From Ashes to Easter. Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua. Cycle A

Cycle A San José Church,  Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. Apr. 16 6:00pm....... Thanksgiving Blessings for the Abel Luna Family SUN.

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Cycle A

San José Church,  Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. Apr. 16 6:00pm....... Thanksgiving Blessings for the Abel Luna Family SUN. Apr. 17 7:30am....... † Francisco “Sisco” Dominguez Palm Sunday ................... En Memoria de Su 7° Aniversario 9:30am....... Eddie & Julia B. Castillo ................... In Honor of Their 1st Wedding Anniversary 11:30am..... Jesus & Beatrice Salas 1:15pm....... † Inocencio Mondragon - En Su Memoria Mon. Apr. 18 10:30am..... Reconciliation - In Main Church 5:45pm....... † Arturo M. Garcia, Jr. ................... In Memory of His 1st Anniversary of Death 7:00pm....... Reconciliation - In Main Church Tues. Apr. 19 5:45pm....... In Thanksgiving from Beatriz & Arnoldo Vento Wed. Apr. 20 5:45pm....... James Gibson, Jr. - Birthday Blessings Thu. Apr. 21* 7:00pm....... Mass of the Lord’s Supper Fri. Apr. 22 12:00pm..... Stations of the Cross 3:00pm....... Estaciones de la Cruz 5:45pm....... The Lord’s Passion & Death ................... Service of the Word and Communion SAT. Apr. 23* 8:00pm....... Accion de Gracias por Su Matrimonio SUN. Apr. 24 7:30am....... † Genaro Gutierrez Easter Sunday 9:30am....... † Rose & John Flynn 11:30am..... Antonia Rodriguez - Birthday & Health Blessings 1:15pm....... † Cirilo y † Cira Aguirre * designates a change in Mass times † designates a deceased person(s) Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel

Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) English/Spanish Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church Sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) Inglés y Español Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Iglesia Principal Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm, Iglesia Principal Grupo de Oración - Español Salón Parroquial Cada Martes - 7:00 pm SACRED HEART BOOKS & GIFTS STORE (located next to the Grotto) TIENDA de ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS (a un lado de la Gruta) 444-9876 Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lupe Velasquez - Director Office - 444-4664 Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-6:00 pm Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday’s

From Ashes to Easter

God so loved the world that he gave his only son. We can help make things new with small sacrifices and generosity now. Put something in your Lent container each day. This will help special Mission Projects. Return your Lent box on Easter. And please pray for the Missions.

BAPTISMS Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms for children up to 4 yrs. of age are available in English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information. BAUTIZOS Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños que tengan hasta 4 años cumplidos. Favor de comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas de solicitud y más información.

Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua

Dios amó el mundo así tanto que dio su único hijo. Podemos hacer mejorar-mientos con sacrificios pequeños y generosidad ahora. Ponga algo en su Cajita de Cuaresma cada día. Así va a asistir la Misiones. Regrese la caja a la Iglesia el Día de Pascua. Y reza por la Misiones y los Misioneros.

Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for April, 2011 Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Abril, 2011 Date/Fecha... Breakfast Group/Grupo del Desayuno......... Lunch Group/Grupo de Almuerzos Apr. 17.......... CCD/ Rosaura Acosta.................................... R.E. Youth Ministry Apr. 24........... Los Guadalupanos............................................ Los Guadalupanos Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the 11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday

Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.

Quinceañeras Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9 months prior to the celebration. The parents must be registered in the parish and the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education. Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los jovenes deben estar registrados en la parroquia y los jovenes participando en el nivel apropiado de educación religiosa. DOCUMENT NOTARY SERVICE Our secretaries Mary Morris, Rachel Sanchez and Rosario Tristan can provide this service for you. Please call before coming by the office to get something notarized.

Palm Sunday

April 17, 2011

PRAYERS FOR CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS/ORACIONES POR EL CLERO Y LOS RELIGIOSOS: Please say a prayer this week for/Por favor, esta semana digan una plegaria por: Rev. Paulinus Iwuji, SMMM, Seton Healthcare Network, Austin Msgr. Ronny Jenkins, USCCB Associate General Secretary, Washington, DC Sister Denise Marie Hackett, CSC, St. Ignatius, Martyr Parish, Austin Sister Eva Hernandez, SMIC, Austin Brother Johnny Juno, CSC, St. Joseph Hall, Austin Deacon Octabiano “Toby” Romero, Leander Deacon Hector Rosales, Dolores Parish, Austin Pray also for Seminarians: Tony Orantes, Sister Maria Catherine (Laura) Toon, and for ALL those thinking about a vocation to the priesthood, religious life or diaconate. • • • PRAY FOR our known hospital and homebound patient(s)/OFRECE ORACIONES PARA nuestros paciente(s) internados en el hospital y confinados en casa: Janie Sosa, Maria Tobias, Jamie Soto Coy, Gulmara Castellan, Jose Zavala, Fred Arismendez, Angel Nabours, Susie Briones, Timothy Gutierrez, Bill Tarpley, Esther Baltierra, Daniel Bush, Paula Amaro, Bruno Castillo, Salomon Lesa, Georgina Buesing, Mary Molina, Al Lloyd, Tina Vielma Morales, Abundio Izaguirre, Valentin Orozco, Humberto Fernandez, Kayla Giselle Bernal Aguilar, Mary Vasquez, Elvira Carlin, Gil Ortiz, Jr., Susie Moreno Canizalez, Maria Natividad Saldaña, Marcelino Suniga, Carolina Medrano, Jeanette Gonzales, Jesse Juarez, Ava Saucedo, Eloy Espinosa, Sr., Karim Santamaria, Jennifer Galvan, Helen Camarillo, Maria Noriega, Becky Reyna, Hilario Herrera, Sr., Mary Rangel, Tom Longoria, Joel Santamaria, Jesse Pompa, Matias “Sonny” Limon, Teresa Teran Rodriguez, Rosie Garcia, Nat Limon, and/y Pete Botello, • • • Please pray for those who have recently passed away / Por favor ore por los que fallecieron recientamente: Mr. Reyes Gomez, Joe Reyna, Kathleen Hernandez, Marcus P. Martinez, and/y Frutoso Robledo, Sr. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Deseamos Ofrecer nuestra simpatía más profunda a sus familias.

Good Friday Lunch and Dinner April 22, 2011

The Guadalupanas will not be serving fish. Instead two choices of plates will be offered. Enchilada Plate - Three cheese enchiladas with rice, beans and salad. Nopalito Plate - Nopales, rice and beans. Choice of flour or corn tortillas offered for both plates. Capirotada and other desserts will be sold. $6.00 a plate - Phone orders will be taken, call 444-0181. Serving times are 11am-2pm and 5pm-7pm. Pray for our loved ones in the military,/ Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército,

Pvt. Justin Ayala, Iraq, nephew of Jose Ayala “May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.” “Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”

BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL CANDLES: The following intentions have been presented to the Blessed Sacrament/las siguientes peticiones fueron presentadas al Santísimo Sacramento: Para darte gracias Jesus por todo tu amor: Familia Hernandez dando gracias: Por la union de hijos y padres: For blessing our family: For graces, perseverance & blessings on AR Music, Ministry and Spiritual Life: Para dar gracias: The person/s presenting these petitions are/las persona/s que presenta estas peticiones son: Metodia Rodriguez: Rosa Hernandez: La Familia Chavez Hernandez: Valentina Jaimes: Unknown: Irene Jaimes: • • • Dedications of ALTAR FLOWERS for our Lords Altar are now being accepted for 2011. Your dedication is a special way to honor a loved one on their special day or in their memory; give thanksgiving for blessings received; or in recognition of a special event, a ministry or an organization. Donations can be made at the Church Office. • • • If shopping at Randall’s, take your Remarkable Card to Customer Service ask credits to go to San Jose Church – 226479 – and San Jose will receive a donation based on your purchases. Thanks!

Cycle A

San José Church,  Austin, Texas Stewardship “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” shout the crowds in today’s Gospel. May we be always ready to share our blessings when we are sent in His name!

COMPROMISO PARROQUIAL ¡”Bendito el que viene como Rey en el nombre del Señor!” gritan las multitudes en el Evangelio de hoy. ¡Que nosotros podamos estar listos para compartir nuestras bendiciones cuando nosotros seamos enviados en Su nombre!



Thanks to the 556 parishioners utilizing the contribution envelopes. We thank everyone for your support and commitment to San José Parish! • • • Please use your personalized envelopes to receive a record of your donations to San José Parish. • • • THANK YOU for your donations of $3,152.00 for the Catholic Relief Services Collection. • • • Collections of April 9th & 10th

Gracias a los 581 feligreses que utilizaron sus sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo y compromiso con San José! • • • Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar su donativo a la Parroquia de San José. • • • GRACIAS por su donaciones de $3,152.00 para la colecta de Catholic Relief Services.

6:00PM..............................................$2,262.00 7:30AM................................................3,422.39 9:30AM................................................4,200.50 11:30AM..............................................3,075.00 1:15PM................................................2,097.00 Mail Ins...............................................2,397.00

April, 2011 Special Collections Apr. 17 ........................Parish Development Apr. 22 .........................................Holy Land


Ganadores de la Rifa! Estamos muy contentos de anunciar los ganadores de la Rifa, organizada por el grupo juvenil: Juventud en Alianza con Cristo. Y los ganadores son: 1er Premio: Dario Lopez 2do Premio: Zaira Morillo 3er Premio: Julio Gomez 4to Premio: Prisco Jaimes 5to Premio: Margarita Bernal Felicidades a los ganadores y gracias a todos los participantes que hicieron esta rifa posible! Los fondos recaudados, serán para el beneficio del Via Crucis que estamos organizando. Todos están cordialmente invitados a la representación del Via Crucis, que se llevara a cabo el Viernes 22 de Abril a las 3 PM en nuestra Parroquia de San José. Mas informacion: • • •

Catholic Teaching on Climate Change


Las Colectas del día 9 y 10 de Abril


Intercessions for Life

Intercesiones por la Vida

For the innocent children tortured and killed in abortion clinics: that their suffering may be joined to that of Our Lord’s on the cross for the forgiveness and salvation of their parents;

Por los niños inocentes torturados y asesinados en las clinicas de abortos: para que su sufrimiento se una al de Nuestro Señor en la cruz por el perdon y la salvación de sus padres; Roguemos al Señor:

The Austin Prayer Vigil for Life is scheduled for Good Friday, April 22nd at Whole Woman’s Health, 8401 N. IH 35 #200 (at Fenelon St.), Austin, 78753. Come join us on this day of peaceful prayer for as long as you can between 8:00am and 5:00pm on this Holy Day of Christ’s Pasión and Death. For more info, call Bob Christiansen at (512) 255-8551.

Columna de Fuego, Columna de Verdad Los invita a nuestra procesión en silencio que tendrá lugar el Viernes Santa después de la adoración a la cruz, y que comenzare afuera de la tienda de San Jose, también tendremos rosario viviente bilingüe. ¡Ven, y participa con nosotros!

The Kozmetsky Center of Excellence in Global Finance at St. Edward University is sponsoring a free presentation by Mr. Dan Misleh of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change on Tuesday, April 19 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Hear about Church teaching, the moral implications of climate change, who is most impacted and what you can do. The presentation will be held in the Maloney Room located in the Main building on the third floor. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the reality of climate change, its impact on the poor and the Church’s perspective from a national leader.

Palm Sunday

April 17, 2011 Religious Education Corner / Esquina De Educación Religiosa

“Be Still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:11 NAB •

Pre-Registration for Religious Education Classes Students currently in Religious Education classes have been given the pre-registration packets to take home. The packets were given to the oldest child in each family. Please let us know if your family did not receive one by calling the R.E. Office at 444-4664. Please take this opportunity to pre-register your children for next year. Pre-registration allows families to register without having to wait in the long lines at registration in August. To qualify for pre-registration your 2010-2011 fees must be paid in full and next years (2011-2012) fees also. • • •


“Paren y Reconozcan que Soy Díos” Salmo 46:11 NAB •

Estudiantes que esta en Educación Religiosa a este tiempo han recibido el paquete para pre-registración para llevar a casa. El estudiante mayor de edad de cada familia es el que recibió el paquete. Por favor llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa si su familia no recibió un paquete al 444-4664. Por favor tomen esta oportunidad para pre-registrar sus niños para el próximo año. Pre-registración le da a las familias oportunidad para registrarse sin tener que esperar en las líneas largas en la registración en Agosto. Para cualificar para pre-registración el costo del año 2010-2011 debe estar pagado en completo y el costo del próximo año también. • • •


Get your pre-sale tickets now for our Youth Ministry Barbecue Fundraiser! Today Palm Sunday, April 17th 11:00 am – 3:00 pm In front of the Sacred Heart Chapel $6.00 a plate on Palm Sunday Pre-Sale Tickets available at the R.E. Office. Combo plate will include: Chicken, Sausage, Rice & Beans Please come and support our Youth Ministry Program. • • •

Don’t Wait, Start Now!! If you will be registering your children for a Sacramental Class this upcoming year NOW is the time to get those baptismals ready. If your child was baptized here at San Jose you may request a copy from our main church office for just $5.00. If your child was baptized at another parish or in another country you need to contact the parish in which they were baptized for a copy. We will not be registering anyone for a Sacramental Class without a copy of his or her baptismal. Also if your child will be entering their 2nd year for Confirmation we will need a copy of their 1st Communion Certificate. Registration will come up soon!

LO INVITAMOS A QUE SE REGISTRE COMO FELIGRÉS DE SAN JOSÉ Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que afecte su registro.

Pre-Registración para Clases de Educación Religiosa

Palm Sunday BBQ

PARISH REGISTRATION: We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners. New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify us of address changes and or personal changes that affect your registration.

¡Consiga sus boletos de pre-venta ahora para nuestra Parrilla de Pollo Asado para Recaudar Fondos para el Ministerio de Jóvenes! Hoy Domingo de Ramos, 17 de Abril 11:00 am – 3:00 pm a frente de la Capilla del Sagrado Corazón $6.00 el plato el Domingo de Ramos Boletos de Pre-Venta están disponible en la oficina de E.R. El plato incluida: Pollo, Salchicha, Arroz & Frijoles. Por Favor vengan apoyar nuestro Programa de Ministerio de Jóvenes. • • •

No Espere, Empiece Ahora!! Si usted desea inscribir sus niños(as) para un Clase Sacramental este próximo año HOY es el tiempo para preparar sus certificados de bautismos. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado aquí en San José puede pedir una copia en la oficina principal por nomás de $5.00. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado en otra iglesia o en otro país usted necesita llamar a esa iglesia para obtener una copia. No estaremos inscribiendo a ninguno para un Clase Sacramental sin la copia del certificado de bautismo. También, si su hijo(a) estará entrando al Segundo año para Confirmación necesitaremos una copia del certificado de primera comunión. ¡Las inscripciones se llegaran pronto!

MARRIAGE PREPARATION Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least 9 months before setting a wedding date. They should be registered and participating in the parish.

Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry (ADAM) Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087. Leave your first name and a phone number and time where you can be reached. All calls are confidential.

PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país (especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.

EL MINISTERIO DE ASISTENCIA DE ALCOHOL Y DROGAS (MAAD) Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las llamadas son confidenciales.

Cycle A

Iglesia San José,  Austin, Texas

notes from fr. tom

Voices from the Church Fathers on the Eucharist Voice Three - Polycarp 160 A.D. “I bless thee, because thou hast deemed me worthy of this day and hour, to take my part in the number of martyrs, in the cup of Christ, for resurrection to eternal life of soul and body in the immortality of the Holy Spirit”

Sunday, May 1st - Feast of San Jose - Trabajador Feast of La Divina Misericordia Beatificacion de Papa Juan Pablo Segundo These are great reasons to celebrate - our main Fiesta will be from 3-6pm with a free meal plus games and entertainment. Concurso de Danzantes, D.J. and Musica. All welcome. To help with the celebration, we ask for cases of water and for cookies. Bring to the parish office any time. San Jose, ruega por nosotros.

Info about plans for a new School Building!

Plans are continuing with San Jose and San Juan Diego Catholic School. A presentation was made to the Diocese and Bishop Vasquez approved money to go into the pre-design phase. The Architect has been hired (Pfluger Associates and the Wallace Group) and meetings continue. Rosie Castillo and Lupe Velasquez are our members on the committee. The Parish has no financial commitment to the project.

Thanks to all who purchased chocolate or coffee last week for Catholic Relief Services. You helped cooperatives of women in Nicaragua and Africa.

Holy Week Schedule Monday, April 18 - 7pm Parish Reconciliation Service Tuesday, April 19 - 10:30am Chrism Mass at St. William - Round Rock Thursday, April 21 - 7pm Mass of the Last Supper Friday, April 22 12noon- Stations of the Cross 3pm- Estaciones de la Cruz en Español 7pm- Service of the Death of Jesus Saturday, April 23 - 8pm Easter Vigil and Sacraments

-Fr. Tom

LECTURAS DIARIAS PARA LA SEMANA DEL DIA 2 HASTA EL 10 DE ABRIL: Sat. Apr. 16 ...........Ez 37:21-28, Jer 31:10-13, Jn 11:45-56 Sun. Apr. 17 ..........Mt 21:1-11, Is 50:4-7, Sal 22:8-9,17-2023-24, ...............................Fil 2:6-11, Mt 26:14-27:66

Fri. Apr. 22 . ..........Is 52:13-53:12, Sal 31:2,6,12-13,15-17,25, Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9, Jn 18:1-19:42 Sat. Apr. 23 ...........Gen 1:1-2:2, Sal 104:1-2,5-6,10,12-14,24,35,

Mon. Apr. 18 .........Is 42:1-7, Sal 27:1-3,13-14, Jn 12:1-11 Tues. Apr. 19 .........Is 49:1-6, Sal 71:1-4a,5ab-6ab,15,17, ...............................Jn 13:21-33,36-38 Wed. Apr. 20 .........Is 50:4-9a, Sal 69:8-10,21-22,31,33-34, ...............................Mt 26:14-25 Thur. Apr. 21 . .......Is 61:1-3a,6a,8b-9, Sal 89:21-22,25,27, ...............................Rv 1:5-8, Lc 4:16-21

...............................Gen 22:1-18 Sun. Apr. 24 ..........He 10:34a,37-43, Sal 118:1-2,16-17,22-23, ...............................Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9

Palm Sunday


A STUDY of Influences on Mobility Impairment Among Hispanic Men The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is conducting a study of how MexicanAmerican men experience difficulties with mobility. They are looking for men between the age of 55 to 80 years of age who have a limitation in ability to walk, climb steps or stand. Participants will receive $50.00 per interview. If you are interested in participating in this study, please stop by the San José Church office and pick up an application. Please contact Tracie Harrison at (512) 471-9085 or at [email protected] for more information.

512 W. Stassney • 326-9053 429-D W. Ben White • 326-8443 4619 S. Congress • 416-8443 3500 S. Congress • 326-1843 Coupon good at any 5706-A Manor Rd. • 933-9559 Benny’s location Expires June 1, 2010 ¡Ven, Visite a El Primo!


Corte de Pelo con este cupon solamente $7.00

Palm Sunday

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