FEBRUARY/FEBRERO 2016 MARCH/MARZO Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES NOW OFFERS

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FEBRUARY/FEBRERO 2016 MARCH/MARZO Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo

RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES NOW OFFERS 2 DAYS OF KINDERGYM IN FORESTVILLE! Thanks to funding from First 5 Sonoma County, RCCS has been able to add an additional day to the popular Forestville Kindergym Program. When: WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS (EXCEPT THE 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH) from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM Where: The United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road (near the intersection of Hwy 116 and Covey Road in downtown Forestville) Who: Designed for children ages 0 to 6 years, child must be accompanied by their parent/guardian/adult childcare provider Why: To have FUN while developing friendships, connecting with community resources, learning parenting skills, and the latest about Literacy, Child Development, Health, Nutrition and Safety.

RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES AHORA OFRECE DOS DIAS DE KINDERGYM EN FORESTVILLE! Cuándo: LOS MIÉRCOLES Y LOS JUEVES (CON EXCEPCIÓN DEL 3er JUEVES DEL MES) 9:30 AM hasta 12:00 PM Dónde: En la Iglesia Metodista Unida, 6550 Covey Road (cerca de la intersección de la carretera 116 y calle Covey en el centro de Forestville) Quién: Diseñado para niños de 0 a 6 años, el niño debe estar acompañado por sus padres, tutores o adulto proveedor de cuidado de niños Por qué: Para divertirse al mismo tiempo que desarrolla amistades, se conecta con recursos de la comunidad, aprende técnicas de crianza, y lo última sobre el Desarrollo del Niño, Salud, Nutrición y Seguridad Thanks to the following folks more than 250 West County children in need received toys, clothes and food for the holidays: • • • • • • • • • • •

The Welfare League of Santa Rosa The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County Secret Santa Program USMC Reserves Sonoma County Toys for Tots Program Metropolitan Community Church of the Redwood Empire St Elizabeth's, St. Colman's and St Catherine's Catholic Churches Love in a Shoebox Program, SueCares/Sue Piland Barbers Garage, Rohnert Park Alexis Ginez/Dedicated Art, Rohnert Park El Roy's Mexican Grill, Petaluma Racks Urban Clothing, Rohnert Park and those individuals who made anonymous contributions THANK YOU! Nuestra misión es cultivar el desarrollo saludable de los niños y familias en nuestra comunidad. Ofrecemos recursos, referencias, apoyo y oportunidades a los proveedores de cuidado de niños, familias y comunidades en el Oeste de Condado de Sonoma “Our mission is to nurture the healthy development of children and families in our community. We offer resources, referrals, support and opportunities to child care providers, families and communities in western Sonoma County”.

10 tips


Education Series

be a healthy role model for children 10 tips for setting good examples

You are the most important influence on your child. You can do many things to help your children

develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the nutrients they need from every food group. They will also be more likely to try new foods and to like more foods. When children develop a taste for many types of foods, it’s easier to plan family meals. Cook together, eat together, talk together, and make mealtime a family time!

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show by example

Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with meals or as snacks. Let your child see that you like to munch on raw vegetables.


go food shopping together

Grocery shopping can teach your child about food and nutrition. Discuss where vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein foods come from. Let your children make healthy choices.

get creative in the kitchen

Cut food into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters. Name a food your child helps make. Serve “Janie’s Salad” or “Jackie’s Sweet Potatoes” for dinner. Encourage your child to invent new snacks. Make your own trail mixes from dry whole-grain, low-sugar cereal and dried fruit.


offer the same foods for everyone

Stop being a “short-order cook” by making different dishes to please children. It’s easier to plan family meals when everyone eats the same foods.


reward with attention, not food

Show your love with hugs and kisses. Comfort with hugs and talks. Choose not to offer sweets as rewards. It lets your child think sweets or dessert foods are better than other foods. When meals are not eaten, kids do not need “extras”—such as candy or cookies—as replacement foods.


focus on each other at the table

Talk about fun and happy things at mealtime. Turn off the television. Take phone calls later. Try to make eating meals a stress-free time.


listen to your child

If your child says he or she is hungry, offer a small, healthy snack—even if it is not a scheduled time to eat. Offer choices. Ask “Which would you like for dinner: broccoli or cauliflower?” instead of “Do you want broccoli for dinner?”

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limit screen time

Allow no more than 2 hours a day of screen time like TV and computer games. Get up and move during commercials to get some physical activity.

encourage physical activity

Make physical activity fun for the whole family. Involve your children in the planning. Walk, run, and play with your child—instead of sitting on the sidelines. Set an example by being physically active and using safety gear, like bike helmets.


be a good food role model

Try new foods yourself. Describe its taste, texture, and smell. Offer one new food at a time. Serve something your child likes along with the new food. Offer new foods at the beginning of a meal, when your child is very hungry. Avoid lecturing or forcing your child to eat. DG TipSheet No. 12 June 2011

United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Go to for more information.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


consejos Serie de educación en nutrición

dé buen ejemplo de salud a los niños

10 consejos para dar buenos ejemplos

Usted es la influencia más importante para sus hijos. Puede hacer muchas cosas para ayudar a sus hijos a desarrollar hábitos de alimentación sana, para toda la vida. Ofrecer una variedad de comidas ayuda a los niños a obtener los nutrientes que necesitan de cada grupo de alimentos. También tendrán mayores probabilidades de querer probar alimentos nuevos y que estos les gusten. Cuando los niños desarrollan un gusto por muchos tipos distintos de alimentos, es más fácil planificar las comidas de la familia. ¡Cocinen juntos, coman juntos, hablen y hagan que las comidas sean tiempos dedicados a la familia!

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eduque con su ejemplo

Coma vegetales, frutas y granos integrales en las comidas o como bocadillos. Deje que su hijo vea que a usted le gusta comer vegetales frescos.

vayan de compra juntos

Ir de compras de comestibles puede educar a sus hijos sobre los alimentos y la nutrición. Hablen sobre de dónde provienen los vegetales, las frutas, los granos, los productos lácteos y las proteínas. Permita que sus hijos tomen decisiones saludables.


sea creativo en la cocina

Use moldes para galletitas para cortar los alimentos en formas divertidas y fáciles. Nombre los alimentos que sus hijos ayuden a preparar. Sirva la “ensalada de Janie” o los “camotes de Jackie” a la cena. Anime a sus hijos a inventarse bocadillos nuevos. Prepare sus propias mezclas de nueces y frutas con granos integrales secos, cereales con bajo contenido de azúcar y frutas secas.


ofrézcales los mismos alimentos a todos

Deje de “cocinar a la carta” al preparar varios platos distintos para complacer a los niños. Es más fácil planear las comidas familiares cuando todos comen lo mismo.


recompense con atención, no con comida

Demuestre su amor con abrazos y besos. Consuele con abrazos y conversaciones. No ofrezca dulces como recompensas. Eso permite que sus hijos comiencen a pensar que los postres son mejores que otros alimentos. Si no se comen la comida, los niños no necesitan “otras cosas”, como dulces o galletitas, para reemplazarla. Centro para Políticas y Promoción de la Nutrición


en la mesa enfóquese en la familia

Hable sobre temas divertidos y felices a la hora de comer. Apague el televisor. No conteste el teléfono. Intente hacer que la hora de comida sea un período libre de estrés.


preste atención a sus hijos

Si sus hijos dicen que tienen hambre, ofrézcales bocadillos pequeños y sanos, aunque no sea hora de comer. Ofrezca opciones. Pregunte “¿Qué les gustaría en la cena: brócoli o coliflor?” en lugar de decir “¿Quieren brócoli con la cena?”

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limite el tiempo frente a una pantalla

No permita más de 2 horas al día frente a la televisión o la computadora. Levántese y muévase durante los anuncios para hacer algo de actividad física.

anime la actividad física

Haga que la actividad física sea divertida para toda la familia. Involucre a sus hijos en la planificación. Camine, corra y juegue con sus hijos, en lugar de sólo observar. Dé el ejemplo al estar físicamente activo y usar equipo de seguridad, como cascos de bicicleta.


dé el buen ejemplo de alimentación

Pruebe alimentos nuevos también. Describa el sabor, la textura y el olor. Ofrezca un alimento nuevo a la vez. Sirva un alimento nuevo con algún otro que les guste a sus hijos. Ofrezca alimentos nuevos al empezar a comer, cuando sus hijos tienen mucha hambre. Evite las discusiones o el forzar a sus hijos a comer.

Visite para obtener más información.

DG TipSheet No. 12 Septiembre 2011

EL USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades para todos.

Your Human Race sponsorship allows RCCS to continue to provide crucial counseling and basic-human-needs services to children and their families in our West County communities. Thank You!

Sponsorship Information for The Human Race: May 7, 2016 __________________________________________________________ (Your business, individual or organization name)

Is donating a sponsorship fee of:

$ 100.00 OR

$ _______ (write in your own level of sponsorship amount) As acknowledgement of your sponsorship donation, RCCS will have your business logo on signs and banners (carried by race participants), on the RCCS website, Face book page and in the RCCS newsletter. Please provide your business card and logo (in an .ai, .pdf, .jpg, or .eps format) after your payment. You may email them to [email protected] or mail a high quality scan-able graphic before April 28, 2016 if you wish to have your business logo displayed.

__________________________________ NAME OF SPONSOR

_______________ Date

(Address)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Phone) _______________________________________________

Email address of sponsor: ___________________________

Completed Form & Check (written to RCCS) may be mailed to:

River to Coast Children’s Services PO Box 16 Guerneville, CA 95446

OTHER DONATION METHODS: Donate ONLINE at by clicking on any DONATE button at the top of each page. To donate by check (make check out to RCCS) include this filled out form and mail to: RCCS PO Box 16 Guerneville, CA 95446 Please provide your business card and/or logo (in an .ai, .pdf, .jpg or .eps format) with payment OR email these files to eboyce@ RCCS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your sponsorship/ donation is tax-deductible. Our EIN is 94-2378459.

EARN IT! KEEP IT! SAVE IT! (EKS) provides:

• Free tax preparation to households earning less than $54,000 a year. Paying to have your taxes prepared can cost $200 to $300 !! • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – is a refundable tax credit that can be up to $6,143 for a family with three qualifying children. • Refund Anticipation Loans – when residents get an “instant refund” from a commercial preparer, they are taking a loan out on their own money usually paying 300% interest. With direct deposit an EKS site can e-file your tax return and have your refund deposited into your bank account in 7 to 10 days. FREE tax preparation services for those who qualify! Now, more than ever, you deserve to keep your money, especially during tax season. Earn It! Keep It! Save It! STARTING SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 6, 2016, RCCS IS PROVIDING FREE, QUALITY TAX RETURN PREPARATION TO INDIVIDUALS, AND FAMILIES. To qualify for FREE tax help and possible earned income tax and child care credits, your household income must be less than $54,000. Being a U.S. citizen is NOT a requirement. The tax sites also ensure eligible taxpayers claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), one of the federal government’s largest resources for low-income residents. It reduces the amount of income tax low-to-moderate income families are required to pay, and provides a wage supplement to some families. According to the New America Foundation, thousands of Californians fail to claim EITC. Families and local economies suffer when these refunds go unclaimed.

BRING YOUR: Photo ID for each person on your tax return Social Security card or ITIN for each person on your tax return W-2s from all jobs held in 2015 All 1099s, 1098s and any other tax forms Savings and checking account and routing numbers for direct deposit Last year’s tax return Child care provider information Landlord’s name, address and phone number for CA renter’s credit Your household’s health coverage information (1095-A if bought through Covered CA)

Servicios de preparación de impuestos GRATIS para las personas que califiquen! Ahora, más que nunca, usted merece que le regresen su dinero, especialmente durante la temporada de impuestos. Gánalo! Guárdalo! Ahórralo! A PARTIR FEBRERO 6, 2016, RCCS OFRECE GRATIS, LA PREPARACIÓN DE LA DECLARACION DE IMPUESTOS DE CALIDAD A INDIVIDUOS Y FAMILIAS. Para calificar para esta ayuda GRATUITA y poder aplicar para posibles créditos de cuidado infantil por ingreso del trabajo, el ingreso familiar debe ser menos de $54,000. Ser un ciudadano de los EE.UU. no es un requisito. Los lugares que ofrecen estos servicios también garantizaran a los contribuyentes elegibles que reclaman el Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo (EITC), uno de los mayores recursos del gobierno federal para los residentes de bajos ingresos. Se reduce la cantidad de impuestos que las familias de bajos a moderados ingresos estén obligados a pagar, y ofrece un suplemento salarial para algunas familias. De acuerdo con la New American Foundation, miles de californianos no reclaman el EITC. Las familias y la economía local sufre cuando estos reembolsos no son reclamados.

Traiga su: Para cada persona en su declaración de impuestos, necesitará: identificación y tarjeta de seguro social o número ITIN Formularios W-2s para cada trabajo que tuvo en 2015 1099s, 1098s y otros comprobantes de ingreso Cuenta bancaria de ahorros y cheques para depósito directo Su declaración de impuestos del año pasado Información del proveedor de cuidado de sus hijos Nombre, dirección y número de teléfono de su arrendador Información de cobertura médica para su hogar (1095-A si lo compró de Covered CA)

River to Coast Children’s Services Staff and their phone number extensions. (707) 869-3613:

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Soledad Cardona (Executive Director) 111 Agnese Daniel (Fiscal Director) 106 Paige Allen (Fiscal Specialist) 110 Faviola Ledezma (Lead Case Manager) 114 Ana Martinez (Family Case Manager) 109 Julie Feingold (Child Development Program Director) 105 Kari Wilson (Child Development Resource Specialist) 112 Lupita Dominguez (Child Development Resource Specialist) 118 Olga King (Kindergym) 117 Elaina Boyce (Community Resources & Referral Coordinator, Newsletter Editor) 104 Anahi Flores (R&R Counselor, Office Manager) 101 Sabrina Dannels, Psy.D., Registered Psychologist RPS2012411 (Counseling Intern) Call 869-3613 for appointment information

ALGUNOS PUNTOS DE NUESTRA POLIZA DE REFERENCIAS La poliza de referencias de RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES respeta la preferencia de los padres. La responsabilidad de escoger el cuidado de niños es de los padres. Asistimos a los padres a encontrar la variedad más amplia de cuidado de niños que se ofrece y ofrecemos información para evaluar el cuidado de niños. Una recomendación de RCCS no significa una garantía de calidad. Les pedimos a los padres que hagan una entrevista cuidadosa y que examinen las recomendaciones antes de que dejen un niño al cuidado de otra persona. Padres que están buscando información acerca de quejas previas de una casa o centro con licencia para cuidar niños, pueden llamar a Community Care Licensing tel. 588-5026. Para registrar una queja llamen al mismo numero al River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613. OUR REFERRAL POLICY River to coast children’s services’ referral policy is based on respecting parental choice. Responsibility for selecting child care rests with each parent. RCCS assists parents in finding the widest range of available child care and offers information to help families evaluate available child care options. A RIVER TO COAST CHILDREN’S SERVICES referral is not a recommendation or a guarantee of quality care. Parents should carefully interview and check references of potential child care providers before leaving a child in their care. For Information on all licensed family child care homes and centers call Community Care Licensing at 707.588.5026 River to Coast Children’s Services. 707.869-3613. info@ /

The two Resource & Referral agencies in Sonoma County, 4Cs and River to Coast Children’s Services, are thrilled to invite you to visit and ‘like’ our brand new Facebook Page: y/1567581116803922?ref=br_tf . We will will be posting information and feedback on workshops, share resources and important information, and answer your questions and messages. Please help us to make this an open resource forum for our community in Sonoma County! Addendum to Handbook Our Service Delivery Area. RCCS’ service area includes the West Sonoma County Union High School, Monte Rio, Guerneville, Harmony, Fort Ross, Oak Grove, Montgomery, Sonoma County portion of Shoreline Unified School and the Kashia Reservation School Districts . For AP funding: For families in the Alternative Payment Programs, either the care must be used OR the family must live in the service area descried above. For CFCC Funding: For families in the Family Child Care (CFCC) programs, child care must be provided by our contracted providers in the RCCS Family Child Care Network. Your case manager will share network providers with you.

Ongoing Children's Activities from RCCS: Kindergym:

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River to Coast Children's Services brings Kindergym to Forestville on Wednesdays and Thursdays (EXCEPT THE 3RD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH) 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Held at the Forestville United Methodist Church, 6550 Covey Road in downtown Forestville, features activities for children 0 to 6 years (accompanied by their care givers) River to Coast Children’s Services offers Kindergym Monday and Tuesday mornings 9:45 AM to 12:20 PM in Guerneville at the Guerneville Vets’ Hall, located on the corner of 1st and Church Streets in downtown Guerneville. Features activities for children 0 to 6 years (accompanied by their care givers).

Kindergyms are FREE, but donations are accepted, Call 707.869.3613 for current schedule, or check the current RCCS newsletter online at

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Thank you Donors

iRead Sonoma County: $5,000 grant to implement iRead Program at RCCS Kindergyms First 5 Sonoma County: $15,000 to expand Kindergym Program in Forestville R3 Guerneville: $1,200 Welfare League Santa Rosa: Three layettes for newborns Metropolitan Community Church of the Redwood Empire: Food Boxes for families for Thanksgiving

Talk. Read. Sing.


Your words have the power to shape their world.

“What do you think? Should we buy red or green apples today?”

The moment babies come into this world, their brains are forming the connections that will determine how they learn, think, and grow. In fact, 90% of their brains are developed by age five, and it starts from day one. Just remember: Talk, read, and sing with your baby every day.

“I love this song, don’t you? Let’s sing together!” “Look at that! That’s a gray squirrel. See his fluffy tail and four paws?”

“Home run! Someday I’ll teach you how to swing a bat like that.”

Use the language you use with your friends—it helps build your child’s vocabulary. Start early. Don’t wait until your child is four or five to start talking and reading aloud with them.

Babies who are talked to and read to from the time they’re born are better prepared by the time they start school. Kids who aren’t have a 50% chance of falling behind and have a hard time catching up. Go to for great ideas about talking, reading, and singing with your child every day.

“There’s a sign for the zoo. Are you excited to see the lions?”

Remember: Talking, Reading, Singing = Language Development Language Development = Increased Vocabulary Increased Vocabulary = Better Prepared for School Success in School = Better Prepared for Life

Habla. Lee. Canta.


Tus palabras tienen el poder de moldear su mundo.

“¿Qué crees? ¿Deberíamos comprar manzanas rojas o verdes?”

En el momento en que los bebés llegan al mundo, sus cerebros están creando las conexiones que van a determinar cómo aprender, pensar y crecer. De hecho, el 90% de sus cerebros ya están desarrollados a los cinco años; y el desarrollo se inicia a partir del primer día. Recuerda: Habla, lee y canta con tu bebé todos los días. Habla de la manera como lo haces con “¡Jonrón! Algún día te otros adultos, de esta forma ayudas a voy a enseñar a usar desarrollar el vocabulario de tu hijo. el bate de esta manera.” Comienza desde edad temprana. No esperes hasta que el niño tenga cuatro o cinco años para comenzar a hablarle y leerle en voz alta. Los bebés a los que se les habla y lee desde el momento del nacimiento están mejor preparados cuando comienzan la etapa de escolaridad. Aquellos que no recibieron este estímulo, tienen 50% de probabilidades de retrasarse en el aprendizaje y tienen dificultades para llegar al nivel esperado. Visita para obtener ideas sobre cómo hablar, leer y cantar con tu hijo todos los días.

“Me encanta esta canción, ¿a ti? ¡Cantemos juntos!”

“¡Mira! Una ardilla gris. ¿Viste su cola esponjosa y sus cuatro patas?”

“Hay un cartel del zoológico. ¿Te gustan ver los leones?”

Recuerda: Hablar, Leer, Cantar = Desarrolla el Lenguaje Desarrollo del Lenguaje = Aumenta el Vocabulario Aumento de Vocabulario = Mejor Preparados para la Escuela Éxito Escolar = Mejor Preparados para la Vida

Calendar February 2016 Febrero Calendario ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹

2/1 & 2: Kindergym in Guerneville 2/3 & 4: Kindergym in Forestville 2/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM 2/8 & 9: Kindergym in Guerneville 2/9: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Olga al 707869-3613 x 117 2/10 & 11: Kindergym in Forestville 2/15: OFFICE CLOSED / OFICINA CERRADA, NO KINDERGYM 2/16: Kindergym in Guerneville 2/17 only: Kindergym in Forestville 2/18: Provider payday Dia de pago de los proveedores 2/22 & 23: Kindergym in Guerneville 2/24 & 25: Kindergym in Forestville 2/24: Board of Directors meetingMesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:00 PM at RCCS 2/29 & 3/1: Kindergym in Guerneville

Calendar March 2016 Marzo Calendario ‹‹ 3/1: Kindergym in Guerneville ‹‹ 3/5: Attendance sheets due in RCCS by 5 PM Hoy es el día límite de las Hojas de Asistencia a las 5 PM ‹‹ 3/2 & 3: Kindergym in Forestville ‹‹ 3/7 &8: Kindergym in Guerneville ‹‹ 3/10: Padres Abriendo Caminos (PAC) se reúne a las 6:00 PM en RCCS. Por favor llamar a Olga al 707869-3613 x 117 March 13th Daylight Savings Time begins, ‹‹ 3/9 & 10: Kindergym in Forestville ‹‹ 3/14 & 15: Kindergym in Guerneville Spring Forward! ‹‹ 3/16 only: Kindergym in Forestville ‹‹ 3/18: Provider payday Dia de pago de los proveedores ‹‹ 3/21 & 22: Kindergym in Guerneville ‹‹ 3/23 & 24: Kindergym in Forestville ‹‹ 3/23: Board of Directors meetingMesa Directiva de RCCS se reúne, 6:00 PM at RCCS ‹‹ 3/28 & 29: Kindergym in Guerneville March 20th, Spring begins ‹‹ 3/30 & 31: Kindergym in Forestville


April 8,2016: Provider Appreciation April 29, 2016: Golf Tournament to benefit RCCS May 7, 2016: Human Race May 18, 2016: Provider Home Tours  A reminder to Child Care Providers caring for RCCSsubsidized children: Contract renewals will be sent out in April, please sign and return to Julie Feingold ASAP, Thanks !

PROVIDERS' UPDATES & INFORMATION: CHAPTERED LEGISLATION UPDATE Assembly Bill (AB) 290 (Alejo):AB 290 requires that after January 1, 2016, a director or teacher who receives the mandated 15 hours of health and safety training shall also have at least one additional hour of childhood nutrition training as part of the preventive health practices course or courses. AB 762 (Mullin): AB 762 allows child care centers to serve children 18 months to 3 years of age within a toddler component. AB 1207 (Lopez):AB 1207 requires that beginning January 1, 2018 all child care providers, administrators and employees must complete mandated reporter training on the detection and reporting of child abuse. AB 1387 (Chu): AB 1387 establishes a process for a licensee to request a formal review of a finding of deficiency. The bill also establishes an appeal process for civil penalties. AB 2236 (Maienschein): AB 2236 became effective, commencing July 1, 2015, and increased the amount of civil penalties that may be imposed for a violation that the department determines resulted in the death, or serious injury, of a child at a care facility. Senate Bill (SB) 277 (Pan): SB 277 eliminates the exemption to immunizations for children attending public school and child care based upon personal beliefs, leaving only the medical exemption in place. A child with a current personal beliefs exemption on file before January 1, 2016 will be allowed to keep that exemption until he or she reaches the next grade span. Grade Spans are as follows: •Birth to preschool. •Kindergarten and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including transitional kindergarten. •Grades 7 to 12, inclusive. SB 792 (Mendoza): SB 792 prohibits a person from being employed or volunteering at a child care facility if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles. SB 792 specify circumstances under which a person would be exempt from the immunization requirement, based on medical safety, current immunity, declining the influenza vaccination, or the date upon which he or she was hired, as specified. In addition, SB 792 requires any person hired as a teacher in a day care center to present evidence of a current tuberculosis clearance, as specified. RECALL INFORMATION: It is the responsibility of licensees to ensure the health and safety of all children in their care. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) advises consumers to stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. In addition, it is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product. Licensees are to follow manufacturer labels and adhere to all recall instructions provided by the CPSC. Licensees may visit the CPSC website: and subscribe to receive recall alerts on consumer products.

THE SONOMA COUNTY EARLY LEARNERS CONFERENCE The School of Education's Early Childhood Studies program is pleased to be one of the major sponsors and host of this important conference for professionals and students who are involved in early childhood education and care and advocacy.

Sonoma County Early Learners Conference Saturday, March 5, 2016 8:30am - 4:00pm Sonoma State University

A day of learning for all those working with children ages birth to twelve years: Infant/Toddler and Preschool Teachers, Family Child Care Providers, Transitional Kindergarten Teachers, Afterschool Staff, ECE students, etc.

This year's event features keynote speaker Diane E. Levin, Ph. D "Creative play has enormous power in promoting children's development and learning.” As author of Beyond Remote-Controlled Childhood: Teaching Young Children in the Media Age, Levin will address how play is vital to optimal social, emotional, physical and cognitive development in the early years. In addition to other books she has written, she is a founder of Defending the Early Years Project (DEY); Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood ( CCFC); Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children’s Entertainment (TRUCE). For more see

Register here: $55 per person — Lunch Included Presented by: Child Care Planning Council of Sonoma County in partnership with Community Child Care Council, Early Learning Institute, CAP Sonoma Head Start, SRJC, YWCA’s A Special Place, North Bay Children’s Center, Two Rock Coast Guard


The QRIS scores are in for Sonoma County preschools participating in this quality improvement program. West Sonoma County preschools scored high, with STARS Preschool at Guerneville School scoring a PERFECT SCORE of 35, the only preschool in Sonoma County to do so. Thank you Julie Feingold for superb coaching

and STARS staff for implementing and maintaining program quality for children.


Since 2012, California has actively engaged in strengthening the quality of program services offered to our youngest children, from birth through kindergarten entry, and their families participating in early care and learning programs. This effort is the result of California receiving a Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) federal grant to improve program quality and close the achievement gap for young children with high needs. Seventeen local consortia in 16 counties working in collaboration with the California Department of Education, First 5 California, and the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division (one of the five participating state agencies) all support California’s plan to establish a locally driven quality improvement process by developing a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Exactly what is this QRIS? It is a “method to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care and education settings” (Mitchell, 2005, p.4). California’s QRIS is built upon a Quality Continuum Framework that includes common, research-based elements, tools, and resources grouped into three core areas with supporting elements as follows: • Core1 - Child Development and School Readiness with two elements: Child Observation and Developmental and Health Screenings; • Core 2 - Teachers and Teaching with two elements: Minimum Qualifications for Lead Teacher/Family Child Care Home Provider and Effective Teacher-Child Interactions, using Classroom Assessment and Scoring System (CLASS™) assessments; and • Core 3 - Program and Environment with three elements: Ratios and Group Size, Program Environment Rating Scale (ERS) assessment, and Director Qualifications. Each of these seven elements is rated by using a set of standards in ascending order of quality (from one to five points) in a rating matrix structure. The consortia have agreed upon three common tiers (Tiers 1, 3, and 4) in addition to two locally-determined tiers (Tiers 2 and 5). Every participating QRIS program site receives a tier rating based on the seven elements of quality for centers and five quality elements for family child care homes. The rating matrix can be found at: Tier 1 is the entry point for program sites to participate in a QRIS. Tier 1 is the building block in that it contains Title 22 Code of Regulations licensing requirements. Sites must be licensed and in good standing with Community Care Licensing to participate in QRIS. When good standing status is confirmed by Community Care Licensing, applying centers and family child care homes are deemed to have met the Tier 1 standards and may continue in the rating and continuous quality improvement processes. The general cycle for rating is every two years. Program sites embark on developing quality improvement plans that describe the action steps they will take to improve the quality of program services. The action plan is the essential part of QRIS. This is where center staff and family child care home providers take the necessary actions based on their ratings/initial intake information to improve quality of services provided to the children and families. This process is supported by the local QRIS, sometimes in the form of incentives, professional development, FALL 2015 and often with a coach. It is the improvement of early learning program quality that will ultimately lead to positive outcomes for California’s youngest children in preparing them to be ready for kindergarten, assisting in closing the achievement gap, and eventually becoming productive adults. For more information about QRIS and the rating matrix, please send your inquiries to the RTT-ELC mailbox at rtt-elc@

RUSSIAN RIVER HEALTH CENTER NEWS PRESS RELEASE: UPDATE : Russian River Health Center FIRE Recovery WEST COUNTY HEALTH CENTERS – Guerneville, CA West County Health Centers (WCHC) is proud to report that in less than 48 hours after the fire on December 26th 2015, we are seeing patients and continuing to provide medical, dental and mental health care services to Russian River Health Center (RRHC) patients despite the total loss of the health center building in Guerneville. The Russian River Health Center (RRHC) will be rebuilt as quickly as possible. In the meantime, St. Joseph’s Health System has generously loaned their mobile medical unit to WCHC. This fully-equipped unit is parked in the Russian River Dental Clinic parking lot and is being used primarily for urgent care appointments. Most RRHC patients are able to see their usual medical and behavioral health providers at Gravenstein Community Health Center in Sebastopol. WCHC is incredibly grateful to the St. Joseph’s Health Team for loaning us their mobile medical unit and getting it set up so quickly. Eleven patients were seen by their regular RRHC medical provider and care team for scheduled appointments on Monday and seventeen patients on Tuesday, less than 48 hours after the fire. In addition, Russian River Health Center care teams and were able to see thirteen RRHC patients on Monday at the Gravenstein Community Health Center in Sebastopol. Patients may continue to schedule appointments as usual through the RRHC phone number (707) 869-2849. All RRHC patients are encouraged to keep their regular appointments. West County Health Centers (WCHC) has organized a shuttle service to help RRHC patients without transportation get to their appointments at the Gravenstein Community Health Center in Sebastopol. We are grateful to West County Community Services (formerly CFSA) for partnering to provide vans and drivers to help with transportation which is scheduled to continue on Monday at 8 am. Patients in need of help with transportation to their scheduled appointments at GCHC or other medically-related needs in Sebastopol such as diagnostic testing, lab tests, specialty services and radiology should call (707)869-2849 to request transportation support for their appointments. The Gravenstein Community Health Center is located at 652 Petaluma Ave., Suite H, Sebastopol, CA 95472. West County Health Centers will continue to care for all of our Russian River Health Center patients. Information and Updates are posted regularly on the West County Health Centers website . Of the 15,000 West County Health Centers patients in western Sonoma County, 3,500 patients receive medical and mental health services at Russian River Health Center. Prior to the fire, the Russian River Health Center averaged 50 patient appointments per day in Guerneville. The Monday following the fire a total of 24 patients were seen by RRHC Medical Providers between GCHC in Sebastopol and the St. Joseph’s mobile medical unit at the RR Dental Clinic in Guerneville. West County Health Centers attributes their incredible resiliency in the face of the devastating fire to the tremendous commitment to our patients of the RRHC staff, medical providers, care teams, and all WCHC staff. West County Health Centers is extremely grateful to our health care partners, vendors, community partners and supporters for the amazing outpouring of support for our organization, our staff, and our patients. WCHC thanks our Russian River Fire Department, Cal Fire, the seven fire companies and all emergency personnel who responded to the RRHC fire. We continue to be overwhelmingly thankful every day that there was no loss of life or injuries from this terrible fire. The offers of help, donations and support from our elected officials, donors, patients, supporters and our community have been incredible, keeping our spirits high as we recover from this crisis and begin planning to create something even better for our patients from the ashes of our old home. "The strength of our Health Center is in the people... our staff, our care teams, our patients and our community. We will rebuild our Russian River Health Center building and we look forward to the opportunity to create something even better for our patients."- Mary Szecsey, Executive Director, West County Health Centers West County Health Centers is accepting donations from people who want to help the Russian River Health Center “Build for the Future”. Please visit to donate online or checks may be mailed to: Russian River Health Center, ℅ West County Health Centers, PO BOX 1449, Guerneville, CA 95446 It is a great honor to care for our communities and provide a trusted “medical home” for thousands of people in western Sonoma County, including the most vulnerable and under-served.

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g n i w s a e k a Save the T n e r d l i h c e fore ! th



April 29, 2016

To be held at: Northwood Golf, 19400 Hwy 116 in beautiful Monte Rio Serving west Sonoma County with: • Help paying for child care for eligible families • Referrals for child care & community resources • Support and resources for child care providers • Kindergym program • Low cost car safety seats • Emergency resources program

Resources, Referrals, and Support / Recursos, Referencias, y Apoyo

707.869.3613 [email protected]/

Sirviendo el oeste del Condado de Sonoma con: • Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños • Recursos para los Niños y sus Familias • Apoyo para los Proveedores del Cuidado de Niños • Ayuda Monetaria para el Cuidado de Niños • Programa de Materiales de Emergencia • Gimnasio para Niños • Programa de Asientos de Seguridad

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