Sprint 1 Day 2 Attachment I Love and Accept Myself Flipbook PDF

Sprint 1 Day 2 Attachment I Love and Accept Myself

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Story Transcript

I Free Myself Even though I lost _____________, I love and accept myself.

Even though I feel so _____________, I love and accept myself.

Even though it seems impossible to _____________, I love and accept myself.

I know that this is just a season and things will get better.

I know that when I least expect it, the answer will come to me.

I know that other people have gone through and come out of this, and it will be the same for me.

I know it is not the end and in fact may be just the beginning.

I know I'm ready to give it all I've got.

I know that one day, I will look back with pride that I persisted, freed myself of any doubt and had the courage to climb what seemed the impossible.

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