MASS SCHEDULE. 8:30 am (English) SUNDAY MASSES. 11:00 am (Spanish) 12:45 pm (English) SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS Saturdays 5:00pm

St. Simon Stock - St Joseph Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars Parish (718) 367-1251 ♦ Fax (718) 933-8822 ♦ ww

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ENGLISH-SPANISH MATH TERMINOLOGY This simplified English-Spanish Math glossary is a teaching aid presented as an initial listing for you to use and ex

English : Spanish phrase card
TM English : Spanish phrase card The phrase card was first published in 1999. Since then we have added to it over the years. I

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St. Simon Stock - St Joseph Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars Parish (718) 367-1251 ♦ Fax (718) 933-8822 ♦

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

“Ya no existe diferencia entre judíos y no judíos , entre esclavos y libres, entre varón y mujer, porque todos ustedes son uno en Cristo Jesus.”

-Galatians 3:38

Rev. Nelson A. Belizario, O.Carm., Pastor Rev. Christopher J. Iannizzotto, O.Carm., Parochial Vicar Rev. Roberto Perez, O.Carm., In Residence Rev. Mark Zittle, O.Carm., In Residence Bro. Robert Chiulli, O.Carm., In Residence Sr. Adelaida Ospina, Pastoral Assistant Sr. Maribel Hernandez, HMSP., Evangelization Ms. Letty Jacome, Parish Secretary Ms. Kenia Tavarez, Bookkeeper SCHOOLS Mr. Kinsley Jabouin, Principal (St. Simon Stock School) Ms. Denise Echeverria, Secretary Tel (718) 367-0453 Fax (718) 733-1441 Website: Ms. Carmen Lopez, Principal (St. Joseph School) Tel (718) 583-9432 Website: Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Director of Religious Education: Sr. Lourdes Victoria Assistant: Mrs. Susan Watts Office hours: Every Tuesday 9am to 1pm / 4pm to 8pm Every Wednesday 9am to 1pm

-Gálatas 3:28


8:30 am (Spanish) 9:30 am (English)

Fri. Eve: Saturday:

7:30 pm (Spanish) 9:00 am (Bi-lingual) SUNDAY MASSES

Saturday: Sunday:

6:00 pm (Spanish 8:30 am (English) 11:00 am (Spanish) 12:45 pm (English) SACRAMENTS

CONFESSIONS Saturdays 5:00pm BAPTISMS Spanish: Every month English: Every other month Registration two months in advance MATRIMONY: Arrangements six months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the Priory any time


1 Reading: Zechariah 12:10-11; 13-1 2nd Reading: Galatians 3:26-29 Gospel: Luke 9:18-24 WEEKLY READINGS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday

2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 Mt 7:1-5


2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 Mt 7:6, 12-14


2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Mt 7:15-20


2 Kgs 24:8-17 Mt 7:21-29


1 Is 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-66, 88


Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 Mt 8:5-17 ————————————————————————

Please pray for the sick of the parish; let’s not forget to pray for our family members and friends. Por favor oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y no olvidemos de orar por los miembros de nuestra familia y amigos. María Rivera Araceli Santos María Ortiz Ricardo Santos Rosa Rivera Alice Clark Sofia Sharma Michael T. Sklaruk Crystal Webb Dolores Fields Mitchell Fields Salvador Montero Marlene King Blossom Samson Jasmin Lugo Nellie Robinson Antonio Nieves Blanca Nieves Felicia Castillo Angela Maria Rivera Luis Angel Berrios Michelle Texira Luz M. Carlos Miguel Gomez Cherice Mercedes Rivera Joel Rodriguez Emmanuel Rodriguez Dynasty Rodriguez Zori Rodriguez Confesora Miguel ————————————————————————————— NOTICE: Please call the parish office if someone on this list has returned to better health and can be removed from this list. At times, names are taken off because we do not have recent information about the person listed. NOTA: Por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial si alguien en la lista se encuentra mejor de salud para poder mover su nombre de la lista. Después de un tiempo prudente los nombres serán removidos puesto que no tenemos información alguna de la persona que se encuentra en la lista.


MISA DE INTENCION—Todos las misas de intención deben ser anotadas con dos (2) semana de anticipación a la fecha que usted desea. No puede registrarlo de un día para el otro.

POR FAVOR de traer la cantidad correcta cuando usted venga a pagar por misas, boletos, Registración de los Sacramentos, etc. ¡LAMENTABLEMENTE NO TENEMOS CAMBIO EN LA OFICINA!

REQUISITOS PARA RENTAR EL GIMNASIO Y CAFETERIA—Aquellas personas interesadas en rentar el gimnasio o la cafetería deben estar registrados en la parroquia y ser parroquiano ACTIVO. Esto significa que debe estar utilizando sus sobres de donación todos los domingos. Si usted llena todos estos requisitos, usted puede rentar. La renta de estos lugares debe ser con dos meses de anticipación al evento. Si usted esta interesado en rentar, por favor de llamara a la oficina parroquial al 718. 367.1251 y preguntar por Kenia. Ella se encuentra de Lunes a Viernes de 10:00 am hasta las 6:00 pm

RENTA DEL LOCAL EN EL EDIFICIO DE LA IGLESIA DE SAN JOSE—Esta abierto para la renta al publico. Para mas información por favor de comunicarse con Kenia. Si usted esta interesado en rentar, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 718.367.1251 y preguntar por Kenia. ———--—————————————————————Programa de Salud de San Simón Stock-St. Joseph CLASES DE EJERCICIOS GRATIS durante el verano Todos los Martes tendremos una clase: 6:00 pm—7:00 pm Para mas información, llame a la oficina parroquial Los esperamos en el gimnasio! —————————————————————————

Querido Papa! En tu día especial Y a través de todo el año, que el gran amor de Dios este cerca de ti y comenzando con Este día tan feliz Que bendiciones en abundancias Vengan en tu camino.

Para Padres Difuntos... Padre, aunque te hayas ido, Siempre vivirás En nuestros Corazones!


MASS INTENTION—All mass intention requests must be submitted within two (2) weeks of the requested date of the mass. Masses cannot be requested from one day to another.

PLEASE—We ask that you to please bring the correct amount of change when paying for Masses Intentions, raffles, Sacramental Registration, etc. WE DO NOT HAVE CHANGE IN THE OFFICE

REQUIREMENT FOR RENTAL OF GYMNASIUM AND CAFETERIA—Those interested interesting renting the gym or cafeteria must be a registered ACTIVE parishioner. An ACTIVE parishioner means that they registered in the parish, has donation envelopes and are using the donation envelopes consecutively You must fulfill these requirements in order to rent. Renting must be made at least 2 month prior to the date of the event. If you are interested in renting, please call the parish office 718.367.1251 speak with Kenia, Monday thru Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Regular collection : $2,650.00 Gracias por su generosidad Thank you for your generosity ————————————————————–———-–— ELIJAH CUP La Copa de Elias We invite all families who would like to pray for more religious vocations to take the Elijah Cup home. You can stop by the parish office to register for next month. It is a wonderful experience that you and your family won’t want to miss. Deseamos invitar a todas las familias que deseen orar por mas vocaciones religiosas y que se lleve a su casa la Copa de Elías. Por favor pase por la oficina parroquial y regístrese para el próximo mes. Es una hermosa experiencia que usted y su familia no pueden perdérsela.

SCHEDULE RENTAL OF THE HALL IN ST. JOSEPH’S Date Family/Familia Mass/Misa BUILDING—It is opened to anyone who would like to June 19th Solano 11:00 am rent it. If you are interested in renting, please call the parJune 26th Jimenez 11:00 am ish office 718.367.1251 speak with Kenia. —————————————————————–——-- ——————————————————————–——–St. Simon Stock-St. Joseph Health Program REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS FREE EXERCISE CLASSES EDUCATION PROGRAMS, CONFIRMATION & RICA/ during summer RCIA 2016-2017 Every Tuesdays Will Continues until Thursday, August 29th 6:00 pm—7:00 pm Registration dates For more information, please call the parish office. Mondays thru Thursdays From 11 am to 4 pm See you in the school gym!! ————————————————————————-Tuesdays thru Thursdays From 6 pm to 8 pm 

Dear Father! On your Special day and all year through May God’s great love Be close to you and starting with This Happy Day May abundant blessings Come your way


From 10 am to 3 pm

*If you can not come in during the scheduled time, you MUST then call the parish office to schedule an appointment with Letty or Solanlly  You MUST bring all the required documents for registra-

tion. Please stop by the parish office and the secretary will provide you with a detail list of the required documents you need to bring.  If you don’t have all the required documents, you will NOT be registered. Registration Fee

For Deceased Fathers... Dad, even though you are no longer With us, you will always be in our hearts!

June 11th July 14th

July 16th August 20th

Siblings Only!!



One (1) child



Two (2) children



Three (3) children or more


SATURDAY, 6:00 p.m. En memoria de

JUNE 18, 2016 Zenedia Bonilla Lenin Omar Rivas Gilberto Saldaña Arturo Rodriguez Cerafin Rodriguez Juan Guzman Elena Oliveras Carmen Carrasquillo Manuel Jesus Rivas Joel Lemus Fernando Cosme Celerina Luna Nahuacalt

En acción de gracias

A la Virgen de la Altagracia A San Judas Tadeo ————————————————————————SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 8:30 a.m. In memory of

Special Intention to 11:00 a.m. En memoria de

12:45 p.m. In memory of

Matthias Listner Alma Sanders Manuel Quiñones Jose Antonio Rodriguez Maximo Ureña

MONDAY, 8:30 a.m. En memoria de

Santos Mendez Emiliano Junior Rivera

Hilda Ester Santiago Carmen Carrasquillo Joel Lemus

9:30 a.m. In memory of Richard Estrada ————————————————————————— TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 8:30 a.m. En memoria de

Carmen Carrasquillo Joel Lemus

9:30 a.m. Special Intention to ————————————————————————— WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 8:30 a.m. En memoria de

Joel Lemus

9:30 a.m. In memory of ———————————————————————-THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 8:30 a.m. En memoria de

William Whitney Eugenio Rodriguez Secundina Collazo & Felix Luis Perez Rafael Franco Jose Antonio Herrera Andres Collazo Jose & Deogracia Santiago Felix Figueroa Cecilio Rosario Caridad Melo Emilia Soto Carmen Carrasquillo Joel Lemus Lucia Montaño Luz Altagracia Montan

JUNE 20, 2016

Joel Lemus Hector E. Torres Carlos M. Huertas

9:30 a.m. In memory of ————————————————————————-FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016 8:30 a.m. En memoria de 9:30 a.m. In memory of 7:30 p.m. En memoria de

Dayola Ventura Joel Lemus Jose Reynoso Eustaquia Morla ————————————————————————-SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2016 9:00 a.m. Special Intention

Sr. M. Benigna

Ven! y participa de la Escuela Bíblica con el Lema:

“Levántate, Vive y Anuncia la Misericordia de Dios” Tiempo: En el verano. Lugar: Parroquia San Simón Stock-San José Del Lunes 27 de Junio hasta el Viernes 1 de Julio Hora: 7:00 - 9:15 p.m Lugar: Cuarto de Reuniones

Our Bible School this year is about :

“Arise, Lives and Proclaim God’s Mercy” Time: During Summer Place: St. Simon Stock-St. Joseph Parish From July 5th To July 17th Time: 9:00 a.m. To 1: 30 p.m. "Snack included" Registration Fee $ 12.00

retiro para hombres Junio 25 y 26 Entrada el Sabado 25 a las 8 am Lugar: Our Savior Church ( 2317 Washington Ave ~ Bronx, NY 10458 Para mas información llamar al 718.450.3473 / 718.933.4400



Eucharistic / Lector Minister Sr. Adelaida

Circulo de Oracion Coordinators:  Juana Martinez  Rafaela Diaz Meets every Friday after 7:30pm mass in the Chapel

Cursillo Coordinators:  Ramon Jaquez  Vicente Santiago Meets every Sunday at 12:30pm in the meeting room.

Our Hearts with Christ Youth Group Coordinators:  Reynaldo Maria  Maria Asenjo Meets every Friday at 6pm in the school gym.

Daughters of Mary Coordinators:  Esmeralda Ramos Meets every Saturday at 1pm in the meeting room.

Divine Mercy Coordinator:  Mildred Iciano Meets every Wednesday at 7 pm in the chapel.

Grupo de Parejas Coordinator:  Toribio & Ana Alvarez Meets the last Saturday of every month at 8 pm in the m. room.

Health Program Coordinators:  Letty Jacome  Paulina Adames Exercises classes during Summer Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 pm St. Vincent de Paul  Ivy Campbell  Ruth Gourdine  Lillian Gutierrez

Comunidad Evangelizadora para Reconciliacion y Servicio C.E.R.S Coordinators:  Juan Jimenez  Nesquelma Rosario Meets every Sunday from 6pm to 9pm

Libertad Coordinator:  Rafaela Caraballo Meets every Monday at 8 pm in the meeting room.

Please Note: Day, time and place may change. GRUPOS PATRONALES / PATRONAL GROUPS O.L. of Altagracia January Rafaela Caraballo

O.L. of Suyapa February Freda Medrano

O.L. of Schoenstatt October Sofia Ceballos

O.L. of Providencia November Carmen Perales

O.L. of Mt. Carmel July Carmen Perales

Divino Niño September Ana Morales

O.L. of Guadalupe December Maria Saldaña

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or you can see our bulletin on our / o en nuestra pagina de

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