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Influences of social media

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Katie Chu 301562434 1 What kind of influence does social media have on our society & the rising generation? Social media is a powerful tool that can promote a positive impact in our society, but just as easily, we must be aware of the negative consequences if used incorrectly. Influencing in person interactions? Social media can be causing more harm than you think to the approaching rising generation of teens and children, especially because of early exposure to the internet. Easily, young people can be influenced by what they see online and be pulled into the ‘addiction’ of social media platforms. In a survey conducted by Common Sense Media in 2018, teens said that social media made them feel better and that it had a positive influence on their lives, helping them feel more confident, less lonely, and less depressed. Now what did the results of the survey say? It was reported that 35% of teens said texting was their favourite way of communication with others. Only 32% said talking in person was their preferred method of communication, as compared to 49% in 2012, the last time the same survey was conducted. The problem? Social media is causing a decline in communication and important social skills in teens and even younger kids, causing them to lose the ability to hold meaningful conversations with their peers, family, or friends – face to face. As time passes, more and more teens will become less familiar interacting in person, already used to other ways of communication online but which that doesn’t offer the same level of engagement and understanding as compared to face-to-face. Let’s use an example. In a one-on-one conversation with someone, there are qualities involved that online interactions cannot replicate. Things such as body language, hand motion, voice projection, eye contact; these are all attributes that make a conversation much more engaging and help you feel more connected to the other person you are speaking to. Comparing this to texting; you cannot hear the tone of the voice of the other person or visibly see their expressions. Often, the conversation in text is also on-and-off because people can just respond to the message later so there is less engagement in your texting. Another cause is texting multiple people at once, making you unable to keep up with every single conversation and not putting in the same effort you would’ve if you had been speaking to them face-to-face. Affecting our mental health and well-being? In the same survey, more than half of teens said using social media often distracts them from homework. Studies noticed that social media had been causing more relentlessness, worry, trouble sleeping, concentrating, and overall, a shorter attention span. Building onto this, artificial light, specifically blue light emitted from phones or screens, is known to be a disturbance to your sleep routine. Acts such as scrolling on your phone before you sleep hinders your body’s production of the hormone melatonin – which then can impact your quality of sleep.

Katie Chu 301562434 2 Social media could be taking a negative impact on our moods and feelings, as shown through a study from researchers in Austria in 2014 found that participants had lower moods after using Facebook for 20 minutes in comparison to people who just browsed the internet. Another study in the Computers and Human Behavior found that people who use 7 or more social media platforms were more than three times more likely as people who used 0-2 apps to have high levels of anxiety symptoms. So how harmful is this to the rising generation? Social media often creates a fake reality, where everything appears perfect, and people begin to believe what they see is real, and then that leads to a whole bunch of issues such as self-esteem or having a fear of missing out problems. According to a survey by Disability Charity Scope of approximately 1, 500 people, ages 18-34, half of them said that social media made them feel insecure and unattractive. This is likely because people are comparing themselves to photos looking at their best and comparing their own lives with others who appear to be having a more successful life than them. This causes a spiral of negative emotions, such as frustration and envy – that you aren’t living the life that other people are. Many people, especially young teens, suffer from mental illnesses because of this issue, and have to deal with problems such as anxiety, depression, comparison, isolation and poor body image. Although social media is capable of these obstructive consequences, there are always beneficial and helpful influences that help shape our society. Social media have the power to brings us closer together. Friends and family all the way across the other side of the world can still connect with us through online platforms to communicate with us. It is such a simple way to nurture existing relationships with close ones who have moved away. There are all sorts of communication methods such as messaging, sharing photos, calling, or hosting video chats to stay in touch. Not only that, but social media is also a great place full of learning opportunity for students to find mentors and training programs to learn new skills. Platforms such as YouTube offers a limitless number of online resources in which you can almost learn anything for free. Especially during the difficult times with COVID-19, many organizations adopted online platforms and digital technology to stay connected to their jobs or work, such as teachers who could continue to teach their classes without the students being present in person. While social media has proven to be helpful and beneficial for us all, there are many downturns if it is used incorrectly. Letting social media “get in your head” can lead to self-esteem issues and it is an ongoing concern that needs to be addressed to promote a better lifestyle for everyone as well as the rising generation! If you are a culprit of spending too much time on social media before you head to sleep, you can possibly try leaving your phone in another room before you sleep, or if you notice yourself always going on your phone during a conversation, try tucking it away in your bag so you give your speaker your full attention. It is always a thoughtful idea to check up on someone, especially people who are close to you, and I am sure there will be people who will appreciate that you do.

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