Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Amount Needed Per-Week

APRIL 24, 2011 ST. WILLIAM—ROUND ROCK, TEXAS MASSES & READING THIS WEEK MONDAY, April 25 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; Mt 28:8-15 12:15 p.m. † Andres Roc

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Story Transcript

APRIL 24, 2011


MASSES & READING THIS WEEK MONDAY, April 25 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; Mt 28:8-15 12:15 p.m. † Andres Rocha by family 6 p.m. † Juan Osbado Martinez departe de la family Martinez TUESDAY, April 26 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33; Jn 20:11-18 12:15 p.m. † Armando Manuel Calderon by Aida Calderon 6 p.m. † Marcos Valero by Louise Valero WEDNESDAY, April 27 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105; Lk 24:13-35 12:15 p.m. † Anastacio Martinez by Lupe Martinez family 6 p.m. † Josephina and Antonio Garcia departe de familia Martinez THURSDAY, April 28 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8; Lk 24:35-48 12:15 p.m. Sp. Int. Birthday Blessings for Sophia Carlin by E. Carlin 6:00 p.m. † Fidelina Chavez by Blanca Raya FRIDAY, April 29 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118; Jn 21:1-14 6:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Abram Joe Martinez by Margie Martinez 12:15 p.m. † C.C. Lujan by Hermelinda Salazar SATURDAY, April 30 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118; Mk 16:9-15 8:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Birthday Blessings for Chad Allen by Leslie Linda Allen 5:00 p.m. † David Carlin by Carlos and Teresa Gonzalez SUNDAY, April 31: Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 7:30 a.m. Sp. Int. 30th Wedding Anniversary blessings for Frank and Diane Gargano 9:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Birthday Blessings for Christine Songy and Therese Grundman by Amber Jaloway 11:30 a.m. † Dongwoo Michael Jung by family 1:30 p.m. † Fide de Paz Chavez by Myna Espejo 5 p.m. For the People of the Parish 7 p.m. † Ernesto Demetrio Benedetto by Aida Calderon

Jane Finegan, Clarence Mueller, Doris Leblanc, Laura Orona, John W. Waukechon, Denis Friedman, Estelle Morin, Henry Cuellar, Sam Morris, Joshua Piñeda Mary Ellen Kapeller, Carroll Hardin, Maria Villarreal, David Begier, Valrey Glenny, James White, Teodora Zamarripa Dates still available. Come to the church office. The tabernacle candle burns “In Thanksgiving of/ In Memory of”


Amount Needed Per-Week Offertory Budgeted Weekly Collection Below Budget

$ 43,700 $ 42,195 ($ 1,505)

Year to date Totals (July 1st—April 17th) Amount needed Total Sunday collections to date Above year to date budget

$ 1,834,700 $ 2,094,521 $ 259,821

Capital Campaign Capital Campaign Collections to Date

$ 8,399 $ 4,733,736

¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity!

THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF EASTER The church office will be closed April 22-25 in observance of Easter. The office re-opens on April 26 at 8am.

LA OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA ESTARA CERRADA EN OBSERVACION DEL DIA DE PASCUA La oficina de la iglesia estará cerrada del 22-25 de abril en observación del Día de Pascua. La oficina habre el 26 de abril a las 8am.

EASTER SUNDAY, THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD WEEK AT A GLANCE Easter Sunday, April 24th CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 5:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass 7:30 AM Misa de la Vigila Pascual 9:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass 11:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass 1:30 PM Misa de la Vigila Pascual 3:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 5:00 PM Easter Sunday Mass

Church Church Church Church Church Sacred Heart Chapel Church

Monday, April 25th CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Garage Sale Drop Off 10:00 AM Ingles como Segundo Idioma 11:30 AM Rosary 12:15 PM Mass 5:00 PM Reconciliation 5:15 PM Rosary 6:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM Sacrament of Baptism Montoya 6:30 PM Sacred Heart Community Clinic Mtg 6:30 PM Spring Fiesta Planning Mtg 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Practice 7:00 PM Agua Viva 7:00 PM RCIA 7:00 PM RCIA 7:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe 7:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 7:30 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Practice 8:00 PM Ingles como Segundo Idioma 8:00 PM Grupo Juvenil Mesa Directiva

Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 25 Church Church Church Church Church Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 Ofc Breakroom Pavilion Church Choir Room Church Cry Rm North Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Ofc Conference Room Sacred Heart Chapel Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 11,14/16, 21,23 St. Francis Room

Tuesday, April 26th 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Garage Sale Drop Off 9:00 AM Early Childhood Development 10:00 AM Ingles como Segundo Idioma 11:30 AM Rosary 1:00 PM Spiritual Direction 4:00 PM Round Rock Christian Academy 5:15 PM Rosary 6:00 PM Formacion de Fe 7:00 PM 11:30am Choir Practice 7:00 PM Mariachi Practice 7:00 PM 9:30am Choir Practice 7:00 PM Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Spiritual Direction 7:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 8:00 PM Citizenship Classes

Parish Hall Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 25 Church St. Francis Room Softball Field Church Education Center Church Choir Room Church Cry Rm South Church Vesting Sacristy St. Francis Room Ofc Conference Room Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 14/16

Wednesday, April 27th 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Garage Sale Drop Off 9:00 AM Early Childhood Development 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 11:30 AM Rosary 4:00 PM 1st Eucharist Inerviews 5:15 PM Rosary 6:30 PM 1st Eucharist Interviews 6:30 PM Middle School End of Year Bash 7:00 PM 7:00pm Coro Practica 7:00 PM Rosary 7:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 7:30 PM 1:30pm Coro Practica 7:30 PM CRHP Committee 8:00 PM Ingles como Segundo Idioma 8:00 PM Agua Viva 8:00 PM Pastoral Council Public Mtg.

Parish Hall Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 11, 12, 13 Church Education Center Church Education Center Pavilion Church Bridal Room Church Vesting Sacristy Sacred Heart Chapel Church Choir Room Ofc Conference Room Ed Ctr Rm 11, 14/16, 21, 23 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr Rm 24/26

Thursday, April 28th 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Garage Sale Prep 9:00 AM Early Childhood Development 11:30 AM Rosary 11:30 AM Regnum Christi Women 4:00 PM 1st Eucharist Inerviews 4:00 PM Round Rock Christian Academy 6:00 PM JCDA Retreat Prep 6:30 PM 1st Eucharist Interviews 6:45 PM Legion de Maria 7:00 PM 7:30am Coro Practica 7:00 PM Theology of the Body 7:00 PM Bible Timeline 7:00 PM Epic Journey thru Church History 7:00 PM Spirituality and Prayer 7:00 PM Jesus is Lord 7:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 7:30 PM Praise & Worship 7:46 PM Opus Dei 8:00 PM WilCoYA Planning Mtg.

Parish Hall Education Center Church Ed Ctr Rm 11, 13 Education Center Softball Field Ofc Workroom Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 23 Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 15 Ed Ctr Rm 17 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Pavilion Sacred Heart Chapel Church Cry Rm South Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 13

Friday, April 29th 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Garage Sale Drop Off 9:30 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 11:30 AM Rosary 1:00 PM FISCHETeen in St. Francis Room 3:00 PM Round Rock Christian Acadmey 6:00 PM Ensayo de Primera comunion 6:00 PM Formacion de Fe 7:00 PM CRSP Mujeres 7:00 PM CRSP Hombre's 7:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena 8:00 PM Estudio de Biblia 8:00 PM Legion de Maria-Jovenes 8:00 PM Legion of Mary Young Adults 8:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial

Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 12 Church St. Francis Room Softball Field Church Education Center Church Bridal Room St. Francis Room Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 11 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Ed Ctr Rm 23 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27

Saturday, April 30th 8:00 AM Spring Fiesta Festival 3:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 3:00 PM Bilingual Divine Mercy Novena

Campus Church Choir Room Sacred Heart Chapel

Ruth Gomez Ruth's ABC Childcare 205 Boone Valley Dr Round Rock, TX 78661 Please patronize and thank our bulletin sponsors.

EASTER SUNDAY, THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia

Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia

Donations Needed for a Silent Auction—Spring Fiesta The Pastoral Council will be holding a silent auction to raise funds. The auction will take place during the Spring Fiesta. If you can donate items that can be auctioned, please call Michael Barnett at 512-388-3658. DROP OFF YOUR GARAGE SALE ITEMS—THIS WEEK All items may be brought to the St. William Parish Hall from Monday-Thursday April 25-28 from 10 a.m.—8 pm. For information about the pick up dates or to get on the pick up list, call Janice Parker at (512) 255-6616. TRAIGA SUS ARTICULOS PARA LA VENTA DE COCHERA ESTA SEMANA Toda esta semana puede traer sus artículos al Salón Parroquial de St. William del 25-28 de abril durante las 10 a.m.—8 p.m. Para mas información , comuníquese con Janice Parker al (512) 255-6616. Citizenship Classes—April 26 The ESL (English as a Second Language) and Citizenship Ministry is happy to announce a new class for the Citizenship Test. Classes will start on Tuesday, April 26th from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM in classrooms 14 and 16 of the Religious Education Building. This invitation is for all of our brothers and sisters that are interested in preparing for the Citizenship Test. Classes will be offered at no cost. Just show up on that day or call (512) 220-6798 to sign up or for further information.

Spring Fiesta on April 30 featuring Live Music, Food, Games, Raffle and more. Bring your family, bring your neighbors and co-workers for a wonderful evening of family friendly fun and games. The Spring Fiesta features Jimmy Gonzalez and Grupo Mazz and more!


Clases de Ciudadanía—26 de abril El Ministerio de Clases de Ingles (ESL) y Ciudadanía se alegra en informarles del comienzo de las clases para ciudadanía. Las clases empezaran el Martes, 26 de Abril desde las 8:00 PM hasta las 9:30 PM en los salones 14 y 16 del edificio de educación religiosa. Esta invitación es para nuestros hermanos y hermanas interesados en prepararse para el nuevo examen de ciudadanía. Las clases serán sin costo. Solamente preséntese ese día o llame al (512) 2206798.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Spring Clean-up of our Church Grounds   

DATE: Saturday, May 7, 9 am - 1 pm PLACE: St. William Church Grounds We will begin by meeting between the softball field and the shed at 9am.

Volunteers are needed to help with the Church Grounds Spring Clean-up. Projects include picking up trash, rocks and other debris, and other miscellaneous projects. Please bring your gloves. DRINKS will be available throughout the work day and LUNCH will be served at noon. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Ann Bierschenk at 797-5411 or [email protected]

This year’s First Prize—2011 Dodge Ram Crew Cab Truck Raffle tickets cost $10 per ticket or 12 for $100

2nd Prize – 40‖ Flat Screen LCD TV 3rd Prize – Xbox 360 4GB 4th Prize – $250 Lowes Gift Card 5th Prize – $250 Walmart Gift Card

IMPORTANT--- Mandatory Meeting for Booth Vendors Mandatory meeting on Friday, April 29 at 8 p.m. at the Spring Fiesta site for all organizations that will have a booth at the Spring Fiesta. Please make sure that at least one member of your organization is in attendance. REMINDER - Donations Needed Please bring your donations to the church office by Friday, April 29.

Sodas --- 12 pack of brand-name sodas (350 12-packs are needed) 2-liter bottles of brand name sodas (300 needed) to the church office by Friday, April 29.

Bottled Water-- 24-bottle packs or 32-bottle packs (75 cases are needed).

Cakes--- If you can provide a cake, please bring them early on the day of the Fiesta, wrapped and labeled as to what kind of cake you donated.

Summer Session of Bible Study—Starts May 10 7 Sessions on the The Book of Revelation (Little Rock Scripture Study) Available at 9:30 a.m. or 8:00 p.m. in the Religious Education Building. $15.00 to cover materials (new commentary by Catherine A. Cory) Contact George Price [email protected] 512-244-0814 or Mark Hlas [email protected] 512-218-8539 for details.

EASTER SUNDAY, THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia

Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia Divine Mercy Novena—Starts April 22

St. Vincent’s Corner

The Divine Mercy Ministries (English & Spanish) of St. William, in celebration of the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would like to invite you to join us in praying the Divine Mercy Novena starting on Good Friday, April 22, 2011. Following the nine-day novena, we will celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy or Divine Mercy Sunday on May 1, 2011. Both events will be Bilingual. The following is the schedule for the Divine Mercy Novena at the Sacred Heart Chapel:  April 24 – Easter Sunday - 3:00 PM  April 25-29 - Monday to Friday – 7:00 PM  April 30 – Saturday - 3:00 PM On May 1, 2011, we will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at the Main Church at 2:45 P.M. For questions, call or email Sharon Masterjohn at (512) 990-2108 or [email protected].

El ministerio de la Divina Misericordia de Jesús Cristo, Señor y Salvador (Inglés y Español) de St. William, le invitamos a que nos acompañe en la oración de la Novena de la Divina Misericordia que comienza el Viernes Santo, 22 de Abril 2011. Después que complete la novena de nueve días, celebraremos la fiesta de domingo de la Divina Misericordia el 1 de Mayo de 2011. Ambos eventos serán bilingües. El siguiente es el horario para la Novena de la Divina Misericordia en la Capilla del Sagrado Corazón:  24 de Abril - Domingo de Resurrección -3:00 PM  25-29 de Abril-De lunes a Viernes- 7:00 PM  30 de Abril – Sábado -3:00 PM El 1 de Mayo de 2011, vamos a celebrar el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia en la Iglesia a las 2:45 de la tarde. Si tiene preguntas, llame a Gloria Zúñiga en 369-3541.

600-8158 600-8158 600-8158

Karina Hernandez

750-4676 417-9010 828-4772 255-5058 244-0814 244-0814 269-0023 246-6785 417-9010

Esatua Peregrina Nuestra Senora de Gracia Rosie

OUTREACH SERVICE Gabriel Project/Project Rachel Round Rock Caregivers Pro-Life Office English-as-a-Second Language Sacred Heart Community Clinic

For the elderly members of our parish family, that the joy of the Resurrection will fill their sunset years with hope and peace; We pray to the Lord. In gratitude for life and the prolife office, Fr. Alberto Borruel will celebrate Mass at St. William on May 2, at 6 p.m. Following Mass, St. William Pro-Life Committee will meet at 7p.m. in the St. Francis Room to discussion future plans. All interested are invited to attend.  Crisis Pregnancy? Need Help? (1-877-WeCare2)  Suffering devastation of abortion?  Attend Project Rachel Retreat July 22-24, 2011 (1-877-WeCare2) "I have set before you life and death . . .choose life, that you and your decendents may live!" (Dt. 31:19)

MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Debbie George Debbie George Debbie George Mary DiBonito Yamila Albisu Mary Cavett Yamila Albisu Azucena Overman

Pilgrim Statue Our Lady of Grace Debbie Davis

Praise & Worship Prayer Line Parish Bible Study Legion of Mary Vocations Rosary for the Sick and Healing

As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul collection next week, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them Easter hope and joy. Because of your generosity, during the month of March, we were able to assist 143 families, with $22,511 of financial assistance and provided 639 bags of groceries.

The Pro-Life Place

Novena de la Divina Misericordia—Empieza 22 de abril

PASTORAL CARE Liturgy Divorce & Beyond Bereavement Ministry Hospital visit (English) Hospital visit (Español) Homebound (English) Homebound (Spanish) Nursing Home Ministry SPIRITUAL LIFE Eucharist Adoration

Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others.

Russi Les & Gabriele Miller Joan A. Price George Price Lynda Villasana Deb Trahan Debbie Davis Toll Free Hotline Michael Forbes Alfredo Padilla Liz Burton-Garcia

659-6444 388-0016 659-6444 627-6423

(877) 932-2732 341-0202 255-4473 586-6659 238-1052

Ministerios Hispanos Apostoles Divina Misericordia Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oración Agua Viva Amigos en Cristo Grupo Juvenil Guadalupanas Lectores Legión de Mariá Quinceañeras Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión

Deacon Rudy Rios Gloria Zuniga Pedro y Maria Miranda Sylvia Gutierrez Mariana Hernandez Becky Diaz Lucy Montealvo Rosie Russi Deacon Rudy Rios Zeferino y Victoria Jacinto Lucy Hernandez

255-4473 369-3541 251-1098 567-3527 573-2968 705-1499 567-8961 828-4772 255-4473 388-1683 259-5746

Ada Muoneke Debbie Gonzales Indra D’Mello Mary Mendoza Annette Sprawls Julie Schultz Azucena Overman Tina Risinger Andy Hernandez

636-9359 751-0254 218-4097 255-3059 497-2878 246-8934 627-6423 310-9010 796-0495 600-8177 748-7161 827-9292

ORGANIZATIONS African-American Council American Heritage Girls Asian Council Catholic Daughters Junior Catholic Daughters Christ Child Society Good Neighbor Ministry K.J.T. Society #134 Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus (store) Ladies Guild WilCoYA Ministry

Margie Howard

EASTER SUNDAY, THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia

Mother's Day Breakfast—May 8 Give your wife, mother, grandmother, sister or daughter a break from the kitchen & having to cook breakfast! Treat them for Mother's Day with breakfast at the St. William Mother’s Day Breakfast on May 8 at 8:30am-11:30am in the Parish Hall. This breakfast is sponsored by the Williamson County Young Adults Ministry. For more information call (512) 827-9292.

Desayuno del Día de las Madre—8 de mayo Dele un descanso de la cocina a su esposa, mama, abuela, hermana o hija. Para que no tenga que cocinar, venga al Desayuno del Día de las Madres el 8 de mayo a las 8:30am-11:30am en el Salón Parroquial de St. William. Este desayuno es patrocinado por el ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos del Condado de Williamson. Para más información, comuníquese al (512) 827-9292.

Mother’s Day Flower Bouquets Altar Server Fundraiser to purchase new vestments  $30 pre-paid only  Orders will be taken after all masses April 30 & May 1 You can pick up your bouquet from the Parish Hall hallway on Friday, May 6 from 8 a.m. to 7p.m. and Saturday, May 7 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., or after the 5 p.m. Saturday mass. For more information, call Debbie George at (512) 600-8158.

Flores para el Día de las Madres Servidores de Altar estarán recaudando fondos para comprar nuevas vestiduras  $30 pre pagado solamente  Se toman ordenes después de todas las misas 30 de abril y 1 de mayo Puede recoger sus flores en el pasillo del Salon Parroquial el viernes, 6 de mayo de 8 a.m.—7p.m. y el sábado, el 7 de mayo de 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., o después de la misa de 5 p.m. el sábado. 2nd Annual Christ Child Society—Evening for the Ladies—May 3 The Christ Child Society invites ladies of all ages to celebrate the gift of Mary and the Christ Child this Mother’s Day, May 3, at 6 pm, at the St. William Parish Hall, featuring live entertainment by popular singer and piano player, Mike Squillace, Raffle, Silent Auction, Social Time, and a Delicious Meal. Tickets cost $20 pre-sale or $25 at the door. Call 512-775-9744. You are Invited—Blessing of the “Heart of Jesus and Mary Convent” You are cordially invited to attend the blessing of the "Heart of Jesus & Mary Convent". At 618 N. Pecos St., Lockhart, TX. May 1, 2011 at 4:30pm. Also after the blessing by Bishop Vasquez, there will be a blessing of a beautiful Divine Mercy picture on the front of the St. Mary of the Visitation Church Hall. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be said as well. You may attend one or both. Refreshments will be served.

Relgious Education/ Educación Religiosa All graduating High School Seniors!!! The junior class would like to honor the graduating seniors and their families with a dinner reception in the Parish Hall following the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday, May 15. Please join us for a memorable evening as we celebrate Mass and share a meal together one last time as High School Seniors. For reservations, contact Angelica Palacios at [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL FUNDRAISER—Purchase a Discount Card St. William’s Middle School program is now selling special discount cards as a fundraiser to help students attend retreats and activities during the summer and next year! Please contact Audrey Higgins, Director of middle school ministry and formation at [email protected] or any middle schooler at St. Williams to purchase a discount car. The cards do not expire until May of 2012 and can be used every day so they are well worth your money! Pick up a card today at in the Middle School RE office or ask any St. William middle schooler to purchase a card. Thank you so much for your support!

Events in our Parish/ Eventos en nuestra Parroquia

Interested in being on the Pastoral Council? Recruitment Meeting— April 27 Are you being called to serve on the St. William Pastoral Council? The PC serves to bring parishioner feedback to the pastor, and also serves as a forum for the pastor to discuss ideas for the parish. Come see what a PC meeting is like on April 27, at 8 p.m. in R.E. Classroom 24 & 26. This meeting is open to all who want to see if they are called to this ministry. Nominations and discernment of the next PC will be held on May 11. Call Michael Barnett for more information at 512-388-3658. THANK YOU/ GRACIAS—From Deacon Concho and Janie Castillo Looking back to the retirement celebration for my husband Deacon Concho, I am reminded how blessed we are as a family. First of all for God's calling Concho to serve Him in his ministry and for all of us to be a part of this calling. I learned that Community means ( with & oneness). Thanks to all of you, our priests, staff, ministries and fellow parishioners for coming together as one big family to celebrate. The food, the decorations, the power point and gifts are all very much appreciated. Thank you again and God Bless each one of you. Deacon Concho and Janie Al recordar la celebración de jubileo de mi esposo Diacono Concho, vuelvo a reconocer las bendiciones en nuestra familia. Primeramente el llamamiento del Señor a mi esposo, para servirle en su ministerio y el llamamiento para nosotros ser parte de ese llamamiento. He aprendido que comunidad quiere decir (con y unidad). Muchas gracias a todos, nuestros sacerdotes, todo el personal de la parroquia, los ministerios y hermanos parroquianos por habernos reunido como una gran familia para celebrar. La comida, las decoraciones, el video y regalos son bien agradecidos. Una vez mas ―Gracias‖ y Dios Los Bendiga. Diacono Concho y Janie

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