St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Iglesia de San Francisco Xavier July 12, 2015 │ Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 DE JULIO DEL 2015 │ Decimoquinto domingo del Tiempo Ordinario MASS English
MISA Tongan/ Faka Tonga
2nd Sunday of each mo.
Saturday:4:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Sunday : 8AM & 10AM Monday– Friday:8:30 AM
Call the office for Information
Spanish/ Español Domingo:12PM & 6:30 PM Lun. Mier. Vier.: 7:00 PM
Vietnamese / Việt 1st & 3rd Sunday every mo Mass: 3:00pm
OFFICE HOURS Mon./Lunes—Thur./Jueves 10 am -12:30 pm & 1:30 pm - 4 pm Friday/Viernes : Closed / Cerrado Saturday / Sábado: 9:00 am—1:00pm
CONFESIONS Saturday│Sábado: 3:30-4:00 pm Or by appointment o por cita
C O N T E N T S │C O N T E N I D O Pg 2 — Mass Intentions, Mission Statement , Sacraments & R.C.I.A. Pg 3 —Natural Family Planning, Holy Hour, Gift Shop & Prayer List Pg 4 — Financial Reports, Food Pantry Report, Readings, Pg 5 — Religious Ed, Safe Environment, Pic Directories, & Catholic Radio Stations Pg 6 — Lector Schedules, Parish Directory, Emergency Calls & Bulletin Deadline, International Festival Pg 7 — Up-Coming Events & Registration Pg 8 — Bulletin Sponsors (Please consider sponsoring the bulletin)
Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt. Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. -Mark 6:7-13
Reunió a los doce, y comenzó a enviarlos de dos en dos, dándoles autoridad sobre los espíritus malignos. Les ordenó que no llevaran nada para el camino, ni pan, ni bolsa, ni dinero en el cinturón, sino sólo un bastón. «Lleven sandalias —dijo—, pero no dos mudas de ropa.» Y añadió: «Cuando entren en una casa, quédense allí hasta que salgan del pueblo. Y si en algún lugar no los reciben bien o no los escuchan, al salir de allí sacúdanse el polvo de los pies, como un testimonio contra ellos.» Los doce salieron y exhortaban a la gente a que se arrepintiera. También expulsaban a muchos demonios y sanaban a muchos enfermos, ungiéndolos con aceite. -Marcos 6:7-13
1475 La Salle Avenue, Seaside, California 93955 │Ph. (831) 394.8546; Fax (831) 394.5414 Website: │ Email:
[email protected]
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4-10, 2015
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church • 1475 La Salle Avenue , Seaside
PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Francis Xavier Parish is a diverse, loving community of faithful stewards dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus and his Church. We are an all-embracing Christian Family that welcomes, nurtures and serves all of God’s people. Relying on Prayer, Worship, Understanding, Forgiveness and Respect, we strive to continually Renew and Recommit ourselves to this Mission of Faith.
S A C R A M E N T S │ S a c r a m e n t os Confessions │ Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado 3:30 - 4:00 pm or by appointment / o por cita
Saturday/ Sábado, 7-4 10:00 am †Eulelio Rosales 4:30 pm Hamm & Steinbacher families, living and deceased
Anointing of the Sick
by Appointment / por cita Please call Parish Office / Favor de llamar la Oficina
Baptisms │Bautizos
Call Parish Office for Information Llame la Oficina para información
Weddings │ Bodas │Quinceañeras
Sunday/ Domingo, 7-5 10:00 am †José Mejía 6:30 pm Para la gente de S.F.J. Monday/ Lunes, 7-6 8:30 am 7:00 pm Tuesday/Martes, 7-7 8:30 am Wednesday/ Miércoles, 7-8
8:30 am †Karl Michael Lowe †Timothy Michael Ryan 7:00 pm Thursday/ Jueves, 7-9 8:30 am Friday/ Viernes, 7-10 8:30 am †Elizabeth Phan †Francois Hoang
Call Parish Office six months in advance Llame la Oficina seis meses en antipación
LA MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA La Parroquia de San Francisco Xavier es una comunidad diversa y amorosa de fieles dedicados al evangelio de Jesús y a su Iglesia. Todos somos una Familia Cristiana que da la bienvenida, nutre y sirve a toda la gente de Dios a través de la Oración el Culto, la Comprensión, el Respeto y el Perdón. Nosotros nos esforzamos en renovar continuamente el compromiso a esta Misión de Fe.
For those Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic, and are wanting to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism and /or Confirmation and First Holy Communion) We meet Wednesday evening (late August thru Pentecost) from 7-9 pm at the Parish Office. Please call the office for more information or call:
Alicia Gauthier at 831.442.4499 Paul Bender 831.402.6597
—————————————————————————————————— Adultos que estén interesados en hacer sus Sacramentos (Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación) estaremos comenzando las clases el
Miércoles 2 de Septiembre del 2015 Tendrán que registrarse el primer día de clase, comenzando con la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm y después nos reuniremos en el sótano de la oficina. Para mas información contáctese con:
Rosalina Joachin al 831.383.3466
July/Julio 12, 2015 • (831) 394-8546 •
[email protected]
Every Wednesday/ Cada Miércoles 5:30 PM: Rosary 6:00 PM Adoration & Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Adoración y Novena a Nuestra Señora de Ayuda Perpetua (1st Wed. of the month: Holy Mass-6:00 pm)
Every Friday/ Cada Viernes 6:00 PM– 7:00 PM Holy Hour/ Hora Santa
Mass Intention envelopes are available in the Gift Store, fill out the envelope and place in the collection or bring by the office.
Sobres para peticiones estan disponibles en la Tienda de Regalos, puede rellenar el sobre y colocar en la cesta de coleccion o traiga a la oficina.
LONDON BRIDGE PUB, 256 Figueroa Street (at the foot of the Wharf 2), Monterey This month we’ll be discussing Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si (On Care for Our Common Home)” The letter inspired loud responses from all sides before it was even published, but what does it really say? How does it express Catholic beliefs? What does it mean for us a Church and as individuals? With all the commentary in the media and in our conversation, this should be an interesting and informative meeting! Join us is the discussion along with food, drinks and friends! If you’d like to read the encyclical before the meeting, it’s widely available on the web.
One source is the Vatican website: papafrancesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html.
Join Monterey Theology on Tap on Facebook!
GIFT STORE Has a wonderful selection of Bibles, Rosaries, Votive Candles, and other gifts you might be looking for. Stop by before and after each mass and take a look.
de R E G A L O S
Una selección maravillosa de Biblias, Rosarios, Velas Votivas y otros regalos. Venga después y antes de Misa para poder mirar nuestros artículos.
Larry Cuellar Crystal Chessire Adam P. Liby
Ruth DeAnglis Teresita Pagarigan Thomas Fenzel
Alvin Pangelinan
Virginia Nobida
Alyssa Martin
Louis Pollini
Andrew Morrison
Marilyn Pollini
Bryan Gauthier
Melissa Harrington
Daniel Lee Deacon Michael McNally Evelyn Pacariem Garrett M. Weeks
Evelyn Padilla Kimberly Del Rosario Nicole R. Thayer
Gloria Reyes
Maria Theresa Gallardo Peralta
Guadalupe Licea
Carmen H. Luis
Hellyn Ragsdale
Robert Evans
Jo Camacho
James A. Hart
Joel Rivera
Cristina A. Arango
Jenny O’Driscoll
Tony Mull
Joel O’Driscoll
Joel Hernandez
Kit Coleman
Conchita Pagarigan
Liz Rodriguez Lloyd Ishii Louisa Donat
Violeta Casem Evelyn Pacariem
Mark Heredia
Teresita Pagarigan
Macro Linsao
Nick Cruz
Maria R. Totaan
Cely Cruz
Michelle G. Kelly
Skip Freitas
Monica Hutchinson
Jessica Sturgill
Nick George Neeley George Robert Bruist
Jesse Quining
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church • 1475 La Salle Avenue , Seaside
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F O O D P A N T R Y R E P O R T 2015
June/junio 6 & 7, 2015
Plate Collection 4:30 pm
$ 383.00
8:00 am
$ 385.00
10:00 am $ 913.00 12:00 pm $ 626.00 6:30 pm
$ 280.50
$ 2,908.00
2nd Collection
# of Households Served
Total for 2014
# of People in # of Children in # of Seniors in the the Household Household Household
4:30 pm
$ 96.00
8:00 am
$ 196.00
10:00 am $ 395.00 12:00 pm $ 276.00 6:30 pm
$ 225.00
$ 1,188.00
Upcoming 2nd Collections
R E A D I N G S Of THE W E E K Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:
Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34
July 12, 2015
Holy Father Peter’s Pence
July 19, 2015 Maintenance for Parish Facilities
MUSIC MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE MUSICA Rose DeBerry, Coordinator Barbara Okiishii, Director (English) Marina Mineli, Director (English) Ed Rauber, Director (English)
Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo:
de la S E M A N A
Ex 1:8-14, 22; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Ex 2:1-15a; Sal 69 (68):3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Ex 3:13-20; Sal 105 (104):1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Ex 12:37-42; Sal 136 (135):1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Jer 23:1-6; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Ef 2:13-18; Mc 6:30-34
19 DE JULIO 2015
Taloa Faliaki, Director (Tongan)
Gil Rubio, Director (Bilingual)
Iglesia San Francisco Xavier 1475 La Salle Avenue, Seaside CA 93955
Jose Hernandez, Director (Spanish) Marcelino Isidro, Director (Spanish) Armando Cardenas, Director (Spanish)
Habra : Tamales, Atole, Menudo, Gorditas, Quesadillas, Tacos, Enchiladas, Chicharrones, Postres, Elotes, Aguas Frescas y Juego de Loteria
July/Julio 12, 2015 , 2015 • (831) 394-8546 •
[email protected]
Religious Education│Educación Religiosa Religious Education Office Hours — Sr. Carmelita Heredia-Director Horario de la Oficina de Catecismo Sr. Carmelita Heredia-Directora _______________________________________________________________________
Registration date starts on August 10 in the office from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The first day of class is September 19, 2015.
ALL REGISTRATION WILL C L O S E ON OCTOBER 13, 2015 *Upon registering please bring baptism certificate. Registration Tuition: 1 child:$45, 2 children: $60, 3 children:$70, 4 or more: $75
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Safe Environment •Parents and caregivers,
please do not allow your children to leave your sight while at church. •Do not allow them to go to the restroom or out to the car alone. •Children need to be supervised by a parent or adult at all times while attending any church-related function. •Children can never be left unsupervised in a car.
Inscripciones comenzaran el 10 de Agosto en la oficina de 10:00am– 3:00 pm. El primer día de clase es el 19 de septiembre 2015
LAS INSCRIPCIONES SE CERRARAN EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 *Al registrarse por favor traiga el certificado del Bautismo Costo de Registración: 1 niño:$45, 2 niños: $60, 3 niños:$70, 4 o mas: $75
Anuncios en el Boletín letin is sent out for printing every Tuesday morning. Please submit your request one week before Tuesday. Requests received less than one week will be on the following bulletin. Thank you.
Novena prayers to:
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Will start again on July 2015. July 1, 2015 (1st Wednesday) 5:30— Rosary 6:00—Mass, followed by Novena prayers. Other Wednesdays of the Month
El boletín se manda a imprimir cada Martes por la mañana. Por favor, si le gustaría tener algún aviso por favor envié su información antes del martes para poder tenerlo en la semana siguiente. Gracias.
Ambiente Seguro
5:30—Rosary 6:00—Novena Prayer, followed by a Benediction.
Frequency: AM-1200
Padres y tutores les pedimos que por favor no pierdan de vista a sus niños cuando están en la iglesia. No permitan que los niños vayan solos al baño o al auto. Los niños necesitan la supervisión de sus padres o de otro adulto siempre cuando asisten a un evento en la Iglesia. Los niños nunca deben quedar sin supervisión en un autos
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church • 1475 La Salle Avenue , Seaside
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PARISH DIRECTORY OFFICE HOURS │HORARIOS DE OFICINA Mon.-Thur.,10am-12:30;1:30-4:00pm Saturday, 9am-1pm Phone: 831.394.8546
45th Annual
International Festival 2015
August 23, 2015
7/11-7/12 4:30 – 1st & 2nd Readings – Judy Davis 8:00 - 1st & 2nd Readings – Washington L. Golden 10:00 – 1st & 2nd Readings – Phil Malate
12:00 pm– 5:00 pm
Rev. Michael Volk Pastor, Ext.14
Festival Meetings will be held at the Parish Hall on the following Dates:
Fr. Eleazar Diaz Parochial Vicar, Ext. 15 Sr. Carmelita Heredia, S.A. Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 13
[email protected] Sr. Benedicta Wasonga, IHSA Administrator, Ext. 17
Juntas del festival se llevaran a cabo en el Salón Parroquial en los días siguientes: Tuesday/martes July 28-6:30pm Tuesday/martes August 11-6:30pm ◊
Church Ground Clean Up
Limpieza de Terrenos de la Parroquia
Roxana Rubio Secretary, Ext.10
Saturday/sabado August/agosto 15, 2015 9:00 am-12:00pm
Olivia Wlodarczyk Secretary, Ext.11
Please bring gloves and tools.
Porfavor traer su heramientas y guantes.
Patty Serrano Administrative Assistant, Ext.11 Dat Nguyen Seminarian Intern. YOUTH MINISTRY│MINISTERIO DE JOVENES Spanish │ Español (Jueves:7:00pm) Patty Serrano, Coordinadora 831.521.3773 Armando Cardenas, Sub-Coordinador 831.236.4830 English│ Inglés (Wednesday: 7:00pm) Derwin Borling, Coordinator 831.917.1084 PRAYER GROUP │GRUPO DE ORACION Martes : 6:30PM Alejandro Cruz, Coordinador 831.521.3718 Antonio Morales, Sub Coordinador 831.869.9506
An invitation to all our Parishioners to support the Festival. The Festival is our largest fundraiser event of the year and it requires a lot of manpower and resources to have a successful event.
7/18- 7/19 4:30 – 1st & 2nd Readings – Reme Andalio 8:00 – 1st & 2nd Readings – Charlie Jones 10:00 – 1st & 2nd Readings – Susan Fox
For Full Lecture Schedules please visit it our website at or get your hard copy at the office during office hours. Thank You.
CELDA DE LECTORES 7/12 12:00 6:30
Una invitacion a todos nuestro Feligreses para que apyen el Festival. El Festival es uno de nuestro mas grande evento del año para recaudar fondos y require much a mano de obra y recursos para tener un evento 7/19 exitoso.
VOLUNTEERS Voluntarios
We are continually looking for more people to help in the food & game booths, supply distribution, security, photographer, raffle ticket sales, set up and clean up.
Continuamos de buscar personas que nos puedan ayudar con puestos de comida y de juegos, distribución de suministros, seguridad, fotógrafo, venta de boletos de la rifa, configurar y limpieza .
12:00 6:30
1˚ Lectura-Irma 2˚ Lectura-Bernardo Oraciones-Irma 1˚ Lectura-Gloria Z 2˚ Lectura-Nancy Oraciones-Mónica 1˚ Lectura-Junior 2˚ Lectura-Patty Oraciones-Junior 1˚ Lectura-Maricela 2˚ Lectura-Perla Oraciones-Elpidia
Para esquema de lecturas por favor visite nuestra pagina web al o obtenga su copia en nuestra oficina durante las horas de oficina. Gracias
-Donaciones de Suministro -
Paper plates, plastic forks/ knives, bottled wáter, canned sodas, paper towels, aluminum foil, saran wrap, charcoal, gallon of cooking oil. Platos de papel, tenedores/cuchillos de plástico, aguas de botella, sodas de lata, toallas de papel, papel de aluminio, carbón, gallón de aceite para cocinar.
Grupo de Hombres Norberto Joachin
- Subasta Silenciosa -
R.C.I.A. English│ Inglés Any restuarant/store Gift certificates, variety basket, or any new ítems (Wednesday: 7:00PM) you have-donations are requested. We have donation request form Alicia Gauthier or Paul Bender available. Spanish │ Español
(Miercoles: 7:00 PM)
Rosalinda Joachin
Cualquier certificado de restaurante / tienda, canasta de variedades, o cualquier articulo nuevo que tenga. Tenemos un formulario disponible para donaciones .
S P O N S O R S H I P OPORTUNITY -Oportunidad para Patrocinar -
RESPECT FOR LIFE Sponsors will recieve recognition at the event including signage with Devotion & Rosary your buisness or family name and free food tickets. Ask for detail at (Monday) After 8:30AM Mass Estela McKenzie, 831.394.5671 Herminia Anicete,831.393.0518 Tony Pagano, 831.747.7054 Helena Bacler, 831.394.8297
[email protected] or 831.601.2041. All donations are payable to St.Francis Xavier Church, Memo:International Festival 2015. Platinum Underwrites $500 (5 Meal Tickets) Gold Underwrites $300 (3 Meal Tickets) ***Contines on page 7** Silver Underwriter $100 (1 Meal Ticket)
E M E R G E N C Y CALLS llamadas de emergencia Dial 394.8546 ext. 16, please leave a brief message with name, phone number, and the type of emergency. Marque 394.8546 ext.16, por favor deje un breve mensaje ,su nombre, número de teléfono y su emergencia.
July/Julio 12, 2015 • (831) 394-8546 •
[email protected]
Upcoming Events │ Eventos Proximos
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Jesus sent out the Apostles two by two to preach. Our marriage sacrament is a sign to others– what sign are we showing? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on July 17-19, 2015 at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center in Three Rivers, California or October 23-25, 2015 at Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, California. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello at 831.704.6322 (
[email protected]) or register online at
NO BAKE SALE will be held during the weekends of July 25th & 26th. Fr. Mike Volk will bake the goodies to raffle off.
Page 7 Registration Form for New or Long time Parishioner Formulario de Inscripción Name │Nombre _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Address│Domicilio _____________________
LIVE AUCTION, the festival committee will have 3 different dinners to auction off. You can ask your friend and/ or relatives to go in it with you. (Fabulous dinner up to 8 people either in you own home or any place in the 831 Area (Italian, Mexican, Vietnamese or Filipino Dinner). Any questions, please feel free to email
[email protected] or call 831-601-2041.
Te invitamos a resar el Santo Rosario todos los Jueves a las 8 p.m., en la capilla de los Santos. Juntos resaremos por todas las necesidades. Para mas informacion : Sagrario Rojas (831)383-3545
Spanish: JUEVES Julio 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
_____________________ No te pierdas esta oportunidad de vivir un encuentro con Dios atravez de la alalabanza...CRISTO te espera City_________________ State ____ Zip _________
SABADO 18 DE JULIO, 2015 Phone________________ 2:00 —9:00 PM Iglesia San Francisco Xavier New Address 1475 La Salle Avenue Seaside, California _____________________ Salon Parroquial Habrá comida y antojitos durante el evento.
_____________________ City_________________
Alabanza y Testimonio con: State____Zip__________ Maribel Arriaga y Kathy Martínez Phone________________ Mas Información: Alex Cruz :831.521.3718 Antonio Morales :831.869.9506
Youth Groups
English: WEDNESDAY July 1,8,15,22, 29
❑ New Parishioner ❑ Send Envelopes ❑ Take Off List ❑ Add To List
CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church #519120 1475 La Salle Avenue Seaside, CA 93955 TELEPHONE 831 394-8546 CONTACT PERSON Sr. Benedicta Roxana EMAIL:
[email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION July 12, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS