Oceans Scavenger Hunt Riddles Flipbook PDF

Oceans Scavenger Hunt Riddles

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Oceans Scavenger Hunt! 1. In the space below, draw three types of fish at the Zoo that call the Coral Reef home.

Conservation connection: Coral reefs are home to more than 25% of marine life, however many coral reefs are experiencing bleaching (stress related to warm waters). If the heat stress is not lessened soon enough, corals will die. Reduce your carbon footprint to help save the coral reefs!

2. Which fish is an invasive species in the Atlantic Ocean? _____________________________________________________________________________ Conservation connection: Always do your research before purchasing saltwater fish for your home aquarium. Captive breeding programs can be effective in reducing pressures on wild populations. Don’t release pet fish into the wild! This can be dangerous and lead to invasive species problems.

3. What animal cruises the ocean floor in search of clams? _____________________________________________________________________________ Conservation connection: Around 430 different species of rays patrol the world’s oceans, living in schools up to several thousand! Our species at the Indianapolis Zoo are native to Atlantic coastal waters, from New England to Brazil. Their population survives along the U.S. coast, but they are Near Threatened due to unregulated fishing practices in South America. Looking for seafood products that are sustainably sourced is one way to help rays!

4. There are more than 400 species of shark. Find and list the smallest and largest species of shark. Smallest: __________________________ Largest: __________________________________

Conservation connection: Recent estimates suggest that more than 100 million sharks are killed every year! Many are overfished for their fins (shark fin soup) and meat. Some are victims of bycatch by unsustainable fishing practices. Buying sustainable seafood can help sharks!

5. What ocean animal uses its tail to hang onto plants? _____________________________________________________________________________ Conservation connection: Seahorses are flagship species – or ambassadors – for the ocean and its environmental issues. Plastic that is thrown away eventually breaks down into tiny particles and finds its way into the marine food web. To help seahorses and other ocean life, limit single-use plastic products and always remember to recycle!

6. TRUE or FALSE: Coral reefs are only found in warm waters? Circle one:



Conservation connection: Corals get their vibrant colors from the hosted algae. However, coral reefs are in danger due to rising sea temperatures and coral bleaching events. Reducing the amount of energy we use by turning off electronics when not in use – like lights, TVs, computers, etc. – is one way to help coral reefs.

7. We share many resources, such as food and space with marine mammals (like sea lions and seals). How will you make a positive impact on ocean health? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. There are 18 species of penguins on Earth. Which three species of penguins live at the Indianapolis Zoo? _______________________, _______________________, and _________________________ Conservation connection: Even though all penguin species are found in the Southern Hemisphere, we can have a positive impact on penguin habitats. A penguin’s main diet consists of fish and many penguins rely on sea ice to catch fish. Buying sustainable seafood and reducing your carbon footprint can help penguins!

9. Everyone can make a difference. What is one simple thing that we can do to help keep the oceans (and the Earth) healthy? _____________________________________________________________________________ Conservation connection: By reducing the amount of carbon you are putting out into the atmosphere, you can reduce the blanket of greenhouse gasses trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. Every little bit helps!

To try our extra challenge, get back to the beginning. These rhymes will take you from the start to the ending. For this next portion, you might need to think harder. Read the clues to get a bit farther. 1. Flat like a pancake, I am mostly grey. Sharks are my friends. I am a ________________. Next to find is a friend of mine… 2. Green and long, I even might make you squeal. I have an extra set of jaws. I am a _________________. Not so far away, these predators stay… 3. Beautiful but deadly, I swim with a swish. I might not roar, but I’m called a ____________________. Take a dive to the deep, but we might be asleep… 4. We often hunt in packs, but I am not one to bark. My skin is soft and smooth. I am a ___________________. Find the tubes up ahead, to your next stop you will be lead… 5. I create the bright colors on the coral you see. We have a symbiotic relationship. I am the ______________________________. Where the fish thrive, the coral is alive… 6. I am the foundation of the reef. My color is quite floral. Some may think I am intelligent, for I am the ____________________. These next animals are fun! You’re almost done… 7. We play at the glass, and sunbathe on our islands. You might hear us bark. We are the _____________________________. It’s coming to an end. Let’s meet one more friend… 8. I have the longest beak, but I cannot grin. All dressed up, I am a _____________________.

Congratulations! You solved them, it’s true! Now have a fun night exploring the zoo!

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