COCA:1 is the will of special interests. '' # Defenders of the 80-year-old initiative 990:NE system insist that it is serving its intended purpose of giving average citizens a WS direct voice in SanFra




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