Language and Social Science Laboratory (1) Flipbook PDF

Language and Social Science Laboratory (1)

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Language and Social Science Laboratory BY TANYA MALHOTRA, PRIYANKA KUMARI & REKHA RANI


Why use laboratories in school? School labs are a great place for students which help them enhance their learning by understanding the theoretical concepts which are taught in classrooms.

Well-designed laboratories not only makes the learning process fun but also help students in achieving good academic results.



WHAT IS LANGUAGE LABORATORY? Four pillars of language learning are listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) skills. A language laboratory is a room/lab set up in school that facilitates the learning of languages. It is equipped with various technical components and facilities that assist in learning to speak a language fluently. It helps create an atmosphere where students can learn and improve their skills and command over a language. The use of various digital, multimedia and interactive devices in the laboratory makes the learning process much easier for the students. It helps the student to correct the errors of sound and structure and to develop fluency in the language he is trying to master.


OBJECTIVES OF A LANGUAGE LAB To teach the student how to

communicate with the native speaker

of the language in an effective manner. To introduce Listening & Speaking skills

in addition to Reading & Writing skills in schools.

To enable the student to have

command over the language through correct pronunciation, intonation,

fluency and accent that is as good as the native speaker of the language . To provide an environment where

students can imitate and practice their skills in a language at their own pace and without any disturbance.


SIGNIFICANCE OF LANGUAGE LABORATORY Practice at one's own pace Stress more on their problem areas Advance systematically Practice without feeling shy Ample practice sessions for proper reinforcement Feedbacks provided through continuous assessments Learning through PLAY-WAY methods 8



A language laboratory consists of separate hearing booths for each student in the class.

THE CONSOLE OR ADVISER'S BOOTH a place from where the teacher controls the classroom.

CONTROL ROOM all the tapes, records and other equipment used in the laboratory are stored here.



There are normally 16-20 booths with tables & seat for the learners. Each student has a sound proof compartment called the cubicle. Each cubicle is connected to the console(instructor's booth). Microphones, headphones & recorder are provided. In the console, the learner receives the language teaching programme selected by teacher.




It consists of: Master tapes Distribution switches Monitoring switches Intercom switches Group-call swithches All-call switches

It is basically the record room. The control room contains all the tapes, records and other equipments, properly indexed for other use.





SUGGESTIONS TO CARRY OUT THE ACTIVITIES IN LANGUAGE LAB Identify the problem that needs practice. Choose the correct type of drill Prepare the tape/CD script Make the recording Check the recording Evaluate the activity

ROLE OF TEACHER Language laboratories follow the communicative model of teaching. The laboratories focus on a studentcentric learning process. However, the teacher has a significant role to play in the language laboratory. A teacher acts as the facilitator of learning. The teacher has to be creative and innovative. The teacher can design interactive sessions. The teacher can simulate real-life situations inside the language laboratory. The teacher can help the students to develop interest in reading and writing in the language as well.

LANGUAGE LABORATORY MERITS The student can: can grasp correct pronunciation, through practice & right model can detect errors by himself can learn at his own pace feels free & confident gets more time for practice than in classroom gets exposure to native language becomes an active listener & speaker in the language lab.

DEMERITS Development of reading & writing skills has no scope in language lab. More than 20 students can't be accommodated in the lab. Competent native speaker's speeches are rarely available. In rural schools, installation of language lab may be difficult & costly. Lack of efficient teachers.

Social Science LABORATORY

Objectives Of Social Science Laboratory The major objectives for a social science laboratory are • to provide social science teacher a home • to create and maintain an effective atmosphere • to save teaching time. • to use diverse methodology of teaching.

NEED FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE LAB Providing 'home their own' to teachers for developing enthusiasm for the subject. Creating & maintaining an effective teaching-learning environment. Providing a quick & ready functional environment by making available workroom for the students. Introducing variety in teaching methods & facility aids readily & conveniently. Saving energy & time in carrying around equipments such as charts, maps, models, pictures & projects.

Furniture and Equipment For Social Science Laboratory The social science laboratory might be of any size. It should have a few basic essentials: good lighting and ventilation adequate book cases other storage facilities

The laboratory should be so arranged that it provides an inviting and stimulating atmosphere.


Different types of:

The necessary items of furniture in a social science laboratory are: Working tables, chairs, shelves, stands, mapracks, almirahs and blackboards Seating arrangements should make for comfort, health and efficiency of the pupils. Student’s desks and chairs, and teacher’s desk should be movable for rearranging as necessary. Permanent projection screen should be fixed above the black board.

maps meteorological instruments different charts survey instruments time lines, reference books, time graphs bulletin board models rocks, stones, minerals slide album stamp of different kinds flags, coins, locally manufactured goods library resources agricultural products etc may also included.

Plan For A Social Science Laboratory Class Laboratory classes are work sessions. To conduct a laboratory class, teachers should; 1. Give out a general study guide, unit of work, or learning packet that outlines what is to be done in the unit. 2. Let the pupils select the activities they plan to do from the study guide or suggest activities themselves.

3. Let the pupils execute their plans. They may use books, magazines, projectors. They may confer with each other and help each other. 4. Help, guide, and supervise the pupils as they work.


The main purpose of laboratory work is to develop skills, original thinking, planning & creative expressions among the pupils.


The social science laboratory should become the hub of social science teaching activities in school. It should be able to produce dynamic sparklin interaction among physical things & students.


Social science laboratory should become a miniature world to exhibit and to record the developments of explorations, research & discovery.

4 .

It should serve the purpose of a library, a workshop, an amateur theatre, a students' club, a stock rom al rolled in one.

SUGESTIONS The schools give more emphasis on practical aspect of science due to which the practicality of other subjects is often forgotten and they just remain theory for the students. this theory sometimes turns to be in a boring lesson. Social science labs should be used in best way possible so that students could learn in more effective way. All the components of social science lab should be taken into use to explain the children by citing them live examples.

SUGESTIONS Social science labs can be used as a mini theatre to show children some documentaries related to history lessons. The labs can also be turned into a meuseum to show students various artifacts. FOR LANGUAGE LABORATORY: Language laboratory can be used as a way to improve the way of communication of a child. Various online conferences and exchange programmes could be arranged in the lab where students can interact with people of various countries and learn their language as well as way of speaking.

SUGESTIONS The capacity of language labs should be increased by the schools so that whole class at a time could proficiently use the resources. Teachers should be given appropriate training for accessing the various facilities and teaching the same to their children Many schools don't have language lab as well as social science lab but NEP2020 has now made it essential for language labs.

So, both of these laboratories should not be seen as an option instead be prioritised and be taken benefit of teaching certain skills to the students which they don't have.

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