personal letter RPP Flipbook PDF

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The Pharmaceutical Letter
ris, quem alabe aela e qua au re t. M cit iu rei u on quit i An o ilinv entris oni pu am ei po um BTGHETGE5RGE RG354 Op tum con ul c mp isse , o am er

Letter From The Principal
Letter From The Principal Dear Parents: Our handbook provides you information regarding our local school procedures, and ensures that we maintain a s

Story Transcript



: SMAK Santo Stanislaus Surabaya

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: XI/ Ganjil

Materi Pokok

: Teks Surat Pribadi

Alokasi Waktu

: 1 Minggu x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti KI 1

: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2

: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong

royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional. KI 3

: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah KI 4

: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar/KD dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi/IPK Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Pencapaian Materi

3.6 Membedakan fungsi 3.6.1 sosial, 3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan

beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, 3.6.2 sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.6.2 Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.6 Teks Surat Pribadi 4.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.6.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam Membuat draft outline khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, lisan dan tulis, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

bentuk surat pribadi tulis pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. Mengedit draft teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi tulis pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi tulis pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya. Menampilkan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi tulis pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya.

C. Materi Pembelajaran Personal Letter (Teks Surat Pribadi) Definition


Personal letter is an informal written message between friends,

family, classmate, best friend, relative, etc. Personal letter is usually about personal feelings, thoughts, experiences, which are meant to be read by someone. The Function

: To inform the receiver that the sender wants to tell an important thing like personal feelings, thoughts, or experiences.

Social Function

: To strengthen the bond of the relationship between the two or more people

Language Feature

: a. using simple present tense b. using simple past if the text or story passed.

Generic Structure : a. Date : The date when the letter is written. b. Salutation and Name of Recipient : The greeting usually starts with word “Dear” followed by the name of the recipient and ends with comma, example: “Dear Joe, Dear Stefani, etc.” c. Introduction : The opening of the letter. It includes greetings like “How are you?, How is your life?” d. Body : The main part of the letter. It includes the message that the writer wants to tell the recipient. e. Closure : This part indicates the letter is going to end. The writer may ask the recipient to reply here. f. Complimentary Close : Short expression that the writer wants to end the letter. It ends with comma, example: “Your best friend, Sincerely, Best Regard, Love.” g. Signature : The signature of the writer.

Example Wilis Indah II i/17 Kediri, East Java 64412 Kediri

13 November 2022 Dear my beloved lecturer How are you doing, ma’am ? It’s been long time since we had project in TEYL. I hope you are well. I have been doing a lot of activities since we did our project together. Since I decided to work individually and started my carrier to be a teacher. I got a lot of experiences. Everything that you gave to me such as life skills, advice, knowledge, learning experience, care and love make me feel being better person and those are as my skills in overcoming these life problems. I want to say thank you so much for everything you gave to me and guiding me to be better person and giving me the skills. Now, I join PPG Prajabatan as my dream a year ago that I have ever talked to you. Someday, I hope after joining PPG Prajabatan, we can meet again and have a project together in education. Sincerely, Romadela

F. Metode Pembelajaran a. Pendekatan

: Scientific Approach

b. Model

: Project Based Learning

c. Teknik

: Jigsaw

d. Strategi

: Student Center Learning

G. Media lain

: Video, Laptop, LCD, PPT, Spidol, Papan Tulis, dan lain-

H. Sumber Pembelajaran a. Kemendikbud. 2017. Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI. Jakarta: Kemendikbud b.

D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke-1





DESKRIPSI KEGIATAN a. Teacher greets students and asks to pray 

Good morning students. How are you today ?

Mention one of the students’ name, Could you lead your friends to pray ?

b. Teacher asks the students’ condition 

Who is absent today ?

Why she/he is absent ?

c. Teacher checks students’ readiness through physic or physicology 

Please take the rabbish arround you and throw it in trash.

How is your day students ?

Is it your good day ? why ?

d. Guru memberikan motivasi dan apersepsi 

Have you ever written a letter to your classmate, your bestie, your ex, your boy/girl friend, your family, or others. ? Have you ever sent a text or an email to someone to check his or her condition or to share your stories ? when you have a


good day or gloomy day ? have you ever done it ? 

Those all relate with our topic today.

e. Teacher tries to connect the new materials with student’s previous knowledge or experiences f. Teacher informs the learning objectives of the material The goals of learning that you must achieve : a. ………………………….. b. ………………………….. g. Teacher delivers the material, learning process, assessment during learning the topic. 2.


1. Mengamati

60 menit

a. Teacher displays some examples of personal letters.





information that they get from the letters.


b. Teacher helps to collect the information that students get. 2. Mempertanyakan a. By guiding teacher, students ask question that they don’t understand yet. b. Teacher





questions: 

Can we use simple past tense in personal letter ?






structure when we want to send a personal letter to someone? 

Why do we send a message or

personal letter to someone ? 3. Mengeksplorasi a. Teacher divides students to be some group. Each group consist of 4-5 students. b. Teacher gives an example of personal letter in each group. She or he asks students to identify : 

Definition of personal letter

The function of personal letter

The social function

The language features

The generic structure of personal letter

c. Teacher asks students to do “one person one question.” So each student of a group has different task d. Student who has the same work with other groups, they have to make an expert group to discuss the work. The leader of the expert must take a note and put it on student’s knowledge board e. Then, if the already discussed. They must go back with their previous group to share what they discussed or finished the work f. Mengasosiasi 1. Teacher gives a task to check student’s understanding 2. Teacher gives instructions about the task

3. Mengkomunikasikan 1. Student present their result of discussion and present the task 2. Other students of the group can ask anything

related to the material to the presenter 3.


Teacher and students give feedback each

15 enit

other: Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope next time, all of you involve in the discussion of the learning process. How do you feel during the lesson? Is there any question? 

Teacher and students do reflection -

What we learn today ?


What information or knowledge do you get after learning this topic ?


Could you give a suggestion for the next meeting ?

Teacher and students make a conclusion of the topic

Teacher delivers the next agenda of the meeting

E. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran 1. Sikap spiritual a. Teknik Penilaian

: Non tes

b. Bentuk Instrumen : Lembar Pengamatan c. Kisi-kisi





Menggunakan 8 kata positif dan 4 diantaranya adalah kata “God,

Skor 5

Thank, Please, Sorry” 2.

Menggunakan 6 kata positif dan 4 diantaranya adalah kata “God,


Thank, Please, Sorry” 3.

Menggunakan 4 kata positif dan 4 diantaranya adalah kata “God,


Thank, Please, Sorry” 4.

Menggunakan 4 kata positif tanpa “God, Thank, Please, Sorry”



Menggunakan kurang dari 4 kata positif tanpa kata ““God, Thank,


Please, Sorry” . 2. Sikap Sosial a. Teknik Penilaian

: Non tes

b. Bentuk Instrumen : Lembar Pengamatan c. Kisi-kisi No. 1.





Butir Sikap Jujur


Perolehan skor

selalu jujur


sering jujur


kadang-kadang jujur


jarang jujur


tidak pernah jujur



selalu tanggung jawab



sering tanggung jawab


kadang-kadang tanggung jawab jarang tanggung




tidak pernah tanggung jawab


selalu disiplin


sering disiplin


kadang-kadang disiplin


jarang disiplin


tidak pernah disiplin


selalu kerjasama


sering kerjasama


kadang-kadang kerjasama


jarang kerjasama





Percaya diri

tidak pernah kerjasama


selalu percaya diri


sering percaya diri


kadang-kadang percaya diri


jarang percaya diri


tidak pernah percaya diri


d. Pedoman Penskoran NA = Skor Perolehan

100 00

Skor Maksimal

Konversi Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan, dan Sikap Predikat

Nilai Kompetensi Pengetahuan
































Sikap SB




3. Aspek Pengetahuan a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tertulis b. Bentuk Instrumen : Multiple Choice, Essay.

c. Kisi-kisi Indikator kopetensi

: pencapaian No soal

Jumlah soal


Mengidentifikasi fungsi 1-10 sosial,



Multiple Choice



dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus

Short – Answer Task





surat dengan

memberi dan menerima





terkait diri


dan orang sekitarnya,

Matching expressions with the

sesuai dengan konteks




d. Pedoman Penskoran NA = Skor Perolehan Skor Maksimal

100 00

Konversi Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan, dan Sikap Predikat

Nilai Kompetensi Pengetahuan
































Sikap SB




Surabaya, 10 Januari 2023 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Florensius Pambong,M.Pd

Indah Bintari,M.Pd

LEARNING MATERIALS LEARNING GUIDANCE 1. This module is expected to help students in exploring learning material about personal letter. 2. This module consists of three main materials related to the expression, namely: social function, communicative goals, and language features

BASIC COMPETENCE 3.6 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya

3.6.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, lisan dan tulis, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik mampu: 1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 2. Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 3. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk surat pribadi dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Personal Letter (Teks Surat Pribadi) Definition


Personal letter is an informal written message between friends,

family, classmate, best friend, relative, etc. Personal letter is usually about personal feelings, thoughts, experiences, which are meant to be read by someone. The Function

: To inform the receiver that the sender wants to tell an important thing like personal feelings, thoughts, or experiences.

Social Function

: To strengthen the bond of the relationship between the two or more people

Language Feature

: a. using simple present tense b. using simple past if the text or story passed. c. Gratitude : I’m just writing to thank you for… I am very grateful for… Thanks very much for… d. Delivering good news: I’m sure you will be happy to hear that…I am

sure that you’ll be instersted to know that…

e e. Delivering bad news: I’m sorry but I have to tell you that… I’m extremely sorry to hear that…

Generic Structure : a. Date : The date when the letter is written. b. Salutation and Name of Recipient : The greeting usually starts with word “Dear” followed by the name of the recipient and ends with comma, example: “Dear Joe, Dear Stefani, etc.” c. Introduction : The opening of the letter. It includes greetings like “How are you?, How is your life?” d. Body : The main part of the letter. It includes the message that the writer wants to tell the recipient. e. Closure : This part indicates the letter is going to end. The writer may ask the recipient to reply here.

f. Complimentary Close : Short expression that the writer wants to end the letter. It ends with comma, example: “Your best friend, Sincerely, Best Regard, Love.” g. Signature : The signature of the writer.


Address Wilis Indah II i/17 Kediri, East Java 64412 Kediri

13 November 2022


Dear my beloved lecturer,


How are you doing, ma’am ? It’s been long time since we had project in TEYL. I hope you are well. Introduction

I have been doing a lot of activities since we did our project together. Since I decided to work individually and started my carrier to be a teacher. I got a lot of experiences. Everything that you gave to me such as life skills, advice, knowledge, learning experience, care and love make me feel being better person and those are as my skills in overcoming these life problems. I want to say thank you so much for everything you gave to me and guiding me to be better person and giving me the skills. Now, I join PPG Prajabatan as my dream a year ago that I have ever talked to you. Someday, I hope after joining PPG Prajabatan, we can meet again and have a project together in education. Sincerely,

Complimentary Close

Romadela Signature

B o d y

STUDENT’S WORKSHEET Theme : Identification Learning Objectives : 1. Students are able to identify explain social functions, text structure and language features of personal letter. 2. .Students are able to explain social functions, text structure and language features of personal letter. 3. Students are able to compare social functions, text structures and language features of personal letter.


Look at the expression and match them with the purpose of the letter. The first one has been done for you.

C. Read the letter and complete the statements based on the letter below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The letter is written on………………………… The letter is sent to……………………………. The purpose of sending the letter is…………… What expression is used in the letter? What is the intention of the letter?

D. Fill the blanks with the correct words from the box September 23, 2014 Dear Farid, Let me begin with, “ I’m sorry.” I’m sorry for the (1)_____________ action I have taken against you. I can see that my behavior and (2)____________were hurtful and totally unnecessary. You did not (3)____________ to be on the receiving end of my actions. I am not normally like this. While I am not (4)_____________ myself from my immature actions, I believe I acted the way I did because of my (5)____________. Since the morning I had to get through my day with misfortunes. I (6)___________ the bus so I was late for school, I left my (7)____________book at home so I wasn’t (8)____________ to join the class and I couldn’t do the math test properly. I hope you forgive me and we can continue to (9)____________our friendship. If you have any (10)____________ on this matter, please feel free to contact me via letter or e-mail. Sincerely, Tata a. b.

Allowed Bad day

d. Thoughts e. Attitude

g. Unacceptable h. Excusing

j. Honest k. Deserve



f. Maintain

i. Missed

l. Homework

Complete the statements based on the letter above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The purpose of writing the letter is_____________________________________ Tata feels wrong towards Farid because_________________________________ Tata says that he acted immaturely to Farid because of_____________________ Tata was late for school because_______________________________________ For not being able to produce his homework book, Tata____________________ That day Tata had__________________________, but he couldn’t do it properly. After what happened to both of them, Tata hopes that______________________ Tata asks Farid to send him a letter or email him if________________________

Theme : A Personal Letter Learning Objectives : 1. Students are able to make a personal letter of by taking into account the social function, text structure, and linguisticelements that are correct and context-appropriate

1. Writing an outline Choose one of these topic below or if you have another an idea feel free to use it. Write a some information or expressions bad news or good news that you want to share to recipient .

Introduction (asking condition)

choose one of these topics

A letter for my parents / family

What information will you tell bad / good news

Main story

A letter for my best friend

What information will you tell bad / good news

Closing statement

A letter for classmate

What information will you tell bad / good news

A letter for myself

What information will you tell bad / good news

other ideas can be

What information will you tell bad / good news

2. Write your points of ideas on this outline. THE STRUCTURE OF A PERSONAL LETTER

3. Write the final product nicely and clearly on a paper sheet. You can put any decoration on it. Then, upload it on padlet with this link :



Created By Meiyana BPI 1 Senior Highschool Bandung

Have you ever written a letter to y your ex, your boy/girl friend, your ever sent a text or an email to som condition or to share your stories or gloomy day ? have you ever do

your classmate, your bestie, r family, or others. ? Have you meone to check his or her s ? when you have a good day one it ?



Typ o Lett Informal letter also known as personal letter

pes of ters

Formal letter

Qs : 

Can we use simple past tense in personal letter ?

May we not apply completed structure when we want

Why do we send a message or personal letter to someo

to send a personal letter to someone?

one ?


Defin Structure of Pe Types of Pe Exam


nition ersonal Letter ersonal Letter mples



Personal letters are written to people friends, parents

Letters are not only w also to strengthen two people writing

the letters that are e we know such as s, siblings, cousins.

written to inform but n the bond between g to each other.

Some useful expr writ  Gratitude - I'm just writing to thank you for ... - It was very kind of you to ... - Thanks very much for ... - I am very grateful for ...

 Giving advice - Well, I thought about it and if I were - Have you thought about ... - In your last letter you said you weren suggest ... - I think you shouldn't ... - In your last letter you asked me abou

ressions for letter ting

you, I would .

n't sure what course of action to take, I

ut ..., I think ...

 Delivering good news - I'm sure you will be happy to - By the way, did you know tha - OMG!! You'll never guess wha - I am totally ecstatic to hear a - I was happy beyond limits to

 Delivering bad news - I'm sorry but I have to tell you - Bad news, I'm afraid but no w - I'm extremely sorry to hear t - It was heart wrenching to rea

o hear that ... at ... ? at happened! about ... read that ...

u that ... way to avoid it, so here it goes ... that ... ad about ...

 Asking for help - I wonder if you could help - I hope it's not too much to - I wonder if I could ask you

 Apologizing -I would like to apologize for -I'm so sorry that... -Words are not enough to er you but I want to say how so

me. o ask about... a favor. Could you...?


rase the pain I have given orry I am for...



Structure of Perso

1. Sender’s address: place where yo 2. Date : Jakarta, August 23rd 2014 3. Greeting : usually starts with the w recipient, and it ends with a comm 4. Introduction : this is the opening o such as “How are you.” Sometime example, “As you asked in your la 5. Body of the letter : the main part writer wants to tell to the recipient 6. Closure : this is where writer usua example, “bye now.” 7. Complimentary close : a short exp comma. For example, “Best regar 8. Signature : the signature of write

onal Letter

ou are writing 4 (sometimes it is omitted) word “dear,” followed by name of the ma; Dear Hiroshi, of a letter. It usually in the form of greeting es you may refer to a previous letter. For ast letter, I’m going to tell you about …” of the letter, includes the message that the t. ally says something to end the message. For

pression before signature; it ends with a rds,” “Sincerely Yours.” e

Parts of Personal

l Letter

The sender

• Place where you are w

street a province/state an needed your

r’s address

writing from. All that is

address, city, nd post code.


Date when the l


letter is written


Greeting and the

“Dear”, “My dear……”, “M

and Name

e recipient’s name

My Love”, “Sweetheart”

Introductory parag

• The opening of the letter “how are you?” or refers to

• “How are you?” “How are “Hope you’re well”

• “Sorry for answering late”


r usually starts with o previous letter.

e things?”

Body paragraph/t lett

The main part of the you want to write t

the content of the ter

letter. It includes what to the other person.

Closing parag

This part indicates the let

“Reply soon” “I’m waiting for a quick re “see you”


tter is going to end.



Short expressions like yours”, “love”, “kind

ntary close

e “love you”, “sincerely d regards”


Signature or initi


ials of the writer

P.S. (postscript)

•If you want to add anything a P.S. (postscript) and the m

g to the letter, you write message after that.

Types of Pers • Family Letters • Love Letters • Pen Pal Letters • Personal Business Letters • fans mail, • farewell letter • thank you letter • congratulation letter, and • condolence letter.

sonal Letters

Language Feature of Pe

Sentences Structure:  Using various tenses such as pre at present time, past tense to tel tense to tell the writer’s intention talks about.  Using contracted form; I’m, It’s,  Using pronouns to replace repe  Using linking words; and, but, so  Using active voice Slang language can be used

ersonal Letters

esent tense when tell about event ll about the past event, or future n. It depends on what the writer

, etc. eated nouns; it, you, them, your, etc. o, because, etc.

Style:  Language use may be persona pronouns Friendly  Use person’s name you are w  Write the letter naturally and Make your personality feels ni

al like first and second person

writing to d in conversational style ice in your writing



The body paragraph

Sender’s address

The introductory paragraph

The closing paragraph Complimentary close

Personal letter can be type

ed or hand written




Exercise 2 Text No 1 Didi Jln. Rumah Baru no. 13 Surabaya

Dear Didi, Hi Didi. What’s up? I am now inviting you to attend our Chri the celebration on the 23rd of December 2016 at 12 p.m. Even though you don’t celebrate Christmas, I would ask you us. Please bring with you your siblings because my sister has my father’s cooking. He’ll cook again this year. See you there. Love,


Kompleks Tiga Tujuh no. 48 Surabaya 10 December 2016

istmas party in my house in Kompleks Anggur. I’ll be having

u to join the fun as you have been a very special relative to s prepared special activities and games. And you must miss

Question: What is the purpose of the text?

Text No 2

Didi Jln. Rumah Baru no. 13 Surabaya

Dear Didi, We are delighted to hear that you get into the Departm of the toughest program to get into in the country. We those nights without sleep? You’ve made it. But remember that getting into it is not enough. You st the meantime, you should have some celebrations. W useful. Love,

Uncle and Aunt Wijaya

Kompleks Tiga Tujuh no. 60 Surabaya 10 June 2016

ment of Economics in University of Labu. It is one must say that we are impressed. Remember

till have four years of hard work in the future. In We have a special gift only for you. I hope it will be

Question: What is the purpose of the text?

TEXT NO. 3-5

Restoran Indah Jaya Jln. Rumah Baru no. 13 Surabaya

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain of the service I received from you My family and I were standing in line during lunchtime, wh your staff took several groups of people to their tables. The confronted your staff, but the staff said that they had reser As I was waiting, I started to notice a pattern. I could see th receiving some gratuities, your staff would take those custo had a fast lane. Because I felt furious after knowing the tru and decided to write you a letter instead. I trust this is not the way your restaurant conduct business your restaurant to do something about it. Yours,

Mrs. Tina Gonzales

Kompleks Tiga Tujuh no. 8 Surabaya

10 June 2016

ur restaurant, Indah Jaya, on June 1, 2016. hich were crowed. After half an hour, I had noticed that e problem was that those people arrived after us. I rved the tables. hat your staff received some tips from people. After omers to the tables. I hadn’t know that your restaurants uth, I wrote down the staff’s name, which was Lisa Cole,

s. This treatment is unfair. This needs to stop. I would like

Question no. 3 What is the purpose of the text?

Question no. 4 What is the problem stated in th

Question no. 5

The underlined word ’gratuities’ from the th means ...

he text?

hird paragraph most likely

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