* * NE LESSON CODE NR-000-13 * Fad Diets OBJECTIVES * * " Participants will be able to recognize a fad diet from brief descriptions. " Participan

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* " Participants will be able to recognize a fad diet from brief descriptions. " Participants will be able to list two red flags of fad diets. " Participants will be able to set one realistic goal to enhance their health.


* *

Chalk board, flip chart or dry erase board Chalk or dry-erase markers/pens

5 "Handouts:

7Red Flags, black and white, attached, please make copies as needed. . 5 Steps to a Healthy Weight, black and white handout, attached, please make copies as needed 0


Eat Well, Be Well, stock no. 13-169 (A)(V)

Optional: Red Flags of a Fad Diet handout, stock no. 13-06-12177(A), and poster, stock no. 13-06-12178(A), attached; additional copies can be ordered from the WIC warehouse, using the Texas WIC Materials Order Form * Optional: 5 Steps to a Healthy Weight, handout, stock no. 13-06-12183(A), and poster stock no. 13-06-12184(A), attached; additional copies can be ordered from the WIC warehouse, using the Texas WIC Materials Order Form

* *


* Note about New Lesson Survey Forms:

Delores Preece Texas Department of State Health Services Nutrition Services Section


1100 W. 49t' Street Austin, Texas 78756 5/05


At V*M


The first few times a new lesson is presented, staff and participants need to complete the survey forms attached at the end of this lesson. Please note that the Staff Survey Form is different from the Participant Survey Form. Only 10-20 participant surveys need to be completed. Please mail completed New Lesson Surveys to:


TEACHING PREPARATION Note to the instructor: before teaching the lesson, familiarize yourself with the popular diets that are available today by studying the fact sheet: Popular diets: how they compare. This will help you answer any questions that come up. If the question cannot be answered with information from the fact sheet, do not try to answer the question, let the participant know that you or someone in the office will get back to them with the answer. Ask your local agency registered dietitian for further assistance. Read through the entire lesson before teaching it so that you are prepared for the activity.

Decorate a bulletin board with the Red Flags of a Fad Diet poster and the 5 Steps to a Healthy Weight poster.

ICEBREAKER Introduce yourself and ask the class the following: How many of you know someone who is trying to lose weight (it might even be you)? Then ask: How are they trying to lose weight? What are they doing differently? Is anyone you know trying a special diet? Write the responses on the chalkboard, flip chart or dry-erase board. If no one wants to share, ask if they know anyone who has purchased a new book or has started eating different foods.

DISCUSSION You are not alone if you know someone who is trying to lose weight. Over onehalf of all Americans are overweight, and many people are confused and frustrated by trying to decide what to do to lose weight. Why do you think people are gaining weight these days? Write down the responses. Possible answers: "

Routinely eating more calories with: o Larger portions

o Foods that are high in calories, but low in nutrients, like regular soda. o Fewer fruits and vegetables o Food more readily available all day - vending machines, drive-thrus * Moving less (getting less physical activity) 2

Conclude by saying: For most people, being overweight comes from eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity. Why is it important to have a healthy weight? Write down the responses. Possible answers: " " " " "

For health To look and/or feel good Prevent disease (heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer) Save money Be a good role model for children

People choose to lose weight for many reasons. People often say they want to lose weight to feel more energetic or to look their best. But, the most important reason is for health. As we discussed, most of the time, people are overweight from eating too many calories and not being active. This may put them at risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer. Write the numbers in the next two paragraphs on the board: But, every year, we try to lose weight. Actually, more than 50 million (50,000,000) Americans go on diets each year, and they spend over $30 billion ($30,000,000,000) dollars a year on products that promise to make it easier to lose weight. These products include pills or supplements, books, special foods, and weight loss programs. But, out of the 50 million (50,000,000) or more people that go on diets and actually lose weight, only 5% are able to keep the weight off. That's only 5 out of every 100 (5 out of 100) people! What a waste of time, energy, and money! Now, let's take a look at some of these products that are taking so much of our time and money. What are some examples of popular ways to lose weight that you have heard of? Write down the responses. Possible answers: * Low Carbohydrate/High Protein, such as: *


* " *

South Beach Sugar Busters The Zone

" Eat Right for Your Blood Type " Grapefruit Diet or Cabbage Soup Diet "

Dr. Phil's plan 3

" " * " "

Weight Watcher's Jenny Craig Low fat Slim Fast or other meal replacement plans Diet pills or supplements * "

Examples: Cortislim, Trimspa, Metabolife, etc. Look at examples that were listed during the ice breaker, if applicable

Has anyone ever heard the term "fad diet"? Wait for brief responses. Do you know what a fad diet is? Wait for responses, and then say - fad diets are a short-term, quick fix approach to weight loss that don't result in success in the long run. These diets tend to over-promise results, but don't deliver. The foods allowed may be much of the same thing over and over, so it's hard to stay motivated for very long. Also, some fad diets may have health consequences, such as putting the dieter at risk for heart disease or causing dizziness or stomach problems. But, since many people don't stay on these diets for very long, the biggest problem is that so much time and money is wasted, because in the end the dieter Is not able to keep the weight off long term. Then they end up in the same place they started, or some people gain weight, so they are heavier than before they started the fad diet! In fact, yo-yo dieters - or people that repeatedly go on diets, lose weight, go off the diet, and then gain weight - often end up being able to store fat easier and therefore put on weight easier. Yo-yo dieting can also lead to health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. So, how can you tell if something is just another fad, or if It's the real deal that will teach healthy habits that will last a lifetime - and help you achieve a weight that is healthy for you? Let's review this handout together. Pass out handout: Red Flags of a Fad Diet and review with participants. Have the participants take turns reading the "red flags" out loud if they are willing and comfortable reading in front of a group. Otherwise, read over each red flag.


ACTIVITY EVALUATION Pass out the Red Flags. If there are enough participants, give each person a red flag, or group participants together so that each group has one or more red flags. Then say: Now that you know how to spot the red flags of fad diets, I am going to read some promises, claims and instructions from diet plans and weight loss products. Each of you has one of the red flags that we discussed. As soon as you hear the red flag you are holding in the description that I read, hold It up for all the class to see. There may be more than one red flag for each diet or product that I tell you about, so more than one of you may be holding up a flag for each description. Use your fad diet handout to help you identify which red flags you hear. Read the descriptions below to the participants. You do not have to read them all, just as many as time allows. Just be sure to include description #11 - end your activity with the #11, even if you don't do them all! If they do not get all the red flags for each description, read the others to them. Tell the participants that it is ok if they did not get every red flag. FYI: Some of the red flags are implied, but not directly stated. For example, in the 1st description, the plan does not directly say that you do not have to exercise to lose weight. We have included it as a red flag because you can't tell from the description, and often people believe that all they have to do is take the pill or eat special foods, and they will lose weight. Our goal is to teach the participants that it is a lifestyle change combining healthy eating habits and regular physical activity that leads to a healthy weight. 1)

Lose 30 pounds in 30 days by following our easy 30-day diet plan developed by Dr. Quick Fix. Red Flags!

Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Rigid menus

No need to exercise 2)

Hi, I'm supermodel, Susan Winters, so I'm an expert on dieting. All you

have to do is drink my specially formulated "Hollywood Potion," every day, three times a day, and you can lose weight as easily as I can! Red Flags!

Sounds too good to be true. Magic foods or supplements No need to exercise 5


During the Introduction phase, you are only allowed to eat 20 grams of carbohydrate each day, from foods like salad and other non-starchy vegetables. See our list of acceptable vegetables, and only eat those and you'll lose your first 10 pounds in a week. Red Flags!


To lose weight, the calories you eat must be exactly broken down into 40% from protein, 40% from fat, and 30% from carbohydrates. Red Flags!


Bizarre quantities and limitations Rigid menus No need to exercise

It's not your fault you're overweight. Scientific studies suggest that stress can cause the body to overproduce a hormone that stores fat. The solution is our pill called Cortislender. In addition to helping to control your fat storing hormone levels, Cortislender's combination of vitamins, minerals and herbs help balance blood sugar, reduce cravings and maximize your metabolism, which all help to boost fat burning. Red Flags!


Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Magic foods or supplements Bizarre quantities and limitations Rigid menus No need to exercise

Sounds too good to be true Magic foods or supplements No need to exercise

Eating too many carbohydrates causes obesity and other health problems. If you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, you will lose weight quickly and easily. Eat as much meat as you want. Never be hungry and lose weight fast.



Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Bizarre quantities and limitations

Rigid menus No need to exercise



Do not combine protein and carbohydrate foods at the same meal. If you do, you will have stomach problems since each type of food requires a different environment for digestion. Red


Specific food combinations Rigid menus No need to exercise

Your blood type determines your diet, supplements and personality because it is the key to your body's entire immune system. If you follow the specific eating plan and take our specially formulated supplement combinations for your blood type, while avoiding the foods that are toxic to your blood type, you will lose weight quickly and easily.


Red Flags!


Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Magic foods or supplements Bizarre quantities and limitations Specific food combinations Rigid menus No need to exercise

Drink a Slimquick shake for breakfast, eat a Slimquick bar for lunch and eat a sensible dinner. That's all you have to do to lose weight easily. Red Flags!


Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Magic foods or supplements Bizarre quantities and limitations Rigid menus No need to exercise

Make the special cabbage soup, which can be eaten at any time during the day when you feel hungry, and you can eat as much of it as you wish. Follow our simple diet plan, which is as simple as this: day one - eat all the fruit you want, except bananas; and eat the soup. Day two - eat all the vegetables you want, except dried beans, peas and corn; and eat the soup. For dinner, have a baked potato and butter. Do not eat fruit on day two. You will lose at least 5 pounds the first week.

Red Flags!

Rapid weight loss Sounds too good to be true Bizarre quantities and limitations

Specific food combinations Rigid menus No need to exercise 7

***Include this description last, even if you don't read all 10. 11)

Aim for a healthy weight. Choose a variety of foods every day and moderate your Intake of fat and sugar. Choose at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Be physically active every day. Red


No red flags! These are examples of a healthy eating and activity plan.

Conclude by saying: As you noticed, most of these diets or products had more than one red flag and none of the fad diets that we discussed recommend physical activity (except the last one, which wasn't a fad diet)! Now that you know what to look for, you can choose a healthy eating and activity plan with confidence.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS/EVALUATION Point to the answers written down from the ice breaker and ask: Were any of these fad diets? All of the plans and products that I described were taken out of real books or advertisements of popular products that are on the market today (we just changed some of the names). Why do you think these plans or products are so popular? Possible answers: " Promise easy and quick weight loss " Someone they know has tried the diet and it has worked, at least short-term " Takes the blame off the dieter - puts the blame on certain foods that they were told to eat " They offer a different approach to what has already been attempted and failed There are many foods and many ways to build a healthy diet and lifestyle. Setting a few simple healthy eating and activity goals can help anyone achieve and maintain a weight that is healthy for them. We will teach you basic tips to get you on your way, in case you (or someone you know) have been tempted to try the next fad diet. Look how simple it can be! Pass out the handout: 5 Steps to a Healthy Weight. Discuss points on handout. Then say: The first step in either losing weight or making any positive change in your health is to set a realistic goal. Choose a tip from the 5 Steps to a Healthy Weight 8

handout to use as your goal to start working on today. Or, make up a goal of your own. Write your goal on the bottom of the handout and keep it in a place where you will see it every day. It may take several weeks for you to achieve this goal, but once you do, you will feel great. I have a few tips about setting and achieving goals: " Instead of choosing a goal that is focused on how much you weigh, choose a goal that is focused on something you can do - such as increasing the number of fruits and vegetables that you eat or to stop eating when you are full, instead of overeating. " When setting your goal, remind yourself that healthy bodies and happy people come In all sizes and shapes, and that no one body shape or size is a healthy one or right one for everybody. " Don't try to do it all at once, start small. For example, if you are not doing anything for physical activity now, start by walking a block a day, before you know it, you'll be up to 1 or 2 miles a day! Pass out Eat Well, Be Well brochure. Tell them that it has more tips for staying healthy and includes a 4-day meal plan!

Thank you for coming to class! 9


Fad Diets Participant Survey Form LA #



I am: a. b. c. d. e.


How much did you like the lesson? a. A lot b. A little c. Not at all


Do you plan to use this information? a. Yes

b. 4.

(you may circle more than 1) Pregnant Breastfeeding Parent of an infant Parent of a child Family or friend


Do you think this is a good lesson to use at WIC? a. Yes

b. No Why?


What is the most useful thing you learned from the discussion today?



Thank you for your comments!


Fad Diets Staff Survey Form LA




Was the lesson easy to read and follow? a.




What changes would you suggest for improving the lesson?


Was the participant feedback: a.








Do you plan to use this lesson again? a.



Was the Spanish translation appropriate for your participants? a.







Thank you for your comments!

5 Steps to a Healthy Weight:

Family Fun, Food and Fitness Get off the diet roller coaster - take these five simple steps to a healthier family!

1. Be Active


Change the "E" word from exercise to enjoyment. There is no need for expensive health club memberships or fancy exercise equipment. Just get active for a total of 30 to 60 minutes a day - three brisk 10-minute walks will do the trick. Just do it and see how great you feel. Fun is also the key to family fitness, so: " Make

family time active - head to the park with a ball, a Frisbee, or a kite. * Walk around the ball field or school while the kids practice or play a game. * Plan active vacations - hiking, biking, swimming, or walking.

2. Be Realistic

3. Be Adventurous

Make small changes in what you eat. Breakfast is a tasty time to power up for the day. Look for high-fiber and lower-fat choices: * Oatmeal, fruit, and fat-free milk. " Mix a little high fiber bran cereal in with other favorite dry cereal. " Toaster waffles with fruit topping. " Whole-wheat toast with peanut butter and low-fat milk.

Expand your tastes with 5 A Day. Snacks are the smart way to get a jumpstart on the 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables that you need every day. " Baby carrots and low-fat dip. " Banana and a carton of 1% milk. " Vegetable juice and fat-free pretzels. " Canned fruit and low-fat cottage cheese.

4. Be Flexible

5. Be Sensible

Balance what you eat through the day. Lunches can be lighter when you are going out for a big dinner. Look for easy ways to lower fat intake. " Share a small order of fries with a friend. " Go for light mayo or use mustard on sandwiches.

Enjoy all foods - just don't overdo it. Dinnertime is a great time to enjoy moderation and to listen carefully to your signals from your stomach. Eat slowly, enjoy each bite and ask yourself if you feel full or satisfied. " Try eating off smaller size plates. " Start with moderate portion sizes.

" Add a piece of fruit or a side salad to your usual fast food.


" Choose 1% (low fat) or skim

" Eat slowly and chew carefully.

Turn off the TV and focus on food and family time.

(fat free) milk.

My goal to start working on today:

Adapted from material created by Dayle Hayes, MS, RD. Used with permission



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Fad Diets OBJECTIVES Participants will be able to recognize a fad diet from brief descriptions, " list two flaws, or red flags, of fad diets, and * set one realistic goal to enhance their health.


MATERIALS Chalk board, flip chart, or dry-erase board " Chalk or dry-erase markers Handouts: * " 7 Sefales de alerta, black and white, attached; please make copies as needed. " Cinco pasos para un peso sano, black and white, handout, please make copies as needed * Coma bien, sidntase bien, stock no. 13-169(A)(V) " Optional: Sefales de alerta de las dietas de moda handout, stock no. 13-0612177(A), and poster, stock no. 13-06-12178(A), attached; additional copies can be ordered from the WIC warehouse, using the Texas WIC Materials Order Form " Optional: Cinco pasos para un peso sano, handout, stock no. 13-0612183(A), and poster stock no. 13-06-12184(A), attached; additional copies can be ordered from the WIC warehouse, using the Texas WIC Materials Order Form "



* Note about new lesson survey forms: The first few times a new lesson is presented, staff and participants need to complete the survey forms attached at the end of this lesson. Please note that the Staff Survey Form is different from the Participant Survey Form. Only 10-20 participant surveys need to be completed. Please mail completed new lesson surveys to: Delores Preece Department of State Health Services Bureau of Nutrition Services 1100 W. 49th Street Austin, TX 78756 5/05

* **

3 vu


TEACHING PREPARATION Note to the instructor: before teaching the lesson, familiarize yourself with the popular diets that are available today by studying the fact sheet, Popular Diets: How They Compare, stock no. 13-06-12139. This will help you answer any questions that come up. If the question cannot be answered with information from the fact sheet, do not try to answer it. Let the participant know that you or someone in the office will get back to her with the answer. Ask your local agency's registered dietitian for help. Read through the entire lesson before teaching it so that you are prepared for the activity. Decorate a bulletin board with the Red Flags of a Fad Diet poster and the Five Steps to a Healthy Weight poster.

ICEBREAKER Introduce yourself and ask the class the following: tCuantos de ustedes conocen a alguien que esti tratando de bajar de peso? Pueden ser hasta ustedes mismos. Then ask the class: ,C6mo estt tratando esta persona de bajar de peso? jQue es lo que esti haciendo diferente para bajar de peso? tConocen a alguien que este siguiendo una diet especial? Write the responses on the chalkboard, flip chart, or dry-erase board. If none of them want to share, ask if they know anyone who has purchased a new book about food or dieting, or has started eating different foods to try to lose weight.

DISCUSSION Usted no es la inica persona que conoce a alguien que est6 tratando de bajar de peso. Mis de la mitad de las personas en Estados Unidos tienen sobrepeso, y muchas personas se sienten confundidas y frustradas tratando de decidir que hacer para bajar de peso. tPor que creen que las personas estin aumentando tanto de peso hoy en dia? Write down the responses. Possible answers are: "

consumen mss calories regularmente debido a que:

comen porciones mas grandes, o comen alimentos altos en calorias pero con pocos nutrientes, como los refrescos gaseosos, o comen menos frutas y verduras en la dieta, y o comen alimentos disponibles fecilmente durante el dia de mequinas dispensadoras y restaurantes de comida repida; y " hacen menos actividades fisicas (se mueven menos). o


Conclude by saying: Para la mayoria de Ia gente, el sobrepeso es el resultado de comer demasiadas calorias y no hacer suficientes actividades fisicas. jPor que es importante tener un peso saludable? Write down the responses. Possible answers are: para mantener la salud para verse y sentirse bien para prevenir enfermedades (enfermedad del coraz6n, diabetes, presi6n arterial alta, cancer) para ahorrar dinero para poner un buen ejemplo


" * " "

Las personas deciden bajar de peso por muchas razones. Muchas veces dicen que quieren bajar de peso para tener mas energia o para verse mejor. Pero la raz6n mas Importante es para mantener una buena salud. Como ya dijimos antes, Ia mayoria de las personas tienen sobrepeso porque consumen muchas calorias y no hacen ejercicio. Esto puede ponerlos en riesgo de padecer enfermedad del coraz6n, diabetes, presidn arterial alta y algunos tipos de cancer. Write the numbers in the next two paragraphs on the board: Cada ano, tratamos de bajar de peso. De hecho, mis de 50 millones (50,000,000) de estadounidenses se ponen a dieta cada ano, y gastan mas de $30 mil millones ($30,000,000,000) de dolares al alo en productos que prometen hacer que bajar de peso sea sencillo. Estos productos incluyen pildoras o complementos alimenticios, libros, alimentos especiales y programas para bajar de peso. Sin embargo, de los 50 millones (50,000,000) 6 mis de personas que empiezan dietas y realmente bajan de peso, s6lo el 5% pueden mantener el peso bajo. Eso quiere decir solamente cinco de cada cien personas. ;Que perdida de tiempo, energia y dinero! Ahora, veamos algunos de estos productos que nos quitan tanto tiempo y dinero. LCuiles son algunos ejemplos de maneras populares de bajar de peso que conocen? Write down the responses. Possible answers are: * Dietas con pocos carbohidratos y muchas proteinas, como: "


" South Beach " Sugar Busters * The Zone " Eat Right for Your Blood Type * La dieta de la toronja o la dieta de la sopa de repollo *

El plan del Dr. Phil 3

" Weight Watchers " Jenny Craig "

Dietas de pocas grasas

" Slim Fast u otros planes de reemplazo de alimentos " Pildoras o complementos de dieta Ejemplos: Cortislim, Trimspa, Metabolife, etc. Look at examples that were listed during the icebreaker, if applicable. &Ha escuchado alguna vez alguien el termino dieta de moda"? Wait for brief responses. tSaben lo que son las dietas de moda? Wait for responses, and then say: las dietas de moda son planes a corto plazo para bajar de peso que, a la larga, no dan los resultados deseados. Estas dietas tienden a prometer magnificos resultados, pero no los cumplen. Los alimentos que se permiten generalmente son mucho de lo mismo, por eso es dificil mantenerse interesado y motivado por mucho tiempo. Asi mismo, algunas dietas de moda pueden tener consecuencias en Ia salud, haciendo que la persona corra el riesgo de padecer enfermedad del coraz6n, mareos o problemas estomacales. Pero debido a que muchas personas no siguen estas dietas por mucho tiempo, el problema mis grande es la perdida de tanto tiempo y dinero, pues al final la persona no es capaz de mantener el peso a largo plazo. Entonces acaban igual que como empezaron, incluso algunas personas aumentan de peso, jy acaban pesando mis de lo que pesaban antes de empezar la dieta! De hecho, las personas que se ponen a dieta una y otra vez que bajan de peso, rompen la dieta, y despues suben de peso otra vez, muchas veces terminan almacenando grasas mis ficilmente y por lo tanto suben de peso con mis facilidad. Ponerse a dieta una y otra vez tambien puede ocasionar problemas de salud como Ia enfermedad del coraz6n y la diabetes. Entonces, tc6mo se puede saber si algo es simplemente otra dieta de moda, o si es una dieta eficaz que le enselari hibitos saludables que durarin toda la vida y le ayudarin a conseguir un peso sano? Vamos a repasar juntos esta hoja informativa. Pass out the handout: Senales de alerta de las dietas de moda and review it with the participants. Have the participants take turns reading the red flags out loud if they are willing and comfortable reading in front of a group. Otherwise, read each red flag to the group. 4

ACTIVITY EVALUATION Pass out the red flags. If there are enough participants, give each person a red flag, or group participants together so that each group has one or more red flags. Then say: Ahora que ya saben c6mo distinguir las sales de alerta de las dietas de moda, voy a leer algunas de las promesas, afirmaciones e instrucciones de algunos planes de dieta y productos para bajar de peso. Cada uno de ustedes tiene una de las sales de alerta de las que hablamos. En cuanto identifiquen la seal de alerta que tienen en la descripcidn que voy a leer, levintenla para que la vea toda la clase. Puede ser que cada dieta o producto que voy a mencionar tenga mis de una seal de alerta, asi que puede ser que varios de ustedes levanten la seal al mismo tiempo. Usen la hoja informative sobre las dietas de moda para ayudarles a Identificar las sales de alerta. Read the descriptions below to the participants. You do not have to read them all; just read as many as time allows. Be sure to include description 11, and end your activity with number 11, even if you don't get to them all! If they do not get all the red flags for each description, read the others to them. Tell the participants that no importa si no identificaron todas las sales de alerta. FYI: Some of the red flags are implied, but not directly stated. For example, in the first description, the plan does not directly say that you do not have to exercise to lose weight. We have included it as a red flag because you can't tell from the description, and often people believe that all they have to do is take the pill or eat special foods and they will lose weight. Our goal is to teach the participants that a lifestyle change combining healthy eating habits and regular physical activity is what leads to a healthy weight.


Baje 30 libras en 30 dias con nuestra sencilla dieta de 30 dias creada por el Dr. Quita Kilos. Red Flags!


Perdida rapida de peso Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

1Hola! Soy la super modelo Susan Winters, asi que soy experta en dietas.

Lo inico que tienen que hacker es tomar ml formula especial de Pocion de Hollywood todos los dias, tries veces al dia, y podrin bajar de peso itan ficll como lo hago yo! Red Flags!

Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Alimentos o complementos alimenticios magicos No se necesita hacer ejercicio 5



Durante fase introductoria, solamente puede comer 20 gramos de carbohidratos cada dia, de alimentos como ensaladas y otras verduras que no contengan almidones. Vea nuestra list de verduras aceptables; coma esas solamente y bajari las primeras 10 libras en una semana. Red Flags!



Cantidades y limites extraios Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

No es su culpa tener sobrepeso. Los estudios cientificos sugieren que el estres puede hacer que el cuerpo produzca demasiado de una hormona que almacena la grasa. La soluclon es nuestra pildora Ilamada Cortislender. Ademts de ayudar a controlar los niveles de esta hormona almacenadora de grasas, la combinacidn de vitaminas, minerales y hierbas en Cortislender ayuda a equilibrar el azacar en la sangre, a reducir los antojos y a acelerar su metabolismo. Todo esto le ayudari a quemar mejor la grasa. Red Flags!


Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Alimentos o complementos alimenticios magicos Cantidades y limites extraros Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Para bajar de peso, las calorias que consume tienen que consistir exactamente en 40% de proteina, 40% de grasas y 30% de carbohidratos. Red


Perdida r pida de peso

Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Alimentos o complementos alimenticios magicos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Consumir demaslados carbohidratos ocasiona obesidad y otros problemas de salud. Si elimina los carbohidratos de su dieta, bajari de peso ripida y ficilmente. Coma cantidad de care que quiera. No pase hambre y baje de peso ripidamente.


P6rdida rApida de peso Red Flags!


Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Cantidades y limites extralos Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio


No combine alimentos con protein y alimentos con carbohidratos en misma comida. Si lo hace, tendril problemas del est6mago, puesto que cada tipo de alimento necesita una condicidn estomacal diferente para Ia digestion. 6

Red Flags!


Combinaciones especificas de alimentos Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Su tipo de sangre determine su diet, sus complementos alimenticios y su personalidad pues es la clave del sistema inmunoldgico de todo el cuerpo. Si sigue el plan especifico de comidas, toma nuestros complementos alimenticios especialmente formulados para su tipo de sangre y evita comer los alimentos que son t6xicos para su tipo de sangre, bajarA de peso rApida y ficilmente. Red Flags!


Perdida rapida de peso Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Alimentos o complementos alimenticios magicos Cantidades y limites extralos Combinaciones especificas de alimentos Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Tome un licuado Slimquick en el desayuno, coma una barra Sllmquick a la horse de la comida y coma una cena razonable. Es todo lo que tiene que hacer para bajar de peso con facilidad. Red Flags!


Perdida rapida de peso Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Alimentos o complementos alimenticios megicos Cantidades y limites extralos Menus rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Haga la sopa especial de repollo, la cual se puede comer a cualquier hora


del dia cuando tenga hambre. Puede comer cantidad que quiera. Siga nuestra sencilla diet: el primer dia, coma todas las frutas que quiera, menos plitano, y coma la sops. El segundo dia, coma todas las verduras que quiera, menos frijoles secos, chicharos y elote, y coma la sopa. A hora de cena, coma una papaal horno con mantequilla. No coma fruta el segundo dia. Bajari por lo menos cinco libras la primer semana.



Red Flags!

Perdida rapida de peso Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad Cantidades y limites extrafos Combinaciones especificas de alimentos MenOs rigurosos No se necesita hacer ejercicio

Include this description last, even ifyou don't read all 10. 7


P6ngase como meta un peso saludable. Coma una variedad de alimentos todos los dias y modere el consumo de grasas y azicar. Coma por lo menos cinco raciones de frutas y verduras todos los dias. Haga alguna actividad fisica todos los dias. Red


iNo hay sefales de alerta! Estos son ejemplos de planes de comidas y actividades sanos.

Conclude by saying: Como hemos visto, la mayoria de estas dietas o productos tienen misde una seal de alerta. Ninguna de las dietas de moda de las que hablamos recomendaron actividades fisicas, excepto la Wtima, ique no es una dieta de moda! Ahora que ya saben lo que deben buscar, pueden escoger un plan saludable de comidas y actividades con toda confianza.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND EVALUATION Point to the answers written down from the icebreaker and ask: tEs alguna de estas una dieta de moda? Todos los planes y productos que describi existen de verdad en libros o anuncios de productos populares que estin a la venta hoy en dia. Solamente camblamos algunos de los nombres. tPor que creen que estos planes y productos son tan populares? Possible answers: Las dietas ...

" prometen bajar de peso ripida y facilmente, * le funcionaron a alguien conocido, al menos a corto plazo, * le quitan la culpa a la persona y se la hechan a ciertos alimentos que no deberia de comer, y * ofrecen un enfoque diferente a algo que ya se ha intentado sin exito a largo plazo. Existen muchos alimentos y muchas maneras de lograr una dieta y un estilo de vida saludables. Establecer unas cuantas metas sencillas para comer mejor y ser mis activo puede ayudarle a cualquier persona a alcanzar y mantener un peso saludable. Le daremos unos consejos bisicos en caso que a ustedes, o a algtn conocido, les de tentacidn hacker la mis nueva dieta de moda. iMiren que ficiles! Pass out the handout Cinco pasos para un peso sano. Discuss the points on the handout. Then say: El primer paso para bajar de peso o hacker un cambio positivo en su salud es establecer una meta realist. Escoja uno de los consejos de la hoja informativa Cinco pasos para un peso sano para usarla como la meta en la que comenzari a trabajar hoy mismo. 8

Tambien puede establecer su propia meta. Escriba su meta al final de la hoja y p6ngala en un lugar donde pueda verla todos los dias. Tomari varias semanas alcanzar esta meta, pero una vez que lo logre se sentiri de maravilla. Estos son algunos consejos para establecer y lograr las metas: " En vez de escoger una meta que se concentre en cuinto pesa, escoja una meta que se concentre en algo que pueda hacer, como aumentar cantidad de frutas y verduras que come, o dejar de comer cuando esti satisfecho en vez de comer demasiado.


" Al establecer sus metas, recuerde que hay cuerpos sanos y personas felices de todos tamaios y formas, y que ningtn tipo o forma de cuerpo especifico es el mss sano o el mejor para todos. " No trate de hacer todo de una vez; comience poco a poco. Por ejemplo, si por el momento no hace actividades fisicas, comience caminando una cuadra cada dia. Cuando menos espere, iestari caminando hasta dos millas por dia!


Pass out the brochure Coma bien, sidntase bien. Tell them that tiene mis consejos para mantenerse sano, y viene con un plan de comidas para cuatro dias.

1Gracias por venir a


la clase!


Dietas de moda Encuesta del participante N6m. de la agencia local



Soy: a. b. c. d. e.


jQui tanto le gusto la lecci6n? a. me gust6 mucho

b. c.

(puede escoger mas de una respuesta) una mujer embarazada una mamd que da pecho el papido la mamd de un beb6 el papd o la mamd de un nino un familiar o amigo de un participante

me gust6 un poco no me gust6


LPiensa usar esta informaci6n? a. si b. no


.Cree que 6sta es una buena lecci6n para usar en WIC? a. si b. no

jPor quo?


zQu6 fue lo mas util que aprendi6 de la plaitica de hoy?



;Graciaspor sus comentarios!


Fad Diets Staff Survey Form Local Agency no.



Was the lesson easy to read and follow? a.




What changes would you suggest for improving the lesson?


Was the participant feedback: a.








Do you plan to use this lesson again? a.



Was the Spanish translation appropriate for your participants? a.







Thank you for your comments!

Cinco pasos para un peso sano: Diversion en familia, alimentos y condicion fisica iDejen el subeibaja de las dietas! Sigan estos cinco pasos sencillos para tener una familia mas sana 1. Sean activos Hagan que el ejercicio sea parte de la diversion. No es necesario tener membresias caras en clubes atleticos ni equipo sofisticado para hacer ejerciclo. Simplemente hagan alguna actividad por un total de 30 a 60 minutos al dia. Tres caminatas energeticas de 10 minutos seren suficientes. Simplemente hAganlo y verin lo bien que se sentiren. La diversion es la clave para que la familia tenga una buena condici6n fisica, por lo tanto usen estos consejos para hacer que el ejerciclo sea divertido.


Hagan que el tiempo familiar sea activo. Vayan al parque a jugar con la pelota, el Frisbee o a volar un papalote. " Caminen alrededor del campo deportivo o de la escuela mientras sus hijos practican o juegan algun partido. " Planeen vacaciones activas en que puedan ir de excursion, andar en bicicleta, nadar o caminar. 2. Sean realists Hagan pequefos cambios en los alimentos que comen. El desayuno es una deliciosa manera de obtener energia para el resto del dia. Busquen opciones con mucha fibra y poca grasa: " Avena, fruta y leche sin grasa * Cereal de centeno alto en fibra mezclado con su cereal favorito * Waffles de tostador con fruta " Pan tostado de trigo integral con crema de cacahuate y leche baja en grasa

3. Sean aventurados Amplien sus gustos comiendo 5 al dia. Los bocadillos son mejor manera de comenzar a comer las 5 a 9 raciones diarias de frutas y verduras que necesitan. Prueben estos saludables bocadillos: " Zanahorias miniatura con dip bajo en grasa " Un platano y un botecito de leche al 1% " Jugo de verduras y pretzels sin grasa " Fruta de lata con queso cottage bajo en grasa

4. Sean flexibles Equilibren lo que comen durante el dia. Los almuerzos pueden ser mas ligeros si planean una cena en grande. Busquen maneras sencillas de reducir el consumo de grasa. * Compartan una orden chica de papas

5. Sean sensatos Disfruten de todos los alimentos con moderacion. La cena es un buen momento para disfrutar con moderaci6n y escuchar atentamente las sefales del est6mago. Coman despacio, disfruten cada bocado y sepan cuAndo se sienten satisfechos. " Coman en platos mas chicos. " Comiencen con porciones de tamafo moderado. * Apaguen la tele y concentrese en comida y familia. * Coman despacio y mastiquen con cuidado.


fritas con alguien.

" P6nganles mayonesa light o mostaza a los sandwiches. " Coman una fruta o ensalada con comida rApida. " Tomen leche al 1% (baja en grasa) o descremada.




La meta que quiero alcanzar comenzando hoy: Adaptado de material creado por Dayle Hayes, M.S., R.D. Usado con permiso.











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