El problema de Büchi para números p-ádicos (Büchi s problem for p-adic numbers)

Universidad de Concepción Dirección de Postgrado Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas -Programa de Magíster en Matemática El problema de Büchi
Author:  Manuel Lucero Toro

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El Problema de Investigación
El objetivo es que el lector adquiera los principios para el planteamiento de un problema de investigación destinado a la generación de manuscritos de

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Universidad de Concepción Dirección de Postgrado Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas -Programa de Magíster en Matemática

El problema de Büchi para números p-ádicos (Büchi’s problem for p-adic numbers)


Profesor Guía: Xavier Vidaux Dpto. de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Universidad de Concepción

Universidad de Concepción Dirección de Postgrado Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas -Programa de Magíster en Matemática

El problema de Büchi para números p-ádicos (Büchi’s problem for p-adic numbers)

Xavier Vidaux (director) José Aguayo (evaluador interno, miembro del jurado) Jerzy Browkin (evaluador externo) Jacqueline Ojeda (evaluador interno, miembro del jurado) Carlos Videla (evaluador externo, miembro del jurado)


Dpto. de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Universidad de Concepción

El problema de B¨uchi para n´umeros p-´adicos Marianela Castillo Universidad de Concepci´on

Agradezco a quienes me ayudaron a realizar este trabajo: J. Browkin, A. Escassut, H. Pasten y C. Videla. Agradezco adem´as a mis profesores del Departamento de Matem´aticas por el tiempo que me dedicaron y por haberme apoyado en los momentos en que m´as lo necesit´e. Agradezco tambi´en al se˜ nor X. Vidaux, director de mi tesis, por sus consejos, su dedicaci´on y por la confianza puesta en mi.

Dedico este trabajo a mi familia, quienes me han convertido en la persona que soy.

Contents Introducci´ on




1 Preliminaries: p-adic numbers


2 Powers in Zp and in Qp


3 B¨ uchi sequences in Zp and Qp for any power


4 Non-existence of infinite Hensley sequences in Zp





Introducci´ on Motivado por un problema de l´ogica matem´atica, J.R. B¨ uchi propuso el siguiente problema en los a˜ nos 70’. Problema (Problema de B¨ uchi). B2 (Z). ¿Existe un entero positivo M tal que cualquier sucesi´ on de M enteros cuadrados, cuya sucesi´ on !de segundas " diferencias es igual a la sucesi´ on constante (2)n , es de la forma (x + n)2 n , donde n = 1, . . . , M , para alg´ un entero x? B2 (Z) es un problema abierto. Sin embargo, en 2001, P. Vojta mostr´o que B2 (Z) tendr´ıa una respuesta positiva si la conjetura de Bombieri fuera cierta para superficies. En [12], Pheidas y Vidaux propusieron una generalizaci´on del problema de B¨ uchi a cualquier anillo unitario y a cualquier potencia. Definici´ on. Sea k ≥ 0 un entero. Una sucesi´ on de elementos de un anillo unitario conmutativo A de caracter´ıstica 0 se llama k-sucesi´on de B¨ uchi en A si la sucesi´ on de sus k-´esimas potencias tiene k-´esimas diferencias constantes igual on cuya sucesi´ on de k-´esimas potencias ! a (k!)n . "Toda sucesi´ un x en A, se llama k-sucesi´on de B¨ uchi es de la forma (x + n)k n , para alg´ trivial. Notamos que una k-sucesi´on de B¨ uchi trivial es una sucesi´on de B¨ uchi. El problema de B¨ uchi se generaliza de la siguiente manera: Problema. Bk (A). Sean k ≥ 2 un entero y A un anillo unitario conmutativo de caracter´ıstica 0. ¿Existe un entero M tal que toda k-sucesi´ on de B¨ uchi en A de largo M es una sucesi´ on de B¨ uchi trivial? Podemos notar que si Bk (A) tiene una respuesta positiva, entonces para cualquier subanillo B de A, Bk (B) tiene respuesta positiva. En esta Tesis, estamos interesados en los anillos en que el problema de B¨ uchi tiene respuesta negativa en una forma no trivial (intuitivamente, anillos sin muchas 3

¯ es el campo de los n´ potencias k-´esimas). Por ejemplo, si A = Q umeros algebraicos, toda sucesi´on de la forma # % $ $ 2 2 2 2 x1 , x2 , x3 = 2 + 2x2 − x1 , . . . , xM = 2 + 2xM −1 − xM −2 , . . . es una 2-sucesi´on de B¨ uchi (que, en general, es no trivial). Con una idea ¯ tiene respuesta negativa para similar, podemos ver f´acilmente que Bk (Q) todo k ≥ 2. La sucesi´on & k ( nk + 1)n≥0 ¯ ∩ R) es una k-sucesi´on de B¨ uchi de largo infinito, y con ella vemos que Bk (Z

tiene respuesta negativa para todo k ≥ 2. En los dos ejemplos anteriores, la respuesta negativa al problema de B¨ uchi se debe a la existencia de una sucesi´on de B¨ uchi no trivial de largo infinito. En el survey [11] sobre el problema de B¨ uchi, Pasten, Pheidas y Vidaux plantean el problema de encontrar anillos para los cuales el problema de B¨ uchi tiene respuesta negativa pero que no tienen sucesiones de B¨ uchi no triviales de largo infinito. Ellos distinguen dos clases de anillos en los que el problema de B¨ uchi puede tener respuesta negativa (en caracter´ıstica 0): • Tipo 1: Anillos en los cuales existe una sucesi´on de B¨ uchi no trivial de largo infinito. • Tipo 2: Anillos en los cuales existen sucesiones de B¨ uchi no triviales de cualquier largo, pero no de largo infinito. En [1], Browkin demostr´o que para k = 2, el campo de los n´ umeros p´adicos Qp es de tipo 1 y el anillo de los enteros p-´adicos Zp es de tipo 2. Esta Tesis es un intento de generalizar los resultados de Browkin a potencias m´as altas. Antes de dar nuestros principales resultados, necesitamos introducir el concepto de sucesi´on de Hensley: Definici´ on (Sucesi´on de Hensley). Sea k ≥ 0 un entero. Una sucesi´ on (an ) de elementos de un anillo unitario conmutativo A de caracter´ıstica 0, cuyas k-´esimas potencias son de la forma (a + n)k + bk−2 nk−2 + · · · + b1 n + b0 , para algunos a, bk−2 , . . . , b0 ∈ A, se llama k-sucesi´on de Hensley. Si b0 = · · · = bk−2 = 0 entonces (an ) se llama k-sucesi´on de Hensley trivial. 4

Problema (Formulaci´on de Hensley del problema de B¨ uchi). HFk (A). Sea k ≥ 2 un entero y A un anillo unitario conmutativo de caracter´ıstica 0. ¿Existe un entero M ≥ k + 1 tal que toda k-sucesi´ on de Hensley en A de largo M es una k-sucesi´ on de Hensley trivial? En esta Tesis, consideramos el siguiente problema (m´as d´ebil), conocido como problema de Hensley: Problema. HPk (A) Sea k ≥ 2 un entero y A un anillo unitario conmutativo de caracter´ıstica 0. ¿Existe un entero M tal que, dados a y b arbitrarios en A, si las expresiones (n + a)k + b son potencias k-´esimas para n = 1, . . . , M , entonces b = 0? Es bien sabido que el grupo multiplicativo de invertibles en el anillo de enteros m´odulo n es un grupo c´ıclico si y s´olo si n = 2, o n = 4, o n es de la forma pm , o n es de la forma 2pm , para cualquier n´ umero primo impar p y para cualquier entero positivo m. Cuando el grupo es c´ıclico, se llama ra´ız primitiva m´ odulo n a cualquier entero cuya clase de congruencia m´odulo n es un generador del grupo. Para expresar nuestro Teorema Principal, necesitamos introducir la siguiente notaci´on: Notaci´ on.

1. Escribimos q = q(p, k) = pε+1+ordp k ,

donde ε es igual a 1 si p = 2 y es igual a 0 si p %= 2. 2. Decimos que se satisface la condici´on C(p, k) si existe una ra´ız primitiva m´ odulo q, digamos g, tal que xk + y k ≡ g mod q para algunos enteros x e y cuyas clases de congruencia m´ odulo q est´ an en (Z/qZ)× . La condici´on C(p, k) no se satisface (trivialmente) cuando q es de la forma 2m , para m ≥ 3, ya que simplemente no existen ra´ıces primitivas en este caso (no sabemos si existen otros pares (p, k) para los cuales la condici´on no se satisface). Por el siguiente teorema (ver por ejemplo [19]), vemos que se satisface la condici´on C(p, k) cuando q > (k − 1)4 y, o bien p es un primo impar, o bien p = 2 y ordp k = 0. 5

Teorema. Sea Fp un campo finito con p elementos y k ≥ 2 un entero. Si p > (k − 1)4 , entonces toda forma diagonal de grado k en dos variables sobre Fp es universal. Notamos adem´as que cuando g = 2 es una ra´ız primitiva m´odulo q entonces, por la elecci´on x = y = 1, la condici´on C(p, k) se satisface trivialmente. Ahora podemos expresar nuestros principales resultados. Teorema (Teorema Principal). Sea p un n´ umero primo y k ≥ 2 un entero. 1. Para cada n ∈ Z, cuando p > 2 la expresi´ on nk + p−k es una potencia k-´esima en Qp . Por lo tanto, cualquier sucesi´ on (an ), n ≥ 1, tal que cada an tiene k-´esima potencia igual a nk + p−k , es una k-sucesi´ on de B¨ uchi no trivial de largo infinito en Qp . 2. Para cada n ∈ Z, la expresi´ on nk + 2−(2+k) es una potencia k-´esima en Q2 . Por lo tanto, cualquier sucesi´ on (an ), n ≥ 1, tal que an tiene k-´esima potencia igual a nk + 2−(2+k) , es una k-sucesi´ on de B¨ uchi no trivial de largo infinito en Q2 . 3. Para cada m ∈ Z, la expresi´ on nk + pmk+1 es una potencia k-´esima en Zp cuando n = 1, . . . , pm − 1. Por lo tanto, si pm ≥ k + 2, entonces cualquier sucesi´ on (an ), n = 1, . . . , pm − 1, donde cada an tiene k´esima potencia igual a nk + pmk+1 , es una k-sucesi´ on de B¨ uchi no trivial en Zp . 4. Supongamos que se satisface la condici´ on C(p, k) y, o bien k no es coprimo con p, o bien p es impar y k no es coprimo con p − 1. Sean a y b dos enteros p-´ adicos. Si para todo n ≥ 1 la expresi´ on (n + a)k + b es una potencia k-´esima en Zp , entonces b = 0. Itemes 1 y 2 muestran que Qp es de tipo 1. Item 3 muestra que en Zp hay sucesiones de B¨ uchi no triviales de cualquier largo finito. Item 4 muestra que, cuando la hip´otesis sobe p y k se satisface, no hay sucesi´on de B¨ uchi infinita no trivial en Z cuya sucesi´ o n de potencias k-´ e simas es de la forma p ! " (n + a)k + b n , para alg´ un a y b en Zp . Para k = 2, el teorema anterior fue probado recientemente por J. Browkin en [1]. Nosotros adaptamos sus t´ecnicas a potencias m´as altas. En el 6

Cap´ıtulo 1 introducimos las herramientas b´asicas que necesitamos para demostrar el Teorema Principal. En el Cap´ıtulo 2, damos una caracterizaci´on del conjunto de las potencias k-´esimas en Zp , para cada k y p, y probamos algunas propiedades de estos conjuntos. En el Cap´ıtulo 3, vamos a probar los items 1, 2 y 3 del Teorema Principal. Vamos a probar el item 4 del Teorema Principal en el Cap´ıtulo 4.


Introduction Motivated by a mathematical logic problem, J.R. B¨ uchi proposed the following problem in the early 1970’s. Problem (B¨ uchi’s problem). B2 (Z). Does there exist a positive integer M such that any sequence of M integer squares, with second difference constant ! " equal to the constant sequence (2)n , is of the form (x + n)2 n , where n = 1, . . . , M , for some integer x? B¨ uchi’s problem is open. However, in 2001, P. Vojta showed that it would have a positive answer if Bombieri’s conjecture were true for surfaces. In [12], Pheidas and Vidaux proposed a generalization of B¨ uchi’s problem to any unitary commutative ring and to higher powers. Definition. Let k ≥ 0 be an integer. A sequence of elements of a unitary commutative ring A of characteristic 0 is called a k-B¨ uchi sequence in A if the sequence of its k-th powers has k-th difference constant !equal to "(k!)n . Every sequence whose sequence of k-th powers is of the form (x + n)k n for some x in A will be referred to as trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence. Note that a trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence is a B¨ uchi sequence. B¨ uchi’s problem is generalized as follows. Problem. Bk (A). Let k ≥ 2 be an integer and A a unitary commutative ring of characteristic 0. Does there exists an integer M such that every k-B¨ uchi sequence in A of length M is trivial? Observe that if Bk (A) has a positive answer, then for any subring B of A, Bk (B) has a positive answer. In this thesis, we are interested in those rings for which B¨ uchi’s problem has a negative answer in a non-trivial way ¯ is (intuitively, rings with not too many k-powers). For example, if A = Q the field of algebraic numbers, every sequence of the form % # $ $ 2 2 2 2 x1 , x2 , x3 = 2 + 2x2 − x1 , . . . , xM = 2 + 2xM −1 − xM −2 , . . . 8

is a 2-B¨ uchi sequence (which, in general, is non-trivial). With a similar ¯ has a negative answer for every k ≥ 2. The idea, one sees easily that Bk (Q) sequence & k ( nk + 1)n≥0

¯ being a non-trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence of infinite length, we see that Bk (Z∩R) has a negative answer for every k ≥ 2. In both examples above, the negative answer to B¨ uchi’s problem is due to the existence of an infinite non-trivial B¨ uchi sequence. In their survey [11] on B¨ uchi’s problem, Pasten, Pheidas and Vidaux posed the problem of finding rings for which B¨ uchi’s problem had a negative answer without having non-trivial sequences of infinite length. They distinguish two kinds of rings in which B¨ uchi’s problem can have a negative answer (in characteristic 0): • Type 1: Rings for which there exists an infinite non-trivial B¨ uchi sequence. • Type 2: Rings for which there exist non-trivial B¨ uchi sequences of any finite length, but there is no infinite one. In [1], J. Browkin proved that for k = 2, the field of p-adic numbers Qp is of type 1 and the ring of p-adic integers Zp is of type 2. This Thesis is an attempt to generalize Browkin’s result to higher powers. Before we state our main results, let us introduce the notion of an Hensley sequence: Definition (Hensley sequences). Let k ≥ 0 be an integer. A sequence (an ) of elements of a unitary commutative ring A of characteristic 0, whose k-th powers are of the form (a + n)k + bk−2 nk−2 + · · · + b1 n + b0 , for some a, bk−2 , . . . , b0 ∈ A, is called k-Hensley sequence. If b0 = · · · = bk−2 = 0 then (an ) is called a trivial k-Hensley sequence. Problem (Hensley’s formulation of B¨ uchis’s problem). HFk (A). Let k ≥ 2 be an integer and A a unitary commutative ring of characteristic 0. Does there exist an integer M ≥ k + 1 such that every k-Hensley sequence in A of length M is a trivial sequence? 9

In this thesis we consider the following weaker problem, known as Hensley’s problem: Problem. HPk (A). Let k ≥ 2 be an integer and A a unitary commutative ring of characteristic 0. Does there exist an integer M such that, for any fixed elements a and b in A, if the quantities (n + a)k + b are k-th powers for n = 1, . . . , M , then b = 0? It is well known that the multiplicative group of invertibles in the ring of integers modulo n is a cyclic group if and only if n = 2, or n = 4, or n is of the form pm , or n is of the form 2pm , for some odd prime p and some positive integer m. When the group is cyclic, we call a primitive root modulo n any integer whose congruence class modulo n is a generator of it. In order to state our Main Theorem, we need to introduce the following notation: Notation.

1. We will write q = q(p, k) = pε+1+ordp k ,

where ε is equal to 1 if p = 2 and is equal to 0 if p %= 2. 2. We will say that the condition C(p, k) is satisfied if there exists a primitive root modulo q, say g, such that xk + y k ≡ g mod q for some integers x and y whose congruence classes modulo q are in (Z/qZ)× . The condition C(p, k) is (trivially) not satisfied when q is of the form 2m for m ≥ 3, simply because there is no primitive root at all in that case (we do not know whether there exists any other pair (p, k) for which the condition is not satisfied). From the following well-known theorem (see for example [19]), we see that the condition C(p, k) is satisfied when q > (k −1)4 and, either p is an odd prime, or p = 2 and ordp k = 0. Theorem. Let Fp be a finite field with p elements and k ≥ 2 an integer. If p > (k − 1)4 , then every diagonal form of degree k in two variables over Fp is universal. 10

Note also that whenever g = 2 is a primitive root modulo q then, by choosing x = y = 1, the condition C(p, k) is trivially satisfied. We can now state our main results. Theorem (Main Theorem). Let p be a prime number and k ≥ 2 an integer. 1. For each n ∈ Z, when p > 2 the quantity nk + p−k is a k-th power in Qp . Moreover, any sequence (an ), n ≥ 1, such that an has k-th power nk + p−k , is a non-trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence of infinite length in Qp . 2. For each n ∈ Z, the quantity nk + 2−(2+k) is a k-th power in Q2 . Moreover, any sequence (an ), n ≥ 1, such that an has k-th power nk + 2−(2+k) , is a non-trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence of infinite length in Q2 . 3. For each m ∈ Z, the quantity nk + pmk+1 is a k-th power in Zp when n = 1, . . . , pm − 1. Moreover, if pm ≥ k + 2, then any sequence (an ), n = 1, . . . , pm −1, where an has k-th power nk +pmk+1 , is a non-trivial k-B¨ uchi sequence in Zp . 4. Suppose that Condition C(p, k) is satisfied and, either k is not coprime to p, or p is odd and k is not coprime to p − 1. Let a and b be p-adic integers. If for every n ≥ 1 the quantity (n + a)k + b is a k-th power in Zp , then b = 0. Items 1 and 2 show that Qp is of type 1. Item 3 shows that in Zp there exist non-trivial B¨ uchi sequences of any finite length. Item 4 shows that, when the hypothesis on p and k is satisfied, there is no infinite nontrivial B¨ uchi "sequence in Zp whose sequence of k-th powers is of the form ! k (n + a) + b n , for some a and b in Zp . When k = 2, the Main Theorem was recently proven by J. Browkin in [1]. We essentially adapt his techniques to higher powers. In Chapter 1 we will introduce the basic tools that we need to prove the Main Theorem. In Chapter 2, we give a characterization of the set of k-th powers in Zp , for each k and p, and prove some properties of these sets. In Chapter 3, we will prove Items 1, 2 and 3 of the Main Theorem. We will prove the Item 4 of the Main Theorem in Chapter 4.


Chapter 1

Preliminaries: p-adic numbers All the results in this section are well-known. See for example [4], [6] or [14]. Fix a prime number p. Definition 1.1. The p-adic valuation ordp a (or p-adic order) of an integer a is the highest power of p which divides a, or equivalently, the highest integer m such that a ≡ 0 mod pm . If a = 0, we write ordp a = ∞, where ∞ is a symbol such that for every x ∈ Z, we have x < ∞ and ∞ + x = x + ∞ = ∞. The p-adic valuation on Z extends in a unique way to a valuation on Q by letting 'a( = ordp (a) − ordp (b). ordp b Note that this definition does not depend on the choice of a and b. Let K be a field. A norm || || on K is called non-Archimedean if for all x, y ∈ K we have ||x + y|| ≤ max (||x||, ||y||) . The trivial norm on K is the norm that sends 0 to 0 and every non-zero x to 1. The map ) p− ordp x if x %= 0 |x|p = 0 if not,

called the p-adic norm, is a non-Archimedean norm on Q. The p-adic norm induces a metric dp on Q, defined as usual by dp (x, y) = |x − y|p . We call this metric the p-adic metric. 12


Given a non-Archimedean norm || || on a field K, following [14], we will B(a, r) = {x ∈ K : ||x − a|| < r} ,

the stripped ball of radius r > 0 and center a ∈ K and ¯ r) = {x ∈ K : ||x − a|| ≤ r} B(a, the dressed ball of radius r and center a. In this context, one can show that all balls are clopen sets and that any point in a ball is a center of the ball. In a field K, two metrics d1 and d2 are said to be equivalent if any sequence which is a Cauchy sequence with respect to d1 is a Cauchy sequence with respect to d2 , and vice-versa. We say that two norms are equivalent if they induce equivalent metrics. For example, for every ρ in the open real interval ]0, 1[, the function defined by ) ρordp x if x %= 0 |x| = 0 if not is a non-Archimedean norm on Q which is equivalent to the p-adic norm. If p1 and p2 are distinct prime numbers, then the p1 -adic norm is not equivalent to the p2 -adic norm. Theorem 1.2 (Ostrowski’s Theorem). Any norm in Q is equivalent to either the trivial norm, or the Archimedean norm, or the p-adic norm. A field K is called complete with respect to a metric d if every sequence which is a Cauchy sequence with respect to d has a limit in K. The field Q is not complete with respect to the p-adic norm. Two Cauchy sequences (ai ) and (bi ) are equivalent if the p-adic distance |ai − bi |p between ai and bi tends to 0 as i tends to ∞. Definition 1.3. The field Qp is the completion of Q with respect to the padic metric, i.e. it is the set of equivalence classes of sequences of elements of Q which are Cauchy sequences with respect to the p-adic metric, together with the field laws induced by the field laws of Q. The elements of Qp are called p-adic numbers. See for example [6] for a proof of the following Theorem. Theorem 1.4. Every equivalence class a ∈ Qp for wich |a|p ≤ 1 has exactly one representative Cauchy sequence (ai )i≥1 that satisfies, for each i ∈ N: 13

1. 0 ≤ ai < pi ; and 2. ai ≡ ai+1 mod pi . a$

If |a|p = pm > 1 then multiplying a by pm we obtain a p-adic number = apm that satisfies |a$ |p = |apm |p = p−m |a|p = 1.

The p-adic number a$ is represented by a sequence (a$i ) (due Theorem 1.4) and a = a$ p−m is represented by the sequence (ai ) where ai = a$i p−m for each i. By Theorem 1.4, we can write a$i = b0 + b1 p + · · · + bi−1 pi−1 where the bj are integers in {0, 1, 2, . . . , p − 1}. We notice that the condition a$i ≡ a$i+1 mod pi means that a$i+1 = b0 + b1 p + · · · + bi−1 pi−1 + bi pi for some integer bi such that 0 ≤ bi < p. Intuitively, a$ can be seen as a number written in base p with infinite extension to the right. Finally we obtain a = b0 p−m + b1 p−(m−1) + · · · + bm−1 p−1 + bm + bm+1 p + bm+2 p2 + . . . which is called the p-adic expansion of a. Note that for any a ∈ Qp and n ∈ Z, the inequality |a|p ≤ p−n says that the first non-zero digit of the p-adic expansion of a occurs no sooner than the pn -th place. Proposition 1.5.

1. The set of p-adic integers * + Zp = a ∈ Qp : |a|p ≤ 1

is a subring of Qp (it is the dressed unit ball in Qp ). 2. The set Zp is the set of p-adic numbers whose expansion do not have negative powers of p. 14

3. The ring Zp is local with maximal ideal the stripped unit ball * + a ∈ Qp : |a|p < 1

and, therefore, its multiplicative group of p-adic units is the set * + = a ∈ Q : |a| = 1 . Z× p p p

4. We have

a + pn Zp = {a + pn x : x ∈ Zp } , = y ∈ Zp : |y − a|p ≤ p−n ! " ¯ a, p−n =B ' ( = B a, p−(n−1)

for each a ∈ Zp and n ∈ Z. Note that if n > m then ¯ p−n ) ! B(a, ¯ p−m ). B(a,

5. The field Q can be identified with the subfield of Qp which consists of the equivalence classes containing a constant Cauchy sequence. 6. The ring Z can be identified with the subring of Zp which consists of the equivalence classes containing a constant Cauchy sequence. Proposition 1.6. age.

1. The (canonical) inclusion Q #→ Qp has dense im-

2. The (canonical) inclusion Z #→ Zp has dense image. In particular, given x ∈ Zp and n ≥ 1, there is an integer α such that 0 ≤ α ≤ pn − 1 and |x − α|p ≤ p−n . The integer α with these properties is unique. From the proposition above and since density is a topological invariant, we deduce immediately that for each a ∈ Zp , the canonical inclusion a+N #→ Zp has dense image. Definition 1.7. If a and b are p-adic numbers, we say that a is congruent to b modulo pn , denoted by a ≡ b mod pn , if |a − b|p ≤ p−n . Note that a, b ∈ Z are congruent modulo pn if and only if they are congruent modulo pn when seen as elements of Zp .


The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Zp are very similar to the analogous operations with expansions of real numbers, and we will then not describe them. We finish this section with two versions of Hensel’s lemma. They are the main tools that we will use to compute, when possible, k-th roots of elements of Qp . Theorem 1.8 (Hensel’s lemma). Let F (x) = c0 + c1 x + ... + cn xn be a polynomial function over Zp . Let F $ (x) = c1 + 2c2 x + ... + ncn xn−1 be the formal derivative of F (x). If a0 ∈ Zp is such that 1. F (a0 ) ≡ 0 mod p; and 2. F $ (a0 ) %≡ 0 mod p. then there is a unique p-adic integer a such that F (a) = 0 and a ≡ a0 mod p. If for each a0 in Zp we have F $ (a0 ) congruent to 0 modulo p, we use the following generalization of Hensel’s lemma. Theorem 1.9 (Generalized Hensel’s lemma). Let F (x) = c0 + c1 x + · · · + cn xn be a polynomial function in Zp . Let F $ (x) = c1 + 2c2 x + · · · + ncn xn−1 be the formal derivative of F (x). If a0 ∈ Zp and M is an integer such that 1. F (a0 ) ≡ 0 mod p2M +1 , 2. F $ (a0 ) ≡ 0 mod pM , and 3. F $ (a0 ) %≡ 0 mod pM +1 , then there is a unique p-adic integer a such that F (a) = 0 and a ≡ a0 mod pM +1 . 16

Chapter 2

Powers in Zp and in Qp Fix an integer k ≥ 2 for the whole chapter. When p is an odd prime, Lemmas 2.1, 2.3 and Corollary 2.5 were shown to us by J. Browkin in a personal communication. There is an alternative (and much shorter) proof using the exponential function which covers all cases when p is odd and the case when n > 1 and p is 2 (the point is that the exponential function is a group isomorphism between the additive group pn Zp and the multiplicative group 1+pn Zp whenever n is strictly bigger than 1 p−1 - see [10, p. 38, Thm 1.2]). The case p = 2 and n = 1 needs to be done separately (see Lemmas 2.2 and 2.4). Lemma 2.1. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer and suppose that either p is an odd prime or n %= 1. The following equality holds: (1 + pn Zp )p = 1 + p1+n Zp . Proof. Let us prove that for all c ∈ Zp , the quantity (1 + pn c)p belongs to the set 1 + p1+n Zp . We have n


(1 + p c) = 1 + p


c+ 

p # % . p j=2

= 1 + pn+1 c + 

= 1 + pn+1 c + 17


1 pn+1

pjn cj

p # % . p j=2

p # % . p j=2



pjn cj 

pn(j−1)−1 cj  ,

and since n ≥ 1, the quantity

p # % . p



pn(j−1)−1 cj

belongs to Zp . Let us prove the other inclusion. Given c ∈ Zp we want to find b ∈ Zp such that (1 + pn b)p = 1 + p1+n c, namely,

p # % . p



pjn bj = p1+n c.

In order to apply Hensel’s Lemma, we define the polynomial   p # % . 1 p (j−1)n j  f (x) = −pc + p x . p j j=1

We can write

f (x) = −c +

p # % . p




p(j−1)n−1 xj

p # % . p j=2


p(j−1)n−2 xj

and since n ≥ 1 and, either p > 2 or n %= 1, the quantity p # % . p j=2


p(j−1)n−2 xj

belongs to Zp . Therefore, f (x) is congruent to x−c modulo p. The derivative of f is given by # % p . j p (j−1)n j−1 $ f (x) = p x . p j j=1

So finally, we have f (c) ≡ 0 mod p and f $ (c) = 1 + pd %≡ 0 mod p, 18

for some d ∈ Zp . By Hensel’s Lemma, there exists b ∈ Zp such that f (b) = 0, namely, p # % . p (j−1)n j −pc + p b = 0. j j=1

Multiplying by


we obtain p # % . p j=1


pjn bj = p1+n c,

hence (1 + pn b)p = 1 + p1+n c.

Lemma 2.2. The following equality holds: (1 + 2Z2 )2 = 1 + 8Z2 Proof. Given c ∈ Z2 , we have (1 + 2c)2 = 1 + 4c + 4c2 = 1 + 4(c + c2 ). Since the first term of c and of c2 are either both 1 or both a positive power of 2, the quantity c + c2 ∈ 2Z2 . Therefore we have (1 + 2Z2 )2 ⊆ 1 + 8Z2 . As in Lemma 2.1, we use Hensel’s Lemma to prove the other inclusion. Given c ∈ Zp , we shall prove that 1 + 8c is a square of some 1 + 2d with d ∈ Zp . Consider the function f (x) = x2 − (1 + 8c) and its derivative f $ (x) = 2x. We have f $ (1) = 2 ≡ 0 mod 2,

f $ (1) = 2 %≡ 0 mod 22 and f (1) = −8c ≡ 0 mod 23 . 19

By Hensel’s Lemma, there exists a ∈ Z2 such that f (a) = 0 and a ≡ 1 mod 22 . So, in particular, a belongs to 1 + 2Z2 . Lemma 2.3. Let n ≥ 0 be an integer and suppose that p is an odd prime. The following equality holds: n

(1 + pZp )p = 1 + p1+n Zp .


Proof. Equality (2.1) is trivially true for n = 0. We prove the lemma by induction on n. By Lemma 2.1, we have (1 + pZp )p = 1 + p2 Zp and Equality (2.1) holds for n = 1. Suppose that Equality (2.1) holds up to n and let us prove that it holds for n + 1. Indeed, we have ' ( n p 1+n (1 + pZp )p = (1 + pZp )p ! "p = 1 + p1+n Zp (by induction hypothesis) = 1 + p2+n Zp

(by Lemma 2.1).

Lemma 2.4. For n ≥ 1, the following equality holds: n

(1 + 2Z2 )2 = 1 + 22+n Z2 .


Proof. We prove the lemma by induction on n. By Lemma 2.2, we have (1 + 2Z2 )2 = 1 + 8Z2 and Equality 2.2 holds for n = 1. Suppose that Equality (2.2) holds up to n and let us prove that it holds for n + 1. Indeed, we have ' ( n 2 1+n (1 + 2Z2 )2 = (1 + 2Z2 )2 ! "2 = 1 + 22+n Z2 (by induction hypothesis) = 1 + 23+n Z2 ,

where the last equality comes from the fact that 2 + n %= 1 and we can therefore apply Lemma 2.1. 20

Corollary 2.5. For all integers k ≥ 2 and p an odd prime, the following equalities hold: (1 + pZp )k = 1 + p1+ordp k Zp and (1 + 2Z2 )k = 1 + 22+ord2 k Z2 . Proof. Write k = pordp k r, where p does not divide r. Since p does not divide r, the map x +→ xr defines an automorphism of the multiplicative group of one-units 1 + pZp (see Hasse [5, Ch. 15, Section 2, p. 215-217]) - note that the existence of an r-th root comes immediately from Hensel’s Lemma, hence the map x +→ xr is a surjective morphism. Indeed, Hasse defines a map 1 + pZp −→ 1 + pZp x +−→ xc

for any c ∈ Zp and shows that it is an homomorphism of groups. Since r is invertible in Zp , the above map with c = 1r is the reciprocal of x +→ xr , which, therefore, is injective. For p > 2, Lemma 2.3 gives (1 + pZp )k = ((1 + pZp )r )p

ordp k

= (1 + pZp )p

ordp k

= 1 + p1+ordp k Zp ,

ord2 k

= 1 + 22+ord2 k Z2 .

and for p = 2 we apply Lemma 2.4 and find (1 + 2Z2 )k = ((1 + 2Z2 )r )2

Notation 2.6.

ord2 k

= (1 + 2Z2 )2

1. Let ε be 1 if p = 2 and 0 if p %= 2.

2. We will denote by Spk the set of non-zero k-th powers in Zp . Lemma 2.7. Let g ∈ N be a fixed primitive root modulo p. We have * + Spk = pkm g k" (1 + pε+1+ordp k c) : m ≥ 0, % ≥ 0, c ∈ Zp

Proof. Let α be a non-zero k-th power in Zp , i.e. there is an integer m ≥ 0 and there exist β ∈ Z× p such that α = pkm β k . Since β ∈ Z× p , there are integers ai ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1} such that β = a 0 + a 1 p + a 2 p2 + . . . 21

where a0 %= 0. Since the residue class modulo p of a0 is not 0, it is generated by the residue class of g in F× p , so there exists an integer % ≥ 0 and an integer " z such that a0 = g + pz. We have β = (g " + pz) + a1 p + a2 p2 + a3 p3 + . . . # # %% 1 " 2 =g 1+p (z + a1 + a2 p + a3 p + . . . ) . g" Write c=

1 (z + a1 + a2 p + a3 p2 + . . . ). g"

Since ordp (c) ≥ 0, we conclude that, for all non-zero k-th power α, there are integers m ≥ 0 and % ≥ 0, and a p-adic integer c such that α = pkm g k" (1 + pc)k On the other hand, for all c ∈ Zp , the quantity pkm g k" (1+pc)k is trivially a k-th power. Finally we have Spk = pkm g k" (1 + pZp )k = pkm g k" (1 + pε+1+ordp k Zp ), by Corollary 2.5. Remark 2.8. 1. Note that when p = 2 one can choose g = 1 in the above characterization. 2. Also, whenever p is odd, we can use in the above characterization a primitive root modulo pn , for some integer n ≥ 1, instead of g. 3. If x ∈ Zp is a k-th power, then ordp x is a multiple of k. Note that we have + ' ( 3 3 * Spk = pkm g k" 1 + pε+1+ordp k c : c ∈ Zp "≥0 m≥0


3 3 *

"≥0 m≥0


3 3

"≥0 m≥0

pkm g k" + pkm+ε+1+ordp k c : c ∈ Zp

' ( ¯ pkm g k" , p−(km+ε+1+ordp k) . B


Since in Zp all balls are open sets, we conclude that Spk is open as a union of open sets. 22

Notation 2.9. Given a prime number p and an integer k ≥ 2, we will write S¯pk = Spk ∪ {0} . Lemma 2.10. For each prime number p and integer k ≥ 2, the set S¯pk of k-th powers in Zp is closed. Proof. Let (bkn ) be a sequence of k-th powers with limit a ∈ Zp . We prove that a is a k-th power. If a = 0 there is nothing to prove, so we may suppose a %= 0. Fix N large enough so that for each n > N , ordp a = ordp (bkn ) = k ordp (bn ). Consider the polynomial f (x) = xk − a, with derivative f $ (x) = kxk−1 . For n > N , s = ordp k + (k − 1) ordp bn = ordp k + (k − 1)

ordp a k

does not depend on n and is the order of f $ (bn ) at p. So we have f $ (bn ) ≡ 0 mod ps


f $ (bn ) %≡ 0 mod ps+1 .

Since (bkn ) tends to a we can choose n large enough so that bkn −a is congruent to 0 modulo p2s+1 . We deduce from Hensel’s Lemma that f has a root in Zp , hence a is a k-th power.


Chapter 3

B¨ uchi sequences in Zp and Qp for any power Fix an integer k ≥ 2 for the whole chapter. √ Notation 3.1. The notation k x will refer to any specific k-th root of x. Lemma 3.2. For any prime number p and for any non-zero b ∈ Qp , the sequence (an ) defined by & k an = nk − b, 1≤n≤M is a non-trivial B¨ uchi sequence over the algebraic closure of Qp , whenever M ≥ k. ¯ p such that Proof. If (an ) is trivial then, by definition, there exists x ∈ Q nk − b = (x + n)k for each n ≥ 1. If x = 0 then trivially b = 0, and if x is non-zero then b is a polynomial in n of degree k − 1 ≥ 1, which is impossible since the sequence has length greater than k − 1. Proof of Item 1 of the Main Theorem. By Lemma 3.2 we need only prove that for each integer n ∈ Z, the quantity nk + p−k ∈ Qp is a k-th power in Qp , which is equivalent to prove that pk nk + 1 is a k-th power in Zp . For each k and p we have k ≥ 1 + ordp k, hence the quantity c = pk−1−ordp k nk 24

is a p-adic integer and we deduce that ' ( 1 + pk nk = 1 + p1+ordp k pk−1−ordp k nk

is a k-th power by Lemma 2.7.

Proof of Item 2 of the Main Theorem. By Lemma 3.2 we need only prove that for each integer n ∈ Z, the quantity nk + 2−(2+k) is a k-th power in Q2 , which is equivalent to prove that 22+k nk + 1 is a k-th power in Z2 . Since for each k we have k ≥ ord2 k, we deduce that c = 2k−ord2 k nk is a p-adic integer and therefore ' ( 1 + 22+k nk = 1 + 22+ord2 k 2k−ord2 k nk

is a k-th power by Lemma 2.7.

Proof of Item 3 of the Main Theorem. By Lemma 3.2 we need only prove that for every m ≥ 1, the quantity nk + pkm+1 is a k-th power in Zp for n = 1, . . . , pm − 1. By Lemma 2.7, since # % km−1−ordp k k km+1 k 2+ordp k p n +p =n 1+p nk we need only prove that the quantity pkm−1−ordp k nk is a p-adic integer. Since n < pm , we have ordp n ≤ m − 1, hence ordp nk ≤ km − k ≤ km − (1 + ordp k). Finally we obtain # km−1−ordp k % p ordp = km − (1 + ordp k) − ordp nk ≥ 0. nk


Note that the sequence used for the above proof can not be extended to an infinite sequence. Actually, if n = pm+1 , then ' ( ' ( ordp nk + pkm+1 = ordp pkm+k + pkm+1 * ' ( ' (+ = min ordp pkm+k , ordp pkm+1 = km + 1

which is not a multiple of k, therefore, by Remark 2.8, nk + pkm+1 is not a k-th power in Zp .


Chapter 4

Non-existence of infinite Hensley sequences in Zp Fix an integer k ≥ 2. Recall that q = q(p, k) = pε+1+ordp k where ε is equal to 1 if p = 2 and is equal to 0 if p %= 2. Proof of Item 4 of the Main Theorem. Let p be any prime number. Let a and b be p-adic integers and suppose that for any integer n ≥ 1 the quantity (n + a)k + b is a k-th power in Zp . For the sake of contradiction, we suppose b %= 0. Suppose first that b is not a k-th power. Since the set S¯pk of the k-powers in Zp is closed (by Lemma 2.10) and b does not belong to S¯pk , there exists a positive real number δ such that B(b, δ) ∩ S¯pk is empty. Since |(a + n)k |p = |a + n|kp , and a + N is dense in Zp , we can choose n such that √ k |a + n|p < δ. This implies that (a + n)k + b belongs to the (stripped) ball B(b, δ), i.e., (a + n)k + b is not a k-th power. It is a contradiction, since by hypothesis (a + n)k + b is a k-th power for every integer n ≥ 1. 27

Suppose now that b is a k-th power, and recall that by hypothesis, Condition C(p, k) is satisfied, that is, there exists a primitive root modulo q, say g (that we choose as small as possible and positive), such that xk + y k ≡ g mod q,

for some integers x and y whose congruent classes modulo q are in (Z/qZ)× . Hence, there exist integers α ≥ 0 and β ≥ 0 such that g kα + g kβ ≡ g mod q.

Multiplying by g k"−kα and writing t = β + % − α and r = % − α we get g k" + g kt ≡ g 1+kr mod q,

hence g k" + g kt = g 1+kr + qz for some z ∈ Z. On the other hand, since b is a k-th power, there exist integers m ≥ 0 and % ≥ 0, and a p-adic integer c1 such that b = pkm g k" (1 + qc1 ).

From the density of the set N + a in Zp , we can choose n ∈ N such that for any x ∈ Zp , the quantity n + a is as close as we want to pm g t (1 + qx). Therefore, there exists n such that n + a actually belongs to pm g t (1 + qZp ), that is, n + a = pm g t (1 + qc2 ) for some c2 ∈ Zp . We have (n + a)k + b = pkm g kt (1 + qc3 ) + pkm g k" (1 + qc1 ) ' ( = pkm g kt + g k" + g kt qc3 + g k" qc1 ' ( = pkm g 1+kr + qz + g kt qc3 + g k" qc1 # # %% z + g kt c3 + g k" c1 km 1+kr =p g 1+q g 1+kr = pkm g 1+kr (1 + qc4 ),

for some c3 and c4 in Zp , where the last equality comes from the fact that ordp g 1+kr is equal to zero. Since pkm g 1+kr (1 + qc4 ) is a k-th power and has order km at p, it can be written as pkm g ks (1 + qc5 ) 28

for some s ≥ 0 and c5 ∈ Zp . Hence we have g 1+kr − g ks = qc6 for some c6 ∈ Zp ∩ Q = Z(p) . Write c6 as αβ −1 , where α and β are coprime integers such that β > 0 is coprime with p. We have then β(g 1+kr − g ks ) = αq. Since 1 + kr is distinct from ks, β divides αq %= 0. Hence β = 1 and the equation becomes g 1+kr − g ks = αq. Since g is a primitive root modulo q, it is coprime with p. Hence, if 1 + kr > ks then q divides g 1+kr−ks −1, and if 1+kr < ks then q divides 1−g ks−1−kr . So in any case, the quantity g |ks−1−kr| is congruent to 1 modulo q. Therefore, denoting by ϕ the Euler totient function, ϕ(q) = pε+ordp k (p − 1) divides |1 + k(r − s)|, which is a contradiction if ordp k is not 0 (because pordp k divides k). If p is odd then ε = 0 and p − 1 divides |1 + k(r − s)|, which is impossible if k is not coprime with p − 1.


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