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Story Transcript

Table Of Contents


Page No. 01


Class teacher’s Message


Editorial Message



Turning Point In Life



The Power Of Music



Life Is A Game



Die With Memories , Not Dreams






Be Confident



Eye Work More Than Ears



Experience Is The Best Teacher



Women Empowerment






Unemployment In India



Artificial Intelligence



Movies and TV Shows During Lockdown




17. 18.

Impact Of Covid pandemic On Student’s Mental Health Riddles Life Of A leaf


Human Relationship In a Nutshell



Inspirational Words



Never Regret Anything That Make You Smile





“Never Forget That Only Dead Fish Swim With The Stream” “If Opportunity Doesn’t knock, Build A Door” Puzzle





34 36

41 42

`MESSAGE I am duly elated to bring out, the class magazine of XI B. My sincere congrats to all the students for their effort in bringing out the class magazine. I believe preparation of class magazine helps them in developing their power of thinking as well as strengthen their imagination. Best of luck on your dreams. Happy reading!!

Nisha Thomas Class Teacher

EDITORIAL MESSAGE Dear Readers, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”. People often make mistakes because they don’t know the right way to do something, once they understand (know better)they can change their actions(do better). I think school is the main foundation for this. Travelling unexplored paths, untangling knots, sometimes a dead end or a new horizon. Climbing higher and higher and finally…On the top.. overjoyed and elated and make this journey a memorable one. The school world of teachers, students and staff make us learn a lot from it. Here are we 11B students of Marian Senior Secondary School are here to show our talents through the publishing of “MINDROID” This publication holds the work of our classmates demonstrating their ideas and experiences. I take this opportunity to thank our management, principal Mrs Rajatha B, vice-principal Mrs Reena Thomas, headmaster Mr Anish k Cherian and our beloved class teacher Nisha Thomas who have been supporting and encouraging throughout this year and also been the main part of making this class magazine. At last, I would like to thank every student who has been working on this to make it a memorable one. Conscious of the innumerable blessings that we receive from our almighty God we honourly publish “MINDROID” with utmost humility.Happy Reading... Regards, Jinu Joji Editor

TURNING POINT IIN LIFE This is the most vulnerable point in life, the complete future of a person's life depends on the single point and it is none other than the time of choosing career. Yes this point is very crucial and need to be attended very carefully, one wrong step and may end up choosing a wrong option. I'm not scaring or mocking anyone as this point depends the way the person will live in his upcoming time. Choosing career is also not that tough but it becomes tough due to too many options to deal with. The only point that depends is the option that will best suit you and not the other way around. Skills can be ignored it can be controlled but the big mistake people make is not knowing when is the time to decide the career or say ambition. Most of them are in a fantasy world until they reach higher secondary or say tenth grade and become too serious from there onwards believing that scoring in tenth will give a better option Scoring more is an advantage to showcase the skills and the only way you can score better is only when he has the clarity of his career option. This point needs to be stressed more as you cannot regret after choosing an option. Children need to be clear about aim before reaching grade nine, only then they can focus more towards one particular aim and will have no fluctuations. This can be done only by parents, I mean parents need not stress the child to take the option which best suits you but instead you need to motivate the child in which he or she is showing interests. Parents can easily recognise the interests of their child so it is an advantage for them to nurture the child in that particular field from grassroots itself, this way the child will be more ambitious and will be more successful in a very short time. If parents show fluctuating behaviour with the interests of the child, believe me it will directly affect the ability of the child and not yourself. Many parents show very good interest by teaching their child with various activities which also includes sports which is really helpful but it should not happen that at later stages you become the reason for your child to discontinue the activity by forcing them to leave everything and to focus only on studies.

I agree Academics is very important and cannot be neglected, so the parents have to show interest towards the academics and other activities of the child from early stage itself. This way they can cope with both the things and also build multi tasking ability which will help them in future. This way parents can make the child to be motivated every time and be fixed with the decisions. Never try to confuse the child with different options at different stages of life, making him feel like an engineer first then after few years change the aim towards being a doctor later to some other, this way the child will be confused and won’t be quick in making decisions.The more important thing that parents need to know is, ask your child before even forcing them to do something, this part will really help and make them achieve success rather than running behind it.This conversation is very important that parents need to start as most the children have the fear of being rejected with the option, also don’t dishearten them by doing so instead ask the outcomes and other opportunities of the child’s interested option which will make both parents as well as child to be clear with decisions and avoid regression. Parents need not get angry or depressed if the child doesn’t support your option and wishes to choose his own, because if you force to choose and if the child fails in later stages then parents cannot blame the child for not getting through and can neither of you regret about the decision. So being clear about the career option at early stage is very important and to be clear enough. This will make you achieve even more than what you actually desired. The role of parents is very important and should not be neglected. By Jinu Joji XI B

THE POWER OF MUSIC There’s something universal about the creative arts that’s good for health, and mental health in particular. Visual arts, drama, literature, music, despite their differences, all have some things in common – they make us feel, provide meaning, stimulate reflection, and bring us together. MUSIC:  When









releases dopamine and endorphins. These are “happy” hormones involved in regulating moods. Music literally makes us feel good.  If we want to keep our brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.” Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. MUSIC MAKES US FEEL:  The fact that music evokes emotion is obvious. And not only does it make us feel happy, sad, or want to get up and dance, but certain melodies are embedded in our memories. i. When you hear a tune from a scene in one of your favorite movies, it immediately takes you back to the same feeling you had watching that scene. MUSIC HELPS US HEAL:  Numerous scientific and psychological studies have shown that music can lift our moods, combat depression, improve blood flow

in ways similar to statins, lower levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol, and ease pain.  And for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s benefits may well be that singing and listening to music improves mood, helps retrieve old memories, and could even improve general thought processes. MUSIC CONNECTS:  Scientists think that when people listen to music together, something special happens in their brains.  The scientists believe that listening to music in a group helps people







the rhythm in the music helps people’s brains to synchronise. This helps them to coordinate their body movements .  As a result, music can influence how we work in a group. CONCLUSION: The inclusive nature of music allows us all to take part, even through passive listening, in a communal form of art. Music connects us because it is universal. No matter where you are the world, taking part in a musical activity with others is sure to bring a smile to your face. Done by VISHALI S XI-B

Life is a game Life is a game, A game of chess, If you make a wrong move, Your winning chances are less.

Life is so precious Life is so beautiful, Life is a real game, So make winning your aim.

Think about the move before you make it, Because you don’t want to suffer your whole life for it. Make sure you achieve your aim, Because then you can move on to your next game.

Think of the people, who are waiting for your success, Cheering for you throughout the entire race. You don’t want to disappoint them and make them frown. So make sure that you win and don’t let them down.

Win the game and make people behind you feel proud. For the support they gave you by sticking around. Thank them for being there and supporting you throughout the game, And be thankful that you have all these people to support you reach your aim.

:~ Arpith Pradeep XI – B

Die with memories, not dreams Life is truly lived when one makes the most of each day. It is important that we do our duties towards those whom we are responsible for. It is also important to explore the world in our own very way. Some of us like to spend time with friends and family while some of us like to travel alone and discover new places. There are also many of us who want to do both and strike a balance. Work hard and strive to fulfill as many wishes you have. Learn to dream and make them come true. We seldom realize that life is short and every opportunity we get should be seized. Therefore, it is very important that we make memories while we can. Enjoy every moment to your fullest. If you need a quiet moment, soak yourself in that. Making most of each moment does not necessarily mean that you need to always be happy or have fun. But it is important that you emerge yourself in whatever you do in every moment. These good memories will also keep you going and help you face difficulties that one is bound to have in life. Do not leave things for the future. Live in the present for you never know if the plans you are making for the future is going to materialize or not. You should not later think and regret the fact that you did not do something really wanted to. You should see to it that you do your best to realize your dreams and not let them wear away along with you. Plan ahead but live in the moment. In that way, you will dream, and you will make memories making your life fulfilling.


SMILE The shortest distance between two people A smile is a language that even a baby understands Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love. There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. The man who gives little with a smile gives more than The man who gives much with a frown. A Smile takes a moment but the memory lasts forever. Our Smile affirms our awareness and determination to live in peace n’ joy. A Smile is a light in your window that tells others That there is a caring inside. ARPITH PRADEEP XI - B

Be CONFiDENT Self-confidence is a state of mind where someone pushes their boundaries and encourages belief from the very beginning, and this comes from a place of self-love. It's not something that can be taught. It is something that we develop internally by ourselves. Self Confidence is the key to success, or we can say it the first step towards success.Success comes to those who have a belief in their abilities. It helps you face your failure and own up to it in a positive light. Self-confident people understand the impact of believing in themselves and relying on their abilities. One cannot achieve his/her goal in life without self-confidence because a self-confident person is independent, eager, optimistic, loving and positive by nature. ADITHYAN KURUVILLA XI - B

“EYES WORK MORE THAN EARS” Photography was invented about a centuary ago.In those early days only simple box cameras were available to take simple black and white pictures. Photographic techniques and equipments have come a long way since then. Exploding flash guns have progressed to compact electronic flash unit, boxcameras to sophisticated computerised reflex cameras, stills to movies, black-andwhite to fPhotography as a hobby is perhaps the most popular of all its uses. Cameras and films are now cheap and easy to use. ‘Instamatic’ cameras have largely eliminated the hit-or-miss techniques of yesteryears. The use of camera phones has made life so easy and entertaining. It has a vast usage and is one of the best modern age techniques so far. Anybody with a pair of eyes and hands can take reasonably good pictures. We see amateur photographers all over the place, especially in holiday resorts and recreational areas. Tourist and sightsers are never without cameras. Pictures and snapshots of important events, wonderful times and places or memories to be precise, are all recorded in photographs. They are our link to the past. Newspapers and magazines would never be what they are today without photography. Photographs enliven these periodicals with pictures of people and places. “A picture is worth a thousand words”, so goes the old saying.ull glorious colours and part-time dabblers to highly paid professionals. A well-clicked photograph is worth more than a thousand words. It describes a scene infinitely better than mere words can depict. Besides making newspapers and magazines attractive, photography provides jobs to numerous professionals who roam around the world in search of pictures. ‘Eyes work more than ears’ is a widespread fact. Use of photographs helps people to retain better. Photographs/images get quickly captured in our mind and stays in our memory for a relatively longer time. That’s why it is also said that many people have photographic memory wherein whatever they see gets stored in their

mind and helps in remembering things quicker and in a better way. This proven fact has been rightly harnessed by the educationist wherein they use more and more of pictures in text books and while teaching. Photography provides us with sights of deep-sea sharks, microscopic bacteria, constellations-a million light years away, ravishing beauties and our passport pictures. A person sitting at the remotest area of any part of the world can enjoy the view of any wonder of the world. Its use is wide and varied and of tremendous importance to us. Non-existence of photography in the earlier times has left us with a very bleak image of our ancestors. In the contemporary world the practical applications of the photographic medium are legion; it is an important tool in education, medicine, commerce, criminology and the milifary. Its scientific applications include aerial mapping and surveying geology, reconnaissance, meteorology archaeology and anthropology. New techniques such as holography, a means of creating three-dimensional image in space, continue to expand the medium’s technological and creative horizons. In astronomy the Charge Coupled Device (CCD) can detect and register even a single photon of light. By the end of 20th century, digital imaging and processing and computer-based techniques had made it possible to manipulate images in many ways, creating revolutionary changes in the world of photography.Modern printing processes make extensive use of photographic techniques. Off-set printing and photocopying are examples of what photography is doing for us. Such is the versatility of photography. All the books and magazines are now made by photographic processes. THANKYOU….

By Jinu Joji XI-B


Many people will walk in and out of your life but only True friends will leave footprints in your heart.

To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one word short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it’s his fault; If he betrays you twice, it’s your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people

God gives every bird its food. But he does not throw it into its nest. He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses more; He who loses faith loses all.

Beautiful young people are acts of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

The tongue weighs practically nothing, But so few people can hold it.

Aaron Mathew Jacob X1 B

 A woman is entitled to live in dignity and freedom. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty.  Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. It is acknowledged as being

a key to achieving the other seven goals.  Since the beginning of civilization, there has been bulk evidence of women being considered inferior to men. Almost every country, no matter how progressive has a history of ill-treating women. This has eventually nudged women to retrospect

their status in society and has even led women from all over the world to be rebellious to reach the status they have today. Since then, women have been vocal about gender equality and have continuously made efforts to empower themselves to achieve that equality.  In most regions of the world, women receive less formal education than men, and at the same time, women’s knowledge, abilities and coping mechanisms often go unrecognized. More than 40 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserted that “everyone has the right to education”. But despite notable efforts by countries around the globe that have appreciably expanded access to basic education, there are approximately 960 million illiterate adults in the world, of who two-thirds are women. More than one-third of the world’s adults, most of them women, have no access to printed knowledge, to new skills or to technologies that would improve the quality of their lives and help them shape and adapt to social and economic change.  Countries should act to establish mechanisms for women’s equal participation and equitable representation at all levels of the political process and public life in each community and society and enabling women to articulate their concerns and needs. Government and organizations should try eliminating all practices that discriminate against women; assisting women to establish and realize their rights, including those that relate to reproductive and sexual health. Adopting appropriate measures to improve women’s ability to earn income beyond traditional occupations, achieve economic self-reliance, and ensure women’s equal access to the labor market and social security systems.


 Today there are different denotations of the term “Women Empowerment” which have led to different sects of belief. Empowerment holds different meanings to different psyches and this divergence, this comprehension of facts against fiction, this way of interpretation that people of various sects, associations and understanding is making the basic understanding of “women empowerment” more complex. However, it is important for every woman to remember that they must acquire empowerment themselves rather than have it given to them by an external party and women should believe in having the capability to make important decisions in their lives while also being able to act on them.  Empowerment and disempowerment are relative; therefore, empowerment is a process, not a product. There has been immense progress to uplift women financially, politically and socially, but it is still an open-ended process. In the light of many ongoing, a clear vision emerges, a vision of the empowerment of each deserving one. Even though a new age woman is far more empowered but her progress skids to a halt when cases of violence or any unprecedented regressive evil emerges. So, when one evaluates whether women empowerment is a myth or reality, it is not that easy as women empowerment at times seems to be an illusion that has been made into reality by some but remains uncharted territory to many. We, as a society, need to applaud every effort made so far to bring to parity the gender debate and need to understand why this battle is not overrated and is completely important to be justified. Empowering a woman today will lead to a progressive society for tomorrow and this silver lining should be our motivation in analyzing any gender equality discussion. VISHALI S XI - B 3

CASTLES Castles are beautiful piece of architecture that was able to withstand the cruel time they may be just blocks of brick to the era of modern society but as they once were and always be something we shall be proud of as they carry the culture, sins and memories of the past. Let us go into some of the castles that have fought against time and still stand with its glory: 1) The Edinburgh Castle, Scotland The Castle was built on top of its rocky peak, Castle Rock, in the heart of Edinburgh as a military fortress and royal residence .Home to Kings and queens since the 11th century , the castle had previously been used as a military base and offered a vantage point for those looking to defend their domain from potential invasions. Once claimed and built as a site of Scottish royal sovereignty, it became central to battles and

clashes between English and Scottish forces in the wars of Scottish independence from the late 13th century.

2) Bodiam castle in East Sussex England Bodiam Castle was built between about 1380-85 by Sir Edward Dallingridge and his wife Elizabeth. They lived in a turbulent age: from the Black Death in 1348; through the protest and social upheaval it provoked; to the royal disputes that led to the War of Roses. Throughout the

second half of the fourteenth century, England was at war with France, which brought Sir Edward prosperity and wealth. Sir Edward was a soldier of fortune in north-western France from 1367, Knight of the Shire of Sussex after 1379 and Warden of London in 1392. Bodiam Castle opens a window onto late fourteenthcentury England, The world of Chaucer.

3) Warwick Castle in Warwickshire, England

Warwick Castle, as it is today, was developed from an original structure built by William the Conqueror in 1068. Owned and resided in by the Earl of Warwick, the family enjoyed a lavish lifestyle






sophisticated 17th Century Great Hall and the State Rooms, which holds the castle’s most prized possessions



UNEMPLOYMENT IN INDIA One of the major social issues in India is unemployment . As the Indian labour laws are inflexible and restrictive, and its infrastructure is poor, which is actually the main reason for India’s unemployment situation, according to The Economist. As of September 2018, according to the Indian Government, India had 31 million jobless people. The scenario of Assam, in the case of unemployment, is also worst. As per statistics made available by the state Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship department, the total numbers of registered employed in the state is 19,63,376; of them, 16,65,866 are educated or skilled ones and 2,97,510 unskilled ones. Further, as per statistics, the state has 942 unemployed medical graduates, 7,804 jobless engineering graduates, 327 jobless veterinary graduates, 832 jobless Agri graduates, 16575 postgraduates, 3,97,824 general graduates, 6,82,796 H.S.- passed candidates, 5,67,340 HSLC passed candidates and 46,137 others. The highest number of unemployed have their names registered in Guwahati which is almost 3 lakhs.

The lack of skill-based education in schools and colleges is the main reason for unemployment. Our education system is primarily concerned with the quality and knowledge and written examination more than practical based tasks. For these reasons, after completion of graduation, while facing interviews, students find themselves lacking in confidence and skills. The rapid growth of population also being the burden on cultivation, low productivity in the agriculture sector, defective economic planning, lack of capital etc. are also some of the foremost reason for unemployment. The overall result of the unemployment is rate is already not so good; while now due to the coronavirus effect, it has left a devastating impact on the economy of India. The world has changed in the last few months, because of the rare disaster coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a tragically large number of human lives being lost. As the

countries already implemented necessary quarantine and social distancing practices to prevent a pandemic, the whole world has been put in a Great Lockdown. There is uncertainty about its impact on people’s live and livelihoods. In addition, many countries are now facing multiple problems -a health crisis, a financial crisis, and a collapse in commodity prices which interact in complex ways. The COVID-19 crisis has led to a severe economic loss of the country. The lockdown has left tens of millions of migrant workers unemployed.

In this ongoing crisis where coronavirus has spread the entire world, the economic condition of India, as well as Assam too has seen a massive downfall. The economic slowdown unfolded across the state, due to lockdown. Migrant workers and students from Assam stuck on different places of India have returned already. State Government has arranged food and lodging for them. The migrants who have returned to Assam say they won’t go back outside of Assam. They feel that it was a lack of opportunities that took them away, but now they will create opportunities locally. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal ordered to create jobs for the migrants who returned from the different parts of the country. He also mentioned prioritizing the skills of the migrant workers. “The Chief Minister directed the panchayat and rural development department to allot jobs under MGNREGA at the earliest.” An official release said. There is no clear indication as to when the country as a whole might emerge from the lockdown. So, it is also high time for the Government to look into the matter of unemployment seriously along with tackling the rare corona pandemic.

Done by Muhammed Sami XI-B

ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) ❖ What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) broadly refers to any human-like behaviour displayed by a machine or system. In AI’s most basic form, computers are programmed to “mimic” human behaviour using extensive data from past examples of similar behaviour. This can range from recognizing differences between a cat and a bird to performing complex activities in a manufacturing facility. If we are talking about deep learning, strategic thinking, or another species of AI, the foundation of its use is in situations that require lightning-fast responses. With AI, machines can work efficiently and analyse vast amounts of data in the blink of an eye, solving problems through supervised, unsupervised, or reinforced learning.

❖ Types of artificial intelligence ➢ Based on Functionality ▪ Reactive Machine – This AI has no memory power and does not have the ability to learn from past actions. IBM’s Deep Blue is in this category. ▪ Limited Theory – With the addition of memory, this AI uses past information to make better decisions. Common applications like GPS location apps fall into this category. ▪ Theory of Mind – This AI is still being developed, with the goal of its having a very deep understanding of human minds. Self-Aware AI – This AI, which could understand and evoke human emotions as well as have its own, is still only hypothetical.

➢ Based on Capabilities

▪ Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) – A system that performs narrowly defined programmed tasks. This AI has a combination of reactive and limited memory. Most of today’s AI applications are in this category. ▪ Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – This AI is capable of training, learning, understanding, and performing like a human. ▪ Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) – This AI performs tasks better than humans due to its superior data processing, memory, and decision-making abilities. No real-world examples exist today.

❖ How Artificial Intelligence Works AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data. AI is a broad field of study that includes many theories, methods and technologies, as well as the following major subfields:

❖ Machine Learning Machine learning automates analytical model building. It uses methods from neural networks, statistics, operations research and physics to find hidden insights in data without explicitly being programmed for where to look or what to conclude.

❖ Neural Networks A neural network is a type of machine learning that is made up of interconnected units (like neurons) that processes information by responding to external inputs, relaying information between each unit. The process requires multiple passes at the data to find connections and derive meaning from undefined data.

❖ Powerful tool for businesses and organizations Artificial intelligence can be a very powerful tool for both large corporations generating significant data and small organizations that

need to process their calls with customers more effectively. AI can streamline business processes, complete tasks faster, eliminate human error, and much more.

❖ The value of finding the right AI partner One crucial part of mapping out the enterprise AI journey is finding a partner that understands the organization’s current stage in the AI journey—and can help chart a path forward to meet near- and longerterm objectives. Working with the right partner can help an enterprise unlock the value of data across the enterprise to empower business transformation and growth. Done By Dan G Thomas XI-B

Top 5Movies and TV Shows I Saw During Lockdown. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all of us in different ways, good and bad. One of the things that the pandemic caused was the nationwide lockdowns. Today, I thought of sharing some of the wonderful movies I saw during the lockdown. 1. Mentalist: Well, I have to say that of everything I saw, Mentalist series tops the list. I know there are other series and movies out there that may be better than this, but somehow the aspect two equally capable protagonist and antagonist going head seems to be the best choice. In this, Patrick Jane, A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John", the madman who killed his wife and daughter. 2. Angrezi Medium: This Hindi drama genre movie was highly acclaimed by multiple critics and viewers. The synopsis is as follows“When his daughter decides to further her studies in London, a hardworking Rajasthani businessman does everything in power to make her dreams come true.” 3. WandaVision: Yes, MCU’s entry into their Phase 4 was kicked off phenomenally with this thriller series. Greif stricken Wanda tries to deal with her recent trauma by entrapping thousands of people in a town where she resurrects her lost love, Vision. Yeah, I know it a bit far-fetched, but hey! It is marvel. 4. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: It is yet another superhero movie. But this is an Oscar-winning movie by Sony based on one of the more recent characters from Marvel. In this, Teen Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his universe and must join with five spider-powered individuals from other dimensions to stop a threat for all realities. It has great music scores as well. 5. Glass: One of the lesser-known movies in the list, Glass is the 3rd movie in the Unbreakable series. Most sequels are not as good as the orginal, but this thriller gets better every time you watch. Security guard David Dunn uses his supernatural abilities to track Kevin Wendell Crumb, a disturbed man who has twenty-four personalities. The role of Kevin is played wonderfully by James McAvoy. This is a particularly good movie for all those who want a break from typical superhero movie. Done by Vasudev Nair P XI-B

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Students. The Covid-19 pandemic brought everyone’s lives to a standstill back in March 2020, and we are still, sadly, far away from returning to our lives before the pandemic. The swift lockdowns and economic shutdowns caused many people to lose their jobs and homes, and the uncertainties that erupted in the lives of our parents made it difficult for them to address our problems. All of us, who once went to school every morning, talking and laughing with friends, learning new things every day, were forced to sit at home. The sudden social isolation, instability in our homes due to the difficulties faced by our parents, increased time spent on screen, have contributed to deteriorating mental health. Friendships are one of the most important aspects in life, especially in adolescence, but the pandemic has disrupted them. Friends with whom we used to talk to everyday became memories, as we turned to a new phase of education: the online mode. Online classes were seen both by teachers and students at the time as a temporary adjustment, but even as I write this article, well over 2 years into this pandemic, it still looms. Schools were fun as they had learning blended with socializing, something without which humans cannot live. Online classes minimized the socializing, and we all sat there behind our screens, muting the audio and video, up to our own activities as the teachers helplessly tried to get us all involved. Concentration levels dipped and most students found it difficult to keep up with the teachings. Along with this, there were a lot of people who didn’t have the necessary devices or networks for accessing such classes. Most adolescents usually prefer to talk about sensitive issues to friends rather than their parents. Social isolation forced such people to close themselves from everyone. Parents, amidst their own problems and issues, found it near impossible to notice the issues in their children. Many

households became battlefields, and this adversely affected the mental health of the kids. The kids, who once went outside every day, with friends and family, spending each day waiting for the next, turned into people who barely managed to hold it together each day. Children with pre-existing mental issues found it even worse to deal with the isolation, which in some extreme cases, even developed into severe depression and anxiety. This proves that the children have also been adversely affected by the pandemic. Isolation at the age where one should socialize the most has tough repercussions. It is our built-in instinct to dislike school, and celebrate the holidays. But this pandemic has proved that going to school, socializing with friends and teachers, secretly plays a major role in our mental wellbeing. Online teaching is only a temporary adjustment, and should never be seen as a complete replacement for physical classes.

Pavan Adarsh Nair XI-B

10 Riddles from the Riddler Himself Are you trying to tackle ? If so, there are few better ways to do this than with a good riddle. And who better to consult than our favourite green master of riddles- The Riddler himself. There is no one better at weaving enigmas and mysteries than this DC supervillain. With this in mind let’s dive into some of his riddles. 1. What belongs to you, but others will use it? A. Your name.

2. I am a five-letter word and a fruit. Take out my first letter, and I am a crime, take out my second letter too, and I am an animal. Take out only my first and last letters, and I become a kind of music. What am I? A. A grape 3. I am a five-letter word and a fruit. Take out my first letter, and I am a crime, take out my second letter too, and I am an animal. Take out only my first and last letters, and I become a kind of music. What am I? A. Death 4. What gets harder to catch the faster you run? A. Your breath! 5. I am first on earth and second in heaven and appear twice per week. What am I? A. The letter ‘‘E’’ 6. What is always on its way but never arrives? A. Tomorrow 7. The more there is of me, the less that you see. What am I? A. I’m darkness

8. If you know me, you’ll want to share me. If you share me, I’ll be gone. What am I? A. A secret. 9. What occurs once in every minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? A. The letter M 10. I’m an English word. My first two letters signify male, my first three signify female. My first four signify a great man, while my entire meaning signifies a great woman. What word am I? A. Heroine! Done by: Vasudev Nair P XI-B

LIFE OF A LEAF I was born on a stem. I was green in colour. I enjoyed every bit of my life with my mother and siblings. I swayed in cool breeze along with my mother and my siblings. Then I saw a human being with an instrument in his hand chopping my mother; my mother said it was an ‘axe’. My mother was deeply wounded. She fell down. Along with my siblings I too fell down waiting for my last breath. DHANUSH B. NAIR XI - B

Human Relationship in a Nutshell

The 6 hardest words to say “I admit I made a mistake” The 5 most helpful words “You did a good job” The 4 wisest words “What is your opinion” The 3 most winning words “If you please” The 2 most soothing words “Thank You” The 1 most important word “We” The 1 least important word “I”.

-Aaron Mathew Jacob X1 B


One word of truth can never be lost; For ages it may be hidden under rubbish, But it will show itself sooner or later. Truth is indestructible Virtue is indestructible Purity is undestructible -Swami Vivekananda No matter how unattractive or how dangerous the road ahead may be, it better the road behind. The road ahead may mean difficulty, the road behind means failure. The road ahead may be veiled from sight; but you may teach yourself to regard the unknown as friendly. Remember that GOD is always at the end of the road ahead, but at the end of the road behind, you will find yourself. -Done by Aaron Mathew Jacob XI-B

NEVER REGERETANYTHING THAT MAKE YOU SMILE Retrospection or reflection of the past often makes us guilty of things that had occurred. Many of us even regret certain events or people who did not have the impact that we expected from them. But it is important that we realize that there are different phases in a person’s life, and not all of them work out the way we plan it. Even if things didn’t go the right way in the long run, we should be grateful for the fact that the person came into our life or that particular event happened. You can take lessons from experience and move on. If we retrospect deeply, in all probability, we will be able to come up with a moment when what we might regret now had caused a smile. One should believe that everything happens for a reason. Regretting anything that made you once smile actually brings about negativity and takes away your ability to see the positivity in situations that come your way in the future as well. It can take away from your ability to work your best because you might spend a lot of time thinking about all that had gone wrong and how a person, or a particular event could have turned out differently. Even if our encounter with a person did not last as long as expected, but if they did make us smile or make us feel happy, then those moments should be remembered as little treasures of life. The little moments cause significant changes in us unknowingly and shape us into who we become. We should be grateful that a certain event occurred, or a particular person came into our lives rather than being resentful about it. Such an attitude brings positivity that renews energy into our daily actions making them more fruitful. Instead, consolidate your efforts into making others smile because there is no greater joy than making someone happy in whatever way you can. Often little gestures are remembered more by people than monumental efforts. So, if you have any little way to spread joy and happiness, do so without thinking twice or contemplating if it’s enough


“Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream”- Malcolm Muggeridge These words by the British journalist, Malcolm, critically highlights the fact that, we are going with the flow most of the time and we call it a fate ; but how can we forget about the fact "You are the creator of your own destiny." So if we are going with the flow, then surely we are not creating or controlling our destiny, therefore we can't blame the flow with which we are swimming in life.To feel the joy of these words, we need to focus on developing our stone habits and life discipline to swim against the traditions and to make our own path. Done By: ADITHYAN KURUVILLA XI - B

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle This quote by American comedian Milton is a spark for all those who have failed in finding opportunities. Sitting and waiting for an opportunity to be served on a silver plate would bring us no good. The only thing that we would derive out of it would be a huge waste of our time and abilities. Rather stop whining over the absence of that much-awaited chance and take that matters into our hand. Remember, luck doesn’t make us, we make our own luck. DHANUSH B. NAIR XI - B

Done by Pavan Adrash XI-B








Emil Boby Parayil

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