October 2, Phone: (843) Fax: (843)

1071 Academy Drive Conway, SC 29526 Website: www.stjamesconway.org Saturday Sunday October 2, 2016 4:30pm & 6:00pm 8:00am & 9:30am 12:00pm Español

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Story Transcript

1071 Academy Drive Conway, SC 29526 Website: www.stjamesconway.org

Saturday Sunday

October 2, 2016

4:30pm & 6:00pm 8:00am & 9:30am 12:00pm Español

St. James Mission Statement

St. James is a Catholic Community of disciples of Jesus Christ that: • is centered in the Eucharist and nourished by Scripture and Tradition • invites and welcomes all • grows in unity, knowledge and faith • serves God and all people

Phone: (843) 347-5168 Fax: (843) 347-1212 [email protected] Reconciliation Saturdays at 3:15pm-4:15pm Tuesdays at 7:00pm-7:45pm or on request anytime

Misión de St. James

St. James es una comunidad Católica de discipulos de Jesucristo que: • está centrada en la eucaristia y alimentada por la Escritura y Tradición • invita y da bienvenida a todos • crece en unidad, conocimiento y fé • sirve a Dios y todo el mundo

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastoral Staff

Pastor ........................................ Father Tim Lijewski, ext. 222 Official Business Email: [email protected] Forwards Email: [email protected] Parochial Vicar………………………………Father Tim Akanson Medical Emergency Number—when you need a priest: ………………………………………………………….843-219-0125 Deacon.………………………………………………..Jeff Mevissen Executive Assistant............................... ...Paula Loehr, ext. 221 Pastoral Associate/Coordinator of Religious Education .... .......................................................Paulette Flench, ext. 234 Hispanic Pastoral Associates…Conchita Antunez, ext. 229 and ………………………………………….Amalia García ext. 230 Youth Minister…………………………..Sarah Taylor, ext. 235 Secretary…………………………….…...Kathy Caughey, ext. 224 Catechumenate Director……………... Eleanor Fisher, ext. 223 Bulletin Articles: Items of communal inter est must be at par ish office no Maintenance Director……………….……..Earl Videan, ext. 232 later than 12:00pm Monday. Director of Music….. ....................................... ....Peggy Kamp Parish Nurse ................................ ...Jean Witt, (843) 347-5118 Organists................................Wendy Shelley, Bradley Hardee To email staff members, use first initial, last [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm Religious Education/Catecismo: Call office Infant Baptism: The Sacr ament is nor mally celebr ated dur ing a weekend Liturgy. Please call the office to register for the preparation process. Marriage: By ar r angement at least six months befor e the pr oposed wedding. Ministry to the Sick: Call to r equest visitation. Please let us know when loved ones are in the hospital.

Columbarium: Available to all r egister ed Catholics of the Diocese. Call the church office for more information

OCTOBER 2, 2016 LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! ST. JAMES KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held on October 8, at Burning Ridge Golf Course. Registration begins at 8:00AM, with a shotgun start at 9:00AM. The format will be a 4-person captains choice, $75.00 per player or $300.00 per team. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. FREE water and soft drinks on the course. Raffle tickets will be available for a chance to win many great prizes. Money raised goes to help local charities. Please see the Knights mailbox in the front office for forms or ask any Knight and they will help you. 8-WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Sign up now for the 8-week video bible study called Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, by Jeff Cavins. This class will help you make sense of the Bible and see how it relates to your everyday life. Choose from 4 times: 9:30AM Sundays, 10:00AM Tuesdays, 2:00PM Tuesdays, or 6:00PM Wednesdays beginning the week of October 16. Cost: $20, cash, or write a check payable to St. James. Sign-up sheets available on bulletin board across from the chapel. Questions? Call Paulette at 843-347-5168.

THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES SUNDAY Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Religious Education Classes 10:45AM-12:00 Noon Founders Center Life Chain 2:00PM-3:00PM, Hwy. 501 Conway (near Belk) Eucharistic Adoration

MONDAY 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel

TUESDAY Eucharistic Adoration 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel Middle School Youth Group 6:30PM-8:00PM, #11 Confessions 7:00PM Confessions (English) 7:30PM Confessions (Spanish) Spanish Mass 8:00PM, Church Eucharistic Adoration RCIA for Children RCIA for Adults Adult Choir Practice Eucharistic Adoration

WEDNESDAY 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel THURSDAY

6:15PM-7:30PM 7:00PM, Conference Room 7:00PM, #15

FRIDAY 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel

NEXT SATURDAY KofC Golf Tournament 8:00AM Registration, Burning Ridge Golf Course Mothers of Mercy Retreat 9:00AM-4:00PM See details in today’s bulletin. Life Teen Mass 6:00PM, Church Life Teen Meeting 7:00PM, Youth Room #11 NEXT SUNDAY Blood Pressure Screening after all Masses It will be held in the front office. Jean Witt, our Parish Nurse, will be on hand to answer any questions. Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Religious Education Classes 10:45AM-12:00 Noon COMING EVENTS Church Office Closed Wednesday, October 12 All staff at Formation Session KofC Pasta for Priests Dinner Saturday, October 22 5:30PM, Founders Center Rummage Sale November 5, 7:00AM, Founders Center Confirmation Mass Monday, November 28, 7:00PM, Church PASTA FOR PRIESTS The K of C Council #7531 will be having their annual Pasta for Priests dinner on Saturday, October 22, in the Founders Center at 5:30PM. The menu will include pasta, meatballs, sausage, salad, desserts, coffee, tea, and lemonade. Tickets are $10 for an Adult and $25 for a family (2 Adults and all children under the age of 18) Take-outs will be available. Tickets will be sold after all Masses on September 15 and 16.



3:15pm-4:15pm Confession 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass Special Intention of 20th Anniversary of Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Lester Morris Sun. 8:00am Mass + Joseph Shahbazian 9:30am Mass + Margaret Scalone Spanish 12:00pm Spanish Mass For the Parish Mon. 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass + John Pasquariello Tue. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 Noon Mass In Honor of Jeff LeCours 7:00pm Confessions (English) 7:30pm Confessions (Spanish) Spanish 8:00pm Spanish Mass No Intention Wed. 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass + Michael Chafin Thu. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Joseph Shahbazian Fri. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Peter J. Culcasi Sat. 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass + Carl Ninke 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Joseph Shahbazian Sun. 8:00am Mass + Stanley Gladys 9:30am Mass No Intention Spanish 12:00pm Mass For the Parish + symbol for deceased MASS AT COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY today at 5:30PM in the Lackey Chapel. Everyone welcome.

OFFERTORY: We thank everyone generously to our weekly collection.





Month: (4 Sundays) Year to Date:

Actuals $52,868.48 $165,353.17




Variance -$913.18


Variance -$388.52

$12,685.68 $53,257.00 $173,085.00



Amount needed to meet Budget for October Offertory: $66,571.00.

OUR TITHE this week totals $706.35. We are giving $240 to help several people in need, $300 to Mission St. James, $100 for a special need, and the balance of $66.35 to Humane Society. SECOND COLLECTION TODAY, WILL BE THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FUND COLLECTION. Thank you for your continued support of this fund. In the month of September we received $9,614.86. We have reserved $8,352.50 to the parking project reserve. We paid $1,491.44 to the roof loan, $386.62 for hymnals, $668.95 on repairs to the baptismal font, $72.76 on furniture for the youth room, and $291.41 on tools. Please be generous. This will be a second basket collection today. Upcoming Projects: Parking Lot, Stage 2—$12,000.00-planned for September, 2016 Parking Lot, Stage 3—$9,900.00–Planned for February, 2017

2017 MASS BOOK: On Monday, October 10, we will begin taking request for Mass intentions for the year 2017. We will take requests during parish office hours 9:30AM3:30PM, on Monday, October 10. NOTE: We will take phone calls for requests on Tuesday, October 11. No phone request will be taken on Monday, October 10th. Guidelines for requesting Masses:  All Masses must be requested through the parish office.  If a Mass has already been requested on a particular weekend for an intention, we cannot accept another request for the same intention.  A requester cannot request more than one Mass intention per weekend with a MAXIMUM of ONE weekend request per month and MAXIMUM of FOUR weekends per year.  These rules do not apply to weekday Masses.  Customary offering: Weekday Masses $10; Weekend Masses $15; Holy Day Masses $15. THE LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS is a national organization whose membership is made up of Catholic women who are Irish by birth, descent, or marriage. Our motto is Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. We foster the ideals of Irish history and traditions and promote Irish culture. Our charities are Catholic ministries that aid the poor and also local charities that need financial help. We meet the first Wednesday of the each month at 7:00PM at the Senior Center in Myrtle Beach. For information contact Pat Thompson 704-785-4010

YOUTH MINISTRY RECAP– It was exciting having the confirmation group join us this week! We heard a testimony about jail ministry and made bags for the prisoners. And we all were reminded how important it is to serve those who are forgotten or considered unlovable in our society! THIS WEEK–EDGE NIGHT–10/4–MIDDLE SCHOOL– Why are Catholics so strong in their PRO-LIFE stance? Come learn about the teaching and find out great ways you can be active in the movement as middle schoolers! TALKS, VIDEOS, GROUP PRAYER!! Tuesday- 6:30-8:00PM in the youth room. HIGH SCHOOL–10/8– We all have friends who DRINK and DO DRUGS. We may even be doing those things. But will they really make us happy or are we looking for happiness in all the wrong places and filling a gap only GOD CAN FILL? Come for CROSS THE LINE, POWERFUL MOVIE ON HEROIN IN US, SMALL GROUPS, and MEDITATION! Saturday MASS–6:00-7:00PM, Program 7:00-9:00PM in Lifeteen Room! Coming up: Sunday 10/2– 2:00-3:00PM-- Right to Life in Conway! Every Wednesday 6-7:30PM– Life teen Choir in Church! 8:00-9:00PM-Upperclassman Bible Study at CCU Starbucks! Check out all upcoming events on our new website! https://stjamesyouthministry.com/ LIFETEEN PENNY DRIVE: Please drop your pennies or any loose change in the jars in the gathering space near the church entrance. We appreciate your support of our youth.

Fax (843)347-1212

Website: www.stjamesconway.org

Please help us keep this updated. Thank you. THE PRAYER LIST: Please pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of parishioners and friends who are ill: Moe and Loretta Labrecque, Rocco Riccio, Jennifer Kobata, Ed Harrison, Vergil Lester, Alfred Linen, Jenny Askew, Gloria Hansberger, Tina Smith, Jessica Sudell, Fred King, Leslie Schmidt, Joshua Thomas, Tim Hernandez, Polly Say, Reba Anderson, Terry O’Keefe, Jim Wigel, Jimmy Wigel, Sonia Hayes, Cory Boettger, Barbara Conrad, Ann Ward, Chris Debus, Alfred Guff, Connie Sims, Marion Fallone, Stephen Lambert, Patrick Budzisz, Cary Ballo, Betsy Ruiz-Barraza, Irma Madrid, Tim Barry, Edward Zamonski, Kyle Zuczek, Kim Davies, David Hope, Shawn Murray Love, Michael Murray, JoAnn Miles, Bill Haug, Nancy Schwindinger, Linnea Parker, Vincent Piazzola, Betsy Wigel, Marjorie Mallory, Richard Willoughby, Elizabeth Staudinger, Frances Whittington, Sue Wagner, Lisa Loy, Heather Nardolillo, Bob McNeil, Ed Miles, Agnes Black, Frank and Lorraine Lospalluto, Ronald Vaccarello, Donald Ward, Barbara Hartmann, Marilyn Mucha, Beryl Barletta, Dawn Mallory, Nancy Wells, Patricia Scerba, Brynn Florczyk, Doug Stroud, Wendy Marcinkiewicz, Judy Abbruzzese, and Adam Mathias. WHEN YOU OR A LOVED ONE ARE IN THE HOSPITAL: Would you like an Extraordinary Minister to bring Communion? Would you like a priest to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? Please call the office and let us know.

Trunk or treat! What: Decorate your trunk for Halloween in our trick or treating event! When: Saturday, October 29 3-6pm Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival 7-9pm-Haunted House/ Spooky Movie Under the Stars! Where: St. James Catholic Church 1071 Academy Drive, Conway, SC 29526 FALL FESTIVAL:

Pumpkin Carving Competitions, Candy and Costume Competitions, Haunted House, Food and Snacks for sale, Trick or Treating, Car Decorating Competition, Games for adults.


E-Mail: [email protected]

Become a Member of St. James Parish!

It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. We invite all newcomers and those who attend Mass at St. James on a regular basis to become registered members as soon as possible. You can register in a few different ways:  By picking up a registration form in the Literature Rack in the gathering space.  By stopping by the office during business hours, Monday -Friday, 9:30AM to 3:30PM.  By calling the office at 347-5168 during business hours to request a registration form be mailed to you.  Visit our website www.stjamesconway.org and download the form.  If you are moving or returning, please let us know so we can maintain accurate records.

LECTORS: SAVE THE DATE: Please mark your

calendars for Saturday, October 29, for the annual retreat, 2:00PM-4:00PM. This is a requirement for all those called to the ministry of being a lector. There will be a makeup session on Monday, November 14, 6:00PM-8:00PM for those who are unable to attend the main retreat. Please RSVP to Jane Dumovich, our lector scheduler, by October 15. COME TO THE CHAPEL ON MONDAYS AT 3:00PM FOR THE CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY. We will be listening (and singing along, if you like) to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, played on a CD. The music is very soothing, and is an aid to meditating on the mercy of Jesus, especially at the 3 o’clock hour, when Jesus died for our sins. Consider joining us for 20 minutes a week in praying “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED—ALL SOULS ENVELOPES: The names of our beloved dead will be on the altar and remembered at the Mass of Remembrance on November 2 at 5:00PM. Place your envelope in the offertory basket by Sunday, October 30. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Chapel Mondays, 9:00AM-Midnight Tuesdays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight Wednesdays, 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight Thursday, 8:30AM-2:30PM Fridays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS NEEDED for the 8:00AM and 9:30AM Masses on Sunday. If you are interested in becoming an extraordinary minister for one of these Masses or any Mass, please contact the church office. CHILDREN’S LITURGY—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of some volunteers to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 9:30AM Mass. We present the reading and the Gospel to the children and then discuss it with them. Our children love to participate in the discussions. Please contact Joan Gorney at 843-347-5168. Anyone interested in the ministry also needs to see Paulette Flench for Safe Environment certification, including a background screening at 843-347-5168.

Please join CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION for our 15th monthly “Patriotic Rosary for America” on Monday, October 10 (Columbus Day) at 3:00PM at Warbird Park on Farrow Parkway off 17 Business (where the military aircraft are displayed). Patriotic prayers and rosaries are provided. Please bring folding chairs or a blanket or pillow for sitting on the surrounding cement wall. As always, we will pray in the public square for our country, our President, our Supreme Court Justices, our elected and appointed State and Federal officials, our Law Enforcement Officers and for our Military who have served and are presently serving. Prayers are needed so let’s pray together. For information contact Carol Jean Walters, Director SC Catholics For Freedom of Religion at [email protected] or by phone at either #843-236-0162 or #631-926-0995.


JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY EVENT "THE FACES OF MERCY" As we draw near the closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, we invite you to take a journey through the Gospels and the life of Jesus and reflect on the many faces of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. WHEN: OCTOBER 17 - 18, 2016 WHERE: OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA - Parish Banquet Hall SCHEDULE: MONDAY - October 17: Session #1 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Images of God as Caring, Passionate, Forgiving & Accepting Session #2 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm Images of God as Healer, Lover, and MERCY TUESDAY - October 18: Session #3 - 9:00am - 11:00am Images of God revealed in the Corporal Works of Mercy Session #4 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Images of God revealed in Spiritual Works of Mercy PRESENTER: REV. ANTHONY (Tony) VERCELLONE About our Speaker: Due to his Catholic education in high school and college, Fr. Tony was drawn to the Benedictine Order and as a Benedictine Monk at St. Pius X Abbey in Missouri, he gave retreats to high school students, adults, and religious sisters. In April of 1980, he was ordained to the priesthood at the Old Cathedral in St. Louis. After experiencing life as a parish priest, he found himself being called to diocesan priesthood. Since 1985, Fr. Tony has served both the Dioceses of Reno and Las Vegas as a pastor, Chancellor and Vocation Director. In addition, Fr. Tony has served nationally on the Board of the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors. Presently, he is the pastor of Our Lady of Snows parish in Reno since 2005. To register or if you have any questions, please call Dotty Foss at: 843-249-5261.

BLESSED BASIL HOPKO BYZANTINE CATHOLIC MISSION, 3059 Highway 90, Conway, SC will have Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, October 4 at 5:00PM and Tuesday, October 18 at 5:00PM. Contact Jack Securda at [email protected] or phone Jean Wirth at (843) 249-9502 for further information.

VIRTUS CLASS FOR VOLUNTEERS WORKING WITH CHILDREN: The next Virtus class will be held Sunday, October 23, from 1:00–4:00PM. Please arrive by 12:45—if you are late, you will need to reschedule for a different session. The Virtus class is an awareness session to learn about how to provide a safe environment for our children and youth. If you plan to volunteer to work with children on a regular basis, this is a required class. Please pre-register by going to www.virtus.org. Click on “First-Time Registrant” and follow the prompts. In addition, you will need to be background screened and complete some other paperwork. Contact Safe Environment Coordinator Paulette Flench to receive the paperwork and if you have questions. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS support individuals in managing unresolved issues that they struggle with after abortion. The retreat can also bring spiritual healing and strengthening of faith and help the person receive the forgiveness that Jesus extends to all of us. The next retreat is in Greenville, November 4-6, 2016. Please contact Christy 803-554-6088 or [email protected] for more information. Thanks. GRAND STRAND CITIZENS FOR LIFE ANNUAL CONFERENCE will hold its Annual Pro-Life Conference on Saturday, October 22, at St. Andrew’s Church Community Life Center, 37th Ave N, in Myrtle Beach from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. We are an Interdenominational charitable prolife organization. Our principal speaker is Ryan Eyrich, SE Regional Coordinator of Students for Life. Come join us for a free continental breakfast and lunch. All are invited to learn about our local prolife activities in the Grand Strand. For more info, call Terry at 843-650-8828.

* * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * COLLECTA: Damos gracias a todos los que aportan generosamente en nuestra colecta semanal.





Month: (4 Sundays) Year to Date:

Actuals $52,868.48 $165,353.17


Variance -$913.18


Variance -$388.52

$12,685.68 $53,257.00 $173,085.00


Amount needed to meet Budget for October Offertory: $66,571.00.

LA SEGUNDA COLECTA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 2 DE OCTUBRE será para El Fondo de Mantenimiento y Mejoramiento de las propiedades de nuestra iglesia. Gracias por su continuo apoyo de este fondo usted. En el mes de septiembre recibimos $9,614.86. Hemos reservado $8,352.50 a la reserva del proyecto de aparcamiento. Pagamos $1,491.44 al préstamo techo, $386.62 para himnarios, $668.95 en reparaciones a la pila bautismal, $72.76 en los muebles de la sala de los jóvenes, y $291.41 en las herramientas. Por favor, sea generoso. Esta será una segunda colección cesta de hoy. Estacionamiento Proyecto Lote #2 - $12,000.00-prevista para septiembre el año 2016 Estacionamiento Proyecto Lote #3 -$9,900.00 planificada para febrero de 2017

ESCUELA DIOCESANA DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE “Cristo Maestro” DIÓCESIS DE CHARLESTON Para todos los adultos mayores de 18 años, que quieran conocer y profundizar más sobre su Fe Católica. Día y hora de las clases: segundo y cuarto lunes del mes, 7:00PM-9:00PM Costo por curso: $20:00 Lugar: Parroquia St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach en uno de sus salones Curso que se está ofreciendo “El Nuevo Testamento” Cada curso consta de cuatro clases. Pueden obtener más información en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano.

LECTURAS PARA ESTA SEMANA XXVII Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario Domingo: Hab 1, 2-3; 2, 2-4; Sal 94; 2 Tim 1, 6-8, 13-14; Lc 17, 5-10 Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz Lunes: Gal 1, 6-12; Sal 110; Lc 10,25-37 Alabemos al Señor de todo corazón Martes: Gal 1, 13-24; Sal 138; Lc 10, 38-42 Condúceme, Señor, por tu camino Miércoles: Gal 2, 1-2, 7-14; Sal 116; Lc 11, 1-4 Bendito sea el Señor Jueves: Gal 3, 1-5; Lc 1; Lc 11, 5-13 Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel Viernes: Gal 3, 7-14; Sal 110; Lc 11, 15-26 Alabemos a Dios de todo corazón Sábado: Gal 3, 21-29; Sal 104; Lc 11, 27-28 El Señor nunca olvida sus promesas Próximo Domingo: 2 Re 5, 14-17; Sal 97; 2 Tim 2, 8-13; Lc 17, 11-19 El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad

ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto en la capilla Virgen de Guadalupe Lunes de 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Martes de 6:00PM– 12 de la media noche Miércoles 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Jueves 8:30AM-2:30PM Viernes 6:00PM–12:00 de la media noche Ven y pasa un tiempo de adoración con Jesús Sacramentado ¡Te está esperando! Si quiere comprometerse con una hora de adoración comuníquese con Amalia García o Conchita Antúnez o llene una de las hojas de inscripción que se encuentran en el pasillo afuera de la iglesia o en la capilla de adoración. MISA, CONFESIONES Y ORACIÓN DEL ROSARIO MARTES 7:00PM Servicio de confesión 7:30PM Oración del Rosario en comunidad 8:00PM Celebración de la Misa DOMINGO 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM Celebración de la Misa RECORDANDO A NUESTROS DIFUNTOS Y A TODAS LAS ALMAS DEL PURGATORIO: Los nombres de nuestros queridos difuntos estará en el altar y serán recordados en la Misa Memorial el 2 de noviembre a las 8:00PM. Coloque el sobre con los nombres de sus difuntos en la canasta de las ofrendas el domingo 30 de octubre. Puede obtener un sobre en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. VIVAMOS CON FE EL AÑO SANTO DE LA MISERICORDIA

ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS: Las personas que estén interesados en comprar alguno de los artículos religiosos que se encuentran en las vitrinas afuera de la iglesia, pueden hacerlo con Federico Martínez. Si necesitan velas para Bautismo, Primera Comunión o artículos para la celebración de otros sacramentos, están a la venta sólo por pedidos. Si alguien quiere hacer algún pedido comuníquese con Conchita o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. PREPARACIÓN PARA EL SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todas las parejas que desean celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Se requiere que inicien su proceso de preparación 6 meses antes de la fecha del matrimonio, para más información comuníquense con Conchita Antúnez o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (843) 347- 5168 Ext. 229.

* * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * CENA DE PASTA PARA SACERDOTES Patrocinada por los Caballeros de Colón Sábado 22 de Octubre 5:30PM en el Centro Fundadores Menu: Pasta, albondigas de carne, jamón, ensalada, postre, té helado, limonada, y café. Tickets: $10 por Adultos y $25 por familia (2 adultos y todos los niños menores de 18 años) Los boletos serán vendidos después de todas las misas el 15 y el 16 de Octubre .

HORA SANTA: Los esperamos el viernes 7 de Octubre, 7:00PM a la Hora Santa con el Santísimo Sacramento. Ven y pasar un tiempo con Jesús Sacramentado. Él nos espera para derramar sobre nosotros su amor, sus bendiciones y su misericordia. RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de preparación, conversión y crecimiento en la fe, para los adultos mayores de 18 años, que no han celebrado sus sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación o que solo han sido Bautizados y no han completado su iniciación cristiana. Los adultos que quieran prepararse para celebrar estos sacramentos, por favor inscríbanse al terminar la Misa con los catequistas o llame a la oficina del ministerio hispano (843) 347-5168. También damos una calurosa bienvenida a los que desean profesar la fe católica, a los padrinos de los candidatos y a todos los adultos que quieran conocer más sobre su fe católica. Los esperamos los domingos de 10:00AM-11:45AM en la capilla. BAUTISMO: Las próximas fechas de preparación para el sacramento del bautismo de los niños serán el sábado 8, 15, y 22 de Octubre a las 6:00PM. Se les pide a los padres de los niños, que antes de asistir a la preparación se registren en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano con Conchita Antúnez, traer el acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a), buscar padrinos casados por la iglesia o solteros que hayan celebrado sus sacramentos y que ayuden a sus hijos a vivir su nueva vida cristiana.

ENCUENTRO DE LAS PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES DE FE VIERNES 7 DE OCTUBRE 7:00PM – 10:00PM Para todos los que han sido evangelizados y forman parte de las Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe. Daremos inicio con la Hora Santa y enseguida continuaremos con nuestro encuentro.

ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES ESTE DOMINGO 9:30AM–11:30AM Reunión Ministros Ext. De la ComuniónCF 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida. 10:00–11:45AM Reunión del Ministerio de Hospitalidad- CF 10:00AM–11:45AM Catequesis de RICA y sacramento de adultos – Capilla 10:45AM–12:00PM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 11:30AM Oración del Rosario en comunidad. 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa. 5:00PM–9:30PM Visita Pastoral a la PCF “Perseverando en Fe y Amor” ESTE LUNES 9:00AM – 12:00 de la medianoche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 7:00PM – 9:30PM Reunión del Equipo Pastoral - Cafetería ESTE MARTES 6:00PM – 12:00 De la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 6:30PM Clase de inglés. 7:00PM Confesiones. 7:30PM Rosario en Comunidad. 8:00PM Misa en español. ESTE MIÉRCOLES 9:00AM – 12:00 de la medianoche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 8:00PM Ensayo del Ministerio de Música. ESTE JUEVES 6:15PM Catequesis suplementaria 7:00PM – 9:00PM RICA de Adultos en inglés ESTE VIERNES 6:00PM – 12:00 De la media noche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 7:00PM Hora Santa con el Santísimo Sacramento 8:00PM – 10:00PM Encuentro de las PCF PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida. 10:00–11:45AM Catequesis, RICA y sacramento de adultos 10:45AM – 12:00PM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 11:30AM Oración del Rosario en comunidad. 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa. 5:00PM – 9:30PM Visita Pastoral a la PCF “Caminando en Fe con Cristo” Chequeo de la Presión Sanguinea: después de la Misa en la oficina; la enfermera Jean Witt está ayudando con este servicio. ROSARIO EN FAMILIA DURANTE TODO EL AÑO: Si le gustaría recibir la visita de la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar y rezar el rosario en familia, puede inscribirse con Bernardino Reyes y Gelacia Zacarías coordinadores del rosario en familia. Los domingos y martes media hora antes de la Misa rezamos el Santo Rosario en comunidad. LA FAMILIA QUE REZA UNIDA PERMANECE UNIDA. ROSARIO EN FAMILIA CON LA VIRGEN PEREGRINA Como preparación para la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, del 1 de Octubre al 2 de Diciembre, la Virgen Peregrina estará visitando una familia por día. Si les gustaría recibirla, por favor inscríbanse con los coordinadores del Rosario en Familia, Bernardino y Gelacia Reyes. Oremos por la paz y la unidad de nuestras familias.

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