Newsletter_SMS_T2 2015 Flipbook PDF

Newsletter_SMS_T2 2015

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Skola Maltija Sydney A program of Akkademja Maltija ta’ NSW Inc Mrs Jane Borg - Principal M: 0411 478 233 Email: [email protected]

Issue 2

Term 2, 2015 On behalf of Skola Maltija Sydney, I hope that all the


students and their families had a very happy and safe

newsletter for the year. We look

Easter holiday break, I look forward to seeing you

forward to a successful term 2 at

again in Term 2.

both our Maltese class campus

If you have any friends or other family members

locations, Ringrose Public School

thinking of learning Maltese, who may be interested in

(Ringrose Ave) Greystanes and Rouse Hill (Clower

joining our Saturday classes, please encourage them


to come along in term two.

Learning about our Maltese heritage is important for

Students in Years 7 to Year 12 can enrol in the

all of us who live away from the Maltese Islands as it

Saturday School of Community Languages in term 2

provides us with a unique opportunity to learn about

through their home school. This program is funded by

our heritage and what makes us unique and special.

the Federal Government and as such is a free

Learning Maltese in Australia provides us with an

program. Classes are held at The Hills Sport High

opportunity to keep our language and traditions alive.

School Seven Hills on Saturday mornings during

The Maltese language has a rich cultural history and

school term.




the Maltese islands are a well known popular holiday If you would like further information, please contact


the High School Maltese class teacher and Course In term 1 2015, our students learnt about ‘L-ISkola’.

Coordinator Mr Charles Galea on 9674 2970 or

We examined and talked about the items and objects

0400 485 239

which are found in the classroom, playground and around the school. We asked about and described some activities which students do at school.

High school students in years 7-12 currently have the opportunity to study Maltese and sit for the NSW Higher School Certificate with Maltese as a subject.

Students also learnt about the ‘Karnival’ an old

This is a recognised and valid certification provided by


times which is

the NSW Department of Education and Communities.

celebrated in Malta and Gozo in February each year.

Universities may award students extra credit points

Students recognised the link between culture and a

towards their ATAR, thus rewarding them for the extra

sense of identity. They examined the way people

studies students have shown a commitment to in their

celebrate ‘Il-Karnival’, the cities where it is celebrated

school years.

dating back to Medieval

and the reason why it is celebrated. Students also learnt a rhyme about a ‘Nannakola’ (ladybird) and a

Mrs Jane Borg - Principal

song titled ‘Fil-basket tal-Iskola’ (In my school bag).

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Issue 2

Term 2, 2015

The last lesson of term 1 2015 featured an Easter segment, where children learnt about how Easter in Malta is celebrated in comparison to Easter in Australia. Children at the Ringrose campus also concluded the lesson with a small end of term and Easter celebration with different foods including pastizzi, biscuits, Easter eggs and hot cross buns courtesy of teacher Dorothy,

We look forward to having a great term 2. The unit of

parent Alison and adult student Michelle. Celebrating

study is ‘Id –Djar’ (Houses). In this topic, children will learn

traditions by sharing festive food is always a good way

to describe and speak about items and objects within the

to end the term.

home, their purpose and to speak about where they live. There is a focus on identifying masculine and feminine nouns with appropriate verbs, for example: Fil-kamra tassodda norqod (I sleep in the bedroom). Fil-kamra tal-banju ninħasel (I wash myself in the bathroom).

Mrs Anna Cuschieri





10 May

Enrolment & First lesson Term 2 Jum L-Omm Mother’s Day


7 June Sette Ġiugno Malta National holiday. th In memory of victims of the bread riots 7 June 1919 th


7 -9 June th

27 June

Għana Fest Floriana Malta Last lesson T 2 & Student Reports


28 -29th June Imnarja: Feast St Peter & Paul Malta th July 5 Lejla, fil-Buskett (Night in Buskett) at Good Shepherd Parish, Hyatts rd Plumpton 9832 4461

At Skola Maltija Sydney we aim to provide stage appropriate classes of up to 15 students to ensure that students have more 1:1 time with the class teacher. We follow the Board of Studies Teaching & Educational Standards NSW Maltese K-10 syllabus, which is a mandatory requirement. Reports are issued for all students twice a year, and we encourage parents to hand in a copy of their child’s Maltese school report to the mainstream school, to ensure that their learning is recognised and valued.

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Issue 2

Term 2, 2015

Harmony Day was celebrated by high school students of the Saturday School of Community Languages, Seven Hills on the last lesson of term one March 28th. It proved to be a very enlightening and enjoyable morning for all on campus. Mr Charles Galea and his students joined hundreds of other language students from eight languages in a special festa of food, friendship and appreciation of the multicultural diversity of our school. It was an

Harmony Day Term 1 Seven Hills

amazing experience for our students. Our students chatted and tasted the food of other ethnic students and built bridges with other students. As a teacher of Maltese, I am always conscious of the cultural heritage of our language and take every opportunity to share it with other community groups. Our students were so happy to mix, chat and share the Maltese food that had been devoured as soon as it was laid on the table. Harmony Day was a great success because students see the world from a different perspective. They see


that in spite of differences, we are all the same beautiful human beings, ready to work together in the

The Imnarja is the Feast of St Peter & Paul, a major

exciting years to come. The students learn to

traditional feast (Festa kbira tradizzjonali fil-Gżejjer

appreciate each other for who they are. They see the

Maltin) celebrated on the Maltese Islands in June

beauty of each other's unique cultural heritage and

(28th to 29th) each year. The word Imnarja originates

look with mature eyes at the state of humanity in the

from ‘Luminarja’ which came from the Roman word,

most difficult parts of the world.

meaning a ‘celebration of light’. St Paul is especially

You can appreciate the resilience of these young

known as the father of the Maltese church when he

people,many of whom came from the most depressed

was shipwrecked in Malta in 60AD and preached on

parts of the world. Harmony Day provides a levelling

the Island for some months.The first church in Malta

field where the students can see the far and wide

was in fact built in his honour, in Rabat (where St Paul

horizons of the human experience and put in

lived and preached). St Peter was traditionally known

perspective their own culture existence in its true light.

as a founding Saint of the Catholic Church.

Mr Charles Galea – SSCL Maltese Teacher and Syllabus Coordinator

In Malta, the Feast of St Peter & Paul is celebrated by mass in the Cathedral of St Paul in Mdina and is

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Issue 2

Term 2, 2015

followed by a traditional picnic with rabbit stew, also

Expressions of interest in learning Maltese can also

known as Fenkata in the Buskett Gardens (Fil- Ġnien

be emailed to Skola Maltija Sydney:

tal Buskett). The celebration traditionally lasted into the early morning hours. Today at the feast in Buskett

[email protected] or by contacting class teachers directly on the following numbers :

there are a variety of food stalls displaying a culinary feast of Maltese traditional foods for the eating.The feast is also very popular amongst visitors to the Maltese Islands. The feast of St Peter & Paul is also celebrated in the town of Nadur, Għawdex (Gozo).

Miss Michelle Grima

0431 533 551

Mrs Jane Borg

0411 478 233

Mrs Pauline O’Brien

0414 822 861

Mrs Anna Cuschieri

0406 188 136

This celebration features a torch light procession from the church on the night before feast day. There is a ‘reading of the Bandu’ which is an official script that is read in public to open the celebration. The feast day also features a horse race, lots of food and Għana, which is the traditional Maltese singing in rhyming verse and there is much family fun. The Gozo celebration also has a race between boys and men (Ġirja għas-subien u l-irġiel). Mrs Anna Cuschieri

Skola Maltija Sydney, is a program of Akkademja Maltija ta’ NSW Inc. We are a not-for-profit organisation- dedicated professionals and educators who volunteer their time and services to run Skola Maltija Sydney. If you can help, either as a sponsor or as a volunteer please talk to one of our team members. Or if you have some ideas for this newsletter, please let us know. We thank you for your ongoing support and our generous sponsors who enable us to continue supporting our local community.

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Skola Maltija Sydney has classes at Rouse Hill

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Public School and Ringrose Public School at

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Greystanes. Classes are held each Saturday during school term from 1.15pm to 3.15pm. Enrolments for Term 2 are being accepted in the first lesson on the 2nd May from 12.30pm before class commences.

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