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LIFE IS THE BEST TECHNOLOGY Antes de que continúes nos gustaría advertirte que este es un catálogo diferente y sólo apto para personas especiales. P

only the best, only the singular
only the best, only the singular Triple A es singularidad. Una firma singular que ofrece solo productos singulares. El resultado es una empresa con u

Nombre: _________________________ ARTICLES, PLURALS OF NOUNS A. Agreement 1. gender: masculine (m) or feminine (f) 2. number: singular (s) or plural (

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Honesty is a special virtue of human heart. It is a mine of many noble attributes, great source of self respect and relief of mind. This unique quality is incomparable inseparable and problem solving. Infact it’s a soul appealing quality, guide of mind and conscience. It also increases the will power and courage to face all the challenges of life. It makes human personality charming ,impressive and a peaceful environment for society. Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character. An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to speak the truth . Every one of us must have heard the phrase “Honesty is the Best Policy”. It is indeed a wise phrase. Probably, every child learns this teaching from their parents. This beautiful teaching has been taught since time immemorial. However, its practice has certainly fallen short. People resort to lies very easily nowadays. Furthermore, there is rampant corruption these days. People deceive others by being dishonest. Hence, there is an urgent need for this teaching’s revival. Honesty reflects and represents the maturity of People. A Person is thought to be honest when he speaks truth, never steals or cheats anyone and has no difference in his words and actions. This virtuous man receives love and special honour of society. Without being honest no person can have good and praiseworthy position in the society. This person becomes trustworthy to all and people of the society are motivated to be honest which creates a peaceful environment and a civilized social structure. As we know that Future of a nation is on the shoulders of honest citizens, their great devotion to their duties and liabilities. In nutshell, we can say it is the talisman of success. Actually human life is dull like an empty skull- without honesty. Therefore honesty should be valued for it’s own sake, not just for impressing others. All the human values and Qualities flourish under the great Shade of honesty. Everyone feels that an honest person impresses and motivates the society to create a calm, Peaceful, progressive and civilized atmosphere. Thus the great effect of honesty is worth. To remember for ever and ever. I would like to conclude by appealing to all the readers to be honest for the progress of their motherland. Today, our country needs more and more honest people to make Our India one of the fastest , largest and corruption free democracy of the world.

FAIR AND FOUL (Poem) The Fair you start, the foul you stop, And so, One day you are on the top A suggestion for all are on not to avoid I, A beautiful ride, the life must trot.

Humble are those who understand it well.. Day and night they work and dwell Must it be a beautiful moment of dream alone which can be sent.

Hunger makes to survive and sacrifice Spur of moments who act all wise Thereafter matters not left to repent, But matters more what plan we invent

Friends and foes are all alike To one who thinks better, all wise Its mystery resolves the things apart, How life becomes so rampant.

Such are the words of glare and share, Stop and watch, see and stare The God has made the mind to shine The mansion without a Shrine.

Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself and you can achieve Things you never thought possible, Believe in youreself and you can persieve New talents hidden inside are visible.

Believe in yourself and you can learn Believe in yourself and you can discern, Believe in yourself and you can twinkle The complicated things turn simple.

Believe in yourself and you can find Skill of gaining knowledge and being kind, Believe in yourself and you can prepare A new platform of success if you care.

Believe in your aim and make it ambition With elation, determination and dedication, Believe in yourself and you will feel the impression As you are the God’s special and greatest creation.

School Life (Humour/Fun) 1-Most Irritating moment: Waking up in morning. 2- Most pleasing moment : Seeing your favourite food being packed. 3- Most difficult task: To find socks. 4- Most awful journey: Way to class. 5- Most graceful time: Game periods. 6- Most tragic moment: Surprise test Scene. 7 -Most awful scene: One Tiffin 20 hands. 8- Most cheerful news: Teacher is absent. 9- Biggest lie ever told : My homework is complete but forgot to bring my copy. 10. Most proudest moments: Rubbing the board. These were the best moments of our school life

The School Magazine Here comes the School magazine Filled with fun and energy Covering our course and creation as divine Making our mind very busy Contains the glory of the school Making it precious and cool Including various contains and moods Looks like two roads diverged in woods Students council elected with votes Students are given very high posts Photos of some students feel sunny As they wear garments show funny Articles are very informative With poems very creative Teachers’ works are greatly appreciated, As all of them are really devoted

The magazine is encyclopedia of the school Students should read it to be energetic and cool Thus , they can decide about the roads Which road is to travel of the woods.

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