Friday, February 28, The Daily News Clippings

Miami Dade College Friday, February 28, 2014 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite

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Miami Dade College

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Daily News Clippings

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• MDe, Italia n cooking schools team up: The Miami Culinary Institute (MCl) at Miami Dade Col­ lege and Gambero Rosso, a leading fo od and wine publisher and educator in Italy, have agreed to launch a partnership that will allow student s access to Gambero Rosso's "Citta del Gusto" (City of Taste) cooking schools in Ro me, Catania, Palermo, Turin, Naples and 1vIilan. The Miami Culinary. Institute will be the ,

Miami Dade College's Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Rosso of Italy team up The Miami Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College and Gambero Rosso, a leading food and wine publisher and educator in Italy, have agreed to launch a new partnership that will allow students access to Gambero Rosso's ... FULL ARTICLE AT Miami Herald Use of this site is governed by our Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy .© Allvoices, Inc. 2008-2014. All rights reserved . Powered by PulsePoint. Copyright AI/voices, Inc 2008-2014. AI/ rights reserved.

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BRIEF: Miami Dade College's Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Rosso of Ilalyleam up

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Feb. 27--The Miami Curnary lI1sttute at Miami Dade Colege and Gambero Rosso, a leadilg food and wine publisher and educator il Itafy, have agreed to launch a new partnersh~ that wil albw

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students access to Gambero Rosso's "nt... del Gusto" (ny of Taste) cooking schools il Rome,

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Catania, Palermo, Turin, Naples, and Milan. The Miami CUllary lI1sttute wil be the excusive


educatonal partner of Gambero Rosso in the Eastern Unted States, Miami Dade College said. Gambero Rosso is an Italian multimedia company that offers a selecton of courses, masters programs, magazines, guides, and a televison channel. "This partnersh~ wil expbre innovative in~iatives to share food and wile educaton and entertainment programming between MCI, Gambero Rosso Channel and MDC TV, the college's televison staton," MDC Wolfson Campus President Jose A. VICente said in a statement. "Program activties wi be based on several key objectives, incudilg promoting exchange and internship opportunities; supportilg innovaton of new programs; sharilg knowledge, culture and tradton of the cUllary arts and wile industry; shari'1g best practces; and estabishilg a Gambero Rosso scholarsh~

for MCI students, among others."

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(c)2014 The Miami HeraiJ VISit The Miami HeraiJ at www .miamneratJ .com Distrbuted by MCT lI1formaton Servces Source: Miami Herald (R.) this article was printed from icles/view 112643/bMef_miami_dade_colleges_miamL cunnary

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BRIEF: Miami Dade Rosso of team up

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Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Miami Herald :: ]

Feb. 27--The Miami Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College and Gambero Rosso, a leading food and wine publisher and educator in Italy, have agreed to launch a new partnership that allow students access to Gambero Rosso's "CitL del Gusto" (City

Taste) cooking

schools in Rome, Catania, Palermo, Turin, Naples, and Milan. The Miami Culinary Inslitule will be the exclusive educational partner of Gambero Rosso

the Eastern United States, Miami

Dade College said. Gambero Rosso is an Italian multimedia company that offers a selection of courses. masters programs. magazines. guides, and a television channel. "This partnership will explore innovative Initiatives to share food and wine education and entertainment programming between MCI. Gambero Rosso Channel and MDC TV, the college's television station." MOC Wolfson Campus President Jose A Vicente said in a statement. "Program activities will be based on several key objectives, including promoting exchange and internship opportunities; supporting innovation of new programs; sharing knowledge. culture and tradition of the culinary arts and wine industry; sharing best practices; and establishing a Gambero Rosso scholarship for MCI students. among others."


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Miami Dade College’s Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Rosso of Italy team up I WOPULAR




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Miami Dade College's Miami Culinary Institute And Gambero Rosso Of Italy Team Up V>


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The Miami Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College and Gambero Rosso, a leading food and wine publisher and educator in Italy, have agreed to launch a new partnership that

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will allow students access to Gambero Rosso's "Citta del Gusto" (City of Taste) cooking schools in Rome , Catania , Palermo, Turin, Naples , and Milan.

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Miami Dade College's Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Rosso of .. . - Miami Herald


The Miami Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College and Gambero Rosso, a leading food and wine publisher and educator in Italy, have agreed to launch

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Georgia Man Cleaning His Room Discovers Winning Lottery Ticket Miami Dade College's Miami Culinary Institute and Gambero Rosso of Italy team up The Miami Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College and Gambero Rosso, a leading food and wine publisher and educator in Italy, ha ve agreed to launch a ne w partnership that will allow students access to Gambero Rosso 's " Citti! del Gusto .. . 02/27 / 20 14 - 4:07 am I Vie w Lon k

NBC News, Frid ay - 02/28/2014 - 10:08 AM

He cleaned up, all right. A Georgia man was tidying his room and came across a month-old lottery t icket that was gathering dust - and turned out to be worth a million bucks. Gregory Jarrett, 26 ,

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?HACER! Program Launches Website to Help Latinos Prepare for College - Yahoo Finance

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MIAMI, Feb. 6, 2014 I PRNewswire-iReachl -- The Hispanic Access to Col/ege Education Resources Project or



iHACER! program coordinated by Mami Dade College (IVOC) brings together 17 educational institutions , community and business organizations and policymakers to support Latino college completion. Today it


announced the launching of a new website to support South Florida students and their parents as they prepare for college. The site, www., provides invaluable information and links to resources throughout

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Mami-Dade County via computer or smartphone .


The webs ite was designed and developed by POP Creative, a leading Mami Digital Agency, to reflect the iHACER! program's mission, which is to increase the percentage of Latinos with college degrees in Mami­

CO lTp8re Broke rs

Dade County from 38% to 60% by 2025. ~ offers useful information for high school students and their parents , as well as transfer students and adult students who wish to enroll in college. In addition, the new site offers a calendar of upcoming events and helpful links to iHACER! partners, where they can find additional information. 'Working together, the iHACER' team is helping to address educational and achievement gaps for Latino

students, providing them with the tools, access and opportunity to obtain a college degree," said Dr. Alanka

Brown, program director of iHACER! and director of academic readiness for MDC's acclaimed Student


Achievement Initiatives.

iHACER! currently works directly w ith six Miam i-Dade County Public Schools located in economically disadvantaged and underserved areas with the highest Latino student population rates. Partner schools include: Booker T. Washington ; Homestead; M ami Beach; Mami Jackson; Mami South ridge ; and, Westland Hialeah senor high schools . Funded through a grant from the Lumina Foundation Latino Student Success Initiative, iHACER' relies on the




collaboration of its partners , including: IVOC; Miami-Dade County Public Schools; College Summit; The Education Fund ; College Readiness Institute; Single Stop USA; uASPIRE; iMentor; Mami-Dade County; City of Mami; the Greater Mami Chamber of Commerce ; the Beacon Council; South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; New Futuro; Univis ion and Ban k of America. The partners take a direct role in guiding the program

Dally Ticker

The trackers have won : WSJ 's Greg Zuckerman

through a principle of shared stewardship. Miami Dade College (MDC) is the higher education institution with the largest undergraduate enrollment in the America, with more than 175,000 students. It is also the nation's top producer of associate in arts and sc ience degrees and awards more degrees to minorities than any other college or university in the country. The

Daily rlCker

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college's seven campuses and two outreach centers offer more than 300 academic pathways leading to baccalaureate degrees , associate in arts and science degrees and numerous career training certificates leading to in-demand jobs. In fact, its academic and workforce training programs are national models of

Daily Ticker

Bull run isn't done ... yet

excellence. IVOC is also renowned for its rich cultural programming. It is home of the Mami Book Fair International, Mami International Film Festival , the MOC Live Arts Performing Arts Series , the National Historic Landmark Mami Freedom Tower, a major sculpture park and large art gallery and theater systems . IVOC has served more than 2,000,000 students since it opened its doors in 1960.

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Media Contact: Barbra Gonzalez, iHACER', 305-237-7187, [email protected] Daily TIcker

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?HACER! Program Launches

Website to Help Latinos Prepare for College

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PR Newswire

', . v~

MIAMI, Feb, 6, 2014

I .

MIAMI, Feb . 6, 2014 IPRNewswire-iReach/-- The Hispan ic Access to College Educallon

Resources Project or iHACER! program coordinaIed by Miami Dade College (MOe) brings


together 17 educational institutions, community and business organizations and policymakers

to support Latino college completion. Today it announced the launching of a new website to

support South Florida students and their parents as they prepare for college. The site, WIVW


hacermiilmlorg, provides invaluable information and links to resources throughout Miami

Di~~lt:t1 j(}Urt l.1 1

-Dade County via computer or smartphone. The website was designed and developed by


eop Creali ve, a leading Miami Digital Agency , to

. I

. ~ 'i

reflect the iHACERI program's mission, which is to increase the percentage of Latinos with

college degrees in Miami-Dade County from 38% to 60% by 2025. It offers useful information

for high school students and their parents, as well as transfer students and adult students who

wish to enroll in college . In addition, the new site offers a calendar of upcoming events and

helpful links to iHACER! partners, where they can find additional information.



"Working together, the iHACER! 'team is helping to address educational and achievement gaps for Latino students, providing them with the tools, access and opportunity to obtain a college degree," said Dr. Alanka Brown, program director of iHACER' and director of academic

Michigan representative seeks make picketing illegal I.. ,'


',)m" l ' l

readiness for MDC's acclaimed Student Achievement Initiatives iHACERI currently works directly with six Miami-Dade County Public Schools located in economically disadvantaged and underserved areas with the highest Latino student population

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1' ,

rates. Partner schools include : Booker T. Washington: Homestead : Miami Beach: Miami Jackson: Miami Southridge; and, Westland Hialeah senor high schools. Funded through a grant from the Lumina Foundation Latino Student Success Initiative, iHACER' relies on the collaboration of its partners, including: MDC: MI2mi-t'ade County tLli.1li c

Schools : COl lege Summit: The Educaholl Fund; College Readiness Institute: .Sinqle SIOl' J!.S~ : uASPIRE : iMentor: Miami-Dade County: City of Miami: the Greater Miami Chamber of

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Commerce: the Beacon Council: South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce : New Futuro:


?HACER! Program Launches Website to Help Latinos Prepare for College - Press Releas .. , Page 2 of 4

u nlvlSlon and Bank of America , The partners take a direct role in guiding the program through a principle of shared stewardship . Miami Dade College (MOC) is the higher education institution with the largest undergraduate enrollment in the America, with more than 175,000 students. It is also the nation's top producer of associate in arts and science degrees and awards more degrees to minorities than any

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More guests and Hollywood talent are expected to be announced. The 31st edition of Miami International Film Festival runs March 7-16,2014. For tickets and more information, please '.1sit or call 305-237-FILM(3456). About 88 RUE DU RHONE: 88 RUE DU RHONE was founded in 2012 by Elie and Pierre Bemheim, the grandsons of legendary watchmaker Raymond Wei I. 88 RUE DU RHONE embodies Swiss excellence and contemporary watch design all for accessible prices. 88 RUE DU RHONE's Swiss->1



88 RUE DU RHONE Named Official Watch Of Miami Internati onal Film Festival 2014 - PR NeVvSv.ire - The Sacramento Bee



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88 RUE DU RHONE Named Official Watch Of Miami International Film Festival 2014 Hollywood Stars Mike Myers, Shirley MacLaine, Christopher Plummer, John Turturro, Andy Garcia and Emilio & Gloria Estefan to Attend By 88 RUE DU RHONE Published. Wedn esda y, Feb . 26, 2014 -12.26 pm

NEW YORK, Feb . 26, 2014 -- IP RNewswi rei -- 88 RUE DU RHONE, the Swiss-watch company founded by the grandsons of legendary watchmaker Raymond Weil, has been selected as the official watch partner for Miami International Film Festival, produced and presented by Miami Dade College. Taking place on March 7 - 16, 88 RUE DU RHONE is thrilled to be a part of the festival's many film­ focused events, screenings, and galas which attracts more than 60 ,000 audience members and more than 400 filmmakers, producers, talent and industry professionals .

"88 RUE DU RHONE is honored to be chosen as the official ootch sponsor for the Miami International Film Festival," said Pierre Bernheim, Co-Founder and CEO of 88 RUE DU RHONE. "Our ootches embody Hol/yv..ood glamour and style and Miami offers the perfect backdrop for our sophisticated, vibrant timepieces. We are proud to support local independent filmmakers at a oorld-class festival that highlights such remarkable talent in the industry." 88 RUE DU RHONE will playa role in the Festival's Opening Night on Friday, March 7 and will also have a presence at the Festival's opening gala at the Olympia Theater at Gusman Center for the inn "de ,.,boro ap'ort,... bo"" tho ch,.,n"o to +n/ontboi ... f"""orit o 00 Olle r:>U RHONE watch Explore

local blogs and community news'2014/02l26/619163S/88-rue-du-rhone-named-official.html

watch in honor of rd during a 1/3


88 RUE DU RHONE Named Offi cial Watch Of Miami International Film Festival 2014 - PR Ne'hSv-.1re - The Sacramento Bee

More guests and Hollywood talent are expected to be announced. The 31 st edition of Miami International Film Festival runs March 7 -16,2014. For tickets and more information, please visit or call 305-237-FILM(3456).

About 88 RUE DU RHONE: 88 RUE DU RHONE was founded in 2012 by Elie and Pierre Bernheim, the grandsons of legendary watchmaker Raymond Weil. 88 RUE DU RHONE embodies Swiss excellence and contemporary watch design all for accessible prices. 88 RUE DU RHONE's Swiss-crafted lUxury timepieces are recognizable through their refined and sophisticated design where the number 8, encompassing the ideology of good fortune and infinity, is inherent throughout the entirety of the collection. About Miami International Film Festival (MIFF): Celebrating its 31 st anniversary March 7 - 16, 2014, MIFF is considered the preeminent film festival for showcasing Ibero-American cinema in the U.S., and a major launch pad for all international and documentary cinema. Produced and presented by Miami Dade College, it is the only major festival housed within a college or university. Photo - SOURCE 88 RUE DU RHONE • Read more articles by 88 RUE DU RHONE

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Denise Castillon (/denise-castillon)

Feature Writer, Film/ Music/Entertainment

MIAMI INT'L FILM FESTIVAL 2014 PREVIEW - Gala Film Events: Held in the "Capital of Latin America", the 2014 edition of the Miami Int'l Film Festival (MIFF) will run from March 7th to March 16th. Each night of this 10-day festival boasts actors Be filmmakers attending "Red Carpet" events in Downtown Miami.

First 3-D narrative film shot in Arkansas opens Miami Film Festival I - Con... Page 1 of 3

tl .

Ihecabill~Qel L()~ Cahin Dt'!1l{Krd!


;\1 k:DI(l

Yiliannes . Yanersi . Yusleibis. Yolady. Yudeisi or Yamilk a. ~The


['n·""" RSS (B§a !)y Simple Y thing Vias like a fever, a boom . It was (about) doing some thing different from the monotony of ttle Pedros

and the Rauls." said Carlos Paz Perez. a sociolinguist at Miami Dade College and the author of a dictionary of


Cuban slang. M8uI now thaI has passed and there is a tendency to recover traditional names."


Decades ago many Cuban parents named their kids after other family members or hewed 10 the common

Comm~ llS

practice in the Spanish-speaking world of honoring the Roman Ca tholic saint associated with a child's birth date. There were only a sma ttering of eccentri c monikers back then, said Uva de Aragon, a retired Cuban·American

'I MYV; t.Jld~ ' i!!.>:!$~ilsa r ··'l'lee,1 1

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'.NOldPress ~'.9 LtJ.!.!;J.tIv.'O,a~ s c, g~1

academic and writer born in 1944 in Havana De Aragon's own name was Inspired by her grandfather. Ubaldo, and she also recalled a family friend named O lidey afler the English "holiday ." After the 1959 revolution and Cuba's subsequent self·declaration as an officially atheist state. folks really start ed getting creative. MAs many people stopped baptizing their children, it was no long er necessary to pick a name that was in the calendar of saints." de Aragon said . Inventions like Vicyhoandry began creeping into state birth registries , as did names such as Daymer combination of Daniel and Mercedes -


and backward renderings as in Airam Instead of Maria So 100 did

curiOus English-language borrOWings: More than a few Cubans can say with a straight face tha i Danger is not the ir middle name. but their ftrst. Meanwhile , Cold War geopolitics also inspired names such as Katiuska. after the Russian-made Katyusha

In!ll' 1110'101,; Cclml

missile launchers. Other kids were called Che. Stallna or Hanoi . But it was the Generation Y phenomenon that was uniquely Cuban . and brought out many parents ' creative instincts. Consider the name Yotuet. a mash --up of the Spanish-language pronouns -yo ,- "tu" and "er :' or"l,M "you" and "he" in English. V-fashion spread overseas through migration to Florida and elsewhere. and some of the most famous examples are found on Major League Baseball rosters in the names of defected stars Yasiel Puig and Yoenls Cespedes. Vvtlile there's no public data availabl e, expert s and parents alike have noted a clear trend away from V-based and other eccentnc names in recent years. An AP review of one high school class list in Havana turned up a dozen unusual names including Yuneysi, Luzaniobis. Alianis and Dianabell, among 40 students , Meanwhile a first-grade class of 20 students had just two. Rat col and Nediam -

apparently the English word -maiden" spell backward .

- ..,.. -




. . . . ~.j

""1" ..

ll1tlp llwelLsfilrgo CDlll "The phen omenon in Cuba got out of control. it gal out of hand . Names are also the image of the coun try.- said Aurora Camacho. a researcher at the govemmentallnslitute of Literature and Linguistics of Cuba who called for legal guidelines on the naming of children . She's not alone. Eccentric names ha ve been popular elsewhere in Latin America and at times provoked a backlash. In 2007, Venezuelan authorities unsuccessfully pushed a bill that would have outlawed -names that expose (children) to ridicule. be they ex travagant or of difficult pronunciation" after IwO Supermans were discovered in the registry , A similar proposal failed In the Dominican Republic in 2009. This month . the Mexican state of Sonora banned 61 oddball names that had been found at least once In state reg istries. They included Facebook , Rambo. Ci rcumcision . Lady Di and Juan Calzon. or "Juan Underpants." Recent months have seen ar1icles in Cuban official media warni ng of the need to regulate naming practi ces and urging parents to be thoughtful when it comes time to regist er their newborns . But the Simple ebb and flow of naming fashions seems to be turning the tide even without the heavy hand of the government. Yanitse Garcia. whose husband is Raisel -

a cross between Raimundo and Elena -

said all of her daughter

Olivia's cousins also have traditional names : Ern esto. Gabriela, Carlos and Christian . ~ llhink

there was a saturation," Paz Perez said.

Andrea ROdriguez on Twitter: V!\'I\'/IVll t! pr co mrARodl1 (j Ll€l AJ; lh-'-lp):)·I\·.vl}.'!til rJ~r c(l lnlAr{~cJ.:t'~i!.~tl ":E. Copyright 2014 The Associaled Press . All rights reserved . This ma teria l may nOI be published. broadcasl. rewritten or redistribut ed. ( tl\l11

http ://www.blackpressusa.comlin-cuba-trend-seen-away-from-eccentric-namesl

liforel con!)

2/27 /20 14


Derrocracy Forum: Supporting in State Tuition Equalityin Florida Tickets at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Auditorium, Miami -

Democracy Forum: Supporting in State Tuition

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Brother Jim mis BBQ - MarY Brickell

0.9 mi


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Kork Wine & Cheese


e Island




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C> 2013 NOkia



2014 Microsoft Corporation

Virginia -,


1.1 mi


TSL Lounge

1.6 mi


Wood Tavern

1.7 mi



2 .0 mi


http://e\€nts.miamiherald .com'miami_fl/e\€nts/show/369570404-derrocracy-forum-supporting-in-state-tuition-equality-in-florida ?print=true



Campaigns Done Right at Miami Dade


Campus, Miami -

Campaigns Done Right Saturday, Mar 1 8:30a to 3:30p

at Miam i Dade College-Wolfs on Ca m pus, Miam i, FL

The Good Government Initiative & City of Miami Comm issioner Francis

Suarez present event for candidates , campaign managers , staff and

volunteers on running an effective and ethical campaign . Topics include

absentee ballot procedures, fair campaign practices , the roles of

campaign personnel & more . Guest Speakers include: Rep ....

Price $45

Phone (305)689-8210

Category Activism

Location & Nearby Info Miami Dade College-Wolfson Campus, 300 NE Second Ave. Miami, FL 33132

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Show nearby:



NW 29l'


Mi. 3


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Kork Wine & Cheese

0 .3 mi

Hard Rock Cafe Miami

0.3 mi

Tobacco Road

0.7 mi

Mova Lounge Brickell

0 .7 mi

Fade Irish Pub

0 .9 mi


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Miami , FL 33130

n Brother Jim my's BBQ - Mary Brickell

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Kork Wine & Cheese

0.3 mi

Hard Rock Cafe Miami

0.3 mi

Tobacco Road

0,7 mi


Mova Lounge Brickell

0.7 mi


Fad6 Iris h Pub

0.9 mi


Brother Jimmy's BBQ - Mary Brickell

0.9 mi








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2013 Nelda



2014 Microsoft Corporation

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1.1 mi

http://e'.€nts .miamiherald,com'miami_fl /e'.€nts/show/369627344- the-center -for ·Ii terature-and- theatre-mdc-presents-1M"i ti ng -for -kids-and- ya-"'; th-I auren-'Mlhl ?pri n. . .



CitizenshipiCiudadanialSitwa)€flte Clinics at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus

I Florida Irrvnigrant Coalition



Citizenship/CiudadanMfBitwayente Miami Dade Clinics at Miami


Dade College

Wolfson Campus

Wolfson Campus


March 31,2014 11 :00 am

Phone: Address: Guu\i l [ r~" f


(305) 571-7254 300 N .E. 2nd Avenue, Miami ,

March 31,2014


2:00 pm

United States




Krystina Franr;:ois




[email protected]


February 25, 2014

On May 31, 2014, join the Florida New Americans and the Florida Immigrant Coalition at Miami Dade College - Wolfson Campus Chapman Hall Bldg. 3 for another chance to have FREE assistance INith your naturalization application . REGISTER here: http:tmoridaimmig /e\€ntlci ti zenshi pciudadaniasitwayente- cI inics- at-mi ami -dade- cot lege-v.ol fs on- campus/



Citizenship/CiudadanialSitwa)€nte Clinics at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus

I Florida IrlYTligrant Coalition


EI 31 de mayo de 2014, (mete a los Nuevos Americanos de la Florida y la Coalici6n de Inmigrantes de la Florida en Miami Dade College - Wolfson Campus Chapman Hall edificio 3 para otra oportunidad de contar con la asistencia gratuita con su solicitud de naturalizaci6n.

REGISTRARSE aqui: • l , o r;


l'vlP (J H'


Clinic at Griffing Adult

Clinic at St. Thomas


University Law School

[(r'l; Florida Immigrant Coalition • FLIC ~


I j ~ /,L

·1[1.'\ 1


2,198 people like Florida ImTigrant Coalition.

Aplica para #ciudadan18 este s~lbado morzo 1 en #NorthMlal11i JorllCloa legal (foro liS, htip .lIt. co/tphwruAxHN ((brvllaITllD'cHio about 21 !lours cldO


. J I


iii - ,


. ....




Apply lor #citlzensllip lhis Saturday'. Morell '1st in #Nortll Mid 1111 #FREE leUCtI clinic. RSVP now: http lil.\.;o /tntl\NroA;(f-N ilttp://t Go/fOaON3Z,SV Clboul 21 hours 300

http://floridaimmig rantor 9le>.enVci Ii zens hi pci udadaniasi twa)€nte- cI ini cs- at· mi ami -dade- coil eg e-1M:l1 fson- campusl



> Citize



s: Become A Citizen




more we 'MIl be able to maKe our vOice neard and our votes

a in the

vou now
















Florida New Americans : Become A Citizen

I Florida Irrmigrant Coal iti on

FLlC, a member of the National Partnership for New Americans, launched its first citizenship program in the sunshine state in January 2012, aiming to provide opportunities of full integration for Florida 's largest immigrant communities.

Do I qualify for citizenship? Here are some of the requirements to apply for


• If you have been a legal permanent resident (with a green

card) for at least 5 years.

• If you are married to a U.S. citizen and have been a legal

permanent resident for at least 3 years.

• If you are in the military, or if your spouse or parents are in

the military.

• If any of your parents is a U.S. citizen . Why do vve have clinics? Florida is home to 1.2 million Legal

Permanent Residents (LPRs) and 710,000 vvere eligible for

Citizenship by 2010. However, only 87 ,000 LPRs naturalized

in 2011 . The same happens nationwide, 'NIlere out of the 8

million LPRs 'NIlo vvere eligible to naturalize in that same

year, sadly less than 1 million did.

Our goal is to advance immigrant rights and create active citizenship among New Americans in order to achieve a vibrant, just, and welcoming democracy for all. FLiC hopes to increase these numbers and fulfill this goal with the

Florida New Americans program within South Florida's

Haitian and Latino communities and seeks to expand

throughout the state. http://fi oridairTll1' /our-'MlrWcitizenship/become-a-citi zerV


Clinics & Classes - Florida New Americans at FLiC









Next Citizenship Clinics



What do Ibring?

March 1, 201411am· 2pm

March 29, 201411am·

April 5, 2014 11am· 2pm

Biscayne Landing


St. Thomas University Law

2200 NE 143 Street

Griffing Adult Center

16401 NVV 37 Ave

North Miami, FL 33181

12220 Griffing Boulevard

Miami Gardens , FL 33054

PH: (786) 629·5148

North Miami , FL 33 161

PH: (305) 625·6000

To make your citizenship application a

success, you need to bring all the

documents and information required to

fill the application form.

Come prepared I

PH: (305) 893-3771 *Affordable Care Act

Click here to se e 'htiat you need to

enrollment will be

'Affordable Care Act

provided with the help of

e nrollme nt will be

our volunteers!

prov ide d with the he Ip of our volunteers!

bring .

June 16,201411 am· 2pm Broward College South Campus 7200 Pines Blw

May 31, 201411am· 2pm Miami Dade College Wolfson Building 3 Chapman Hall

Pembroke Pines, FL 33024

Important Referrals Here are our recommendations about 'htiere to find ... Immigration lawyers you can trust • Where to apply for Fee Waivers

300 NE 2nd Ave

and receive help for free Tax

Miami, FL 33132

Pre paration and Be nefit

PH: (305) 237·3000





Preparation for Citizenship test & English classes



Clinics & Classes - Florida New Americans at FLiC

Over 1,500 people came out to become U.S. citizens or volunteer to help people naturalize!




iami I)ade College proudly celebrated.

Black History Month and some of its numerous inspirational alumni for their outstanding achievements in their careers and for serving as role models for tomorrow's leaders.

Chief Nursing Officer Sister Emmanuel Hospital MDCAlumna

Maurice Kemp Chief of Fire-Rescue City of Miami MOCAlumnus

Alison Austin. Principal . Strategic Partners, Inc. MDCAlumna

Nat Moore Senior Vice President Special Projects. Alumni Relations. & Advisor to CEO. Miami Dolphins ltd MDCAlumnus

Edwin L. O'Dell Corporate Director. Media Relations & Community Outreach Jackson Health System MDCAlumnus

Gerald C. Grant Jr., MBA Branch Director of Financial Planning AXA Advisors LLC MDCA!umnus

· ~J.~~!l'ERA~~

U niv=;ity of MilJrrn. Cara/ CaMes (.,0.,) 284-4861/ ww..-.Co:>forJCinCmL.L·om GEJ/fRA nOll WM cPAIrr II



~RJ 'i. SA ! 5. SUN U , 5:30


SUN 7:3 2SJE F2aRERC :E 2tJ1-l

Estrellas ae ··ollywood lIegarana •

En su trige­ simaprimera edici6n. el Festival Internacional de Cine de Miami (MIFF) , presentad. 49 filmes en estrenos mundiales y Ie dara la bienvenida a un esperado grupo de actri­ ces y actores, entre los que resaltan algunas de la s princi pal e3 estrellas de Hollywood. REDACCI6N.

Celebridades invitadas

Entre las personalida­ des que desfilanin por la alfomb r a roja destacan Mike Myel's, Shirley Mac­ Laine, Christopher Plum­ mer, John Turturro y Tom Brokaw. Ademas, entre los mu.sicos y cantantes invitados estaran Alan I Moni Aboutboul de Israel, el violinista aiemflll David Garrett, la britclnica David Olyelowo y los brasilenos Fabricio Boliveira y Da­ niel Pinto. EI sabor latino estara a cargo de Andy Garcia, Gloria y Emilio Es­ tefan, el boricua Osvaldo Rios, y la :ict~iz mexican a Sophie Alexander-Katz. EI Festival Internacio­ nal de Cine de Miami se llevara a cabo del 7 al16 de marzo del 2014 •


M iornll >1orlo .com

F ,:br~'o 20 I I

Rafael Saldana: El decano primerizo d

fac'ultad denegocios del MiamiDade

College _. - . _. . _.

I Miami Dade College, una de las instituc iones mas emblematicas de la Florida y uno de los centros de educaci6n superior de mayor recono­ cimiento en los' Estados Unidos, nom ­ bro recientemente a su nuevo decano de la Facultad de Negocios.


Para sorpresa de muchos, el elegido no fue un academico de renombre, sino una de las principales personalidades de la industria de la banca en Miami: Rafael Saldana; reconocido veterano banquero y lider de negocios comunitarios, quien ocupa el cargo desde' el pasado mes de noviembre. Saldana llega el MDC con una amplia experiencia en banca y administraci6n. Recientemente, se desempen6 como presidente y director ejecutivo de Ba­ nesco USA . Ademas, fue presidente y director de operaciones de RG Crown Bank; vicepresidente ejecutivo y direc­ tor comercial del Banco Santander, y director comercial de mercadotecnia y analitica de Capital One. Saldana es Licenciado en Economia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, y osten ­ ta una Maestria con especialitaci6n en Contabilidad, Finanzas, Operaciones y Relaciones Industriales de la Facultad de Postgrados J.L. Kellogg de Gerencia de Northwestern University, y ha realizado programas de postgrado ejecutivo en las universidades Duke, Yale, California­ Berkley y Chicago.

Rafael Saldana "He estado en la banca toda mi vida. Comence a los 17 anos, reconciliando hipotecas FHA en m icrofichas (que ya no existen). Ahi se me quedo la vista y a eso Ie debe los anteojos. Pero ademas de la banca siempre he tenido una pasion por la educaci6n , heredada de m i. abuela, una maestra de escuel a de un pueblo pequeno en Puerto Rico. Cuando mi abuela caminaba por la calle, la saludaban tres generaciones de alum­ nos': recuerda Saldana, en entrevista con . Su nutrida hoja de vida tambien 10 regis­ tra como miembro del Comite Ejecutivo de la Junta de la Camara de Comercio del Gran Miami, donde tambien ocup6 el cargo de presidente del Comite de Educacion, a la vez que es miembro de las juntas directivas de Miami Founda­ tion y de la Asociacion Comercial In ­ dustria del Sur de la Florida. Titulo tras titulo, Saldana es uno de los mejores ejemplos de como un latinoamericano se puede poslclonar con exito en las industrias mas competi­ tivas -y exigentes de los Estados Unidos.

lPor que entonces tomo la decisi6n de cambiar la banca por las aulas?

Saldana encontr6 en la Camara de Co­ mercio de Miami un referente para involucrarse con la comunidad y, por ende, con la academia. Como presidente del comite de educacion de la Camara de Comercio del Gran Miami se rela­ ciono con lideres de instituciones como el MDC, Florida International Univer­ sity, Barry University y St. Thomas Uni­ versity. "Ademas, cuando mi hijo vino a Miami estudio en el MDC y tuvo una ex­ periencia excelente. En tan solo un ano termino su AA (Associate of Arts) en contabilidad, y posteriormente ingreso a Columbia, en Nueva York. Mi hijo


EI MDC tlene 175 campus en su tamafio tiene 30 y eso que los sores sean muy cercanos a los alumnos y sean nuestra razon

Elcambio EI economia camina lOS cam­ pus. Visita a sus pares. Habla con y nr{'\fp~nrp~ que eI contacto para entender


y la interac­ la persona entre mas segura. Tratamos de ser mas cercanos a la vida mas

al mundo

con a.m. Ya veremos con el ""'.

Get in touch


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